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05x05 - Toe to Toe

Posted: 07/23/15 00:27
by bunniefuu
I hear you're interviewing replacements this morning.

I am.

Are you good at what I do.

I'm great at what I do.

Then you start tomorrow.

I'd like to propose a change to the current compensation formula.

How many partners do you have in your pocket if we put your proposal to a vote?

I can get 45%.

I'm gonna get you the difference.

This is Harvey's last three income statements, and I found them sitting in the copy machine.

You came to work for me, so now it's time for you to decide.

Are you with me or not?

I just called for a vote, and I hope you've been saving your money, because your gravy train's about to leave the station.

Okay, I'm dialing 911.

It's not a heart attack.

It's a panic attack.

Remember when I said if I wanted you to make up for the compensation vote I would come to you directly?

Well, now I am.

Well, let's take a look at your resume.

Witness tampering, extortion, bribery.

Forgery fits right in.

I actually looked into your mommy, and it turns out that the whole time you were home with Daddy, Mommy was out banging--

[blues rock music]

♪ ♪

Hey, Harv. How's it going?

♪ ♪

You're absolutely certain the man was this Travis Tanner person?


And yet you're just as certain the woman wasn't Donna?

That's what I said.

I know that, but you haven't said who she was.

Why are you looking at me like that?

You know why.

I don't know who she was.

Okay, then let's try this.

Why do you think Travis Tanner all of a sudden popped into your subconscious?

Because I'm in the middle of a case against him.

Well, since you don't want to talk about the dream anymore, why don't we talk about the case?

That's not creepy at all.

I was just wondering why you changed your hair.

Hair's the same as it's always been.

You trying to look older? Younger?

Whatever it is, it isn't working.

Are you finished? 'Cause I'm actually trying to catch up on some billables here.

Hey, I just stopped by to give you a little gift for winning the Zane case.

A gift? You've never given me a gift after a case.

That's not true.

Come to think of it, you've never even congratulated me, which means you're actually here because, oh, my God, you miss me.

I did...not miss you.

Are you okay?

Do you want to come over tonight?

We can watch <i>Sleepless in Seattle.</i>

Do you want your gift or not?

That's it?

My gift looks a lot like a folder.

It's a case.

You and me k*lling it against Travis Tanner.

Just like old times?

Just like old times.

Well, what are we waiting for?


He's on his way over with a settlement offer right now.

Settlement? That doesn't sound like Tanner.

Sounds exactly like Tanner.

How's that?

He's starting off waving a white flag.

Yeah, he's doing it just to go behind our backs so he can attack our flank.

So you're saying we need to watch our flank.

No, I'm saying we need to attack his.


I'm just gonna say it.

Every time we go up against Tanner, it gets brutal.

You just had a panic attack the other day, so are you sure this is really what you need right now?

It's exactly what I need right now.

Let's go get him.

Louis? What's this?

That is a token of my appreciation.

You told me to trust Harvey with Esther and you were right.

Now Harvey and I are good.

Well, if you're gonna give me a gift every time I turn out to be right, then I'm gonna need a bigger apartment.

Well, not every time, but this time.

Your mud club.

I'm going mudding?

Even better.

We are going mudding.

Wow, Louis. I don't know what to say.

This is, um....



Oh, come on, Donna.

I don't think you understand.

Picture this.

You and me, side by side, completely naked, our bodies covered in the juices of Mother Earth.

Oh, yeah, now I can see exactly how it's totally appropriate.


And Donna, trust me.

When you dip your virgin toe in the deep warmth of my mud, you're never gonna be the same again.

[knocks on door]

Jessica, we have a problem.

I went through the bylaws.

Turns out the new compensation structure is in violation of subsection C35.

So the vote in itself is moot.

So you're saying we're going back to the old compensation structure?

No, I'm not saying that. Subsection C35 is saying that.

There's only one problem.

Subsection C35 didn't exist 24 hours ago.


Cut the shit, Louis.

Tell me what this is really about.


It's about me trying to make things right with Harvey.

And I have no problem with that.

But I also need you to make things right with me.

What are you talking about?

That vote was an as*ault on my power.

I sneak this by, I don't get my power back.

It just makes me the same as you and Jack.

So you're not going to undo this thing the same shady way that the two of you passed it in the first place.

Jessica, I told you, leaving Harvey's compensation in the copier was an accident.

And a man named Santa Claus climbs down chimneys and leaves presents under trees.

Okay, fine, I get it. You don't believe me.

But how the hell am I supposed to convince the senior partners to take money out of their own pockets?

That's your problem.

You want to reverse that policy, bring it up for a vote.

Like a man.

♪ Suits 5x05 ♪
Toe to Toe
Original Air Date on July 22, 2015

♪ See the money, wanna stay for your meal ♪

♪ Get another piece of pie for your wife ♪

♪ Everybody wanna know how it feel ♪

♪ Everybody wanna see what it's like ♪

♪ I'll even eat a bean pie, I don't mind ♪

♪ Me and Missy is so busy, busy making money ♪

♪ All right ♪

♪ All step back, I'm 'bout to dance ♪

♪ The greenback boogie ♪

[blues music]

[elevator bell dings]

♪ ♪

Excuse me, tiger.

Don't you want to check in at reception?

Oh, I know where I'm going.

No, you don't.

Yeah, I'd say you know who I am, but you're not Donna.

No, I'm not. But I do know who you are.

Well, then you know who I'm here to see.

I also know that the very first time you ever came here, you walked right past security and by Donna.

But like you just said, I'm not Donna.

I like you. You filling in for the day?

None of your business.

Hey, I'm just saying, when Red gets back, maybe you want to come work for me.

I already have a job.

And right now it's getting your sorry ass into the conference room.

♪ ♪

So what are you gonna do?

The only thing I can do.

Get Harvey to ask me for something else.

No, not an option.

Donna, the only way I can get this done is with Jack Soloff's help, and there is no way that he's gonna reverse the very same proposal that put him on the map.

I'll tell you what Harvey would do.

I don't care what Harvey would do, because I cannot do what Harvey would do.

What would Harvey do?

He'd find a way to make it worth Jack's while.

Get Rachel to get me a list of every major corporate merger pending in the next month.

There is the Louis I came to work for.

You are right. Here I am. And I'm gonna get it done.

And when I do, you and I are going for a long, slow mud.

No, we're not.

If you're here to check the air, it's like a sauna on the 38th floor.

Good to see you, Harvey.

Nice to know some people never change.

No witty rejoinder? What's going on?

You slowing down in your old age?

Could be low T.

And I could talk shit with guys all day, but I'm here because I care about my client.

Well, then maybe your client shouldn't have tried to launch a company with stolen IP.

That IP wasn't stolen. Alyssa created it herself.

It doesn't matter whether she created it or not.

She signed a contract that says we own it, and it was on our laptop that she took home on her last day.

And we're not letting you walk out the door with our property.

Okay, I told you this isn't about me.

Okay, what do you want, Tanner?

I want to make an offer.

Alyssa is willing to give you a 15% stake to drop this whole thing.

She could make it 100% for all I care.

We're not settling.

You don't have to settle, but you do have to present that offer to your client and you know it.

I will, I just need to get it translated from bullshit to English.

Harvey, look at me. That's a fair offer.

No, you look at me and tell me you're not doing something behind our backs right now.

I'm not.

Well, we are.

Your secretary said you wouldn't file a TRO until after this meeting.

Oh, we didn't.

Turns out that Miss Lang has some outstanding debts, so we just went ahead and bought those up and put a lien on her property.

The sheriff's padlocking her offices as we speak.

Harvey, don't do this. You'll be sorry.

Tell that to the judge.

We're filing that TRO in the morning.

I'm telling you, I'm not the guy I used to be, but if you hit me, I'm not turning the other cheek.

You're gonna get hit back.

What are you so happy about?

I told you, it's exactly what I needed.

You've gone up against this man how many times?

Enough to know that he's a piece of shit that'll cross whatever line it takes to win.

All I've heard so far is the line that you crossed.

Listen, you may understand some things about people, but you don't understand what I do.

Well, it sounds to me like what you did was attack a man that was waving a white flag.

Were you listening?

He wasn't waving a white flag, he was setting us up.

How can you be so sure?

Because I know Tanner.

Okay, well, if you know so well what he was capable of, why was it such a good idea to pick a fight with him?

Because it's what I do.

Well, maybe it's time to consider changing what you do.

Rachel: Okay, here we go.

What about Gentech and Orion Pharmaceuticals?

Monster merger, contingent fee, and huge upside.

And Cravath is listed as the attorney of record, which means if they swap out, it blows the whole thing up.

Okay, well, that's the last one.


Wait, this has been here the whole time.

What about John Dellmore?

They're merging with Arkin Financial.

Haven't been announced yet, it's just sitting there ripe for the taking.

No, not gonna happen.

Dellmore's been with Harmon and Shupe for decades.

So what? Harmon and Shupe is a third-tier law firm and Shupe is a joke.

She's also John Dellmore's wife.

Well, so then maybe we can convince Dellmore that his wife is a trollop.


God damn it!

What is going on?

I need Jack Soloff to overturn the compensation vote, and the only way for me to do that is to bring in a big contingent client.

And share the money with him.

Exactly! And none of these people are it.


Wait, where are you going?

Like you said, none of these people are it.

It's late, we're both exhausted, and I've got a test in the morning.

Rachel, please.

Louis, I'm sorry.

We'll work on it tomorrow morning, I promise.



Gentlemen, I don't like granting TROs without a good reason.

We have a good reason, Your Honor.

It's called a contract.

A contract that explicitly states that any product Alyssa Lang developed during her employment is the property of our client.

Unfortunately that contract is unenforceable.

It is unless I woke up in Russia this morning.

Your Honor, I have here a copy of Alyssa Lang's birth certificate.

She may have signed that contract, but it isn't binding because she was only 16 at the time.


Your Honor, I know this man, and that document could have come from anywhere.

Get it verified by the labs at Quantico.

All it's gonna prove is that Alyssa Lang had no legal capacity to sign.

It doesn't matter how old she was when she signed it.

It was ten years ago.

She's cashed every paycheck she got since.

And you can argue that at trial, but we have laws protecting minors for a reason, and I'm not granting a TRO.

And one more thing, Your Honor.

We have payment in full, discharging her debt, and are requesting her doors be reopened.

That has nothing to do with why we're here.

Save it for trial, Mr. Specter. It's lunch.

I'm hungry, and those padlocks are coming off today.

[bangs gavel]

What the hell was that?

That was the sound of your face hitting the canvas.

I suggest you stay down.

I'm not staying anywhere, you son of a bitch.

Excuse me?

You heard me.

Your client was 16 years old and you conveniently left that out of your changed man speech.

I didn't tell you about her because I knew you wouldn't listen to a thing I said after I offered you a fair deal and you told me to go to hell.

Bullshit. You didn't tell us because you wanted to blindside us in court.

Hey, you're the one who turned out the lights out on Alyssa's business while I was extending an olive branch.

Bullshit again.

We both know that settlement offer was nothing but a distraction.

You want a distraction?

That is a draft of Alyssa Lang's sexual harassment complaint against your client.

As far as our offer goes, it wasn't a distraction because we haven't filed that yet and our offer's still on the table.

I advise you to take it.

You didn't believe the sexual harassment allegation?

Not a chance.

Why not?

Well, for starters, it came out of Tanner's mouth.

And I know Tim Petroff, and he didn't cheat on his wife.

And you're angry at him for that?

You're damn right I am!

There are some things you just don't do.

Like lie?

Like thr*aten to rip a man's family apart.



I just find it interesting that you talk about family as if it were sacred, yet you've never married.

You've never had a family of your own.

I don't see any macaroni paintings or school pictures in here either.

And my personal life is not the topic here.

So why don't we get back to what is?

If it was such a good idea to pick a fight with Tanner, why were you so angry at him for doing exactly what you knew he would do?

You're the doctor. You tell me.

Okay, maybe because getting angry at someone is a way to avoid facing what's going on with yourself.

[elevator bell rings]

Oh, good, you're back.

Can't be good if you're out here.

Oh, I didn't want you to get ambushed. There's a--

Tim Petroff of BetaSoft in my office.

He's been wearing out your carpet for half an hour.

Tanner must have sent him a copy of the complaint.

If you mean that paper balled up in his fist, I'd say he did.

Thanks for the heads-up, Gretchen.

Tim, before you say anything--

Sexual harassment? What the hell is this?

It's only a draft. It hasn't been filed yet.

And that's supposed to make me feel better?

It's a g*dd*mn lie.

I have never done anything remotely resembling harassing anyone.

Tim, calm down.

I'm not going to calm down.

This is a complete twisting of who I am.

I want this woman destroyed.

It's not her. It's her lawyer.

I don't care who it is.

I have a wife and children, and I want this thing gone.

Then you should know there's a settlement on the table.

Mike! Not now.

What settlement?

A 15% stake in her venture.

Are you out of your mind?

You think I'm gonna settle with these people based on blackmail?

No one's settling.

Yeah, you're damn right no one's settling.

Now earn your money and blow this woman out of the water.

You heard him.

Figure out a way to put the screws to her once and for all.


And I don't want to hear any shit about my state of mind.

I'm not gonna say anything about that, but what I will say is that if Tanner's willing to make her do this, what's to say he's not willing to make her do something worse?

What do you want to do, Mike? You want to back down?

No, I want to get Tanner fired.

It's not legal for us to talk to her.

There's no law against me running into her by accident.

Rachel, what are you doing here?

I've been looking all over for you.

Don't you mean, "Hey, Rachel, how did your test go?"

I don't care how your test went.

I just need you to get me everything you can on John Dellmore.

Louis, we've already been over this.

His lawyer's his wife. You're never gonna sign him.

Well, that's just it. I don't need to sign him.

I only need to pretend to sign him.

Okay. That's a bad idea.

No, it's not.

If Jack thinks I signed Dellmore, and I tell him I'll give him a piece, he'll know it's worth a fortune to him and he'll overturn the vote.

And what are you gonna do when he finds out the whole thing was a lie?

He won't. I'll make up some sob story about how Dellmore made up with his wife and we'll live to fight another day.

He's never gonna believe that.

Rachel, Katrina would have been on board with this from day one.

Okay, Louis, I'm sorry.

I am not trying to rain on your parade, but when Jack finds out, he's going to hate you forever.

Well, I made a promise to Harvey.

And if it's a choice between Jack hating me and breaking that promise, I'm picking Harvey every single time.

What exactly do you need?

I need a way to dazzle the shit out of John Dellmore.

Thank you.

I don't understand. My bill's been paid?

Yes, sir, it has.

By who?

Uh, by me.

And who exactly are you?

I'm Louis Litt.

And not only did I pay for your check, I also brought you another one.

You're donating $50,000 to my charity.


Why would you want to--

Because it may not look like it, but I was homeless.

I spent two years on the streets, and had it not been for your family's organization, I would not be the man I am today.

Is there anything I can do to thank you?

Just keep doing what you're doing.

You, sir, are a true American hero.


Thank you.

Thank you.

[bluesy rock music]

♪ ♪

Oh, good, you're here.

What the hell was that?

That was John Dellmore.

Yeah, I know who it is.

Why was he giving you a hug?

Because I just convinced him to let us handle his merger.

Does that have something to do with why we're here?

It's got everything to do with why we're here, because I knew that you would never believe that I could close Dellmore.

You're right.

If I hadn't seen it myself, I never would have believed it.

And why is that? Because I'm a grinder?

Here's the thing, Jack.

When you took on Harvey, you pitted the grinders against the rainmakers, and that was a good move, but you want to move to the next level?

We need to be both grinders and rainmakers.

Do you understand what I'm saying?

What are you saying?

I'm saying that we need to revisit the compensation agreement.

No way. Why would I do that?

Because when we get this business, it will be worth a fortune to us.


Yes, us, Jack.

If you are with me on this, I will give you 50 cents to every dollar that I make.

Yeah. Let's get this done.

Careful, it's really hot.

A woman once sued McDonald's for getting burned.

[both giggle]

Although I guess you could just say you got burned and sue them anyway.

Who are you?

Doesn't matter who I am. It matters who I work for.

Tim Petroff.

You can't talk to me.

I'm just fixing my coffee.

You want to walk away, walk away, but before you do, I'm gonna say to nobody in particular that you should fire your lawyer.

I'm not firing anybody.

Well, then you should also know that falsely accusing someone of sexual harassment is a criminal offense, and no matter what Travis Tanner has told you to convince you that you'll get away with it, you won't.

There's nothing in that complaint that isn't factually correct.

You are twisting those facts and you could ruin a man's life, and you know it.

Oh, and how is that different from what he's doing to me?

It's completely different.

Is it?

I worked for that man 60 hours a week for 10 years, and now that I want to start my own company, he not only wants to crush me, but he told people I stole the idea.

If that's not ruining a person's life, then I don't know what is.

Oh, and as far as Travis Tanner goes, sexual harassment wasn't his idea.

It was mine.

And when he tried to talk me out of it, I told him he could either get on board or watch me get another lawyer.
Rachel Zane, you glorious creature.


Yes, glorious.

I mean, you were masterful.

The charity, his lone lunches at his favorite restaurant, having Jack show up at the perfect time.

I mean, you are not only a brilliant attorney, you're the backbone of this entire--

Louis, I'm not going mudding with you.

God damn it! What did Donna tell you?

She told me that if it went well, you would come in here trying to get a celebratory mud, and that if it didn't go well, you would try to get a sympathy mud.

Wait a second, I could have got a sympathy mud?

No, you couldn't.

But the good news is, you got what you wanted with Jack, and on top of that, Louis, you really made a difference in the lives of homeless children.

Which reminds me. After the vote, I want you to put a stop payment on that check.

Okay, no--that is a despicable thing to do.

Please, any charity claiming to do a good thing is clearly a scam. I won't have it.

So you mean you're cheap?

You know what, for someone who won't throw me a sympathy mud, you're very judgmental.

Louis. What can I do for you?

You can give me your proxy.

Why would I do that?

Because you asked me to bring the compensation issue up for a vote like a man and I did.

And is Jack Soloff aware of this?

Not only aware of it, he's voting for it.

And however did you get him to do that?

Let's just say that you wanted me to do this like Harvey would have and not like I would have, but I did the best of both.

Then you have my proxy.

Harvey, I talked to Alyssa Lang and there's something you should know.

Let me guess, she batted her eyes, told you a sob story, and now you think she's some kind of innocent.

No, I don't.

In fact, she told me that the sexual harassment idea was hers.

And why do I need to know that?

I think we should consider taking the deal.

Well, we're not gonna do that.

Why not?

Because first of all, there's now way on Earth that Tim's gonna settle.

You could convince him and you know it.

And second of all, there's no way on Earth that that suit was her idea.

Harvey, you weren't there, all right?

Yeah, I didn't have to be there to know that if Tanner could convince her to do that bullshit in the first place, he could sure as hell get her to say it was her idea.

He couldn't have known that I was gonna contact her.

He could, and he did.

And I don't want to hear another word about it.

And while you were away trying to get her to cut him loose, I was here trying to figure out how to do what Tim asked us to do and blow her away.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Harvey, this isn't a joke.

I'm not joking.

The only way to get Tanner to back down is to point a cannon in his face.

You're not pointing it in his face.

You're pointing it in hers, and once you put this in motion, there's no guarantee that you're gonna be able to pull it back.

She should have thought of that before she hired Travis Tanner.

♪ ♪

Listen, I'm gonna start by introducing the proposal, then you chime in.

Jack, I gave you 50% of Dellmore, but I need to be seen as leading the charge on this.

Louis, I got the partners in line by telling them it was my proposal.

Okay, so I'll introduce you with my full support and then you can just take it from there.


Oh, and by the way, when we win this thing, maybe you and I can go mudding together.

Why don't we just focus on our meeting?


First of all, I would like to thank everyone for coming.

The issue at hand is a very important proposal that Jack and I have been working on.

I have both Harvey and Jessica's proxies.

And I am pleased to say this measure has their full support.


Thank you, Louis.

In light of the impact of recent changes in the firm resulting from the new compensation structure, Louis and I strongly feel that there should be no new policy changes for the next 12 months.


And as Louis just said, the name partners gave their blessing.

So why don't we make it unanimous?

All in favor?

Motion seems to have passed.

Next order of business.

What the hell did you just do?

What the hell did I do? I protected my own interests.

We had a deal!

We didn't have a thing.

You think I bought that John Dellmore stunt at the restaurant?

I was on to you the second you walked over to my table.

I let you give me that bullshit speech about grinders and rainmakers just so I could do what I just did.

Okay, I get it.

You made your point, you made a name for yourself, but, Jack, you need to undo this.

What makes you think I could have undone it in the first place?

They voted for that proposal because it put more money in their pockets, and now it's there to stay.

By the way, if you want to go mudding with someone, why don't you ask Harvey Specter?

Because it doesn't take a genius to figure out that he's the one that got you to carry his water in the first place.



I got you the special.

Did you say no pickles?

You didn't say no pickles.

I didn't say, "Order my lunch."

So sue me.

You send the notification over to Tanner?

Two hours ago.

Then it won't be long.


I didn't say anything about your state of mind after Tim Petroff because I wasn't worried about it then, but I am now.


What if it doesn't work?

It'll work.

And what if it doesn't?

Then it's on Tanner.

No, it's on you, because I'm telling you right now, Tanner is not driving this thing.

Well, speak of the devil.

You son of a bitch.

You filed criminal charges against my client?

You're damn right we did.

She forged a fake driver's license and attached it to her W2.

That's ten years of tax fraud.

Oh, you piece of shit.

This is crossing the line even for you.

For me?

Ever since the day I met you, all you've done is cross lines, and it started with you ripping off cancer victims, not to mention every other thing you've ever done.

Hey, I told you I am not that guy anymore.

Yeah, right before you tried to ruin my client's life with some bullshit sexual harassment charge.

Right after he padlocked my client's livelihood.

Yeah, you're damn right he did!


Because if you're on a case against me, it's just a matter of time until you eviscerate someone I care about.


If I was gonna eviscerate someone you cared about, all I'd have to do is point out how Donna's no longer working for you.

Hey, get out of here, Tanner.

She's working for Louis Litt.

What did you just say to me?

You heard me.

And then I'd go up to her and say, "What happened, Red? Did Harvey get tired of banging you? Or was he such a lousy lay that you left him for the guy down the road just like Harvey's mom did to dear, old Dad?"

Harvey! Harvey! Stop!

Tanner, get out of here now!


You're absolutely convinced Tanner couldn't be telling the truth?

What does it matter?

Well, you could be ruining this woman's life.

That's not my problem.

So you don't believe in second chances?

I didn't say that.

No, you just said a man you didn't trust swore he changed.

And instead of giving him a chance to prove that, you launched an all-out w*r.

Were you listening to my g*dd*mn story?

Did you hear what he said?

That is not a man that's changed.

No, I'm talking about what you did.

You launched an all-out w*r.

I did that for my client.

And for your information, I've given plenty of people second chances.

Like who?

Louis, for one.


Donna, Scottie, my brother, my...

Your what?

I thought we were talking about the case.

We started by talking about your dream.

Yeah, the one I had because of my case.

Mm-hmm. And you said the woman in that dream wasn't Donna.

But it doesn't add up, because the man was Tanner and you just told me what he said about her the same day that you had that dream.

Yeah, well, I don't care if it doesn't add up because I'm telling the truth.

And yet you have tells all over you that say otherwise.

Then you don't know what a tell is, because I don't have any.

All right.

We'll see who knows what a tell is.

You want to play poker with me?

Mm-hmm. Yeah.

I'm gonna play poker with you.

And when I win, and you're out of money, you're gonna tell me the truth.

And what do I get when you're out of money?

It doesn't matter 'cause it's never gonna happen.



I need to talk to you about something.

What's going on?

I just got a call from Travis Tanner.

He wants me to meet him in half an hour.

Well, you have to tell Harvey.

I left him two messages.

He hasn't gotten back to me, but even if he does, he's gonna tell me not to go.

Well, then don't go.

You can't go behind Harvey's back.

That's the thing.

What if going to see Tanner is more like having Harvey's back?

What are you talking about?

The client on the other side of our case made a fake ID ten years ago and now Harvey's ready to send her to prison for it, and he's only doing it because of Tanner.

Okay, but it's still Harvey's call.

And if he makes that call in his current state of mind, he might regret it for the rest of his life.

What do you mean, his current state of mind?

A couple of weeks ago, I walked into Harvey's office and he was having a panic attack.

Oh, my God.

And on top of that, yesterday, the two of them got into a yelling match that ended with Harvey punching Tanner.

Okay, look.

Do whatever you have to do.

Have Harvey's back.

Where is he?

I don't know.

Bullshit, you don't know.

Jessica, I swear I haven't seen him since last night.

Then I need to know, did he lie to me?

Donna... I've always trusted you.

Now I need you to trust me.

Did he do some underhanded shit to fool Jack and it backfired?


That's exactly what he did.

Then find him.

And tell him to come see me.

What can I say? Kings full of 6s.


All right, Harvey, you won.

What do you want?

Can't I take a minute to enjoy my win?

You can.

But once our time's up, I'm done granting wishes.

Well, in that case, I want you to tell me the worst mistake you ever made as a therapist.

That wasn't part of the deal.

No, no, no, no.

You didn't make a deal with me because you were so sure you were gonna beat me.

Well, you didn't, and it's time to pay the piper.

Well, I'm not going to do it.

Look who's deflecting now.

Look, I get it, okay?

You're here because your fears are affecting your work, and now you're trying to find a time where I failed at my job so that you can lash out at me.

And I'm not gonna let you do it.

No, I just want you to know what it feels like to be me in here with you, and if you're not willing to do that, then what the hell good are you?

I k*lled someone.


I do a lot of work as an expert witness in corporate competency situations.

You mean substance abuse?


And usually it's high-powered people looking to keep their jobs.

But this time it was different.

A client needed someone to get his son out of rehab so that he could attend his mother's funeral.

I knew it was a mistake to even get involved because he wanted it so badly, but he was a long-time client and I cared about him, so I did it.

I evaluated his son.

And I knew--I knew deep down inside he wasn't ready, but I gave the go-ahead anyway, and the night of the funeral, he overdosed and died.

I'm so sorry.


Well, I don't want you to be sorry.

I want you to sit your ass down and tell me the truth about the dream.

I told you before. I'm telling you the truth.

I don't know who this woman was.

You know what, I just opened myself up to you to show you that I know what it's like to be you, but I don't.

Because I know that the only way to come to terms with what's inside is to let it out.

And until you figure that out, you might as well get the hell out because you're wasting both our time.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

I remember when you used to ride a bike.

I remember when you used to be a scumbag but you didn't pretend you weren't.

Why am I here, Tanner?

I want you to reconsider our settlement offer.

And what makes you think we're going to accept the same deal that you brought us before?

Because I've sat across from you, and I know that you care about more than just the fight.

Well, I'm sorry, but that fight's gonna end with Alyssa Lang going to prison.

Yeah, but it doesn't have to.

And the only reason it's gonna end that way is because that deal is coming from me.

How the hell am I supposed to believe a word you say?

What do you want me to say, huh?

That I got tired of playing the goon?

Because I did.

Yeah, I woke up one morning and I said, "Enough is enough."

And I haven't taken one case that I don't believe in or done anything that I couldn't stomach since.

Look, Mike.

I don't have a leg to stand on.

I don't have another move, but you can convince Harvey to convince Petroff not to destroy this girl's life.

You just need to decide if you're willing to do that, man.

Travis, you keep saying that Harvey won't take the deal because your name's on it.

But if you really are a changed man, maybe it's time you prove it.

♪ ♪

[glass clinks]

Oh. Hey, you're not toner.

Donna, please, leave me alone.

Louis, you can't hide in here forever.

I have to because I made a promise to Harvey, and not only did I drop the ball, I shit the bed.

And on top of that, I lied to Jessica telling her that I wouldn't be doing any more underhanded shit with Jack.

Well, she knows what you did.

And it's time to face the music.

Oh, did you not just hear me?

I defied a direct order.

I admit that, I might as well tell her that I put Harvey's salary in the copy machine in the first place.

You know what, maybe you should.

That's really hilarious. What, are you crazy?

No, Louis, I'm not.

You keep making bad decision after bad decision.

And this is a chance to wipe them all clean.

It's not gonna wipe anything clean.

All it's gonna do is get me fired.


Yeah, maybe it will.

The one thing I do know is you've lost Jessica's trust.

This at least gives you a chance to get it back.

It's a hell of a lot better than cowering in here.

♪ ♪

What is it, Louis?

I'm here to tell you the truth.

That you lied when you said you weren't going to do anything underhanded with Jack?

That I was the one that left Harvey's salary in the copy machine... on purpose.

♪ ♪

Why aren't you saying anything?

Because I haven't decided what I'm going to do.

♪ ♪

But what you're going to do... is get Jack g*dd*mn Soloff up here.

♪ ♪

You wanted to see me?

Yes, I did.

Louis has brought something to my attention.

And what is that?

Well, according to subsection C35 of the bylaws, we broke protocol when we changed the compensation formula.

Bullshit. There is no subsection C35.

You're wrong.

Here, take a look.

I don't need to look.

And if you're asking me to sell this to the partners, you're shit out of luck.

No, you're shit out of luck.

Because Louis didn't just come to me with the bylaws.

He admitted that it was you who deliberately put Harvey's salary out there for all the world to see.

Isn't that right, Louis? sorry, Jack.

I had to come clean.

It was the right thing to do.

You lying piece of shit.

Watch it, Jack.

You're talking to a name partner.

And you're saying that he's lying, but as head of the compensation committee, you had access to Harvey's salary.

I didn't leave that document out and I can prove it.

How is that?

I know for a fact that--

Oh, let me help you out.

The reason you stopped yourself is that you were going to say Louis left it out.

But if you knew that, and still didn't come forward, then I can fire your ass for that, too.

But you're not going to do that because you'd also have to fire him.

And you can't afford another shake-up.

You're right. I can't.

But I don't care, because I'd rather fire you both than to let you push me around.

So it's up to you, Jack.

Stand by provision C35... or pack up your shit.

♪ ♪


Forgive me, Jessica, you're right.

♪ ♪

Next time I'll read the bylaws more carefully.

♪ ♪

You knew this whole thing would play out this way the second it started, right?

I had a pretty good idea.

Jessica... when am I gonna learn not to defy you?

You're never going to learn.

But as long as I know that, we'll be okay.



Feel like going mudding tonight?


I figured.

You better be here to tell me Tanner's walking away.

I'm here to tell you that I met with him today.

You went to see him without telling me?

I left you two messages.

So the hell what?

You don't cut me out of a meeting on my case.

Your case?

Well, Tanner's made a settlement offer on your case, and I think that we should take it.

Are you kidding? We have a boot to his throat.

We don't have to settle.

All we have to do is decide how hard to press.

You're not pressing on his throat, you're pressing on Alyssa Lang's.

So all he has to do is claim that he's a changed man and you take his side over mine?

I'm not on his side.

Our client stands to make a fortune from this deal without lifting a finger.

I don't give a shit.

You saw what he did, and you heard what he said.

And you said when we started this, it would be just like old times, but right now, you're acting like the bad guy, not him.

That piece of shit hasn't changed and I'm not settling with him.

And I'm not asking you to.

What the hell is that?

It's the original offer.

Only now the attorney of record is Katrina Bennet.

I had Tanner remove himself from the case, so now you're not settling with him.

You're just doing what's best for everyone.

♪ ♪

Take the deal.

You sure you don't want to read it first?

I don't have to.

♪ ♪

[whispers] Ahh!

[upbeat music]

Rachel, I cannot talk right now. I'm going mudding with Donna.

No, Louis, you're going mudding with both of us.




♪ ♪

I have to say, I'm surprised you called for another appointment.

What can I say?

You telling me that story got to me.

So you're ready to tell the truth?

I am.

The woman in my dream was Donna.

Well, I'm glad you came back to talk about it.

And since you've opened up to me, I'm going to open up to you.

I believe you're telling the truth.

That's opening up?

No, this is.

I believe you're telling the truth, but I don't think the woman in your dream was actually Donna.

I think it was your mother.

I don't believe it.

I tell you the thing that's been eating at me for days, and you're calling me a liar?

No, I'm not calling you a liar.

Your dream was a representation of unresolved issues.

The only unresolved issue is I opened up and you're turning on me.

Harvey, bringing up your mother isn't turning on you.

You have no idea what bringing up my mother is to me!

No, I don't. That's the whole point of what we're doing here.

It doesn't matter what we're doing here 'cause we're done.

Harvey, Harvey, look.

I don't care how much money you make or how many women you sleep with.

You have issues in your life that will keep you from having real relationships.

And you can tell yourself all you want that it has nothing to do with your mother, but it's a lie and you know it.

Hmm. Well, like I said, we're done.

♪ ♪