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01x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 07/11/15 00:18
by bunniefuu
They were dead, and they've come back to life.

You really believe this?

I remembered. I've been to the estate.

Corona Hill. Have you any idea how far away that would be?

About an hour's walk.

You were dead.

I thought you were dead.

How long did you wait till you hooked up with her?

How long?

I only want to help you.

(Knock at door)

Don't worry, they're with me, they're OK.


Somewhere safe.

From what?


And everyone.



I'm sorry.

(Radio crackles)

♪ Theme music ♪

(Door opens)

(Unzips pants)

Elishia, it's me. Where are you?

You've got no right to keep them hidden from me. Call me back.

(Phone chimes)

(Clicks on mouse)

Work or porn?

Porn. Always porn.

(Jokingly) Not again.

Pretty hardcore too.

You gotta let me see.

No, no, no. It will warp the baby.

Baby's been kicking me all night.



Not now.

You doing OK?


Any progress?

On the break-in.

No. Still working on it.

I might print out some flyers for Smudge and go stick them out today.

Just relax.


I'm not an invalid.

I know you're not.

(Knock at door)

Can you get that? I need to do a wee.


Vic? What happened?

Nah, just had a bit of an accident.

Looks worse than it is.

Do you want to come in?


Actually, I've been thinking... those people you told me about?

Yeah, so you believe me now?

Well, you can't blame me for having doubts, but, yeah, I do believe you now.

Have you found them?


Dr McKellar's taken them somewhere.

What, all of them? Where?

I don't know.

She won't answer her phone.

I need to find them.

Yeah, I'm trying to find them, Vic.

You need to leave this with me now.

Hi, Vic.

You alright?

Ah, it's just a scratch.

Do you want to come inside?

No, I gotta get going.

What's that about?

Ah, it's, uh, break-in at the shops.

Oh, really?


Do you think it's the same people who broke in here?

Not sure yet.

Maybe I should go and ask around.

No, you need to rest, OK? Just rest.


You know, this is the last few days of decent sleep we're gonna get for a long time.

I gotta get ready.


Kirstie's dressing needs changing.

If you tell me where the antiseptic is, I can do it.

Where's Maria?

I don't know. We woke up, there's no sign of her.

Do you think she's like Carlo?

I told you all it's dangerous.

Oh, relax.

She probably just saw the Virgin Mary on a fence post somewhere.

Don't you all get sick of being so serious?

I got food.

What, poor man's mutton?

Urgh... what a freak show!

(Notes played slowly on piano)

(Wrong keys plays on piano)


Di nuovo, Anna. Again.

Bravissima, Anna.

Ti piace?


It was worth the money.

Do you want some chocolate?

Young lady shouldn't eat chocolate. You'll get fat.


What are you doing in here?

Did Leon Massola sell you this house?

Get out of here! Get out!

Where's my husband?

Go on, leave!

You have no pride in your home.

No pride in your children.

Leave! Now!

How dare you talk to my daughter like that?!

I'm calling the police!

(Yells indistinctly)

It's an aeroplane.

Have you ever seen one before?

I don't remember.

Your memories will return.

And for all the others.

I remember doing that.

Does it hurt?

I'm not afraid of you.

Church is closed today, love.

This is God's house.

Father Reid will be here next week.

I can't wait another week.

Are you a local?

I am God's miracle upon this Earth.

I am as Lazarus, returned from the dead.

I am the resurrected.

(Softly) Why don't I make us a nice cup of tea?


Vic's crashed his car at the bridge.

Yeah, yeah. Vic's OK. I just saw him.

I'll let his wife now. She's been calling.

Thanks for letting me know.

Oh, and, um, there's a call.

Some distressed woman at the Catholic church.

Can you check it out?

Yup. Yes, I'll be right there.

What the hell's going on in Yoorana, eh?

(Phone line disconnects)

(Engine starts)

It's here. Corona Hill.

So, what now?

I'm going home.

We just can't walk in.

Sure, it's my house.

And you, my friend, are accepting my gracious invitation.

Come on.

(Shuts door)

It's bloody old.

It's a bit of a shambles, alright.

But it's my legacy.

Oh, Jesus.

Look at this. They've turned the place into a doss house.

A what?

(Softly) Where are you going?

It's in one of these rooms.


(Door opens, men chattering)


(Door shuts, dance music plays)

Man 1: I'll get you a black.

Man 2: No, I'm good.

Have you seen the lighter?

Let's get out of here.

I've got something hidden here. Something important.

Yeah, we can come back and...

Then you go.

(Men chatter downstairs)

What the f*ck?

Oi, who's this fella?

Uh... Beau.

What are you doing here, Beau?

I thought it was empty.

It's not empty, mate.

It's his house.


We're the traditional owners.

I'm Rory Fitzgerald.

This is my cousin Angus.

Come and have a beer with us.

(Rattling g*nshots on video game)

Oh, you're dead, mate.

Hey, Beau, you want a cone?

It's good weed, that stuff.

Come on.

Oh, you're not going until you smoke.

Come on, mate, just take it.

Can we change this game? Can we...

What's the problem?

Go on, mate. What are you doing?

Hold it in your lungs, you f*cking p*ssy.

Come on.


What a waste.


Leave me alone.

Maria, where is Elishia keeping you all?

You and her, you want... you want to hide the Lord's miracle.

No, I'm trying to help you. She's the one that's hiding you.

If you accept the truth, you have to accept God.

That's what terrifies you.

Maria, listen to me -- I need to find my wife.

I need to see Kate.

My husband's gone too.

Leon Massola?

Some awful people live in our house.

He's not gone. He's still here.

You know where he is?

I was doing some research to find something to link you all And I've found your husband.

Oh, where?

I can take you to him if you take me to Kate.



Come on.

(Dogs barking)

It's healing well.

Look normal.

Yeah, I'm so f*cking normal.

Normal as the rest of us.

There's an unseen road. We could try there.

It leads straight to the highway.


If Kirstie's leg gets worse, I don't have the facilities.

I'm fine.

Don't you wanna find a way out of here?

Not if it means corking it.

I've tried that road. I got really sick.

We need to know if you're all trapped here, and if you are, within what radius?

(Sighs) Do you think it's... some kind of radiation?

It's all speculation until there's real data.

How do you get data?

Only one way -- through testing.

I'll do it.

Are you crazy?

There's only one way.

(Scoffs) Not a chance.

Come on then, let's go.


Is this yours?

Pretty shit.

Yeah, pass it up.

Pretty shit phone.

Over here.


Angus: What's on there?

There's something on there, Beau?

Like, some nudie pictures or something freaky?

Come on, give me my phone.

Come get it back.

Just give me my phone.

Gotta jump for it, mate.

Go jump! Go on.

You gotta want it, mate.

Good boy.

Good boy.

Oh, close, mate.

One more, yeah.

Work for it.

Go on, like a kangaroo.


That's it. No, no.

Like a kangaroo.

One more.

Do the little paws.

Keep going.

Oh. Oh.

So close.

Oh, come on.

Jump. Go.

Woman: Rory!

Oh, shit. It's Mum.

(Door shuts)

Hide him.

Pack it up, pack it up.

Beau, move.


Would someone like to tell me what's going on?

Yeah, this kid just broke in.


It's been 50 years, Maria.

He won't be the same as you remember him.

He's still my husband.

Yes, he is, but let me talk to him first, OK?


Excuse me, I'm looking for Leon Massola.

Room 237. Down the hall to the right.

Thank you.

(Knocks at door)


Mr Massola, I'm Sergeant James Hayes.

I wanted to ask you some questions about your wife Maria.


You remember her?

My love.




Leon. Leon, sono io.


Come on, come on, come on.


You were a whore!

I am not a whore.

I'm not a whore.

He's got dementia.

He barely knows where he is.

I am not a whore!

You OK?


What is it?

Who's this?

That's Donald Sharp. He still lives in town.

I need to see this boy.

We had a deal.

We're finding Kate now.

This boy will know.

Don't you understand?

This isn't a miracle.

It's a punishment.

Speaker: Hello, Noregard.

Senior Sergeant Vic Eastley, Echuca Police.

Does Dr Elishia McKellar work there?

I'm not authorised to give out information on employees.

Is there somebody inside I can speak to?


(Phone rings)

Woman: Vic, it's Caroline.

Listen, I'm in Yoorana.

Are you still here? 'Cause I've come to take you home.


I'm presuming the car's a write-off.


You know, I can't believe you had an accident and you didn't even tell your wife!

(Sighs) I'll meet you at the motel.

We have to find an exit.

I can't hide you in Yoorana forever.

Who exactly are you hiding us from?

Every single person who'd want to cut you open to see what's making your dead heart beat, sending the electrical impulses to your dead brain.

Do you want that?


I'll do it.

Are you sure?

Everything's normal.

(Breathes deeply)


Alright. Just keep walking.

Maybe this part's alright.

OK, Charlie?

OK, keep it up.

No, stop! The same thing happened to me.


Just move back. Move back.

He's fine. He's alright.


We'll find somewhere else.

That's him.

He's old too.

Yeah, that's what happens.

Not to me.

James, how are you?

Great, Don. Well, how are you?

Yeah, not bad.

Good to see you, mate.

You too.

Ah. You looking for a trade-in?

You know, something to suit the new family?

Not at the moment. Thank you.

Ah, right.

Donald Sharp?

Sorry, do I know you?

This is Sophia.

She's a relative of the Massolas. Do you remember them?

You look almost exactly like, um...

Maria was my...

Mother's cousin.

Uh, Sophia is just in town visiting Leon.

Oh, how is he?

I actually just wanted to know a bit more about Maria.

Oh, Maria, gosh. I really didn't know her that well.

Oh, you were one of her students, weren't you?

Yes, I guess so.

What's this about?

So you did know her?

Well, you know, only in the way that everyone knew Maria Massola.

What's the supposed to mean?


She was beautiful, you know, kind of exotic.

All the boys thought so.

I really didn't know her that well.

You're lying.


You were in a car with her.

Where were you going?

I'm sorry, but I...

Don, this is important, actually.

Well, I gave her a few driving lessons.

My parents couldn't afford to pay for the piano classes so I offered to teach her in exchange.

What happened?


What happened?!

Well, you know, I might have just tried it on her once.

And she just gave me slap right across the face.


Listen, do you know, by any chance, how she died?

There was... a car accident.

It's very sad. The whole town was in shock.

That's it?

Yeah. That's it.

Excuse me, James.

Thanks, Don.

Leon never wanted me to drive.

He was so old-fashioned.

But I was faithful to him.

He needs to know that.

No, now you take me to Kate.

All these years, he thought I betrayed him.

I'm not gonna make him wait another day.

(Dials phone)

(Phone rings)

What do you want?

Kate, where are you?

Trying to find a way out of this f*cking town.

Listen to me.

Yeah, I think I've heard enough.

You cannot... Listen to me, Kate!

OK, no more detours.

You are taking me to Elishia's now.

God, you look like shit.

Have you even seen a doctor?

I tried.

Yeah, of course you tried.

Come on, let's get your things.

Oh, this is glamorous.

You didn't call me.

What, so is this your way of leaving me?

'Cause you should have done it ten years ago, if that's the case.

I know you think I don't care.

I was worried.

Oh, God, what have you...?


I thought you were...

What's got into you?

Oh, God.

Wait here.

Thank you for coming so quickly.

Of course, Lucy.

Now, this young man was apprehended trespassing in my house.

(Door shuts)

G'day, Beau.


He do any damage?

Not that I'm aware of.

Fortunately, my son and his friends were here at the time, hoping to get the place ready for the handover.

Alright, I'll take him in.


If you could just let his parents know what he's been up to... I'm sure that will suffice.

Don't tell my mum. We didn't take anything.


Who else you here with?


Alright, come on.

Later, Lucy.

Thanks, Chris.

This is it, Charlie, the last exit.

Yeah, there it is.

Come on.

Push through it.


That's good. That's good.

Don't push him!

Don't push him!

(Car honks)

He's alright. He's still breathing.

You psycho bitch. You were gonna k*ll him!

That's it, Charlie. Come.


Get me my bag.


Help us.

Just get him inside.

What did you do?

Nothing. He's gonna be alright.

He just needs to rest now.

As if you give a shit.

I'm trying to find an exit for all of you.

You took them to the bridge?

Yeah, and every other way out.

He got sick every time.

He didn't just get sick. You pushed him.

He needs water.

Nearly there, Charlie. Come on.

Come on. Around there.


Here you go.

Here you go.



So there's no way out of Yoorana?

None that I can find.

And who asked you to f*cking find one?


You moved on.

I get it.

But I have to move on too.

And it's OK.

I'm alive.

And... there's sun and there's sky and there's grass.

I'm not sick.

And I feel incredible.

So I'm not gonna sit around here feeling... feeling sorry for myself.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.


Maybe it just wasn't meant to be forever.


It doesn't matter anymore.

It does.


Kate, it does.

It matters.

(Inhales) And you have no idea.

Come with me. I want to show you something.

Come with me.

Thank you.


(Door opens and shuts)

(Car door shuts, engine starts)

I bought this place after you died.

It's beautiful.


Oh, my favourite shirt.


You kept all these stuff?


Third anniversary winery tour?


I can't believe you kept all this.

When I put you in that coffin, it was so small.

I just remember thinking to myself, 'That can't possibly contain her,' everything that you were.

So... this place sort of became you.

You know, not some box in the ground.

You know, I could just... come here and be with you.

Hey, Vic.

How's the head? Have you seen a doctor yet?

I've been looking for Dr McKellar.

You've been running after hours?

Well, she's not at the surgery. Anywhere else she might be?

I don't know. Sorry.

James is at work still.

Some dickhead's been in a robbery spree, it seems.

Think that's related to the business at the cemetery?

What business?

What, James hasn't mentioned it?


Some grave was mucked around with the other night.

Oh. That's awful.

Well, James will be handling it, I'm sure.

I was just there last week.

You were?

Yeah, well, Kate's buried there.

I put flowers on her grave sometimes.

Why do you do that?


I guess, when I go there, I feel close to her.

Of course.

That's what cemeteries are for, aren't they?

(Sighs) Is there a message that you want me to pass on to James?

No. No, it's fine.

Is that...?

Is it heavy?

Uh, a little.

I'd lie down, if I were you.


Well, see ya.

See ya.

(Engine starts and revs)

I used the rabbits.

Thank you.

What is this?

Osso buco.

It's great.

I'm an excellent cook.

You're feeling better?

I'm right as rain.

No thanks to you.

Well, thank you, Charlie.

Now we know.

Yeah... I was stuck in Yoorana last time I was alive.

Nothing's changed.

All of us need to put things right.

What things?

Our past.

Our mistakes.

Let those we left behind know the truth.

I don't have anyone left.

I didn't make any mistakes.

Then why did you die so young?

Let's just stick to the facts, what we know for certain.

None of this makes any sense.

What about you?

What do you think this is?

Nothing to say, Einstein?

What a surprise.


No, seriously, what's he doing here?

'Cause we don't know anything about him and he could have been a k*ller...

That's enough, Kirstie.

No, seriously, say something!

That's enough!

You never say a bloody word.



Get off him! Get off him!


This is how you behave?!

Is it?

Charlie: You alright?

I love you.

I love you too.

(Documentary presenter speaks on TV)


You used to say this was a food of heaven.

I'm not what you thought.

I was faithful to you. Always.

You can't trust them.

These Nazis, they steal my watch.

I'll play to you.

You always loved that.

(Plays cheerful tune)

What were you doing with that boy in the car?!

Puttana! Whore!


(Slams piano keys)

You're a whore! Puttana!


Maria! Maria!


(Engine revs)

Open the door.





(Car honks)


(Pants slowly)

What are you doing?

I don't belong here.

Well, you can't leave Yoorana.

You will eventually remember who you are.

I know what I am.

Anna, my darling.

Forgive me.


I've been looking for you.

I'm here to help.

I just found out how I died. You want to help me?

With what?

Settling a score.

Vic: If the right doctors could work out why you came back, they may be able to do the same for her.

Why don't you tell me where they are?

Who is this?

Someone you thought you'd never see again.

The supermarket was held up on Wednesday night.

If Beau can tell me what he know about that bloke?

What did he say?

That our crim is Patrick Fitzgerald.

First mayor of Yoorana.

I'll talk to Sarah.

You can't avoid this forever.

Is there something wrong with the baby?

I saw you and Dr McKellar talking...

There's nothing wrong.

I promise you everything is fine with the baby.

Then what is it?

It's about Kate.