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01x07 - Rendezvous

Posted: 07/31/15 04:26
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Astronaut Wives Club"...

John Glenn is out of the space business for good.

I need a new poster boy.

Ed looks like superman, and Pat is just a living doll.

No wives in Florida during missions.

If something bad happens, best if crying women are a few states away.


You can't say a word to anyone.

Excuse me.

It's a disease of the inner ear.

It could be very dangerous for a person in your profession.

I can't fly.

I'm never going up again.

[Film projector clicking]

Ed: Looking down at earth, floating in space, it was like nothing else existed.

The view, the feeling of weightlessness, and the sound of absolute silence...

It was... it was exhilarating and peaceful all at once.

And I never really, uh, thought about making history or, uh, what my success might mean to the program.

I-I truthfully wasn't thinking at all...

What I want to hear about is Pat's surprise visit to the Paris Air Show.

Lady Bird lent her a dress right out of her own closet.

I'm having them over to get all the details.

We're coming, too.


Ed: As I'm sure you all heard, it took a bit of coaxing on NASA's part to get me to come back in.


[Projector clicks]

Well, uh, you certainly don't have to ask me to pass the mike twice, so, uh...

I'll let Dunk take it from here.

Let's hear it for Ed White, hmm?


In fact, let's hear it for all your husbands.

They're doing some pretty extraordinary things these days.

Gus Grissom and John young broke in our new Gemini capsule without a hitch.

Betty: Of course they did.

Gus built it with his own two hands.

Gordo Cooper and Pete Conrad spent a whole week in orbit.

The data they collected on long-term space travel will be invaluable...

Don't forget the world tour... meeting royalty, getting gifts from African kings.

Dunk's skipping all the best parts.

I'd trade my night in a solid gold bed for a week in orbit.


...with Gemini missions going up every two months...

He's gonna mention Deke.

...thanks to the hard work and organization of Deke Slayton and Al Shepard, who are running the astronauts' office side by side.

That's my man.


These two Mercury rocket jockeys have risen to the challenge of overseeing flight selection and astronaut training...

Louise said she was coming, right?

I saved her a seat.


...for an operation that now includes over 20,000 men working around the clock and across the country.


Thanks for driving me in today.

I'm sorry for making you late.

I'll be back to get you at 5:00.

No need. I have an appointment.

With a doctor? I'll take you.

I'll see you at home.

[Car door closes]

[Horn honks]


Extended flight time that proves that men can survive in space for up to two weeks.

E.V.A.S, extra-vehicular activities, that prove that men can work outside the capsule.


The joining of two spacecraft in a rendezvous, which is something that not even the Russians have been able to achieve.

These are the goals of Gemini.

And make no mistake, these are our most ambitious goals yet.

We were starting to worry.

Sorry. Alan.

How's he doing?


...unprecedented in the history of mankind.

The demands on your men are growing every day.

So we need to make sure that they have nothing to think about on the home front.

This is why we've asked you here today.

That's why we're here?

The home front is my front.

Gus hasn't had to worry about the house since...


They need their rest, so no distractions.

And no demands, if you know what I mean.

That's not happening.


But if your man comes home feeling frisky, well, then it is up to you to give him the comfort he deserves.

Guess he should have put that one on a poster.

[Scoffs] Okay, well, thank you for your time today.

Let's go, Gemini!

[Indistinct conversations]

Damn, there's a lot of wives here.

Louise: Well, there are over 30 astronauts now.

And Apollo's gonna be three-manned missions.

We got enough to fill a school bus.

And apparently it's our job to mow their lawns and comfort them.

Hey, I think Marilyn Lovell's been doing some comforting.



Which Marilyn is Lovell?

The one that's not Marilyn see.

All the new wives are marilyns to me.

She's over there.

I'd say she's four months, maybe five.

Empire waist... dead giveaway.

Plus, I saw her sneaking saltines from her handbag.

I thought she was the other Pat.

No, the other Pat's with the first Pat...

Wait, Marilyn Lovell is four months pregnant?

Jim is on Gemini 7.

That is right when the baby is due.

The first astro-baby born while daddy's in space.

This will be interesting.


Is it that obvious?

Marge: Just to us.

Jo's actually the only one who noticed.

She's gifted like that.

[Sighs] How you feeling, hon?

Mm, terrible.


The morning sickness... it lasts all day.

It's k*lling me.

Is it wrong to say that I am not looking forward to going through it all again?

Ugh, of course not.

I mean, that's why there's a pill for it now... so women can finally decide when they want to get pregnant.

Well, married women... In most states.

Honestly, I thought I was done with this eight years ago.

Well, what does Jim think?

Jim... doesn't know.

How can Jim not know?

Well, he hasn't been home for weeks.

And I just haven't gotten up the nerve to tell him.

No, it... it isn't Jim.

But you heard Dunk today.

We're not supposed to demand or distract.

Well, he might be a bit distracted when a fourth kid shows up at the dinner table.


I will let him know at some point before that.

Anyway, what I'm going through is nothing compared to what poor Harriet Eisele's dealing with.

Now, which one is Harriet?

Brunette. The nurse.

Her little boy has Down's.

And his cancer's back.



Oh, lordy.

Let's give her a call and get her over here.

Harriet, we are so sorry.

Is there anything we can do?

Maybe one of the doctors at NASA knows someone.

You know, my father worked with the Du Ponts.

They have a children's hospital in Pennsylvania.

I could call.

The hospital here in Houston is excellent.

But for someone with Matt's condition, I'm afraid there's not much we can do medically.

Well, what can we do non-medically?

Harriet won't ask.

She doesn't want to jeopardize Donn's position in the lineup.

Go ahead.

They're here to help.


It would be such a comfort to have Donn home.

He's been working every weekend, stuck down at the Cape.

I know the program is important, but...

So is his son.

Let me talk to Alan.

Did you get a chance to see the Eiffel Tower when you were in Paris?

We went to the top our first night there.

And then, the next day we rode in a boat along the Seine and then rode in a horse-drawn carriage on the Champs-Elyseés.

Oh. Wow.

That just... it sounds amazing.

It was.

It was like a second honeymoon.


Me and Gus never went on our first honeymoon.

We just went to an amusement park and rode the roller coaster.

I told her life with me would be full of ups and downs.

[Chuckling] He did say that.

I'm... I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to bring up...

No, not at all.

Those times were tough, but they were happy.

I've never been out of the country.

And neither has Gus except to go to w*r or up into space.

♪ Well, they say that you ♪


[Clicks tongue]

♪ they say that you ♪
♪ Want to have your fun ♪

May we be excused? We want to watch "Gidget."

Clear your plates.


Make sure your homework gets done.

How did your appointment go?


That's all I get out of you?

For now.

[Breathes deeply]

Donn Eisele's son is sick.

It's very serious.

I think he should be here in Houston, spend time with him.

Eisele's free to come and go just like the rest of us.

His wife seems to think you and Deke are keeping him there, working the weekends.

If that man is not seeing his son, it's not because of me and Deke.


[Telephone rings]


Louise: Trudy, it's Louise.

I know you're flying Beverly Davis to Dallas during the week.

I'd like to book a flight to Cocoa Beach.

I'll split the gas and fly you for free.

What's the mission?

A spaceman has lost his way.

Well, then let's bring him home.

Guess who's throwing out the first pitch at the Astros game.

Oh, really? That is so great.

I'm sure Gus and Deke will love to see that.

Beverly Davis flying to Dallas again?

It's not Beverly.


'Cause I've had enough of that woman taking up all your time.

She pays me $50 a flight.

If you needed money, just ask.

Well, you know, it's... it's not that.

I... I like flying and having something else to do.

Hon, that's great.

But you got to run this kind of thing by me.

When I get free time, I just want to spend it with you.

You got to see me on the mound.


Well, you do have a really great arm.

Yeah, I do.


[Door closes]

Now, I'm no engineer, but don't most buildings have walls, maybe a roof?

It's not done, and this is the Eiffel Tower.

[Clears throat]

In honor of our trip to Paris.

We're going to Paris?

Now, I know we've never done anything much for our anniversary, but this year's gonna be different.

NASA's giving you time off?

I'll make them.


But you've got so much going on. Are you sure?

Bets, nothing could stop me.


Well, then... Viva Le France!


Gus! [Laughs]

So, what do you think?


If the Gemini capsule is built half as good as this, we'll be on the moon in no time.

Does Friday work for you?

Uh, yeah, I think so. I just have to run it by Gordo.

Will you hand me that rag?

You're running something by Gordo?

To get his permission?

I mean, I'll inform him...

So we can work out our schedules.

Of course.

Let me know what Gordo says.

I will.

Having a little trouble there?

Oh. [Laughs] Yes.

Uh, those Twinkies I buy for the kids.

[Chuckles] Can't resist them.

Buy the Sno Balls next time.

You won't be tempted at all.


Bye, sweetie.



[Telephone rings]


I need you to go over to Marilyn See's house... now.

Why? What's going on?

Elliot See and Charlie Bassett are dead?


They were flying in some bad weather and crashed into the McDonnell Aircraft Building in St. Louis.

We're sending some wives over to be with Marilyn and Jeannie to make sure no one from the press gets there before NASA does.

You want me to go, too?

No. I need you to pick up Marilyn's kids home from school.

You never know when and where a reporter might show up.

Hon, I barely know Marilyn, n-never mind her kids.

What do I say when I see her?

Don't say anything. Don't say anything.

S-so I-I'm not supposed to tell Marilyn that her husband died in a plane crash?

We are kind of playing this whole thing by ear. Just...

I love you, too, all right?

...trying to figure out exactly what to say and who to send.

That's why we need you to make sure no one gets there before we do.

So head over there and ask for a cup of coffee, whatever you need to do.

[Receiver clicks]

[Birds chirping]

[Doorbell rings]

Marilyn. Is everything okay?

Yes. I, um... I-I just... I ran out of coffee. [Chuckles nervously]

You got a cup?

Of course.

Um... some's percolating right now.

Come in.


[Door closes]

Sorry about the mess.

I'm making lasagna. It's...


It's Elliot's favorite.

Um, I always seem to get sauce and noodles everywhere, though.


Um, Jim and I had Italian last week.

We, uh... we went and saw "Doctor Zhivago."

Thank you.

Have... have you seen "Doctor Zhivago"?


[Doorbell rings]




I, uh, ran out of coffee, and I was wondering if you could spare a cup.

It seems like everybody's running out of coffee this morning.

Come on.

[Door closes]


[Cabinet opens, closes]

[Coffee pours] Sugar?

Uh, uh, no. Thank you.


Mrs. Slayton, why did we leave school early?

Mom never said anything about it.

She must have forgotten.

But mom never lets us get ice cream.

That's why we're eating it in the car.

[Vehicle approaching]

[Breathes deeply]

Yeah, I was just wondering... that macaroni casserole that you make, do... do you use celery or green peppers?

I'll get you the recipe.

Uh, could I copy it over, too?

Of course.

[Doorbell rings]

Is somebody else out of coffee this morning?

Dr. Berry.


I have some bad news.

Elliot's jet crashed this morning.


Elliot died?

You two... you...

You knew?

I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.


You heard about Elliot and Charlie?

It was horrible.

I sat with Marilyn for what seemed like forever before Dr. Berry showed up to break the news.

And the whole time [voice breaking] I had to act like everything was okay.

[Sniffles] But that's what we're supposed to do... just smile and act like everything's okay.

Don't tell your friend that she's a widow.

Don't tell your husband that the kids need their tonsils out.

Whatever you do, don't tell him you're pregnant.

Tonsils? What are you...



You're pregnant?

How the hell did you let this happen?

[Scoffing] How did I let it happen?


You're as much a part of this as I am.

I... I just... I just thought we were done.

Me too.


What do you think?

Boy or girl?

[Breathes deeply]



So... What are we gonna do about NASA?

Well, we have to hide it for as long as we can.

Well, it's gonna get pretty hard to hide this, so when do you think that will be?


When I'm up in space.

[Both laugh]
Betty: We can't wait.

We got to do something about it now.

Oh, those poor kids. Poor Marilyn and Jean.

The Air Force can do it. The Army can do it.

The Navy can do it.

And M-marines.

Why can't NASA come up with a timely way to break the news to the wives?

You and Rene are lucky you're out.

O-once an a-astronaut wife, always an a-astronaut w-wife...

Even if your h-husband r-runs a soda company.

Which kids like butter crackers... the Sees or the Bassetts?

Sees. Bassetts are saltines.

You know, I've had about enough of them dropping the ball.

We should walk into Dunk's office and tell them that NASA needs to come up with a military-style protocol.

Oh, Wally's getting ready for Gemini 6, and Gus has just been named captain of Apollo 1.

Now may not be the time for office-storming.

Plus, Betty, let's be honest, nobody really knows what's gonna come out of your mouth once you get going. [Chuckles]

Maybe we should just type something up.

Yeah, and you know what they're gonna do with that letter?

Marge: [Chuckles]

We need all the wives.

Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo need to join forces and tell NASA it's time to make some changes.

If y-you're u-united, they h-have to listen.

And nobody's husband gets dinged.

I'll call a meeting at my place.

[Car door opens]

How's it gonna work exactly?

I'm supposed to take Camala to swim practice in the morning?

No, that's in the afternoon.

Jan's dentist appointment is in the morning.

Can't she just miss it? The dentist?

She's got a cavity.

I meant swimming.

Cam knows how to swim. Why does she need to practice?

Because she's got a meet coming up.

You won't have to do any cooking.

The girls will make their own lunch, and there's meat loaf left in the freezer for dinner.

Which means it'll be frozen, which means I'll need to heat it up.

Are you really trying to get me to stay... again?

No, it just seems like you're dumping an awful lot in my lap.

Honey, you have orbited the earth.

I'm pretty sure you can handle car pool and meat loaf...

And laundry.

I've got to go pack.

Hey, the girls are one thing.

I'll drive them around and keep them fed, but I don't do laundry.

[Scoffs] Right.

[Indistinct conversations]

I mean, Frank was the kind of kid who took an air dryer to bits, you know?

We're about to start, so... Thank you.


If we could have everyone's attention, please.

What's going on?

First of all, we'd like to thank Marilyn See and Jeannie Bassett for making it here tonight.

We know it hasn't been easy for you, which is why we've invited you all here today.

We've all sent our husbands off to w*r, and now we're sending them up into space.

We know the risks. There's nothing we can do about that.

But what we can do is demand that NASA do a better of job of letting us know when something goes wrong.

We need a protocol like the military.

[Women murmuring]

Jane: The system may not be perfect.

But making demands?

I don't know what Ed would think about this.

It's not just about how and when they tell us.

It's about how they treat us after the fact.

NASA still hasn't given Marilyn see any of Elliot's belongings from his office.

[Women murmuring] I'm so sorry.

And another demand... strong request...

Is that NASA tells us the risks when our men go up there.

And we want real-time updates about their flights.

Imagine never having to wait for someone at the manned space center to call and tell you how your husband is doing.

Well, couldn't... couldn't the three of you just go in and ask about these things?

We think it's best to present a united front.

Yeah, well, Frank and Jim are going up soon.

I don't think it's the right time for us to make a fuss.

Roger is not going to get a Gemini flight, and he's fighting to get into the Apollo rotation.

I don't think this would help his cause.

[Women murmuring] So?

It's a lot easier for you to take a stand.

Gus has already been up twice, Wally's proven he's a great pilot, and Deke's chief astronaut.

But for the rest of us...

That's why we need to do this together... so none of our husbands gets punished.

[Women murmuring]

I'm sorry.

We just can't risk everything our husbands have worked for.

There's just too much on the line.

Things really aren't that bad.

[knock on door]

[Muzak playing]

What are you two doing down here?

Gordo and Al are in Houston.

We're looking for Donn Eisele.

His wife and son need him at home.

Donn's not in.

Don't tell me he's at one of Jim Rathmann's parties.

Or Ramon's. Or the Carnival Club.

I hear Bill Dana's in town.

I don't know where he is.

Wally, don't even try that "we men have to stick together" stuff, all right?

Donn has a sick little boy who needs his dad.

I really don't know where he is.


I do know he doesn't stay here much.


Maybe the front desk knows where to reach him.

It just made me sick.

They're all so afraid of NASA, they're not willing to speak their minds.


I'm sorry.

I know I keep going on and on.

I promise that I won't say a word about it once we get to Paris.

What is it?

What's going on?

Just... more problems with that damn Apollo capsule.

What now?

Thing's a lemon.

And t-there's... there's no accountability.

You got contractors and... and then subcontractors, and everybody's trying to underbid each other.

No one is sharing information.

Well, they won't send you up there till it's working, right?

I mean, it's got to be perfect.

Uh, me and the boys have been trying to weigh in on the capsule, but nobody wants to listen.

Well, you got to make them.

All these missions, these guys working here, the Cape, Alabama, St. Louis.



I'm gonna have to go out there to try to talk to those engineers for North American face to face.

I think maybe that'll help.

I'll call the travel agent.

I'll tell her that we're putting Paris on hold.

Only for a little while... till I get this capsule sorted out.

Of course.

Just promise me that you won't go up unless everything is good and ready.

[Johnny Appleseed's "Ever Night Lulu" plays]

♪ Ever night Lulu ♪

This is the place?

♪ You'll find her every night at the bar ♪

Let's find out.

You'll wait?

♪ She's been there, gone there ♪

Thank you.

♪ Boy, she never strays too far ♪

[Doorbell rings] - ♪ ever night Lulu would be your friend for life ♪
♪ she's a friend of everybody's ♪
♪ But not a friend of everybody's wife ♪


♪ Ever night Lulu makes you want to look more than twice ♪ - Hi.

Um... Is your...

Mom! - ♪ when you look, you think of everything ♪
♪ except old shoes and rice ♪


♪ You take her in to meet your mother ♪
♪ and that would make Lulu glad ♪

Is Donn Eisele here?

♪ But you can't take her home ♪
♪ 'cause you know you couldn't trust your dad ♪

Which one of you is Harriet?

We're her friends.

And we'd like to speak to her husband.


Donn! - ♪ but with her kind of talent, two wrongs do make a right ♪

Mrs. Shepard, Mrs. Cooper, hi.

You should probably get dressed.

♪ Ever night Lulu will be your friend for life ♪

This isn't what it looks like. I...

Don't bother. We don't care.

♪ she's a friend of everybody's ♪
♪ but not a friend of everybody's wife ♪

We're here about Matt.

♪ She's a friend of everybody's ♪
♪ but not a friend of everybody's wife ♪

Can we talk outside?

I can go into Elliot's office and get his things if you want to stay in the car.

No. I want to go in.

It'll be easier having you with me.

If you're up to it, of course.

Why wouldn't I be?

You know, too?

We all know.

I'd stop wearing those empire-waist dresses.

They're a dead giveaway.

Guard: I'm sorry, ma'am.

You don't seem to have a pass in the system.


Did your husband call one in?

Her husband was Elliot See.

He passed away a couple weeks ago, which is why we're here... for his belongings.

I... can't let you on without a note from your husband.

Well, that's impossible, so I suggest you find somebody else who can let us in.

You should have told me you were coming.

I've been calling for weeks.

Nobody ever got back to me.

That's a terrible oversight, and I'm sorry.

So, can we get Elliot's things now?

I'd love to say yes, but I can't.

We're scrambling to get the flight back on track, and a lot of what's in Elliot's office is relevant to the mission.

We can't let anything walk out that door just yet.

I just want his sweater and our family photos.

I'm sorry, but the office is off limits until they're done.

You're gonna have to turn around and go home.

I fail to see how her wedding photo is essential to the future of the space program.

I know it's an emotional time. And, again, I'm sorry.

You'll have to excuse me. I have work to do.

[Gate opening]

Harriet shouldn't have to go through this all by herself.

I know. I know. But I just...

[Sighs] I can't.

Your son is fighting for his life.

You'd rather be here than be there for him?

This is not even about Susie.

Well, I know it's not about the program.

I asked Alan, and he said you can come home any weekend.

It's not about work.

Then what on earth could it possibly be?

It's me.

It's me, okay? I can't do it.

I can't stand to watch Matt in pain, being poked and prodded.

Listening to him cry is excruciating.

I feel...

[Sighs] ...Useless.

Isn't staying here and doing nothing the definition of "useless"?

You know what? You're right.

You should stay here with Susie.

You wouldn't be any help.



He goes home, Harriet will just have to take care of him, too.

Louise, let's go.


[Car door opens]

I love my son.

[Door slams]

But what he's going through... no one expects you to save him.

You just have to show up...

Walk through the door and be there.

[Knock on door]

Be careful.

Somebody might see you on the Grissoms' front porch.

Gus and I are known as rabble-rousers.

You were right.

I want to go with you to NASA with the list of demands.

Tired of hiding that pregnancy?

[Chuckles] Among other things.

Call Marge and Jo. Let's do this.

Well, this is a surprise.

We need to talk to you.

Are they trying to make you ladies wear fur hot pants again for the fashion show?

[Chuckling] I will call Nieman's.

NASA cannot keep treating us like we don't exist.

Like we're gnats that you SWAT away whenever we get too annoying.

Nobody thinks you're gnats.

And we know that you ladies play a vital role in...

We have a list of demands.

[Clears throat]

"We need a timely and compassionate way of notifying the newly widowed.

Widows should also be allowed immediate access to their husbands' belongings at the MSC and the Cape.

We want to follow the progress of our husbands' missions."

That is quite a list.

Oh, we're not done.

"Pregnancy is a state of health which should be celebrated.

There should be no career repercussions for the husbands of pregnant wives."

You're having a baby?

We also need to be informed about the real risks involved with the missions.

Ladies... [Clears throat]

I am sorry if we haven't made you feel appreciated enough.

And I know it must have been hard for you to take time out of your busy schedules to come down here.

So I'm sure you need to get back home to get started on dinner.

[Door opens]


Looks like the astronauts are gonna be having leftovers tonight, 'cause we're not leaving until something's done about our demands.

You ladies are sure you want to do this?

I'm here, aren't I?

Oh, we're very sure.

And we're in this together.

Take as long as you need.

[Telephone rings in distance]

[Breathing shakily]



I got a phone call earlier today from the Baytown National Bank.


They should have called the office.

Gordo and Gus lost the money they invested in that racetrack.

Are we in some kind of financial trouble?

No. I'm...

I'm not borrowing money.

My investment's paid off.

I bought the bank.

♪ Bang, bang, sh**t 'em up, destiny ♪


♪ Bang, bang, sh**t 'em up to the moon ♪

Newscaster: Jim Lovell and Frank Borman prepare to take off for the longest mission in NASA's history.

♪ I wanted to be a spaceman ♪
♪ that's what I wanted to be ♪


So, I'm really going to be able to hear the Capcom in Mission Control talk to my husband while he's in space?


But they won't be alone up there for long.

In seven days, Wally Schirra and Tom Stafford will take off in Gemini 6 and rendezvous with Lovell and Borman's capsule as they both orbit the earth.

♪ Hey, mother earth ♪

Five hours after lift-off, Gemini 6 was less than a foot away from Frank Borman and Jim Lovell, who were orbiting the earth in Gemini 7.

This is the first space rendezvous in history.

We've beaten the Russians.

It seems there's nothing American ingenuity can't overcome.

You going somewhere?

I'm flying Beverly to Dallas.

Didn't you just go last week?

You said we'd talk about this.

We are... right now.

Okay, well, I'm not sure how I feel about you being away so much.

Well, I'm not asking for your permission.

I'm just letting you know.

♪ Whoa, whoa, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh ♪

The Gemini 8 capsule spun out of control while attempting to dock with an unmanned agena target vehicle.

But rookie Captain Neil Armstrong was able to recover and fly the craft home manually.

♪ Won't you bring me back down safely to the sea? ♪

The Gemini 9 space walk had to be aborted.

This means NASA still hasn't proven that an astronaut can work efficiently and effectively outside.

And if we can't do that, we can't go to the moon.

Can we, um, turn this off?

We want to see it.

♪ That's what I wanted to be ♪


♪ But now that I am a spaceman, nobody cares about me ♪
♪ say, hey, you, mother earth ♪

He's always so grumpy when there's something about space on TV.

No complaints about your father.

He may not always be in a good mood, but he's here.

♪ 'Round and around and around and around ♪
♪ is the problem of a spaceman he shows up. ♪

With Jim Lovell in the captain's seat, Buzz Aldrin set an extra-vehicular activity record

of 5 hours and 30 minutes.


Jim did it.

Two successful Gemini missions.


Cheers to Gemini 12, the final flight before Apollo.





Going so soon?


We got more tests to run on the capsule.

I've given up on that simulator, but maybe we can get the real thing to work.

Well, you give them hell till it does.

You can count on that.

It's not Paris, but it's close.

Hey, it wasn't your choice.

They needed you in St. Louis and California, and now they need you in Florida.

When I get back, I am taking you.

I promise.


Hey, hey, hey. Not so fast.

You're not leaving me here with a basketful of French fries to finish on my own.

All right.


Mark's arm is getting pretty strong.


And Scotty's getting better at not dropping the ball.

[Both laugh]


Don't get me wrong... I'm excited about Paris.

But this... this is all I ever wanted.

[Fly-Bi-Nites' "Found Love" plays]

[Telephone rings]

Marty, turn down that stereo!

[Ringing continues]

♪ Dancing through my window today ♪
♪ found love ♪


♪ I knew you'd stay ♪
♪ when I saw you, first I thought ♪

[Dog barking in distance]

Hey, you're here early.

There's been an accident.


During the plugs-out test.

The Apollo 1 plugs-out test.

Was Gus inside?

And Ed and Roger?

Wally doesn't know how bad it is.

If it's really bad news, they'll call you right away.

We made sure of that.


We did.

It's a routine test.

They do it before every flight.

Well, I think they would have called by now.

[Knock on door]

[d*ck Flood's "Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep" plays]

[Doorbell rings]

♪ now I lay me down to sleep ♪

[sniffles] I guess I should go get that.

♪ I pray our love will always keep ♪
♪ angels watching from on high ♪


♪ Smiling down on you and I ♪

I know why you're here.

♪ Now I lay me down to sleep ♪

But I think I need you to say it.

♪ I pray our love ♪
♪ will always keep ♪