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02x10 - Secrets and Lies

Posted: 09/21/14 03:39
by bunniefuu
Previously on Cedar Cove...


So you're the guy that he hired.

But I'm not a guy.

No, you're not.

I re-upped.

Please, Jack, I'm not jealous.

I'm concerned about you.

You know, I totally understand if you're angry.

I'm not.

You're not?

I was.

I was spittin' angry.

Then I took Duke out for a couple of hours, and...

And now?

I'm better.

You know that nothing happened with Will, right?

I believe you.

And here I thought we were going to have a big messy fight.

No, but...

You've got to be honest with me.

Does Will have anything to do with you wanting to slow things down?


No, I just want some time to catch my breath.

[Sighs wistfully]

I guess you were expecting someone a little more masculine.


You know, Alex is short for Alexandra.

Yeah, I got that, thanks.

She moved into the cabin.

So I hear.

She loves it.

She's thinking about nailing cowboy boots to the wall.

What do you think of that?




Yeah, this is kind of...

I know.

So what do we do now?

Good night, Luke.

Good night.

[Starts engine]

You're up early.

[Wearily] Hmm.

I'm on deadline for the paper.

Oh, don't worry.

I hear the editor of the chronicle is a total pushover.

No, this is the article for the Seattle courier, and it's due by the end of the week.

And if I don't wow the new editor with another beautifully written, emotionally driven story, then this assignment will be my last.

So, what do you have?

A migraine and an upset stomach.


You're going to be okay.


You know, I remember the rush of writing something that millions of people read, but I forgot the panic that precedes it.

What's really going on?

I never thought that I would be back working with a high-profile paper again.

My story on Luke opened up a lot of closed doors for me, but...

[Sighs heavily]

What if I don't have another great article in me?

You know, what if that was just a fluke?

The article on Luke is the first of many.

I'm not so sure.

You made me cry.

I did?

You not only got in my head, you touched my heart.


Now, that is worth more than a pulitzer.


Well, then stop your bellyaching and write me another one.




♪ hold your head close to the ground ♪
♪ So you can hear my voice as it starts to sound ♪
♪ Can you feel it now you feel it in your veins... ♪


Good morning.


Oh, yeah.

How did you sleep?

Not well.

How do you think Ian slept?

I think...

Ian and I need to get used to sleeping apart.

This isn't about babies or us lying to each other anymore.

What's it about?

Whether we should stay together.



There they are.



There she is.

Oh, who's the most beautiful girl in the world?

Yes, you are!


And what is it about babies that make adults sound like idiots?


Oh, hey, Shelly, you look great.

Oh, thank you.

Look at you.

Oh, yeah, I'm fine, dad.

Thanks for asking.

Oh, I see you all the time.

Plus, you're not as cute as this one.

Very true.

We're just coming in for a quick visit, and then I'm going to take Shelly and Adele out to eat before I've got to get back to work.


And then we're going to go back to daddy's nice new house for a nap.

Hey, why don't you join us?

I don't need a nap.


He meant for lunch.

Oh, I wish I could, guys, but I've got to work.

Eric told me about the new job in Seattle.

Does that mean we might get to see you more often?

Most definitely, yes.


Hey, do you guys need to leave Adele here with me?

Well, you have to work.

You deserve to have some alone time with Shelly.

Thanks, dad, but I want both my girls with me.


Good luck with your article.

Thank you.

Okay, bye, guys.

Bye bye.


[Sighing heavily]


Hi. Do you have time for an emergency lunch?

Did you talk to Cliff?

I did, but this is about Alex.

Who's that?

New horse trainer that Cliff hired.

Okay, what's wrong with him?

Him is a her, and her is a very attractive woman who is working with my boyfriend.

This is Cliff we're talking about.

Yeah, well, thanks to me, he's out there all alone with a woman who makes flannel sexy.


Cliff loves you.

Yeah, and then I go and ask him for more space.

If I'm not careful, I'm going to end up with more space than I want.

Well, then, don't give him the space.

It's your rule. You can break it.


You were right, it's Colin McFadden.



I confirmed he's the one sending you flowers.


Seems like he's staying put, but I'll make sure my guy at Portland P.D.

Keeps an eye on him.


Thank you.

Maybe if you told me the whole story, I could do more.

I can't.

No one can know.

Well, you know I'm here, and if you change your mind and want to talk...



Wait a minute...

You're waiting for Judge Lockhart.


How did you know?

I have a touch of esp.

I got it from my mother... my birth mother, that is.


Yeah. Yeah...

And also, uh, Olivia called, asked me to tell you she's running a little late.

But I knew that before she called.

If you say so.

[Laughing] What can I get you for?

Uh, just water, please.

Bottled, sparkling, or tap?



A most excellent and, uh, economical choice.

Hey, Moon.


Sorry I'm late.

No problem.


Pay up.

Whatever do you mean?

Oh, let me refresh your memory.

Our monthly poker game, where you and your friends surrender your hard-earned cash to me.

It's all coming back.

How do you beat a full house?

Straight flush.

Where did you get that queen?

It just appeared.

And then your money just...



You're a shark.

I am.

I like that about you.

Here you go.

I threw in a couple ice cubes on the house.

Go wild.

Your usual.

Now that I have you in a weakened state, I'm going to hit you up for a favor.

From me?

Yeah. With Rebecca.


What'd she do this time?

She lied on her resume.


Flat-out lied or just embellished?

I mean, not that it makes a difference.

Flat-out lied.

She didn't go to Yale.



So, what's the favor?

Let me handle it for you.

But she works for me.

What are you up to?

I would have loved to see her, just like, even, just being a baby, and witnessing something like that for the first time...


Hi, Warren.



Uh, Warren, this is Shelly.

Shelly, this is Warren, my boss.

Shelly, hi. It's very nice to finally meet you.

Nice to meet you, too.

Oh, this is Rebecca.



Well, we should, uh, get to our table.

No, nonsense. You guys are going to join us.

Oh, no, we're fine.

Oh, Eric, come on, sit.

We don't want to interrupt.

I insist, Eric.

Like I said, sit down.


Maybe they'd like a little time to themselves?

They haven't seen each other for a while.

It has been a while.

How did you know that?

Yeah, Rebecca, how did you know that?

Small town.

Okay, uh, please, Shelly.


Join us.

I don't believe it.

Is that you?

Is that really you?

It's me.

Colin, where have you been?


And now?

I'm moving back.

[Laughing in delight]

Oh, wait till Peggy finds out.

[Laughing happily]

[Cracks whip]

Easy, easy...

Easy, whoa, whoa...

Good girl.

Hey, Grace!


Is Cliff around?

I'm afraid not.

Do you know where he is?

We've got a new stallion with a little too much energy.

Cliff's trying to tire him out.


Well, I just brought him some cookies.

Would you like one?

I'd love one, but I'm trying to lose five pounds.

Of course you are.

I'm just in the middle of lunging Maddie.

Okay, well, uh, I'll just drop these off, then, and I'll come back later.

Okay. I'll tell Cliff.


Come on, Maddie.

You know, I think I'm... I'm just... I'm going to wait.

Oh, no problem.

I just need a few things.


I'm glad you came by.

You are?


I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye.

What are you talking about?

I got them to pull up my deployment.

I ship out later today.


Yeah, what's the difference?

Today, two weeks from now...

I just, I couldn't leave without...

Telling you that I love you.

And without telling you that I can't keep living like this.

Maybe someone just has to say it, and then we both can move on with our lives.

What I do for a living, every day I'm reminded of how short life is, and it's too short for us both to be this unhappy.

You know how I know I made the right decision to leave?

Because you're not even fighting it.

You won't even tell me you love me.

[Chuckles mirthlessly]

[Dialing phone]

[Sighs heavily]

[Cell phone rings]


Jack: Hey...

Hey, you.

I'm not sure I can make dinner tonight.


Actually, I'm, uh, going to Seattle.


I just feel like my article is lacking some realism, and if I can actually talk to the people I want to write about, it might help.

Plus I've got to do some research, so...

Jack, you don't sound so good.

No, no, never better.

Look, you're going to get this article written, and it's going to be even better than the one on Luke.

You are contractually obligated to say that.

You're my girlfriend.

I'm like George Washington, I cannot tell a lie.



So, grab something later?

I'd rather stay in.

Whatever will we do with ourselves?

Oh, we'll think of something.


I'll call you later.

Love you.

I love you too.


[Knock on door]

Judge Lockhart, they're ready for you.

I'll be right there.

Oh, you know...

Been busy.

I should let you go, um...

We can Skype later?

I don't know, I just want to see your face.


I love you too.


[Beeps phone off, sniffling]

[Knock on door]


Oh, Justine, are you okay?

No, I'm not okay.

It wasn't just you on that beach yesterday.

It's okay, I'm confused too.

No, I don't think you're confused.

I think you're feeling guilty.

Why would you want me anyway?

I'm a really bad girlfriend.

You can deny it all you want, but there is something going on between us.

It's just friendship.

No, there's something more than that, and the sooner you face it, the better it will be for all of us.

Seth included.

I've got to go.
[Knock on door]


You rang?

We need to talk.


Don't you have other people you can eat lunch with?

I called Patricia Malloy at Yale.


She didn't remember you.

I told you I never had her.

I know.

What do you know?

That you didn't go to Yale.


[Haughtily] What?

You're caught.

You can't pretend you're not caught.

Says you.

Says the facts.

I'm sorry, is this the part where I'm supposed to break down and cry and beg you to not tell my boss?


This is the part where you drop the attitude, because your entire career is at stake.

This isn't attitude.

This is me, and unlike most of the people you encounter, I'm not afraid of you.

I'll catch up with you.



What are you doing back in Seattle?

Oh, uh, I just needed to use the paper's nexus, you know, do a little research.


I know that face.


You are totally blocked.



I can't seem to string two sentences together.

Well, back in Philly, whenever you got like this, you always pulled out a winner in the end.

Yeah, well, that was Philly.

Hey, why don't you join us?


Yeah, that's the editorial staff from the paper.

You've wandered into our real office.

Come on, it's a great group.

You'll really like them.


No, I'm gonna stay here, try and get some work done, but, um...

Thank you.

If you change your mind...

I won't.


So, what were you expecting?

I don't know, I thought if I confronted her, she'd drop some of that attitude, and I could get through to her.

She called and resigned.


What is it about her?

I mean, why can't you let it go?

You know you can't save everyone.

Well, somebody's got to help her.

All that bluster and bravado, it's hiding something.

Yeah, but why you?

Because I saw her in action.

She is an amazing attorney.

I know. I hired her.

But she lied.

She didn't need to.

I saw the grades from the college she did go to.

Straight as across the board.

I just hate to see her throw her career away.

Well, I guess if you could get her to see reason, I could reinstate her, but she'd be on probation, and I mean it, if she even gets a parking ticket, that's it.

I don't do three strikes.

Tony, you're a good man.


But is Rebecca a good woman?

d*ck Turnbull isn't very happy.

He wants to meet.

Because everybody I do business with back east [quietly] Ends up in federal custody.

Look, you're my lawyer, okay?

You set up with the feds in the first place.

Do something. Now!




I, uh...

I gotta say, Eric, um...

You surprised me.

How in the world does a guy like you get a girl like Rebecca?

Now, listen, don't take this the wrong way.

You are far more talented than I ever thought, and I gotta remember that.

But you gotta know you're way out of your league here, right?

Come on, Eric, the girl's a Maserati, you're-you're, what, her two door coupe, at best?

You can't handle her.

But, you know, I'll admit it, I underestimated you.

I will not do that again.

I won't do that again.



Are you okay?

Not really.

Well, I assume since you're here, you wanted to talk to me.

I do.

I'm just afraid you'll judge me.


I judge me.

What are you talking about?

I wanted to kiss Luke.


He kissed me once before.

He did?

And I slapped him.

[Chuckles gently]

But I think it's me I really wanted to slap.

I have a boyfriend I love, and yet...

Do you want to be with Luke?

I don't know.

When I'm with him, yes, but...

Is it possible to have the same feelings for two men at once?

Two very different men?

Of course it is.

But ultimately, for your sake and theirs, you need to make a choice.

How do you do it?

Make hard decisions day after day in court?

Well, every case is different, but I approach them in the same way.

I gather the facts, I listen to the arguments, and then with a clear head, I render the best decision I can at the time.

How can you be sure it's the right decision?

Because I trust myself, and that is what you need to do, trust yourself.


♪ And I'm like a book upon your shelf ♪
♪ one of thousands ♪
♪ hoping to be the next one you pick out ♪
♪ and I'm like your shadow in the sun ♪
♪ I'm so attached to you ♪
♪ I would not exist if you were gone ♪
♪ so hold me closer now ♪
♪ hold me closer now ♪
♪ yeah, I need no one else but you... ♪

Well, isn't this a nice surprise.

I brought you cookies.

Then I ate them.

How many were there?

Don't you judge me.


Grace, is something wrong?

Gee, I don't know.

Come on, Grace, she's an employee.

Yeah, well, Mrs. Arnett was 60, and she had more facial hair than you.

Can't you get her back?

She was good with the books, but I need someone to help me with the horses.

Yeah, well, what are you doing?

Are you just doing this to punish me because I wanted some space?

Or because of Will?

Grace, really, is that what you think?

How would you feel if I hired a chippendale dancer to work with me in the library, without his shirt.

Well, number one, chippendale dancers always work without their shirts, and number two, I can't see town council giving that to you in the budget.

Ha ha.

Come on, tell me you haven't noticed what a knockout she is.

I've been too busy staring at this knockout right in front of me to notice any others.

[Paper bag crinkling]

Want to share it with me?

No, thank you.

I think you need it more than I do.

For two people slowing things down, I'm seeing an awful lot of you lately.

Why do you put up with me?

I told you before, I love you.

You're the one who wanted more space.

I wanted less.



If you're not going to join us, then we are going to join you.

[Sighing] Look, Jeri, I just...

Everyone wants to meet you.

They all read your article, and loved it.

Everyone, this is Jack.

Nice to meet you, Jack.

And this is everyone.

[Murmur of busy crowd]




I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry for everything.

I was angry at you, and I knew earlier you wanted me to say I love you, but that's why I couldn't.


I just want you to stay safe and come back to Cedar Cove.

We'll figure this out.

We've been through worse.

I love you, and I need you to know that.

I really do love you.

I'm sorry too.

But it's too late.

No, it isn't.

I want a divorce.

Love is not enough to hold this marriage together anymore, at least not for me.

I'm not going to change my mind this time.

Olivia is not going to change my mind.

I know I'm right.

We don't belong together.

Goodbye, Cecilia.

Hey, Grace!

Hey, Alex.

I think we need to talk.




Stop running away from me.

I'm tired of chasing you down just so we can talk.

Luke... no.

I'm here, you're here, let's just get this out in the open.

Go home.


You need to leave me alone.


Just back off.


Please, why won't you just leave me alone?

This is why.

Please don't get me fired.

You think I'm going to get you fired?

It happens.

Horse trainers have girlfriends and wives, and sometimes those girlfriends and wives think I'm after their men.

I'm not.

And I'm not after Cliff.

He's a good man, a good boss, and I need this job.

Well, I'm not going to get you fired.

That's just not me, really.

But you would be happy if I wasn't here, right?

Honestly? Yes.

Cliff and I are taking a bit of a breather, so while I'm not around...

He's got you around.


Look, I'll leave.

I don't want to cause any trouble.


You're not comfortable with me living and working at the ranch.

That's true, but that was also before.

You know, you seem really sweet, honest, and obviously you're very good at what you do, otherwise Cliff would not have hired you.

Now I'm starting to feel bad that I was judging you.

You know, if there is ever anything I can do to make you feel more comfortable at the ranch, just tell me.

Do you have any longer shorts?

Oh good, you're here.

There's more in the car.

You got more flowers today.

From who?

The card wasn't signed.


Maybe it's a mistake.


You sure have been getting a lot of mistakes lately.

Yeah, I know.

You know...

I think I'm going to have Roy look into this.

[Quickly] No.

No... come on.

Okay, I mean, don't you think this is a little odd?

I agree, but I don't want to make a big deal out of it, okay?

All right.

All right, I'll go get the rest of the groceries.

Don't worry, I'm on the next stage out of town.

We don't have stages in Cedar Cove, we have ferries.

Don't gloat.

You don't know me very well.

I don't gloat.

I have to say, you're good.

Excuse me?

I play poker, and I wouldn't want to find myself across the table from you.

What are you talking about?

You're bluffing.



You talk a good game, and you back it up with skill, but inside you're scared.

Please. Of you?

Of everyone.

I'm scared?

Of what, exactly?

You're afraid that people are going to find out that you're not as tough as you think you are.

Oh, I'm tough.

Then why are you running?

Because you got me fired.

No, you quit, and Tony is willing to work with you, so why are you running, Rebecca?

I'm not.

But you are.

I don't need you or this job.

You're bluffing.


You like it here.

You like your job.

You want to stay, but you don't know how to save face.

Well, I have a few suggestions, and you know where to find me.


No, it, uh...


Yeah, great.



I love that picture.

Me too.

You know, I didn't realize how much I missed you guys until I saw you on the ferry.

I mean, Skype and everything is fine, but...

It's not the real thing.

Yeah, I know.

It can be pretty rough sometimes.


At night.


Shelly, come on, you've got to let me explain.

It's Rebecca, isn't it?

She's with Warren.

But she was with you?

Look, it's you, Shelly, it's always been you.

I got lonely, and I slipped.

That won't happen again.

Okay, just please, please just listen, okay?

I need this.

I need to be her father Eric...

[baby fussing and crying]

I kind of met someone too.

Well, they are a friendly bunch.

And a drunk bunch.

Sorry about that.

Look, Jeri, what's your end game with all this?


Sure, let's try that.

Our past aside, you are one of the best newspapermen I've ever worked with.

You taught me everything I know, and whether you believe me or not, I'm grateful for that.

I am.

And the thought of you wasting away in Cedar Cove, it...

It's just, you deserve a better audience again.


No, I don't.

What do you mean?

I came here to kind of jog my writer brain into coming up with something for this article that I have to write, my first official one for the courier.


[Sighing] I've got nothing.


This looks to be the shortest job in my employment history.

Just lock yourself in a room until you finish it.

You did that to me once, if I remember.

I did, and I believe you won a peabody that year.

It's time you start believing in yourself, Jack.

I do.





You want to stay here in Cedar Cove, don't you?

[Quietly] Yes.

I'm sorry, I didn't hear you.


Yes what?

Yes, I want to stay here.

Was Yale the only thing you lied about?


Are you sure?



Here's what you need to do.

You need to report what you did to the local bar association.

Resubmit your real resume to the D.A.'s office.

Write a letter of apology to your boss, and understand that this whole stunt puts you on probation.

For how long?

Well, that depends on you.

And Tony isn't going to fire me?


Because someone in the legal community, a well-respected judge, guaranteed that this lapse in character was not a chronic problem.

It was a mistake, not to be repeated.


So, I have to ask, why did you lie?

I felt I had to.

Why did you help me?

I felt I had to.

Good night, miss Jennings.

[Laughing] You nut...

[Laughing together]

Oh, I forgot to tell you.


Guess who is moving back?


Colin McFadden.

[Bowl clattering]


You okay?



[Typing rapidly]

[Cell phone rings]



Hey, I was just about to call you.

As soon as I got back from Seattle, I started writing nonstop.

You were worried for nothing. See? It all worked out.

Yes, it did.

Please, just be sure to give yourself a break.

Like you said, it's a lot of pressure to work for a big paper.

More people, more readers...

I can handle it all.

I knew you could, I'm just glad that you know it now.

How about I bring over some celebratory Kung Pao Chicken?


Can I take a rain check?

I'm so beat I can barely see straight.



I love you.

Love you, too.

Good night.

Sleep tight.

[Beeps phone off]

[Ice rattling]