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06x08 - FrAmed

Posted: 07/29/15 03:09
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Pretty Little Liars."

What do you think, Jason's gonna meet Charles somewhere tonight?

Hanna: I put one of Caleb's GPS trackers on Jason's car so the second he moves, we can follow him to A.

I came alone. Just like you asked.

Hanna: That scholarship I got from the Carissimi Group..

Their home page looks like it's some sort of investment firm.

Sara, I was just..

Nicole Gordon.


[dramatic music]

Didn't we talk about the contest?

What, what contest?

The Cardillo Fellowship.

It's a cash prize and a summer internship at a magazine.

Jason: Charlie, don't.


[glass shatters]

Lorenzo, are you okay?

My name is Alison DiLaurentis.

I know who A is.

His name is Charles DiLaurentis
and he's my brother.

man on TV: 'Authorities have named Charles DiLaurentis'

'as a lead suspect in the kidnapping'

'of five Rosewood teens'

'as well as a sixth victim from Courtland.'

'Both state and local police remain tight-lipped..

Hey, did, uh, did Ali turn in those home movies to the cops?

The ones that Charles left at her house?

Yeah, I think so. Why?

Maybe they could do one of those age-progression sketches.

We could finally put a face to the name.

And maybe someone could put a fist to that face.

Well, we are officially out of beans.

What did we miss?

[cell phone beeps]

Toby says that the highway patrol is setting up checkpoints at all the state borders.

Did he saying anything else after he accidentally ate half your stash?

He's texting me. That's a win.

Hey, guys, shh.

man on TV: '...though police have'

'yet to comment officially.'

'Inside sources speculate that the former Radley patient'

'could be responsible for the unsolved m*rder'

'of his mother, Jessica DiLaurentis.'

'One of the first responding officers on the scene'

'suffered minor injuries in pursuit of the suspect..'

Did you know about this?


You should probably ask your dad.

Yeah, like he'd give a straight answer.

man on TV: '...felony as*ault to Officer Malone..'

Okay. Well, if it is true, it's awful.

Ali's mom is practically the only person who visited him, who even knew that Charles existed.

And he used her to fertilize Spencer's petunias.

My mom grows azaleas.


Charles is vicious. We know all that.

And now everyone else knows it too.

We had birthday cake.

That day at the arcade when Jason and I met him.

Charles gave me his frosting.

How does that turn into vicious?

We're probably done watching this, right?

Do you remember anything else?

He cried when it was time to leave.

'Said it was the best birthday he ever had.'

The person they're describing on the news..

I mean, I don't even know who that is.

You played skeeball, once.

I wouldn't call that family bonding.


I think what Hanna's trying to say is that it's hard for us to imagine that A is actually your brother.

No, what's hard to imagine is that you feel even the slightest bit of pity for Charles.

Little harsh, Hanna...

He's been out for blood, for all of us!

And he's come way too close more than once.

We hear you, but it's unfair to Ali right now...

Why are you trying to shut me up, Spencer?

I'm just saying what you guys are thinking.

If you guys are too scared to be honest, then fine.

I will do it for you.

I'm sorry, Alison.

'I know this must really suck for you.'

But I'm not gonna sit here and help you give A the benefit of the doubt.

I hope the police catch him because there's nothing they could do to him that's worse than what he did to us.

♪ Got a secret ♪
♪ Can you keep it? ♪
♪ Swear this one you'll save ♪
♪ Better lock it in your pocket ♪
♪ Taking this one to the grave ♪
♪ If I show you that I know you ♪
♪ Won't tell what I said ♪
♪ 'Cause two can keep a secret ♪
♪ If one of them is dead ♪

Jessica donated her time and money to a lot of causes.

I'm sure her husband will be able to explain.

Mom, I keep telling you.

Mrs. DiLaurentis gave money to the Carissimi Group to support Charles because his dad abandoned him.

And you believe this Charles person used that money to give you a scholarship?


A gives so that A can take away.

That's how he plays the game.

Mr. DiLaurentis did not return your phone calls.

He's not at the house, he's not at the Rosewood office.

He doesn't wanna talk to us, so we should just turn over the money and let him explain it to the police.

Listen, I know you're feeling unsettled with Charles still at large. I just wish you'd trust that this is the best way to help.

If you're still feeling this way after we talk to Kenneth we'll go straight to Lieutenant Tanner.


Come on, his office is just around the corner.

[indistinct chatter]

Well, at least now we know 'where he's hiding.'

Let's just get this over with.


If we go over there, they're just gonna turn the cameras on you which is the last thing I want to happen.

We're gonna need to find another way to reach him.

Well, I don't want this money. It doesn't feel right.

And I don't want you to give up the chance at a future if we can clear this out.

You deserve to be able to go to college after all that you've been through.

Come on.

I just can't imagine facing the person that did that to you.

Well, we didn't actually see him.

Things... got hairy fast.

Hmm. Well, I'm just glad you and your friends are okay.

Did you really think you could catch him though?

'On your own?'

To be honest, I don't really know what we were thinking.

Well, how do you know he was gonna be there?

On the news, they, um haven't said if this guy sent a message or if it was some kind of trap or anything...

Can we just move on?

It was scary. Someone got hurt, but I don't, I don't...

Yeah, um, sure. I'm sorry, I was..

I was just concerned, that's all.

Uh, they, um, used one of your photos to advertise.

'I'm guessing that means they're into your work.'

And I'm guessing that this is as close as I'll get to seeing my photos on an actual gallery wall.

Well, I figured since you weren't gonna be there tonight you would at least want to see this.

Well, thanks for bringing me one.


Oh, and good luck tonight.

Oh, thank you.

Yeah. Have fun.

Alright. I will.



[pop music on speaker]

Is that Clark?

I was hoping I'd get a chance to meet him.

Is that why you were eavesdropping?

You just met the guy.

He sure was asking a lot of questions.

Oh, he's just worried about me.

No need to be suspicious.

Honestly, I'm suspicious of everyone these days.

Well, Clark is not some blue-eyed blond DiLaurentis boy.


You all could have gotten hurt.

'Rushing in to confront Charles like that.'

I'll relax when he's in custody.

I know. We screwed up.

Maybe if I had called the cops earlier.

Look... you had a chance to corner Charles, and you took it.

I mean, I don't like it, but... I get it.

I wish my mom would get it.

She still doesn't want you to go to the gallery opening tonight?

We're going to Mike's sports banquet.

She convinced my dad that it's better we stay close to home.

Uh, you've worked so hard to get to this place.

There-there's gotta be something that we can say or do.

I-I could offer to be your, um personal bodyguard.

That would help.

Maybe you should talk to Tanner?

Uh, there's been cops posted outside the house for weeks.

Maybe if a car followed us down there.

That is an excellent idea you just gave me.

Who? Me?

No, I just sell books and coffee.

You can fix it with your friends, Ali.

They just need help understanding.

They don't get it. And my dad.

I thought I was doing the right thing calling the police.

Charles threatened him.

And now he's treating me like I'm the threat.

I've seen him when he's upset.

I don't like the sound of that.


He's just shutting me out.

Ever since that night at the arcade the only person he's opening up to about Charles is Tanner.

She needs to know who she's dealing with.

Don't I deserve to know that too?

It must be hard... knowing the person responsible for all of this is your brother.

I just hate that you got hurt.

Hey, your friends could have gotten hurt too.

I just wish I could have stopped him.

Made him answer for what he's done.

You tried.

You were doing your job.

Well, now that everything's out in the open I have a more personal stake in the outcome.

I got a buddy on Tanner's team. I'll make a call.

You don't have to do that.

I've got one good arm. I'll use it to dial.

After you eat your soup.

All the healing power goes away when you re-heat homemade soup in the microwave, so..

You made me soup?

I made you soup.

I couldn't think of a better way to say thank you.

I can.

You're welcome.

She won't even go to the police until she talks to Mr. D.

Isn't that like withholding evidence or obstruction of justice or something?

I know your mom's hardly violating the omnibus clause.

The what clause?

You know what? I don't even care.

The point is, I object.

'The cops could have used that check' to trace that scholarship right into A's wallet.

Look, we don't need forensic accounting, Hanna but we need to figure out if the person signing those checks is actually Charles DiLaurentis.

Hanna: 'So you were gonna intern at the Carissimi Group?'

It's an idea. The application deadline is... two weeks ago.

Yeah, and they only give internships for college credit.

We haven't even graduated high school yet.

You know, I've always wondered about college credit.

Is that, like, when you show up for class and they give you some money back?

Because I could really be into that.

No, Hanna, college credit is..

What if we give the money back?

We close your college account.

We bring the scholarship back ourselves.

If we wanna get inside the Carissimi Group that money lets us right in the front door.

Aria: I had a hard time choosing but... these are the ones that I picked for the gallery tonight.

You have an eye for detail, Aria.

'Every one of these pictures are so..'

...declarative, succinct.

Aria tells me you have concerns about her attendance tonight.

That she's up for an award.

Uh, yeah.

Well, with everything going on lately, I just thought...

I would be more than happy to have officers stationed on-site.

We can even put them in unmarked cars if you don't want undue attention.

Thank you, but, Aria, you know we've already committed to Mike's...

I already talked to Mike and dad.

They're okay with it if you are.

Can you be okay with it?

I'm-I'm sorry that I sprung all this on you but this isn't a display case at my school.

This is my work in a real art gallery.

Mom, you worked at a gallery. You know how important this is.

I know, honey.

Are you sure?

I wouldn't agree to it if I felt there was risk involved.

We're moving toward a resolution, Mrs. Montgomery.

Things won't always be like this.

I'm just trying to look out for you.

I know.

'Take some time to think about it.'

If you decide to go, I will make sure that we have enough manpower there to keep you all safe.

[indistinct chatter]

[dramatic music]

[doorbell buzzes]


[door opens]

[door closes]

I like the one on the left.

Yeah, but it doesn't scream downtown art scene.

Hey, there's a jacket in the closet to the right in the back.

The one with the skulls?

Am I that predictable? Did you text Spencer and Hanna?

Yeah, they said they'll meet us at the gallery.

What about Ali?

I haven't heard back.

Well, I don't blame her.

What's this?

Oh, that... is not for tonight.

That's for prom.

I found it in a vintage store a couple of months ago.

You know that feeling when the perfect dress just speaks to you?

Yeah, I think your wardrobe speaks a lot louder than mine.

Can I take a peek?


No looky-loos.

I added my own spin to match the fairy tale theme.

Just want it to be a surprise.

I get it.

It took two fittings to get my dress right.

Just hope we all get to wear them.

My mom says that Hackett's just appeasing a vocal minority, but..

Your mom got the e-mail, right?

The memo about side boob and backless gowns?

They send that out every year.


This was just sent to our parents.

'I guess the school board is debating' whether it's safe for us to go to prom.

How can they tell us we can't go to our own prom?

People have expressed safety concerns, according to Hackett.

Because of what happened at the arcade?

Because of Charles?

We'll fight it.

I mean, after everything we've been through we deserve to go.

We can all kick in for a limo. We'll have dinner at Carlo's.

They've that really cute patio with all the twinkle lights.

My dress kinda was made for twinkle lights.


Okay, so if we do this will you be my prom buddy?

Two single ladies, we can buy each other those giant corsages and just go out and have stupid fun.

Oh, and I'll even throw in a couple of slow dances.

You can lead.


I think I might want to slow dance with somebody else.



Mr. Matthews is on a call. It could be a while.

Are you sure you don't want me to take your number...

We'll wait. Thanks.

Uh, can I get bubbly water, please?

She's fine. Don't.. Don't even worry about that.

Hey, that was really rude.

I wanna find something that links this place to Charles.

I don't want her bursting back in here with bubbles.

I wasn't actually thirsty, Spencer.

I was just tryin' to make us look normal.

[dramatic music]

Would you stop touching things?


Hanna, that's not a..


Okay, I think you're being a little bit paranoid..

Hanna, what are you doing?

What are you..


Stop, nobody is listening to us, okay?

They can't hear us. Even if they could..

Would you stop it? You're ridiculous.

male 1: 'And you have terrible aim.'

There's a recycling bin next to the credenza.

Hi, you must be Rhys Matthews?

You wouldn't mind lettin' me borrow that, would you?

I might wanna take some notes.



Now how can I help you?

Tanner's been recording her meetings with your father.

Like an interrogation?

No, looks like he's cooperating.

He hasn't even involved his attorney.

What was she asking him?

The tapes and transcripts are off-limits... to me at least.

I can't ask my guy to stick his neck out.

Sure. I get it.

There is more.

Tanner's called in a profiler.

So my father is definitely talking to her about Charles.

What else can he tell her?

Charles was a kid. He needed help.

The profiler fills in the blanks.

They wanna figure out who he's become.

First they have to know how and why.

[cell phone beeps]

Would you grab me some water, please?


You should probably get outta here for a little bit.

These things are gonna have me knocked out for a while.

No sense in you hanging around watch me drool in my sleep.

Clear your head. There's a spare key.

I'll do some dishes first.

Maybe put in a load of laundry.

Really, I don't mind staying.
Was this the first time you two kissed?



Sara doesn't know about the tracking chips, does she?

I didn't feel one on her neck so I figured I shouldn't tell her.

Have you asked her yet to prom?

I'm not really sure how to.

I mean, I know she wants more, but... we haven't really hung out like that.

And prom is kind of loaded for a first date.

We make it a group thing, like you said.

But Sara was down there for so long.

Has she been to a high school dance?

Has she even had a first date yet?

Probably not.

Um, don't worry.

We'll take it slow.


And we'll all make sure she has an amazing time.

I promise.

And you're okay with goin' solo?

'I mean, it's not 1912.'

You can ask the guy.

I'm sure that Caleb and Toby will throw me a bone and give me one dance.

Besides, I can't think of one guy in the right mind who would say yes if I asked.

Not that I want the extra baggage.

You're right. Prom is kind of loaded.

Okay, so... staying in the friend zone... what about Clark?

He asked a million questions about A.

Uh, it's nice that he's concerned.

I just, I'd rather go with someone who didn't wanna interview me.

I'll be fine. I'll go unescorted.

Not 1912.

So you received a $30,000 scholarship check deposited it into your college fund and then changed your mind?

Hanna just feels like...


Why aren't you telling me how you feel?

My mom applied for these scholarships.

She didn't know that I had a few other options.

Multiple scholarship offers? That certainly is impressive.

And you're confident these other options will fully fund your college tuition?


Um, are you able to give it to someone else?

We aren't in the business of taking back gifts.

It kinda undermines the concept of charity, don't you think?

We could help you find another candidate.

I'm sure we know someone. What is the criteria again?

We'll most likely return the amount to our scholarship fund until the next round of applications come in.

So you give away multiple scholarships?

How many would you say? Per year?

Are you in need?


I'm not. I just, uh..

I have a friend who might wanna apply and-and you don't have much information on your website.

It's difficult to find your organization on those scholarship websites.

We prefer to offer scholarships selectively.

Most of our candidates are recommended through personal connections.

So who makes the final decision?

Our recipients are ultimately chosen by my employer.

Would that be Mr. Carissimi?

Maybe we could speak with him?

That's unlikely.

This private trust exists to provide him with discretion.

Well, I would just like to thank him.

Maybe I could send him an e-mail or something.

Um, Hanna?

Oh, uh, I'm just putting his e-mail on my phone.

I don't wanna forget it.

Oh, yeah. Good idea.

Your boss does have an e-mail address, right?

[chuckles] I'll tell you what.

My employer and I have a weekly conference call.

I will alert him to your change of heart the next time we speak.

I'm sorry. It's the best I can do.

Daphne, I'll need to see the current holdings report.

It was a pleasure meeting you both.

That guy was definitely hiding something.

Yeah, you think?

You couldn't pick that even if you tried.

Besides, what he's hiding isn't in there.

It's in his freaking DNA.

You were thinking it the whole time. Same as I was.

That guy looks exactly like...

Exactly like a DiLaurentis.

[dramatic music]

[jazz music]

Did you just see that?

The guy whispering to his cuff links?

God, this place is crawling with the police.

You know, Aria wasn't kidding when she said Tanner promised to have this place secured.

Where is Aria? I wanna show her that picture of Rhys.



Look, resemblance isn't fact, Hanna.

We still don't know for sure.

How else did he have Ali's perfect chin and Jason's perfect hair?

What if this whole Carissimi Group setup is just one big elaborate black hoodie?

Can we just keep this to ourselves for now?

Tonight means a lot to Aria.

Spencer, this is a big deal.

How am I supposed to keep my mouth shut?

Talk about the art. Eat hors d'oeuvres.

What took you guys so long to get here?

Uh, there was just a really long line in the valet and..

We were following a hunch about Charles.

And did you find anything?

[whispers] Don't tell Aria.

Why would Aria care if you had a photo of Jason on your phone?

Wait, why do you have a photo of Jason on your phone?

That's not Jason.

He says his name is Rhys.

Wow, you must be excited. This is quite some turnout.

I didn't expect you to...

Aria, why would I miss this?

I gave you the camera. Remember?

Yes. I do. Thanks.

So can I ask you something? - Mm-hmm.

This might be a weird question. It's so not a big deal.

I-I have no idea why I'm making this such a big deal, but..

Would you, as a friend..

Will you go to prom with me?

No, no. I know that's..

That's the dumbest idea. You used to teach there.

Why would you wanna go Macarena with former students?

I just wanted to be with friends and wanted to go with a friend.

Aria, I...


Ay, Nicole.


I'm happy you could make it.


Um, Aria, this is Nicole.

This is, uh, Emily's friend from Habitat for Humanity.


The photographer herself!

I'm really looking forward to seeing your work.

Thanks for coming.


I should go say hey.

Hey, I thought you weren't comin'.

Yeah, my parents had a change of heart.

Well, I'm glad you made it. You feeling good?


Nervous actually.

These photos have been so personal.

I didn't think what it would feel like to show them to a room full of strangers.

I mean, you've done this before.

Does it ever start to feel normal?

This is a first for me.

I just thought in the program, in your bio it says that you won some kind of Governor's Award.

Oh, yeah, sure.

No, I-I just meant that this is the first at an event this big.


Looks like you have a pretty nice turnout.

Yeah. What about you?

Did your parents come up from Baltimore?

Uh, no, no. They, uh, they couldn't make it.

But they, they know how big of a deal this is, right?

And it's-it's not that far of a drive?

No, well, it's not. I just..

I didn't wanna make them feel obligated to come.

In case I don't win.

Oh! So there's no one here for you?

Well, I am. So..

And... thank you.

I mean, seriously, I-I never would have done this if it weren't for you.

You did the work.

You used your camera to tell the truth and I respect the hell out of that, no matter what happens.

female 1: 'On behalf of the Cardillo Arts Fellowship..'

Catch up with you later?


female 1: '...welcome you all to our gallery night.'

We are here to celebrate a fresh crop of promising new photographers one of whom will leave here tonight with a $5000 cash prize and a summer internship 'to a premier travel and leisure magazine based in Los Angeles.'

I would like to thank all of the young artists who applied this year.

You gave the judges a real challenge.

And thank you to the Rowitz Fine Arts Gallery for so generously hosting this event.

Now, I'd like to invite you all in to meet our finalists.

[intense music]

female 1: 'Oh, my God.'

Ella: He called the pictures Stolen Dolls?

Where is this going to end?

He's talking about when he kidnapped us, right?

Not exactly.

Are we supposed to solve his riddles now?

What does the rest of it mean?

No... son... Lindas.

The Spanish translates to "They aren't pretty."

But it's a play on words. It can also mean they aren't Linda's.

As in Linda Tanner? - Mm-hmm.

So Charles thinks when you rescued the girls that you took something from him?

As much as he wanted to ruin Aria's evening and exploit the girls, he also wanted to send me a message.

That he thinks we belong to him?

We already knew that. We lived that.

I grew up in a bilingual household.

I think Charles wants me to know that as much as I uncover about his identity, he can uncover details about mine.

Why did this happen? How?

You told us not to worry. You told us there was no threat.

I still stand by that.

He did this to these girls.

And then he put it up on a wall for everyone to see.

He was in this building!

Tanner: 'We are dusting for fingerprints.'

We have hours of security camera footage to review.

'We will comb through everything' until we find another piece of the puzzle.

When are you gonna find him?

I have to get back to the precinct.

I ask that each of you give your statement to my detectives before you leave.

[dramatic music]

[indistinct radio chatter]


How can she keep looking at them?

I mean, just thinking about them makes me wanna hurl.

'Charles took pictures of us while we were unconscious.'

Spencer: 'It's just like a car wreck. Okay?'

Some people look away, and other people stop and stare.

Thank God. Hanna. Hey, come away.

Thank you.

That's him. Across the street.

Emily: 'Why is he here?'

He's probably calling his secret boss to report that he screwed Aria out of her internship.

We should follow him.


I already told my mom that we're on our way home.

Tell her we stopped at my place and decided to watch a movie.

Buy us some time.

[intense music]

[music continues]

You've crossed a line, young lady.

What is this place?

Another real estate investment for the Carissimi Group?

Hanna: 'Or another dollhouse for Charles.'

Bet there's plenty of room inside to lock us up.

What do we do? Do we follow him?

There's no way I'm going in there.

No, let's just hang tight.

'Let's see what he does.'

I find you very intriguing, Alison.

'This is the last place I'd think to find you' and yet, here you are.

Exactly where you're not supposed to be.

I have questions.

The information in this room is sensitive and you've jeopardized that.

I didn't touch anything.

I need you to put that down.

"Superficial charm?"

'After everything I've heard on the news' it almost sounds like a compliment.

Is all this what the profiler thinks about my brother?

Your brother.

And you can recognize his baby rattle?

It's actually mine.

There was a whole christening set from my godparents.

Pieces were lost.

I still have the hairbrush.

We found it along with a few other personal effects in the bunker.

Why do you think that is?

He took it.

Kept it.

Maybe he feels bad about trying to hurt me when I was a baby.

He has other things like the home movies my father gave you.

Maybe part of him wants to stay connected to the family.

That's a possibility. There's another.

I don't think it will please your sense of curiosity about Charles, your brother.

In my experience, murderers can be as sentimental as mothers.

Personal items can help focus them on their victims or commemorate what they've done.

This is harmless.

A baby rattle that you shook in your little, pink fist?

To your brother, that is a piece of you.

'As intimate as hair, teeth, skin.'

What will happen... when you find him?

'We'll bring him to justice.'

With lethal force if need be.

You may not want this for your brother but it's necessary for the predator who put six girls through absolute hell.

I'll take Officer Calderon's access card.

I don't think you'll find it useful anymore.

Hey, your mother's finishing up her statement inside.

I can take you both home if you like.

She seems nice.


I hope tonight didn't get in the way...

No, Nicole's a photographer as well and she saw your postcard at the Brew.

I saw that she was interested so I suggested that we meet here.

It's not a date.

Not anymore.

Not at all. I asked her to meet me here because I-I had a few more questions... about Habitat for Humanity.

That's new. Why a-are you...

I'm considering it, but we don't have to talk about it now.

Sorry, I-I didn't mean to grill you. I'm just..

'It's okay.'

I was just trying not to focus on tonight.

What happened.

Yeah, I mean..

Are you okay?

Aria, what happened here was... desperation.

He's obviously so close to being caught.

Somebody who does this, uh... they seem to have nothing to lose.

Charles has us to lose.

He wants us back.

We were drugged when Charles took our clothes and posed us... in those pictures.

The dr*gs were wearing off, and I-I was... just starting to come out of it, and..

I thought I would open my eyes and... be back in Iceland.

Back before any of this happened.

We'd bundle up.

The whole family, we'd-we'd sit on the balcony and... look for the northern lights in the sky.

I don't think I'd ever been as happy to be cold as I was then.

Freezing cold.

Waiting for something magical to happen.

And then I knew it.

I felt it on my bare skin.

That cold metal table.

[sighs] And I opened my eyes... and these horrible things just kept happening.

I'm still cold.

I'm freezing cold all the time.

'It's quiet here.'

Too quiet.

Why do you think he picked this place?

[vehicle approaches]

Someone's coming.

[dramatic music]

What's Clark doin' here? He was at the gallery tonight.

Did he follow us?

I don't know.

The last time I saw him, he was talking to Aria.

And now he's going inside... to talk to A.

We have to get out of here.

I'm texting Aria.

She's still with the police.


Maybe this time, they won't let Charles and his henchman get away.

Did you get what you were looking for?

I needed something to make sense of all this.

I don't think the disciplinary committee's gonna see it that way.


I have to report on Monday.

Lorenzo, I...

Don't. You made me soup.

You folded my laundry.

You waited till I fell asleep.

I know how this looks.

Then please don't try and make it seem like something else.

You asked me to call in a favor for you?

Was it just to throw me off balance?

How the hell am I supposed to believe you?

I'm working really hard to understand why you did this.

They're gonna sh**t him... on sight.

"Lethal force," Tanner said.

They're gonna k*ll my brother and I don't really even know him.

I'm one of them, Ali.

Can't really see things turning out much better.

I just wish you would have asked.

You would have said no.

And I would have done the same thing anyway.

I put some water on. Will you have tea?

Yes, please.

I have chamomile, mint.

Unless you want caffeine.

I have Darjeeling.


Are you here about the e-mail from the school board?

I don't know how we're gonna tell them.

Although I don't think Aria's mind is even there.

Especially after tonight.

At the gallery?

The police are not doing enough.

We need to do something.

But what can we do?

We have to protect our girls.

Ella, what happened?

Can you tell me?

[intense music]

Hey. I got your text.

Why didn't you just ring the doorbell?

We thought that your dad might be home.

He's upstairs.

Guys, what's going on?

Hey, I barely know the guy.

What guy?

Fine. I'll tell her.

Your friend Clark, we're not so sure he's a friend.

What makes you say that?

We saw him at the abandoned doll factory tonight.

He was meeting some guy named Rhys Matthews.

Are you sure that it was Clark?

None of us saw him leave the gallery and then he just shows up at this place.

Well, did you ask him?


It didn't feel safe to stick around and ask questions.

This guy Rhys Matthews he works for the Carissimi Group and we think that he might be working for Charles.

Hanna: And when you see Rhys.. Aria, I'm telling you.

There's a chance he actually is Charles.

[James Brown singing "Lost Someone"]

♪ My love ♪
♪ Someone who's greater than a star ♪
♪ Someone ♪
♪ Who I need ♪
♪ Someone who don't let my heart bleed ♪
♪ Someone ♪


♪ That's the one ♪
♪ That's the someone ♪
♪ That someone that I lost ♪