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01x04 - Zimbabwe - Part 2

Posted: 05/14/10 06:26
by bunniefuu
"Britain has been accused of being behind the plot to k*ll Robert Mugabe."

Masuku is being held in the secure wing of the Chikurubi priso You want me to break him out?

Masuku has to disappear completely.

What was it you wanted to say?

It can wait.

Why didn't you tell him?

I got everything you asked for.

All legit South African documents, in the name of a real life SONOP Inspektir.

You're coming with me.

Am I?

Isn't this a dead end?

Yeah. But it's our way out.

There's been a breach.

I've been compromised.

Get out now, Lieutenant, that's an order. What about Porter?

(SHOUTING / g*nf*re)

Radio traffic confirms there has been a breakout from Chikurubi.

I was hired by British intelligence to k*ll Mugabe.

They betrayed me.

They betrayed you too!

Who the f*ck do you trust?

Sorry, mate, I only packed for one.


So, what's Plan B?


It was Colonel Tshuma, I'm sure of it.

What makes you so certain?

His Elite Guard were all over the Land Rover.

Makes sense.

Why, something else you're not sharing with me?

We intercepted Elite Guard transmissions from Chikurubi.

They were there immediately after Porter's jail break. "Shit."

I should've got him out myself.

Layla, it was operationally the right choice.

For Porter or for you?


"Shopper this is Lancer, come in."

It's Porter.

Lancer, this is Shopper.

Glad to hear your voice.

I was expecting transport.

Apologies. Papa ordered me home.

Uninvited guests.

Is the 'Ugly Trade' complete?

Change of mission.

Repeat, change of mission.

Prepare exit for two.

He's bringing out Masuku, tell him he can't.

Papa says mission must be completed Over.

Negative. Passenger has vital intel.

Explain, Lancer.

Passenger claims his job was a legitimate UK contract.

Do you understand what am saying to you? Over.



How long until you reach rendezvous We fancy a little walk.

With you tomorrow evening.

I'll wait for you. Reconnect 1800?

Copy that. Over and out.


We need to head for this location.

An exit camp just over the border.

Layla will debrief you there.


The same woman who was supposed to leave the Land Rover, yeah? Yeah Can you trust her?

It's not her I'm worried about.

I'll call you back.

Masuku claims he was recruited directly by the British government.

And you believe him?

Right now, sir, I don't know what to believe.

A b*llet in Mugabe's head might be desirable for some but the order did not come from this office.

Well, then that leaves only two options.

Which are?

Either Masuku's lying, or he's been set up to think he was working for us.

Is your man aware of the consequences of his actions?

There is one other thing, John.

If this goes wrong...

The last b*llet's for me.

Yes, sir. Fully.


Get me a file on all UK intelligence liaison for Zimbabwe over the last five years.

This about Masuku?

Someone's recruited him, handling him, need to find out wh Are we looking for a double agent?

Yeah. Check bank records.

Unusual patterns of behaviour, you know the drill. Sir.



(ALEX) "Where's Dad?

I need to talk to my dad."

Lexi -

"I need to talk to my dad, where is he?"

"It's my mum."

What is it?


Let's just stop for a minute.

There's some water in the side pouch Thanks.


We've got trouble.

Bushman. On the ridge.

And scouts with a radio.


Tshuma's men.


OK. We need to move.

No, no. That man can tell how far ahead we are just by the dent in our footprints.

Hard ground. Keep low.




Let's stay on the tarmac, no footprints.




This way.

Remind me not to come your way next time.


Could be worse.


It just got worse.


Lancer, this is Shopper, over.

Lancer, this is Shopper, waiting at home. Do you read me, over?

Here, Cinderella.

Have a look at this.

Not a hope.

That's twice in my professional career I've chosen not to k*ll someone and lived to regret it.

Was the first an Iraqi kid?

How did you know about that?

Part of the training.

Mistakes to learn from.


What have you brought to the party apart from being a pain in the ass?

I just swept.

Layla, have you heard from Porter?

"Not so far, sir. I'll keep trying."

OK. Speak soon.


Sir, here's MI6's record of all intel liaisons to Zimbabwe.

This person caught my interest.

He's been careless.

Harry Curtis, our embassy contact.

His apartment in Jo'burg is paid f out of his civic service salary.

But we discovered three other properties purchased by him under one of his logged aliases.

Alan Shenley.

Did you follow the money?

It wasn't hard.

Shenley has bank accounts all around the world, Antigua, Caymans, Liechtenstein.

Five million dollars we've traced so far.

Where's the money coming from?


Holmann Trust and Investments?

It's a Swiss bank, used by Mugabe's ministers.

Get me a flight to Jo'burg tonight.


They've got a phone.


What do you think?

It's too risky. We move on.

(CHILD) Leave me alone!



He's gonna r*pe her.

We do this quietly.

I'll cover the house.

Stop it, no!

Stop it!

No, stop it!


Stop it, no!







Who were those men?

Why does it matter to you?

They're Tsotsis. Bandits.

If they find the bodies it will be very bad for us.

You're gonna have to bury them.

Lord, though they be sinners, please find it in your heart to forgive these men.

And grant them eternal rest in your kingdom.


What was that for?

For finding k*lling so easy.


Look, I'm sorry if we scared you.

I'm sorry, too.

I owe you thanks for saving Josette But you must go now.

Come with us. You and the children.

It's not safe here.

Are you mad?

We can't leave.

Why not?

Because she just said they can't.

The Tsotsis have a camp just across the river. If we leave -


These men.

They smuggle people into South Africa.

They use our orphanage as a place for refugees to meet.

They promise papers, passports and they hand over money.

I don't know what happens to them when they leave here.

Come with us.

When Sister Carmel and Sister Mary refused to help these men, they shot them.

Now they always take two children as hostages, to make certain we co-operate.

My burden is to care for those I can.

And my burden is to get you and you alone across the border, Not traipse over the hills like some cock-eyed Von Trapp family.

Do you know what this place is?

We've got the Elite Guard hunting us down.

These kids are Aids orphans.

All they've ever known is loss and abuse.

Anyone who's ever cared for them is dead. Porter!

Look, it's only, what, three or four klicks to the Tsotsi camp?

We could get there, rescue the kids, be back before sunset. No.

Head off under cover of night, be over the border before daybreak. No.

It'll take Tshuma that long to pick up on our trail.

No, this is not my problem.

Oh, right, right. Just ignore it.

At least I know why I fight, you prick! Do you?

I'm not leaving here without these kids.

What are you gonna do, huh?

sh**t me?

You bastard.

I'll get the rest of the stuff.

You're not going anywhere.

I'll be faster on my own.

Protect the farm, get the kids packed.

If I'm not be back before sunset leave without me.

I've seen a lot of k*lling, Mr Porter.

Most men seem to take pleasure in it.

But you... you're like a machine.

I don't know which frightens me more.

These are for Masuku.

This is for the children.

It's not much but they should eat as well as they can before we leave.

Are you a good man sent by God, Mr Porter?

Or evil, not to be trusted?


Don't you think we should say a prayer for the Army man?

Of course.

Lord, please protect Mr Porter.

May the angels guide him to where he's going and please help him to deliver our brothers back to us.



Oh, my God.

The refugees.



Mr Curtis. Section 20.

Going somewhere?

This is unexpected.

Er, would you like something?

Some tea? Something stronger perhaps No, thank you.

You speak Shona.

As do you.

Handy for dealing with the regime in Zimbabwe?

Sometimes you have to talk to people you find unpleasant, Mr Collinson.

How true.


(My name's Porter.

Sister Benedict sent me.)

Come on. Up there.



Move, move!

Get down, go.


What was it, Curtis? Gambling debts A penchant for houseboys?

How did Tshuma turn you?

You'll forgive me if this is a fantasy I don't recognise.

You and Colonel Tshuma, Harare, four weeks ago.

You seem like good friends.

I'm obliged to form relationships with Zimbabwean officials.

What is this supposed to prove?

On its own, nothing.

But with this...

We've now found over six million dollars paid into your several accounts.

According to your own files, you recruited Masuku as a sleeper in 2006.

So when Tshuma suggested you use him to stage a fake assassination attempt everything was already in place.

Relax, Curtis.

You're still of use to us.

I'm here to offer you a chance of redemption.

All we ask is that you continue letting Tshuma believe you're working for him but in reality you'll be working for us Your money will of course have to be impounded by the Exchequer but think of it as a... a donation Forgive me.



Curtis, you fucker!


Get over the bridge don't stop running until you find Sister Bernadette, understand? Go!








Don't move. Stay where you are.

I've got you. Go, run.

Go, go, run.

Ah, f*ck!

"Little fox."

Sister Bernadette.

Where's Porter?

We need to staunch this.

Shit. I'll get the first aid kit.

Bring some cordite.


Lie down.


This is gonna hurt.


It's all here, times, dates, communications.

No wonder they didn't need to t*rture Masuku.

Does it prove the assassination attempt was a set up?

Not with Curtis dead.

All we have here is a legitimate UK government official planning a hit on Mugabe using a former SAS operative.

We can deny it all we like... but the evidence looks overwhelming.

"Our only hope is if Porter can get Masuku across that border."

"Any news?"

No word.

OK. Stand by your phone.

I'm gonna have to clean this mess up.


Lie still or you'll open your wound.

What time is it?

Around noon.

Kids are packed ready to go.

We need to get moving.


Who's that?

Get down.

Go to the children. Keep them quiet.


Pass me the FM.


(COCKS g*n)


Did you get him?


That would have been useful.

Well, excuse me, all over the place.

They'd have radioed their last position.

How long do you think we've got?

Two hours. Three at best.

Right, we need to get moving.

You need to head for this location.

It's about 12km from here across the border.

You'll find a camp and a woman called Layla.

Give her this note.

She'll look after you.

You're not coming with us?


No, if I do I'll put you and the children in greater danger.

Masuku will be with you.

I don't understand.

Tshuma's hunting us down.

If I stay, I might be able to hold him off long enough so you can get across the border to safety.

I've got the answer to my question, Mr Porter.

May God protect you.


I'm gonna stay.

Look after these kids, yeah?

Where do you think you're going?

You know as well as I do their best chance is if we both make a stand.

I really wish I'd shot you.

You believe the British will let me live?

I thought I was paranoid.

Sure, they'll wanna hear what I have to say but then what?

As long as I'm alive, I'm a liability.


I'm Matabele, John.

I was born a warrior.

My blood belongs here, in this red soil.

Anyway, we have an advantage.

What's that?

Tshuma needs us alive.


OK. We've got the four AKs.


The FM.


The shotgun, the Tokarev.

And three grenades.

Four. Where did you get those from?

Off the Tsotsis you dropped by the river?

Didn't have an RPG on them, did they?

Bloody hell.

My dad had one of these.

No! So did mine.

Unbelievable. It's full.


All we need now is four wheels and we're out of here.


Backed in a corner, mate.

Know how you feel.


John Dean.

If that really is your name.

Why don't you just give me Masuku?

Do that and I'll consider letting you live.

I saw the grave you dug for him, Dean.

Are you really willing to die for him now?

Or is that your weakness, do you have a conscience?

Yeah, I'm all heart.

Oi! Looking for me?


Time to go?


Crap. What?

They've got an RPG.

I thought you said he wanted us alive?

Can't be right all the time.

What is he playing at?



Clever bastard.


You're actually enjoying this, aren't you?



Take out as many as we can.

Save two rounds, one for you, one for me.

I better not arrive in Hell and find out you're not there.


What the f*ck is this?


Friends of yours?

South Africans.

Ceasefire! Cease firing!

You three. Check the house.

John Porter, I presume.

Impressive woman that Sister Bernadette.

You'll be glad to know she and the children arrived safely at our exit camp -





It's Porter. (FIRES g*n)

Where's Masuku?

Drowned. River jump, deep water.

What happened to the body?

No idea.

The current must have taken it.

Are you OK?

I'll live.


That's for leaving my ass on the road outside the prison.



We need to talk about Lexi.

"It was meant to be a really simple operation."

"To remove a tumour."

"There was a...

There was a complication."

"I - I don't really understand what happened."

Oh, sweet heart.


"I'm sorry."

"I'm just not as used to death as you are."

"I didn't mean that, I'm sorry."

Yeah, you did.

And you're right.

You hang in there for me, yeah?

Be home soon.

I love you.

"I love you, too."

She can stay with Jenny and me as long as she needs.

She's my daughter.

Stop putting me in your debt.


Come in, Danni, I'm just -

Sorry to disturb you.

What's on your mind, Layla?

I need to know what happened during the Bratton extraction in 2003.


Where are the other men?

Collinson, wheres Mike and Keith?


They're dead!

Porter! Porter!

Why do you want to know?

Because I need to trust the people my life depends on.

There's a history between you and Collinson. Secrets.

And at this point in time I don't trust either of you.

Tell me, John.

What happened in that stairwell?