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03x07 - Waning Minutes

Posted: 05/05/14 10:36
by bunniefuu
Previously on Continuum...

No freaking way.


Where are you taking him?

You already know.

The revolution starts here.

Liber8 wouldn't exist if it weren't for me.

Perhaps they're nothing more than a manifestation of my conscience.

I knew it.



Curtis is the one that k*lled me.

You're not fit to lead this cell.

Luckily not your call.

This is a disaster.

What happens now?

He'll be debriefed.

Will Alec be debriefed?

If he won't reveal where he buried the time-travel w*apon, yes.

I don't like it.

What a surprise.

Kiera Cameron unsure.


That's a terrible name for you.

What do you protect Kiera?

Not Alec.

Not your family.

You slept walked through your life in 2077.

And then a miracle.

You're shown the fabric of everything.

And yet still asleep.

Even in a cage I'm freer than you'll ever be.

What have I done?


[fighting grunts]


Armour piercing.





[fighting grunts]


You assh*le.

Patrol Tango Seven Five Niner.

We're heading back with the prisoner.

Arresting Officer Cameron on board.

Dispatch CS unit to Oxbow mine.

Uploading coordinates.

One of ours and a bounty hunter.

No medical, two body bags.

Roger that. 10-4.

What does that make now?

25? 30?

Loose lips feed CPS chips.

Suit yourself.




What have we got?

Temp's spiking.

I may have to sit her down.


Control! Tango Seven Five Niner.

We have had a complete systems malfunction.

We are going down. Over.

I can't hold it.

Hold on!

Brace for impact.


Hold on!

On your knees!

Take a beat, Protector.

You're alive.

I said... on your knees.

It's dirty.




They don't make CMRs like they used to, do they Protector?

Do you ever stop talking?

Would you mind pulling this hunk of fascist g*n ship out of my leg?


How's that?

I might have nerve damage.

I'm sure I'll get over it.

How much they pay you guys now?

Not a lot.

They have to save capital for the no-big contracts on the never-failed year, like this deathtrap.

I swear if my g*n was working, I'd sh**t myself just to avoid hearing any more of this.

You know bit currency's still around.

You can buy anything you want on the black market.

Who's going to question if say, you blacked out in the crash.

Came to and I was long gone.

You really think that's a play?

In my experience yeah.

Most of the time.

I'm not in this for the money.

One more nihilist lunatic off the streets.

That's reason enough for me.

You talk like that even when CPS isn't listening?

Wow. Nihilist?

You don't know the first thing about us.

Anti-corporate congress.

Anti-social archaic rhetoric handed down by Theseus.

Another lunatic.

I know what any citizen needs to know about you.

It's either you or us.

(high-pitched noise)


We walk two-three clicks that way, we'll be overlooking the Mamquam.

Then we'll follow the riverbank straight to Squamish.

And avoid the exclusion zones.


We wait.

They're not coming Cameron.

I know a busted emergency beacon when I see one.

They've already taken the write-down on that flyer.

Probably you too.

Stay where you are!

I'm CPS.

This man is my prisoner.

She's lying.

Both of you shut it.

Like I told you, I'm CPS.

I am responsible for this man.

I don't care who you are.

You're coming with us.


If she is CPS doesn't she have one of those...

It's not working.

You're clear.

What are you doing?

Building good will.

Let's move.

Told you it was that way.

You might have given us a heads-up.

They're not the first guests to cross our threshold.

He's different.

This is not for the ears of outsiders.

Excuse me.

Are you in charge here?

This man is wanted on charges of m*rder and terrorism.

Turn him back over to me and that's the end of it.

I couldn't care less about an illegal grow-op.

Is that what you think we do?


They're gleaners, Protector.

You and I are not so different.

Resisting the overreach of the global corporate congress.

You eke out a living as free men, and women.

The kind of people you blow up.

She has a head plant on.

We can't antagonize the...

He says it's not functional.

Let's look at it and have the doctor to install a governor.

They said your CMR wasn't working, but just in case, the governor creates a null field.

You won't be able to receive, record or transmit.


How is it for migraines?

Sorry, no help there.

What if I take it out?

Well it's hooked directly into your cerebellum so if I had to guess, I'd say you'd lose speech and motor control watch my finger... and most of your childhood.

So seriously, I'd leave it right where it is.

So much for first do no harm.

Well I help those who help themselves.

Why the mask?

You're not exactly a country doctor.

Why are you here?

Let's call it penance.

You know what I think?

I think you're wearing the mask so that I can't identify you later.

You know you can spare me the good citizen speech.

These people live an honest life.

There's nobility in that.

She's done.

(computer noises)

Mr. Cameron.

I'm Leon Rutledge.

I have items for you to sign.

Um. Alright um.

You're from?

Corporate responsibility.

This won't take a moment.

First of all, 80 percent of your life debt and that of your child will be waived.

There's also a substantial settlement.

SadTech has also processed a pay grade revision, a promotion.

It's all explained in these documents.

You absolve SadTech and the science from all responsibility from the failure of the SadTech heavy flyer.


Is this about Kiera?

I've been trying to reach her.

Protocol hasn't contacted you?

About what?

Mr. Cameron.

CPS Protector Kiera Cameron was declared inactive at 22:40 hours.

Her CMR is off grid.

Investigation was thorough and complete.

Pilot error.

No salvageable material.

SadTech has taken the write-down.

The case is closed.

Are you telling me my wife is dead?

I'm an actuary sir.

I'm not authorized to have this conversation.

I'd like you to go now.

There's still the matter of the...


This is good contraband, Protector.

You taste that?

The system is based on an efficient division of resources.

What works for 30 people can't work for millions.

When I was young family farming wasn't a crime.

And then they mandated genetically enhanced seeds.

And the crops produced no seeds.

We had to buy fresh seeds every year and they'd only grow with their pesticide.

Their fertilizer.

That's when you went grey.

We were one of the first gleaner communities.

They tolerate us now because we're small.

And we keep quiet.

No push back.

No stockpile of g*ns.

We just want to be left alone.


I hear we have visitors.

You should be sleeping.

Mariah brought me soup.

It was delicious.

But I have questions.

Where's your mask?

I think we both know that you're not contagious.

Unless g*nsh*t wounds spread differently than I recall.

I have relied on an old debt for far too long.

As long as I am here, these people are in danger.

This inspector came by our farm, said we hadn't registered.

My Dad stood his ground.

They shot him dead.

My Mother only lasted a week.

I am so sorry.

She's so sorry.

I'm not sure that's the apology you've been waiting for, kid.

You see everyone?

The system works.

You are no better than the people that k*lled this boy's family.

That's enough.


Tie them up when they're done.

We need to talk.

Tell me, did you finish the book?

It's eye-opening.

It's just, it's so different than...

What you were taught?


The truth has a way of getting repressed.

Tell me.

How do you think the gleaners would be faring if Theseus had prevailed?

They get by fine.

Always on the edge though.

Always aware that with one swoop, the boot will descend.

Is that truly free?

I'm not that easy to manipulate Edouard.

I'm not that lost.

No you are not.

Tell me about this CPS officer.

You like it or not, it's in both our interests to cooperate.

How do you figure?

I'm worth a ransom.

But there's the matter of obstructing a CPS officer carrying out her duties.

If they deal me back to Liber8 well, you're a loose end then aren't you?

You've been harbouring the old man for weeks.

He was a friend of this community from before the w*r.

We owe him a debt of barter.

If this Jaworski is Liber8 then there's a price out on him.

We could buy new combine parts.

Not have to rebuild every cranky machine 10 and 20 times.

We can grow.

If we grow too big we attract attention.

They tolerate us because we're small.

We are not equals.

There's no doubt about that.

Add to that the kidnapping of a corporate policewoman.

Jaden, what were you thinking?

It's like you want them to come crashing in here.

Just keep her out of the way until I can make a deal.

See how strident this Protector is.

How committed.

She doesn't make waves if she'll go along.

And if she doesn't?

We don't have to commit to anything now.

Revolutionaries didn't take your parents, kid.

It was people like her.

What are you going to do about that?

You'd like that wouldn't you?

Use me to get your revenge?

Revenge would be letting me do it.

He preys on the weak willed but that's not you.

How stupid do you think I am?

Just squeeze the trigger. It's done.

And what makes you think I'd leave a witness?

Just pull the trigger kid.

I can make you a rich man.


Put the crossbow down.

(high pitched noise)

Oh Jaworski.

When we get out of here I am going to make you pay.

Come on Cameron.

They know you'll sell them out to the corporation the first chance you get.

You're not walking out of here.

Best make your peace with that.

I'm finding it hard to see.

Can we slow down.

You'll manage.

Keep moving.

Don't say anything.

Stay quiet if you know what's good for you.

They're from the city.

Why do you think they're here?

This is an illegal settlement.

And you're a CPS Protector.

Do you honestly think they'd be pleased to see you here?

Talk about a bad career move.

What are they doing?

Can't you guess?

As soon as they're clear we'll go up top.

Business good?

Why wouldn't it be?

Taste hasn't been bred out yet.

I bet they divvy up that pallet and half the food winds up on the tables of half the CEOs in this corporate congress tonight.

Is that true?

You trade with the very same people you despise.

Isn't that the definition of capitalism?

Don't you see the irony?

Everywhere I look.

They may try to k*ll her.


She's already asleep.

Like all the good corporate sheep?

You told me you fled the city because you got a job offer you couldn't turn down and you couldn't accept.

SadTech's super soldier program.

What you know about implants.

Make you uneasy.

They nudge you.

They change how you think.

What you accept.

You... record instead of bear witness.

Store up data, not remember feelings.

It's... Inhuman.

But this Protector she made her choice.

It wasn't an informed choice.

She chooses to serve a system that countifies monsters and equity.

That literally works to strip away her humanity and her freedom.

And Theseus would say that there are no inhumane choices in the last defense of the humanity.

I know.

But you still can't accept it.

These gleaners, they've been good to me an ally.

They choose to opt out of the system and are forever at the mercy of that same system.

Are they truly free?

Or are they just on a longer rope?

So one chooses to serve the system, others attempt to bargain outside the system.


I wonder if there's a third choice.

For someone like you.

It's the regular delivery.

The routing code was switched to send a specific box to you.

Blood and saliva profile is confirmed.

No synthesized DNA markers.

It's actual.

Our gleaner friends have been busy.

All actions are authorized.

Maximum response.

Yes, sir.

Protector's identity has been confirmed.

Cameron, Kiera.

She's marked inactive.

So they're not looking for ya.


Aww, you bummed her out.

She still thought the cavalry was coming.

Now you.

All that computer's going to tell you is what the corporation wants you to know.

Run it.

10 most wanted.

50,000 bit currency or life credit.

I have a counter-offer.

Filomen 3872Delta&.

And spell out band two, hopscotch and kanji.

You'll be communicating with a friend of mine.

Tell him Jaworski says his sister is a giraffe.

He says that giraffes are extinct and the offer is...

1,000,000 bit currency.

A million?

Cover your tracks.

Go through any middleman you want.

Do we have a deal?


Right now, you can walk away from everything you have done.

But if you do this, your community breaks a truce.

Both of you.


Watch them.

What now?

Just want to check something.

I knew Mariah was full of it.

And I'm the one putting the community in danger.

How much you think he's worth?

Mr. Sadler.

We have a CPS flyer down in the vicinity of the target gleaner compound.

Telemetry suggests they accessed the data of an Officer Cameron, the spouse of one of your executives.

This would suggest she's alive.

Then continue with the mission as ordered.

No one else should know of this.


And the husband?

Leave that with me.

(high pitched noise)

Oh it's worse, it's so much worse!

Keep moving.

Just wait a minute okay?

I can't see.


Are we gonna shake on our deal gleaner?

You're bartering and selling him.

You've kidnapped me.

And you consider yourselves the more civilized ones?

Even hurtin' she's a p*stol.

You gotta give her that.

Just keep moving.

(high-pitched noise)

Where am I?


You have the good doctor quite worried.

I find that hard to believe.

She seems quite dedicated to her calling.


She's done wonders with this little enclave.

Who are you?

Another unlucky traveler.

Just coming out of the contagious stage, I'm told.

Lucky me.

You're a Protector.

Who are you protecting now?

Who are these people a threat to?

Well they're not too fond of me.

Fond or not.

They seem to care about your well being.

The doctor even changed my thinking.

About what?

Blaming you.

Your condition to see the world in a certain way.

Like a dog.

I hope one day you have a chance to look at things through different eyes.

Make choices that are your own.

That's the only way to take a person's true measure.

(high pitched noise)


Push the button.

You should be ready for another dose.


Pretty name.

Her implant was damaged.

Removing the governor will be low-risk and keeping it on might k*ll her.

I don't want her death on my hands.

Do you Mariah?

None of this will matter soon.

Take it off.

Thank you Doctor.

Then we go make the deal.

If we save the Protector's life they'll be grateful.

Graciousness is not their primary virtue.

It is if we're offering them their ♪1 most wanted.

How's that feel?

The nausea is better.

But I can't...

It's okay.

Your visual field will clear in a couple of hours.

I'm going to give you some more sedatives so you can get some rest.

No please I don't... I don't need it.

It's okay.

She's out.

We need to talk.

You've been quiet for a long time.

Not acting like a man who's about to get a big payday.

Liber8 pays its debts.

Could do a lot of good for you people.

Or have I read this wrong?

Maybe you've made other plans.

What are you doing?

I fear I'm being betrayed.

Tell me if you think I'm being paranoid.

There's something going on.

You won't make it 2 kilometers.

I could.

With your help.

I will take you as far as the ridge but no further.

I can ask no more.


Where is he?

Jaden took him.

There's a trade coming.

And not only for him.

You're in danger too.

I feel like we've made a terrible mistake.

Maybe I can help.

Wait please.

How much of a head start did they get?

Not much.

An hour maybe?

An hour and a half?



I'm sorry.



How far along are you?

I have a son.

I barfed for nine weeks.

The gleaner lifestyle was fine for me but I don't know.

It's okay.

We'll talk as we walk.

The crossbow's gone.

So are the keys to the handcuffs.

Y-your whatever it is isn't working.

You can't call for help.

We have no idea where Jaworski went.

You're supposed to be the resourceful one.

Where do you...

How far are we from the Mamquam?

The river?

Follow the bank to Squamish.

That's what he said.

Could you show me?

I'm sorry Pangea.

You can't help him now.

Alright. Okay.

Okay. There we go.

Need a break?


Oh you are a better tracker than I gave you credit for Protector.

This is the end of the line Jaworski.

How do you figure?

It's just you and me.

I like my odds.

You want to watch her die try something.

I wouldn't.

You'll just get her k*lled.

Your move Protector.

This is my move.

Mr. Sadler.

I hope I'm not interrupting.

Please, sit.

I wanted to apologize for the terrible way you heard and to express my condolences.

Thank you.

I'm loyal to SadTech sir, but this is a terribly odd thing to process.

My fortunes have radically improved but my life is...

The bonus credits?

Yes, they're imperfect instruments but it's all we have.

It's not that.

I value my job.

But I love my wife.

You have a son.

Told him his mother's on assignment until things are definitive.

I raised my son as a single father.

It's not easy but there are rewards.

Mr. Sadler, I, um... never mind.

No, no, speak your mind.

So few people do with me nowadays.

It's a life.

It's not a write-down or a settlement.

It's a life.

We are the wealth that we create.

In life, that means good works, productivity, offspring, goodwill.

But ultimately each of us is judged by what we leave behind.

Some of that is measurable but our valuations don't capture everything.

We let actuaries and balance sheets determine our worth.

Even that word worth, it's not the right word.

Well, well...

Shocked as hell to get a ping off your CMR Cameron.

Thought they'd taken a write-down on you.

Yeah it's completely frazzed.

Well we'll get you sorted.

I've also got a civilian passenger.

We'll get her sorted too.

We gotta clear the area now.

This is a hot zone.

If Kiera has paid the ultimate price for her loyalty to the corporation, it will not go unnoticed.

And suppose I'm looking for meaning in it all.

Something to tell our son to help him understand.

The meaning is all around you.

SadTech and the other members of the corporate congress.

Their sole purpose is to enrich the lives of all the citizens.

To preserve the promise of a civil society.

To never again slip into the chaos of the past.

You tell your son his mother's life, her sacrifice to the corporation,
has enabled all of us left behind to prosper.

Do you really believe that?

The answer to that question is the burden of an old man.

One cursed to see 10 steps ahead.


I have to go.

They'll be wounded!

They need help!

There's nothing left.


What the corporation cannot own, it destroys.

The gleaners brought this on themselves.

Greed poisons.

It punishes everyone.

Oh my god.

Oh my god.

Oh my god.

Take what you're feeling and put it towards something right.

This is your place and your time.

Follow your instincts to take a moral stand.

I'm not a revolutionary Edouard.


You're a healer.

And that's something far more useful.

You are going to go back and take the super soldier job.

A great day is coming Sonya.

And you will be on the inside.

That is what you can do.

That is your way.

You do not serve or bargain.

You will heal.

You will heal us all.

For them.

For a while you were thinking for yourself, Protector.

Guess it's back to sleep now.

Enjoy your cage.

Even in a cage I'm freer than you'll ever be.

He was right.

Who was?



He said I would see things through new eyes.

Make choices of my own.

Kagame wiped out that whole compound.


I don't know.

But I do know he had his reasons.

Each of us is judged by what we leave behind.

Who said that?

Alec Sadler.

Or he will say it.

Why this particular memory Kiera?

Jaworski said I was asleep.

Curtis Chen said the same thing.

I wouldn't put stock in what Curtis says.

There's good in your future.

You're proof of that.

There was something in Curtis' eyes and I recognize it now.

Jaworski had it.

Kagame had it.



Are you saying you aren't committed?

I'm saying...

I'm not asleep anymore.

Thank you.

I'm going home.






