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02x02 - Project Dawn, Episode 2

Posted: 08/30/11 18:46
by bunniefuu



Can you get him back?

Grant: (ON HEADSET) Stonebridge, come in. Stonebridge?

The transmitter's been destroyed.


You have been hiding people.

You're out of your mind.

What about the woman you met in the bar?

Which woman?

You were there, what, five minutes?


With you in the lift.

Oh, her.

Yeah, I don't know where she is.

But you have hidden her.

You will take us to her.

What for?



(COUGHING) f*ck you.

You will take us. Now.


Going up?

So, the man with Stonebridge said we can stop looking for Latif.

You think he was Latif?

We'll find out soon enough.


That lobby is laced with expl*sives, General.

You attempt an as*ault, the blood of those hostages will be on your hands.

And if Pakistani intelligence had done their job in the first place, Major, those t*rrorists wouldn't be in that hotel.

General, my men need more time.

If that man is Latif, Colonel Grant, your men are already dead.

You don't know that.

And you don't know how many more hostages will be m*rder*d if I delay.

General, please.

Give my men a chance to resolve this.

From the inside.

You have until sunrise.

Thank you, sir.


♪ Strike Back 02x02 ♪

Episode 2

Original Air Date on August 14, 2011


At least we found Latif.

Stonebridge: That is Latif, isn't it?

Scott: Uh, yeah.

What do you mean?

Porter was really the one who dealt with Latif.

When I saw him, he was really far away, it was kind of dark.

You never saw Latif, did you?

Not really, no.

You f*cking prick.

It's this floor.


I want blow-ups of every single person on CCTV in this hotel.

We've checked with 6, and CIA, no one has anything on Mahmood.

Major, can you enlighten us?

Major, this is not just about the hostages, or my men, but capturing Latif.

"Mahmood" is a code name.

For a weapons scientist who leaked secrets to our intelligence service for nearly a decade.

So you know him.

We don't know his true identity, only that he was going to surrender to me this evening, at the Royal Lotus Hotel.

I was on my way there when I got your call.

You knew all this, and you didn't think of telling us before?

It's highly classified.

And frankly, not something our government wanted the British or American governments to know.

But Latif knew, didn't he?

That's why he's in Delhi.

Why is this weapons scientist so important to him?

Mahmood went quiet nine years ago, after the start of the Iraq w*r.

He resurfaced only last month, out of the blue, requesting protection in exchange for information.

What kind of information was he offering?

Secrets about weapons of mass destruction.

Chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear.









He says, "Rise, my brother."

He did not know you are Muslim.

He will not harm the faithful.



He's a boy!

No, please, no!


(g*n FIRES)



In there.

(BESPECTACLED MAN) You are sure?


(WHISPERING) It's okay. Shh, shh.



She must've left.

Where is she?

You wave that thing around an awful lot.


Scott: I don't know.

k*ll me and you're never gonna find out.

Then I will k*ll him.

Ten seconds.

Don't tell him, Scott.


No worries, buddy.


I really don't know where she is.



That's good.


I have no idea what you're saying.


In English, is that five?


You can k*ll him, but I really don't know where she is.






You shot?

A ricochet.

Come on.

Stonebridge: The balcony. Move, move!

Stonebridge: Right behind you, Scott. Right behind you.

Move, move, move!


Got it?


Move, move, move, move.




Come on.

Stonebridge: Better let me look at that, Scott.

Scott: (PAINED) I need you to wait there for me, okay? Just stay there.

Scott: f*ck.

Stonebridge: Get down.


(WHISPERING) Come here. With me.



What a waste.

Here. Tell me I can dance again, buddy.

We'll see.


Turn it up.

Newscaster: ...that at least four hostages are still alive.

We can now replay for you the events just captured on camera.

Four people, believed to be among the hostages, were seen running from t*rrorists.

Tell General Kohli our men are alive.




You find the f*cking thing already?

Yeah, I found it.

It's lodged against your femoral artery.


One slip of my knife, you're gonna bleed to death all over this nice shiny floor.


You k*ll me, your wife's gonna be real pissed.




No more jokes about the wife.

Since these might be your last few moments on earth, you want to tell me about Iraq?

The cradle of civilization, (CHUCKLES)

Scott: where writing and the wheel were invented?

Stonebridge: About your dishonorable discharge, you tosser.


I'm assuming you're a damn good soldier, seeing as you're not dead, and neither are those two girls out there.

Oh, wow. Paying me compliments now, huh?

Guess I just pissed off the wrong Chairborne Ranger.

What do you mean?

One day I'm heading Delta squadron, searching for those WMDs, and we got a tip-off about some chemical w*apon convoy outside Ramadi.

But something didn't add up, you know?

I questioned the intel, next thing I know, I'm up on charges of possession.

Yeah. They found two kilos of opium in my locker.

Then you got what you deserved.

The f*cking dope wasn't mine, dickhead.

(CHUCKLING) You telling me you were set up?

You're quick.

I guess somebody wanted me out of Delta.

Yeah, but you don't know who or why, do you?

Well, we'll find out.

And when I do, I'm going to hang that m*therf*cker's head on a stick.

My God.



Hey, nice work.


Belt. Slowly.

Look at that.

Looks like you'll live.

That's impressive.

I'm sorry for those bad things I said about you, buddy.

What bad things?

Pretty much everything I say about you behind your back.

That's all right.

I can take it.



Woman: What do we do now?


Come here, sweetheart.

I need you to hide in here for a couple more minutes.

I'll be right outside.

What's this about?

You need to answer some questions.

Starting with who the f*ck you are.

My name's Iman Zubedah.

I work for a cosmetics company in London.

You have a passport, Iman Zubedah?

I think it's in my hotel room, I...

I don't know. I lost it somewhere.

Stonebridge: Hmm.

That's convenient.

I'm telling you the truth.

These men out here? They've been trying to k*ll us.

Now you expect me to believe that's all because you sell lipstick?

I don't know. They must have me muddled up with someone else.

Who's Mahmood?


Honey, I just got shot in the leg, and it's making me real cranky.

You better start telling me the truth. Right now.

Who's Mahmood?

He's my husband.

Where is this husband now?

Get me out of here, and I'll take you to him.

Get her.

Come on.

Going left, buddy.


Get down. Down!


I got a dead end.

Stonebridge: I see a body.



Damn it.

Do you know her?


It's the other girl I met in the bar.

She meant to give me that.




Colonel, it's Stonebridge.


Stonebridge: Sorry for the interruption.

Grant: You have less than an hour before the Indian Army launch an as*ault on the hotel.

You have to stop them.

Stay there.

These gunmen will k*ll everyone.

It's impossible. They won't be stopped.

Have you located Mahmood?

No, but I have someone here who claims to be his wife.

Iman Zubedah.

Ashkani: Iman Zubedah?

You know the name?

Ashkani: She was born in Britain.

Moved to Pakistan in 1990.

Worked as a research scientist for Dr. Quadeer Khan on our weapons program.

You're saying she's Mahmood?

She's the right age.

She must be.

Grant: Stonebridge? Is Zubedah near you?

Yeah, of course, she's...


She's running. She's running! Scott!

Scott: Coming!

Get her back.

What's going on?

Zubedah's Mahmood.


Come on.

Hey, honey. I need you to be really brave and stay there, okay? You understand?

We'll be right back, I promise.


Going left?


Going right.



Get out.

Let me go, please!

Come here! You seriously think you're gonna get out of here without me?

I'll take my chances.

Just let me go!



Hands off. Okay?

Just relax.

Don't get crazy.

I heard what you said back there.

What did I say?

Those WMD you were supposed to find.

The chemical convoy...

There were no WMDs in Iraq.

There were supposed to be.

You're not making any sense.

They were meant to be there. Planted there.

But the plot was aborted on the eve of the invasion, and the organization behind it hid the weapons.

I know who took them, I've known all along.

That's why Latif wants me.

So that he can use those weapons against the West.

If what you're saying is true, then the Brits and the Americans, they will protect you.

What, like they protected you when you started asking too many questions?

What are you saying?

You still don't get it, do you?

The organization who hid those weapons can't afford for anyone to know.

I can't afford to let you go.

Come on.


Scott: f*ck!



It's okay.


Doctor Zubedah. Or should I call you "Mahmood"?



Stonebridge: Mahmood's gone. So is Scott.

Scott is expendable.

She is not.

Latif knows the as*ault's coming.

He must have an escape route.

Then find it.

Copy that.

(MUFFLED g*nf*re)



(BESPECTACLED MAN) Hurry up. Move!

Zubedah: Where are you taking me?

Zubedah: Where are you taking me?

Somewhere we can talk.

And then you'll k*ll me.

(BESPECTACLED MAN) That depends on what you have to say.

(WHISPERING) One, two, three.





f*ck me.






Yes, sir.


Newscaster: As you can see, the police are pushing us back at the moment.

It's probably to prevent us from filming an as*ault...

(WHISPERING) It's beginning.

on the building. We have to assume that the t*rrorists...

Why are we stopping?




Come here.

Hey, buddy.

She needs to go to the bathroom.


She has to pee.




I have been sitting there watching you, and praying.


Praying you push that button in your hand.


When you do, the people you have terrorized will suffer no more.


We will feel the warmth of Allah's embrace, for we have raised our arms against no man.


But you, you who k*ll innocents in the holy name of Allah, (TRANSLATING)

You will feel the wrath and damnation of the almighty God whose faith you have defiled.






I will k*ll her!

I will k*ll...


Are you okay?

Are you okay?


You all right?

Are you all right?


I know you've been through a lot, but I need you to come with me.

Come on.

(WHISPERING) Come on, buddy.


Come on. She's a little kid.


Thank you.


Okay. Here we go.

Um, here's a good spot. Okey dokey.

All right. Now, I need you to be brave.

Be brave, okay? Go down.

Go on, crouch down. Make yourself real small.

Atta girl.

Here you go. Yeah.

It's a big scratch, huh?



Scott: All right, all right.

(WHISPERING) Hey. I'm gonna be right back. I promise.

You wait there.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I'm coming.





Scott: f*ck me.

Nice catch, buddy.

Scott: (LAUGHING) Nice catch.



These are friends.


Good work, Sergeant.

Gentlemen. Good to have you back.

No kidding.

Marshall: Captain, let's get you to a hospital.

Yes, ma'am.

Colonel, this is Iman Zubedah.

Doctor, I'm Colonel Grant, British Military Intelligence.

This is Major Ashkani, Pakistani ISI.

He's here to guarantee your safety.

I'm so sorry we missed our appointment.

Me too.

Please. We should let the medics check you over.

Thank you.

Come, it's okay.

It's all right.

And Latif?

Job done, Colonel.

This is what you wanted, isn't it?

Latif dead?

I'm glad for you.

And you?

Twelve hostages k*lled, at last count.

Three of my men.

I will be hung in the press, denounced by the politicians, forced to retire, no doubt.

And your conscience?

It's clear.

Kerry: The kitchen's a disaster.

These idiots completely destroyed it.

I told them we had a contract, now I can't find it. I've checked everywhere.

The drawer, upstairs...

I must have thrown it out when I was clearing up and...

(CHUCKLING) Oh God, listen to me, ranting about cabinets.

I'm sorry, darling. It's probably the last thing you want to hear right now.


No, no, it's...

I think it's exactly what I need to be hearing right now.

Michael, when are you coming home?

Grant: So what will happen with Zubedah now?

I'm to accompany her to an Indian Army facility, where she'll be questioned.

We'll share what we learn with you. Every word.

Thank you, Major Ashkani.

It's been a pleasure, Colonel.


Ashkani: Driver.


It's okay.

Marshall: How long before face recognition?

Murphy: Five, ten minutes most.

Scott: Captain.

Marshall: Hi.

Looking good.

Thank you.


You're immune to my charms?

Isn't everyone?


Your turn.

Yeah, thanks for warming the seat, buddy.

What's that?

It's a list of my requirements if I'm gonna come work for Section 20.

Work for Section 20?

I want a salary that's competitive with top-tier PMCs, living allowance, and private health insurance, of course, unlimited expenses, and business-class travel twice a year back to the States.

Oh, and there's a couple of debt collectors I'd like paid off, too.

Hmm. So, is that all?

No. But the rest of it is in that folder.

Need I remind you, Mr. Scott, that you were dishonorably discharged from the United States military, and that you are considered unemployable, even by the private military contractors?


But need I remind you that I practically handed Latif to you on a silver platter?

You were brought in to identify Latif, a man whom it turned out you'd never even seen.

Well now you've seen him.

And me and your boy back there saved the lives of all those hostages.

Sergeant Stonebridge briefed us on your contributions, and we greatly appreciate them.

Oh, You appreciate my contributions.

Are you f*cking kidding me?

That hotel would have gone up in flames if it weren't for us!

Let me tell you about the conditions under which I would consider offering you employment at Section 20.

You are to be paid at scale, with no extra privileges whatsoever.

You are to follow every order you are given to the T, and maintain proper military discipline and respect at all times.

And you are to stop hitting on every woman within arm's length, or I will prosecute you for sexual harassment.

I don't think you'll get a better offer, or, indeed, any offer anywhere else.




Could we be making a mistake?

Oh, quite possibly.

I'm in, buddy.

Well, well. Wonders never cease.

Scott: You're just jealous 'cause she wants me.

Come on, I'll buy you a drink.

Stonebridge: Deal.

I need to talk to you about something first, though.


Stonebridge? Scott?

This is the man from the hotel, isn't it?

The man that we think is Latif?

That's right.


According to the GCHQ database, this man is Abasi Sawalha.

He's the leader of an obscure Yemeni terror group thought to be sympathetic to Latif.

Scott: If that ain't Latif, then who the f*ck is?


Is this right?

I don't know.

I've not been to the base before.

This isn't right.




What's going on?



Zubedah: What's going on?

What's going on? Tell me!


What's going on?

Why are we stopping?


Why are we stopping?

Why are we stopping!


You will tell me everything I need to know.

Scott: Who's the dead guy?

That's the real Major Ashkani.

Grant: Learn from this.

Latif outmaneuvered us all.

I brought him here, into the crib.

And delivered Mahmood right to him.

Remember it, his victory.

It will not happen again.

It will not happen again.


You going somewhere?




Why? We still have time.

We can't do this anymore.

Michael, we've spoken about this.

I know.

But Kerry and I are trying to...

You were kids when you met.

You didn't even know who you were, you said so yourself.

That doesn't change anything.

I love you.


You love me.


We both need to just stop.

You sure you can?



Hey, buddy.


So, what are we doing back here?

Like to rub salt in the wound?

I wanted to talk to you outside the crib.

What about?

John Porter.

He could have coded that message a dozen different ways Section 20 could have recognized, but he didn't, did he?

He used a code only one other person in the world knew about, and that was you.


Porter wanted you inside the Section, but I'm f*cked if I know why.

Yes you do.

...sad f*cking pricks!


Porter didn't trust Section 20?

Got it in one, buddy.

I can't believe that.

Come on. You and Kate had John's position in Lahore, right?

Grant: Bring me Latif's head on a plate.

Soldier: We're clear!

Marshall: They've moved him.

Only, Latif moved just before you got there.

How did he know?

This is insane.

Whoever sold John out has eyes on section 20, No.

No. or someone connected to section 20.


Either way works out to the same thing.

Marshall: Shit. All right. Kyle...

We lost a good man that night!

John Porter.


Latif knew John's name.

Think John would have given that up?


There's something more.

You didn't beg Grant for a job just to get back to soldiering, did you?

Zubedah told me about a plot to plant WMDs in Iraq.

Zubedah: The organization who hid those weapons can't afford for anyone to know.

John knew whoever set him up, the WMDs, Latif, Mahmood, Project Dawn, the whole f*cking conspiracy somehow connects back with what happened to me in Iraq.


You don't want to prove all this just to end up with a b*llet in your brain, do you?

Not really, no.

Sounds like you need someone to watch your back, mate.

So do you, buddy.

So do you.

Come on.