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02x04 - Old Wounds

Posted: 08/10/14 18:12
by bunniefuu
Previously on Cedar Cove...


Yeah, I just thought it'd be more, is all.

I'm moving out.

It's just a key.

I don't know, it just seems kind of serious.

I think I want to move to Seattle.

It's about Grace's house.

Is there a problem?



So... I have this whole system worked out.

Green will stay.

Pinks all go to the girls, and then the blues go to the garage sale.

It is gonna be a huge garage sale.

Grace, I've got to tell...

I mean, you figure 30 years of stuff, right?

I feel like a hoarder.

Oh, hey, listen, before I forget.

Can you put an "as-is" clause in the escrow contract?

Just in case something else expensive pops up.

Grace, there's a problem.

Well, then just don't do it.

It's not that.


I just got an e-mail...

And then the buyers pulled out.

What do you mean, "the buyers pulled out"?

Well, as part of escrow, I had to do a title search.


Search came back, and you don't own the house free and clear.

No way. No.

We paid this house off years ago.

You know that, you were there when we b*rned the mortgage.

There's a lien on the house because of the second mortgage.

No. Dan paid that off.

No, he didn't.

Well, he said he did!

Years ago.

Well, that's not what the records show, and if you want to sell the house, you have to satisfy the lien.

Why me? This is ridiculous.

That was his responsibility.

Not since the divorce.

You're the sole owner, so, legally, it's your responsibility.

There's got to be some mistake.

Dan would not do this.

If you'll give me your consent, I'll talk to your lawyer, and see if there's anything I can do.

You're talking to her.

We wanted an amicable divorce...

No lawyers, we did the whole thing ourselves.

Don't you remember this?

No! Gosh, no, not at all!

If you'd have told me that, I would have stopped you.

Why didn't you come to me, Grace?

'Cause I didn't go to anybody!

I just wanted this over.

Dan kept pushing to make it fast.


Hey, guys.

[Door shuts]

Uh, hey, dad.

I forgot my laptop this morning.

Gushing: There's my little girl!

Hello! Hi, sweetie.


There's my little girl!

There she is.

Oh. Thanks.

I, uh... missed you guys this morning, and I didn't see you last night.

How was dinner?

It was good.


Thank you.


I should get going.




Listen, Eric, if you need to borrow my car to take Shelly and Adele...

We're fine. Thanks.

I'll be back in a bit, and you can take us to the ferry?

Yeah. Moon said I could leave early.


[Door opens and shuts]

I'm almost afraid to ask.

Something happen at dinner last night?


Shelly and I broke up.


Shelly broke up with you?

It was a really bad dinner.


We have nothing in common.

Except a baby!

I don't want her to leave!

But she called her aunt in Seattle, and it's a really good deal for Shelly and the baby.

Eric, you can go to Seattle with her!

That's not part of her plan.

What "plan"?

She wants to go back to school.

She wants some time alone.

You two just had a baby together.

She says that I can visit Adele anytime I want, but I know that if she leaves, it won't work out like that.

[Jack sighs]


Okay. Uh...

Listen. For now...

You should give Shelly the time and space that she's asking for.


Look, she has been through a lot these last few weeks, and, sometimes, people need a little space to figure things out.



Seattle's a lot of space, dad.




What could she be thinking about, I wonder?


Seth's on his way to Alaska?

He's going to be captain of his own boat.

He's pretty much in heaven.

I'm really happy for him.

Just too bad he has to work so far from home, huh?

You miss him already.

It's that obvious?

I've known you since you were born.

It's a pretty easy read.

Guess I just thought the distance thing would get easier.

Mm. This gig of his, it's not forever.

You're worried he won't come back?

I'm worried he might forget about me.

Well... [chuckles]

I'm... living proof that absence makes the heart grow fonder.

You had a long-distance relationship?



Yeah, I met her at Villa Gesell...

Beautiful place on the coast of Argentina...

Back when I was in the Peace Corps.

When my tour was over, we only got to see each other a couple times a year.

But we had what I like to call two patient hearts.

And you're not together anymore.

This is true.

So what happened to her?

Diego happened to her.

She met him on a cruise or something.

And as it turns out, sadly, I was the only one with the patient heart.

This is not a very good story, is it?

Let me try again.

Okay, okay.

When I was in Bali...

It's okay.

Thanks, though.

This Camilla thing was a long time ago, man.

It was a lot harder to keep in touch back then.

Distance doesn't mean anything anymore.

You just turn on your computer, and it's like you're in the same room together.

Skype is fine, but I just miss Seth being here.

Missing someone's the price we pay for love.

I'm really not helping here, am I?


But you're sweet for trying.

Dan, it's me.

This is the fifth time I have called you.

I need you to call me back.

We need to talk about the house. It is important.

[Fuming sigh]

Hey Grace.

Hi, Allison.

How was school?


[Scanner beeps]

You okay?

I'm fine.

Are you sure? You look a little upset.


I'm fine.

Why don't you start by putting those books back?



[Indistinct exchange]

So how was everything?

Oh, everything was great.

Oh, yeah? Well, uh, can I get you anything else?

Like coffee, tea, dessert?

No. No dessert. I'm stuffed.

Are you sure?

Wow. That looks really good.

It's for the gentleman over there.

It's today's special.

Homemade apple pie with just a touch of cinnamon.

I really can't. That's way too much.

Just try one bite.

It's locally grown apples.

It's the healthiest dessert we serve.

Maybe half a slice?

[Laughs] Okay, who am I kidding? Bring me the full piece.


A la mode?

No, no. The pie's plenty.

Oh, it's fresh ice cream.

I mean, the dairy's just outside of town.

There's no preservatives, no artificial anything.

And it's an excellent source of calcium.

Small scoop.

Small scoop!

Yes. Thank you.


Pie a la mode.

Oh. Alright.

Nice job, kid.

Oh. Can I help you?

No, but I think I can help you.

Why don't you give me a call when you have a minute?

You know, we can talk.

She's cute.

Shouldn't you be on your way?

Oh! Yeah. Right.


Um, tell Shelly I'm gonna miss her.

Yeah. Me too.

Here you go.

Thank you.

♪ Take me down to the ocean ♪
♪ Show me where you'll be goin' ♪
♪ I'm gonna try not to cry ♪
♪ Watching you leave me behind ♪

You got everything?

Enough diapers and everything?


You hungry?

I can grab you something to eat.

I'm fine.


What's going on?


Don't play games with me, Eric, please.

What games?

Yesterday, you were all "please, don't go," now today it's just "see you. Have a good trip."

I'm not happy, okay?

But maybe you're right.

Maybe you've got to try this.

And see if it's what you really want.

I've got to let you.

I love you.

Both of you.

I love you too, Eric. I just...


I'm gonna come see you every chance I get.


Yeah. I mean, it's not like it's permanent.

No, not at all.

♪ Take me down to the ocean ♪

It's okay. It's okay.

♪ It's your favorite hideout ♪
♪ Tell me you understand ♪
♪ Mm-mm-mm-mm ♪

Jack: Eric looked absolutely devastated.

I've never seen him like that.

Never. I mean, the wind completely knocked out of him.

Staying with her aunt for a while might be the best thing for her.


Wait a minute.

How did you know?

I hadn't got to that part of the story.

Shelly called me an hour ago.

She needed somebody to talk to, I guess.

What about me? I'm right there!

Jack, you're Eric's father.

You're not exactly a neutral party.

[Sighs] True.

What'd you tell her?


At the end of the day, she's got to think about the baby first.

I know it's tough on Eric, but I think she's doing the right thing.

Unlike her parents, her aunt seems like a very supportive person.


A break might be the best thing for both of them.

Yeah, that's basically what I told Eric.

How'd he take it?


He wasn't crazy about it, but he understood.

He's been acting surprisingly mature lately.

It's kind of throwing me off my game.

[Sighs and grumbles]

Jack, are you alright?

Ahh... [scoffs]


I finally decided what Adele would call me.

Not "pop-pop" or "grandpop," but just plain, simple "pop."

Finally figure it out and...

Now she's gone.

No matter what happens to Eric and Shelly, you will always be Adele's "pop."

Yeah, I know.

I was just, I don't know...

Getting kind of used to having her around, that's all.

She'll be back.

So will Shelly.

Got to go.


So, what do you think about "pop?" Huh?

That's pretty cool, isn't it?

Yes, Jack.

It's very cool.

You're making fun of me, aren't you?




I've been checking out DVDs all day.

I'm not a library, I'm Netflix.

Did you talk to Dan?

And you learn a lot about people by the movies they check out.

Did you talk to Dan?

Please, Olivia, not now.

You can't keep putting this off, Grace.

I called him.

And what did he say?

"Leave a message at the sound of the beep."

I've left him five messages, and he hasn't returned my calls.

Grace, please don't.

Don't what?

The tone in your voice.

Like you're giving up.

I've heard you sound like this before.


The whole time you were married to Dan.

He had some kind of power over you, made you think he was better and smarter, and he's not!

So then what do you think I should do?

Well, if he doesn't answer your calls, just drive over to Cooperton and confront him.

I know you're right.

I'll go with you.

You will?

Are you kidding?

I just cleared my whole docket for the rest of the day.

What? You want to go now?

Yes! You need answers.




Can you close up?

Yeah. Sure.

I can handle it.

Let's do it.

Are you still looking for volunteers at the store?

We're always looking for volunteers.

They flexible with times?

I'd have to work it around a job.

That is, when I find one.

Trust me, we're desperate for help.

We'll work around whatever schedule you end up with.

I just... I feel like I should do something.

Come in this Saturday.

We'll work together, I'll show you around.

That sounds like a plan.


[Olivia]: This is it.



There's got to be some mistake.

No. This is the address.

But how can Dan afford this?

He got the pension, I got the house.

I know how much money he has, and this doesn't add up.

There's only one way to find out.

[Doorbell chimes]

Ohh! Even the doorbell sounds expensive.

Remember, this is a legal matter, so let me do the talking.


Look at this.

He has to have a gardener.

Dan never had a yard like this. Never.

Grace. Focus on why we are here.

I'm focused. Like a laser beam.

What do you think this place cost?

Grace, please!

Oh, it's gonna be okay.


See? I told you we had the wrong house.

I am so sorry, we bothered you.

Dan gave us the wrong address.

No, no. Wait. Dan? Dan Sherman?

Yes. You know him?

Well, yeah. Danny and I live together.


In this house? Here?

Yeah. Danny and I have been together for ages.



Justine, this is Luke.

Luke, Justine.

Nice to meet you.


So Luke just put all his paperwork through.

He's officially retired.


From the Navy, I'm assuming?

Luke's one of the elite.

Navy seal.

Wow. I've only ever seen you guys in, like, movies.

That's impressive.


So can I get you a coffee or anything?

No, thank you.

Thank you.

Come on in.

Your house... your house is lovely.

Oh. Thank you. So how do you know Danny?

We're from Cedar Cove.

Ohh... you must be old friends.

Yes. Old friends.

Very old... friends.

So what brings you to Cedar Cove?

Ian and Cecilia.

You are staying with us, right?

If your couch is free.

It's always free to you.

You know that.

Well, I think you'll like it here.

Might not be as fast-paced as you're used to.

What do you say, Luke, huh?

Things to do.


Nice meeting you.

You too.


He's shy.


No. He's just...

He's been on active duty for a long time, and he's seen...

Too much, if you know what I mean.

It takes a little while to assimilate back into real life.

I hope that I didn't make him uncomfortable or anything.

No, it's not you.

It's Luke.

He's a really nice guy, he just...

He needs some time, that's all.

[Clock ticking]

I don't know what's keeping Danny.
[Door opens]


Oh! Speak of the devil. In the living room!

Hey, honey. I'm sorry I'm late.

Hi, Dan.


[Dan and Grace arguing loudly, indistinct]

You're sure I can't get you a coffee?

Oh, no, thank you.


I'm fine. Really.

[Grace shouting, indistinct]

[Door slams]

Let's go.

Nice to see you, Olivia.

Grace! What did he say?


What do you mean "nothing?"

Can we just go home, please?

No. Not until you tell me what he said.

Nothing I didn't already know.

I am stuck, alright? Totally stuck.

No, you're not.

I signed off on everything!

The divorce, the settlement.

I'm the lawyer, remember? There're things that we can do!


Just take me home.

[Charlie Simpson's "riverbanks" plays]


♪ The clock face ♪
♪ Has been heading south ♪
♪ For hours now ♪
♪ And I don't know ♪
♪ If I'm still underground ♪
♪ Should I stay for another drink? ♪
♪ I know it's getting late ♪



Have you talked to Shelly?

Yeah, they got there.

Everybody okay?

You okay?

No. I'm not.

These are my lunch tips right here.

How am I supposed to live and send Shelly money on this?

[Jack exhales deeply]


Shelly... is going back to school.

Have you thought about going back to school yourself?

Yeah, I'd love to, but school takes money.

Maybe we can come to some kind of arrangement around that.

Like what?

Well, for starters, if you're serious about finishing school...

You can live with me here, rent-free.


I will cover all of your expenses...

Tuition, books, whatever you need.

You're serious?

Yeah. I am.

As long as you are, too.

[Astonished chuckle]

I want you to finish school, Eric.

[Words catch]

Dad, I can't believe this.

[Shocked laugh]

Well, believe it.

But... on one condition.


I want you to start going easy on yourself.



Between the job, the baby, and all the worrying, you look like you've aged 10 years over the last couple of weeks, okay?

I'm worried about you.

[Sniffs] I'm fine.

No. I mean it.

You've got the weight of the world on your shoulders, and it's not healthy.

I want you to be able to concentrate on just being a full-time student.

That's it.

And father.

And you're doing a really good job with that.

Look. I, uh...

I know I don't say it very often...

But I love you.

You know that, right?

Yeah, I do.

Look, I've got some work I've got to do.

Oh, yeah. Go.


Hey, Tom. Can I get my bill?

Yeah. Be right with you.

Thank you.



We met at the base.

Ian and Cecelia's friend.

Right. Hi.

How's it going?

It's okay.

Here you go.

Thank you.

Another beer, pal?

Give that man a sh*t!

No, thanks.

Nah. Anything he wants.

Top shelf.

This guy here, he's a real American hero.

Saved a whole platoon.

I'm a vet, too. Marines.

He got the Navy cross.

Didn't you?

The Navy cross!

They don't just give those out to anyone.

Luke: Okay.


Make it a Tequila.

Marine: The good stuff, Tom?

Tom: Yeah.



Give him another.

Yeah, make it two.


Eric, I bet you're wondering why I want to talk to you.


Here, we have this woman who doesn't want dessert and coffee...

Have a seat...

Thank you.

Yet, in the end, she ends up ordering a dessert and coffee, and from the looks of it, seemed quite happy that she did.


You followed the first rule of salesmanship, my friend.

You made that woman want that product.

And you were very charming about it, too, Eric.

I mean, extra points for politeness.

I just made a suggestion.

Let me ask you something.

That dessert you were carrying, now, you weren't really delivering that to another table, were you?

I mean, you were using that strictly to whet her appetite, right?



That's brilliant!

If you could do anything in the world right now, what would it be?

I don't know.

Make a lot of money?

Driving a car like yours wouldn't be too bad.

You impressed me today.

I think you have potential.

Well, thank you... I guess.

Eric, how would you like to be an associate at Saget Development?


You find all your associates at Moon's?

Well, let's be honest, Eric, this town's a little thin on talent, right?

I think you and I can work well together.

You're not kidding?

I don't kid.

I have no sense of humor.

I'm getting that.

What do you say?



You need to take Dan to court.

From what you've told me, he is in contempt of your divorce.

You can go back to the judge that presided over the divorce.

I can help. I want to help.

I could just kick myself for not looking at those papers before you signed them.

It's not your fault.

It's mine. I trusted Dan.

I didn't think I needed anybody to look them over.

Well, let me look at them now.



No! It's over.

It's not!

He defrauded you! He lied! He cheated.

Trust me.

I can get Dan to pay off that lien.

Can we please just drop this?

No, Grace.

I care too much about you to drop it.

I appreciate your concern, but right now, I just...

I just want to be alone.

[Pub bustling loudly]

And, like, this "hero" stuff, I mean...

What is that?

Hey, buddy.

You want to keep it down, please?

Hey! Hey. I can be as loud as I want, okay?


Didn't you hear these guys?


[Guys laughing]

[Man]: No, seriously...

Just got your message.

Thank God you're here.

How about another one?


[Drunken jocularity continues]

Come on. Watch your head.

[Ian sighs]

Those guys just kept buying him sh*ts.

He wouldn't stop drinking.

It's like someone flipped a switch.

It's not all his fault, though.

A lot of guys, they come home after being in action and they just can't deal with it.

With what?

With life.

Alcohol numbs the pain.

Sometimes, it's the only thing that does.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Caroline.

I'm sorry.

Who's Caroline?

I have no idea.

What are we gonna do with him?

[Sighs] I don't know.

He can't report back to the base like this.

I'm worried about Grace.

Yeah, I can tell.

She doesn't have a lot of time.

If she doesn't get the title to the house clear, she'll be forced to stay and fix things, and never be able to sell.

I have half a mind to file that complaint myself.

You can't fight her battles for her.

Somebody's got to do it.



You have a strange drunk man in your house.

I can see that.

I can explain.



Sorry, I screwed this up.

That was supposed to be decaf.

Not a problem.

That's why pencils have erasers.


We all make mistakes.

Right. Yeah. No. It won't happen again.

Oh, relax.

The planets are out of alignment.

[Moon chuckles]

It's not you, it's the universe.

Or else that new cell tower they put in.

Oh, come on.

You're telling me you miss having to go down to the end of the pier every time you wanna make a phone call?

End of an era, my son, end of an era.



[Luke wakes with a gasp]

Uh... hi.


Coffee or water?

Uh, water. Please.

I'm Olivia.

I'm Luke.

Justine! Luke's awake.


Sleep okay?

Yeah. Yeah, I guess.

Remember me, right?

Yeah. Ian and Cecilia's friend.


Yeah. We were at that bar.

And those guys bought you sh*ts.

Yeah, I remember up until to that part, and then, uh...

Little bit of a mess.

Ian and Cecilia were scared to bring you back to the base, so I thought the safest place to bring you would be back here to my mom's.

Thank you.

Hope I wasn't too much trouble.

Not once you fell asleep.

We should get something in your stomach.

How about a little toast to settle things down?

Not just yet, thanks.

Justine says you just got back from Afghanistan.

You know, I, uh...

I should go.

I'll give you a ride.

No. I'll walk.

Are you sure you're okay?

I'm fine.

Thank you.

Thank you for everything.

I'm sorry.


So, clearly, you're taking Olivia's side on this, aren't you?

Beg your pardon?

The whole Dan thing.

You agree with her.

I haven't said a word.

Didn't have to. I can tell.

Only side I'm taking is yours.


But what?

You think I should fight him, don't you?


I'm just a little confused, I guess.


Why are you so scared?

Who said I was scared?

Oh, come on, Grace! You're no pushover.

You're tough.

You're independent.

To tell the truth, you near scared the death out of me the first time I met you.

I did?


Ooh. I'm flattered. I think.

It's a compliment.

You stood your ground.

Told it like it is.

But now, with all this Dan stuff...

You're running scared.

And that's just not the Grace that I know.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait a second. Slow down.

Warren Saget?

Yeah! And I mean, at first, it would just be like a glorified go-fer job, but I mean, once I got the hang of things, I can move up the ladder, you know, learn the business!

Is this a business you even want to learn?

Well, Warren seems to be doing pretty good for himself.

I mean, you should see his car!

Yeah, I have.

And this just came out of nowhere!

Right. All because you talked some woman into buying a piece of pie, is that right?

Look, I-I don't mean to put it down, alright?

But I thought we had a plan.


You were going to go back to school, I was gonna pay your bills so you don't have anything to worry about. Remember that?

That is a good plan.

I think we should stick with it.

But this could be money right away.

Money that I could send Shelly and the baby.

Your education is for your future.

Yeah, but Warren said...

I don't care what Warren told you, okay, Eric.

Warren Saget is the last person in this town I want you involved with.

Well, what's wrong with Warren?

How many hours have you got?

[Thumps counter]

Everybody in this town knows that Warren is a cheat and a liar.


He's a crook.

He's been to jail?

Some of the biggest criminals I've ever met have never spent a single day behind bars, trust me.

What did he do?

I don't know, but the feds have practically opened up a branch right here in Cedar Cove just to keep an eye on this guy.

Listen, Eric, let's go back to the first idea.

Okay? Please?

I'm only thinking about you, Eric.

I just... I just want what's best for you.




[Mess hall chatter]

Luke left his coat behind, I just want to make sure he got it.

I thought he'd be here.

You never know where Luke's gonna end up.

So you have no idea where he might be?

If I know him, he's probably on a ferry right now, heading out of town.

But you said he just got here.

He's probably really embarrassed about what happened last night.

Hey, if those guys hadn't pressured him...

It's happened before.

It's not the guys.

No, it's Luke.

And he always hates himself after.

Warren: So?

So, well, I went home and I thought about it...


And I really appreciate it, but I'm afraid I can't take the job.

You spoke to your dad, didn't you?


Yeah, your dad's not too fond of me.

What'd he say?

Uh, that you were...

Investigated a lot by the FBI and stuff.

Well, that's true.

What does your father have against success, anyway?

Nothing, I think.

Okay. Fine. So you go to college.

What are you gonna study?




Business, huh?

You want to know about real world business?


Eric, when you're successful, you make a lot of enemies.

Especially in my business.

Now, do I low-ball people when I purchase property?


Because that's the only way you're gonna make a profit.

Do I cut down trees to build homes?

Of course. Nobody likes it when you cut down trees, but everyone needs a place to live.


So what happens?

I become a target.

People have been complaining about me for years.

And, yeah, the FBI's investigated, but you know what?

I hope your dad told you the truth.

The truth is, I've been found totally innocent.

Yeah. He did.


You see, kid, listen, if you want to make a lot of money in business, there are going to be times when you become very unpopular.

And it's not fun... trust me, I don't like it, but you live with it.


This is an incredible opportunity for you.

A lot of young people out there would k*ll for it.

But hey, you know, if you want to go to school and spend thousands of dollars, and hope that one day you're gonna land that job...

Like the job I'm offering you here today...

Good luck.

[Crows squawking]



You're going to need these.

Your divorce papers?


You were right.

You were absolutely right. And so was Cliff.

About Dan.

I talked to the judge who did our divorce, and we are going back to court.

I am not gonna let him get away with this.

Grace, I am so proud of you.

I'm kind of proud of myself, too.

I'm gonna make sure Dan does right by you.

Oh, he will. Trust me, he will.

[Laughing] Oh, ho.


♪ Where can I go ♪
♪ To get away from you? ♪
♪ It's like every move I make ♪


♪ Every breath I take ♪

Glad I caught you. I've been looking all over.


You forgot something.


And, um... there's something else.

This letter fell out of your pocket.

♪ Run away again ♪
♪ I can leave this world behind ♪

That's how I found it.

♪ But everywhere I go ♪

I'm sorry, but... I read it.

You read my letter?

It's just, last night, you kept saying "Caroline," and then when I saw who it was addressed to...

What did I say?

Just her name, and you kept apologizing.

Saying, "I'm sorry, Caroline."

Stuff like that.

I thought if I knew what was going on, that maybe I could help or something.

Luke, I'm sorry that I read it, but at the same time, I'm glad that I did.

Because now I know why you came back to Cedar Cove.

♪ I can't run away from you ♪