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01x05 - Exposed

Posted: 07/29/15 13:45
by bunniefuu
Kieran: Previously on Scream...

Emma: Guys, what's that?


I said I didn't think it was Tyler.

No one believed me.

But you believe us now, right?


Noah: We're into Nina's laptop.

Audrey: What is it?

Uh, looks like a video file.

Oh, my God. It's Emma and Will!

Turn it off.

Uploading? Uploading where?

The file's just been shared with the listserv.

What listserv?


Oh, my God. It's my first time.

Girl 1: I cannot believe she came to school today.

Girl 2: If I was her, I'd just transfer.


Girl 3: Sexy time!

Audrey: Emma!


Been there.

Totally sucks.


I just feel so exposed.

There is a little bit of cosmic justice at play here.

That which doesn't destroy us makes us stronger.

Yeah, or it just takes its sweet time destroying us.



Why didn't you call me back?


How could you film us?

Whoa, hey.

No, Em, hey.

I didn't. I swear.

If you didn't do it, then how does it exist?


Look, I don't know.

This sounds like something Jake would do.

No way, because I'd k*ll him if he did.

This is a nightmare.



k*ller: Hello, Emma.

How's it feel to be the star of the show?

Scream - S01E05

Quinn, what's up?

What are you doing here?

Damage control.

Sheriff, this is Detective Lorraine Brock.

State Police. Special Task Force.

Hello, Hud.

It's nice to see you again.

Yeah, Raine.

It's been a while.

Hell of a mess you got here.

Yeah, well, we, we really appreciate all the extra manpower.

Well, I'm afraid they're going to be doing a lot more than just lending a hand.

And don't take it personally, Hud.

There's been a certain loss of confidence in you.

The Governor wants this case resolved quickly.

What, am I being fired?

Just a temporary leave of absence.

We need everyone we have working on this.


I'd appreciate your help enforcing the curfew.

Huh, right after crossing guard duty?

Are you kidding me?

You got a problem?

Yeah, I do.

That's Riley's seat.


Hey, Emma, again, I am just so exponentially sorry about that video.

I had no idea that it was gonna just mutate and spread like this crazy zombie sex virus.

And that came out so horribly...

It's okay, Noah.

I mean, it's not okay, but...

You couldn't have known what was going to happen.

(CLEARS THROAT) Okay, everybody.


We are still reeling from Riley's death, but we do have learning to do.

Noah, I know you two were scene partners.

Uh, yeah, I, I think I'm just gonna sit this one out.

If that's okay.

I understand. That's fine.

But we will resume our scene work next week.

Let's get back to Hawthorne.

The Scarlet Letter.

It's a classic tale of hypocrisy, misogyny, and female oppression.

Mr. Branson, seriously, with all the cyber-bullying and GIFs and mayhem going down...

Who cares?


Mr. Branson: Actually, Jake, it's very relevant.

See, the birth of Hester Prynne's illegitimate child led to her being essentially outed and cyber-bullied, Puritan style.


It just takes nine months instead of nine seconds.


Or, uh, three minutes, right?

Shut the hell up!

Emma: Will, stop! It's enough.

Mr. Branson: Will, back off.

Sit down!

Emma, are you okay?

No. Uh, I'm not okay.


I know that our thoughts are all with the friends that we've lost.

And so I just wanted to remind everyone that there's a candlelight vigil downtown tonight at 7:00.

And I hope that all of you will make it.


People are dicks.

You saw the video?

Nope. Not interested.

You really didn't watch it?

I like anticipation.

Look, I'm sorry about Riley.

Yeah, it's been a rough couple of days.

What happened to you? You just disappeared.

I, uh, I had to drive up to Bloomington to deal with some insurance stuff.

My mom's accident.

Tell me what happened at that hospital?

Did the case files lead you there?

Someone led me there.

You know, it feels like he planned this video leak.

I mean, I thought I was doing the right thing, trying to find the truth and really, he was just putting my humiliation in my own hands.

You're okay...

I'm not okay.

I am scared every time I get a phone call.

Every time I get a text.

Everything that I am doing is backfiring.

I just... I'm done.

I'm gonna let the cops deal with it now.

Look, I... (GRUNTS)

Emma, just remember you don't have to be afraid.


This is my worst nightmare.

Mine's the one where you realize all your teeth are loose.

But yeah, having your junior-high sex moves, like, all going viral...


Way worse.

You watched it?

Well, I'm only human.


Did you tell Emma the truth?


And Emma's never gonna find out.

I've already hurt her enough.

Aw, you love her.

Get off me, man! Get off.

Well, let's just focus on new opportunities.

We're on for tomorrow.

Time to get paid.

Can't believe I let you talk me into this.

Audrey, I'm sorry.

She deserves to be up there.

She deserved a life.


Quite the charming Twin Peaks you settled into, Hud.

Don't call me Hud.

You used to like it.

I used to like a lot of things that were bad for me.

I don't need you here to remind me.

Well, I'm here to fix your mess.

(SCOFFS) I bet.

And watching you squirm is just icing on the cake.

I bet.


You holdin' it together?

I'm trying. (CHUCKLES)

We all are.

So, Audrey, she really liked Rachel, huh?

I'm pretty sure the feeling was mutual.


Um, it's just...

I talked to Rachel's parents, and they said that Audrey really intimidated Rachel.

And that she could get her to do things that she wouldn't normally do.

Maybe that's the only way her parents could justify their daughter liking a girl.

Mmm, maybe. Sure.

It's just...

It's hard to know the truth unless you have the whole story.

Are you ready?

Yeah, yeah.

Miss Duval?

Uh, Detective Lorraine Brock.

I was hoping I could speak with you?

Uh, yeah.

I'm kind of in the middle of something.

No, no, no, I'm sorry. I meant tomorrow.

I'm working out of the Sheriff's office.

So, uh, 7:30?

If that's not too early.

Sure, I could do that.

I'm sorry about your friends.

I'll see you tomorrow.


Everything okay?

Nothing's okay.

Well, I know.

Riley was six when her family moved to Lakewood.

She was super-tiny and completely silent.

For the first couple of days in our class, I was convinced that she didn't speak English, so...


This one day, I... tried speaking to her very loudly, thinking in my 6-year-old brain that maybe that would help.

And then this one day, she just...

Turned to me and she said...




Um, sorry, she, uh, turned to me and she said...


Uh, I think the point is, Riley got over her shyness.

I mean, I know that I would never have had the nerve to go up to someone as beautiful as her.



Noah: But I'm so damn glad that she came up


to me and... And made...


...the guy with the most amazing girl on his arm.

Because she was that girl.

Riley was amazing.


Brock: I understand someone was calling you.


I read the incident reports.

Now, I know that you doubted Tyler was the k*ller.

You were right.

So what did this person have to say?


Uh, nothing. It was just some Brandon James crank trying to scare me.

I overreacted. (CHUCKLES)

Did you know Rachel Murray?

No. We have a mutual friend.

Audrey Jensen.



Three of the victims were clearly related, but Rachel Murray's staged su1c1de, it's an anomaly.

Well, it seems as though the k*ller wanted to send a message that only the medical examiner would get.

Well, you'd have to ask my mom about that.

That's right.

Your mom is the M.E.

Your dad is the only surviving victim of Brandon James.

And you, your photo was found at that hospital.

These aren't all coincidences, Emma.

Are they?

That was fast.

I told her what I could.

Meaning what, exactly?

You said there were things you couldn't tell me because you wanted to protect me.

I'm starting to regret that now.

Too late. It goes both ways.

What part of skinny iced macchiato, don't you understand?

Okay. I think you've had enough.

I'll have a large cup of coffee and a cup of ice on her tab.


You know you could just order iced coffee, right?

I like torturing the ice.


So, what brings you to the verge of full Chihuahua?

Is it the whole self-improvement thing?

Brooke 2.0?

Less bitchy, more truthy?

Come on, tell Jake.

Someone has got to tell Emma what really happened freshman year.

You can't do that to Will.

Trust me, he's at a breaking point.

Yeah? Well, that's his problem.


You gotta warn a brother.

Yeah? Well, okay.

Look, I cannot just keep lying to Emma.

Lying to me about what?

Do what you gotta do.


Superman wears a mock-turtleneck now.

Ugh. Don't even get me started.

I mean, if they ever put the Hulk in bike shorts, I'm officially done.

Oh, but they're so stretchy.



Hey, take out your phone.


Now download the language arts homework from the school server.


Please trust me.



What the what?

You're the NSA?

That video of Emma looked like it was from a webcam, so I Tron -ed my way into the root directory and I found some pretty nasty malware.

Lets you access webcams, security systems, phones.

And it's all attached to our language arts homework?

Mr. Branson?

The only teacher who still let's me talk in class.

So Branson hacked people's webcams and Nina kept the files?

I'm hoping he's just Nina's innocent pawn.

I sense an unholy alliance.

Okay. So, before I say what I have to say...


How hot is your coffee?

Uh, well, it's coffee, so it's hot.

(STAMMERS) Um, so...

Okay, so...

Freshman year, before we were friends...

You were this pristine Pollyanna type.

And Nina thought you needed to be taken down a peg.

So, one day at lunch, Will said he thought you were cute, and so Nina bet him that he couldn't sleep with you inside of a month.


He took the bet, walked over to you and...

And he asked me to his game.

And that was the first time that we ever spoke.

Oh, my God.

I'm so sorry, Em.

I know I should have told you sooner.

But the more you became a part of the group, the harder it got to say anything.

Just when I thought this couldn't get any worse...

Hey, if you wanna hit me, it's cool.

Just go ahead.

I could say I don't want to be friends with you anymore.

You could.

But after losing Riley and Nina...

I'm so sorry, Em.

Everyone lies.

And everyone's sorry.

Just like he said.

I gotta go back to work.

Sheila: Hello, Mr. Mayor.

Quinn: Sheila, I, uh, just wanted to let you know that I'm not gonna be able to make the council meeting, because I, well, have a doctor's appointment.

Sheila: No problem, sir. I'll take care of it.



sh**t. I did what you said.


It's 10,000.

That's all I could get in a day.



If you want the rest...

You're going about it the wrong way.

How do I even know you have it?


I am not giving you $100,000 without a guarantee that thing disappears forever.

Okay, I need two days.
What the hell was that?

We said no harm, no foul.

You broke his nose!

Dude, it was bad-ass!

I had the mayor eating out of my hand.

So you got the money?

Ten grand of it.

But the rest is coming, trust me.

The rest?

No. I'm not doing this again.

No one was supposed to get hurt.

Dude, it was just a little spank.

Will, he's fine!

I'm the one who took all the risk!

You just stood guard!

You should be thanking me!

Screw you, Jake!



I've been worried about you. How are you doing?

(VOICE BREAKING) I don't know.




You know what? Come here. Come here.


Okay, uh...

So, there may be some warm soothing bourbon-type liquid in this flask, but I could never offer it to a minor, but, um...

I'll take it.


(SNIFFLES) Thank you.

I just want to believe in something that doesn't turn to utter crap.

Yeah. I hear that.

Aren't you supposed to say something like, "Hang in there It's gonna get better?"

I could, but it'd be a lie.


Life is like Charlie Brown and his football.

That bitch Lucy keeps yanking it away, but you gotta keep kicking.

What got yanked away from you?

Well, it would just sound like some angsty southern playwright BS.

Tell me. (SNIFFLES)

My dad was m*rder*d.

I was too young to remember him.

And the police never solved it.

Honestly, I don't think they tried.

I am so sorry.


Is that why you do this?


I started to ask questions as soon as I could talk, and I kind of never stopped.

So I guess we both have dark daddy issues.


Um, well...


Piper, I...

I know my dad's alive, but he's been gone for most of my life.


I know how hard that is.

(SIGHS) Well, we all have our demons. Right?


Hang in there.


Hey, I was hoping you were working today.

Will, do not.

Whoa. You all right?

(SCOFFS) Uh...

I was a bet?


Em, I am so sorry.

You have every right to be mad.

Oh, thank you so much for your permission!

Of course I am mad, Will.

I am humiliated!

Just yesterday, you were swearing to me that you had no idea how this happened.

And now I find out that everything was a lie?

I mean, how is it possible that that is all that I was to you?

No, Em, that's never all you were to me!

And you know what the worst part is?

The worst part is you didn't even have the guts to tell me in all of the time that we were together.

I had to find out from Brooke.

Okay, look, Nina's, Nina's challenge was messed up, no doubt, okay?

But that's never what you were to me, okay? This was real.

Em, I love you!


You sound like a bad romantic comedy.

Except we didn't meet cute.

We met sick-twisted.

There's no going back.


Do not touch me!

Can't we please just talk?

No, we can't.

Because we're not friends.

We're not together.

We're done.



Quinn: I don't care if there's a penalty, I want you to liquidate it now.


I need those funds by noon tomorrow.

Daddy, something is very wrong.

I just spoke with Gianluca at the Four Seasons in Milan and...

What happened to your nose?

I'm having work done.

She never checked in last month.

She always re-stocks her wardrobe in Milan before going on a holistic retreat.

Yeah, well, she never really got that "giving up worldly goods" part, did she?

Don't deflect.

What is going on?

Your mother's not at the ashram.

Where is she?

I checked her into rehab.


Why didn't you, why didn't you tell me?

Brooke, honey, they have strict rules.

No outside communication for 60 days.

Two months?

And you're okay with that?

(SIGHS) It's for her own good.

You have to trust me on this, Brooke!


Your mom's a MILF with hidden depths.

She's a lush with an ironclad pre-nup.

I don't know, I guess rehab is better than divorce court.

I just wish I could talk to her.

Hey, dude.

You told Emma?

What? You could have at least warned me first?

I'm sorry, Will.

But this has been eating away at me for over a year.

How about you take a breath, bro?

(SCOFFS) Oh, stop telling me what to do, bro.

You know what?

If you wanna have a full-on psychotic melt-down, why don't you take it home to the chickens and the cows?


I am done trying to help you!

Yeah, you got that right.


Will, stop!

Whoa, wait!

Stop it! Cut it out!

No, this isn't over!

Yes, it is!

Come on, you know what, let's go.

Let's go to the nurse.

All right. Now let's put what we've learned to the test.

But remember, self-defense is not about how strong we are.

It's about how well we use the strength we have inside.

Mr. Dugan: Will, come on up.



Same scenario. Dark lot, guy's larger and stronger.

Now what you wanna do is, you...


How's it feel to take it in front of everyone?


Looks like our esteemed mayor's self-defense classes are a hit.

You too cool for self-defense?


I'm sure they're very effective.

If you're att*cked in a well-lit gym.


But, uh...

What happens when your first warning is a knife to your throat?

What are you doing?

Attacking you.

I thought you were supposed to help me be less afraid.

Are you afraid now?


Good. What's changed?


Yesterday I was so embarrassed and it just kept getting worse and worse.

And then, I realized that I'm here.

I'm alive, I'm breathing.

And I make my own choices.


Hello? Mr. Branson?

Audrey! You can't just invade a man's laptop!

Oh, please, he's invading everybody's everything.

Okay, fine, well, let me do it.

Okay, yeah, here's the malware.

Hold on, there's two other user IDs.

Looks like his student aides had access to the site, too.

Let me guess. Tyler?

Yup. And this semester...


Nina, Tyler, and Riley.

Maybe they all knew his dirty secret.

What if he k*lled them all to keep it?

The laptop was open.

Mr. Branson: Hey, guys.

What's up?

I was just trying to convince Noah to pick a new scene partner.

Came here to see if, uh, anybody's available.

Well, everybody's paired up, but I'm sure somebody would be open to a dramatic threesome.



I'll let you know, Mr. B.




Emma: (ON RECORDING) We're not friends. We're not together.

We're done.

What's your point?

(k*ller LAUGHS)

k*ller: There she is, the new Emma.

I'm not your project.

k*ller: Then who are you really?

How about the one who kicks your ass?

(k*ller LAUGHS)

This game is just too damn fun.

My life is not a game.

Yes, it is.

And when I say it's over, you lose.

Okay. What aren't you telling me?

(GRUNTS) Uh...

All right. (GRUNTS)

Raine and I worked together years ago.

She kinda brought out the, the best and the worst in me, you know.

You were together.

Sometimes, when we were loaded.

But, you know what? I told you, I'm not doing that anymore.

The pills or the partner?


You know, I...

I don't know. I like seeing the world clearly.

I like seeing you.


I'm glad you finally did that. (CHUCKLES)

Me, too.




I come bearing pepperoni and pineapple.

Your favorite.

(CHUCKLES) Yeah, when I was six.

Please. I know you like to order kale, but I know you crave pepperoni and pineapple.


(CHUCKLES) Hey, Jake's gotta eat, too.

I mean, for the Will thing.

Ah, yes. The chivalry.

But hey, if I had to choose between you and Will, that's a no-brainer.

You have, uh...

If you say boobs, I will eviscerate you with this.

I meant seniority.

We grew up together.


Your family is like family.

That's sort of why I'm here.

You know... (STAMMERS)

I think maybe you're right about the whole self-improvement kick.

Maybe Jake 2.0 is possible.


Sounds pretty sketch, but I'm listening.

In the light of full disclosure, I gotta get something off my chest.

I don't know how or why, but Tyler and Nina had a video of your dad doing things he should not have been doing.

Now, I have not seen this video, but I know they were blackmailing him with it.

How do you know that?

After they died, Will kept the video, and he picked up where they left off.

Now, I tried to talk him out of it, but he's blackmailing your dad again.

Why would he do that?

Well, he didn't get the scholarship to Duke.

I guess he needed the money.

Detective Brock!

I'm into the Nina Patterson laptop.


No wonder this girl's dead.

Jake: Are you sure about this?

Brooke: Yes.


I mean, it is your dad.

I know. That's why I have to see this.

But I do wanna know why you have it.

Will kept it on his phone.

I mean, clearly he's not a security-minded guy.

Yeah, well, my dad sure as hell is.

There's cameras all over the place.

Relax, this is a no spy zone.

Last chance to back out.

Brooke, honey?


This can't be happening. The date stamp. That's the day after...

After my mom left.

I haven't talked to her since.

Oh, my God.

Trust me?

I want to.

Is this so I can overcome my fear of snakes and poison ivy?

This is far enough.

Far enough for what?

For no one to hear.


Are you trying to scare me?

Just close your eyes.

Close them.

All right.


You're walking to your car late at night and you have a flat tire.

What do you do?

I call Triple-A.

No, they would, they would never get to you in time.

Whoa, what are you doing?

Ah, ah. We're conquering your fears.

Why do you have a g*n?

My dad's a cop.

Come on, focus.

Aim at that first can.


You're not making that very easy.

Just keep it steady, it's gonna kick.

Squeeze the trigger.

Show me.

You know, as much as I would love to be your full-time personal bodyguard, sometimes you're gonna be alone.

You want it?


(SIGHS) I...

I can't. It's...

I can't.

Not your tempo.


I get it.

It was a really nice offer, though.

He's not gonna win.

How do you know that?

You said it yourself.

We're alive.

And we want to keep being alive.

What if he's watching us right now?

Well, what if he is?

What if he's in the trees, watching us right now?

Maybe he's already crept in the back of my truck to ambush us later.


All I know is right now, I'm holding you.

And he's not.