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03x05 - Piñon Tree

Posted: 07/24/15 00:15
by bunniefuu
Briggs: Previously on Graceland...

I made a call, some of my old Mexican contacts.

Mike: What contacts?

The kind that put me in touch with Caza cartel leadership.


Tuturro: Lucia!

Carlito: If I die, she dies.



That's a good boy, Johnny.

These birds and the numbers, they mean something, and I was sent back here to figure out what.

Briggs: Let's shut the book on Ari Adamian.

I need you.

Start to finish, this takes 24 hours.

How do you imagine this ending?

With Ari no longer a threat to living.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Ari: There's only one man in the entire world... one man who knew enough to make all this shit up.


We got to have a little talk.

So Martun did this?

It's an ugly way to go, but he deserve worse.

And Colby never said anything to you about how he wanted Layla for himself?

Ari, come on, man.

Whatever was in Colby's head, whatever this was, whatever this is, I have no idea.

Your one friend in this sunburn city betrays me, and you got no idea?


I could have died.

I drop that match, Martun give me that bath.

Ari, think about this.

How could I have anything to do with this, Ari?

Think about it. I was with you at Nancy's.

Then I was at the laundromat, and then I was with you.

When Martun put his g*n to the side of my head, did I throw you under the bus to save my own ass?

No, the hell I did not.

[clicks tongue] That's what I said.

But Martun, he wanted to ask Colby for himself.

Guess he didn't want to disturb the neighbors with screaming, so he had him write down the names of his accomplices.

[sighs] Jesus.

Okay. So what now, boss?

Now what?

Now the truth has come out about me and Layla, and Martun is not so happy with me, so Toros will take over a lot of my business.

Okay, so we do what we gotta do to get you back on top.

You... you don't work for me anymore.

Colby gave up no one, but you, man, you still got his stink all over you.

If I ever see you again, I'm gonna k*ll you.

[hip-hop music]

♪ ♪

Logan: I just don't get why Colby kidnapped Sarkissian's daughter.

All I know is what Ari told me.

Colby tried to frame him for her m*rder.

That's not his style.

Can we tag Martun with the homicide?


[sighs] All right.

Ari will be in handcuffs today.

He's in no position to be second in command anymore.

He's useless.


You let him t*rture and k*ll, and the minute we hit a speed bump, you're ready to jump ship?

This is not a speed bump, Briggs.

It's a dead agent.


What happened to "thousands of people die every day from the arms provided by the Sarkissians"? What...

You're gonna take heat on the O'Malley m*rder when Ari goes to trial.

We'll get you a good lawyer, sh**t for soft time.

The Badillo m*rder tape disappears.

And what about Martun, hmm?

You care so much about Colby.

He's the one who did this.

I could give a shit about the Badillo m*rder tape.

You wanted a sin-eater, well, you've got one.

So go ahead, Logan. Ladle it on.

Give me seconds. Give me thirds. I will lick the plate.

I'll ride Ari all the way up, no matter what mayhem it brings.

I'm not walking away, not until Martun is done.

Watch your back.

Damn. No, okay, thank you.

Well, no, no, no, you ain't gotta put anything official out.

He's probably just sleeping one off.



No hospitals, no coroner's office.

It's been six hours and nothing.

You need to put out a BOLO, get agents looking.

Yeah, we put out a BOLO, then we gotta explain our involvement... All our involvement...

So maybe we just give him some time.

How much time?

[door opens]

Ari took him, Jakes.

[door closes]

Charlie: W... thank God!

The hell?

Where the hell were you, man, and what happened with Ari?

Uh... it didn't go as planned.

Colby's dead, guys.

It was perfect... Perfect right up until the end, and then, uh, Ari figured it out.

We burned the fingers on the wrong hand.

Ari got onto it.

He convinced Martun that Colby was trying to framing him.

Martun stripped Colby naked and tortured him to death...

Battery acid.

He never gave me up, right up until the end.

So he m*rder*d Colby. Bring Sarkissian in.

It's not that simple.

How isn't that...

'Cause we don't have enough evidence to pin him to the m*rder, but rest assured, we're gonna bring his ass in one way or the other.

Who's "we"?

D.J., if we walk away now, Martun skates.

The point of this was to get you away from Ari, Paul.

Martun k*lled Colby.

No, P, nah, we k*lled Colby.

This stupid-ass plan k*lled Colby.

I love you, man, but you keep running on this, it's on you. I'm out.

This isn't just about me.

No, it is. It's all about you.

We don't do our jobs anymore.

We don't bust bad guys anymore. Something's not working.

Which is precisely why we need to stay the course, D.J.

Now, look, Logan was ready to pull the plug, but no.

No, I say perp walks and cavity searches for all those b*tches.

Wait, wait, wait, you had an out?

Why didn't you take it?

Because then we wouldn't have justice, Chuck.


When do we ever have justice?

Everything we do ends up with a body.

This has got to stop.

What's the plan?


To get Martun. What's the plan?

[sighs] I don't know.

I'm still working it out.

[electronic music]

♪ ♪

[knocking at the door]

[door opens and closes]

It was a mistake, Mike.

If you're looking for absolution...

I'm not, man.

I'm looking for enlightenment.

Enlightenment? Mystic man.

Talking all that Bardo shit, levels of salvation.


Maybe it's all bullshit.

You know, I give you words, I give you speeches, but... underneath it all, it's just guesses, hope, fear.

The best of us are looking through that mirror darkly, but not you.

Y-you were there.

Convince me that there was more to Colby's last moments on this earth than meaningless suffering.

Okay, okay.

Where I was, there wasn't any pain, but the rest of it, I can't help you with.

I-I'm sitting here looking up red birds and numbers on the Internet.


Oh, did you know that the cardinal is considered a matchmaker to the Choctaw?

Something I don't give a shit about.

You know the name Adam is used 47 times in the Bible?

47 is also the country code of Norway.

I don't know anything.

Maybe the universe doesn't always hang signposts in a language that we understand, you know?

Do you honestly believe that there's some purpose to all this?

Mike, you were given a vision.

I choose to believe that we are all put on a path.

We might not want it, we might not like it, we might not even understand the shit, but still, our path is our path.


Stay on that path, young man.

[alternative rock music]

♪ ♪

[alarm beeping]

Chuck, wake up!

Jesus. Oh, shit.

Oh! Ah.



Can somebody please turn that thing off? Just...

What is that smell?



It's nothing. It's fine.

Smoke alarms at the ass crack of dawn is not fine.

So it's 6:00 a.m., and you decided to cook...

Tuna freakin' casserole. Chuck, are you serious?

Guys, I'm tired, and I'm sick of airplane food, so forgive me for wanting a decent breakfast.

Tuna casserole is not breakfast.

Come on.

[alarm stops]

Thank you.

Tall-ass ceilings.

I think you might need to slow down a little.

No, I have to get Germaine. There's no slowing down.

You know, running yourself ragged and burning the house down in the process is not gonna help you catch him, Chuck.

Yeah, well...

Guys, I found it.

This about your crazy birds and numbers?

He's not crazy, Jakes.

I didn't say he was crazy, but these birds and numbers getting a little crazy.

None of it's crazy.

I've been upstairs working on this the past couple days.

It's been... It's been ten days.

Just listen.

I've been tracking an exchange on DarkMarquet.

It's an undisclosed parcel pickup here in Los Angeles between two parties, VinXXX and Huma9.

VinXXX: V is the shape the clock hands make at 10:10.


Roman numeral for ten.

Right, but Huma9 is the real prize.

The Huma's a mythological creature.

It's the Persian equivalent of the Phoenix, and when this bird rises from its ashes, I'll give you one guess what color it is.

You found your red bird.


Okay, I know it's a stretch, and I wouldn't have even dug in until this.

VinXXX got pickup details this morning.

His parcel is on a container ship, and the shipping container that it's in is number 11-47-11.


It's all here, 47, the red birds, even the clock hands.


It's just... it's a little early for all of this.

I'm gonna make you a proper breakfast.

Charlie: Coffee.

Yeah, when your birds and numbers turn into a real case, call me, man.

You got my number.


And I got other shit to do.

It's impressive, Mike, but you know you can't take that to the FBI.

No, not yet.

I need your help, Briggs.

The ship docks at 7:00.

Yeah. Yeah, I'll be there.

Good job.

You shouldn't be in here, Johnny.

We gotta talk.

We will, soon.

Ah, bro, hey, we're way past soon, man.

I told you I'd help you get Lucia away from Carlito, and I'm handling it right now.

I'm looking right at you, man. How are you handling it?

You know, Johnny, not everything that's happening is happening in front of you.


[horn blares]

Catch anything yet?

Longshoremen unloaded our shipping container about an hour ago, dropped it in stack 14.

Got it.

The BIC code on that container, it's just some unaffiliated holding company.

There's no address on record.

Oh, look at that, looks like our boy VinXXX is keeping the same hours as you.

Wait. Who the hell is that?

What, that's not your guy?

I mean, it's a guy, but that's a kid.

How old do you think he is?

Early 20s, but what's the difference?

I mean, kids break the law same as adults, Mike.

Come on. No.

God, this is all wrong.

Well, he's certainly not a professional, but what the hell were you expecting?

Something bigger, I don't know.

God, not this.

What's your play?

Let's follow him, see where he's going with that stuff.

It's just, it doesn't make any sense.

The kid picks up a shipment, and then he goes bowling?

Yeah. Well, you know, Big D's, it's a loud, cheap loitering spot, perfect for scammers and hustlers to pick up work and not get caught.

Oh, so our kid's a small-timer?

Looks like it. He certainly isn't Pablo Escobar.

What do you want to do, pick him up?

I want to go under, meet this kid.

I want find out what's in that trunk and where he's bringing it.

You ever wonder if maybe, just maybe, the bird you're chasing might be a wild goose?

Yeah, of course, but I'm staying on the path, and I'm gonna see where this thing ends.

Okay, Gusti Kadek Pendit.

Got his green card about three years ago.

Our boy's from Manggis, Bali. He's Indonesian.

Uh, Balinese, to be exact.

Bali's an Indonesian island, so...

Yes, same country, separate people.

Bali's got its own culture, its own history.

Fine, he's Balinese. He's also a repeat offender.

Mm-hmm, trespassing, petty theft, receipt of stolen property, vandalism.

[laughs] You see this? Hollywood Stunt Academy?

Yeah, yeah.

Our boy wants to be in the pictures.

Says he flunked out.



So we have got a Balinese immigrant who can't take a punch.

What are you thinking?


I think I flash any cash, this kid's my best friend.

Hmm. He's a grifter, though, Mike.

You know, you show up loaded, he may see you more as a mark than a friend.

Yeah. So I come in at his level.

Maybe below.


So you want to run this with me?

Jakes has been looking for a real case.

I'ma tell him shit just got real.

Where you going?

It's been over a week since I've seen our boy Ari.

I'm gonna pay him a visit.

[Middle Eastern music]

♪ ♪

[doorbell jingles]

[Ari humming with music]

I do my singing alone in the shower.

Told you if I saw you again, I'm gonna k*ll you.

Yes, you did.

Brought you a little something.

Check it out.

It's clean, filed down, brand-new suppressor.

You know, if you were going to sh**t me, that would be a great burner to use.

What? You want to die?


No, Ari, I don't want to die.

I want to make money, you dumb ass.

You forget who I am?

Whoa. No, no.


How could I ever forget you, Ari?

I know exactly who you are, and that's the problem, isn't it?

Yeah, loose ends, it's bad business.

But two things I am not are an idiot or a coward.

I'm not gonna spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder, waiting for your b*llet to show up.

When death comes knocking on my door, I'm gonna look that bitch right in the eye.

There's no nobility in death.

So what is the real reason?

Let me break it down for you.

Okay. [clears throat]

You know what the beauty of w*r is, Ari?

It is always a prime investment.

You never go out of business.

Now, I signed up to work for your sorry ass because you happen to have a pie that I want a piece of.

There is no pie!

Martun forgets all the work I did for him, and my uncle, he bites his fat tongue.

The fun is over.

You know, Ari, I thought you were the real deal, but I guess not.


Let me help you out.

Clean up your shit!

If you don't have the sack to step up and take what's yours, if you don't trust me after everything I have done for you, then you know what, man?

Do me a favor and blow me away right now.

You are stupid.

Do it, Ari. Do it, Ari.

Do it!


You're a lunatic, man.


Let's have a drink.

[puts g*n down]

Why the hell not?

Yeah, I'ma tell you, homeboy, in the '90s you couldn't jack them cars fast enough, man.

Everybody wanted that hot tape deck, that hot stereo, you know, but nowadays, the factory issue's just as good as the high-end shit, you feel me?

You're trying to rip me off right now.

Hey, whoa, relax, man.

Ain't nobody trying to rip nobody off.

Trying to give you, like, 100.

I get 110 retail, assh*le.

And I'm offering you 100 each, assh*le.

All right. Yeah.

Yeah, we good?

Let me go to my car real quick.

All right.

Hey, your friend, he's a cop.

Excuse me?

Police. What kind of stereos?

Uh, Alpine something I think.

Yeah, yeah, that's fine. 100 is too much.

Believe me, he's a cop.

Listen, man.

I'm about to make $1,000 here.

Get out of here, huh?

Why do you think he gives a good deal?

He likes your face? No, he doesn't.

In the state of California, USA, stolen property more than 950 bucks, it's grand theft, felony offense.



Maybe you want to make some money, I know a guy.

Maybe you want to visit prison. 100's a very good price.

Jakes: Yo, Mikey.

I got what you need.

Know what? I miscounted.

I only have nine stereos, so I'll just take $900.

Okay, I'll tell you what, you look like a nice guy who fell on some hard times, so I'ma give you that 900, and I'ma throw in, like, an extra 50 on some, like, community service shit, you feel me, 'cause I like you.

Whoa, whoa, you know what?

I think I'm gonna pass.

Oh, hold on, hold on, man. We can make something work out.

Matter of fact, you're coming with me. I'm LAPD.

Ah! Ah!



I'm gonna walk out of here, okay?

That's not how this works. Ah!


Oh, man! You were awesome in there!

Just... I had to get out of there, all right?

Thanks. Thank you for your help.

I don't really have too much experience with...

Yeah, yeah, you will learn, man. I'm Vin.

Hey. Mike. Listen, man.

Hey, can you really help me move those stereos?

Yeah, yeah, I can move your crap.

Uh, maybe a 50% fee.

Hey, you know Kung Fu.

[scoffs] It's not Kung Fu.

That was freaking cool, man. How do you learn that shit?

I used to do fight scenes in movies.


Shut up, man. That's my dream, doing stunts.

Or owning a cruise ship. Ah.

Hey, Mike.

Hey, uh, so you know how to sh**t a g*n?



And, uh, you can jump off buildings?


And, uh, you can blow things up?


Excellent, man.

Just come to my home tomorrow.

I've got some work for you.

Jakes: Hot and ready.

Charlie: I don't want pancakes, Dale.

From the woman who almost burnt the house down trying to get a decent breakfast.

What's up?

I'm late for my flight, and I can't find my g*dd*mn ID.

You know, Charlie, if you slept just a little bit more, you might not lose your stuff so easily.


I... okay.

Hey, Mike, how'd it go with Gusti?

He goes by Vin, actually, and your plan worked like a charm.

I hope so.

My arm still hurts from that Bruce Lee shit.

Real case, real problems, right?

I'm going to see him now, says he has some work for me.

Hmm. What kind of work?

Not sure, but I'm getting in that trunk.

I got it. I'm out.

Don't you think your oxy shipment could wait a day for you to recoup?

I'm not after the oxy, I'm after Germaine, and the quicker I get this shipment out, the quicker I get this assh*le.

No, thank you, for the hundredth time.

More of a crepe girl?

Look... Excuse me.

Sorry, forgot something upstairs.

Briggs, I gotta meet Carlito, man.

Please tell me you have a plan.


[tense music]

♪ ♪


Hey. I'm Mike.

[door unlocks]

Gusti, your friend's here.

Gusti: I'm coming.

Where you from?

Do you mean in LA or originally, or what do you mean?

I'm just trying to make conversation.

New York, upstate.


You been to Dutchess County?

I used to go to a horsemanship camp up there.

Oh, you ride horses?

I used to.

There's plenty of places in LA you can...

Gusti, your friend is here!

I'm here. Hey, how are you, man?

Good, you?

Good, good.

This is Madison, my wife.

[scoffs] Yeah.

What'd you call him?



My Bali name is Gusti Kadek Pendit.

Can you say that?

Gusti Kalek...

No, man, for white people it's very hard, okay, and Vin is a much cooler name.

Vin short for Gusti?

Um, it's short for Vin Diesel.

There is one movie house in Manggis, okay, and we don't have many movies. But we get xXx.

And I watch it maybe more than one billion times, man.


Tell me, you did stunts for that movie?

No, no, I-I wish.

Ah! [Laughs]

What you cooking, man?

Uh, glycerin.

Come, look. Look.

Are you boiling dynamite?

Yeah, yeah, just sweating it.

That's how you make glycerin.


Yeah, he's always doing something.

You guys know this stuff is really unstable, right?

The slightest jolt or jostle...



Whoa! [laughs]

You're right.

You're very calm, man.

You're the expert, I think.

Don't worry, man.

You keep glycerin cold, and it's much safer.

Don't worry.

Mike, come here.

Hold it.



Do... not... move.

[bell dings]

[bell dinging]

Dude, I'm not blowing up a house.

Not a house, it's a dentist.

Yeah, I think something's getting lost in translation here.

90% of Los Angeles is illegal immigrant.

Do you know that?

I'm sure that's not true.

It is, and because they're illegal, maybe men and women, they don't get real medicine, so they have to come to secret places like this, and the man here, the dentist?


He charges little, but he takes his gold teeth when you sleep.

He steals people's teeth?

Yes. Bad karma.


He takes it, and he puts them in this, uh, box.

In the safe?

Yeah, yeah, very safe.

You blow things up. Blow up this.


I thought you used this stuff before.

Yeah, for fishing.


Can you get the teeth or not, stunt man?

What we gotta do is, we gotta get the nitro in that crack.

♪ ♪

What? You have a light bulb?

Yeah, a light bulb.

It's a dentist's office, right?


So they use this to make molds of your teeth.

You just add some water.

Stir it up.

And what you get is a very quick-setting gelatin.

♪ ♪

One good toss.

One, two, three!

[car alarm blaring]


Come on.



Oh, man, so cool.

Vin, come on, we got to get out of here.

I think the whole neighborhood heard us.

[chuckles] Jackpot.

Tuturro: All right, man, the Caza cartel owns, what, 20% of the Mexican corridor?

Yes, sir.

If we just hand them over the territory...

Well, then Caza becomes the most powerful cartel this side of Colombia, yeah.

And you're good with this?

No, I hate it, but I owed Alfredo Armas a favor.

How's it work, man, logistically?

All right, all you gotta do is get Lucia.

Caza takes care of the rest.

Now, the only problem is that the place is gonna be lousy with Mexicanos, so in order for you to stand out...

I gotta be waving the white flag.

Damn right. Strap that to your ride.

Caza foot soldiers should let you through.

I don't want nobody else dying 'cause of me, Briggs.

Look, Johnny, this beef between Caza and the Solanos, it's been going on for years, man.

The w*r has nothing to do with you.

You're doing the right thing.

You know what, someday I'm gonna learn how to rationalize things the way you do.

White flag, okay?

See you on the other side, man.

♪ ♪

Tuturro: Jesus Christ, man.

I'm not so pretty now, am I?

Carlito, what happened to you, man?

Don't pretend like you weren't there.

No, I don't mean your face, man, I mean you.

How'd you get so messed up in the head, man?

I mean, your dad was tough, but, shit, he was all right.

What's that, your mama take you off the titty too early?


You know what, Johnny?

I don't think I'm having fun with you anymore.

Your dad ran the cartel for 20 years.

You got the keys to the kingdom for less than a month, and shit's crumbling down, I mean, shit.

Look around. I don't see anything crumbling.

Not everything that's happening is happening in front of you.



[g*nshots and men yelling]

Qué fue eso?

[machine g*nf*re]

[shouting in Spanish]

[g*nf*re continues]

[shouting in Spanish]


It's time to go, baby.

[gasps] Johnny!

Oh, shit! Go, go, go.

Pop the hood, pop the hood.

♪ ♪

Johnny, look out!

Leaving so soon?

[tense music]

♪ ♪

You remember when we were children, hermanita?

You remember the piñon tree?

I used to love that tree.

One day, Johnny, she decides to climb to the top.

I told her no, it is too dangerous, but she just laughs.

There she goes, all the way to the top like a little changuita.

And then all of a sudden... [slams fist]

The bough breaks, and she falls 50 feet.

I was sure she had snapped her neck, but no, she springs up.

She's just fine.

Gonna tell me where to go, or you just want me to keep driving or what?

My father, he beat me with a riding crop when he found out, and he had the piñon tree chopped down.

You asked me what happened, Johnny.

She happened.

You see, she takes every single thing that I love, and she chops it down.

I don't care about the dr*gs, the money.

I don't care about Father.

No, the only thing that matters is that Lucia...

[cocks g*n]

Spends her final breath knowing that I won.


You talk too much, man.

[tires screech]

You piece of shit!


[both grunting]

That's enough, that's enough, that's enough.

Eternity in hell isn't enough!


That's a good boy, Johnny.

"That's a good boy, Johnny"? "That's a good boy, Johnny"? "Good boy, Johnny"?


sh**t him.

Huh? Huh?

sh**t him.

k*ll him, Johnny, please.

k*ll him, Johnny, please.

"Good boy, Johnny"?

Lucia: Please!



That ain't my job. That ain't my job.


We'll see how you like living in a cage.

You're under arrest.

No, you don't have jurisdiction in Mexico.

U.S. border's right there.

We can walk.

When I thought I was gonna die in that room, I realized I never even had a life.

I've always been my father's daughter or my brother's sister, a Solano.

Now you can be whatever you want to be.

No, I can't.

You can.

You get to go home and put on a badge and be a hero.

I would have k*lled my own brother.

If that's not being a Solano, then I don't know what is.

We would never work.

Don't say that.

You know that.

Don't say that. Don't say that. Don't say that.

Johnny, I'm sorry, but...


I will do anything you ask me to, okay?


Please don't.

[sobs] Don't.

What you, uh... What you gonna do now?

I still haven't seen the Southern Cross.


Yeah, me neither.

You're the greatest man that I've ever known, Johnny.

I hope you know that.


man: Miss, it's time to go.


What do you think?

Same, right?

Looks even.

Good. So here is your half.

Worth about $100 each, I think.

How much did that dynamite cost?

$200. Thank you for reminding me.

You owe me 100 bucks.

I'll see you around.

Yeah, yeah, we're gonna be good friends, man.


Take care.


♪ ♪

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[camera shutter clicks]

[rock music]

[crowd chatter]

Briggs: And she's back, just in time.

Straight from the airport.

I love you more than my bed. Know that.

Love you too. Love you too.

And that's why we love you.

Thank you.

To our beloved J.T., the only one of us in too damn long who actually put cuffs on the guy he was chasing.

Thank you for your help, man. Thank you.

John boy.


Johnny, cheers.

To... to me.


So wait, am I the only one that thinks this kid needs to get back on the horse?

Like, make Lucia a distant-ass memory?

Oh, John boy, she's been checking you out all night long, man.

[chuckles] No, no, no, I'm good.

Jakes: Ah, he thought about it.

Your heart needs time to heal, is that what's up?

It's too soon, man.

Well, time heals some wounds.

Tequila-fueled casual sex heals others.

Well, I can't provide you with casual sex, but I can get some tequila, on me.

Hey. Got a minute?

What's up?

You still want to help out with the Sarkissians?

Of course. Colby was my fault, so...

Colby was not your fault, Paige.

That's debatable.

I burned the wrong fingers, Paul.

Okay, so what's the plan?

Well, Ari has been supplanted by Toros Berbarian.

I want to work you under with him, so that when Tevan Adamian dies...

We've got somebody on the inside, whether it's Toros or Ari that gets the promotion.

[clicks tongue]

Yeah. Yeah, I'm down.

All right.

Hey, it's Serpico.


Oh, Mikey's here.

What's up, playa?

Jakes: About time.

Oh, I'm sorry I'm late.

Hey, why don't I buy the next round, huh?

Bring 'em on.

Can I borrow you for a second?


All right, now...

Well, I was right, Briggs, and this thing is bigger than I could have ever imagined.

What do you got, Mikey?

It's a Soviet CW unit.

We're talking mustard gas, lewisite, VX.

If you had to ask me, it's sarin.

Your kid is rolling around with a WMD in his trunk.

You know, I just spent the day with this kid, Briggs, and I don't think Gusti has any idea what he's sitting on.

What the hell is he doing with that?


I think the better question is, who the hell is he supposed to deliver this to?