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01x04 - Aftermath

Posted: 07/22/15 11:47
by bunniefuu
Noah: Previously on Scream...

Hudson: I knew Lakewood had a history.


You just don't expect lightning to strike twice.

Why didn't you tell me you were Daisy?

Because it happened a long time ago.

Someone knows.

He called you again?

Riley: Just before Noah and I were about to, you know...

Tyler finally texted back.

He said he didn't do it.

There is no way out of this.

So we can help each other. Or not.

But then it's every man for himself.

Man: (ON PHONE) I'm the one that's gonna lift the mask.

I am done playing your games, and I'm done with you.

Where's Brooke? Where the hell is she?

Riley, stay put. I'm coming.




Woman (on radio): Suspect Tyler O'Neill. Vehicle reported crashed through construction on Kincaid Bridge.




Emma, honey, they got him.

They got Tyler. He crashed his car.

Aw, honey.

I'll be right back. You stay here, okay?

Okay. Okay.

Is that Riley?

Oh, my God.

How did this happen?

How did this happen?

Hey! Hey, "Protect and serve," my ass!


Where was he? She was right here!

Noah! Come on. Breathe.

Noah, stop!

I don't understand. I don't understand.

Who would k*ll her?

I need to know.

Yeah. So do I.




How did this happen?

It's not your fault.

It's my fault.

It's not.

Look, Riley Marra was m*rder*d on my watch.

At my station. How is that not my fault?

You couldn't foresee this. No one could.

Look, I underestimated him, Maggie.

I let him distract me.

Mom. Who is it?

Emma, you shouldn't be here. Come on.

Is it Tyler?

No. Sweetie.

Is he dead?

The driver was decapitated during the crash.

Newsome: Hey, Sheriff.


They found this near the car.

That's the Brandon James mask.

Scream - 01x04

Piper (over podcast): Honestly, guys, this is a tough one to talk about.

I mean, I've covered some terrible things, but last night, I felt it.

The hunt for Tyler O'Neill ended in tragedy and another Lakewood teen lost her life.

And the press will be hyping the curse of Brandon James and looking for someone to blame, but I've met these kids.

Their loss is impossible to describe.

So I'm not gonna try.

My heartfelt condolences go to the friends and family of Riley Marra.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

Could you turn that off?

(SIGHS) I can't believe she's gone.

I can't believe I abandoned her.

Brooke, we both did.

But you were worried about me.

And I was answering a booty call.

To a guy who didn't even show.

Brooke, it's not your fault.


You know, I don't think I'm gonna make it through this town hall thing.


None of this waterproof mascara actually is.

Come here.

You can go a day without mascara.

You know, Riley had those insane long lashes.


She never had to wear mascara.

That bitch.

I know.

(SOBBING) I miss her, too.



Found you.

Did you sleep here last night?

Thank you.

If by "sleep," you mean "stare numbly into space," then, yeah, I slept.

What are you reading?

Uh, highlights from my brief text relationship with Riley.

"Meet me by the football field."

(SOFT CHUCKLE) That's a really big one.

Uh, "Yes, my mom's on a kale kick."

That's disgusting.

"Who would win in a cage match, Lady Gaga or Madonna?"

Oh, definitely Gaga.

Yeah, Gaga would totally win, right?

Kick her ass.



I don't know, the Victorians had it right.

You know, I wish I had, like, a lock of her hair, or something real.

You know, not just pixels.

You have memories.

You know, maybe if I'd punched my V-card, the rules of horror would've kicked in.

Maybe I'd be the one who died.

I don't think that's how it works.

I would offer to deflower you, but I'd just be taking advantage of your heightened emotional state, and we can't have that.

(SCOFFS) Thank you.

Yeah, that's very kind of you.


Well, I'd rather channel my anguish into something productive.

Maybe vigilante justice.

Hey, we could team up, "Bi-curious and The Virgin."

That's the world's saddest crime-fighting duo.


(BOTH IMITATE expl*si*n)

Come on, virgin.

We're gonna be late.

No, you go. I'm not ready to face reality yet.

You see this? Tyler's car. It's all over the Web.

Will: Yeah, and Riley.

She shouldn't be dead.

I know. But Tyler and Nina are gone.

They can't hurt us anymore.

They weren't the ones ready to slam me with a shovel last night.

It's just you and me.

We gotta trust each other.

How you doing, Em?

I've been better.


My dad's got index cards.

How could there be talking points today?


Good morning, my friends.

I know that we're all still reeling from the events of the past few days.

And the loss to our community is something that we will be feeling for years to come.

Sheriff Hudson?

I know there are a lot of, uh, rumors floating around.

And I'm here to tell you what we know.

Last night, it appears that Tyler O'Neill att*cked Riley Marra outside the sheriff's station and then fled the scene.

Riley died of her injuries before paramedics could arrive.

Now, security footage shows that her assailant was wearing the same mask as the person who k*lled Nina Patterson.

And that mask was found in the wreckage of Tyler's car.

Our ME is running forensic tests to confirm that the body found inside that car is in fact that of Tyler O'Neill's.

But I am confident we've got our man.

It's over.


Hey, Sheriff.


What about Rachel Murray? Did Tyler k*ll her, too?

Afraid I can't discuss that.

We just opened our investigation.

But you are investigating it, right?

You're not just gonna pin it on Tyler to close the case?

No one's pinning anything on anyone.

Emma, maybe you should take your friend to see one of those grief counselors.

Hey, Audrey. Come on. I know.


Look, we're gonna figure this out, I promise.

The crazy thing is, I kind of want it to be Tyler.

I know.

I just want it to be over.

Everyone does. That's what I'm worried about.

You think the k*ller is still out there.

I don't know. I hope not.

Even if Tyler did k*ll Riley and Nina, why would he have been the one harassing me?

It doesn't make sense.

You're right.

The Mayor needs to open the beaches, but he wants to be sure the shark's dead.

Yeah, well, the techs are still sifting through the wreckage, picking up pieces, literally.

Maggie, come on, it's me.

Is this Tyler O'Neill?


The hands are too burned to pull prints.

I started a DNA panel, but the results take time.

Wouldn't dental records be faster?

If I had something to compare them to.

What do you mean?

Well, the team has been dragging the creek all night.

But we can't seem to find his head.


I'll have a triple half-sweet 2% caramel macchiato, please.

That's a joke. (CHUCKLES)


No, hearing the Sheriff spell out what happened, I just had to check on you.

Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, I thought that it would be good to get back to work.

But, um...

Every shot I pour makes me think of Riley.

(CHUCKLES) Her insane espresso tolerance.

Yeah, she could drink any grad student under the table.

That night we were cramming for finals, she was practically levitating.


(SOBBING) Yeah, she was.

I'm... I'm sorry.

No. No, don't be.


(SNIFFLES) So, is this what being friends feels like?

It's, uh, not so terrible, huh?

No. Not today.



I'm sorry.

Hey, Brooke. What's up?

Brooke: Grief-shopping.

I need advice picking funeral nail polish.

Come help me.

Well, as uplifting as that sounds, I've, uh, I've gotta go. I'm at work.

What do you think, Em? Titanium, Black Onyx?

Both sound equally depressing to me.

I got to go, I'll call you later, okay?


Black Onyx.


Riley would approve.


Emma: I heard your podcast this morning.

Thanks for what you said about Riley.

I can't imagine what you guys are going through.

Yeah. You don't want to.

Um, the usual?

Uh, no, thank you. Uh, double shot, to-go.

So, uh...

I heard that the PTB is trying to pin the blame on your sheriff.

I hope not. It's not his fault.

Oh, no, of course not.

I mean, it's Tyler's fault.

"Lakewood Slasher Dead."

That's what sells ad banners on HuffPo, right?

But you don't think that's true?

I think that people need it to be Tyler, and I also think that your Sheriff is not the only person who's gonna be the scapegoat here.

See you later.






Drinking on the job is a new thing for you.

They can't fire me.

I'm the only one who knows how to reset the router.

At least take it slow.



Uh, welcome to my nightmare.

What's up?

I got this in the mail.

I think the k*ller is sending me some weird message.

A yearbook? That's not so weird.

Oh, Holy Manson Family album!



Just... These were Brandon's victims.

He stole their faces.

And then he scratched out my dad's.

The only survivor.

I guess Tyler could have sent this, but it seems a little analog for a k*ller who's been using social media and cell cloning.

Well, I mean he is taking me to the past.

Is this the message?

Yeah. "The truth lies where the mask was made."

You know, the mask Brandon James wore was actually a surgical mask.

Some say it was all that held his face together...


Okay, okay. Um, just...

It was to protect his sutures from infection, post-op.

So who made it?

I don't know.

Brandon's surgeries were done at Lakewood General, out on the turnpike, but it closed down, like, six or seven years ago.

Please tell me we're going there!

No. We're, we're not going anywhere.

But it's a great lead!

Look, I know that you want to do something for Riley, and I do, too. But, uh...

This could be a trap.

Uh, yeah, fine. Okay.

Why don't you take it to the sheriff?

Yeah, go be law-abiding and whatever.

I've got some grief-gaming to do.

I'll catch you later.


Em, you're going to that hospital alone, aren't you?

I... I just keep thinking about what you said this morning.

About what a relief it would be if it actually was Tyler who was behind all of this.

And, I mean, if he sent me that yearbook, and he's dead, then this isn't a trap.

He's not there to ambush me.

And you'd have your answer.


But also, if it wasn't him...

Then we go together.




Should we take Noah?

Oh, God, no.

He'd be like a four-year-old at Disneyland.

We'd have to put a leash on him.

Fair point.

He can watch the highlight reel.

Let's go.


What's that about?

That was the City Attorney.

Riley Marra's family wants to file a civil case against Lakewood, naming me the lead screw-up.

Not the official term.


Look, I know Riley's parents.

When the time is right, I'll try talking to them.

Rachel Murray's name came up today, too.

I delayed the investigation to give her family a day to mourn, but now it looks like I'm covering something up.

That's ridiculous. You did nothing wrong.

Hey, I'll back you up.

Yeah. Well, let's hope that's good enough.
Hey, kitten. You okay?


My friends are dead and everyone hates me.

Other than that, perfect.

Hey, did you talk to Mom?

I keep trying her cell and it just goes straight to voicemail.

Well, I don't think the ashram allows phones.


Does she even know what's going on here?

Brooke, your mom has perfected the art of avoidance.

I, on the other hand, have to handle the press, the grieving parents, and a departmental screw-up of Darwin Award proportions.

(SIGHS) I'm sorry.

I know you miss her. So do I.

But, um, you can talk to me.


Now, what do you mean everybody hates you?

You're adorable.

Forget it.


Yo! What's the 9-1-1?


I got into Duke.

Hell, yeah! Huge congrats, bro.

Thanks, man.

Um, but no scholarship.

So, I'm gonna be paying 63 grand.

Which may as well be 63 million.

Did you tell your dad?

Not yet.

(SIGHS) He'll never co-sign for student loans, so that's it.

I'm never getting out of here.

You know, if you need fast cash for tuition, there is another option.

We can finish what Nina and Tyler started.

Blackmail? We're finally in the clear and you want to dive back in?

We are still in the clear.

This guy has no idea who we are.

We don't even have the video.

It's on Nina's laptop.

There may be another copy.

(SCOFFS) I knew you didn't delete everything.

We have an opportunity.

Look, if the guy balks, then we walk.

No harm, no foul.

But if he pays, hello, Duke.

Emma: Okay. So, what do you think?

Uh, second thoughts are setting in.

Look, this guy k*lled Riley at the police station and Nina at her house, and I know for a fact that he was outside my house the other night.

If he wanted to k*ll me, he's had plenty of chances.

That's sketchy logic.

But it almost makes sense.

All right, let's gear up.

You have a stun g*n?

Yeah. Over-protective dad.

If your psycho friend shows up, push the button, jam it into his junk.

Sounds effective. What about you?

I'm old school.


You ready?


After you.



This place is huge.

Maybe we should split up.

Hey, that is not even remotely funny.

Just a thought.

It's not funny.

Audrey: Just messing with you.

This way.


Audrey: If Tyler did send you that yearbook, we're following a dead man's trail.

Great, or a live man's trap.

Who's to say a woman couldn't t*rture and k*ll just as well as a man?

Well, it was a man's voice that called me.

(VOICE MASKED) A voice like this?


$1.99 voice-changer app.

We used it for Rachel's zombie movie.

Please do not do that again.

I'm just saying, it could be anybody.


Emma: God.

Well, this can't be good.

It keeps going.


(INHALES) He's been here.

What do you wanna do?

I want to find that son of a bitch.

Me, too.

Oh, God.


Is that a pig?

Oh, God, I'm never eating bacon again.

The heart's gone.

So's the head.

My mom got a heart in a box.

This is where it's from.



Help me find a light.

Audrey: Noah was right.

Emma: It's Brandon James.

Oh, my God, this must be where they tried to fix him.

The masks were custom-made for Brandon's face after each one of the surgeries.

There's more than one?








What the hell!

Did you just try to tase my man-parts?

Get up.


What are you doing here?

Does that really require an explanation?

You know I wanna make this guy pay just as much as you do.

Hey. Don't blame Emma. Blame me.

Guys, we have bigger problems.

Holy Christmas.

Oh, I knew it.

Oh, it's a genuine k*ller's lair.

That's a thing?

Oh, please don't get him started.

A lair is an extension of the k*ller's psychosis.

The root cellar in Psycho, Kevin Spacey's apartment in Seven,

Hannibal Lecter's kitchen. I mean, every fictional k*ller has one.

Emma: So he's been living here?

I highly doubt it.

No, this looks staged.

I mean, you see lairs on TV, not in real life.

Take Pretty Little Liars.

They're always chock-full of bloody clues and creepy unrealistic icons.

I mean, seriously, how would A get her hands on four Victorian dolls that look just like the main characters?

Where do you shop for that?

Evil American Girl Doll store?


I can't believe you two came here without me.

Yeah, you're right. After you.


Audrey: This is Rachel's.

Emma: Nina's necklace.

Noah: This is Riley's keychain.

Bastard took souvenirs.



Noah: The missing yearbook pictures.

It's you.

And you're the star of the show.

I think we should go.

Yeah, the charm is wearing off.

Audrey: Emma, what are you doing?

Oh, my God, that's Nina's laptop.

Audrey: What?

The police have been looking for this.

I bet.

Whoa. Folders for all her friends?

Maybe photos?

Noah: Was she friends with the Mayor?

Principal Showalter?

The sheriff.

Nina, what the hell were you doing?


They're encrypted. I could get 'em open...

But I'd need some time.

I got it.

Wait, hold on.

Emma, we gotta take this.

This is evidence.

We should let the police deal with this.

Because they handled the Riley situation so well.

Emma, there's a file with your name on it.

Aren't you the least bit curious?

I just feel like this is all a test.

And when I fail, people die.

You didn't come here to do nothing.


Hey, guys, someone's coming.

Wait, does your camera have an SD card?

Yeah, hang on.

Okay, come on, come on.


Noah: Come on, Emma, hurry up.

Audrey: How much longer?

Emma: Ten seconds.

We don't have 10 seconds.

I know. I know. I know.

Uh, perimeter alert. Guys.

It's almost there. Five seconds.

Noah: Hey, seriously, guys, we gotta go.


Guys, we gotta go. Are we done?

Audrey: Come on. Let's go. Hurry up.

Noah: Emma, we gotta go!

Emma: Okay, all right. We're done.

We got it, we got it, we got it. Okay, okay. Okay, let's go.

Wait, guys, what's that?

Noah: Oh, it's Brandon's mask.

Audrey: Leave it. We gotta go!

Emma: There might be DNA on it.



Emma: Oh, my God.

Oh, man, that is wrong!

That is Tyler's head!

There's no way he k*lled anybody.

Emma: Come on. He's coming.

Crap, we gotta go!



Emma: Back exit!

Go on!

That side! (SCREAMS)


You three, with me. Now.


What were you thinking?

Yeah, what were you thinking?

Every piece of evidence in that hospital is potentially inadmissible because of you!

How did you know we were there?

Anonymous tip.

Someone saw you guys breaking in.

We swept that place a week ago, looking for Tyler.

There was nothing.

So why were you there?

A package came to the house.

The 1994 Lancers yearbook.

He cut out people's faces, he wrote things.

Oh, my God, Emma.

Why didn't you come straight here?

Because the last time I came here, it didn't really end that well.

Hey, that's not fair.

Mom, none of this is fair.

Why didn't you tell me about this?

To try and stop more people from dying.

I said I didn't think it was Tyler.

No one believed me.

But you believe us now, right?

Well, considering his head is in that hospital and his body is in the car, yeah.

Glad we cleared that up.

Sit down. Don't move. I'm gonna need your camera, Audrey.

Now all of you, get out of here.

Go home. Do me a favor.

Any further contact, you call me immediately.

Let's go.

Get out of here.

Hey, sweetheart.

This just came for you.

It's from your mother.

I don't need another tchotchke from India.

Well, you're in luck, cause this is from Sri Lanka.

Thought that Buddhist retreat was last year.

I thought it didn't take.

Well, apparently, she's changed her mind.

I don't know.

I have a bad feeling.

Which is perfectly understandable.

You just lost one of your best friends.

Such a sweet kid. (SIGHS)

Yeah, she really was.

Unlike me.


You're tough, Brooke.

So am I.

Doesn't always make you popular.

But it does make you...


(SIGHS) ...survivors.

(SCOFFS) You really don't get it, do you?

Brooke. Brooke, I...




(SIGHS) I got your text. What's up?

Everyone hates me.

You saw the poll?

(SCOFFS) Did you vote for me, too?

Hell, no.

I gotta keep you around.

Gotta have one unattainable hottie to keep me grounded.

Especially with Riley being gone.

Last night, I left my friend alone because I just wanted what I wanted.

It's always all about me.

Or your girlish charm.

No, it's not.

I don't wanna be that person.

Come here.


Thank you.

Noah: Withholding from the police. Naughty, naughty.

You know me.


Noah: Let's see what we got here.

Oh, crap, we ejected the card too soon.

There's no content.

Wait, hold on. Hold on, we got one.

Now we just need a password.

What's something Nina would use?

Try "thunderbitch."


Too obvious.

I can get around it.

That was just an amuse-bouche.

Hey, Piper. Do you have a second?

Emma. Perfect timing.

I was just wrapping things up.

Wait, you're done? You're leaving?

I'm gonna grab some man-on-the-street reaction bits, uh, request interviews from police, get shut down, rinse, repeat. But, uh, yeah, the case is pretty much done.

Just came by to say goodbye and, uh, grab a latte for the road.

Maybe you shouldn't.

You know what, I know, I've been trying to cut down, but you know what, everybody has their vices...

I'm not talking about coffee.

Okay. Does this have anything to do with what happened at the hospital yesterday?

The sheriff isn't sharing anything.

You know, I can't talk about specifics.

I get it. You don't have to say anything, but barista to podcaster, if you were me, would you stay or would you go?

I would stay.

Oh, yeah.

You almost make this look cool.

Yeah, well, we're cooking. We are cooking with gas.

And there it went.

We're in.

You are Jedi. What is it?

Uh, looks like a video file.

Oh, my God. It's Emma and Will!


Turn it off.

Now, Noah. Turn it off!

Yeah, yeah!

Yeah, I'm trying. I'm trying.

Uploading? Uploading where?

Uh, it's a hidden executable. I can't stop it!

The file's just been shared with the listserv.

What listserv?


Here you go.

Thank you.

While I'm still here, you're gonna have to teach me how to do that foam, squiggly-leaf thing.







Emma, what is it?

You okay?

Oh, my God.


It's my first time.