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02x08 - Out of the Shadows

Posted: 07/28/15 06:25
by bunniefuu
[indistinct whispering]


[hearse door closes]

You... you did this to her.

You k*lled my baby!

Oh, Mom.



Can you get my mom in the car?



I got you.


[indistinct conversations]

The 5-0 just came by to pay respect, right?

Condolences, bro.

We're sorry about what happened to your sister.

A lot of people talking about it, huh?

You know anything?

I know you and Andy Chan have been losing soldiers lately.

Only thing you get out of going to w*r is a bigger body count.

That what you're going for?

We're not talking about a w*r right now.

This is a funeral.

So if you really want to pay condolences and respect to my sister, you tell me what you know about her.

What I know?

You came and rolled up on me at Potrero.

You told me that you knew something about her.

I think you misheard me.

I know you had a sister.

I don't know nothing about her, though.

[engine turns over]

You don't know nothing about my sister?


Fatty B.: Yo. Car's going. Let's go.

You don't know nothing about my sister?


[car door closes]

[car departs]

What the hell is he talking about?

I have no idea.


Sarah: Hi, it's me. I'm sorry I haven't called.

I'm not sure I can do this anymore.

I just need some time to think about things.

Okay, so, is it possible that Sarah left that voicemail for her husband before she was k*lled, but the delivery was delayed?

If we were talking about a day or two, then maybe because technology's still basically crap for what we pay for it, but three weeks takes us way out of glitch territory.

More likely somebody else sent that message and then forwarded it to Brian Tran.

How do you forward a message?

It's simple. There's an app.

So the breakup wasn't meant for her husband?

You know I like me a good love triangle.

Do I?

Okay, so look.

Sarah Tran has a lover.

She tries to break it off. Lover gets mad, kills her.

And then when said lover realizes that Homicide's involved, he/she forwards the voicemail to prove that what, Sarah's still alive?

Any idea who forwarded the message?

I traced it to a blocked number. Looks like a burner.

Can you find out where it came from?

For me?

I will be taking a bath in warrants and red tape, but I'll do my best... for you.

Love you.

That's a lot of work to cover up a m*rder.

[sighs] What does it remind you of?

Kaleb's staged su1c1de.


Two cops k*lled a few weeks apart, both by someone who wanted it to look like something else.

Kaleb was shot, but Tran was garroted and thrown into the Bay.

It's two completely different M.O.s.

Well, it could be intentional, though, if the k*ller knows how cops think.

Or could be a cop.



[keys jingle]

Leave Kaleb with cold case for now.

Work Sarah Tran.

See where it takes you, all right?

Yes, sir.

Look, it's possible the k*ller is in this building.

Watch your backs.

[indistinct conversations]

It sounded like rat-tat-tat-tat-tat.

Rat-tat-tat-tat-tat. Very loud, very loud.


Right outside this door, the kitchen, there was a man with a machine g*n sh**ting another man.

Oh, come on, man. I know you guys saw something.


Break over. Have to work.

[door slams]

[knock on door]

Hey, Commander. You wanted to see me?

Have a seat and close the door.

[door closes]

Word is the Nortenos and Surenos are creeping back into Ingleside.

Now, Field Operations has set up a task force to work with the community, coordinate with Youth Services Unit.

I'm reassigning you.

[scoffs] You're kidding me, right?

I know the time you put in with Potrero...

Yeah, a year. Me and my crew. Why would you do this?

The Latino gangs are a much bigger problem.

It's not even close.

Come on.

We're talking about kids that are running errands for their uncles in prison.

And they're k*lling people.

Mostly each other.

Meanwhile, Suger Cascade's getting rich sending super weed to high-school kids in Brooklyn.

What? That doesn't matter?

It matters, but it's been a year and you haven't even touched him.

Oh, I didn't know I was on a completely arbitrary deadline.

Easy, Sergeant.

Look, I'm just saying...

Cascade isn't just some banger.

All right, he's smart and careful.

And I'm getting close. I just need time.

These things don't happen on a schedule.

So, are you just calling the whole thing off, or are you bringing in someone to replace me?


I don't know.

I don't know, Commander.

I just got to say, due respect, you give me a tip on a grow-house hit, turns out to be wrong, I call you out on it.

Next thing I know, I'm off of Suger altogether.

What's going on?

What's going on is you're standing in your commander's office, and even though you look like that, you're not getting any extra latitude with me.

Things change. Some things.

You don't have to like it.

But if you want stay in the g*ng Unit, you're expected to perform your job as assigned.


[door opens, slams]

[indistinct conversations]


Hey, Raf.

Did you hear this bullshit?

We got reassigned to Ingleside.

What? Criolla didn't talk to you?

He did. But I'm not reassigned.

I was coming to find you.

It's cool, Zai.

Hey, sorry about...


It's cool.

Son of a bitch.

So, you refused to apologize?

You didn't show any regret or remorse for what you did?

It wasn't my fault.

Did somebody put a g*n to your head and tell you to call Mr. Hankins an assh*le?



Which means it was your fault.

Do you remember what we said about accountability?

What about Hankins? He's not accountable?

Hmm? He can just do whatever he wants, screw me over on tests, get me in trouble for no reason?

I-I-I got opening statements in two days.

I can't keep having this conversation.

It's not no reason.

You directed profanity at your history teacher.

That was a choice you made.

I was driven to that. That was not a choice.

Damon was screwing with me the entire class, and nobody did anything.

I couldn't take it anymore, so I just said, "Stop."

That is all I said.

And then Hankins decides I'm being disruptive.

And then it's just like detention...

Well, you're suspended now.

He wasn't listening to me!

You may not call him an assh*le.

You're not listening to me, either!

Why do you drag me down here, huh, if you don't give a shit about anything I have to say?!

I don't know. I don't have time for this.

[door opens]

Are you kidding?

You know what? Let him go.

Wait, Michael. Michael.

Just let him go.

Michael, wait.

Leave me alone!


Oh, sweetheart, sweetheart.

Are you okay? You okay?


Sir, can I help you with something?

We're okay, thank you.

Are you sure?

We're okay, thank you.


Okay, let's go.

You okay?


I had no idea Sarah was having an affair.

But if you're saying you have some sort of evidence... it doesn't surprise me.

Why not?

She had been distant the last year.


Undercover work isn't exactly part of the recipe for a healthy marriage.

Why didn't you mention that when she first went missing?

I was in denial, I guess, hoping for the best-case scenario.

But now you're on board for the worst?

Look, it's no picnic being involved with a cop, okay?

I spent the whole marriage talking myself into being optimistic.

Became second nature.

She's not dead in the streets, she's not bored with our life, she's not sleeping with some other cop.

Everything's totally fine.

You thought she was sleeping with another cop?

No, it's... it's just a possible explanation.

But she also worked really hard.

She loved being a cop, losing herself in the case.

As far as I knew, it was that.

[indistinct conversations]

Person who was supposed to know Sarah the best didn't know her at all.

Oh, no, I don't think he's our k*ller.

We got to find a way to get into that woman, though.


You really think it's that bad being involved with a cop?

I don't know. Depends on the cop.


All right, and this extends all the way down to Gayley Center?

Man: Yeah, sure.

[indistinct conversations]



Uh, I'm looking over your witness interviews.

I'm confused here.

It says that you asked Brianna if Sarah Tran had any friends at the club, and she said, "Bogart"?

What is that? There's no follow-up, either.

What are you talking about?


This isn't a name. It's a verb.

Um, she bogarted some customers.

So she doesn't have any friends.

Something like that.

Come with me a sec. I want to show you something.

[telephone rings]

[indistinct conversations]

[clears throat]

All right, pack up your shit. Go home. Sleep it off.


You reek of alcohol, Junior.

[laughs] Come on.

I don't want you here! Okay?! This is my unit!

You come to work drunk, your paperwork...

You don't know what you're talking about!

Oh, I don't know what I'm talking about?!

Jesus Christ, how is this my life again?!

I had a drink. One.

[sighs] Okay.

Okay, just to take the edge off right now.

Seriously, Hildy, you're wrong about this, okay?

And... and... and this is really not helping my situation.

What is your situation?

What is going on?

I... J-Just let it go.

Junior, I'm not... I'm not gonna judge you, okay?

You're my brother.

Talk to me.

Last vacation, uh... oh, Kauai.

Yeah, it was back before, uh, my wife got sick.

We, uh... we made lists of all the places that we wanted to go.

How far did you get?


Yeah, things moved pretty quickly after that.

My wife loved the cruise ships.

Oh, cruise...


Every year, she'd say like it was new idea, "We should go on a cruise."


Bad food, bad entertainment, and there's no escape.


Yeah, you went, though, didn't you? You went.

But now that she's gone, I think about them boats all the time.


I bet.

[indistinct conversations]


About time for another vacation, huh?

Yeah, I can't see past the work.

Did Lieutenant Koto give y'all the Kaleb case?


You find anything?

No, but I can see why it went cold.

No prints, no forensics, clean as a whistle.

Reminds me of, uh, what went down on the Sarah Tran case.

How's that?

Well, it's a cover-up, too.



You want me to dig deeper on Kaleb?

I can knock on some doors if it'll help.

Man, that would be great. I'd appreciate that.

Oh, and, uh, book that cruise.




I want to see the guy you hit.

[scoffs] I hit a wall.

Yeah. I heard they reassigned you.

What happened?

I don't want to talk about it.

All right.

Maybe later?



All right, I'll, uh... I'm gonna give you a call.


So, the phone was a burner.


I've got a warrant in for the transaction I.D. number.

Okay, what does that... what does that give us?

Place and time of sale.

[elevator bell dings]

If we're lucky, some video of the person who bought it.

That's it? [chuckles] I'm kidding.

I owe you.


Hey, what's going on?

What do you know about The Union?

Uh... not much, that it's, uh, like a slush fund.

Yeah, my dad was part of it.

Him and his cronies skimming off the pot, passing it around.

All right, seems standard for back in the day.

Well, apparently, it's still going on.

They bought my brother's gambling debt... 70 grand.

Yeah, and now they're sweating him pretty hard.

That's... that's big money.

[elevator bell dings]

Yeah, and he's... terrified about it, which is weird to me.

Why... why would he be terrified? I mean, they're cops, right?

You're the second person to mention The Union this week.

Kaleb's sister said that Kaleb and Walt both worked with The Union before they ended up dead.

And if any crime in our history has met the threshold for capital punishment as established by the will of the people, it is the crime that Dustin Maker committed on that school bus.

I don't know. Something like that.


Any thoughts?

Honestly, I don't know how you can focus on that.

Well, it... it's my job.

What am I supposed to do, ignore it?

I think we should call the police.

And I think you're overreacting, honey.

All right, Michael's run off before.

He always scares you to death, which, just my opinion, is why he does it, and then he always comes back.

So this is my fault?

Not even close to what I said.

Well, I'm sorry. I have a knot in my stomach.

It doesn't feel right.

Please... do not call the police right now.

I'm going to take a bath.

[pen scratching]

[knock on door]


Back away from the door.

Suger: I'm not strapped.

Face the wall.

Face the wall!

Where's your shadow?

No g*n, no shadow.

Just Suger.

So, does everyone in Potrero know where I live now, or just you?

Just me. [chuckles]

[cellphone vibrating]

[clears throat]

Your crib... it looks just how I pictured it.

It's raw.

Yeah, that's how I like it.

Me, too.

This isn't what you came here for.

We here now.

You let me in.


I know the officer that arrested Tenea.


It's not important.

Veracruz, what you mean it's not important?

What you need to know was that officer was complaining because your sister was only carrying six ounces of coke when they stopped her.


That's a misdemeanor.

She should have walked that same day.

And then she got arraigned... felony possession.

And the arrest report said that she was carrying eight ounces.

Over the limit.

I went to the courthouse to look at the arrest report, but it was sealed.

No reason to seal an arrest report for a routine possession bust.

Unless somebody is trying to cover something up.


Somebody at 850 was trying to jack up your sister.

I don't know who...

Who else in 850 got they dicks hard for me besides you?


My commander.


Why did you wait so long to tell me?

I got tired of covering shit up.

What's this?

Look inside.

[indistinct conversations]

Oh, my God.

70 on the dot.

How did you get this?

Did... did you, like, break into the Evidence Room or something?

No. I moved some stuff around.

Oh, my God.


Okay. Look, I'm...

I'm gonna get this back to you, okay, with whatever interest you want.

I don't want interest.

I want you to tell me and Terry everything you know about The Union.

Oh, Jesus Christ.

Oh. What the hell for?

It's non-negotiable.


[elevator bell dings]

[police radio chatter]

So, who's in The Union?

I don't know who's in The Union.

Except for Criolla.

That's the point... no one knows, even the people that are in it.

So, what? It's like the Mexican Mafia?

Pretty much.

Well, h-how did you get up with Criolla?

He recruited me when I was working Vice.

He recruited you.


He recruited you for what?


Anytime there was a big bust or cash grab, I would let him know.

And you got a kickback.

You could call it that.

What should I call it? Dumb shit you learned from Dad?

You said there was gonna be no judgments, okay?

Hey. Hey, hey, hey, just...

So, the loan... did Criolla... did give... did Criolla give you the loan?


Well, then who did?


Look, I don't know what you think you're gonna do with this information, okay?


But these guys... you cannot take them down.

They are covered on every angle.

Walt and Kaleb were k*lled while they were working for The Union, so can you please humor us here?


I was told to go to The Invisible Hand and ask for the V.I.P. room.

Strip club.


All right.

Where Sarah Tran was working undercover?

Our other dead cop?

Then what would happen?

Show up and walked in the back, and there's a girl there.

Was she a dancer?

She doesn't dance.

She just asked me what I need, I tell her, come back a couple days later, and she's got 70 grand for me.

All right, so then The Union is using the strip club as a cover for their business, and they're using the dancers as messengers.

Sarah Tran goes undercover at a strip joint.

But instead of finding prostitution, she finds The Union?

All right, so what? Did... did she want in?

Was she blackmailing The Union? What?

Was it enough to have gotten her k*lled?

Is it enough to have gotten her k*lled?!

I don't know! Okay, I don't know any more!

Did you see her?

I saw her a couple times, yeah.

Okay, but she wasn't doing anything unusual, so I just pretended that I didn't see her.

I want to talk to the girl who gave you the money, find out who she was working with.

She's not gonna tell you anything.

Who is she? How do I find her?

Who's the girl, Junior?


You've met her before.

It's Molk's girlfriend, Alyssa, okay?


[indistinct conversations]

What is this?

Alyssa, you remember Hildy.

Yeah, your sister. Another cop.

My brother told me the truth about where you guys met.

I-I just wanted to talk to you.

Oh, Junior told you the truth? Well, that would be a first.

So that whole thing about you apologizing was bullshit.

Yeah. Uh... sorry.

[indistinct conversations]


What am I doing here?

I have a few questions that I wanted to ask you, and I thought you'd prefer it if I was discreet.

Well, I guess that depends on the questions.

Who did you report to?

Excuse me?

Who in The Union did you report to?

The Union? I don't know what you're talking about.

The people who gave you the 70 grand that you gave to my brother.

Look, you're not gonna get anything from me.

What if it was Molk asking?

Leave him out of it.

I'd like to.

He's a good man, and he deserves to know what you're into.

So are you gonna tell me?

Or am I gonna tell him?

Look, I'm trying to get out.

It's not that simple.

Are you scared of what they're gonna do to you?

Talk to me.

I'll protect you.

[scoffs] Is that what you think?

Because you have no idea.

Hmm. What do you think?

Hmm. Lapis is tricky.

To some, it's calming. To others, can come off as cold.

I don't think it's worth the risk.

I feel ridiculous.

Studies show that colors have a real influence on people.

Well, the only person I have to influence is the judge.

Try the crimson.

Ah. That's presidential.

[both chuckle]


Woman: Cassie's on the line.

I think you're getting a little ahead of yourself.


Presidential. [chuckles]

Hi, sweetie.

Cassie: [crying] Honey.

What? What's wrong?

There's been a lockdown at Michael's school.

What? What's going on?

They haven't said.

[door closes]

Is Michael okay?

I don't know. I still haven't heard from him.

Well, The Chronicle just says "unspecified threat."

No reports of anyone being hurt.

Yeah, I know. It's... just...


Cassie, what?


I'm afraid that Michael is the threat.

So, I-I don't get it. So... so, you... you think that she's involved in some kind of money-laundering thing?

Molk, there's no proof of money laundering.

Well, what do you have proof of?

Terry, I mean, you know, obviously you got her involved in some kind of bait-and-switch maneuver.

I mean, and she...

No. she's really upset, Terry.

I mean, she's not even talking to me.

So, uh, just please tell me that this was not for nothing.

Molk, we got a tip, all right?

A tip?

F-Financial... financial improprieties, and we followed up on it.

Well, who was the tip from?

Molky, it doesn't matter. Come on now. Take it easy.


Hey. What are you doing?

Well, I want to get in that place, look around.

Yeah, you can't just get a warrant and go into The Invisible Hand.

Yeah, I can.

Nobody knows who's in The Union.


You don't understand. Anybody could be in it.

San Fran Cell, corner of Sutter and Van Ness... place of sale for the burner phone.

The Sarah Tran message?

Do they have video?

They're E-mailing it to me right now.

Oh, my gosh, I love you.

You should.


Well, it passes by so quickly.

Best they could do was send me the whole day.

Here we go.

Time stamp matches.


Who's that guy?

It'd be nice if we could see a face.

The show's not over yet.

Holy shit, that's Criolla.


Police are doing a basic check... hospitals, bus stations, train stations.

As soon as they find anything, they'll call.

I'm just glad the b*mb threat was a hoax.

[sighs] I need a drink.

It doesn't matter.

What are you talking about?

We thought the b*mb threat was real, and we thought Michael was behind it.

I just think we got a little swept up in the emotion of it all.

So that makes it okay?

[door opens]

[sobs] Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

Mom, chill.

Where have you been?

I was camping at the Presidio.

[glass thuds]




Michael, hold on.

Why did you disappear?

Just wanted to get away.

From me?

Not really.

Then what?

W-Why are you so unhappy?

That's just the way it is.

[indistinct conversations]

So, you believe this police officer told you the truth.


Gut. Same reason I believed you.

You were being smart to believe me.

I'm always being smart.


And if the cops jacked up my sister, maybe they the ones that k*lled her, too.


But why are they trying to get us to go to w*r?

Much worse for you than it's for me.


You don't care?

It doesn't pay to be angry with cops.

I need them as friends.

Well, cops ain't never gonna be my friends.

You cannot go to w*r with the police.

That's a slow, painful death.

Then what? You want me to let it go?

'Cause I can't live like that.

If you are a businessman, that's the only way to live.

Always protect the business.

Or find someone who will.

Come on, Pippa. Let's go.

Let's go for a walk. Let's go.

Yes, good girl.

Good girl.

[Da Head Crackaz' "Water" plays]

Unh, I don't need your poor excuses
For the way you come at me
Patiently, secretly, I beat you with my frequency
My level-headed head can see exactly what it needs to see
I stay calm easily
My brain is decency mixed with rage
And if mixed equally, can blow you in a million pieces
I tried to warn you, but you wouldn't listen
Had to see this side of me
Now it's taking over every single... part of me
Hold me back, I think I'm gonna lose it now


I am the water, I am the water

Hit the bricks.

There ain't nobody that can stop me now
I will come harder, I will be smarter

You just cost me 150 bucks.



Significant idiot
Wait a minute, he ain't...

Okay, please.

Please, just give me five minutes.

Just hear me out.

Get what he deserves, but not here

No, you hear me out. I'm not the one.

Passionate, isn't it, how the victim can commit the crime?

You are a nice guy, but you're not at all my type.

And you're kidding yourself if you think that this is ever gonna be something.

God, you're like a million other guys that come in here desperate to be a white knight.

It's a joke.

I am the water, I am the water

Are you done?

Because, you know, 24 hours ago, I was your white knight, and... and... and, you know, maybe I've got this character deficiency, whatever.

But you were right there with me.

I am the water, I am the water

And then you talked to my friends, and you turned on a dime.

It wasn't like that.

No, it was exactly like that.

And I-I don't know what you did or didn't do.

And from what I hear, it's not a big deal.

But the only logical reason as to why you're not talking to me is because you're scared.

Oh, Jesus Christ, David.

Who are you scared of, Alyssa?


Let your punches go


I can't make you talk to me.

I don't know what you're involved in.

But if you need help, I want to help you.

No matter what.

I am the water, I am the water
There ain't nobody that can stop me now


I will come harder, I will be smarter

You know where to find me.

I am the water, I am the water
There ain't nobody that can stop me now
I will come harder, I will be smarter


There ain't nobody that can bring me down

Lieutenant, with the warrant, we were in and out of Criolla's apartment in an hour.

You ready?

Go for it.

Cash, three tablets, three burner phones, g*ns.

He's obviously no boy scout, but here's the headliner.

Sarah Tran's m*rder w*apon.

It'd be a coincidence if it wasn't.

Let's go get this scumbag while he's still in the building.

[police radio chatter]

What the hell is this?

Michael Criolla, you're under arrest for the m*rder of Sarah Tran.


You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

You have no idea what you're doing.

Keep your hands where we can see them.

Stand up.



You're making a big mistake, Koto.

I'll make a phone call.

It's gonna be like none of this ever even happened.

Except you just ended your career.

All of you.

There's no coming back from this.

Get him the hell out of here.


All rise. Court is now in session.

The Honorable Judge Mitchell Ellis presiding.

[door closes]

Please sit down.

Dustin Maker, you have pled guilty to 18 counts of m*rder and 30 counts of attempted m*rder.

We're here today to discuss the penalty.

Mr. Maker has waived his right to a jury, which means I don't have anyone to do my thinking for me.

The expectation is that this will be a quiet courtroom.

Any other matters before we get started?

No, Your Honor.

Not at this time.

Very well, Mr. Siletti.

The floor is yours.

Thank you, Your Honor.

Now, I'm not gonna presume to give you a lesson in the law.

But as a reminder to us all, I'd like to refer to Section 190.2, paragraph 14 of the California Penal Code, which states that "the death penalty may be used when the m*rder was especially heinous, atrocious, or cruel manifesting exceptional depravity."

The Code goes on to define this as a "conscienceless or pitiless crime that is unnecessarily torturous to the victim."

That is our law.

Now, you will hear from the people who survived the sh**ting on that school bus.

They will tell their stories.

They will share their nightmares.

And they will make it perfectly clear that the deadly as*ault that Mr. Maker and Mr. Rentman meticulously planned and carried out not only meets the threshold for capital punishment but goes far beyond it.

Thank you.

What Dustin and Alfie did that day was horrific.

They both deserve our strongest condemnation.

And the families of the victims... our deepest sympathies.

But these proceedings are about what we choose to do with Dustin's life.

If we put him to death, even if the law allows for it, we are saying that his life no longer has value.

I'm offering that it does.

I'm going to show you that Dustin's life amounts to much more than that 22 minutes on the school bus.

And while his actions should be met with justice, his life... like any other human life... should be met with mercy.


You must be new at the firm.


I have some paperwork for you to sign, if you don't mind.




[knock on door]

Hi. Is there a girls' room I could use while he looks over that paperwork?

Thank you.