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05x06 - Privilege

Posted: 07/30/15 01:44
by bunniefuu
Avery McKernon was the first client I ever brought into the firm.

I have stacked my engines up against Bronson and everyone else's in the world, and mine win, because I make sure they're designed better than anyone else's.

And that's the speech you're gonna give.

I said I was giving you 50% of McKernon.

I didn't say I was keeping the other 50%.

You finally realized they need an upgrade in representation?

It's up to you, Jack.

Stand by provision C-35 or pack up your shit.

I want you to tell me the worst mistake you ever made as a therapist?

That wasn't part of the deal.

I k*lled someone.


A client needed someone to get his son out of rehab so that he could attend his mother's funeral.

I knew deep down inside he wasn't ready, but I gave the go-ahead anyway, and the night of the funeral... he overdosed and died.

I'm surprised you called for another appointment.

What can I say? You telling me that story got to me.

So you're ready to tell the truth?

I am. The woman in my dream was Donna.

[gentle pop music]

♪ ♪

Agard: I don't think the woman in your dream was actually Donna.

I think it was your mother.

Harvey: I don't believe it.

I tell you the thing that's been eating at me for days, and you call me a liar?

No, I'm not calling you a liar.

Your dream was a representation of unresolved issues.

The only unresolved issue is I told you the truth, and you're turning on me.

Bringing up your mother isn't turning on you.

You have no idea what bringing up my mother is to me.

No, I don't. That's the whole point of what we're doing here.

Well, it doesn't matter what we're doing here, 'cause I'm not staying.

Harvey, I don't care how much money you make or how many women you sleep with.

You have issues in your life that are going to keep you from having real relationships.

Now, you can tell yourself it has nothing to do with your mother all you want, but it's a lie, and you know it.

Harvey: And I said we're done.

♪ ♪

Louis, we need to talk.

Oh, if it's about the summer associate with B.O., that is out of my control.

It's about Jack Soloff.

What? So help me, if that assh*le is backing out of his agreement, I--

No one's backing out of anything.

Well, then what's the problem?

Right now there is no problem.

We beat him. He's been neutralized.

But that's not where I want him to stay.

What do you mean?

I mean we've won, but the man's shown himself to be a force.

And if he's ever gonna come around to being on our side, we have to give him time to lick his wounds.

I don't care what you say, but that weasel is never gonna be on our side.

And that's exactly the kind of petty thinking that led to your feuds with Scottie, Hardman, Harvey, me, just to name a few.

Jessica, this is different, and you know it.

Jack started this whole thing.

Louis, last night you asked when were you going to learn to listen to me.

The time is now.

And you said--

I don't care what I said.

If you let your pettiness get the better of you with Jack, so help me God, you will not be the one left standing.

You have my word.

Louis, I need to talk to you, and I don't want you to be upset.

What is it?

Dominic Barone called.

He wants to come in for a meeting.

Now, I know he called me--

Excellent. Pick a time.

But you're not mad that he called me instead of you?

Why would I be mad?

Am I in the right office?

Mike, you're thinking of the old Louis.

The new Louis is not petty, and he definitely does not get upset about things like who called who.

And may I ask where the new Louis came from?

From inside.

I took a look at the man in the mirror, and I decided it was time to make a change.

Well, I'm glad you did.

And I don't know what Dominic wants, but whatever it is, I'm looking forward to working with you on it.

Did you just hear that?


Then you know once Mike and Dominic agree to a time, you need to reschedule it.


Dominic needs to learn that I'm the man in charge.

But you're not the man in charge, because Harvey gave you and Mike McKernon Motors to share.

But Dominic doesn't know that, and Mike and I gave him a card at the same time.

And Mike's says "associate," and mine says "Pearson Specter Litt," and I crossed out the "Pearson Specter" like I always do.

Louis, did you not hear what Jessica said about stopping all the pettiness?

Yeah, that was about Jack Soloff.

No, it was about pettiness.

Donna, I'm sorry, but I only have a certain amount of non-pettiness in me, and the real Louis Litt needs to come out somewhere.

Okay, Louis, you want Dominic to think you're the man?


Then you need to stop worrying about who he called and start worrying about what he needs, which is for you to be a great lawyer.

[elevator bell dings]

Good, you're here.

Did you file the Johnson brief?

Not yet.

Then do it this morning.

I want to drop the hammer on those guys this afternoon.

Well, before you do, there's a Sam Tull waiting to see you.

Who the hell is Sam Tull?

Tall, handsome, steely blue eyes?

Not ringing any bells.

Well, maybe this will knock the cobwebs out.

He said the last time you saw him, he was with Morello Asset Management and you threatened to kick his ass.

You let him in my office?

Do I look like I was born yesterday?

He's in the conference room under the supervision of one Rachel Zane.

I told him if he didn't behave himself, I'd kick his ass myself.

You'd do that, wouldn't you?

I sure as hell would.

And if you don't get in there this second, I'll kick yours.

Don't tell me you're here to take me up on that offer to step outside.

I'm not.

Good, then we've established that you're smarter than the last time I saw you.

Now get the hell out of our offices.

Harvey, the man came to see us.

Rachel, this man is an assh*le, and he was willing to let an innocent person go to jail.

And now I'm an innocent person who could go to jail.


I'm being accused of making unauthorized trades.

By Morello?

I don't work there anymore. I work at Butler Trading.

Good for you. Were they authorized or not?

I swear to God I didn't do one thing they don't know about.

And let me guess, you don't have any proof?

No, I don't... because that's the way things work.

What does that mean?

It means he's saying they checked his trades enough to decide it was okay with the risk but not enough to put it in writing.

Okay, but why wouldn't they put it in writing?

Because they would rather say I went rogue than pay a $2 million fine.

Here's the problem, Sam.

Why should I believe you, when the last time we met you were the one who was willing to put an innocent person away?

Because I didn't know she was innocent.

And the truth is... I didn't care.

But you did.

I'm telling you...

I didn't do this.

Please, I need your help.

If I find out you're lying to me, this time I won't just thr*aten you.

I will beat the shit out of you.

♪ Suits 5x06 ♪
Original Air Date on July 29, 2015

♪ See the money, wanna stay for your meal ♪
♪ Get another piece of pie for your wife ♪
♪ Everybody wanna know how it feel ♪
♪ Everybody wanna see what it's like ♪
♪ I'll even eat a bean pie, I don't mind ♪
♪ Me and Missy is so busy, busy making money ♪
♪ All right ♪
♪ All step back, I'm 'bout to dance ♪
♪ The greenback boogie ♪

Donna, could I talk to you for a minute?

Yeah, if you can tell me where the honey is hiding.

Hey, hey, hey.

Oh, sneaky little bear.

So what's on your mind?

Okay, so I'm trying to plan something special for our wedding.

What? We're getting married?

Mike, this is so sudden. I'm gonna have to think about it.

And what about Rachel?

Oh, who cares about Rachel?

I love you.

Are you finished?

Do I have to be?

Donna, I'm serious.

Okay, what do you need?

Rachel told me it was her fantasy to get married on her birthday at The Plaza Hotel.

So I called to arrange it, but then--

They're booked for the next five years.

How did you know that?

Same reason you came to me for help--I know what I know.

Well, I need someplace just as good.

There is no place just as good.

So what am I supposed to do?

You already did what you're supposed to do.

You came to me.

Now, put Brody back and don't hide him this time.

You named the bear?

You want me to help you or not?

Paul Gilroy.

Yes. And you are?

I'm the guy who's gonna keep Sam Tull out of jail.

And how are you gonna do that, Mister--


Harvey Specter.

You're gonna pay that fine and admit what you did.

Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, Mr. Specter, but there's no way I'm admitting to something I didn't do.

Whether you admit it or not, you're gonna write a check either way.

It's up to you whether it's for $2 million or $30 million.

My associate seems to be running late, so go ahead, take me for a walk down Bullshit Lane.

We're suing you for $30 million.

Well, I must have fired five other people, because wrongful termination's capped at $5 million.

We're not suing you for wrongful termination.

We're suing you for malicious prosecution.

You can't do that. I'm not a prosecutor.

No, you're not, but you're framing my client for a crime he didn't commit.

So it's up to you, Paul.

Write the little check or the big check.

Ball's in your court.

Dominic, you're here early. How are you?


In fact, I was just thinking about the last time I was here.

You were helping me become CEO.

Oh, come on, you pretty much became CEO all on your own.

Well, it doesn't matter how I got there.

You're gonna help me stay there.

What's that?

The future of battery-powered engines.

We need it, or we don't survive.

I'm guessing there's a catch.

The catch is it costs a fortune.

But I have a handshake deal with the CEO of Range Tech.

We started as mechanics together, and if I can close in two weeks, he'll sell me the whole company at a price I can afford.

If I can't, he puts it on the market.

We'll be out of business in ten years.

Louis: What's going on?

You guys starting the meeting without me?

No, Dominic just got here early, but the headline is he wants us to close a handshake deal to buy Range Tech within the next two weeks, and I was about to tell him that we could.

Well, I'm sorry, but we can't.

What do you mean you can't?

I mean there's no way that we can close a deal like this in two weeks without skipping due diligence.

No, Louis, he's known the CEO for 30 years.

So we don't have to skip it, but we can do a streamlined version.

Okay, well, then we might as well not do it at all.

We don't get it done in that time, I can lose this deal.

They put a clock on it.

And why would they do that?

I'll tell you why, because they know you won't pay attention to whatever it is that they're trying to slide by you.

Slide something by me?

This is my friend. We have a handshake deal.

A handshake deal doesn't mean shit.


It's okay, Mike.

Obviously Louis doesn't get me.

Because to me, a handshake deal means everything.

So you do whatever due diligence you can in the next week, because if you mess up my deal, I'll be looking for a new law firm.

[elevator bell dings]

Paul Gilroy's lawyer called.

That was fast.

Want the bad news or the worse news?

Why don't you give me both and let me decide what kind of news it is.

Not only are they not paying the fine.

They also filed a motion to have our suit dismissed.

Man, I should've known.

Should've known what?

That you were full of shit when you said Dominic calling me to set up that meeting didn't bother you.

I don't care who he called.

I did what I did in there because the client comes first.

Bullshit, you antagonized me and then Dominic.

Oh, what meeting were you in?

I wasn't antagonizing him. I was protecting him.

Oh, really?

By sh1tting all over his idea and then pissing him off?

I don't care if we pissed him off.

He doesn't need a friend.

What he needs is for us to be great lawyers.

Louis, you have a history of getting bent out of shape over hierarchy, so don't tell me that has nothing to do with this.

Okay, fine, Mike. You know what, you're right.

I did get bent out of shape. Did.

But then I got over it, because as I said, the client comes first.

You really expect me to believe that?

Mike, a few years ago, Dominic spent 90% of his time under the hood.

He is rushing into this because he feels it's his only chance, and you know it.

You think Harvey would sign off on this without due diligence?


And let me guess, you expect me to do all the work?

No, you take half, I take half.

We do the work together.

Donna: Oh, you're not hearing me.

Oh, I'm hearing you.

No, you're not.

I'm calling on behalf of Michael Jordan.

I don't care who you're calling for.

We're booked on that date.

Oh, but your assistant, Ginny, said that the Smiths might be willing to, um--

First of all, it's Patricia, not Ginny.

And it's the McMillans, not the Smiths.

So, if you don't have anything else, then--

You know what? That was a legitimate question, and it would be nice if you weren't so rude.

So the least you can do is messenger over a brochure, because if you don't, Mr. Jordan is gonna call the manager of The Plaza and get your ass fired.

Louis, I need to talk to you.

I was just on my way to see you.

About the pending EPA investigation?


I thought you'd be gloating.

You're the one who wanted this.

I didn't want this. I feared this.

If Dominic buys Range Tech, he's in huge trouble.

And if we tell him that without having a solution, he'll fire us.

That's the thing. I have a solution.

I found a company that has a battery division that we can buy.

Now, we just have to approach them and--

No. Did you not just hear what I said?

We cannot jeopardize his deal.

We won't be jeopardizing it if we can get them to sign a nondisclosure agreement.

And the only way we'll be able to get them to do that is if they're our client.

Well, then it's a good thing they are.

You found one of our own clients?

You're a genius.

Yeah, there's only one problem.

They're Jack Soloff's client.

Forget it, we need to find another company.

There is no other company.

Mike, there is no way that Soloff will work with us on this. He hates me.

Then we have to find a way to make him un-hate you, because I'm telling you, this deal is good for Jack, and it is good for us.

There has to be a way.

Well, then you talk to him.

Are you--are you saying you want me to negotiate with Soloff on my own?

I'm saying we're a team, and there's a better chance of Soloff saying yes to you than to me.

Oh, hey.


What are you doing here?

I was just getting an NDA. What are you doing here?

I am actually here for you.

I'm making copies of a brochure from The Plaza Hotel.

Wait, so you got it done?

No, I called them, and they were dicks, and they got pissed at me.

So you failed?


If by "failed," you mean I got the name of the wedding planner, her assistant, the couple getting married, and a brochure with their letterhead on it, then, yeah, Mike, yeah, I failed.

Whoa, Donna, are you sure you can handle this?

Do you ask a chef who's cooking if the meal's gonna turn out okay?

No, you sit back, you behave yourself until you get the best duck à l'orange you've ever tasted.

Yeah, I don't really like duck with orange stuff.

Get out.



I like the way you operate.

Excuse me?

Never let them see you sweat.

What makes you think I'm sweating?

My eyes.

You may have fooled Opie with that metaphor, but we both know you got duck à la shit.

Okay, new girl, I don't know who you think you're talking to, but this is what I do.

What you do.

I've been doing shit like this since you was an itch in your daddy's pants.

Hang on, did you just quote Lethal w*apon to me?

You got that?

Maybe you do have something.

Good luck with your duck, Red.

Mr. Tull, how long have you been working at Butler Trading?

Almost three years.

And how much money have you made for their clients over that time?

Approximately $150 million.

So let me get this straight.

You made a trade, lost money, they did nothing.

But the day they find out that they have to pay a fine, they said you were acting alone and they're letting you go to jail?


And how do you know they signed off on your trade?

Because everyone knows that they sign off on every trade.

And, ultimately, who would be responsible for stopping a trade that violated regulations?

Paul Gilroy.

So it couldn't possibly be that you knew what you were doing, you kept it secret, and that all of this is your fault?

It could be, but it isn't.

Well, that's interesting, because we have somebody who says it is.

And who the hell is that?

Mr. Tull's therapist.


A therapist can't testify against their own patient.

She can if we paid for it and he signed a waiver, which he did.

Mr. Tull, your therapist's testimony is coming, and when it does, your ability to cut a deal goes away.

Drop this matter, and no one ever knows you saw a therapist at all.

You went to see a company-provided therapist, and you never told me?

I didn't think it mattered.

Well, it g*dd*mn does.

Did you tell this woman you did this?

No, because I didn't do this.

Well, they're not bringing her in to testify to that.

I told her that I felt guilty, as if the whole thing was my fault.

I never said it was.

Well, you might as well have, because that's what it's gonna sound like.


How could you be so stupid to confide your feelings to a stranger?

Because I needed help.

And if you're not gonna talk about your feelings, you might as well not see a therapist at all.

You better hope there are therapists in prison, because if I can't stop her from testifying, that's where you're gonna end up.

[knock at door]

Mike Ross, what brings you down to my office?

I'm here with a proposal from Louis.

You're here because Louis wants something from me, but he's too afraid to ask.

He's not afraid.

He just sent me here because he figured you might hear it better coming from me.


McKernon Motors wants to make an investment in battery technology.

We'd like to quietly negotiate with Tanaka, and we need your help getting them to sign this.

And why would I do that?

Because it's huge money, and now that contingent compensation is back at the firm, it's huge money for you.

And the last time Louis came to me with an offer like this, it was bullshit.

Well, I'm not Louis, and this isn't bullshit.

Then I guess I just have one question.

How much of the deal are you authorized to give away?

50%, and that's more than fair.

Maybe it is, but I want all of it.

You know this helps your client, right?

I don't give a shit. All of it or none of it.

It's gonna be none of it, and you're just taking money out of your own pocket.

I don't care, because this isn't about money.

It's about getting even, so run along.

Go tell Louis I'm not lifting a finger to help him unless I get everything.

Wow, you really are a d*ck.

I take it that means you know where I stand.

Jessica, hi. What can I do for you?

How's the wedding planning going?

Oh, well, we're still looking for a venue, but things are moving along.

I hear a lot of couples fight during this time.

Well, I happen to have a fiancé who's smart enough to leave everything to me.

But that is not why you're here.

I want to know how Harvey's doing.

With our case?

No, I just want to know how he's doing.

He's doing fine.

Keep an eye on him.

I will.
[keys clacking]

[door opens]

What are you doing here?

You're coming to my offices tomorrow to testify against my client and you didn't tell me?

I didn't tell you because this is the first I'm hearing about it.

Bullshit, I saw it.

You got subpoenaed to testify against Sam Tull.

And until you just burst in here, I had no idea he was your client.

Well, it doesn't matter because you're not showing up.

And you're going to stop them from arresting me, are you?

Because that's what will happen if I don't.

Then get yourself someone like me and get out of it.

For your information, I have been to three different men like you, because I care about Sam, and you know better than I do that once he signed that release, I have no choice.

Well, I have a way to get you out of it, and you're gonna do it.

They ask you something that's gonna send him to jail, you lie.

I can't do that.

You can, and you will, and they'll never know.

I'll know.

And even if I didn't, I have notes, and if they found those, I'd be going to jail.

Then destroy them, because he's innocent, and he trusted you with everything.

And if that doesn't mean something to you, then why the hell should anyone ever trust you with anything?

Harvey, this isn't about us.

No one can ever make me do that to you.

I'm sure Sam Tull thought the same thing.

Louis: Well?

It's not gonna work.

He said no?

He said he wants 100% of the deal.

Piece of shit.

I know.

So... I don't know. We're gonna have to think of something else.


Give it to him.


I said give it to him.

Louis, hey, I know we're under the g*n with this Dominic thing, but I really don't think it's a good idea to let him push you around like that.

I'm not letting him push me around.

I'm listening to my leader.

What are you talking about?

Remember when you asked me where the new Louis was coming from and I told you from me?

It wasn't from me.

It was from Jessica.

She asked me to stop the pettiness once and for all.

And if I can't do that now, I'll never be able to do it.

Okay, then I guess all we have to do is figure out a way to sell the idea to Tanaka.

Oh, trust me.

If I can do this, I definitely can do that.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

Louis, what the hell have you done?

What? I'm setting up for our meeting with Tanaka.

Are you kidding me?

This isn't Gung Ho.

Louis, they're gonna take one look at you, they're gonna run out the door.

No, they're not.

Mike, Tanaka's a Japanese company steeped in tradition.

I don't care what you think they are.

This is offensive.

There's absolutely nothing offensive about showing respect for another culture.

And what do you know about their culture?

Mike, trust me.

When I was in junior high, we had an exchange student stay with us.

Ooh, Suki.

Here we go.

She was far from home and proud of her culture, and she set up everything in this room to make herself feel comfortable, right down to giving my father this very kimono and laying out a map of her hometown.

Louis, I want you to listen to me.

They are gonna be here in 45 minutes, and if you are still dressed like that and this room still looks like this, Dominic is going to fire us.

They're not gonna be here in 45 minutes, 'cause they're here right now.

Mr. Tanaka-San.

Tanaka: Who did this?

I did.

That is a map of Shikoku.

My family is from there.

I know.


Because we do our homework, sir, just like we did our homework on this deal.

I think we are going to get along very nicely.

[upbeat music]


What are you doing?

Get the tea.

You want--

Yeah, get the tea.


♪ ♪

[French accent] Oh, you must be the future McMillans.

I would say sorry I'm late, but I am not sorry.

So let us begin discussing the details of your first wedding.

I'm sorry. You are?

Oh, my name is of no consequence.

What is, is that my company has taken over the planning service of The Plaza Hotel.

Here's our brochure.

Mm, I can see by the look on your faces that bitch Patricia, she did not tell you.


We love Patricia.

Well, she's no longer with us.

As I was saying, the menu will no longer be optional.

We'll be serving duck à l'orange, escargot, and foie gras.

But we're vegan.

What is that?


It doesn't matter.

We are French.

You eat what we serve, or you do not eat.

Can we taste it?

Oh, would you like me to just show you my naked body before we go out to dinner and you want to sleep with me?

I need to go to the restroom.

[normal voice] Okay, so here's what's gonna happen.

She's gonna want to drop me, and you're gonna drop The Plaza Hotel.


Cut the shit, John.

I did that so you could have some cover.

I did some checking, and you either need to change the location of your wedding, or I'm gonna tell her about your mistress.


Dr. Agard, when did Sam Tull start seeing you as a patient?

Approximately six months ago.

And why did he start seeing you?

He said his job involved taking risks, and it was causing him stress.

So he wanted to stop taking risks?

No, he wanted to continue.

Oh, I get it.

He wanted to continue with the risks, he just wanted to feel better about it.


And were you able to help him feel better about taking these risks?

Um, uh, we made progress.

Yes or no?


And after you helped him feel good about taking risks, did he reveal that he then lost $50 million on one trade?

Dr. Agard, you are under oath.

And if you will not answer, I will have a judge compel you to answer.


And how did he say he felt about losing $50 million on one trade?

He said he felt guilty about it.

So he came to you to continue taking risks until he finally lost $50 million and then admitted to being guilty.

That is not what she said.

I'm sorry, he just felt guilty.

You want to drop this now, or do you want us to hand this tape over to the SEC?

Dr. Agard, did you want to give the testimony you just gave?

Of course not.

And why is that?

Because I care about my clients.

Is it possible that you didn't want to give it because it's not true?

No, it's not possible.

You couldn't possibly have been pressured to give false testimony against your wishes?

No, I couldn't have.

Have you ever been pressured to do something you didn't want to do by a client before?

Let me rephrase.

Isn't it true that you released a client that you cared about from rehab for no reason other than you felt pressure from a different client who was actually paying the bills?

Dr. Agard, you're under oath, and if you will not answer, I will have a judge compel you to answer.


And did this person die of an overdose less than 24 hours later?


So if you let yourself be pressured when someone's life is at risk, what's to make us think you're not doing the exact same thing right now?

You arrogant piece of shit.

Watch yourself. This is my office.

Well, I don't care what it is.

How dare you betray me like that?

I tried to warn you.

You didn't warn me.

You asked me to lie for you, and I told you I wouldn't.

I asked you to lie for Sam Tull--

This isn't about Sam Tull, and you know it.

What the hell are you talking about?

I opened up to you so that we could build trust, not so that you could humiliate me.

I humiliated you to help a man you say you care about.

And our fighting about your mother had nothing to do with that?

Excuse me?

You walked out of our session because you didn't want to talk about your mother.

And the second you had the chance to permanently damage our relationship, you took it.

You're insane.

And you're a self-serving narcissist who will do or say anything to get what he wants.

I did what I did in there to protect my client.

And I don't give a shit if it hurt your feelings or not, because you betrayed him just as much as I'm betraying you.

And you may be the one who's crying about it, but he's the one who's been accused of committing a crime.

If you're lucky, someday you're gonna realize what's really going on here, and when that day comes, I hope you find someone to help you, because it isn't going to be me.

Mike, put that coffee down and check this out.

It's a map of Scarsdale-- where I grew up.

Tanaka returned the favor.

Actually, Louis, I got that for you.

You did? Why?

Because you were right and I was wrong, and as crazy as it seems, you and I actually make a pretty good team.

Now all that's left is calling Dominic to set up a meeting.

Why don't you do it?

I can't.

I got to go hang my map.

Dominic, what are you doing here?

I was just about to call you.

To say what, that you blew up my deal?

Because I already know.


That's right. Range Tech called me after they heard that I was negotiating with another company.

Problem is, I wasn't negotiating with another company.

My lawyers were without my consent.

Okay, calm down, Dominic.

There was a problem with Range Tech.

I told you that I didn't want there to be any problems!

Well, if you'd bought them, their problems were gonna become your problems.

But just calm down and take a second, because we brought you a solution.

Which is what?

Mike, don't call Dominic. Tanaka pulled out.

Pulled out of what?

It doesn't matter.

You're both fired.

Harvey, I need to talk to you.

Not now, Rachel.

Sam Tull's been arrested.


Gilroy's lawyer gave formal notice to the SEC.

They won't pay the fine under any circumstance.

God damn it.

Gretchen, get Paul Gilroy on the phone.

Harvey, what are you gonna do?

Tull can't go to prison for this.

No one's going to prison.

But how do you now that?

We didn't think he'd be arrested in the first place.

I don't care what we thought.

It's not gonna happen because I'm not letting it happen.

I've got Mr. Gilroy on line one.

Are you out of your mind? You contacted the SEC?

Gilroy: They contacted me.

And I'm not the one who filed a malicious prosecution lawsuit.

No, you're the one who got his ass kicked in a deposition then turned around and asked for more.

I didn't get my ass kicked, Mr. Specter.

That idiot therapist did, and she no longer works for us.

But you still don't have any proof that I authorized those trades, and you never will.

So I suggest you stop harassing me and focus on getting your client out of jail.

You heard the man.

We're dropping the lawsuit?

No, we're doubling the damages.

Get it done.

You son of a bitch. You set us up.

I'm sorry, Louis, I have no idea what you're talking about.

Oh, bullshit. You told Tanaka not to make a deal.

Yes, I did.

At first, it looked like a good idea, but then I did my due diligence, and lo and behold, it didn't.

Was that before or after you leaked our meeting to Range Tech?

I have to say, I'm appalled.

I mean, after you've been so aboveboard in all your dealings with me, to think that I would go behind your back and leak news of that meeting with no possible chance of it being linked back to me, that's really offensive.

It is linked back to you, plain as day.

Then I guess you two must have some sort of proof, because if you don't, you can walk yourselves the hell out of my office.

It's one thing for you to have your feud with me, but you just cost your firm a huge piece of business.

Let me explain to you what I already told him.

This isn't about business. It's about getting even.

Harvey, do you have a minute?

If you're here to tell me to drop that countersuit--

I'm not telling you to drop anything.

I'm just saying in addition to attacking Gilroy, we should be getting proof that Sam got the authorization for those trades.

We don't have any proof.

We can if we get some of the other traders to come forward and say how it went.

They'll never testify to that.

Harvey, that therapist was the company therapist.

Those traders saw her on a regular basis to keep their shit together.

So, if Sam opened up to her about work, then some of the other traders must have too.

She can't speak to that.

Of course she can.

If Tull waived privilege, then they all did.

You know that.

It doesn't matter. You saw what I did to her.

She's not gonna want to help us.

It's not about helping us. It's about helping her client.

I can't ask her to do that.

Why not?

Because I can't.

Harvey, what's going on?

Nothing's going on.

How did you know those things about her in that deposition?

Because I did.

Does it have something to do with the fact that you've been having panic att*cks and that she's your therapist?

Because if it does--

This conversation is over.

Look, I am not trying to butt into things that don't concern me, but this isn't about you.

This is about keeping Sam Tull out of prison.

What the hell are you doing here?

You two don't work for me anymore.

Just give us a minute to explain.

There's nothing to explain.

You blew up my deal and ruined a friendship because you thought you knew better than me.

We do know better than you.

You're an arrogant son of a bitch.

Dominic, this is a draft of a class-action lawsuit headed Range Tech's way the second the EPA's report comes out.

That's the same report that your friend kept buried.

And if you'd bought them, that suit would have been headed your way.

So, yes, we blew up the deal, but that man was never your friend.

You lied to me, and worse than that, you didn't respect me.

I am sorry. I shouldn't have antagonized you.

And I shouldn't have said that rushing through this deal without doing due diligence was feasible.

You see, the bottom line is, is that we were both right when we tried to do this deal with Tanaka.

And now that we've got nothing to hide from you, there is nothing to stop us from finding you someone else.

So, instead of standing here kissing my ass, why don't you get to work doing that?

If you're here to apologize, I'm not interested.

I'm not here to apologize.

I'm here because I need to look at your files.

There really is no end to your arrogance.

I wouldn't ask if this wasn't the only way to keep Sam out of prison.

I'm not giving you Sam Tull's file.

And I'm not asking for it.

I want to see all the files of the other traders you saw.

Are you out of your mind?

No, I'm not. They all signed the same waiver Sam did.

Some of them must have admitted the way it works at Butler, and it's in your notes.

Let me see if I have my facts straight.

You eviscerate me, justify it, and then waltz back here as if nothing happened.

I know something happened, but now is not the time.

You mean now is not the time as long as you need a favor.

Oh, God damn it, you're not doing me a favor.

You're helping your patient, the one you said you went to see three different lawyers to keep from betraying.

And if you hadn't betrayed me, you wouldn't be in this position right now.

What do you want me to say-- I'm sorry?

As a matter of fact, I do.

You think I wanted to depose you like that?

It made me sick.

I hated every g*dd*mn second of it, because I know all you've been trying to do is help me, and the only reason I didn't apologize before is because if I knew it kept Sam out of prison, I'd do it all again.

Now, are you gonna help me?

Harvey, even if I wanted to help you, it--it doesn't say those things in my files.

I need them anyway.

I just told you they don't have what you need.

I know that, and you know that, but they don't know that.

You're gonna try and bluff them?

It won't work.

You saw what I did in there to you, and that was something I didn't want to do.

Trust me, they won't know what hit 'em.

[elevator bell dings]

We get fired by McKernon Motors, and you didn't tell me and you didn't tell Harvey?

Wait, Jessica--

God damn it.

We didn't tell anyone because we were fired for less than a day, and then we fixed it.

Oh, you fixed it?

Yes, it was all a misunderstanding.

Now Dominic's back on board.

I don't give a shit that Dominic is back on board and neither does Fletcher Engines.

Fletcher Engines?

That's right.

In the less than a day that you were fired by McKernon, Jack Soloff signed Fletcher as a client, and now I have to let McKernon go.

That son of a bitch.

Jessica, he set this whole thing up.

Oh, and I'm sure you did nothing to antagonize him.

I did do nothing. I swear, I wasn't petty.

I trusted him, and then he used that trust to s*ab us in the back.

Jessica, you have no idea.

Louis has never been more right in his life.

You can't dump McKernon. It'll k*ll Harvey.

Well, we can't g*dd*mn represent them now, and you know it.

We can if you tell Jack he has to drop Fletcher.

Do you realize the position you're putting me in?

Fletcher is worth three times what McKernon is.

I'm sorry you're in this position right now, but for once, I'm not the one who put you in it.

Jack Soloff is.

Donna: Dinner is served.

I guess that means you got Opie his bridal gift after all.

I did.

And I shouldn't have been so standoffish with you in the file room.

Well, maybe I shouldn't have had that be our first interaction.

No, that's not on you. That's on me.

I never welcomed you to the firm, and I should have.

You know, when I was a young mother, first week of school, every day I dropped my little girl off.

When I left, she cried.

Friday came, I left, she didn't cry.

So I did.

What are you saying?

You didn't welcome me to the firm because you weren't ready to see your little girl move on.

Are you saying Harvey is my little girl?

I'm saying you weren't ready to move on.

You're all right, Gretchen.

Hope you like French.


You know, you didn't have to schedule an appointment just to tell me how it turned out.

I scheduled an appointment to give you these.

Thank you very much.

They're from Sam Tull.

Did you get me anything?

I did.

I'm ready to talk about my mother.

[gentle folk music]


♪ ♪

This is beautiful.

Why did--

I wanted to celebrate a special occasion.

What's the special occasion?

I got us The Plaza Hotel on your birthday.

For our wedding?




Oh, that is the sweetest thing you've done since you asked me to marry you.

No, it's the sweetest thing I've done until the next thing I do.

Oh, Mike.


I mean, how did you do it?

That must have been impossible.

No, it was a piece of cake.

You went to Donna, didn't you?

That's why it was a piece of cake.


♪ ♪

[clears throat]

Jessica, what are you doing here so late?

I didn't get a chance to congratulate you on signing Fletcher Engines.

Hey, good news travels fast.

Yes, it does, and you're going to drop them even faster.

I take it this has something to do with our long-standing relationship with McKernon Motors.

You know damn well what this has to do with.

I know that my client is the fourth-largest engine manufacturer in the country.

And if you had landed them like a man, I'd be the first one in here with a bottle of champagne.

But you did it by putting a shiv in your fellow attorneys.

So this-- it's how it's gonna be.

And by "fellow attorneys," don't you really mean "Harvey"?

Watch yourself, Jack, and drop Fletcher Engines by morning.

If you don't, I will.

By morning it is.

And by afternoon, the entire firm's gonna know that you chose a mid-size client over Fletcher because Harvey Specter has an attachment to them... and you have an attachment to him.

I admire people who challenge me, Jack.

But there's a limit to that, and you are on the very edge.

So let me be clear.

This is your last chance to work with me.

Take it, and you have a future.

Don't, and you can go ask Daniel Hardman for a job, because we both know that's how you got the idea for Fletcher Engines in the first place.

[dramatic music]

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