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01x07 - Episode 7

Posted: 07/22/15 23:15
by bunniefuu
We're only ever one mistake from being shut down by Gemmill's bastard of a boss.

It's all on there. Got it off her computer.

Cartwright: You're positive he didn't see you?

Ash: Positive.

What's in the black book?

You get me his name and I'll show you.


There's higher up than him.

Although Docker is very keen that I put a b*llet in you.

Somebody has to stop them.

I am not putting me or them kids through this any more.



Man 1: 'You gotta have some.'

Man 2: 'Well, you got to have some you can give me.'

'Listen, no joke. I'm almost out. Totally skint.'

'Yeah, same, mate. I'm living off scraps here.

'You know what we need, innit?'

'What's that?'

We need this special package to come in. Know what I'm saying?

You all right, mate? You're back.

'What? And it's a definite, yeah? This package is coming in?'

'Special package.'

Yeah, it's coming in for sure.

That's the word from the top, yeah?

'Sweet. I want me some of that.'

Yeah, well, join the queue, mate. I'll let you know when, though. Laters.

(Knock on door)

Fergus, right?

(Glass smashes)

♪ Ain't shady, baby ♪
♪ I'm hot like the prodigal son ♪
♪ Pick a petal, eeny meeny miny mo ♪
♪ And flower, you're the chosen one ♪
♪ Well, your left hand's free ♪
♪ And your right's in grip ♪
♪ With another left hand ♪
♪ Watch his right hand slip ♪
♪ Towards his g*n ♪
♪ Oh, no ♪
♪ Well, my left hand's free ♪
♪ Oh, no! ♪

That's better. See, it doesn't take long.

I've spent a lot of time in enclosed spaces.

That's taught me the importance of order, you know?

Everything in its place helps to focus your thoughts.

Without order, it's almost impossible to achieve your goals.

Should remember that.

What's the point in having polish if you're never going to use it?


And where's the rest of your gear?

There ain't none. That was the last!

(He shakes can)

No, I swear to God. Honest!

Look, there's supposed to be...

Supposed to be what? Hey? What?!

More coming in. A lot more! A shipment!

This month!

Who told you that? Eh?

Mal! He heard it from Xav. That's his uncle.

He does the takings.


All right. Dry-cleaner's! Lingdale Street.

(Gas hisses)

(Microwave beeps)

You're benching me?

Oh, you're not listening! You're just not working Docker, that's all.

I got you his name.

He saw you!

Then he made a concerted effort to have you k*lled!

Both of which, I might add, you neglected to mention to us, or any of your other colleagues.

Come on, Ash. You'd be a liability. And you know it.

Did you learn anything else from this... Yorkie?


We're working Docker carefully.

With the extent of our infiltration on the phones, there'll be plenty other avenues to explore.

But... you're right.

You got us Docker's name.

And a deal's a deal.

Martin, we...

(Phone rings)

Sorry, I...


No. No, no. No, yeah. Yeah.

Er, yeah, yeah, it was a good night.

Um, sorry, hang on.

Let me just, er...

What did you expect was in there? The lost Harry Potter?

Everybody needs a hobby.

I love that one.

(Door slams)

You took your time. Did he give you trouble?

Not really.

So what'd you get?

See? I told you going after the pushers was the way forward.

It's easy money, innit? Hitting guys who ain't going to report it to the police.

Huh? Lovely. Low risk.

And low reward.

Ambition, Donny, is the keystone to success.

What, you get that out of this?

Look, I know you needed that motivation bollocks to get you through it on the inside, but... you don't want to wind up back there, do you?

Nice and steady. What we talked about.

(Engine starts)

Partners, yeah?


Kim: Gavin Docker, Esq.

Tommy: Number of convictions? One guess.

Ash: Zero.

No home phone, no mobile contracts.

In all the months we've been up on this crew, not one recorded call with him on it.

The electrician's firm he works for is pukka. All of them on that row are.

The motor is in his wife's name, which does flirt with dodginess.

These guys do that all the time.

They put anything and everything in the wife's name.

They don't leave a trail.

So it can't be taken if they get nicked. What about groundwork?

I dunno.

He comes and goes out of the yard in the front.

We watch the back. He never parks round there.

And when he goes out, he's a spark, changing plugs and doing fuse boxes.

And the rest of the time, he's in the shop.

Whole days and the van just stays right there.

We're watching him the whole time.

If I didn't know he was dodgy, I'd have trouble believing it.

(Phone rings)


Ah, hi.

Sorry, just give me a sec.

I'm Bernie's relief.

There's someone higher than him.

Tommy: If you're right about that... and there's someone else at the top, Docker's got to be the way in.

And I'm supposed to sit it out!

I didn't come this far to watch someone else take the star prize.

Come on, Ash. We're a team.

There's other angles.


Yeah, and, er... it's going to be me and you again.


Yeah, they're... they're giving me field duty.

Yeah? You're ready?

Yeah. Yeah, of course.

Lorna's going to be happy, knowing I've got your back.


Roach: To Mexico. To business.

Good trip, then?

We're in play.

He's sending someone, some lawyer of his, over to sign and seal, and it's done.

I'm going to pull it off, Gav, bring it in.

You had your doubts, didn't you?

Proved you wrong, didn't I?

Didn't I?

Valerie: All right, love.

If you want a chocolate biscuit, you know, you only have to ask.

Um, I... I need to talk to you about something.

Oh, yeah?

I got a call.


Look, um, I was wondering if you could do a little bit of magic on this for me?

It got damaged...

You reckon you could figure out what the last number that called it was?


Yeah, it's probably nothing. I don't want to bother people with it.

Just between me and you.


Got no home to go to?

Tommy: Just can't believe it. Ash and Lorn.

Sonia: It's tough, for sure. But I've heard what he's like with his work.

I know he's your friend, but...

Yeah, my friend. He needs his friends more than ever.

I can help him, though.

How's the best way to do that?

Get back out there with him.

Are you sure you're ready?

Yeah. Of course, look.

Look, watch.

(Sonia laughs)

See? - Yeah... - Look at that.

Your legs, but...

Look... Sonia, I want...

I want to be back to... before.

I didn't know you before.

And... I like you just fine.

Come on.

Right there? - Yeah?

(Camera clicks)

Oh, you're tak...

(Sonia laughs)

I told you about that!

So what have you done about it?

What can I do?

You can talk to her.

She knew what this work was going to be like.


You didn't tell her, did you?

I tried.

I tried.

Did you?

Or did you assume?

Come on. You can kip at mine tonight.

Valerie: 'Right, what's going on at Docker's?'

Absolutely nothing.


'OK. Keep me informed.'

You might as well pop in and top up your tan.

(Phone rings)

That's funny.

Someone's calling out from the dry-cleaner's. Never usually calls out.

Xavier: 'What?' - MAL: 'It's me.'

It's Mal calling Xav.

'Where are you?'

'At the shop.

'I got a situation. I've got something here.'

'What do you mean?'

'I need you to come.

'What you on about?'

'Not on the phone.'

'I'm miles away!

'You need to come.'

'I'm not coming unless you tell me...'

(Line goes dead)

Right. Get yourself down that dry-cleaner's now.

What is it?

Mal calling Xavier. Didn't sound right.

Xavier? He's old news.

And take Tommy with you.

Go on. Break him back in.

Let's check it out.

Must have been half an hour.

Should have been open by now.

Come on, mate. You're the one who made us stake out Maltese Frankie at that clinic for three days.

He said he was getting his hair done. I didn't think he meant a transplant.

(They laugh)


You don't mind if I bump things along, do ya?

Why? What you going to do?

It's a front, innit?

They want us looking at the front. I'm going to go round the back.

No faulting that logic.

(Phone chimes)

Ash! Xav's here!

'Ash, he's coming your way!

'Ash, Xav's coming round the back.'

Why aren't you open?!

(Mal breathes heavily)

(Press steams and hisses)


I've made a start, but really... there's absolutely no sense of order.

(Iron hisses, muffled cries)

Keys. Chuck 'em.

(Keys jangle)

Jesus, mate. He's my sister's boy.

There's no need for this.

Let's hope not.

What do you want?

I read this book... Said that you needed to target people that can catalyse your advancement.

I don't know what you're on about.

Little bird told me you had a big load coming in.

He actually used the word "shipment".

I don't know anything about any shipment!

(Muffled cries)

Shipment! This month!

All right!

Look, I don't know exactly when. This month, probably.

He don't tell us that!

So now you're going to tell me his name. I don't mean the guy that's next up.

What's his name? It was Docker, weren't it?

(Muffled cries)

It was Docker. So not him.

I want the guy at the top... and I want to know where to find him.

(Whimpering cries)

I can't tell you that.


Then I'm going to have to steam the skin off your sister's lad's face.

(He whimpers)

Unbearable pain, apparently.

I read that in a book, too.

Different kind of book.

(Iron hisses)

All right! Stop! Wait!

(He sobs)


I didn't tell you his name.

Tommy, I think there's a guy coming round the front. Stay on him.

He's heading into a supermarket on Brennan Street.

Keep eyes on him!

(Tyres screech)

Woman: What the f...!

(He breathes heavily)

(Breathes heavily)


Yeah, I'm on him.

I'm close!

(Breathes heavily)

(He groans)

(He groans)

(He gasps)

Where is he?


I lost him, mate.

Excuse me. Where can I find the manager, please?

You got CCTV?

Yes, Dad, I know. I know you've got your appointment today. I'm sorry.

Look, I'm going to be home in about half an hour.

Do you want to drop the girls off on your way to the clinic?

Yeah? OK. Bye. Bye.

No motor?

Failed its MOT.

Come on, then. Get in.

Oh, no, I'm nearly...

Come on.


We take it off the small fry, yeah? That's the plan.

That's your plan.

There's 50 of your pissing little jobs in there. You've got to think bigger.

People who have this kind of money, right, they're going to come looking for it!

So let them look.

How they going to find it, eh?

It's just me...

Well, me and you.

This is our time.

See, destiny is a ride you have to choose to get on.


Come on. Let's go nuts.


Don't spend too much of it.

Why not?

Might need it for something.

Thanks for that.

You're welcome.

Where are the girls? Are they out with their dad?

No, he's, um...

They're with my dad, actually. He's dropping them off any minute.

What about Danny?

He's at football club.

Love him to bits, but, you know... just need to find somewhere to get his energy out. You know?

Kids, eh? Life?

You cope all right, though, don't you?

I have my mechanisms.

Right. Oh.

You want a go?

No... No.

Have you never tried it?

Well, not...

My husband, I mean...

Is he here?

I'd better go.


Take it.

In case you need it.

Thanks... I think.


See ya.

Roach: They turned the dry-cleaner's over.

Xav said there was three of them.

Some other crew?

Sometimes people just get robbed. Maybe that's all it was.

How much did they get?

What was in the safe.

Six large.

Bit more.

If word gets out that another organisation is moving in on us...

Nobody takes what's mine.

No weakness. Not now, not with what we've got coming in.

You find out who it was. And, when you do, I want them to know exactly who they've tangled with.

Tommy: You're sure that was the word he used?


"This month."

Oh. I heard something else.

Couple of the crew calling about some "special package".


Yeah. Said it was coming soon.

If we can only find out who he was.

Yeah. Mate, look, um...

Back there. I'm sorry...

Don't think about it.

No, it was really busy. I...

One of them things.

Look, you're just a little ring rusty, that's all.

(Indistinct chatter)

Take forever, don't they?

Mr Roach... It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm a big admirer of your business.

Show me your hands.

You're not a scaffolder.

Not that business.

I'm looking for an opportunity in an organisation with ambition... scale.

I've had one look at you.

Anyone asked me, I could not remember what you look like.

You're not in my world.

But if I turn around and I see you still there... then I will know you.

Is that what you want?

If I've heard about it... others will, too.

I'm talking about your shipment.

Still here.

All I know is... a man has something other people want... those people are going to come after it.

My name... is Casby.

You can text me on that number. I'm at your disposal.

Just to say, I admire your vision, purpose.

You need the personnel to match.
Ta-da! What do you think?

For Friday!

It's, er...

It's not too... revealing, is it?

Get it.

Ash... that phone you gave me.

It was the last number you wanted, right?

Yeah. That's right.

Yeah. That was a payphone.


(Phone rings)

Man: 'All right? Heard you had some bother.'

Yeah, well, there were four of 'em.

(Music on radio)

What, you mean that crew that barbecued Fergus's caravan?

Could have been.

Monica! Will you turn that bloody radio down?!

Still... it's not all bad news.

Word is... it's going to be tomorrow, that other thing.

'Yeah, this special package is going to do the business for the lads.'

Gav said he was going down there personal to see it.

Police! Stay where you are!


Stall 'em!

Oi! Oi! No, this is harrassment!


My guy's just been hit by the police.

I'm getting the same thing.

It's happening everywhere.

Stop there! Stop there right now! Police. Stay where you are!

Come here! Oi! Right, down on the ground.

Get down now!



Open the door!

Get rid of the phones! Now!

(Banging at door)

Armed police! Get your hands where we can see 'em! - LINE GOES DEAD What the hell is happening?

The Old Bill has just moved in on all our targets.

They've all stopped talking.


What do you think?

That bastard!

Open that safe.

It's open.

(Safe clicks)

Turn the place upside down!

Cartwright: I want to know how our intel got out of this office!

(Phone buzzes)

It's Gemmill.

Everyone? They hit all the boys at the same time? But not you?

What's that supposed to mean?

What'd they find? - Nothing.

Most of the boys are out of product. They'll be back to it in no time.

You're missing the point! Another crew is coming after our action... - Elliot... and they've got the pigs in their pocket! This is not happening!

Not happening now while I've got his lawyer sitting out there waiting for me.

Someone wants to send me a message, yeah, mess me up when I'm so close?

Well, they'd better be prepared to go the whole way!

So what you going to say to this Mexican's lawyer?

Guess what? I'm not going to start by saying that my whole distribution chain just got arrested!

When this deal is done and this stuff comes in, it needs moving, quick... and quiet.

I'm on it.

(People yelling and shouting)

Look, Stannard's still in there, so I have to be careful.

You know how he got the information?


He's been after something like this for months, but then, a few days ago, it all just landed in his lap.

We've lost all our phones.

You know, these guys, they're going to change up everything now.

It's going to take us months to get back to where we were.

You know, all that work...

I'm sorry. Really...

If you need anything, you just ask.

Yeah, listen, um...

I'm trying to find out if this guy's got a past.

I would love to put a name to that face.

Listen, I've got to go check something out.

Man with American accent: My client sends his regards.

He very much enjoyed meeting you.

He's a very good host.

Yes, he is. Between you and me, too good.

He sometimes forgets the line between business and relaxation.

Which is why I get sent in after the fact, just to make sure that, er...

Make sure of what?

Well, that you're serious about this.

I paid 100 grand just to get in a room with him.

Serious enough for you?

The initial deposit has been accepted.

This, as you know, is nonrefundable.

The moment the shipment leaves Panama City, it is considered to be in your possession, and its value becomes your responsibility.

My client will not tolerate repayments that are late or that are different than those agreed upon.

Inside here is the address of a website that will allow you to track the progress of your purchase.

This is the point of no return, Mr Roach.

Why don't you afford yourself a moment, just to...

Keep up with the repayments, huh?

Always put the milk in first.

Otherwise... you look like a tourist.

You all right, mate?

Look, I was playing here as a guest last Tuesday and I got chatting to a member, John something or other.

Anyway, he's thinking about selling his golf clubs, gives me his number...

I'm frickin' hopeless, me. So I just went and lost it.

You don't have a list of who was playing here that day, do you?

Er, you've got the wrong day, mate. You couldn't have been here Tuesday.

That was er, Medal Day, and then a club dinner. You know, it's members only that day.

Right. Must have been Wednesday, then.

I dunno... Look, he's a member.

John... You don't have a membership list?

You're kidding. Club secretary guards that list with his life.

The "great book" never leaves his sight, except when it's locked in a safe in his office.

I see...

Like anybody cares!

Connor: We had an agreement.

I gave you the intelligence -- all the criminals' names the UNIT were up on, and you'd get my disciplinary sorted.

I'm not in the business of brushing serious police misconduct under the carpet.

No, no, no. I stole...

I stole that intel for you.

Wouldn't go around announcing that.

Theft's a crime last time I checked.

Docker: Well, they've let Xav go.

Tell him he needs to ditch the dry-cleaner's, set up another front.


We need to be making money out of this gear straight away.

Hit those repayments.

(Knock at door)

I think we could do with some extra personnel.

Come in.

(Door opens)

(Music plays, faint chatter)

Someone's going for it.

Going to join me?

No, I've got to meet someone. I've got to be somewhere.

Probably something I best do alone.

Anything I can help with?

Heard you had your own problems.

So, how do you know about it? The thing you told me about?

Loose talk. You might want to think about tightening up your security.

Ah, now...

Any troubles lately?

You don't mind if I, er, straighten these up a bit?

Show them off a bit better?


And what is it you want?

To be... useful.

What, and I'm supposed to just trust you?


That's something I'll have to earn.

And how you going to do that?

I'm working on it.

So you knew?

Tommy told me.

I mean, he wasn't...

Nah, it's not a big deal. It's just a...

It's just a thing.

Well, sorry to hear it.

What you said, about, um, this kind of work and family life not being a good fit...

No, you were right. You were right.

And me going toe to toe with Cartwright, losing Lorna, and watching all our lines get pissed away by whoever gave Stannard....

Despite all of that, it matters, what we're doing, don't it?

It's worth it, isn't it?

It's got to be.

It's good.

It's good talking about it with someone like you.

What am I like?

Got your shit together, ain't yer?

I... It's hard talking about it with people who don't... who aren't...

Who aren't what?

Aren't like you and me.

What's going on, Kim?


Oh, Jesus, I'm so sorry.


Time to move on, eh?

Whoa! Whoa!

Don't want to take out someone on the same team.

That's right.

I'm Casby.


Thought it better we didn't meet in polite company.

Might have been a bit awkward.

You turned me over.

You threatened Mal with a steam iron!

That was then.

I was just making my move.

To show you there's no hard feelings, I thought I'd give you the heads up. Right?

This business with the Old Bill...

What about it?

The boss... well, he's understandably on edge about it, you know, with everything that's going on.

But your mate Docker, he's very good at covering his own arse.

See, he's not saying that you grassed everyone up.

He's just not saying you didn't.

He what?

I got arrested, for Christ's sake!

That would be the clever part.

Deflect suspicion.

It had nothing to do with me! He's the one!

He's the one who got seen by the law!

Well... we've all got our little secrets now, haven't we?

I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think Mr Roach would be impressed by anybody who gives out his name on a bit of paper. What do you reckon?

You and me... we can do each other a big favour.


I can't believe I'm doing this.

Come on, Smoke.

Even superpowers like yours need a little bit of sharpening once in a while.

That safe did have an interesting mechanism.

So what? Someone big in there?

(Camera clicks)

The biggest. Maybe.

Then you're wasting your time.

(Camera clicks)

Guy like that'd be untouchable.

He'll have three, maybe four layers of protection from the law.

And his first line of defence is his consigliere.


You seen The Godfather, right?


His right-hand man who protects him, and who he trusts.

You make it sound all warm and cuddly.

Cuddly like a snake pit.

The closer you are to the top, the more people there are trying to sink their fangs into you.

You said this was the last favour. So... we're square.


Once you've put it back.

(Muffled whimpers)


Your money.

Who is he?

Connected with another crew.

He's the one who torched Fergus's caravan.

Is that him? The one who turned you over?

Yeah, that's him.

(Muffled cries)

I thought you said there were three of them.

You've overreached yourself, my son.

Roach: Go on.

Let's see it, then.

(Muffled cries)

(g*n cocks)

That's what I need. Someone who'll step up.

You're with me now.

Put it in the river. Not too far out. It needs to be seen.

Casby: There's something you should know.

Bloke in the boot...

He said...


He knew about the shipment. It's common knowledge with his crew.

Says someone told them about it. Someone on the inside.

Now... I don't know how many people you've told...

Valerie: Golf club members list?

Could you work through 'em for me?

And you're giving me this on the sly because...?

Things have been getting out of this office, if you hadn't noticed.


Leave it with me.

(Phone buzzes)


That CCTV picture... Got an ID for you.

Name of Justin Casby.

You got an address?

Ha! Even better than that.

I can tell you exactly where he'll be in 45 minutes.


This morning. I said he could have the time.

So we have one setback and he wants to go?

Bit more to it than that.

There's something I have to tell you.

Taking that laptop home was a direct breach of our policy!

You've not only undone months of work, you've put the very future of this UNIT in jeopardy!

If you want me to resign...

Oh, don't be daft.

That's all I need. Another bloody quitter!

Did we really misjudge you that badly?


I want to stay. And I want to make it right.

So you can start now.

The last thing we learnt before the phones went down was our crew are expecting a "special package" today.

And we know Docker's going to be there for it.

So get on him, and get close to whatever that is.

Do not let us down again.

He clamped his van.

He ain't going nowhere else today, then.

It doesn't make sense.

You definitely heard it?


Two times. "Special package."

Xav said it would be this afternoon.

He said Docker was going to be there... unless...


Something Ash said the other day.

If it's a front, what's going on round the back?

That van...

Hmm. What does a tanning salon need a van for?

Shit! Drive! Drive!

Valerie: 'Right, so what are you saying?'

Kim: This is how he swerved our surveillance.

He's being sneaking out the back and using another vehicle.

Better be right.

Kim: Wrong wheels for a tanning salon.

Right wheels for a drug dealer.

(Engine starts)

Val, we have a visual.

Valerie: She did it. She pulled it off.

The least she owes us!

And I take it we're still paying Ashton's wages?

Does anybody know where the hell he is?

(Indistinct tannoy announcement)

Ash? What the hell are you doing here?

You're 50 yards from Docker.

Kim, get him out of there!

Cartwright's going to k*ll you!

Where did he go? Docker?

Hospitality box. Third on the left.

When did he get here?

Few minutes ago. He was in a rush.

Next race...


Kim, get Ash away from Docker... now!

Tommy? Can you hear me?



(He breathes heavily)

(Horse whinnies)


Ash: Val? It's me. I'm at the racecourse.

Yeah, yeah, I know where you are! And if Docker sees you, we could lose our lead to whatever this "package" is they're on about. - Listen to me.

You need to get up the runners for the next race on the internet.


Look at the names of the owners.

Right, give us a chance.

Is Docker's name there?

You're in a hurry, ain't you?

Just happy to be here.

You ever heard of the Peter Principle? No?

The Peter Principle says that in most organisations people will be promoted beyond their ability.

Sound familiar?

You've wormed your way in this far, but you want to know how many like you I've seen come and go?

And here I still am.

You know what I think?

I think it's better to be the boss with a gram of gear... than a lackey sitting on a warehouse full.

I'm the one that looks out for Elliot.

We'll see who's standing at the end.

Commentator: 'The horses have just come in to the track now and are starting to go behind...'

Woman: Starting! Come on.

Valerie: No. No Docker. His name isn't on it.

OK. The golf club members list I gave you...

Well, hang on, I've not had a chance to look at it yet.

Do any of the names match?

Hey. Tommy, Ash is here.

(He breathes heavily)

You all right?

Yeah. Sorry. I'm, er...

You're dripping!

It's all right, it's all right... Just... don't tell Ash... yeah?

Commentator: 'And they're racing, and a good, clean break with five furlongs to cover.'


Val, talk to me.

Come on, Val!

Nothing. None of the guys on this list.

Val! Women owners...

Do any of the surnames match?

Commentator: 'Now they're moving in to the final two furlongs 'and the jockeys are getting to work. They're getting a lot more serious.'



(Crowd roars)


(Crowd shouts)

Which horse?

Number six.

(Soundtrack fades to silence)

Kid's got something about him, no?

You need people you can trust.

That's right, Gav. I do.

Shipment's on the move. Two stops before it gets to us.

Tannoy: 'Here's confirmation of the result. First, number six.'

Roach: It's a good omen, that.

Since when have you been superstitious?

Valerie: 'Ash? Ash!'


(She sighs)

The name of that horse, yeah?

It's called Special Package.

They've been talking about a bloody horse.

Don't matter.

Don't matter.

I'm not procrastinating. I've been trying to give it proper thought.

Yes, I understand the time factor.

Forget about it, Kim... I'll be fine...


You need an answer right now?

Cartwright: How many times does he have to wilfully disobey us before you'll stop defending him?!

I was only trying to...

I don't care what you're trying to do.

He is through!


Hey, you!

I'm talking to you!

Ash: Everything this crew's been doing, money laundering, pills, armed robbery... it's been leading up to this! This! This is big!

Now we've got every street dealer in the six zones ready to sell his stuff.

All the lives that touches... All that misery.

If he makes that importation, and he puts it out on them streets, then he wins... and we lose.

♪ Ain't shady, baby ♪
♪ I'm hot like the prodigal son ♪
♪ Pick a petal, eeny meeny miny mo ♪
♪ And flower, you're the chosen one ♪
♪ Well, your left hand's free ♪
♪ And your right's in grip ♪
♪ With another left hand ♪
♪ Watch his right hand slip ♪
♪ Towards his g*n ♪
♪ Oh, no ♪
♪ Well, my left hand's free ♪
♪ Oh, no! ♪