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01x10 - Conflicts of Interest

Posted: 09/23/13 14:06
by bunniefuu
Previously, on Cedar Cove...

I told her that you'd come with me the other day.

You didn't tell her that beforehand?

Will: You know, I might've had a crush on you in high school.

Jack: I think I'm falling in love with you.

The Grand Canyon?

Beautiful. Awe-inspiring.

The Sistine Chapel?

Unparalleled work of art.

Niagara Falls?

Breathtaking and majestic.


I agree with you.

I'd still rather be here in Cedar Cove.

You know, if you'd told me a year ago, in Philadelphia, I'd be having coffee at dawn with a beautiful woman in paradise, I wouldn't have believed you.

Funny how life has a way of working out when you least expect it.

I say we stay here all day.

Oh, yeah?

Who would bang the gavel in court?

Who would write all the news stories?

I'll push my cases aside, and you can write yesterday's news tomorrow.

Oh, now, there's a thought.

Think that'll work?

Probably not.


[Both chuckling]

Tell you what.

How about I come back here for dinner?

Same view, different light.

Same view, different light, and I'll cook.

But you don't cook.

Oh, you have no idea what I'm capable of.



Will? What are you doing here?

I'm sorry, but you won't answer my texts or my calls.

Because I don't have anything to say.

Okay. I feel terrible about how we left things the other night.

I admit it, I was wrong.

I shouldn't have kissed you.

Oh, let's just forget this whole thing ever happened, okay?

[Laughs] I wish I could.

We were both feeling vulnerable.

It was stupid, I feel awful, but it's over.

It's not that simple.

Not for me.

I can't stop thinking about it, Grace.

I can't stop thinking about you.

You got to stop this, Will.

This is...

I told you.

I left Georgia, I just need a little bit more time to talk to my mom and my sister.

You're my best friend's brother and you are a married man.

I don't know what we have together, but I can't let it go.

Now, you see, there is no "we."

Oh, come on, Grace.

I know you feel it, too.

I haven't felt this way in so long.

I have to go.


But the next election isn't for another eight months...

It doesn't matter, okay?

It's never too early to kick off a re-election campaign, and you know it.

Oh, I know!

Look, do you do want to be re-elected or not?

Of course I do.

Then it's time to start doing something about it.

Okay? Now, no offense, but you're not gonna skate by on your good looks.

What's that supposed to mean?

And let's be honest.

You can afford to lose a few pounds while you're at it.

I-I was enjoying that!

Church picnics, school bazaars, grocery store openings, I want you there shaking hands and kissing babies, my friend.

Look, not that I don't appreciate your support, but why are you so concerned about my re-election?

Because, Louie, when you win, I win, and when I win, Cedar Cove wins. Huh?

Ow! Oh!

Are you alright?


[Grunting in agony]

Warren! What's wrong?


Cedar Cove 01x10
Conflicts of Interest
Originally Aired September 21, 2013

I don't get it. A new bed?



Because I care about you.

What am I missing?

Sit on it.

[Water rippling]


You got a water bed?

I thought it would help you sleep better.

It's like being on the water and on land.

It's, uh, surf-and-turf.

You did this for me?


You're amazing. You know that?

I really want to make this work.

Me too.

Everything I do now, everything I think about, is for us.

I got a plan that's gonna give us a real shot at a life together.

What's going on?

It's a surprise.

I'll let you know when it's real.

I love a man of mystery.

Well, I love you, too.

What was that?


[Waterbed waves rippling]

[Phone ringing]

Don't you dare answer that.

I have no intentions of answering...



What happened?

I understand. Okay.


What's wrong?

That was the hospital.

They think Warren might've had a heart attack.

Is he okay?

I don't know.

I should... I should go.

To the hospital?

He had me listed as his emergency contact.

That's why they called me.

Call someone in his family.

I don't know anyone in his family.

It's not your responsibility.

I know, but...

Unless, of course...

You want it to be.

No. Not at all.

I just think that it's the right thing to do.

The right thing for who?


Don't do this.

Look, Warren's in trouble, and he doesn't have anyone else.

Come with me.

We can go together.

I have an appointment.


Well, I'll call you as soon as I know what's going on.

[Exhaling tensely]

[Song plays on car radio]


[Sighs dramatically]

[Shuts radio off]

What is it, mom?




You've been sighing all morning.

Just tell me.

Would it k*ll him to drop by while he's in town?

Will? Oh, you know how he is.

He's running between here and Seattle. He's busy.


Make your pot roast.

I should not have to bribe my own son to spend time with me.

Don't be so dramatic.

It's not a bribe, it's dinner.

Olivia, stop!

[Brakes screeching]


[Engages brake]

There's no damage to either car.

Thank goodness.

I am so, so sorry.

It's okay. [Sighs]

I think I'm gonna be all right.

"All right"? I barely tapped you.

Yeah, but sometimes that's all it takes.

'Course it's usually a couple of days before...

[Pained grunt]

You feel the full effect from something like this.


There is nothing going on.

It sure didn't look that way to me.

Can we just drop this, please?

No. I'm not leaving you alone until you tell me what that was all about.

It was no big deal, alright?

We had dinner.

And then, after dinner...

What happened?

He kissed me.

He kissed you?

Shh! Not so loud.

Why didn't you tell me?

Why would I tell you something like that?

It's embarrassing, immature, and quite frankly...

He's Olivia's brother. Her married brother.

I know!

Believe me, I didn't mean for this to happen, neither one of us did.

He apologized. I apologized.

And then... [sighs]


He said he has feelings for me.

How do you feel about him?

Oh, my God! You like him, too.

Doesn't matter, does it? He's a married man.

What does Olivia say?

Nothing! I can't tell her.

She's your best friend. You have to tell her.

And I will! Some day.

When time has gone by, we can laugh about it all.

20 or 30 years from now.

Well, you better tell her before he does.

Because if she finds out from him first, she'll never forgive you.


Announcement crackles: Paging Nurse Smith.

Paging Nurse Smith.

Please report to the nurses' station.

[Heart monitor beeping]


Hey. What happened?


I don't know.

I was fine, and then I had this pain in my chest.

The next thing I remember, I'm in an ambulance.

What are they saying?

They're not saying anything, they're just running tests.

Listen, I'm so glad you came.

I want you to know it means a lot to me.

Was there something that I can do?

Someone that I can call?

Maybe someone in your family?

No. When I got here, they asked me the same question.

I said the only person that I could think of, and the only person I cared to see, was you.

Warren... that's not fair.

I know it's not fair, and I know we broke up, and I know you're with Seth, I get it.

I am.

And I'm happy.

You know, the thing is...

When you're scared that you might die and you might not be able to say to that special someone how you feel, you don't care about what's fair.

I'm going to go find your doctor, see if I can get you some answers.


[Phone rings]

[Phone beeps on]


Hey! Mike! How you doin', man?

Oh, I'm glad you liked the article.

It was just fun to be covering Big League Ball again, you know?


Sorry to keep you waiting in here.

I just had to check on a couple of things.

Is everything okay?

Actually, no. It isn't.

What's going on?

Well, you didn't qualify for the loan.

But you said it looked good.

I thought I was here to sign the paperwork?

Yeah, but there were some issues that came up when we looked at your credit report.

My credit report is clean.


I am sorry, but we just... can't do this.

This has something to do with Warren Saget, doesn't it?

We just think there's too much risk for us to take on in this venture.

I don't believe this.

"Litman vs. Bonner"?

I thought I already ruled on this property line case?

Apparently, there's still a tree on the Litmans' side with a rope swing hanging onto the Bonners' property.

So the Bonners want them to get rid of the swing?

Nope! They want to keep it, for themselves, and not allow the Litmans' kids to use it.

I'm going to settle this ridiculous dispute once and for all!





Is everything okay? Is Stan alright?

He's fine.

Are you busy? I was hoping we could talk.

Can you give me a minute?

Have a seat.

So... how can I help you?

I wanted to talk to you about the counseling Stan's been going to.

Um, you have a problem with it, or...?

I don't know. [Awkward chuckle]

I, uh, I don't really see the need for it, to be honest, but he insisted, and I know that you were really pushing him to go see someone.

That was a long time ago.

Everything he's doing now, he's done on his own.

I see.

Is everything okay, Melanie?

Since he started the counseling, he's changed.

In what way?

We argue more, for starters.

He's much more... expressive.

He's also been spending a lot more time here in Cedar Cove.

And you think it's because of the counseling?

All I know is, he is not the man I married.

He's different, and that concerns me.

I don't think you have anything to worry about.

If you ask me, I think the counseling is helping him open up.

He was so closed off before.

From who? Not from me.

Well, Justine for one.

He's making a real effort with her.

It is so nice to see them have a relationship...

Right. Justine.

And he's finally dealing with the grief of losing our son.

He's probably in a lot of pain.

He could use your support.

He has my support!

The problem is, I'm not the one he's been turning to.


Melanie, there is nothing going on between me and Stan.

Go home and talk to him.

Tell him how you feel.

Maybe you could go to a session with him.

No, I'm not going to do that.

It might help you to better understand...


...What he's going through.

Melanie, if you just try...

If my husband needs something or someone, he should come to me, not to a stranger, and certainly not to you!


Judge Lockhart.

They're ready for you.

I'll be right with you.

Look, Melanie...

I don't know what you think is going on, but you're wrong.

[Sighs bitterly]

[♪ ♪]

[Answering machine beeps]

Olivia: Grace, it's me.

Call me back when you get a chance.

I really need to talk to you.


[Text alert chimes]


[Slaps phone on purse]




Where you been?

I was at the hospital.

All day?

It was only a few hours.

Don't you even want to know how he's doing?

You don't actually expect me to start caring about Warren Saget, do you?

I'm not asking you to care about him.

Anyway, he doesn't need me to worry about him.

He's got you for emotional support.

Look, I'm not gonna turn my back on someone in need and I'm not going to apologize for it either.



He's a married man!

I know.

There's no excuse and I have no idea what happened.

I'll tell you what happened.

Melanie thinks I got Stan to go to therapy so I could get him back.


She's crazy!

Well, we already knew that.

She wears high heels to teach yoga.

She thinks Stan and I are romantically involved.

Oh, please!

I would never interfere with someone else's marriage.

[Cell phone text alert chimes]

Why don't we go for a walk?

I think you could use some fresh air.

[Frustrated sigh]

You were right, walking helps.

I already feel better.

So tell me about your date with Cliff.

It didn't happen.

He canceled on you?

No, no, no. Something came up.

Tell me about this accident of yours.

Well, I barely tapped the guy, and he acted like it was a 10-car pile-up.

I hate it when people are deceptive and underhanded.

[Text alert chimes]

Who keeps texting you?

Oh! I'm sorry. It's just Maryellen.

Is something wrong?

No. Nothing.

Well, actually, it's not Maryellen that keeps texting me...

Judge Lockhart?

You've been served.

[Sighs irately]


Oh! Thank you. Those are beautiful.

I am so glad to see you.

I have had a horrible day.

Why? What happened?

I'm being sued.

Wh... is this about the car accident you had?

Your mom told me.

She thought it was newsworthy.

It's just a little Fender-bender, but I have to go to Cooperton and be deposed.


[Sniffing] What's that smell?

I'm cooking.

[Smoke alarm beeping]


Yeah. Ahem!

[Beeping continues]

Oh, no!

Extra-crispy. My favorite.


Just for once, I would like to be able to cook a chicken without burning down the house.


[Roaster thuds in sink]

[Exhales deeply]

Alright, let's see.

What are you doing?

Uh, change of plans.


Alright, start from the beginning and tell me everything.

Well, first, I had the accident.

You know, people get away with suing because they know the insurance companies are gonna pay them off to avoid going to court.

It's not right.

No. It's not.

You fight this to the death, alright?

If you end up k*lling this guy and going to prison, I promise I will wait for you, I promise.

[Olivia chuckles, then sighs]

How did you do this?

Turn this horrible day into this enchanted afternoon?


I could explain it to you, but I'd need charts and graphs and a slide rule.

It's very complicated.

Enough about me, tell me about you.


Got a call from a buddy of mine named Mike, who works for the Philadelphia Beacon.

It turns out he passed along my article on the Mariners' game to their new sports editor, who just happens to be an old mentor of mine.

He loved it, and, uh, he wants to meet with me.

So, you're gonna go to Philadelphia?

Yeah, just for a couple of days.

But, if he offers you a job...


Hey, let's not get ahead of ourselves here, okay?

The guy just wants to have a meeting.

If, um, he does offer me the job, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

Well, he's your mentor.

Of course, he'll love you.

You are, after all, you.


Things really started turning around for me once you came into my life.

What a lovely thing to say.

No, I mean it.

You... are my good luck charm.

If it were up to me, I'd just put you in my pocket and carry you around all day.


Your pocket, huh?

[Both chuckling]
Delilah on radio: If you're holding that bad stuff in, you gotta let it out. Find someone you trust to talk to. You are listening to Delilah.

♪ I've seen the seven wonders ♪
♪ but not the ones you think ♪
♪ and though it's been a journey ♪
♪ I know it's just a blink ♪
♪ and miracles are often just the day to day ♪
♪ but sometimes it's so hard to stay ♪

[Text alert chimes]

♪ When I can't fly to a better place and time ♪
♪ I can't ♪

[text alert chimes]

♪ Fly ♪
♪ ooh ♪


Well, I, uh, checked his chart, and they've already ordered a number of tests.

Was it a heart attack?

No. They can pretty much rule that out, but they still don't know what's going on.

There's a few other tests I think they could do, so I will talk to his doctor and I'll pass on my recommendations.

Thank you for doing this, dad.

I know that Warren's never been your favorite guy.

Hey, when it comes to a someone's health, you put aside your personal issues.

Yeah, that's what I've been trying to do.

He got quite a scare.

He's lucky to have you looking out for him.

That's what Seth said. Sarcastically, of course.


Everything okay between you two?

Things are a little bumpy at the moment.

He's not exactly thrilled at the amount of time I've been spending with Warren.

Well, I'm sure Seth understands the circumstances.

Yeah, or so I hoped.

He'll come around.

Anyway, I, uh, will go find this doctor, and we'll check on those tests.

Okay. Thanks again, dad.


[Gulls crying]

Oh! Hey, Maryellen?

Let me help you with that.

Oh, thanks. That would be great.

Uh, so this is actually gonna fit in here?

Oh, yeah.

Darn it!

Okay, uh, where's this going?

A client's house, one of my mom's neighbors.

Alright. This will fit into my truck, so why don't I drive it over for you?

Really? You'd do that?

Yeah, of course. Well...

Actually, on one condition.

I need a favor.


Alright, let's get this out of here.

[Door opening]

What's going on?

Just going through my bank statements.

Is everything okay?

Yeah. I just want to make sure all my accounts are in order.

How was the gallery?

I haven't made it in yet.

I was at the hospital.


I wanted to be sure that Warren was getting some answers, so I called my dad in to consult.

Wow. Huh.

You're really bending over backwards for him.

We just want to find out what's wrong with him.

[Grumbles quietly] Mm. Right.

Why do you have a loan application?

It's nothing.

I'm just trying to figure out any way I can to afford to turn down a very lucrative job offer.

What job offer?

A crab boat out of Seward.

For how long?

Four months' steady work.

Four months?

That's a third of the year!

Yeah, and it's also a huge payday, and I need the money.

And what am I supposed to do while you're gone?

You'd be fine.

Maybe you could help Warren recuperate.

That's enough!

He was hurt and he called me.

What was I supposed to do?

I don't know, but maybe I'm not cut out to play second fiddle.

And maybe I'm not cut out to be with someone who's gone half the time.

I have been right here.

You're the one at another man's bedside.

Tell me the truth.

When you go and see Warren, does he tell you he loves you and wants to be with you?


[Door opens and slams shut]



Hey, sweetie.


You're still here?

Yeah, I didn't want to head back home without saying goodbye first.

Are you okay?

I'm fine.

What's wrong, sweetheart?

It would take too long to explain, but I'll be okay.

You know what would be perfect right now?

Ice cream.

Ice cream?

Yeah. Remember, when you were a kid, and you had a really bad day, we'd pile into the car, and head down to Moon's for a big banana split?

I don't think ice cream can fix this.


How about a cup of coffee, then?

[Casual chatter]

Is he going to take the job?

I don't know.

It would be four months.

That is a long time.

Well, if you tell him that you don't want him to go, would he stay?

Probably, but it's his livelihood.

I mean, how selfish would that be?

I don't think it's unreasonable to not want to be separated from someone you care about.

Though, I imagine you helping out Warren isn't making things any easier.

I just went to see him in the hospital a few times.

Seth just can't let it go.

Well, let's say he had a girlfriend, an ex-fiancee, in fact, and she called to say she needed him, and he dropped everything to rush off to her side...

It's not the same.

How long has it been since we've done this?

How long has it been since we talked about my problems and you helped me sort things out?

A long, long time.

Too long.


We didn't order this.

Well, I saw the two of you sitting here with your heads together, and I just figured.

You remembered.

Moon: Yeah, well, this is not my first rodeo.

[Slaps Stan's back] Carry on.

[Stan chuckles]




Now, look, they hit me, and they're gonna have to pay, and that's all there is to it.

I'm gonna have to call you back.

Do you need any help with that?

Thank you! That's so nice of you.

No problem.

I don't know why they have to make these printers so big and heavy.


[Sighs] There ya go.

Thank you so much.

My pleasure.

Uh, you, uh, gonna be okay with that on the other end?

'Cause if you need any help setting it up, I'm really good at that kind of thing.

Thanks. I think I got it from here.

Well, um, you change your mind, here's my card.

It's really no trouble.

Okay, thanks again.

I'll, uh, get this out of your way.

Thank you.


Olivia: When did you do this?

Jack: Earlier today.

As you can see, Maryellen helped out.

I don't know, Jack.

We're skirting the issue of entrapment here.

Well, luckily, Walter didn't think of that.

He's dropping the lawsuit.

I think he's a little more worried about the issue of going to jail for fraud.

I don't think we're gonna be hearing from him anytime soon.

You are my knight in shining armor!

I can't believe you did that for me.

You have no idea what I'm capable of.

Well, this calls for a celebration.

I'm gonna take you out for dinner tomorrow night.

That sounds great, but... um, I'm gonna have to take a raincheck.

Just got a call, and it sounds like they want to meet me in Philly right away.

I'm flying out tomorrow.

Okay. Well, we'll celebrate when you get home.

I'm not leaving until tomorrow.

Oh. Well, we'll just have to make good use of that time.



How many times did Will text you today?

Just twice.

See? That's progress.

Don't fan the flames, and they will die out eventually.

Unless you don't want them to.

I don't know what I want anymore.

Yes, I do.

I just want to go back to being married to your dad, working at the library, and talking to you about your love-life.

Is that what would make you happy, or would that just be easier?

When did you grow up and become so wise?

They're your words.

I learned them from you.

You know what I'm gonna do?

I'm gonna go straight to Olivia's.

I'm gonna tell her everything and just see what happens.

The truth is always easier.

That's what you taught me.

Yes, I did.

But I learned those words first from my mom.

I love you, sweetheart.

Everything will be okay. Just chillax.

Those are my words.



[Exhales anxiously]

Why are you knocking?

I don't know.

Boy, am I glad you called. Get in here.

I have so much to tell you.

Well, good!

Then you better start telling me.

Seth and Justine are fighting.

Oh, no!

And Warren may or may not have had a heart attack.

Oh, yeah, well, I heard about that one.

And Jack's going to Philadelphia for a job interview.


[Phone rings]



Hi! Can I call you back?

My best friend just walked in the door.

Absolutely. I'll talk to you soon.


You didn't have to hang up.

Oh, it's just Georgia.

Georgia? Will's wife?

Yeah. Mom's feeling neglected by Will, so I invited her for dinner next week.

It'll be nice to all be together.

I invited Jack.

It will be our first official family dinner.

Oh, that'll be nice.

Yeah, I wanted to have them before they take their big trip.

What trip is that?

He's taking her to France for four weeks.

It's their 20th wedding anniversary.

Can you imagine?

France... for four weeks.


So tell me everything about you.

My gosh! I really don't have anything.

You're the one with all the news, so you just tell me more.


[Grunts appreciatively]

John, this is amazing.

Glad you like it.

Where'd you learn to cook like that?

Just picked it up here and there.

You mean like, self-taught?

No, I worked under a couple of good chefs, but it's mostly just trial and error.

Well, I am happy to be your Guinea pig.

What's next?

Don't touch this one yet.

I'm glad things are going so well between you and John.


I still don't know much about him though, except that he's an amazing artist and an awesome cook.

That should be enough.

I know, right?

So where's Seth?

I thought you were both coming by.

I don't know.

He's pretty upset with me right now.

Why? What's going on?

He's mad about how much time I've been spending at the hospital with Warren.

And then out of nowhere, he tells me about some job offer in Alaska.

Four months this time.

He's not going anywhere for four months.

He loves you too much.

I thought so.

I mean, he was talking about making plans for the both of us from here on out.

Now I...

I just feel like everything's changed.

Just give him time to cool off.

Do they know what's wrong with Warren?

No. I took my dad in to see him.


Just to find out what's wrong, make sure he's okay.


Because it's the right thing to do?

What did you ever see in Warren anyway?

Stability, I guess?

And I also just thought that there had to be something redeemable in him.

Do you still feel that way?

I don't know.

I guess I have to believe that there is.


What's going on?

Well, the test we did revealed he has a hiatal hernia.

That doesn't sound good.

It can be treated with medication.

I am just so glad that this whole ordeal is behind me.

Now I can start living life again, right, doc?

Well, we also found that your blood pressure is through the roof, so I'd advise you to lower your stress levels.

Take it easy, watch what you eat, maybe...

Exercise a little more and work a little less.

I will.

I promise, I will.

Stan, thank you, very, very much.

I mean it. Truly, thank you.

You're welcome.

Thank you.

[Relieved sigh]

I owe you big time.

So, come on, lunch is on me, anywhere you want to go.

You're fine now, Warren.

Means it's time for me to go.

There you go. Have a nice day.



[Sighs quietly]


Are you looking for anything in particular?

Yes, I was told you might have some photos by John Bowman?

Yes. I do.


He's a wonderful photographer.

Such a sensitive eye.

But there are never any people in his pictures.

Only landscapes and seascapes.

That's true.

Indicates loneliness.

You seem familiar with his work.

Yes, I'm a... I'm a big fan.

You know, we have showings all the time and the artists often come.

If you wanted to give me your e-mail address, I could let you know the next time we're having an exhibit of Mr. Bowman's work.

Well, that would be great.

Here you go.

Thank you.

Thank you.

You've been very kind.

No problem.



What are you doing here?

I just found out you bought a boat?


Yeah. Um...

I'm sorry, I was gonna tell you about that.

What do you need a boat for?

Well, for convenience, mostly.

It'll be easier than always having to drive or jump on a ferry and worry about...

Oh, I get it.

I should've figured that out.

It's so you can spend even more time in Cedar Cove.

Look, Melanie.

Justine's having a really difficult time right now, and I just started...

So this is about Justine, not Olivia?

Justine, the daughter you barely acknowledged for the last 13 years!

Now all of a sudden, you're interested in being a good father?

I'm not a fool.

I know you.

I know that you want to see if Olivia will take you back.

This isn't just about Olivia.

Come on, Melanie.

We haven't gotten along in... I don't even know how long.

Whose fault is that?

There is a part of you that never left Cedar Cove, a part I could never reach.

I don't think I ever will.


[Door swings open]


Just dropping off these new prints I was telling you about.

Cool. Just, um, put them beside my desk.

Busy day?

No, it's been pretty dead.

But there was this one lady who came in.

She was a real fan of your work.

Hope you made a sale.

No, but, um...

It was really weird.

Why? What happened?

I took down her email address, so I could send her an invite to your next show.

Her last name is Kirkland.


So that's the same name that was on all those letters.

I was just wondering.

Maybe this woman is related to him, or maybe...

I wouldn't worry about it.

[Scoffs irately]

What's going on here, John?


Did you change your name?

That woman... she was your mother, wasn't she?

Please, just leave this alone, Maryellen.

But I don't know anything about you.

You don't tell me anything.


Everything that you need to know about me, you know.

No, I don't.

I don't even know your real name.

Look... if our relationship is going to work, we can't have any more secrets.

Then I guess maybe we should reconsider the relationship.





You okay?

[Laughs] Got to admit, I'm a little nervous.


It's not just the interview. It's...

Going back to Philadelphia.

You're going to be great.

It's your hometown.

Yeah. It's also where my life went off the rails, though.

A lot of bad memories there.

And that's all they are. Memories.

It's the past.

You're a different person now.

You're right. So... you gonna miss me?

Are you kidding?


'Cause I am definitely going to miss you.

Call me as soon as you land.

I will.

Well, I guess I'd better go.


On second thought, maybe I should just stay, huh?

No. You go, but you hurry back.

That's a promise.

[Engine puttering]

Calling out: Remember what you said to me?


I think I love you, too!
