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01x12 - Colliderscope; She Got Dangerous Game

Posted: 07/11/15 13:52
by bunniefuu


♪ Inspector... Gadget! ♪
♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪
♪ Inspector... Gadget! ♪
♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪
♪ Go Go Gadget, go! ♪
♪ Go Go Gadget, go! ♪
♪ Inspector... Gadget! ♪
♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪
♪ Go Go Gadget, go! ♪
♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪
♪ Aaaah! ♪

Big Quark Collider Log.

Who has a neck rash and just discovered time travel?

This guy!



I'm you from the future. You need to destroy the Collider before it falls into the wrong hands!


Also, the cure for your rash is...


Hey there, Einsteins.

What? Where's a third one of us?

No more travelling for you two.


I'm in.

At last, the secret to time travel is mine!

Now we can remove Gadget from the space-time continuum. Awesome!

I'll activate the silent alarm now and we'll be ready for Penny ...

I mean ... Gadget, when he gets here.

Yes. Yes! Yes!!!


You are finally starting to get this evil business right, Talon.

[GASP] A dead end!

Any last words?

Um... I've got you? No, you can do better...

You grabbed the wrong girl? Come on Penny!

That stinks... I got nothin'... can you give me a minute to think it over?


Ugh. How do they make holo garbage smell so ... [GAG]... real?

Agent In Training: Penny.

Combat Score: [BUZZER!] Hilariously funny comebacks [BUZZER!]

Wow I didn't score a single point.

Don't worry Penny.

Want to know the secret to my razor sharp wit?

A good breakfast!

Did someone say A Good Breakfast?

Well why not try my new pork-based "Von Slickstein Snack Substitute?"

It's a deliciously nontoxic smoothie and it's even radiation free!


Wowzers, Professor. How amazing!


Oh dear. I'm not that hungry.

Why hello Chief!

Hello Gadget! You know the drill.

Here's your mission.

MAD has infiltrated the big quark collider, where scientists have discovered the secret to time travel.

Your mission is to investigate, and stop MAD.

This message will self-destruct.

If I could go back in time, I'd totally give Talon the perfect burn!

He always seems to have a better comeback than me.


And... y'know... stop crimes before they happen. [CHUCKLES]

Just be careful.

Tampering with time can have crazy consequences like paradoxes, paraflaxes, doubleduckens, superstankbutts and, most annoying of all, Time Loops.

Not to worry, Professor. Father Time has met his match.



The Big Quark Collider! So cool.

We must stop these big quarks from... [SLURPS] Colliding! Or, at least... [SLURP] make sure they wear their seat belts.

It should be a crime to be this gifted.

What's taking so long?

All we need now is for Gadget to walk in,
and take the bait.


This must be the place. You can practically smell the science!

Well that was quick!

Gotta run Uncle C. ... keep it real, evil.

Greetings... I mean...

[PHONY VOICE] Greetings, I'm Dr. Ludwig Glooten-vagon-shtoopen-brow.

Welcome to the Big Quark Collider!

Hello there, Doctor Schlooben-clorven-slobben-brow.

Care for a totally safe tour of the collision chamber?

That's where your atoms get blasted across space-time ...

I mean, where the magic happens!



Bad dog!

He's cranky 'cause he missed breakfast this morning.

Go Go Gadget Brain food!




That was surprisingly easy.


The legend in the flesh.

Your uncle's just been removed from the space-time continuum.

Bring them back.

Make me.

With pleasure.

Wowzers, what a light show!

Wowzers, what a light show!

Wowzers, what a light show!

Was that supposed to happen?

No! They should be gone for good!

But, you wanted them back so let's call this your fault.


Oh hello there!

Well hello!

Aren't you a handsome fellow.

Why thank you!

I must say you are not so bad yourself.

The collider's overloading!

Oops. That's my cue!

Gotta run, Penny.

Take it easy Penny. I had a blast.

Ya well... uhm... I'll be seeing you... and now.... get you next time!

I totally shoulda said, "You're going out with a bang!"

Yeah ... that woulda been a perfect comeback!


Oh no, what's happeneing?

Any last words?

What the what?!



Agent in Training: Penny. Combat Score: [BUZZER] Hilariously Funny Comebacks [BUZZER]

I dunno what's worse: the virtual dog-doo, or the hardcore deja-vu?

Don't worry, Penny.

Wanna know the secret to my razor sharp wit?

A good... breakfast?


Did someone say A Good Breakfast?

Well why not try my new pork-based "Von Slickstein Snack Substitute?"

What's going on?

Why hello, Chief.

Didn't all this just happen?

Tampering with time can have crazy consequences.

This must be the place. You can practically smell the science!

Greetings, I'm...

Dr. Ludwig, it's a pleasure to meet you.

For the first time. Ever.


Bad dog!

He's cranky 'cause he missed breakfast this morning.

Go Go Gadget Brain food!

Wowzers! Whoa!


Thanks for the hug, but you can't stop me!


Wowzers, what a light show!

Wowzers, what a light show!

Wowzers, what a light show!

Wowzers what a light show!

Talon, you're going out with a... ummm... a bang!

Oh wow.

Did you just deliver a comeback with like no setup?

[CACKLES] Timing is everything.

Check it! Gotta fly, Penny. [LAUGHTER]

Agh, Talon you're so annoying!

...time loops...

Wowzers! Whoa! [CRASH!]

Third time's the charm!

Too slow!

Do I know how to push your buttons or what?

Wowzers, what a light show... and the dinosaur is so real ...


That's... different than before.

Aww, did someone think they were the only one in on the time loop? How cute!

I was getting kind of bored with a bunch of Gadgets, so I went back in time and made a little change.

This needs to end, Talon!

But I'm still figuring out how to get rid of your uncle for good!

Plus, I love the look on your face when you can't think of a comeback.

Well... at least I have a... a face!

Man, that was weak...

Don't be such a dino-sore loser!

LOL! I've got a million of them!

And you're gonna hear them all!

Oh, yeah?! Well bring 'em!

Oh, not again!

Look what I picked up at the souvenir shop.

A genuine tiki idol!

Enjoying the ex-spear-ience?

Um... uh...



Brain, give the nice Vikings back their helmet.

Aww, don't be such a Thor loser!

Did I use that pun already? I'm having too much fun to keep track!

Aarrrgghhh!!! I've had it!!!

Think Penny, think. How can you get Talon?

Ah! I got it!


Any last words?

Yeah! And here they are:


Who needs words when I just kicked your butt?!

Combat Score: [BING!] Hilariously funny comeback [BING BING BING!]

Perfect score. [GASPS]

That's it, Brain! I know how to get Talon.

I don't need a comeback, I just need to kick his butt!

Wowsers! Whoa!

Tired of our little game?


Good thing I figured out how to end it.



Wowsers, what a light show!

Wowsers, what a light show!

What did you just do?

What a wonderful reunion!

We simply must get a family picture.

Go Go Gadget selfie cam.




Wowsers, reminds me of our last family reunion in Banff.

Wowsers, time for the old Highland Dance.

Go Go Gadget megaphone.



Not exactly what I was planning.

Doesn't matter. We'll be back in a flash.

Hope you can stick around!







Time to turn this loop around.


Guess the family reunion is over...

I didn't even get cake!

Great work, team.

You kept time travel away from MAD.

I was going to punish you for failing me again, but this is probably good enough.

Can we at least get him some mints?

This guy's breath is almost as bad as yours!

What? My breath stinks?


Dr Claw: Noooo!


Uncle Gadget, the point is to relax!

It's been forever since you and I went on a vacation.

This is supposed to be fun!

You know who's never on vacation, Penny?

MAD, that's who. For all I know they put this plastic yellow t*rture device around my neck!

That's a life jacket. Just don't pull the string...



How's the vacation simulation going?

Are you ready for the real thing?


I'm not sure this vacation thing is a good idea.

Who will keep an eye on HQ? Who will stop MAD?

Maybe I should stay here. Just you and me, Chief.

No! It's not a request, it's an order.

Look, here's your mission ball.

Your mission, is to go on a real vacation, recharge, and leave me to my expl*si*n-free HQ staycation.

Oh, it's a mission! Well then, we're on it, Chief!

I'll be sure to bring you back a souvenir.

No! Please don't!

Yes! Now to update my friends on MySpyPlace.

"We're going on vayca... uh, a mission!"

At least this ball doesn't explode.





Every evil overlord on MySpyPlace has pictures posing with their captured and frozen arch-nemeses except me!

Oh yeah, frozen goody goody selfies. Everyone is doing them.

And here's your chance.

Gadget and Penny just left for a vacation.

You're tracking Gadget on your phone?

Seems almost semi-useful.

Yeah, that, and I'm following Penny aka CodexGirl99 on MYSpyPlace, but it's for, um... destroying my arch nemesis type reasons... such as this.

Soon I too will post pictures of my Gadget trophy... once I send my best agent to capture him.

You got it, I'll leave right away...

Get me MADison BonTrap.

What? MADison BonTrap?

Why are you sending her? I'm a better agent than she is.

Silence! Get me BonTrap.

Fine. You want MADison BonTrap, you can have her.

But I tell you right now, she's gonna fail.

This is going to be the best mission ever!

I can't decide what to do first!

Well Penny, an agent must always prepare for each mission.

Observe. Vacation mission step 1, recline seat.


Step 2, switch on auto-pilot... look no hands!

Uncle Gadget! What's happening?


Step 3, intense relaxation.


Brain! We have to do something!


Someone's sh**ting at us!

It appears to be a giant, metallic eagle.

This has MAD written all over it.

They'd better not ruin my vacay.


I can't seem to control the Gadget-mobile.

But maybe I can reboot Uncle Gadget.

One more sec... and done.

Initiating Reboot Diagnostics.

Go Go Gadget boxing glove.

Gadget fog horn.




Smoke b*mb.

Dog Whistle.


We've obviously arrived at our 4 star resort!

They always anticipate your every need.

We have to do something before we hit ...

...the ground.

They even have underground parking!

Brain, I think it's safe to say this isn't the resort.

Right-o, Penny!

This isn't the resort... it's the resort!

The eagle has landed.

Also, Gadget has arrived.

Ooh, you have a giant metallic Eagle. Cool!

...right. Good work capturing Gadget.

Now you will bring him to me!

That MADison has some great toys.

"That MADison has some great toys."

How rustic!

The newest fad in resort luxury, is no luxury!

Now if I could just find the conciérge to show me around all the amenities.

Oooh, I bet they even have beach volleyball courts!

I can't wait!

Brain, where did that Eagle come from?

If this is MAD messing with my vacay, they are in so much trouble.

But until we know for sure, can you play conciérge for Uncle Gadget?

No reason to ruin his vacation.



Scanning for life... bugs, birds, trees, terrifying mechanical Eagle...

Wait, what? It's coming right at me!



Brain, unless I found a new breed of metal eagle, MAD is 100% here.

Ah, a perfect place to unwind.

Go Go Gadget relaxation goggles!

Let's see how relaxing he finds... my Cross-Boa!

Ah, a massage! Don't hold back.

Ooh, I can feel you squeezing the tension right out of my Gadgets.

Dr. Claw, I've got this all wrapped up.

All wrapped up? Good one.


Not so fast, MADison.


Over already? Ah, the conciérge.

You must be looking for your tip!

Many compliments on your resort.

Can you direct me toward the gift shop?

Something, or someone, just messed with my Cross-Boa.

Guess I'll have to be more creative.

Yes you will. Pfft, world's greatest trapper. Yeah.


Hm. First a metallic eagle, now a robotic snake?

So, we're looking for a robot animal loving MAD agent.

Hmm, still nothing... maybe I need a new perspective on this.

Very eco-friendly to integrate the resort right into the jungle. It's almost like it's not even here.

And don't get me started on this amazing fauna.

MADison BonTrap, you've really outtrapped yourself this time.

Look at this stunning flora!

Go Go Gadget magnifying glass.



Wowsers! There's even more to see over here!




Ugh! I wish that infernal man would just stand still.

You know what you should wish?

That you hadn't messed with my vacation!

So what's Claw's genius plan this time? Clear cut a giant MAD symbol?

Tame an army of jungle ants? What is it?

The plan is the same as always. Get Gadget.

You can run, but you can't hide...

Our MAD agent is MADison BonTrap, a world class trapper.

So much for a relaxing vacation.

Penny, I haven't felt this relaxed in years!

I think it's time for mission objective number three, intense relaxation.

Wait! What? Uncle Gadget, we have to keep moving!

MADison could be back any second.

Too late! You just got BonTrapped!


Dr. Claw!

Why am I not already posing for pictures with my Gadget trophy?

I have him and I'm on my way.

Good. Now we're just one rendezvous away from placing my Gadget trophy in humourous poses.

Each one more humiliating than the last.

Speaking of humiliating, how about this little twist.



Who's messing with my Eagle?


Where do you think you're going, MADison BonTrap?

You've ruined my vacay.

Look little girl, it's been fun but it's time for the adults to get back to work.

Say hello to my little friend.

Look out!

Looks like your mutt just got BonTrapped.

Who knew my hacking skills would come in handy in a jungle?

Oh no, Brain, she's getting away!

Genius. Of course!

We'll just use the Codex to reboot Uncle Gadget.

And, done.

Initiating reboot diagnostics!

Computer voice: Go Go Gadget boxing glove.

Fog Horn.

Electric Pulse.


Smoke b*mb.

Dog Whistle.





Hey Madison! Consider yourself Pennied.

[YAWNS] Oh. Good morning, Penny.

Up for a morning walk? I've just had a fantastic nap.

[GIGGLES] Well I'm glad you've been able to get some rest.

Good work, Gadget. Mission accomplished.

You've succeeded again.

I did? Oh yes, I did!

I had a very relaxing vacation, Chief.

Oh, I almost forgot, I got a souvenir for you.

Agh! I thought I told you, no souvenirs!

Dr Claw: A little to your left.

Now up a bit. Hold that pose.

Why do I have to do this?

It's MADison's fault. This isn't fair.

You will stand there for as many pictures as I want!


Nothing but dislikes on MySpyPlace? Woo-hoo!

Talon: Oh, come on!