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02x01 - Letting Go: Part One

Posted: 07/20/14 10:23
by bunniefuu
Previously on Cedar Cove...

He's the father of my children.

That's not the question I'm asking, and you know it.

We're buying the restaurant together.

In good faith, I'm gonna give you the keys...


Bought a hat.

I'm gonna sign up for riding lessons.

Stay out of it! [Groans]

[Chuckling] Cheers.


Maryellen: You can't keep running away.

John: I care about you so much
that I want to keep you safe.

The only way I can do that is if I keep you out of my life.

Don't you have anyone to help you out when the baby's born?

I'm giving it up for adoption.

Olivia: Eric's gonna have a baby.

He's probably really scared.


I really missed you.

I missed you, too.

You started that fire.

Guys, what fire?

You burned down our restaurant!

[Gasping intensely]


I love you, Olivia Lockhart.

I love you, Jack Griffith.

[♪ ♪]

P.A. announcement: Nurse Flanagan to pediatrics.

Nurse Flanagan to pediatrics.

[♪ ♪]

How is she? How's Shelly?

How's the baby?

What's going on?

Eric, just give her a chance to tell us.

She had a mild seizure, but she and the baby are both doing fine.

What caused the seizure?

She has a condition called pre-eclampsia.

It causes spikes in the blood pressure, and it can cause seizures, but she has responded favorably to the medication we've given her.

We're going to continue to monitor her vitals, and, hopefully, she'll go into labor all on her own.

But if she doesn't?

She's healthy, and the baby is not in any distress.

But if there are any complications, for her safety and for the safety of the baby, I may need to perform a caesarean.

The important thing is Shelly is in the right place to get the care that both she and her baby need.

Okay. Um, when... when can I see her?

Please, Doctor.

I have to see her.

Someone will take you back shortly.

Thank you, Doctor.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Uh, Eric. Eric.

He won't let me in.

It's like we take two steps forward and then it's three steps back.

Well, he's upset and he's scared.

Well, now, you see, that's when you would think you would go to your father, right?

Well, give him some time and space.



I am so glad you're here.

And I'm not going anywhere.

I pushed my whole docket back to tomorrow.

I'm all yours.

Thank you.

God, I hate hospitals.

They're not my favorite place either.

I haven't been here in a long time.


A really long time.

[♪ ♪]

[High-pitch continuous beep blaring]

[♪ ♪]

Faint: Olivia?



Oh, sorry.

Where'd you go?

Nowhere. I'm right here.

Great. I'm fine.


[♪ ♪]

Maryellen: Yeah. Would you be able to bring the prints by sometime next week?

Okay. Great. Yeah.

Yeah, Tuesday works. Tuesday works perfectly.

Fantastic. Yeah.

They just do so well in the gallery, so if we could get more of them, that would be great.

I'll be right with you.

Fantastic. Alright. Well, we'll see you then.

Okay. Have a good one. Bye.

[Phone beeps]

[Piece thuds]


We're, uh, we're looking for a friend of ours.

I'm the only one here.

Other guy: Our friend's an artist.


John Bowman.

So you... you know him?

He's one of our best-selling artists.


He left Cedar Cove.

Any idea where he ended up?

Um, no, I'm... I'm not sure.

I wouldn't have left you.

Not without a pretty good reason.

[Deep breath]

John is one of many local artists.

If you're looking...

... for photographs, I have...

We need John.

Uh, John's work.

How did you say you know John?

I didn't say.

I'm sorry I can't help you.

Good luck, though.


You know, maybe we'll...

Maybe we'll just stick around, you know, in case... in case John comes back.

But you have yourself a good day...


How do you know my name?

Well, you told us.

No, I didn't.

[Door shuts]

[♪ ♪]

Am I reading this right?


All charges?

Yes, Your Honor.

Perhaps the prosecution would like to take some more time to consider their options.

Your Honor, we've made our decision.

We have no choice but to withdraw our complaint against Mr. Saget.

Judge: Well, then, Mr. Saget, I suggest you go buy yourself a lottery ticket, because today's your lucky day.

Don't smile.

Mr. Saget is hereby released from custody and his bond vacated.

You are free to go.

[Pounds gavel]

[♪ ♪]

It was sweet of you to come by.

It's the least I could do.

I dropped grandma off at the airport.

Thank you for doing that.

No problem.

Told her that you were at the hospital with Shelly.

She's sorry that she had to go.

Well, she planned this cruise three months ago.

She couldn't let Barbara down.

I still can't believe that mom's going on a singles cruise.



So you don't need anything?

I'm all set.

As soon as Shelly's out of the woods, I'm headed home.

Mom, are you sure you're okay?

I mean, I know when the last time you were in this hospital was.

I'm a little freaked out and I was 13 when Jordan died.


Are you alright?

Mom, I'm asking about you.

You're always taking care of everyone else, including me, so I just thought that maybe, I don't know, you need someone to talk to, so, I'm here.

I'm fine.

Justine: Okay. Well, I would keep you company, but Seth and I have got to meet a contractor at the restaurant.

Can you and Seth afford that?

The town was great to help us out, but we've got some serious damage.

If we want to get in there as soon as possible, then we've got to bring in a professional.

But the sale hasn't closed, right?

We never got that far.

We didn't even have an official deal.

I could kick myself for taking those keys and going in there to fix things before it was actually ours.

Give yourself a break.

You were excited.

Warren shouldn't have let you.

Warren was looking out for Warren, which is always what he's done best.

Okay. Bye.

You are so lucky.

I am?


You with Justine.

It's just so... nice and easy.

Yes, it is but we've had our problems.

[Laughs] No.

No, me and Eric, we have problems.

You and Justine, you two, you have a real relationship.

Be patient. You'll get there.

But first, you have got to let go of all this guilt that you're holding on to and accept that all parents make mistakes.

You're human.

Give yourself some credit.

Well, no promises.


[Growls playfully]

Hey, hey!

Break it up, guys.

This is a hospital.

Okay, so I have half of moon's bakery case, I have some magazines, and I have a very large ball of yarn.

The yarn is for me.

In other words, I came prepared to stay for as long as you need me.

Grace Sherman, report for duty.

Thank you, Grace.

Come here, you.

You guys. Aw.

So, can I give you a lift?

Yeah, sure.

To the ferry would be nice.

Cedar cove?


Just do me a favor and do your job, make sure the feds hold up their end of the deal.

Yeah, they will. They really want to nail your business associates back east.

And what about me?

Continue to cooperate and you'll be fine.


[♪ ♪]

Here you go.

Are you kidding?

Yeah, I think you have a few too many zeros there.

Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that's just an estimate.

Total cost is likely to be much more.

These old buildings, once we get in there, start pulling back the walls, exposing the plumbing and the wiring, it can get ugly.

We don't want to change the plumbing and the wiring.

Well, that's not your choice.

See, a job this big's gonna require permits.

Permits mean that, once I start, some inspector's gonna have to come in and sign off on the whole building.

And the roof.

Now, look, your insurance will cover the bulk of the bill.

It'll be fine. You'll see.

Excuse me.

Can I see Shelly now?



She's asking to speak to Judge Lockhart.

She knows I'm down here?

She does, but she just wants Judge Lockhart.

I'll see what she wants and then we'll get you up there.

[♪ ♪]



I spoke to the doctor and she said everything looks good for both you and the baby.

I know.

Really, Shelly, everything's gonna be okay.

No. It's not.

Eric wants to see you.

I can't see him.

What's wrong, honey? I thought you two were back together.

[Huffs tensely]

We were, but...

I think I've changed my mind.

We should put up the baby for adoption.

What do you mean?

I don't think we should keep our baby.

When things get tough, Eric takes off, and...

[Shaky sigh]

There are going to be a lot of tough days and tough years in raising this baby, and I know that I am not capable of doing this alone.

True, but, sometimes, you have to give people a second chance.

Eric's here now... and he seems sincere.

Oh, the way he looks at you.

Yes, I love him, and yes, I want to keep our baby.

And I want to believe that he won't let me down again, but I just don't know.

I remember being in this same hospital, about to give birth, and, suddenly, the "what ifs" of being pregnant are replaced by the "what is" of having a baby.

It's real and it's happening, and it's okay to be scared.

But this decision is not one you want to make under this kind of stress.

I'm gonna give you some time to rest, and then I'll come back and check on you.


What if I decide that I want to give the baby up?

As I told you, and I am good to my word, I will help you, no matter what your decision is.

But Eric does have rights, and you're gonna have to get him to give up those rights if you decide to give away the baby.

I will talk to him.

I can't right now.

I know I should, but I... I can't.

Can you stay for a while?

I don't want to be alone.

Of course.

[♪ ♪]


Dad, I got to see her.

No, I don't think that that's...

There might be something wrong with her they're not telling us.

If that were the case, then why would she ask to see Olivia? Hmm?

Come on. Why don't you and I, we go get some air?

I... I can't leave Shelly.

Olivia is with her.

Let them talk. Alright? Come on.

Let's go for a walk.

And I'll let you know if anything changes, okay?

Okay. Thank you.

[♪ ♪]



I think Shelly wants to give up the baby again.


Well, she knows I'm out here, and she wants to talk to Olivia.

Oh, Eric.

Well, she said that Olivia was helping her with the adoption before I came back to Cedar Cove.

I'm the idiot that put that idea in her head in the first place.

This is all my fault.

I gotta talk to her.

I gotta straighten this out.

No, listen.

Eric, Shelly has been through a lot.

Okay? You don't know why she doesn't want to see you, and it doesn't help you to be out here just imagining the worst-case scenario.

The thing is, right now, all I can think about is worst-case scenarios.

So Jack just took Eric outside.

Well, that's good, because Shelly is not ready to talk to him.

Yeah, well, I saw him, and I'm telling you, there's no way you're gonna be able to stop him from going in there.

I'm not trying to stop him. I'm just trying to delay him.

Both you and I know what it's like to be in a hospital, about to give birth.

It is not the best time to be making big life decisions.


Can I ask you a favor?


My boyfriend's out there...

He really wants to talk to you.

I'm not ready to see him.

Got it.

Thank you.

I'll tell him "doctor's orders."

[Footsteps receding]

[Door opens]

Miss Sherman?

Oh, hi. You called earlier.

Yeah. I have several pieces by John Bowman, but he's only ever done two...

Two portraits.



You're the other portrait.


[♪ ♪]


Yeah... yes. Sorry.

I'll have it ready for you this afternoon.

Perfect. Thank you.

[♪ ♪]


Olivia! What's going on?

Shelly's resting.

Well, I don't care. I have to see her.

No, Eric, she just needs her rest.

Why won't she see me?

It's not that she...

What did she say to you?

Does she want to give up our baby?

She's scared and upset.

Just give her some space.

So she does want to give our baby up for adoption.

Eric, listen to Olivia.

No. No. I am done listening and waiting.

Hey, Eric. Eric!

Sorry, you can't go in there.

Yes, I can.

Shelly's doctor left orders that she not be disturbed.

I think it's best you let Shelly rest.


Well, Olivia makes a good point, okay?

And if it's doctor's orders...

Thanks, dad.

Thanks for nothing.


Hey! Eric!

[♪ ♪]

We gotta do it. We got to hire him.

It's the only way we're gonna be able to get everything done.

We have no more money.

We'll figure something out.

That estimate is more than my first car.

And it's just an estimate.

We can do this.

Once we get the restaurant up and running, we'll be able to pay it all back.

How? By printing our own money in the basement?

That's a brilliant idea.

So you're saying you want to hire the contractor and finish the sale?

Don't you?

I just think that we have an out.

I mean, if we want it.


Look, I talked to my mom, and in the eyes of the law, the restaurant isn't ours yet, but if we go through escrow, then we own it, and all of the problems that go with it.

We put everything we own into the renovation.

I mean, the only way I see out of it is through it.

Don't forget why we did this, it was so we could finally be together, you and me.

I know.

It's gonna be alright. You'll see.

[Chuckles] Oh, ho.





Fancy meeting you guys here, huh?

Aren't you supposed to be in jail?

Huh. Well, it's nice to see you, too, Justine.

How did you get out?

Well, innocent men don't belong in jail...


You're hardly innocent.

How's your wife?

She's not my wife, actually.

She's my girlfriend.

Or was.

Anyway, look, I think my personal life stopped being any of your concern the moment you gave me that ring back, right?

Alright, look.

I was just gonna swing by and check out the damage in the restaurant myself.

You two are okay, though, right?

I mean, you had insurance?

You know that we weren't insured.


I'm sorry. I totally forgot.

I guess it means, legally, I still own building.

Which also means I'm gonna get a huge paycheck from my insurance company.

Seth, don't.

Yes, Seth.


Wouldn't want me to call the police now, would you?

So I assume you still want to continue?

Buying the restaurant?

No one's gonna stop us from opening that place.

No one.


I guess that means you still want to go through with it?



Well, that's great news.

Seth, it's fantastic.

Why don't you do me a favor and get your financials all set, swing by my office, and we'll close the deal. Okay?


[Footsteps receding]

We'll be okay.

There you are. I was looking for you.

Is Shelly okay?

She's fine. No signs of labor.

I sent Eric to the cafeteria to get something to eat.

Grace is there, in case something happens.

I'm worried about you.

Yeah, I'm kind of worried about myself.



You know, every time I think I'm making progress with him, it's just... right back where I started, and you know? I deserve it.

I was such a horrible father.

Maybe you weren't always the father you are today, but you have worked hard to overcome your past and start fresh.

Eric doesn't know what he's doing or saying.

You have to stop this.

You have to be strong.

He needs you.

That may be.

But he doesn't want me.

[♪ ♪]

So you found the place okay?

Oh, yeah.

Thanks for meeting me on such short notice.

How's your mom?

She's great, Roy. Thanks for asking.

She said you used to work with the Seattle Police Department?

Now I am a private investigator.

I think my, uh... friend John Bowman is in trouble.

The photographer?


I saw his work...

... at last year's artwalk. Talented guy.

He is.

So what kind of trouble has he gotten himself into?

That's what I'm hoping you can tell me.

Two men came into the gallery today, looking for John.

They said they were friends of his, but I don't buy it.

Before they drove away, I wrote down their license plate number.

Those men scared me, and now I'm scared for John.

I'll look into it.


And, um, Roy?



No police. Okay?


[Door opens, then shuts]

[♪ ♪]

Is that your son?


And smart.

What's his name?


He looks so happy.

He does, doesn't he?

Fresh from the cafeteria!

I think the green stuff is lettuce.

I'm not hungry.

Too bad. You need to eat.



Thank you.

So... how are you?


Jack keeps blaming himself for his and Eric's relationship problems, and I'm worried about Shelly...

I didn't ask you that.

How are you?

I'm fine.

Oh, you liar, liar, pants on fire.

Grace? Really?

"Liar, liar?"

Well, quit dodging the question.

And the question is?

I find it impossible to be inside this hospital and not think about Jordan.

I don't want to talk about the day Jordan died.

I am here to help Shelly.

Got it.

Thank you so much for being here for me.

I don't know what I would do without you.


Go home.


Go home. Go home. Go home.

Fine. I'll go.

But I'll be back.

Well, you don't have to.

Just try and stop me.

Let me walk you to your car.

[♪ ♪]

I say skip lunch and go straight to dessert.


Mm! It would be cruel for me to have to share this with the guests.

The guests are gonna have chocolate cake.

Well, I don't like cake.

Which is why I made you this.

You going to tell me what's going on, or do we have to keep talking about this pie?

I'm sorry.

I'm just worried.


I just called her at the hospital.

She sounds so frightened.

Look, I've got an idea.

Why don't we just let this pie cool, and you and I take a nice, relaxing drive to the hospital?

You think?


I don't want to intrude, though.

Shelly's practically family.


She is family.

[Phone rings]

Which is why we're gonna go see her.

Thyme and tide.


Okay, have a nice day.

Uh, Bob?


[♪ ♪]

Jack, what's going on?

Are you okay?

[Jack sighs]

♪ The greatest hearts are always broken ♪
♪ before they get the chance ♪
♪ to love the one ♪
♪ who will love them right ♪
♪ the truest love comes with patience ♪
♪ and waiting on ♪
♪ the one to hold them close ♪


What are you doing here?

We need to talk.

[♪ ♪]

Hey. Hey.


I'm gonna go check on Shelly and Olivia, so I'm gonna leave you guys to talk, huh?

I shouldn't have called. I, uh...

I'm your sponsor.

You most definitely should have called.

That's my commitment to you and your sobriety.

Was it this hard your first year?

It was hard my first year, my second year.

It's hard today.

One day at a time, right?

You want to talk about it?


But you want a drink?


I'm better now. I, uh...

I'm not gonna drink.

I'm not.



You're just going to sit here with me?


No talking?


Please don't do this.

My mind is made up.

You're gonna raise along?


You would rather have strangers raise our daughter?


Come on, Shelly.

Eric, you're here now, and you're committed, just like when I found out I was pregnant, but then you got scared and you felt pressured, and you bolted.

Why can't you see that I've changed?

Well, what happens if you haven't changed?

What's your back-up plan?

You just gonna leave the baby with your father?

I would never do that.

You know what my childhood was like.

My mom barely there, my dad took off.

If I wasn't going into a foster home, we were moving.

There was barely enough money to pay for the basics.

Remember, you were the one who wanted to give up the baby in the first place.

I didn't know what I was saying.

No, I think it's what you wanted, but then you came back to Cedar Cove, and you saw me and you saw the sonogram, and you let your emotions run away with you.

I did, too.

Please be reasonable.

I am going to do what's best for our baby, and I hope you'll go along with it.

Please, Eric, don't fight me on this.

[♪ ♪]


In the kitchen.

Ooh. Look at you.

How's everything going at the hospital?

Ugh. Complicated.

I cooked.

I can see that.

It's nice to smell something other than hospital food.

Family recipe.


Only made for those who are very special.

That's really good.

I can't believe you can cook.

Well, you're a cowboy and you don't, you starve.

Not a lot of takeout on the open range.


You hungry?


[Door opens]

Hey. Cliff made stew.

Honey, what's the matter?

It's John.

I think he's in trouble.

I'm sorry.

You know what?

I think I'm gonna head on back to the ranch.

I am so sorry.

No, no. Somebody needs you more than I do.

You are so...

I am, aren't I?

Yeah. Mm.

I'm a lucky lady.

I'm the lucky one.

[♪ ♪]

[Vehicle doors shut, engine turns over]

[♪ ♪]


I'm in here.

Is Shelly alright?

I don't know. That's not why I'm here.

What are you doing here?

Oh, my docket's doubled for tomorrow.

I had to pick up these files to prep.

Warren's back in town.


I just saw him.

He's here, walking around free.

How did Warren Saget get out of federal custody?

I have no idea.

Are you alright?

Dryly: Great.


It looks like Seth and I are going through with buying the restaurant, although I have no idea how.

Really? I thought that was still up in the air.

Warren started poking us about finishing the sale of the restaurant... is that what you want?

Mom, Seth gave up what he loves to be here, so that we could have a real relationship.

That is not what I asked you.

Stop cross-examining me.

Then answer the question.


Take the money out of it.


I'm happy to give you and Seth the money.

You can pay me back.

You don't need a loan.

But Seth wants us to...

I know what Seth wants.

He wants you, at any cost, and he's willing to sacrifice anything and everything to have you, but it's your life, too.

What are you willing to sacrifice for?

To give anything for?

Is it the restaurant?

Is it Seth?

I think that's the question you need to answer.

[Seth and Derek laughing]

Derek: Come on. You can't be serious.

Seth: I'm not interested.



I know you!

Well, maybe you don't know me as well as you think.

What are you doing here?

A restaurant?

Really? Come on!

I'm not leaving Cedar Cove.

Don't pass this up.

I got financed for two boats.

I can only captain one.

The other one is yours for the taking.


You could make enough money...

... to buy another boat, your own boat.

I still can't believe you sold the first one.

For what?

To run a restaurant?

Hey, the Lighthouse Restaurant is going to be fantastic when I'm done with it, and I will gladly buy any fish you can supply.

What if I make you a full partner?

I don't have any money.

Yeah, but you have skill, and I need that skill to double my profits.

What are you saying?

Salary with a percent of profits, and a contract that will allow you to buy the second boat from me, as long as we stay partners.

[Seth chuckles]

Thanks, but...

No thanks.

[Derek sighs]

I just hope she's worth it.

Justine is.

And the only way to keep her is to get this restaurant up and running.

[Derek sighs]




Man, I'm gonna miss you in Alaska.

Hey, can you do me a favor?


Don't tell Justine about the job.

Oh... well, it's your funeral.


It's my life, with the woman I love.

Cheers to that.


There she is.

Sorry I'm late.

That's okay.

Hi, Justine.

Hey, Derek.

You gonna join us?

He was just leaving.

I was?

You were.

What about my beer?

Take it to go.

[Sighs] It's good to see ya.

See you.

You hungry?

I'm starving.

So what did he want?

He's heading up to Alaska. He's got a couple of boats.



I got everything I want right here.

[Cell phone rings]




Look. Look, Sam, stop calling.

I appreciate everything that you've done for me...

You know, I should be in Seattle, getting ready to deliver a trunkload of fake I.D.s, Greencards, passports, credit cards, to my guy down in L.A., but here I am, standing on some pier, because this is the only place you can get cell service in this stupid little town.

You're in Cedar Cove?

I am.


[♪ ♪]


Thought you might be hungry.

Oh, that's sweet, mom, but I don't have an appetite.


You should get back to cliff.

He left.

Oh, I'm sorry.


Well, I ruined your date.

No! You did not.

Now, you need to tell me what is going on inside that head of yours.

[♪ ♪]

Come here.

Oh, sorry!

[Monitor beeping]

[♪ ♪]

Are you gonna be okay?

Oh, hey, I am... better. Moving towards "okay."


Oh, hey.


Hey, guys.

How are things upstairs?

Shelly's better.

Yeah? Is Olivia with her?

Just stepped out to get some air.


Listen, thank you for coming.

Oh, Jack, come on.

You and Olivia, and now Shelly and Eric, you guys are family, you know that.


Anything changes...

I will call.


So how is Jack?




She's just so scared, Bob.


Scared of having the baby, and then scared of raising the baby, with or without Eric.

What do you think she's going to do?

What do you hope she's gonna do?

The right thing.

Yeah, that's always the hardest, isn't it?

Yes, it is.

Hey, do you need to stay here with Jack?


He promised he'd call.

Look, we can either stay here and worry, or we go home and worry.

I got pie at home.

Home it is.




You okay?

Yeah, I'm great. Let's go check on the kids.

Okay. Good idea.

[♪ ♪]

Hi there.


Evening, Grace.

Hey, guys. What's up?

We need to speak to Maryellen.

It's John, isn't it?

I'm afraid it is.

I told you I didn't want to call the police.

I didn't have any choice.

Okay, somebody had better start telling me what is going on right now.

We got some information on John Bowman and the two men Maryellen met in the gallery.

It's not good.

[Sighs] Come on in. Please.

[♪ ♪]

Is Shelly alright?

I waited for you to get back so I could to tell you to your face.

Tell us what?

I'm gonna stop you.

Nobody's giving my baby away. Not without my permission.

Not you, or you, or Shelly.

Hey, Eric, you need to calm down.

She isn't the only one who has rights.

I'm going to hire a lawyer.

You aren't giving my baby away.

[Quiet groan] Oh.

[♪ ♪]