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03x06 - Caged

Posted: 07/24/15 01:48
by bunniefuu
Big Jim: Three weeks ago, an invisible dome crashed down on Chester's Mill, cutting us off from the rest of the world. The dome has tested our limits, forcing each of us to confront our own personal demons... rage... grief... fear.

My God.

(people exclaiming)

Now, in order to survive, we must battle our most dangerous adversary... the enemy within.

I need you to do everything I ask without question.

One amethyst died this morning.

A second one is losing power.

Big Jim: Somebody's infected all of Chester's Mill.

With what?

Christine: This fluid is finite and precious.

Marston: Whatever the leader does, the group will follow.

Christine: Sometimes it's a relief to admit who you really are.

Norrie: Get off me!

Hunter: I asked Norrie to come with me, and she pushed me.

Norrie: That's not what happened.

No one's going anywhere until we talk to Christine.

Julia: You're on your way to Bird Island, where whatever's in you that's making you such a monster will be removed.



I can't be with someone who's not gonna talk with me.

Hey, what is this?!

Christine Price is the experiment and you, Mr. Rennie, are the control.

I brought you here to show you something.

You see? Right there is where Christine Price became... something else.

And that's Eva Sinclair, her assistant.

There you have it. The dome came down and a mini-dome came down over the egg.

Why are you showing me this?

On a cellular level, the person you know as Christine is not of this earth.

But she is something very foreign.

Well, I could have told you that without your fancy equipment.


We've learned a lot in the past few hours, but what we still don't know is what she is and what she wants.

(Christine groans)

That's where you come in.

(chuckling): Oh, no.

You're not sticking me in a room with that thing.

Mr. Rennie, we are only hours away from isolating the inhuman properties in her blood.

Christine: Aah!

The effect that that has when injected into an uninfected host is of great interest.

However, if you're successful in getting us the information we want, you'll be spared that future.

The choice is yours.

(Christine panting)


Where do you want me to start?

How about the beginning?

Christine and I work for Aktaion.

We were told we could help the world.

So they hired us to find fragments of meteors from a shower that hit the earth 25 years ago.

When Melanie found the egg.

It was in one of the meteors.

I'm sorry I lied to you.

I swear I'm the same person you fell in love with.

I lived that year with you.

But I was afraid that if you knew the truth you'd want nothing to do with me.

And I lived those moments, too.

And you... you, I know.

But Christine...

Yesterday, every time I pressed her for the truth, she avoided that like the plague.

Dale, I've known Christine for years.

I've traveled the world with her. I trust her with my life.

I'm gonna give her one more shot, okay?

Because of you.

Thank you.

Let's go find her.

And after we talk, I think it's time that you both tell everyone the truth.

(people whistling tune)

(whistling continues)

Audrey. Uh... what's going on?

The beds are finished. We're waiting for Christine to give us the go-ahead to move in.

Have you seen her?

I'll let you know if I do.

(whistling continues)


There you go.

(door closes, locks)


You want some water?

(grunts softly)

You know, I find it best just to tell these bastards what they want.

Drop the act. Junior told me everything.

Glowing reviews, I bet.

Do you even need water?

This body still needs what you do to survive.

(low growl)


Is my calm demeanor alarming to you?

Would you prefer it if I acted afraid?

Would that make you feel less alone?


What about sad?

It's the easiest emotion to fake.

How about honest?

Can you do that one?

Here, boy.

It's a funny thing about dogs.

They're a real good judge of character.

(low growl)

People will come for me.

Junior will come for me.

Not if there's any of the son I know left.

There isn't.

So you preyed on the weak, huh?

Junior alone is not gonna rescue you, you know.

So who else you got?


Problem there is Julia.

She's probably telling him everything she knows about you, which is a lot.

So, you see, your plan has no margin for error.

And that's a big chance to take when the fallout is your brain in a jar.

I still have a human being's body, Jim.

And it's tired.

This is so messed up.

We didn't even do anything wrong.

I've never seen anything like last night.

It was like they were all brainwashed or drinking the same Kool-Aid.

Or ate the same food.


I'm so scared.


Are you okay?

I'm better now.

Please tell me we're getting out of here.

Eleanor, I need your help.

There's an X-ray machine at the clinic we're gonna bring here to see how badly Hunter's hurt.

Okay, great.

How are we getting it here?

It's on wheels.

Okay. I can help.

I'm glad you offered, but it's mother-daughter time.

Junior will be in with you in a minute.

No, no, he's the one that locked us up in here all night.


Did you know that Joe and I were in this room all night?

The accident you caused didn't just affect Hunter, it affected our town, our kinship.

The hope is, the time you two spent in here has helped you understand just what you've done.

Let's go, Eleanor.

(door locks)

Oh, what's the password?

Eva: What do you mean, Christine's not here yet?

She's not in Town Hall.

You saw the people gathered down there.

They're waiting for the go-ahead to move in, but she hasn't shown up yet.

I'm worried that people will panic.

People that attached to her?

She provided food and shelter.

Not long ago, we were almost k*lling each other over those things.

Do you think it could happen again?

Well, not yet, but I don't want to take any chances.

What's this design for?

Uh... yesterday, Christine told me about a project that she needed to get started.

Well, what the hell is it?

I don't know. She just said it was important.

We should go look for her.

Knowing Christine, she's probably out surveying an area for whatever this project is.

Oh, I-I talked to her yesterday, but somebody must have seen her after me.

How about you handle things here?

Eva and I will ask around, see who had eyes on her last.

Uh, actually, I could use Eva.

I'm gonna tell people to move in, and we're gonna start working on solar power.

More hands the better.

I think that's a good idea.

I'll help Junior and then I'll be able to check in on Hunter, too.

Barbie: I hope he's doing better.

All right, I'll bring Christine back here when I find her.

How's it coming along with Barbie?


He took Pete out last night, so that won't be a problem anymore.

But he still doesn't trust Christine.

This town's come so far.

Most have completed their journey.

Others, like Barbie, are so close.

What about Joe and Norrie?

Junior: They keep resisting, but I'm working on that.

What is it?

If the X-ray comes back showing that Hunter's injuries are permanent, what do we do?

If he's no longer of use, then we have to put him down.


Roger, hey. How are you?

Hey, man.

You wouldn't have happened to have seen Christine today, would you?

No, the last time I saw her was yesterday just before dinner.

She got on a boat with a couple of guys.

You didn't see which way they were headed, did you?

It's hard to tell exactly.

The only thing out there is Bird Island.

Thank you.


Tick... tock. Tick... tock.

Are you sure the cavalry's coming for you?

With that kind of attitude, once I get out of here, I'm of the mind to leave you caged and take your little friend.

Here, puppy.


You underestimate me.

I think you could benefit from seeing the world my way.

Oh, I'm sure that's what you sell everyone.

Just one rule.

Always cover your own ass.


Your one rule is a played-out cliché.

Behind all the quips and the "me against the world" shtick, when was the last time you did anything for anyone else?

I gave you that water, didn't I?

I mean, when was the last time you were fulfilled?

Was it with your family?

When you got married?


Oh, maybe it was when you taught Junior to play catch.

Oh. (smacks her lips)

They're all gone.

(inhales sharply)

Ooh. Now you've got no one.


That loneliness, that emptiness churning inside?

That's your reward for only looking out for yourself.

I'm fine with the choices I've made.

You people think we're enemies.

What? You're-you're saying we're not?

There's no reason to be. We mean no harm.

We can all live together, but we will defend ourselves.

But you've stripped away everything that makes us... us.

I mean, you're puppeting around inside a real person who had faults and charms and quirks.

Petty self-interest brought this community to the brink of destruction, but because of me, people are thinking about things other than themselves.

Because of that, we have food.

We have peace.

Progress comes from creativity and individual ingenuity.

Where would we be without Churchill and-and Galileo and Napoleon?

No, no, no.

History of the world is made by leaders, not-not followers.

Well, we come from very different worlds, and from where I sit, you're no leader.

You're just a very sad and lonely man.

I mean, why are you here?

I mean, me, I understand. They fear what I bring.

But what's the point of having you in here with me?


What the hell?

I'm sorry.


Things would go a lot faster if I had some help!

You let the kinship down.

You've lost the privilege of help.

The help that I'm asking for is for the good of the kinship.

And I'm not doing anything else until someone lends me a hand.

You're learning to appreciate what you turned your back on yesterday.

Pick it up.

Pick it up now!

What the hell are you doing?

Joe's being punished.

You don't have the right to punish anyone.

Let's go.

That's where you're wrong, Julia.

You get off of him!

What are you doing? Get off of me!

This is what's best for all of us.



Hi there.

Why did you do that?

You weren't doing so hot.

Sure, you helped us get some information on what she is, but as to what she wants, not so much.

Can you guess what this is?

Wouldn't be Rogaine by chance, would it?

(laughing): I swear to God, Jim, if we had met in a bar, we'd be good friends.

Well, I could use a drink right about now.


This is the cellular essence of what's inside Christine.

We've isolated it.

You remember what we were talking about before?

You know, Doc, you're real good at threats.

(Big Jim sighs)

But what I need to do in there is make a deal.

Getting someone to talk about their beliefs is easy.

Getting someone to open up about their plans when they have every reason not to... it's a different story.

What do you need?


If she wakes up, and she's a little more hurt, or she's a little more concerned that she might not make it out of there in one piece, and I had something to pick a lock with...

This'll do.

We're gonna put you back in there.

You need to appear as though you're in the same boat.


You both need to be a little concerned you won't come out in one piece.


(groans softly)



What the hell is going on?

Something out of your control.

I was teaching Joe an important lesson.

Listen to me, James.

You're sick.

This isn't who you really are.

You're right.

I'm something better.

The James you know is gone.

(grunts, panting)


You've caused a problem.

Problems get reported to Christine.

She'll know what to do with you.

(people whistling tune)

Eva: Sam?

Hey, Eva.

Christine mentioned you were having a hard time.

I was.

But I'm better now, back in the fold.

Good to hear.

I could use a hand.

Norrie: Hey.

How you doing?

Can't move my legs.

Try a different question.


It was an accident.

Was it?

Norrie: Yes, absolutely.

Why would I ever hurt you?

Carolyn: Eleanor, I need a hand.

Junior: The solar panels are in place.

Should have enough power for the X-ray.

That's really good work, Joe.

I wrangled an expert.

Sam: I can help with that if you'll...

I got it.
Carolyn: Kids, why don't you wait in the hallway?

It's getting really crowded in here.

We can give a hand to the people in tents.

Help 'em move in.

Junior: That's what I like to hear.

Carolyn and I will check out the beds.

(whispering): Joe?

Are you crazy, too?

Offering to help everyone move in?

I was just telling them what they wanted to hear.

Something's really screwed up with everyone.

I know. My mom scolded me and told me that I needed to be selfless for the kinship?

She's lost it like everyone else.

Not Julia. She tried to get me out of there, but Junior punched her, and a gaggle of drones just picked her up and dragged her off.

Look, I don't know what's going on, but Julia's the only one who's still herself.

Where did they take her?

There's only so many rooms here.

Sam: It's gonna be all good, okay, man?

Anxious for the results.

Where'd you get these bad boys?

I gave them to him.

Name says they're for "Jessie Gordon."

Christine asked everyone to hand over their medications.

To start a dispensary.


That's right.

Not a fan of suspense.

Your fourth cervical vertebra is fractured.

But you can...

Even if we were outside the dome, you'd never walk again.

I'm really sorry.

Can I have a minute with Hunter?

I'm sorry.

No need to apologize.

What happens now?

Something I hoped we could avoid.

To manage the pain for your injury will deplete our supply of painkillers in one week.

You alone would permanently take away valuable resources from the kinship.

To continue down that path would be... irresponsible.

If it's what's best... then I want to do it.

We've got another problem.

What happened?

Julia got in the way of Joe's training, so I put her in a safe place where she can't disturb anyone.


So I got a lead on Christine.

I'm gonna need some backup.

I think she's out on Bird Island.

I did a little recon.

She's not alone. Aktaion's here.

(muffled scream)

I'm worried about Christine.



(muffled): Barbie!


(locks click, door opens)

(footsteps approaching)

I want you to know this isn't personal.

I'm here to inform you that trying to get Dale back is a lost cause.

He's part of a kinship that you can't understand.

Either accept that and contribute to it, or be disposed of.

Though it would be a shame to lose you and Hunter in one day.

Just think about it.

You know, it's strange, isn't it?

Because if you were one of us, we'd both be able to be with Dale.

(moans quietly)




What happened?

Looks like they stepped up their experiments.

Your lip.

Did they punch you?


Guess I still got a little fight in me.

What are you doing?

Well, that fight and a little selfish ingenuity gonna get me out of here.

Take me with you.


Why the hell would I?

Because if you get me out of here, I can get you out of the dome.

(whispering): Okay, wait.



I-I messed up on the wiring, and she got shocked and collapsed!

Please! She's part of the kinship!

Get her feet, get her feet.


You guys are unbelievable.

I think you're the only sane one around here.

They're gonna k*ll Hunter.

You've got to help him.


Junior and Eva... they're going to k*ll Hunter.

You got to get him out of here.


You found me.

You'll think of something.

I heard Barbie's going to Bird Island.

I got to stop him from doing something he's gonna regret.

Why are you different?

Why are we different?

I wasn't in the cocoons.

Everyone who was has something inside them that's taking control.

There's something inside of us?

Some people are more resistant than others, so whatever you're doing, keep doing it.

And keep your head down.

Get Hunter somewhere safe.

I'll find you.


How many do you see?

In all, I counted four.

What do you think they're doing with her?

Probably trying to get answers.

Section three. All clear.

How's the prisoner?


Once out of the cocoons, the concepts of "me," "ego" and "self" were gone from my mind.

Immediately, I saw the world in a new light.

A better light.

A world where the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.


Yeah, I... I've seen the movie, Mrs. Spock.


What we want is no different than any living organism.

To survive.

To flourish.

Well, that's a good plan, except for that body-snatching part.

Oh, come on.

Let's work together.

So, what?

I let you out, and you bring the dome down?

Just like that?

Well, it's not that easy, but it is what's ultimately planned.

We can take it from here.

Hear all that?

Mics are in the cage.

Big Jim: Remember, there's only one rule.

Cover your own ass.


(guards shouting indistinctly)




You have to stay.

You know, if only we'd met in that bar, Doc.

(gasps, gags)


Jim, let me out.

I can help you.

You know, I can handle good and I can handle evil.

But what I can't handle is desperate.

You're in a position to tell me whatever I want to hear, but I ain't buying.

No hard feelings.

(clicks tongue)





Is it time?

Just look into my eyes.

You won't feel a thing.

I'm ready.

This first one's gonna put you to sleep.

Second one will stop your heart.

Just look at me.

Just look at me.

There you go.




Hunter: No!

Stop, I want this!


Hunter: I don't want to be a burden!

He wants this.


You'll understand one day...

Let's get him the hell out of here!

Norrie: Come on, Hunter, come on.

Joe: Come on. Come on.

Come on.

All right, Junior, why don't you run up ahead?

Get the boat ready.



So, we have a conversation that we need to finish.

I believe the outstanding question was... who are you?

I worked for Aktaion and was tasked with finding the egg.

And what did Aktaion tell you the egg was?

They said it had the potential to be the next great energy source.

And they saw that... we wanted to be a part of something great and...

What is it?

When I made contact with the egg, it triggered the dome.

I trapped all of us inside it.

Every death, every family that was separated... it's my fault.

Well, Aktaion used a lot of really good people... for a lot of terrible things.

My guess is that they knew they were sending you into something dangerous.

It's not your fault.

Julia: Barbie, get away from her.

Julia, what are you doing?

She's not who she says she is.

I know what you really are.

Julia's the one who gave me to them.

She held me at gunpoint and handed me over to Aktaion.

And I'd do it again.

Aktaion was only trying to help.

Barbie, she is dangerous.

Barbie: Then let's talk.

All right, just you and me.

No g*ns.

Julia, come on, lower the g*n!

Not a chance.

All right, then I'm coming to you.

(quietly): Come here.

Come here. I'm right here.

Come to me.

So, it's just you and me.

All right?

So, what's going on?

Christine and Eva work for Aktaion.

I have proof.

I know.

They told me, Julia.

They used them.

There's more.

I know how this is gonna sound, so I need you to trust me.


Christine works for Aktaion, but that's not the real Christine.

When Melanie placed the egg on her cocoon, something from inside it went into the others.

And now it is... it's growing inside of everyone, like an infection.

I feel fine.

I know you feel fine.

But you're different.

Julia, do you even hear yourself?

Barbie, think about it.

You were manipulated into k*lling Pete.

No, that was self-defense.

Christine and Eva are not themselves.

And they are using you.

They want you to become like them.


Again, let's just be honest here, all right?

That's what this is about!

You're not listening to me!

Look, I know you.

I love you.

But you're sick.

And they want you to stay that way.

You can't bring her back to Chester's Mill.

You tell me that I'm not myself.

You just handed over an innocent woman to be experimented on and tortured by Aktaion.

Barbie, you are not hearing me!

No, no, no, no.

The only person that's changed here is you.

Now, Christine has been nothing but great for this town.

If you can't accept that, you need to stay here and never come back.

It was Joe and Norrie who let Julia out and freed Hunter.

Well, I'll worry about them now.

I have plans for Joe.

He's gonna be instrumental in an upcoming project.

You focus on Barbie.

He took a big step today, but there's still progress to make.

The trauma that he suffered in his military service has made him more resistant than most.

At least he finally trusts you.

I became what he needed me to be... a victim for him to save.

I need to ask you a personal question.

Have the two of you slept together since being in Chester's Mill?

Not yet.

Well, the sooner you become his mate, the sooner he'll be what I need him to be.

Our protector.

I can do that.

(door slams)

I was just thinking about you.

You look good.


I cleaned myself up.

Why the change of heart?

I saw a glimpse of my future if I continued along the path I was on.

When I left yesterday, I went to Abby's.

She didn't answer when I called out for her.

I found her in the tub.

I have a feeling I know where this story goes.

I'm sorry I strayed.

We all get lost.

The important thing is that you're here now.

You did it for me, didn't you?

Abby couldn't have gotten the pills.

And she already tried to k*ll herself once, but I saved her.

This time I was too late.

But you saved me.

You pulled me out of the quicksand.

Thank you.

It needed to be done.

You mean the world to all of us.



You shouldn't have done that to Abby.


I'm sorry.

But I'll never be able to be who you want.


(door closes)


Thank you, everyone.

You've done a good job today.

Christine will be proud.


People are all moved in.

I wanted to ask you about these designs.

(heavy breathing)

What happened?

What do I do?

Get me to the caves.


Norrie: Who's there?

Norrie, it's just me.

Is there anything we can do for him?

I don't think so.

When he wakes up, he's gonna be in a lot of pain.

He said he didn't want to be a burden.

But what does that even mean?

Julia said they were gonna k*ll him because he couldn't use his legs.

That's so messed up.

Well, if they're willing to k*ll him just because of that, then... we need to do exactly what Julia said and keep our heads down.

Been looking for you everywhere.

Well, you found me.

I'm a Barbie bloodhound.

(both laugh)

We can... we can go to one of these abandoned tents.

It'll be just like old times.


Everything that happened today with Julia...

What she did to Christine.

Maybe she was never the person you thought she was.


I'm gonna go for a walk.

Tell me what to do.

Set... set me by the crystal.

Step back... step back.

Bring me Sam.


Indy, come here, boy!

Where you at, boy? Come here!

Indy! Indy!

Come here, boy!

Not what I was looking for.

Yeah, same goes for you.

You find your action hero?

Tell him that something from another planet's pushing his kung fu buttons in the back?

I tried.

Much as I hate to admit it, you were right.

Barbie's not the same.

And Aktaion's all dead.

So much for them helping me get out of here.

Or finding a cure for the infection.

We're on our own.

I'm gonna keep looking for my dog.

You can walk if you want to.

Indy! Come here, boy! Indy, where are you, boy?