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01x09 - Future Tense

Posted: 07/29/15 10:51
by bunniefuu
Previously on Stitchers...


If there's someone you want to say goodbye to, now's the time.

I just wanted to say that I love you both.

So what is the problem, son?

I have a great girlfriend.

You have a girlfriend?

Benjamin, are you there?

Did Ed Clark commit su1c1de?


How did he die?

Protecting you.

Hey, Fisher, Ed Clark didn't commit su1c1de. He was m*rder*d.

Is Kirsten home?

Who is Liam?

My boyfriend.

Kirsten has never mentioned him.

Okay, find out everything you can about him. I want a full report.

You think it's him?

My gut says yes, and if there is even a chance.

Will you marry me?

♪ I'm gonna take my time... ♪

There's no need to be so precise.

Listen, I have to make them perfect to match your crepes.

I am used to frozen Waffles.

You're spoiling me.

That's the plan.

What are you doing?

I'm seeing what your hair looks like up.

I like it.

Well, maybe one day I'll surprise you.

(cell phone beeps)

You got a text... From Cameron.


Who's Maggie?

Oh, just someone at work.

You in trouble?

I can handle her.

This looks amazing.

We could eat like this every morning.

Right, and then we would be 500 pounds.

Seriously. You, me, domestic bliss.

God, I'm so hungry.

Kirsten, have you given any thought to my proposal?

(cell phone beeps)

Another software emergency?

I'm sorry. We're... on a deadline.

Can you save it?


But more for me. So when do I get to play this big secret game you're designing?


They're just really strict about keeping it under wraps.

Thank you for being so patient.

So we'll talk about us later?


I do.

The two words I'm hoping to hear.

(theme music playing)

♪ take me inside ♪
♪ take me inside ♪

Good morning, people. Isn't it a great day to be alive?

You're a happy camper today.

Yeah, 'cause the last time I was in here, we almost died.

Now the sun is shining, the flowers are a-bloom, and I work with the greatest team in the world.

Churros for... ♪ everyone. ♪

Churros, the extruded cousin of the beignet.

Thanks, anyways.

I'll put these in the break room for you.

Do not throw those out.

So got a funny story.

Remember when Maggie told us to call our loved ones and say goodbye?

Yeah, but we lived to tell the tale. How fab is that?

Yeah, so I told my parents that I had a girlfriend... a serious girlfriend... to make them happy.

That's sort of sweet.

Yeah, so they were so happy, they insisted on meeting her.

So what do you say to dinner tonight, 8:00, my house?

You told them I'm the serious girlfriend?

Like you said, you know, sort of sweet.

I'm just gonna remain upbeat, and I'm gonna cheerily request that you cancel that dinner and tell your parents the truth.

Tell them that we all almost died in an outbreak in our secret lab?

Tell them we broke up.

Come on, they'd be heartbroken.

Over a bogus relationship? This is ridiculous.

Wait, just meet them, okay?

Prove to them that you actually exist and then we can break up.

Call an escort service.

Yeah, but I've already described you.

My mom's really excited. She's making her world class chicken tikka.


And homemade naan.

Okay, one dinner. Then I'm dumping your lying ass.

Is there a problem?

Let's talk...

Before someone turns into one.

Your boyfriend and potential fiance, from what I understand.

You called me in here to talk about Liam?

What we do and who we associate with in our personal lives can present a security risk.

I haven't told Liam anything about the Program.

And how's that working for you?

Not great. I'm running out of excuses.

What do you really know about him?

He's an anthropologist, correct?

He's off traveling the world, then shows up at your door, charms his way back into your life and pops the question.

What's wrong with that?

The timing. He didn't come back until you got involved with the Stitchers Program.

He finished his fellowship. Liam's not a problem.

That's all you need to know.

Maggie's former C.I.A. What did you expect?

My private life has nothing to do with the Stitchers Program.

And since when do you eat churros?

Since 15 minutes ago, but please hide the box. I've had three already.

My relationship with Liam is just none of Maggie's business.

Not that it's any of mine, but are you gonna marry him?

I haven't given him an answer yet.

So you're still debating Mr. Perfect's proposal?

Oh, great. So you're against him, too?

I'm sorry. That wasn't called for. Liam's a good guy.

Look, I have a hard enough time sorting out my past.

I need to consider my future with a certain degree of caution.

I want to be sure he's the one.

You're never gonna be sure.

The future doesn't come with guarantees.

That is true.

Hey, buddy, pal.



Give us a minute, huh?


Try the churros.

Sorry I didn't get back to you about your message, but we've been down this road before. The Ed Clark case is closed.

Right, remember when I told you I couldn't wait to prove you wrong about Ed's su1c1de?


Les Turner told me that Ed died trying to protect me.


He's the director of the Stitchers Program.

Yeah, I know who Turner is. Who was Ed protecting you from?

He didn't say.

All right, I'll ask him, find out what he knows.

He's not exactly what you'd call accessible.

Lately, I've had his attention.

Embrace your adventures with a positive energy and the universe will reward you.

Vanessa Sawyer, 24, self-proclaimed psychic.

She co-hosted an online show.

Gave advice, answered questions.

Hot mess in Reseda, you're involved in a competition, but lack confidence.

But the king of wands says that you show potential. Believe in yourself.

Vanessa's co-host Jessica Barnes goes by the name Solaris.

Of course she does.

Solaris got back in town this morning and discovered Vanessa's body at home.

She was bludgeoned.


A geode.

That is a big rock.


Any suspects?

According to the police, there was no forced entry, nothing stolen, so a robbery is unlikely.

So she knew her k*ller.

But so far, no known enemies and no reported threats.

Fisher is going to go to the Dreamcatcher Studios where she produced the show.

Why don't we ask the psychic Solaris who k*lled her?

Maybe she can tell us. Give us some stock tips, too.

I'd prefer a more scientific approach.

Yeah, stitching is basically talking to ghosts.

Well, it is.

Blood pressure sensor online.

All right, stations, please.

Lights to 20%.

I need a go, no-go for stitch neurosync.




Good to go.




Go. We're always a go.

Protocol, Linus. Protocols.

Com check, Kirsten. One, two.

I'm with you.

Something here doesn't make sense. Let's go poke it with a stick.

Induce stitch neurosync on my mark.

In three, two, one... Mark.

Um, Cameron?

You took a wrong turn.

Where are you?

Outer space.


Oh, never mind. I'm at the studio.

I love it.

We should've changed it months ago.

So the space thing?

Just the backdrop for their show.

Jengirl22, your future is full of possibilities.

Don't be afraid to take chances.

Vanessa's giving advice.

The search brings happiness, not the destination.

If you decide to...

(electricity sparks)

A light sparked.

She's watching a couple argue.

There's a fire around them.

But it's not really there, but it's like she's sensing something about them.

Can you move her closer to the time of the m*rder?

Follow the glutamate levels to their largest spike point.

I've been watching.


Hang on, Oda Mae. I'm moving you as close to the m*rder as I can.


I'm not at Vanessa's m*rder.

(electricity sparks)



Did you see who k*lled her?

I saw someone else get k*lled.

Vanessa got k*lled because she witnessed a m*rder.

You stitched in to find evidence of Vanessa Sawyer's m*rder.

Yes, and someone must have k*lled her to shut her up.

She saw this other woman get choked to death... but I've checked.

No homicides, no missing person reports that fit the description you gave me.

Maybe no one's found her body yet.

(sighs) We need to focus on the body we have.

Look, whoever that woman was, if we find her k*ller, we will find Vanessa's too, and I think they both worked here.

Lots of potential suspects.

That's the guy I saw arguing with her in the stitch.

With Vanessa?

No, with the woman who was strangled.

That makes him our prime suspect.

For a m*rder we don't know has happened.

I know what I saw. You explain it.

Stitch glitch.

And what's with your hairdo?

Yeah, I own the place. Vanessa started sh**ting here six months ago.

Terrible thing, a young girl like that.

Yeah, just when the money started flowing in, too.

Can I help you with something?

They're with me.

What is this, "bring your kids to work" day?

No, it's "interrogate a douche" day. Go ahead, dad.

What did you mean the money was flowing in?

I thought it was free to watch online.

Her channel's free, but the private readings she did, online sales. It's the future of revenue.

And you get a piece of the action.

Everyone comes here a nobody with a dream.

If I see something there, I invest in them and make their dreams come true.

You're a regular fairy godfather.

Who was that woman Vanessa saw you arguing with?

Excuse me.

You got into it with someone, a very stylish woman.

I thought this was about Vanessa.

It is. Why don't we speak over here?

It's hard enough trying to explain how you know about murders that really happened.

That woman was k*lled.

And her m*rder is connected to Vanessa's. Why else would it be in her memory?

Man, some of the posts on Vanessa's show.

People get nasty when her predictions don't come true.

Pissed enough to k*ll her?

"You lying bitch. I flew out to Miami to surprise my boyfriend like you said, and found him in bed with my sister. Please die."

That's from N.J. in Los Angeles.

Okay, ready or not... Meet the parents outfit number one.

You look like a librarian.

You said not to show too much skin.

I didn't say not to show any.

Outfit number two it is.

I can help with the buttons.

(clears throat)

No, my folks will freak.

Linus, what do you want from me?

Maybe dress more like someone my parents won't have a coronary meeting.

I am at all times myself.

Of course, but maybe you could just show them 10% of yourself.

Look at this 10%.

It's a good 10%.

I can't believe anyone would want to hurt her.

Vanessa had such a big heart.

She was pure light, but she did see a darkness coming.

You mean sensed it in a poetic, allegorical way?

No, she saw it.

Here in the studio.

I said we could move spaces, but we were stuck in our contract.

She saw the darkness, and now she's gone.

A doubter.

Do you ever get a "bad vibe"?

Something that makes your hair stand on end?

My hair's always like this.

We all have natural intuition.

People like me and Vanessa just have more of it.

So the "darkness" she spoke about, was she specific?

Our visions, premonitions, however you want to call it, they're not always literal.

Like a fire for instance, it could represent...

Anger, tension.

You're struggling with a decision.

You need to know yourself before you can share your life with anyone.

You have a very sensitive heart.

You need to protect it.

Here, take this. It will keep you safe.

I will do that.

We're very sorry about your friend.

Of course I'm sorry, too, but that woman is a whack-a-doodle.

Oh, so when something isn't explained by science, you immediately think it's nuts.

She gave me a rock.

She knew about your heart.

In the most general terms.

You're a person of science, okay?

You're not supposed to believe in magic.

Science is just magic that's been explained.

What, you trying to spook me? Yeah, I'm so scared...


I saw that happen in Vanessa's memory.


That light sparking.

She had a premonition.

It's a coincidence.

That's her. The woman who was strangled.

She looks damn good, considering.

I guess Vanessa didn't witness her m*rder after all.

Unless she did see it, and it just hasn't happened yet.

We're just both so shocked about Vanessa.

Terrible. Devastating.

She's the whole reason behind my event tonight.

I'm making a big splash to launch my brand.

Ah, congratulations.

I thought about canceling, but I'm trying to stay positive and keep the energy clear. It's what she would have wanted.

So Vanessa did readings for you?

All the time. She was so inspiring.

Just wondering if she predicted any trouble for you.

We're thinking about sh**ting a show here, and word is things can get pretty intense.

The owner Rick Hauser.

Make sure you read the fine print on your contract.

So, like, once you take his startup money, he owns you for life?

Exactly. I've been busting my ass, making a name for myself.

I'm finally ready to fly, and he's like a giant weight tying me down.

Has he ever threatened you?

To ride my coattails and suck me dry?


Listen, I've got a million things to do before tonight.

A lot of pretty people will be there. You guys should come.

We'll be there. Yeah.

Couldn't resist.


We'll be there?

If her m*rder is supposed to happen tonight, maybe we can stop it.

Oh, and for a second I thought you weren't gonna make any sense.

Don't be afraid.

Sometimes the future seems daunting.

So many choices and decisions, but surround yourself with people you love, listen to your heart, and keep on creating your own happily ever after.

Good story?

They all end the same.

The girl marries the prince.

And they live happily ever after.

I don't want to get married.

You don't have to.

You don't have to do anything you don't want to.

But I want to know what happy is.

You are a very smart girl, and you can accomplish anything that you set your mind to, just like your mother. And someday, you might find someone that you love who loves you back.

You haven't.

I did.


And I might again.

Who knows what the future will bring?
Kirsten, earth to Kirsten.

Hey. How was your run?

It was pretty weird, actually. Someone was following me.

Should I be jealous?

It was an S.U.V.

Did you see the driver?

He sped away.

That is weird.

It made me wonder actually if it might have something to do with you.


You keep running off to this mysterious job. Now I'm being followed?

Who exactly do you work for?

(cell phone beeps)


I'm sorry.

No, don't apologize anymore.

Just help me out here, because I'm having a really hard time believing that this is all about a video game.

It's hard to explain.

Try me.

Kirsten, we can't keep secrets from each other.

I know.

Well, then tell me. What the hell is going on?

Liam, wait.

No, I'm walking out this time.

You had Liam followed.

I have to call you back.

And don't tell me you didn't or you don't know what I'm talking about or how, "oh, I need to trust you."

Okay, I won't.

Sit. Please.

Stop digging around and looking for dirt.

Liam is honest and loyal.

Let's say you're right.

He's a bona fide boy scout worthy of your trust.

Can he say the same about you?

What are you talking about?

Were you with him when the stitch chime went off?

What excuses did you make?

The fact of the matter is you're the dishonest one in the relationship.

You lie and you keep secrets from him.

And Liam is gonna start to sense your deception.


He already has.

The closest to us always do.

And let me tell you, once that seed of suspicion is planted, it grows until it drives a wedge between you.

It won't be that way with him.

I hope you can make it. I really do.

Honest relationships, they are tough even without the secrets.

I couldn't even manage one with my own son.

You have a kid?


He grew up with a mother who could never explain to him why she had to leave him so often or where she was really going.

And he resents me for it to this day.

My favorite color is?


And I am allergic to?

Latex and fabric softener.

And we met?

Oh, I know this.

At a lecture on microscopic photography.


And when I got to the lecture, I noticed you right away, but you were too busy taking notes on?

Shutter speeds.


Come on, it's in page seven. Look at the footnotes.

Do we really have to get this detailed?

My parents need to believe that we're a happy couple.

Which reminds me, you can touch my arm and smile from time to time, but don't do it too much.

And do not bring up the fact that we've had sex.

That's the only part of this relationship that's actually happened.

(alarm blaring)

We'll discuss table etiquette post-stitch.

All right, everyone, time for round two.

Kirsten, remember, we need answers about Vanessa.

Got it.

Induce stitch neurosync on my mark.

Three, two, one. Mark.

Vanessa's watching Mia and Hauser again.

You were playing dress up before I took a gamble on you.

The minute you see a little success, you want to renegotiate my percentage?

Fair is fair.

Damn straight. You knew what you signed on for.

Pay me what you owe.

Greedy bastard. Karma's gonna bite him in the ass.

Vanessa saw a fire again.

I think she's picking up on Mia's anger.

Mia, don't mess with your karma.


Be content with your own success.




Are you okay?

All good, Stretch. How about you?

I'm fine.

Sorry, I just thought I saw something.


(music playing)



I'm at Mia's launch party.

What? That hasn't happened yet.

Which makes sense because Vanessa's not here.

That makes sense? Linus, what's going on?


Well, she's not in a memory.

I can't find her anywhere on the map.

Kirsten, something wonky's going on.

You've concocted an image of what you think Mia's party will look like.

Right, because I really want neon to come back.

I see Mia and Hauser.

Wherever you are, I'm moving you out of there.


It's Hauser. He's k*lling her.


No, Mia.

How is that even possible?

Kirsten is still missing in action.

Amplify transcranial stimulation, give Vanessa's memories a boost, put Kirsten back on track.

Don't bother, I'm bouncing.

I'm sorry. I wanted to see more of Vanessa, but she's just so wrapped up in Mia.

I think Hauser's going to k*ll her at the party later.

Look, Hauser may be a dirtbag, but his record is clean.

There's no history of v*olence.

Until tonight.

(sighs) If you'll excuse me, I'm going to go find out who k*lled Vanessa Sawyer.

You know, the woman who was actually m*rder*d.

Fisher needs evidence, not "premonitions."

I don't choose what I see.

That's exactly what you were doing.

You extrapolated all of your negative thoughts of Hauser and projected an image of him k*lling Mia at the event tonight.

Okay, you need to rationalize this, because science can't explain it, but five or ten years ago, would any of you have believed me if I said you'd be stitching my consciousness into a dead person's memory?

No, but I'd think it was pretty cool.

I'll save Mia myself.

Hey, Zoltar, hold up.

I don't believe in psychics, but I do believe in you.

If you think Mia's in danger, I'm coming with you.

Cameron, when I was in the stitch, I saw...


Never mind. I'm going alone.

Remember, when you meet them, no handshakes and no hugs.

Right, I'll just touch their feet. I read online it's a Hindu sign of respect.

No, don't touch their feet. Please, that's so weird.


And you know what? Don't laugh too loud like you normally do and don't talk too much.

Be an active listener...

Linus, you're throwing me off my game.

Hey, mom, dad.


You must be Camille.

Welcome to our home.

Oh! (laughing)


You guys.

♪ in the west ♪
♪ I could see clear ♪
♪ a vision of us in a slipstream ♪
♪ and through the haze ♪
♪ you met me here ♪
♪ show me the way that you want it ♪
♪ my dreams are always a world away ♪

You shouldn't be here.

Yeah, that's what the guy at the door told me.

Then I told him I was a G.Q. model.

And he believed you?

I mean, with all this going on?

I mean, why wouldn't he?

Nah, I just showed him my invitation.

Let's mingle.

So in optogenetics, we monitor the activities of neurons in living tissue.

I'm sorry I can't even speak 'cause this curry is...

I mean, Mrs. Ahluwalia, you have mad skills in the kitchen.

Getti, please. Would you like some more?

I mean, yes.

You have chosen a fascinating subject to study.

You know, Camille is a real whiz at data retrieval systems, too, and acoustic wave theory.

So she's very stupid.

Yeah, almost as stupid as Linus.

No, but seriously, I mean, Linus has an awesome mind.

And he's not just incredibly smart, he's kind and considerate and just so respectful of me.

That's such a credit to the two of you. Really.

I love this girl.


Not as much as I love you, darling.

Shall we kiss and embarrass our little Linus?

No, no, no, please.

Relax. They're adorable.

Samir, help me clear the table.

That is our signal to go into the kitchen and talk about how much we like Camille.

What are you doing? Are you getting them to like you?

I kind of thought that was the point.

But they like you too much. How am I supposed to dump you?

I thought I was dumping you.

That's so emasculating.

Whatever. Just reel it in.


Check out these fashion-themed hors d'oeuvres. Bowtie pasta.

Gazpacho served in a tiny purse.

Which makes sense since it tastes like lint.

I really wish you hadn't come.

Oh, that's cute. Skirt steak.

I get it.

Look, you don't think I was gonna let you do this alone.

We're partners, aren't we?



You followed me here?

I saw the invite, came to apologize for walking out on you.

Looks like you're doing just fine without me.

There's nothing going on.


You text her first thing in the mornings.

To relay a message.

We're colleagues.

Right, at your video game company.

Are you working now?

Liam, don't do this here.

Fine. Let's go home.

I can't leave yet.

Of course you can't.

(glass clinking)

To Mia Nichols, who pursues fashion with a passion.

When I first put her online, I saw potential.

A diamond in the rough.

Well, I polished her.

I put her in the right setting. Now look how she sparkles today.

The perfect example of what I can do here at Dreamcatcher.

To our success.


Thanks, Rick, for that lovely toast.

I think you only used the "I" word five times.


Tonight really is my dream come true.

Thank you all so much for coming.

That's a wrap. Crises averted.

The night's not over.


(speaks foreign language)

You speak Hindi?

(coughs) Reel it in.

I just picked up a couple of words from Linus.

You learn from each other. Yes?

Yeah, I think I've taught him a thing or two.

We're so delighted that you have found each other.

Yeah, me too.

Camille, I want to show you something.


Don't "ma" me.

Open it.


Holy cow. Oh, no offense.


It was Linus' great-grandmother's.

Why are you showing her this?

Girls like sparkly things.

Would you like to try it on?

No, no, no, no.


Let's see. It's just for fun.

Well, you heard your mother.

Put a ring on it.

Okay, so I could be way off here.

But maybe you don't want to go home because you're avoiding Liam.

What, are you my therapist now?

No, but debating your answer ever since he proposed, not once have I heard you mention love.

Do you love him?

Why'd she come back?

What's he doing back?

Okay, stay here.

No way.

Cameron, please...

Okay, my sensitive heart. I know. I'm coming with you.

Okay, fine, but call Fisher.

(Mia gagging)



Cameron! Cameron.

I'm okay. I'm okay.

He tried to k*ll me.

You psycho bitch!

Keep away from her.

I caught her pouring gasoline.

Lucky I came back. She would've torched the place.

This was the biggest night of my life, and I had to share it with him.

So you were going to burn down his studio?

That leech takes advantage of everyone.

He has it coming.

Greedy bastard. Karma's gonna bite him in the ass.

Vanessa knew you were up to something.

She had a premonition.

She saw fire.

She tried to stop you, didn't she?

You k*lled Vanessa.


Hey, hey, where's the fire?

I hope she knows how to accessorize an orange jumpsuit.

Did she k*ll Vanessa?

She claims they argued over Vanessa's premonition.

Vanessa was afraid that Mia would set a fire at her party and hurt people, so she started calling Hauser to cancel it.

Which would have ruined everything Mia's worked for, so she hit Vanessa in the head.

She shoved her, at least that's what she told us.

That rock fell off the shelf, hit Vanessa, Mia panicked and left her...

It was an accident?

That's for the jury to decide.

Nice work, kid. Nailed it.

Not me. Vanessa.

Getti, thank you for tonight.

You are welcome.

You're always welcome.

What's wrong, dear?

I just never had anything like this.

I kind of grew up on my own, so being here tonight with you and Samir, you're both just so warm and wonderful, and I've definitely never worn anything this beautiful.

Thank you for letting me have it for a little while.

You're a lovely girl.

Maybe someday?

I don't know.

We just want Linus to be happy.

Me too.

So is there a future?

I never say never.

You have every right to be angry.

And you deserve the whole truth.

But I can't give it to you right now.

Is it him?

Cameron? No, there's no one else.

It's only been you.

But I'm not enough.

I am still figuring out who I am, let alone who I want to become.

I can't get married.

I'm sorry.

You're the most extraordinary woman I've ever known.

I think you always will be.

You know, I said you didn't have to come.

Doesn't mean I had to listen.


You know me. I'm already over it.

How crazy was it Vanessa's premonition came true?

I guess there's something to this psychic thing after all.

(gasps) You, a man of science.

I'm gonna chalk it up to a yet-to-be-defined time-energy correlation.

Maybe science just needs a while to catch up.

Sounds reasonable.

Now the real question is, what to do with this?

My heart's still ticking. So I guess it worked.

Here. You take it.

To protect your heart.


She said no.

Yeah, that's right. She turned me down.

Yeah, I can stick around.

What's plan "b"?