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01x06 - Episode 6

Posted: 07/11/15 00:18
by bunniefuu
Did you sleep with my husband?

Your husband?

Get the f*ck out of my car!

I was just at home and I thought I heard someone inside.

I saw someone riding off on a bike.

Did you get a plate?


What's that?

My phone. I was filming you.

I saw you coming out of the ground!

Who was this bloke?

His name was George.

I loved him and he loved me.

This doesn't belong to you.

It doesn't belong to you, either.

I know about what you're doing with Noregard.

Has she told you why you're back?

I could consider treating you as an accomplice in the matter.

That would definitely mean a stay in juvenile detention.

I know things that you don't know.

And I'm pretty sure that this doctor here knows more than she's admitting.

Where is Patrick Fitzgerald? Where is Charlie Thompson?

Where is Kirstie Darrow?

What about Maria?

Has something happened to Maria?

Patrick Fitzgerald...

Run. Run, run, run, run, run!


Paddy, don't!


(Flies buzzing)

♪ Theme music ♪

(Flies buzzing)

She's not disintegrating.

Only pallor mortis at this point.

He broke her neck.

Why? Why would he do that?

He m*rder*d Maria and he dumped her body in the boot of his police car.

Argh! Agh! Agh...

Beau: Paddy, what are you doing?

Borrowing the cop's notebook.

(Vic groans)

I'll take it from here.

(Vic continues groaning)



I know you k*lled Maria.

Won't go back in.

Vic, what do you know about the people at the cemetery?


Vic, tell me!

He's delirious.


(Breathes heavily)

It's just a morphine mix.

I need him to talk.

(Siren wails)

Just gonna need you to remove your helmet.

I'm gonna need your name and address.



My name is Kate Willis. I live at 48 Doveton Road, Yoorana.

Hello, Chris.

(Breathes heavily)

It's an open fracture. It requires surgery.

Or what?

Nerve injury, blood clot, loss of limb, possibly death.

Well, we can't take him to a hospital.

I know that.

But he's dangerous. He could've k*lled them all.

Vic, the cop from Echuca, the man I know, is not a k*ller.

Then who is he?

Well, right now he seems to be the only person who can tell me something about what's going on.

Unless you can.

All I know is he's a m*rder*r.

So what do we do, then?



What, just let him die?

No. You're gonna operate on him.


You're surgically trained. You're at the clinic.

Even if I could, there's no guarantee he wouldn't get a major infection and die.

Kate's a nurse. She can help you. I'll get her, you make a list.

Chris: I don't know what else to say.

Can you do something for me, then?

Can you call Mum?


(Dials phone)

(Phone rings)


Uh... Jo.


Er, er... is that Jo?

It's Chris... uh, Chris Rennox, from... from Yoorana.

Chris. Are you alright?

Sarah had that baby early?

No. Everything's fine.

I... I was just thinking about Kate and I thought I'd give you a bell.

Oh, how lovely. How are you?

I'm... I'm good.

(Mouths words)

How's... how's Paul?

Yeah, he's good.

He had that hernia a while ago and he claims he can still feel it, but he's fine.

(Mouths words)

And Shaun?

Uh... he's a bit unsettled but then that's Shaun.

He's not working, and he split up with that Norwegian girl, Elke.

Oh, that's a shame.

We were relieved, actually.

I think we were terrified he'd move to Oslo.

I couldn't bear the thought of losing him too.

No, I shouldn't say that.

That's not the same as losing Kate.

You were so good to her, Chris.

And to James. A real friend.

She was special.

Oh, it's so good to chat.

Paul's not here, but I'll fill him in.

It's coming up to her birthday.

It's always a hard time for us.

She's still here.

I know she is, love.

Not a day goes past, you know...

I'm sorry.

It's fine.

Anyway, we'll be down after the baby's born.

I don't want to get in the way before.

But I'd really like to hold that baby.


I think Kate would like me to, don't you?


Give my love to James and Sarah and you take care of yourself.

I will do. You too, Jo.


(Phone bleeps)

Thank you.

That was... very strange.


(Starts engine)

What are you doing?

Taking you to the hospital.

(Exhales heavily)


(Flies buzzing)

No. Just give her a sec, she'll come back.

We're all dead, right?

Kirstie, she's gone.

Come on, Maria!

Charlie: Kirstie.

This is so f*cked up.

I've gotta go back to the surgery now, but make sure you do whatever Elishia tells you to do, OK?

Don't go anywhere near Vic. Alright?

Well, can we bury her?

You know what she was like. She'd want us to clean up the mess.

OK, do it over there.

Not to the hospital! Not anywhere!

I told you I can't go near the bridge. I can't leave Yoorana.

What do you mean?

f*ck, Chris!

It's true. Just stop.


Just back up. Now.

What the hell?!

It's OK. I'm OK.

I'm OK.

Can I take you to Doveton Street?

No, not home, not Elishia's.

Why not?

Because someone's looking for us.


Here it is. My name recorded. Look.

What's that prove?

It's a record of my return. My rights to my own estate.

Nah, we need to get my phone back.

That little box you showed me?

Yeah. When you were coming out of the grave. That's the proof.

Well, where is it now?

Rory nicked it.


That's the Fitzgeralds for you.

Thieves and rogues, the lot of us.

Shame she can't be with her daughter.

What if what happened to Maria is gonna happen to us?

That policeman can't hurt anyone now.

No, I don't mean him.

I mean... I mean what if something bad is gonna happen to each and every one of us.

First it was Carlo and now it's Maria.

What do you mean?


Well, we're kind of wrong, aren't we?

And not just the wogs.

I mean all of us.

We're not natural.

What's 'natural'?

Fighting a stupid w*r 'cause the Brits told us to?

Or getting away with m*rder 'cause people thought you were a tart?

I don't believe in 'natural' anymore.


I need your help.

Keep an eye on him.

The policeman. He said you knew why we were back.

He said a lot of things.

Then why are you doing all this for him?

'Cause I'm a doctor. I swore an oath.

Look, if there was anything else I could do, I would.

'Charlie', isn't it?

Charlie... Thompson.

I've nothing to say to you.

I know what you're thinking.

You think that I m*rder*d your friend Maria, but I didn't.

Yes, you did.

Charlie, Maria died.

She died in a car accident 50 years ago.

Whatever I did did not end her life.

I only returned her to that state that she'd been in.

Her true state.

What? Being dead?


Perhaps, Charlie, it... it's better than the life here.

You see... Maria and you... and Kirstie and Kate -- none of you are supposed to be here.

What does that mean?

Think of all your mates who died in that Great w*r.

Died... screaming for their mothers.

You remember your mates, don't you, Charlie?

Course I bloody do.

And you remember someone who didn't make it back.


When you think of him, doesn't it make you wonder why you're standing here now in front of me... alive instead of him?

No reason.

Then can't you see, Charlie, that your coming back is wrong?

That it makes a total mockery of his death?

Of his sacrifice?

Oh, Charlie.

I don't know how you can live with yourself.

Where are you going?

I've been getting these twinges.

It's not labour, is it?

I don't know.

I called the midwife and she said I should go to the hospital.

Do you need me to come?

Well, that's up to you.

You left this behind.

Is Kate here?

No. She left.

Do you know where she went?

I don't know, James. She left.


I can't...

We can't... we can't share you, James.

I'm not gonna share you.

I know.

I know that you never really got over losing Kate, but she's back, so you can now, alright?

I'm giving you this chance.

Before our baby's born.

I'll meet you at the hospital, but there's something I need to do first, OK?

You're not serious, are you?

Get in the cell.

Chris, it's Kate. I haven't done anything.

I'm holding you in custody.

What for?

I don't know... Interfering with a grave.

(Scoffs) My own grave?

Just... just get in the cell.


Just call James, OK?

(Phone ringing)



Rory Fitzgerald?

Should the defendant be approaching the witness?

You should be charged. Supplying to a minor.

That's a bit ungrateful, mate.

My young friend's property, we'd like it back.

My phone, dickhead.

Oh, that piece of shit, nah, I chucked it.

Well, we'd appreciate it if you, uh, you could retrieve it.

Sorry, who the f*ck are you?

Where'd you get that? Your show bag?

I'll tell you what, why don't you get it back for us or I'll gut you like a fish?

OK, do something, will you? This guy's f*ckin' crazy.

Paddy, he's a scumbag, but he's still family.

Paddy, enough!


Paddy. Paddy. Are you OK?



My own family.

My own flesh and blood.


They m*rder*d me.

Mate. James.

I think we should call up the...

Just open the cell door, alright?

Will you just let me deal with this?

I'm worried about you.

We don't know why or how or... we don't know what she is.

She's Kate.

Maybe she isn't.

If you want to help me find answers, run a background search on Elishia McKellar.

I need associations, just get me everything.

The doctor knows about this?



(Scoffs) Fu...


Why haven't you said anything?

You've totally failed to report any of this.

I don't care.

Oh, good. I thought we were mates.

Vic knows, doesn't he?


Where is he?

Don't ask.

You've f*cked up big-time. You know that?

I know.
I've got the antibiotics, I've got anaesthetics and we need your help.

General pre-op care is not orthopaedics.

No, I know, but you're better than nothing.

We have to do this. Vic... he knows something.


Elishia's prescriptions are all PC.

What does that mean?

Professional Corporation.

It means the doctor's a part of a corporation and protected by those laws.


Which corporation is it?

Noregard Pharmaceuticals.

They make antivirals, don't they?

Spoken to Sarah?

Not yet.

She's at the hospital. I'm gonna meet her there.

She told Chris about me.

What? No.

That's why he stopped me.

He was taking me to Shep. Over the bridge.

Sarah wouldn't have done that.

I have nothing.

No proof.

No house.

No land.

And no position.

You're alive.


But for what purpose?

At least you know what happened to you.

I died a hated man.

My own son m*rder*d me.

And my wife watched me die.

I never knew... never knew my daughter... or your great-great-grandmother.

I'm off to juvie now for sure.

I'm sorry, son.

That's OK.

But don't call me 'son'.

'The Lord is my shepherd.

I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures.'

Elishia: Start with debridement of devitalised tissue and bone.

And then irrigation.

Kate: Got the saline ready.

Keep an eye on his blood pressure.

Charlie: 'He leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul.



Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death... I will fear no evil.'

Elishia: OK. Traction.


That's it.

Kirstie: 'For Thou art with me.

Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me.

And surely goodness and mercy will follow me through all the days of my life.

And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.'

It's done. He's OK.

You think he'll survive?

Long enough to k*ll you all.

Then what do we do?

There's nothing that I can do.

I'm not gonna k*ll anyone.

You'll do what needs to be done. I know you will.

Kate: The wound is healing.

Start of the proliferation phase already, but... it's not supposed to happen for days.

(Vic groans)


What's happening?

You've had an operation.

You're on very strong painkillers and antibiotics.

You mustn't move, OK?

I'm thirsty.

OK. You just stay here and I'll get you some water and another pillow.

His wound's healing.

I've got him on a very strong bacteriostatic -- that'll increase the rate of healing.

It's moving too fast. What is going on with him?

I don't know.

You're working for Noregard. I found these invoices at the surgery.

Flu injections. I give them to employees once a year.

What else do you do for them?

Do you mind?

I'm trying to clean...

Don't you f*ckin' lie to me!

I told you before, I do not work for Noregard.

Then what is it?

They're working for me.

(Vic groans)

Before I moved here, I was a researcher.

For Noregard.

I don't know anything about what's been going on here.

I've just been using the facilities for my analysis, that's all.

And I've stopped now.


I know what your plan is.

But you've got it all wrong.

That doctor...

She wants to k*ll me.

She can't do it herself, so she's... she's trying to get you to do it.

She's looking after us.

You are one of them, aren't you?

The dead.

But you're different.

You're stronger.


Who are you?


Do you remember your death?


I can help you.

Help you remember.

Near my belt...

Over there.

Do you know what it is?

It's mine.

I found it in her things.

She'd been keeping it.

If you want to know what happened when you died, use it.

If you want to know the truth.

(Distorted ambient noise)

(Noise ascends to a loud shrill)

What did you remember?

In the end, I wanted to die.

You should have been allowed to.

The meaning of life is that it stops.

There must be rules.

No-one can escape that.

You know what I'm saying is true.

Who are you?

I'm not what you think I am.

Neither is Elishia.

She's manipulating you.

You need to help me bring this to an end.

We have to return you all of you.

No. No, I won't k*ll anyone.

You won't have to.

But I... I can't do this on my own.



Shut up!



We've gotta go.

No, wait.

No, no, no. He's leaving.


Get in!

Go, go, go, go, go.

Stop the car.


Get in there.


Vic: Just drive!


Nurse... where is he?

Nurse: I'm sure he'll be here soon.


Doing well, Sarah. Good girl.

Breathe deeply.

Breathe deep.

(Breathes heavily)

Kate: I'm not driving across the bridge.



Just drive!

Come here!

(Kate screams)

You're coming with me.


Get out of the car.

Let her go!

John, step away.


Come on!

Leave me alone!

Kirstie: Help me.


Ignore her, Charlie.

Let her go!

You know what you have to do.


Charlie, don't!

Please, I don't want to die.

Vic: Keep going, Charlie. Don't stop.


(Charlie groans)


Go on, do it. Put things right.


Charlie! Don't!

Finish it now.

Charlie... Charlie!

If you don't do this, she'll suffer and die again.

The cancer will return.

No matter what you do, she'll lose her hair and her breasts, she'll lie there gasping for breath.



(Kirstie sobs)

Come on. Come on, Charlie.

You're OK.

Mate, come on.

You're alright.


John, listen to me.

You lied to us.

I care about you.

John... John.



You had no choice -- he would've k*lled them all.


Because that wasn't Vic.

The real Vic... died when he had that accident.

Then who is that?

I don't know.

But we gotta get him out of here.

And you can't be seen.

(Exhales heavily)

It's OK.

No, it's not.

You can't stay here. You have to go.

I have to see Sarah.

She's in hospital.

And you should go.

Is he dying?

It's an anaesthetic. He'll be out for a couple of hours.

Let's go.

I need to be alone.

I'll be OK, I promise.

(Engine starts)

Should we say something?


f*ck you, arsehole.

Well, thank you for looking out for me before.

Yeah, well, someone's got to.

You're a real mate. And I love ya.

Yeah, well, that's all I need -- a poofter falling in love with me.

Nah, I didn't say I was in love with ya.


What's a 'poofter'?


Don't worry about it.


(Siren wails)

(Sarah groaning)

Is everything alright?

All fine. The baby's just keen to be born, that's all.


You OK?

Breathe deeply and slowly, Sarah. That's good.

Good girl, Sarah.


It's just the dr*gs wearing off.

You know, I wasn't just gonna let you die.

Why not?

I shouldn't be here.

Don't say that.

You had no right to bring me back.



A bit more pushing.


You're doing really well.


I can see your baby's head crowning.

Stop pushing. No pushing. That's it.


Good girl.

No pushing. No pushing.

Gentle breathing.

Good, Sarah.

(Baby cries)

That's it.




Hello. Hello.


♪ Pensive music ♪

'The last will and testament of Patrick Michael Fitzgerald.'

Yeah. It's OK. Here.

There we go.



What's wrong?

It's OK, Sarah. You're just having a little bleed. It's OK.

Just gonna press down hard...

OK, Shannon, talk to me.

Had a normal delivery 20 minutes ago.

So cold.

What's wrong?

We'll need to get her to surgery.


I think her uterus is not contracting properly.

There's a small chance we might have to do a hysterectomy.

What? No. No.

Her life may be at risk.

Can you hear me?

(Monitor bleeping steadily)

OK. Please get a gurney in here as soon as possible, please.

Sarah. Sarah.

Can you hear me? Stay with me. Stay with me.

OK, can you hear me? Hey?

You OK? It's gonna be alright.

Sarah, it's gonna be OK. You're gonna be alright.

James, stay here, we'll be back after we've finished.

She's OK.

OK. Good.

We managed to stop the bleeding but unfortunately we had to do the hysterectomy.

She's asleep still, but you can see her if you like.

Yes, please.



Our baby's fine.

She's perfect.

And you're OK.

(Door opens)

Thought we lost her there for a minute.

What do you mean?

Technically, she was gone.

But she came good.

I might, uh, leave you to it and I'll check in later, hey?

Voicemail recording: You have one new voice message.


Chris: James. Hey.

I did that search you wanted and, mate, you're not gonna believe this but... Dr Elishia McKellar is dead.

She died at Epworth Hospital four years ago.

There's a death certificate.