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03x03 - Sense Memory

Posted: 07/10/15 04:44
by bunniefuu
Mike: Previously on Graceland...

So, uh, Mike, did you, you know, experience anything?

When you were in that sleep of death, was there any enlightenment?

Careful with that stuff, Mike.

I know. It's just more pain than I thought.

You help me get Lucia, I'll help you get your money.



If I die, she dies.

[breathing heavily] That's a good boy, Johnny.

Are you police?

No, I'm not a cop! [spits]



Not in the stomach.

I want Germaine.

I don't know where he is.

But I know a guy in South Florida.

He's a dealer. Germaine cleans his cash.

I can make an introduction for you.

Logan: Ari Adamian... he's a lieutenant in the Sarkissian family.

The previous UC spent, Colby Moore, spent the last week establishing you with Ari, building an ID.

Briggs: Somebody has to be held accountable for Ari's crimes.

I'll be their sin-eater.

Sammy O'Malley is dead! This operation is over.

It is not over until it is over!

Logan won't let me put Ari away, so I'm going to put him down.

You can't keep ignoring me.

Ari: Baby, I want to be with you all the time, but if your father find out, I'm a dead man.

[grunts] No. Help!

Help! No, please! Somebody...

No, no, no, no, no, no. Do you know who my father is?

He's Martun Sarkissian. He'll k*ll you!

No! Please, please!


[breathing heavily]

[pills rattling]

[cell phone vibrating]



Where'd you find him?

What the hell are you doing?

I'm trying to locate a deactivated cell phone, drop a little heat map, see if I can't triangulate this guy's position.

Mike: Hey.

Sid Markham's dead.



What? Explain.

Somebody put a b*llet in his head and dropped him at the border.

[Briggs sighs]

Oh, my God.

He must have gone running to Carlito.

I say the piece of shit got what he deserved.

Yeah, for sure, but it should have been one of us that took him out.

Yeah, damn right it should have been one of us.

[bowl clatters]

It's time to shut Carlito down.

About time. Take down the planes.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. We don't have him yet.

Right, Mike? I mean, we shut him down, he walks.

What the...

Mike, I'm still under, man. Let me... let me get them.

I get it, Johnny, all right?

But this is my case.

Sid's dead, and you are no closer to arresting Carlito than you were a month ago.

There's a point where we need to settle for victory and move on.

Mike's right, Johnny.

Sometimes you take the win, fight another day.

Oh, yeah, that's funny coming from you two.

Okay, DEA's got district offices in Vegas and Riverside.

We can be mobile within the hour.

HSI? They take care of those stash houses?

Yeah, whatever you need.

You know what? The hell with you all, man.


Jakes: I'm on him.



[man chuckles]

What is this, a petting zoo?

Uncuff her.

All right, here's the deal.

We're looking for a contact named Reggie.

Reggie knows the whereabouts of a Germaine Marsden.

Amber here met Reggie at the docks over there and then went back to his place, which is somewhere in the vicinity.

Her memory's a little hazy.

We're going to run a search pattern up and down these streets until we find something that looks familiar.

Your job is to follow and provide support if needed.

So put your dicks back in your pants, capisce?

Yes, sir.

I brought you sandwiches for the ride. Let's go.

Where's my sandwich?

You don't get a sandwich.

You can be a nasty bitch.

Yeah, and you can be a drunk slut.

Let me tell you something...

You better find that Reggie or else no booze or boys ever.

Find him.

[sirens wailing]

man: Federal agents! Drop your weapons now!

man 2: Hands over your head!


After all this, you want the honors?

No. It's all yours. Go ahead.


[chickens clucking]

You hear that?

Yeah. Open it.

Mike: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20...

God damn it!

Carlito knew we were coming.



g*n! We got a g*n!

Mike! Get down! Mike!


There's 29.

There's only 29.

[breathing heavily]

[electronic music]

♪ ♪

You're following me.

Next thing out your mouth better be an explanation.

I need your help.

It's not long-term.

It's no-term. I quit the job to get away from Ari.

Wait a second. You quit?


Logan said he pulled you because you got stage IV cancer, bro.

I don't know how Logan rationalizes his bullshit.

[chuckles] You know what?

I'm sure in his own mind, Logan's bullshit is noble.

Look, man, you've been in my shoes.

They're making me the new sin-eater.

Is that what we are?

Isn't it, though?

There was this Uzbek.

He had these type-two AKs that Sarkissian's going to flip to the Punjabi Separatist Movement.

Me and Ari go meet the guy. Turns out they're not AKs.

They're these old Red Army PPS submachine g*ns.

So the Uzbek's all apologies. He's not a g*n guy.

He didn't know. He promises a big discount the next time.

He's telling the truth.

But if you know Ari...

Before I know it, he's wrapped the guy in chains, hooked him to the back of the car.

Uzbek's begging, screaming.

Ari told me to drive.

"We're gonna see how fast this guy can run."

What could I do?

I got up to 65 before the screaming stopped.

I begged to get out, but Logan kept me in.

I don't have your option, Colby, of walking away.

Let's get this guy, man.

I need you.

I can't go back, Paul.

You don't have to see the man.

You don't have to talk to him.

All you have to do is walk with me.


Wait. That looks familiar.

Make a left up here.

No. No, no, no. No. Damn.

We ain't any closer to Reggie than we were in Los Angeles.

All right, I remember passing a bar.

Yeah, and a strip mall. You said that already.

There's a g*dd*mn strip mall every 100 yards here.

It's sense memory.

No, it's bullshit is what it is. You're conning me.



I'm not.


All right, let's just head back to the dock and start again.

We're... we're done.

I'm going home. You're going back to jail.

That's it.

We could still find Reggie.

There is no Reggie.

Yes! He exists.

Okay, so where is he, then, huh?

Because all I got is a first name.

Literally, that's all I have.

He had a doctor in Little Havana.

All right, I mean, I don't know shit about him, but that's where he got his Oxy...

I think.

Are you kidding me?

[sighs] I know.

Without a name, it's useless.

Amber, "dirty doctor in Little Havana" should have been the first thing out of your mouth.

I'm FBI. I can do something with that.

God damn.

That mean I'm not going back to jail?

Not yet.





Is that the 1066?


Sign off, and we can close the book on Sid.

[clears throat]

Want to talk about what happened today?

We got all Solano's guys in the hot box.

No one's saying how Carlito knew we were coming.

Not talking about Carlito.

That guy opened up on you, and you didn't even notice.

You just move faster than me.

Mike... you were standing in the middle of the desert counting chickens.

Looks good.

Holy shit.

Hmm? Oh, yeah.

Not bad, huh?

You got a beach house.

The best place the Bureau ever put me was a crack house.

You know, when I first hit LA, the Bureau, they dumped me off in Van Nuys...

Some sh*thole right next door to a porn set.

You're talking about Stagg and Sepulveda.

Oh, you lived there too?

Yeah. I did eight months.

I was running crank for the Mongols.

Bureau sold that apartment as "next door to a sex party."

Ah. Yeah, that's the spot, man.

I tell you, after a long day in the field, the last thing you need is to hear some bimbo screaming, "Harder," through the walls, you know?

Well, small world.

You know, Colby, I actually do have a room opening up here.

Mike: No, you don't.

Paige pulled the transfer papers.

She's staying.

Is that right?

I guess I'm staying retired.

Colby Moore.

So much for my cover.

Tattoo on your neck.

It's an Armenian cross and you're not Armenian, so...

I figure you're the last agent under the Sarkissian family.

Yeah, I got it after my first year under with Ari...

Sign of respect.

Hmm. Briggs said he formulated a new plan.

I guess you're it.

I'm part of it.

So are you, if you're up for it.

Fill me in later. Got to run.


What the hell?

What the hell are you doing here, man?

You following me?

Figured I'd find you and your girl in some Tecate love shack.

Seafaring in Tijuana with a g*ng full of blow...

This... this is new.

Go home.

How long you been diming us out to Carlito?

I ain't been diming you out to nobody. Go home.

Then, please, illuminate me.

You tell him we were shutting him down?

[chuckles] This is beyond, Johnny.

This is beyond.

It's like you're trying to invent new ways to be incompetent.

Go home, Jakes.

If I was Briggs, you wouldn't be keeping tabs on me, now, would you?

You're not Briggs.

Tell me what's going on. Tell me what I'm looking at.

He's going to k*ll Lucia.


He knows about us. He knows about all of us, okay?


He knows Mike shut down the planes, so this is how he's got me moving the coke.

Look, man, I got 16 hours to get this to San Pedro.

Either arrest me or get the hell off the boat, man.

Okay, you got to tell your people.

The Bureau?


She'll be dead for sure, man. Look, I got it.

God damn it.

I just need some time to figure out this plan, all right?

Go home. For real.

How do we get this thing moving?


You said you need to go, right? Let's go.

Bro, you even know which way starboard is?

Don't push me, Johnny.

It's this side.

That's port, son.

Hey, it could be starboard too.

Thanks, man.

The motel will be easy, but the bar...

Don't worry about the bar, bro.

I'm worried about the bar. Ari likes what he likes.

And you said that Ari likes Nancy's, okay?

The place is small. It's controllable.

We will make it work.

We've covered every angle, Colby.

Beginning to end, it's a straight shot.

Yeah, through the eye of a needle.

Then I guess we'll have to have nimble fingers, then, won't we?

I wouldn't be here if I didn't think your plan could work, Briggs, but let's not kid ourselves.

It's airtight, man.

Let's just put these pieces in motion, huh?

You think your roommates will be down?

Well, I guess we will find out tomorrow.

All right.


Be safe.

[footsteps approaching]

Hey. We need to talk.

No, we don't.

Look, Paige, Warren may have forgiven you, but that doesn't mean I have, okay?

You betrayed us all. You can't stay in Graceland.

Wow. You're so full of it.

You want to talk about betrayal, let's talk about the shit you put Charlie through.

That is none of your business, sweetheart.

Don't patronize me.

We know too much about each other to play that game.

And, anyways, it isn't about all of that.

This is about Mike.

What kind of chickens were they?

What do you mean what kind?

I don't know. Were they... were they red?

They were reddish.

Mm-hmm. How many were there?

I wasn't exactly doing inventory, Briggs.

Why? What's going on?


Look, Mike died. He came back again.

He saw something in between.

I'll talk to him, see where his head is at.



man: What are you looking for, chief?


Too late.

You see, that shit's gone by, uh, 10:00 a.m.

You're out?

I got you, man.

Listen, I got T3s. I got Trams. I got Vics.

Yeah, Vicodin.

Just whatever $80 gets me.

There you go, chief.

And you be sure to come back earlier next time, mm-hmm?

What does this say, huh? What does it say?



And what doesn't it say? It doesn't say HP.

This means this is a 5-milligram pill, and I just gave you $80, which is the street value of 10.

Oh. Well, if you're a pharmacist, then why don't you go out and get your own shit, homes?

You're trying to rip me off? I think I want a refund.

A refund?


What, does this look like Target to you?

Does it look like Target to you?

Just get out of here!

I'll just give you a warning this time.


You crooked-ass junkie cop.

[door bells jingle]

[Ari speaking Armenian]

Hey, boss.

What's with all the muscle?

Martun is code red.

His daughter got herself into a car accident.

Layla? What happened?

Somebody smashed into her car, stole a bunch of her shit.

Sounds like we need to find this bastard and drop him off a bridge, huh?

She said it was a black man.

[speaks Armenian]

She saw him?


He was wearing a mask, but...

Layla is a r*cist.

So I guess this is the job of the day, huh?

We have to make the boss happy.

Sure. I mean, I can ask around, but, uh... you know I don't work for free.

Christ, guy. You'll get your money.

Right now I pay you for nothing.

[speaks Armenian]

I can't let Martun find out about me and Layla.

I think I made a terrible mistake.


Well, how about this?

I know a decent little dive over in NoHo.

We could go drink it off later.

Why would I drink at a bar? I drink here for free.

Yeah, I just thought maybe you could use a break from all the family politics.

How about Nancy's?

Nancy's is a good bar... Good drinks and cheap.

But not today. Today we work.

Yeah, no problem.

Tomorrow maybe, after all this settles down?

Whatever. Take Hovic.

Check out that crash site, see what you can find.

Let's get started.

[Jakes vomits]

[coughs, sighs]

I hate boats, Johnny.

You gonna live?

Yeah, just give me five minutes.

Hey, man, you know those two masks... One's smiling, one's sad or something?

Theater thing... Tragedy, comedy, yeah.

Yeah. That's what Lucia reminds me of.

She don't seem all that funny.

Yeah, she's not.


She's got this side to her that's, like, hard as iron... like her brother and her dad and generations of a messed-up Solano bloodline.

I feel like she was forced to wear the frowning one her whole life.

And, you know, if somebody let her wear the happy one, she'd be pretty awesome.

We're going to get her back, Johnny.

Yeah. Right.

Hey, don't go all defeatist on me, all right?


We're, like, actually running a bunch of dope up from Mexico, okay?

It can't get much worse.


Actually, it kind of does.

I'm the one who k*lled Sid.


He was helping me get Lucia back...

Oh, hold on. Sid was helping you?

No, no, not like that, man.

Carlito made me smuggle him down to Mexico... so me and him busted in to get Lucia out, and we got her, and then... all hell broke loose, and...

Sid was going to k*ll Carlito, man.

I had to make a choice, you know?

Sid's head... busted open like a blown-out tire.

I mean, I shot guys before, you know.

We all have.

Hey, things get hairy. b*ll*ts start flying.

Yeah, you on raids, whatever, I mean, shit happens, right?

I never lost a minute of sleep over it.

This was different, man. This was like... execution.


Charlie: So Florida State PDMP tracks the Oxy.

I find doctors with high-volume scrips, low-volume patients.

Straw buyers.


Lucky for us, there's one doctor in Miami who's a best seller.

His office told me he gets his coffee here.

Let me do the talking.


man: That's why I come here all the time.


Excuse us. Dr. Greenblatt?

I'm sorry. Were you waiting?


Oh, you're welcome to have some of mine.

Too much gives me the jitters.



We ain't here for coffee, Doc.

My friend and I are in the pharmaceutical business and...

Yeah, like you, right?

Except we don't prescribe them.

Reggie told us about you.

I don't know any Reggie. I have to go.

No, Doc, don't worry. We're not cops.

We just need to find Reggie.

I don't know who that is.

How about a little memory jogger?

Just put us in touch with Reggie.

I told you, I don't know anyone named Reggie.

Now, please, leave me alone.


What part of "let me do the talking" did you not understand?


That guy had no idea who Reggie was.

Well, he's a g*dd*mn liar.

No, you're a g*dd*mn liar!

I didn't sleep with a figment of my imagination.


Op's off, guys. Go home, all right? Thank you.

Okay, look... maybe I oversold how much I know about Reggie.

I-I admit that. Guilty, yes.

But he's a real guy.

You've been jerking me off this whole time trying to get out of a prison sentence.

I'm not dancing for you anymore. I'm done.

[siren wailing]

Shit. Perfect. Greenblatt must have called us in.

Let me do the talking.

Just tell them you're FBI.

I can't. I'm undercover. There's protocol.

I promise we're going to find him.

Yeah, okay.



You two pretty gals the ones hassling Dr. Greenblatt?

No. Who?

[country music playing on radio]

All right, look, you're giving up on this... not me.

My deal stands.

What are you two whispering about back there?

Hey, Trooper.

Uh, we're not dealers, actually.

We're FBI agents.



We're from Los Angeles.

Our target's an Oxy dealer named Reggie.

Shut up, Amber.

I know every dealer in three counties.

I don't know a Reggie.

Well, you need to update your Rolodex.

You know, in my limited experience with agents of the Federal Bureau, they always have a cover team close by.

We had a team, but we sent them home.


You sent your team home?


Well, you'll excuse me if I'm not biting.

Amber, let the man do his job.

So when we getting to the police station?

[volume increases on radio]

♪ ♪

We ain't going to no police station.

[car seat thuds]

[banging, Charlie grunting]

[exhales deeply]

You never been in the back of one of these before, huh?

It's not going to work.

At least I'm trying.

Yeah. You're trying wrong.

If he kills an FBI agent, he's going to have the whole federal government reaching up his ass.

Tell him that.

We got to get out of here, Amber.

Looks like we're about to.

Charlie: Listen, we're not FBI.

It was a dumb lie.

Real dumb.

man: You know, it sounds to me like you two are working on a long list of stupid.

Which is which, brother?

The dark one's the one come up bothering the doc, and Blondie there popped off about being a Fed.

Charlie: No, we're just trying to score, man.

We just want to score.

Man, we got a lot of money.


We were just looking for Reggie.

Oh, yeah, and then there's Reggie.

She keeps going on about him.

Now, who in the hell is Reggie?

All right, the two of you, on your knees, now.

Go on, girls. Drop down.

man: Eat dirt, darling.



Get down there.


[muffled shouting]

Hey. Who's Reggie?

I don't know. I swear to God.

Reggie an FBI target?

We're not FBI.

Jesus Christ. Let her up. Please. She can't breathe.

She can't breathe. Please.


[grunts and spits]

[coughing, gasping]

Now, look. Hey, hey.

You gonna talk, or you're gonna die.

It's really pretty simple.

So does anyone else in the FBI know about us?

No, we're not FBI.

I say we k*ll them and be done with it, Cash.

FBI or not, dead's dead, man.

You ain't wondering about this Reggie?

I ain't quite frankly even convinced Reggie exists.

And even if he does, man, who cares?

He ain't never been no bother to us.

Let me have this one before you do her.


Windgate: Get out of the way, Crayton.

Move, boy!

man: Hey, what the hell's going on here?

Unclear. Might be Feds. Might not.




God damn, is that Amber?


What are y'all doing with Amber?

You see? We told you. That's Reggie. We told you!


My name's Rodney.

Rodney. Right.


Are you kidding me?

You didn't know his name?

Damn, girl, you're muddy as hell.

They said they was FBI.

Hell, Amber ain't FBI.

That's the craziest thing I ever heard.

Can't say the same for this one, though.

She's good. Seriously, she's okay.

We're just looking to buy, Rodney, seriously, please.

Both of us.


What are you doing?

Oh, I'm just checking in, Mike.

You're looking for a new case. Did you find it?

Not yet.

People are worried about you, Mike.

Yeah? Are you one of those people?


You know, man, there, uh... there is something in play.

It propels us, like, all of this, through space and time, and we don't know its name.

We never get to see its face.

Most of us, like me, we just pick a dogma and pray we don't end up burning.

But you?

You have touched that something, and, uh,...

I'm thinking you got answers.

[door creaks, closes]

I have answers.

I just don't know what the questions are.

I was home... foothills of the Adirondacks.

I could... I could smell the trees... feel the spring chill.

I had this sense, this feeling that I needed to get to the tree line, so I started running.

But before I got there, these birds just...

[imitates air whooshing]

Took off.

Red ones?


I didn't even have to count.

I just... I knew how many there were.


When the birds cleared, I was at the tree line.

There wasn't a path, but there was a tunnel.

At the mouth of it, there was a grandfather clock.

10:10... That was the time.

And then I saw you... the doctors.... and I was back.


These birds and the numbers... they mean something.

And I was sent back here to figure out what.

You think you'll find it in there?

I hope so.

[both chuckle]

Well, you chase those birds, if that's what you've got to do.

But maybe try not to do it while you're getting shot at, you know?


[door opens]

Rodney: Here you go... straight rye.

I don't drink.

More for me.

To sense memory.

You still ticklish behind the knees?

All right, she's got $40,000 on her.

That's 500 units. 80 for each.

Right now SoCal's in a dry spell.

I take that 80, I bring it home and make it 100.

How's it ship?

We got people.

Oh, I see. You got people.


Gene, the money's good, isn't it?

Money's fine, Rod. Money's fine.

I just don't go trusting a bird 'cause she shakes her damn tail feather.

Is that right?

[taps table] We're in.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait.

This is a discussion, Cash, okay?

You just don't dictate.

99% of the drug busts I worked were market-facing.

These gals... they want to buy from us wholesale, which means they assume our end of the risk.

Rodney vouches for them, money's good.

We're in.

So what now?

Done. Carlito's people come, unload it. We go home.

Not "what now?" with the boat.


I think you were right.


About what?

I ain't Briggs.

I'm gonna need his help on this one.

Everything's already set?


I locked down the gas station and the hotel last night.

Paul got the bar.

The rest of these are public places...

Lots of people coming and going.

If Ari doesn't do what you want...

Start to finish, this takes 24 hours, Mike.

I can control Ari for a day.

Okay, I have a question.

If all of this goes right, how do you imagine this ending?

With Ari no longer a threat to the living.

[door opens]

Charlie: Hey.

[sighs] g*dd*mn airlines, man.

Had us taxiing in for over an hour.

Who's this?

Colby Moore.

Charlie DeMarco.

The Bureau's original sin-eater.

We came up with a plan to get out from under Ari Adamian.

No shit.

But we need your help.



Two cross-country flights in two days, Amber bitching about checking her into County, I'm done.

God damn it. [sighs]

Tuturro: Yo. Hey, Briggs.

You got a minute, man? I need your help with something.

Your boy's skydiving without a chute.

Yeah, uh, not today, Johnny.

Yeah, this can't really wait.

You know what, man? Whatever it is, I promise I'll move Heaven and Earth for you, but right now I need you and Jakes for 24 hours.



I'm in.

All right. Me too.


[Briggs laughing]

Where is the ass in this place, huh?

Ari, there's ass everywhere.

There's ass, ass, ass, ass.

Average. Strictly average ass.

[cell phone chimes]

Oh, shit.

Everything all right?

This bitch.

"Daddy said you spent all day "looking for the assh*le who hit me. You're my hero. I love you. Hug, kiss, hug, kiss, smiley face."

"I love you." When did this shit start?


You know, man, I got to tell you, you two don't strike me as a match.

Yes, but, her putz...

It's like a velvet glove.

[laughs] Well...

The pool party, guy.



Martun throws a pool party.

Everyone is there.

I go to take a piss in the bedroom.

She comes out of the bathroom...


Spilling out of her bikini...


Dripping wet.

What am I supposed to do?

Look, just sit her down and talk to her like an adult.

How do I talk like an adult? She is a child.

She's 20.


But maybe talking... mm, maybe I talk to her.

I need a harder drink for that.

Hey! Two Arak!


You like it, Arak?


It's a real man's drink.


Here we go.

[chuckles] Yeah.


My friend... you and the girl, that is a road that you need to walk alone.

But as promised, the rest of your Arak is on me.

Where are you going?

I think maybe I'll go do some laundry or something.

Ari, do yourself a favor.

Don't k*ll yourself over this Layla drama, okay?

At the end of the day, it's just putz.





[line trilling]

Briggs on phone: Yeah. Ari, what's up, man?

Something bad has happened, guy.


I need you to come here.

Yeah. Yeah, I'll be right over.