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01x05 - Memento Vivere

Posted: 07/15/15 14:37
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Proof"...

Ivan Turing may be making a donation to this hospital.

He only wants to talk to you.

I want to know what's going to happen to me after I die.

This isn't for me.

There's this party Friday night.

You're not going.


You are coming home right now.

Maybe yoould let dad drive. It didn't work out so well for Will.

Ivan: Don't you want to know if you were close to seeing your son again?

You nearly drowned, and that's when you had your own near-death experience.

Janel: We might be able to answer one of the biggest questions there is.

[Indistinct talking over P.A.]




Do you want to see the vegetable garden?


I don't know. Do I?

[Monitors beeping]

[Respirators hissing]

[Door opens]

I've never been in this ward before.


You should see them party.

[Exhales sharply] We shouldn't.

Come on. Who are they gonna tell?

Some of these guys have been here for years.


Shh, shh, shh.

[Alarm beeping]

[Alarms beeping] Shit.

Call the code.


Oh, my God.


What's happening?

Oh, God, they're all flatlining.

[Weakly] Excuse me.

Excuse me.

Can I have s-some water?


[Alarms beeping]


[Bell jingles]

Okay, what do we got? Is that my coffee?

Janel: Yes. It's black.


This is very intriguing.

I was speaking with an intern at the County Public Hospital.

A Jane Doe was found in an alley having seizures.

She had no I.D., no phone?

Yeah, well, the police presume her purse was stolen.

Oh, gosh, how could somebody steal from a woman having seizures?

Easily. She can't fight back. Go on.

County managed to stop the seizures, but she went into a coma during the operation.

They placed her in a ward with three other vegetative patients.

No one has come forward to claim her in almost a year.

Somebody must be missing her... friends, uh, parents.

Anyway, two weeks ago...

Two weeks ago, the other three coma patients all died simultaneously, while at exactly the same moment this Jane Doe woke up.

I heard some nurses talking in the I.C.U.

Did your intern know the cause of the others' deaths?

County's investigating the possibility of infected catheter tubes.

That is amazing.

[Bell jingles] Don't you think so?

I think it's medically intriguing.

I'm just not quite sure why it's of any interest to us.

Well, it's of interest to us because that's not the end of the story.

What was not reported was that, apparently, all four coma patients recorded a surge of electrical activity in their brains before they died.


So, is it possible that they all had near-death experiences?

Or life reviews?

What if all four people saw memories of their lives at the same time?

But only one survived. This Jane Doe.

If we could get her to tell us what she experienced, perhaps we could learn about what happened to the rest of them.

That is interesting.

What's interesting is how they can make such disgusting coffee.

Well, maybe it's worth checking to see if this Jane Doe has any memory of the moment right before she woke up.

All right, out of time.

We've got an angioplasty to perform.

Patient... Charlie Maynard, 17. Brought in as an emergency.

Ruptured appendix.

How long since rupture?

Approximately three hours.

Charlie's in relative good health.

He had a lung transplant here on April 10th of last year.

I have his medical notes.

What date did you say the transplant was?

Last year. April 10th. I pulled off a list of his immunosuppressants.

And he had the transplant at... at this hospital?


Whenever you're ready, Doctor, the patient's prepped.

Okay, yeah, I'll... I'll... I'll be right in.

[Monitor beeping]

[Respirator hissing]

I'm Dr. Tyler.

These are my colleagues, Dr. Badawi...

No, please. You may call me Zed.

I'm Janel.

Uh, what would you like us to call you?


That's what the nurses call me, although I'm... I'm hoping I'm more an Emily or an Alexandra.

I realize this must be a confusing time for you.

Do you mind if we ask you a few questions?


I'm not sure I'll have too many answers.

What do you remember?

Everything's hazy.

Uh, I try, but all I really know is what they've told me.

I-I was having seizures, and they operated, and I went into a coma.

And what about the moments just before you woke up?

Do you remember anything from that?

Like what?

Anything... strange shapes, vivid colors, familiar figures, maybe?

No. Nothing. [Chuckles]

Not who I am or... or where I live.

I just... I look in the mirror and I...

Mm. I'm sorry.

[Voice breaking] I think, uh, seriously, I need a haircut.


It's just really... Just one big zero, so...

You're tired. We should get you back to your room.


This is all of it.

Thanks for everything you did for Gary.

[Indistinct talking over P.A.]

That man... his... his voice... he seems familiar.

You recognize him?

I think so. Uh, Joe?

I'm sorry?

You're... Joe?

Uncle Joe?

I'm not sure what...

I'm just here to collect Gary's things.

Uh, we go fishing on the Santa Anna.

Do you know this woman?

Well, yeah.

I told you.

I know her, but I don't know who she is.

I don't understand.

I seen her maybe once a week for... it must be a year.

I mean, every time I visited Gary, she was in the next bed.

And, yeah, I used to go fishing, but not with her... with Gary.

So, Gary was another patient on the coma ward.

Yeah, poor kid died the same time as those other two.

Wait, what are you saying?

The only time I was with her, she was in a coma.

I'm Gary's uncle.

I'm not yours, sweetheart.

That can't be right.


I mean, if he's not my uncle, how can I remember him?

15 minute intervals, maintain fluids.

Laura: Anything else, Dr. Barliss?

Actually, there is something.

Hi, Dad.

Hey, sweetie.

This is Laura. Laura, this is my daughter, Sophie.

Hi. [Chuckles]

We can't be late, and I have a ton of homework to do.

All right, go get started in my office. I'll be with you soon.

I got a couple patients to see first.

The sooner you get going, the sooner I'll be with you.

[Both chuckle]

You said there was something you wanted?

Yeah. Could you contact the transplant registry?

My... my patient, Charlie Maynard...

I'd like the details of the donor that Charlie received his lungs from last year.


Appreciate it, Laura.

Zed: I spoke with Janel.

She confirmed everything that Jane knew about Mr. Anderson's uncle... the name of his boat, the marina, even the breed of his dog.

Hmm. Your theory?

Well, we know all four coma patients had brain surges.

If they were experiencing life reviews, is it possible that when Mr. Anderson had his, he was somehow communicating with Jane?

[Scoffs] I think of all the possible explanations, that's the least likely, which is why I've asked Dr. Richmond to introduce me to Dr. Nash.

So, Dr. Nash?

He operated on Jane over at County hospital.

He also works here at Bay Vista.

We need to get a clear picture of Jane's neurological condition pre- and post-operation before we come to any conclusions.

Then we can talk about whether or not this even was a life review, let alone someone else's.

What reason did you give Dr. Richmond for wanting to meet Dr. Nash?

I'm doing a study on the physiological effects on the heart and lungs of prolonged supratentoral coma.

Really? That... that's fascinating.

It would be interesting to see if there is a correlation to...

It's a cover story, Zed.

Cameron here was one of my most talented students.

Oh, I had a great teacher. The best.

Well, clearly, I trained him well.

I'll leave it to you.

Remember your "please" and "thank yous."

Charles says you have some questions for me.

[Door closes] It'll have to be quick.

I've got two more on the list here, and then I am off to County.

Well, it's actually a patient of yours at County that I wanted to talk about...

The P.V. Jane Doe with the tonic-clonic seizures?

Um, was she assessed for neurological recovery before cardiac angiography?

I'd have to consult her file.

You heard she woke up?

Yeah, County called and told me.

That's amazing, though I gather she has no memory function.

Not... quite the success I'd have liked.

They're bringing the patient in now, Doctor.

Thanks, Hannah.

Well, interestingly, some of the memories are beginning to come back to her.


But they don't appear to be her memories.

They... they seem to be the memories of one of the other patients in the coma ward who died.

I don't understand.

Jane was... was in a coma herself.


What... well, how much brain function did she have?

Was there any possibility of sensory input?

There are studies which suggest that some patients considered vegetative can hear what is being said to them.

A young man woke up in South Africa after 12 years and reported complete awareness the entire time.

So, you're saying that if one of the other coma patients' relatives were talking to him, Jane could have overheard and absorbed the information?

That's the theory.

They're waiting for you, Dr. Nash.

Oh, sorry. I really have to go.

Um... [clears throat]

E-mail me the questions for your study, and any more developments with Jane, please, let me know.

[Door opens] Cat: We need to test Dr. Nash's theory, see if Jane overheard anyone else visiting the other coma patients.

Well, I can get a record of all the visitors during the time Jane was on the ward.

Ask them if they're willing to come to the hospital.

[Elevator bell dings]

That would mean that for a year, Jane was trapped in her body, listening to other people's lives, their stories, totally unable to respond.

And Jane woke up. The others were not so lucky.

We can at least be thankful for that.

[Elevator bell dings]

This is a total waste of space.

The power facility should be decentralized.

That way, we make optimum use of the square footage.

I'm not sure why you're paying for an architect.

Neither am I.

But the planning commission insists that you have a license to practice.

[Chuckles] Now, the scale is 1/16th, so, uh...

I need one of those... uh, the... the...

The thing that you use to measure.

This? A ruler?

Yes. That's it. [Chuckles]

Thank you. Uh, now, uh, 1/16th scale. So...

[Siren wails in distance]

[Indistinct conversations]


I'm Dr. Caroline Tyler.

I wanted to thank you all for coming.

I realize this is an extremely difficult time for all of you.

You all lost someone close to you.

Well, we've agreed, if there's any way we can help that poor girl...

I explained that Jane doesn't have any memory of who she is.

But Jane did remember Joe here from his visits to his nephew, despite her coma.

We hope meeting all of you will prompt Jane to recall other memories.

It could even help her get her own memory back.

I'd said hi to Jane when we visited my Lucy.

Talked to her a little bit.

News, weather, tell her how the Seahawks were doing.

Twice a week, we would come see my daughter, and the chair next to Jane's bed was always empty.

I keep thinking, "what if there's someone out there still waiting for the milk I went to buy?"

I'm a little scared, Zed.

Okay, I'm... I'm really scared.

Oh, please, don't be.

You know, everybody... they want to help.

I know. [Sighs]

I know. I know. But what if I... never...

[Sighs] Listen.

I came to this country a stranger, belonging nowhere, with...

Things I'd rather forget.

But I made new memories.


[Wheels squeaking]

Hello, Jane.

Jane: Hi.

So, Joe you know.

Joe: Hi, there.


Jane. Hi. It's good to see you.

Hi, Jane.

It's nice to meet you.


Your back... is it still hurting?

My back?

Uh, you talked about it.

You'd been clearing out the...

Oh, the den.

I-I-I lifted a heavy box.


You went on a date.


You said, "Lucy, mi amor, it's been four years since the accident."

Th-there was someone you liked.

You hoped it would be okay.

Didn't work out.

Did you give me a bear?

No. I didn't.

Did anyone give me a toy bear?

No. Sorry. No bear.

There was a bear.

I can see it.

Thank you so much for doing this.

I know it couldn't have been easy.

And unfortunately, I think Dr. Nash was right.

Everything you're remembering you overheard.

Except the bear.

You know, the toy bear. Maybe that memory is mine.

You know, maybe I'm remembering my own bear.

I'm sorry, can we help you?

I'm looking for Joe.

He just left. He's on his way to reception.

Okay, great. Thanks.



You're Becky.

Uh, do I know you?


There was an expl*si*n.

What are you talking about?

What expl*si*n, Jane?

At the boathouse.

Now I'm weirded out.

How do you know about that?

Are you a relative of Joe Anderson?

Yeah, he's my father.

Your cousin Gary was a patient here.

Did you ever visit him?

No. Um, I didn't want to see him like that.

This expl*si*n... what... what happened?

G-Gary and me were kids. Um, we had matches.

Things just got out of control.

"We burned down the boathouse."

Is she psychic? How is she doing this?

Joe, your father... did he know about the expl*si*n?

Gary and I made a pact.

It was our secret.

To this day, Dad still thinks that some homeless guy did it.

The only two people who knew what happened were me and Gary.

I tought you'd wanna be hear about my investigation.

I'm multitasking. Time is precious.

Tell me. [Metal thuds]

What do you see?

A game of Jenga for a billionaire?

I'm recycling these containers as temporary housing for the homeless.

Obviously, they'll need windows, electricity, sanitation.

I hate waste, Dr. Tyler. It shows a lack of imagination.

Well, there must be 1,000 containers here.

[Echoing] There's a lot of homeless people.

So, have you made any progress?

Uh... yes, actually.

It seems Jane may be recovering memories that not only aren't hers but that involve specific things she couldn't possibly have overheard while in a coma, like kids and matches, exploding boathouses.

I blew up my parents' garage when I was 6.

[Chuckles] Why does that not surprise me?


Maybe Jane downloaded the consciousness of those other patients at the moment they died, like copying information onto a hard drive.

And by "hard drive," you mean her brain?


Suggesting that there could be a way of containing and transferring consciousness... beyond death.

If you're talking about immortality, it's always struck me as wildly overrated.

I'm not ready to file this as proof.

Yeah, but you're not giving up.

You know the trouble with just believing?

It's too easy.

Being skeptical without being closed-minded...

That's the hard thing.

So, no, I'm not giving up.

I'm meeting with Jane's doctor.

Gonna take a look at her hard drive.
[Monitor beeping]

[Breathing heavily]

[Echoing laughter]


Okay. Okay.

[Breathing heavily] Still got it.

Come on, Dad. [Exhales sharply]

[Laughter continues]

Look. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

[Camera shutter clicks] Okay.


Hi. Hi. Sorry.

Do I know you?

No, no, no.

Uh, I'm with a, uh, volunteer group.

We are visiting patients recovering from procedures.

How are you feeling?

Um, trust me...

[Groans] I've felt worse.


I should go.

No, stay.

I'm totally bored. [Scoffs]

You want me to hang out until something more exciting comes along?

[Chuckles] Wow, that did not come out right.

Well, I'm grounded, so my life is pretty boring, as well.

What did you do?

Uh, snuck out to a party, trash-talked to my mom.

Ooh. Badass.

[Both chuckle]

Well, now you got to stay.


Who got you the balloons?

My mom.


You should see my "get well" card.

Patient in room 339, incision site is clean.

Reduce fentanyl to 100 micrograms.

Where's the boat?

[Both laugh]

Well, if I split my stitches, it's your fault.

My brother, Will... it's... it's his joke.

I'm gonna go.

You're coming back, right?

What are you doing here?

Read the name tag. I work here.

What are you doing?

Nothing. I'm waiting for Dad.

Thought I'd do a good thing and cheer up Charlie.

I was trying to get time off for good behavior.


Yeah, he's one of dad's patients.

I should probably go. He's wondering where I am.

I'll walk with you.


Cameron: How are you doing?

It's one way to find out if I'm claustrophobic.

I prefer to think of it as cozy.

All right, get them ear plugs in.

You're really good with her.

Well, she's been through a lot.

All right. Let's see what we've got.



"Wow" good or "wow" bad?

The hippocampal volume is approximately 20% smaller.

The amygdalar is 30% smaller than a healthy subject.


Clinical studies suggest it occurs in patients with dissociative identity disorder.

Was there any sign of multi-personality disorder on her scans when she was admitted?


But look at this.

The temporal lobe plays a role in the formation of long-term memory.

Hers is lit up like a Christmas tree, meaning her memory cells are extremely active.

It's not exactly something you'd expect to see in an amnesiac.


Thanks. I'll get it from here.

There's an ambulance waiting to take you back to County.

Did they find anything?

Uh, he's not really sure.

If it's bad, I want to hear.

Well, he thinks you may be suffering from some form of multiple personality disorder.

What does that mean? He... he thinks I'm crazy.

That's not a medical term I'm familiar with.

It's just a theory.

I'm not greedy.

I would have been happy with one identity.


I just want to know my name, Dr. Tyler.

[Sighs] Whatever it takes.

Hannah: Dr. Nash, she's flatlining.

One milligram of epinephrine. Start CPR now.

Nothing on the monitor.


Jane? Jane?

[Breathing heavily]

Jane, what is it? What's wrong?

I don't... I don't know.

Did you see something?

[Sighs] Um, me.

I saw me f-floating. I was...

I was watching myself.

Where were you?

In surgery during my... During my operation.

My head was shaved. Uh, alarms were going off.

I saw Dr. Nash.

Tell me exactly what happened.

He told the nurse, "get one milligram of epi-something."



Then he said, uh, "start CPR."

It looked bad. Really bad.


How could I have remembered that?

I don't know, but some people who are brought back after cardiac arrest report similar things...

Floating above their bodies, seeing themselves.

You're saying, uh, m-my heart stopped during my surgery?

According to your medical notes, it was a routine procedure.

Well, then, how come I was watching myself from the ceiling?

I... the alarms, Dr. Nash...

D-did that really happen?

I died?

[Horns honking]

It's gonna be quite something.

The Turing wing will house one of the most advanced research units in the world.

Just one of them?

We may have to increase the budget. [Laughs]

We should talk to the P.R. Department and schedule a groundbreaking ceremony.

No, that's a waste of both our time.

And Turing wing... isn't that a bit rhyme-y... Turing wing?

Not to mention self-aggrandizing.

It's a gift, not a, uh...

Do you mean "monument"?

Yes. E-exactly. It's a gift, not a monument.

I happen to believe that generosity deserves to be acknowledged.

Um, if it wasn't for donors like you, this hospital wouldn't survive.

Of course, for some of our donors, it's personal.

They fund research in hopes of curing some condition which impacts their own lives.

The Leventhal wing over there was donated because their son had leukemia.

Get to the point, Dr. Richmond.

I don't want to worry you, but this is the second time I've heard you struggle to find the correct word.

Aphasia may indicate a more serious, underlying problem.

It's probably nothing.

I can run some tests, but before I do, is there anything I should know?

[Door opens]

Hi, Mom. Bye, Dad.

Cat: Hey.

Good night.

[Dog barking in distance] [Sighs]

So, how did her counseling session go?


She didn't lose her temper once on the drive over, as long as I let her control the radio.


All right, I, uh... I should, uh, get moving.

Another date?

Yeah. With a beer and my operating notes.

I'm having pizza if you're hungry.

I'm willing to negotiate about olives.

I think Sophia has a new crush.

Oh, someone I'd approve of?

Mm, appendectomy patient of yours... 16, 17.

Charlie Maynard, room 322?


Is that a problem?

She... she must have read my e-mail.

What... what do you mean?

We were sure, remember?

We always said we didn't want Will's death to be for nothing.

Tell me.


He isn't just any patient.

He came in a year ago for a pulmonary transplant.


He's one of the organ recipients.

Both lungs.

They're Will's.

Were you gonna tell me?


I don't know.


[Up-tempo music plays]

[Knock on door]

[Clears throat]

[Music stops]

Sophie, sweetheart, we know why you were visiting my patient Charlie.

I told mom I just wanted to do a good thing.

It was a little more than that. I-I understand.

I mean, it's a comfort knowing that this boy...

That Charlie is alive because of Will.


You'd like him.

He's fun, and he laughs at all of the same dumb jokes.

There's guidelines in situations like this, sweetheart.

Maybe we can contact the transplant coordinator and see if Charlie and his family are willing to see us.


Did you tell him who you are?

And totally freak him out?

I was there when he woke up. He would think I was creepy.

Well, how do you want it to go with him?

I don't know.

Um, keep in touch, hang out with him, and then later tell him?

Who exactly do you want to keep in touch with, sweetheart?

Charlie or Will?

I'm not stupid! Charlie isn't Will! I know that!


He's just the closest thing that I've got.

How come I'm the crazy one for wanting to be with him?

I never said that. Missing Will is not crazy.

I was in the car yesterday listening to KJR Radio, when suddenly, I'm hearing Will at the Seahawks screaming, "challenge it, you freaking jerk!"

Yeah, I remember that, except he didn't say "jerk."

Or "freaking." [Chuckles]

Hey, we have each other. That's how we remember Will.

I just want him back.


That hole inside you...

That big, empty place that Will left when he died...

[Inhales sharply]

That's never going away, and no one will ever fill it.

[Sniffles] But that's a good thing because every time you think about what you're missing, every time you think you can't bear it anymore, you remember what you had.

And you'll be so grateful for Will...

That he was in your life and still is.


Maybe it's not a good idea to see Charlie again.

You know, he's gonna be going home soon.

He's got his own life, his own family.


Well, okay.

I'll be downstairs if you need me.


Do you need something, Doctor?

I was hoping to talk with Dr. Nash, but maybe you can help me.

The coma patient over at County... the Jane Doe...

Did you work on that operation with him?

Yeah, I'm sure I did.

I assist Dr. Nash both here and at County. Why?

I'm just doing a study on supratentoral coma, and I was interested in what happened during the surgery.

Do you remember it?

We do so many, but...

Yeah, I do remember her's.

Poor thing.

It's just that I've been led to believe that Jane may have flatlined on the table.

But when I checked the records, there's no evidence of that.

Because she didn't. Who told you that?

Jane did.

Jane was unconscious the entire time, right?

I mean, how could she possibly have known anything?

That's a cute cap. Do you always wear that during surgery?

Yes. Why?

Because I think you're lying to me.

Leave me alone. I have work to do.

Something went wrong during that operation.

Nothing went wrong.

So, if I check the inventory of epinephrine used that day and compare it to hospital records, there won't be any inconsistencies?

It was an emergency operation. Things were moving fast.

I may not have updated the...

You made a mistake.

I'm not saying that.

Then who did? Dr. Nash?

I have to go.

Wait, it's gonna come out.

You understand that.

I don't want to lose my job.

Nursing is my life. I can't jeopardize that.

Did Dr. Nash thr*aten you?

Dr. Nash is a well-respected doctor.

I'm just a nurse.

Look, I understand that you're frightened, Hannah.

But if Dr. Nash is a danger to patients, it is our responsibility to stop him.

It was a busy day.

[Monitor beeping]

We had already done three procedures at Bay Vista.

We arrived late at County. Dr. Nash's list was backed up.

Jane presented as an emergency. He was under pressure.

Can I get you a ball-tip probe, Doctor?


Never mind. Yeah, I'll stick with this.

[Door closes] Hannah: He was working too fast. He got careless.

[Alarms beeping]

Dr. Nash, she's flatlining.

One milligram epinephrine. Start CPR now.

Dr. Nash irritated a cranial nerve.

It triggered a cardiac arrest, put Jane into a coma.

Epinephrine now! I'm losing her!

I was the only one that witnessed the slip.

It would have been his word against mine.


[Indistinct conversations]

Hannah: [Echoing] Dr. Nash. She's flatlining.

I-it doesn't make sense.

Cameron Nash is a... is a brilliant surgeon with an impeccable reputation.

Well, that may be true here at Bay Vista.

But at County, it's a different story.

I mean, we did just a quick look and found questionable results in a number of his cases there.

And I suspect when we look deeper, there could be even more.

And why only there, hmm?

I mean, he had to have known that it would come out eventually.

Well, at County, he gets paid by the volume of patients.

So I'm guessing he works fast to get through as many as possible.

And as for covering it up, you know, when you've got a lot to lose...

And he ends up harming the patients who could afford it the least!

I'm sorry, Charles.

Yeah, well, I'm sorry, too.

I should have looked past the doctor and seen the man.

You know, whatever legal help Nash's Jane Doe needs, tell her she's got it.

I got a call from County.

She's regressed back into a coma.

Damn it!

We were... friends.

You think you know someone, and then this.

Charles: Dr. Nash.

[Radio chatter]


I have a theory.

Of course you do.

What if the three other coma patients died in order to give Jane enough dynamic energy to wake up so she could stop Dr. Nash before he injured or k*lled any more patients?

Dynamic energy?

All right. Your turn.

What... what's your logical explanation for why this happened?

Well, I checked the visiting records, and Dr. Nash's nurse did visit Jane.

So the nurse, probably out of guilt, confessed to Jane what happened during her operation, and maybe Becky's father did know about the expl*si*n.

Is there a "however" hovering somewhere at the end of that sentence?

However, given all the things beyond my purview, I suppose it's not impossible to say that something else might have happened.

It's an interesting path we find ourselves on, isn't it?

It kind of liberates the mind, don't you think?

I just feel sorry for Jane.

You know, it's thanks to her that Dr. Nash was suspended, and she didn't even get to learn her own name.


Jane woke up once. Maybe she'll wake up again.

[Indistinct conversations]

Charlie, right?

I'm... Dr. Tyler.


Dr. Barliss did your appendectomy?


How are you?

I'm great... now.

I'm glad.

Your mom and dad must be happy to have you coming home.

Yeah. Oh, yeah. [Chuckles]

Me, too. [Clears throat]

Well, um, I'll... I'll say goodbye, then.

Good luck, Charlie.

Thank you.

Take good care of him.

Yeah. We will.

Woman: Thank you.

Ivan: There must be a better design for this machine.

Something that avoids the sensation of entombment.

Maybe some kind of translucent material.

Why don't you use your time in there to work on it?


[Exhales deeply]


Cat: How did you find him?

I searched female child epileptic profiles from 20 years ago and cross-referenced it with police mispers records.

Nice work.

[Monitor beeping]

I'm your brother... Tom.

Your name is Kristi.

You were born June 15, 1987.

You grew up in Puget Sound.

In a little blue house right by the sea.

You loved the water.

Your best friend was a little girl named Sandy.