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01x12 - Spark of Hope

Posted: 07/18/15 09:45
by bunniefuu
Joshua: In the beginning, a star fell from Heaven and changed us. Made us angels and gave us a new destiny: to stop the Apocalypse and the Devil himself. We must pass God's test and prove humanity is still worth saving. For we are the Messengers.

Previously on The Messengers...

We need to find and stop the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

I once had the same gift you do.

You're a Messenger.

You thinking what I'm thinking?

Leland Schiller is the leader of ABADDON.

AKA the Horseman of Pestilence.

Hey, sweetie, did you make these?

No. I've never saw them before.

You daughter's been touched with a gift of her own.

(shouting, cheering)

He's growing up so fast, and you've become quite the mother.

What do we do now?

(doorbell rings)


(door creaks open)

Jeff. Kay.

You can't take him.


We both know there's nothing you can do to stop me.

Um, I've been forgetting things.

Maybe the memory problems are the cost of your gift.

Another vision?

I saw the face of someone that can help us.


The seventh Messenger.

Man (on TV): In the last two weeks, we have all heard about the attack on flight 706 that left a federal air marshal in critical condition.

And now, we are learning that the entire harrowing ordeal was captured on a passenger's cell phone.

Authorities claim Zahir Zakaria collapsed on a flight for L.A., only to attack the very marshal attempting to save him.

Sir, sir, I need you to remain...


(people screaming)

Anchorman: Luckily, the plane managed to stay airborne, and everyone survived.

According to high-ranking Defense Department officials, Zakaria is being held at an undisclosed location for questioning on suspicion of terrorism.

You're sure this is the same guy?

Yeah. Zahir Zakaria.

I saw him in a video at Plowman's office reporting on the Smart Rain test in Mali.

And then I saw him in my vision... with wings.

Not to mention, he was arrested in Houston the exact same day the meteor hit.

He was drawn here, just like the rest of us.

If he's Messenger, we got to find him.

Erin: How are we supposed to do that if he's at an undisclosed location?

And what if he's not a Messenger?

I know where he is.

There's a facility outside of town, government shadow ops, totally off the books.

They use it for high-level prisoners...

Cartel bosses, t*rrorists, you name it.

My DA contact tells me that's where Zahir is locked up... give me the coordinates.

What are we waiting for? Where's Peter?

I'll see if I can get him.

Koa: Slow down.

Not sure we want to break a t*rror1st out of prison.

Alleged t*rror1st.

He's the seventh Messenger, and we need him.

Takes a lot to get locked up in this place.

It could be dangerous.

You all saw the video. This guy almost took down a plane.

He wouldn't be the first of us to break the law.

Either way, we need to make sure this is worth the risk.

Guys, we can't afford to fail again.

The Horsemen are working together to break the Fifth Seal.

We need to be just as united if we're gonna stand a chance to stop them.

(sighs) Listen to me...

If Revelation's right, the Fifth Seal is worse than the first four.

It begins a period of great tribulation.

Millions could die.

And I'm all for trying to stop it, but we already have a good team going.

Do we really need this guy?

Erin: Yeah, and remember what Eliza said.

When the seven Messengers are finally united, the cost of our gifts will vanish.

She's right. We have to be at our strongest to win.

Let's do it.

Where is this shadow ops facility, anyway?

(voices whispering)

(deep rumbling)

(echoing): Who is like the Beast, and who can fight against it?

Vera: What was it?

Did you see something about Zahir?

Or the Fifth Seal?


I saw an old tombstone with the name Christopher Dayton.

Died in 1945.

And then, a nuclear b*mb went off.

And then what?

I think I saw the Antichrist.

The Antichrist is a false prophet.

A human leader who will bring death and destruction to the Earth, like we have never seen.

Like Christ is to God, so is the Antichrist to the Devil.

And you think the woman with the upside-down face is the Antichrist?

She looked at me and said, "Who is like the Beast, and who can fight against it?"

What does that mean?

It's from Revelation.

Chapter 13.

The Beast is the Antichrist, and... maybe we're the ones who are supposed to fight against it.

Does it have something to do with the Horsemen?

I don't know.

I think this is a whole new problem.

I just found something.

There's a Christopher Dayton who matches the dates from your vision buried in Grey Forest Cemetery.

That's where I died.

And where the Devil brought you back to life.

Vera: So, what should we do? I mean, should we split up?

I feel like your visions are pulling us in two different directions.

I'll go check out the cemetery.

If you guys can handle finding the seventh Messenger without me.

Yeah, we got a shape shifter, a spirit walker, and the world's strongest teenager... I think we got it.

I'll catch up with you as soon as I can.

(door closes)

Are you okay?

Yeah. I just didn't mention the other thing Eliza said.

What's that?

That most of us would die trying to stop the Horsemen.

That's what happened last time.

Nobody has to die.

Look, I've been thinking.

Amy really loves you, and she looks up to Nadia like a big sister, so, if anything happens to me...

Nothing like that's gonna happen.

She can't go back to her father, Raul.

Okay. I promise.

Have you spoken to Nadia yet?

No. I, um, haven't really had the chance to speak to her.

Besides, right now is not the best time. We've got to get going.

She deserves to know you're her father... today, while you're still around to tell her.

I missed you.

I missed you, too.

(door opens) Hey, Nadia...


What the...?

Ever hear of privacy, dude?

Wait. This is where you've been?

What the hell are you thinking?

We were just, uh...

No, no. You just stay away from her, you hear me?

Whoa. That's not your call.

He's a Messenger.

If you get involved with him, you might end up in the line of fire.

He's not the one who got my dad k*lled.

You need to watch yourself.

And you...

Have you forgotten something?

I can hear your thoughts.


Did you find the shadow ops facility?

It's definitely not showing up on normal maps.

Pulled up the coordinates and a satellite view.

Hey, what's with the tattoo?

It's an I Ching hexagram.

Means "force of the small."

My dad used to draw it for me to remind me to be brave.

Did you just get it?

Last night.

Yours isn't the only gift that comes with a cost.

I've been forgetting things, so I did some research on memory loss.

Turns out some people use visual icons to trigger their memory.

Got this to remind me who I am.

It's gotten that bad?

I shouldn't feel bad for myself.

If you heal someone again, you might die.

Well, even if we defeat the Horsemen, there's no guarantee that we'll survive.



What are you doing here?

Christopher was our healer.

He saved me.

More than once.

What about you?

I was drawn here by a vision.

To this grave.


It was in the desert, and there was some sort of b*mb blast.


The Trinity atomic b*mb test was our Fifth Seal, 70 years ago.

Your seeing it... could mean the Horsemen are about to break the Fifth Seal again.

But if that's true, why-why are you here?

You had visions, just like I do.

Maybe that's why I'm here.

What else did you see?

I saw a woman.

Her face inverted.

She looked at me and said, "Who is like the Beast and who can fight against it?"

The Antichrist.

Christopher said this day might come.

I really hoped he was wrong.

What does it mean?

It means everything has changed.

Vera: Whoa, uh, that's definitely in the middle of nowhere.

So how are we gonna do this?

I can spirit walk in, get the lay of the land.

Means we got to get close. That's not gonna be easy.

So we stake out the facility. Wait for somebody to leave.


Then I do a little shape-shifting.

You sure about that?

I'm just doing what has to be done.

Forgetting something?

Am I?

Supposed to bring me a burrito.

From the gas station.

Sorry. They were out.

Who would eat a gas station burrito, anyway?

I would.

Okay, you're up.

See you in six minutes.


Lunchtime, huh?

You hear what he did to Trotti?

Don't know.

Don't want to know.

(door closes)

Get away from me!

All of you!


This is gonna be harder than we thought.

There's maybe a dozen armed guards in the whole place.

We can handle that.

Koa morphs into action figure agent.

Gets in, grabs Zahir, gets out.

Just like we planned.

And we're backup if things go bad.

That's just it... the guards aren't the problem.

I can tell you how to get to Zahir.

But I'm not sure, once you get there, he's gonna play along.

What do you mean?

I don't know if it's 'cause he's been tortured and locked up, but the guy seems pretty unhinged.

How so?

The guards are afraid of him.

Even in a straightjacket.

It's like they have Hannibal Lecter in there.

Koa's gonna need backup?

I'll go with her.

What are you gonna do?

Just walk right in?


(door closes)

Who's he?

Another drug w*r dirt bag.

Go figure.


You all hide in there. We're going deeper.

Just try to hurry. Someone might miss this guy.

We need to hide him. Come on, give me a hand.

Turn left at the...


You okay?

What are you doing? Are you crazy? Somebody's gonna see you!

Take it easy.

Just uncuff me, okay?

Okay! Okay! (shushes)

Just... You have the key.

Uncuff me.



Hold it right there.

Keep your hands up!

(lock beeps, latch thuds) Don't move!

Don't move.

What you doing, kiddo?

Sharpening crayons.

Want to go grab some ice cream while everybody's away?

Maybe watch a movie?

No, thanks.

Do we have any more paper?

I don't think so.

But we could get some at the store.

No, thanks.

You don't want to do anything fun?

I am doing something fun.

I'm drawing.

I don't understand.

The Devil said he's trying to stop the Horsemen.

Is that not true?

He wants to stop the Apocalypse.

But only so he can continue to torment mankind.

As dangerous as the Devil is, he's limited.

He can't k*ll.

He can only tempt others to do wrong.

But the Antichrist is his human protégé.

The Antichrist can do things he can't.

So, what are we supposed to do?

Stop the Horsemen or the Devil?




Who took it?!

Took what?

My book full of all the Messengers' secrets!

Vera: What do you mean you haven't seen them again?

They were just here and now... gone.

Wherever they are, they aren't on cameras.

They should've checked in by now.

What's taking them so long?

Give me a minute.
What is with this bondage jacket?

Who are you?

You can see me?

And hear you.

You have wings.

Listen, I-I-I'm a human, okay?

I just have this ability, a gift that allows my spirit to leave my body.

I'm hallucinating.

I-I'm an Angel of the Apocalypse.

Or they've drugged me... that must be it.


Listen, I know it's hard to understand...

I'm never getting out of here alive.

Please, listen to me.

A couple of weeks ago, when you were on your plane, a wave of energy hit you, and you died.

And when you came back, you were given a gift.

Does that sound familiar?


But how do you know?

Because you're not alone.

There are others just like you and me.

We're called the Messengers and we're here to get you out.

(gasping quietly)

(knocking on door)

Houston police! Is anybody home?

You don't belong here.

This house is foreclosed.

The door was unlocked.

We've been getting reports of squatters living here.

Several adults and a child.

Know anything about that?

It's just me.

I haven't seen anyone else.


Who drew these?

They look like were drawn by someone a lot younger than you.

(laughs) What can I say? I'm not a very good artist.

Tell me the truth.

Who drew these?

Are there any more?

Where's your car?

Patrolling on foot today.

What's your name and badge number?

I'm the one who asks the questions.

I know cops.

You're not a cop.

(wry laugh)

Then you're really in trouble, aren't you?

Do you think Raul's right?

Should I stay away from Nadia?

Peter, I don't really think this is the right...

I'm serious.

I really care about her.

And even if she's safe, I'm not.

Anything can happen.

That's not fair to her, is it?

Let me ask you something.

What is it that you like about Nadia?

She's really pretty.


And super-smart.

And... she kind of scares me a little.

But it's a good kind of scared.

I know she seems tough, but that's all on the outside.

She really notices things.

Like when I'm sad.

She just knows what to do.

I feel like she's always gonna be there for me.

I don't know... I'm being stupid.

No, you're not.

You're not.

You really like her, don't you?


Okay, well, what I think you should do is make up your own mind.

Just don't tell Raul I said so.

Vera better hurry up.

Zahir: I was on my way to Los Angeles.

I felt like I was finally closing in on the Plowmans.

But then I sensed something wrong.


Oh, my God.

He's got no pulse.

Is there a doctor on the plane?

Man: I'm a sky marshal.

I know CPR.

I don't know what happened then, but I was panicked and scared, and when I suddenly came to, it seemed like I was being att*cked by a stranger.

Then I felt a power surge from my body.

Sir, I need you to remain...

(people scream)

They grounded the flight in Houston, then took me in for questioning.

I couldn't explain anything, but they had no proof.

My lawyer believed I would be released.

Then orders from the Defense Department arrived, and I ended up in this hell hole.

Defense Secretary Richards has to be the one who's behind this.

You believe I'm innocent?

Yes, I do.

I'm an outspoken journalist, and a Muslim at that.

Most people find it easy to conclude that I'm a t*rror1st.

I'm not most people.

Look, I have to, have to go.

I have to get back to my body, okay?

Y-You're just going to leave me?

No, we're gonna come back for you... I promise.

No, please.

Don't go. I need your help.

Hey, buddy.

Want to tell us where they took our friends?


We ran your prints.

And we got a hit.

Not what we expected.

Raul Garcia.

A DEA agent.

Just recently cleared of what?

Of k*lling two federal officers?

So tell me this...

Why the hell are you here?

And while you're at it, who's the Asian chick?

You're not gonna get anything out of me.

They got Koa, too.

But she has no idea who she is.

How are we supposed to know who the Antichrist is?

Your vision was of a woman.

Might mean the Antichrist is female.

Half the people in the world are women. How am I supposed to find her?

Read the Scripture.

The Antichrist will lead you to the lake of fire.

Just stop.

You make it all sound so easy.

But I'm afraid, Eliza.

The Devil brought me back to life.

And now he says that he owns the fate of my soul.


Your choices are still your own.

(phone chimes)

I have to go.

If you want to save the world from the Devil's dominion, you must k*ll the Antichrist.

Koa, thank God.


It's us.

Koa, you speak English.

You can understand us, right?

What do you want?

We're here to rescue you.

Come on, let's go.

Koa... we don't have much time.

Just look at the tattoo.

On your wrist.

Your father used to draw that for you, remember?

Be brave.

Yeah. That's right.

(lock buzzes)

Told you I'd be back.

My God, you're real.

Thank you.

You're one of us now.

Those are the last of the drawings.

You can take them... I don't care.

I'm waiting for your friends.

Nobody's coming here, so you should just go.

(door opens) Nadia.

Get out.


Have you forgotten the reason you're still alive?

I don't owe you anything.

You may not owe me...

But I own you.

And I need you to think about what will happen to your immortal soul if you dare cross me.

I'll do whatever it takes.

And let our Father sort out the rest.


Amy: Joshua?

Want to see my drawing?

What the hell is that?

That's the Lake of Fire.

(eerie voices whispering)

Oh, my God.

God has nothing to do with it.

(alarm blaring)

Man: Lock down the perimeter!

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!

How do we get past that?

I got this.

Peter, get back!

That's it, get it open!

Open the gate!

Zahir: I'll stop them from chasing us.

Come on!

(men shouting)

This is bad, guys.

We got to get him to the hospital.

That's a long way away.

Can you heal him?

Please, don't.


I can't let you die.


Are you all right?

Erin: I'm not sure.

I think so.

It's gonna be okay.

How do you know?

I can remember my father's face.

Eliza was right.

Now that we've got the Seventh Messenger, we're all gonna be okay.

(blender whirring)

(blender stops)

So all you have to do is touch something?

Zahir: Mm-hmm.

And I can either drain energy from it... or transfer power to it.

Maybe that's why you could see my spirit, 'cause it's some kind of electromagnetic field.

This whole thing is just... unbelievable.

Trust me, I used to feel the same way.



Why did you draw that?

I already told Joshua.

I don't remember.

So Eliza didn't tell you anything helpful?

She just said the Antichrist is out there and we have to stop whoever it is.

Well, do you think the Devil coming here has something to do with the drawing?


I don't know.

Erin: Joshua, I feel like there's something you're not telling me.

Joshua: I'm sorry. I just don't know what to say.

(fire crackling)

Joshua: What you looking at?

Meet Jeff and Kay Fairburn.

Vera: It's Michael's so-called family.

What is it?

This is the guy who tried to get me to go back to my father's church.

Wh... What?

Wh-What is the Devil trying to do with them?

I mean, how-how deep does this go?

I can't believe he was here.

With our girls.

I know.

It gives me chills.

Look, you know what you asked me this morning?

I want to ask you the same thing.

If something should happen to me...

I'll watch after Nadia.

Listen, Raul... all we have in all of this is each other.

And who knows how long we'll even have that?

The whole world's in danger.

No one's safe, anywhere.

So if Peter has feelings for Nadia, and she has feelings for him... don't stand in the way, okay?

(soft knocking at door)


You mind if I come in?

Now you ask.


How you doing?

After hanging out with the Devil, I'm totally fine.

Look, I want to apologize about this morning.

I don't see why it's such a big deal.

Well, Nadia, being... being a Messenger, it's... it's dangerous.

And I need to protect you.

But I also need you to understand why.

Okay, now, I-I didn't know this until your mom told me a few days ago, but...

I'm your father, Nadia.


Look, you know how... you know how much I loved Cesar and the last thing I want to do is...

No, it's cool.


It is.

And to tell you the truth, when things started getting bad with my parents a couple of years ago, I suspected something.

But here's the thing: You can't just start acting like my dad.

Even if you are my father, you cannot treat me the way you did this morning.

I'm not a little kid anymore.

You gotta respect that.

I will.


What do I call you?


(quiet laugh)

You're telling me Satan himself is helping you?

We're not really sure he's helping us.

And we're sure as hell not gonna trust him.

And Mark Plowman is one of these... Horsemen?

He's Famine.

It almost makes sense.

When I reported on the test of Smart Rain in Mali, when I uncovered the way their technology destroyed crops, it was Mark Plowman who hired mercenaries to k*ll the farmers who spoke to me on camera.

If he's your enemy, then I am your friend.

I'll help you, whatever it takes.

Remember... he's part of a bigger picture.

We need to stop all the Horsemen from breaking the Fifth Seal.


We're still trying to figure that out.

We know that they have a deadly w*apon, the Genesis element, and we know they have a delivery mechanism.

Plowman's drones.

Yeah, but we don't know how to stop them, where they're launching or what the target is.

What we do know is that if we fail, millions will die.

And the world will be one step closer to annihilation.

Sounds like we've got out work cut out for us.


That belongs to me.

It's a lovely piece of work.

Very helpful.

It allowed me to find my protégé at an impressionable age, for which I'm eternally grateful.

But... you see... if I'm reading this correctly, it also suggests that the Antichrist can be destroyed.

So maybe... you can help me make out this... chicken scratch of yours.

What does it say right here?

You'll never know.


You're making a mistake.

I won't help you.


Stop! Stop.

Are you okay, ma'am?

A man is following me.

Could you please give me a ride?

Of course. Get-get in.

There's a police station up ahead.

If you won't tell me...

Then you'll die with your secret.

(computer powers up, whirring quietly)

(jet airliner approaching)

Houston... you have a very big problem.

(computer beeping steadily)