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01x06 - Free Spirits

Posted: 08/26/13 09:16
by bunniefuu
Previously, on Cedar Cove...

Who are you?

Cliff Harting.

I'm Grace. Grace Sherman.

I've only known you for a few months, and we've never really talked much.

I just got called for a job, but I have to leave tomorrow.

I am not the most experienced sailor.

I can't imagine anyone I would rather be lost at sea with.

Okay, great. Come by whenever you want.

I'm always ready for you.

I mean... the gallery is ready.

To display your prints.


[Deflating sigh]

I didn't sound nervous, did I?

Let me guess. John Bowman?

He wants to bring by 14 prints to sell.


Doesn't he usually only bring a few at a time?

I know, it's unusual, but good for the gallery.

His photos always attract a crowd.

Just his photos?

[Phone rings]

Cedar Cove Art Gallery.

Hey, honey. I'm about to head over to the Captain's Galley for dinner. You want to join me?

I'd love to, mom. Rain check?

Seth's coming home today.

Oh, that's great.

How did his job go?

I don't know.

Communication's not so great on those boats.

I'm lucky if I get an email.

Well, is he gonna take you to dinner?

Actually, I'm cooking dinner for him, on the boat.

Kind of a welcome-home surprise.

You're cooking?

Well, I didn't say that it would be a pleasant surprise.



Operator: We're sorry...


Where are you?


Cedar Cove 01x06
Free Spirits
Originally Aired August 24, 2013

So he hasn't called you or emailed you?


I'm sure he's just delayed, you know?

Maybe the ship came in late.

They were catching so many fish, they decided to stay out longer.

What about contacting the company he's working for?

I called this morning.

Monohan Fisheries. I got the voicemail.

Hopefully, they'll call me back, although the guy on the recording sounded pretty sketchy.

It's Alaska, what do you expect?

Now, come on, both of you, stop it.

I can see it in your faces.

You're both starting to worry already.

Trust me. Seth is fine.

He just got tied up, that's all.

Maybe I should go up there and find him myself.


This is the nature of the job. It's unpredictable.

This kind of thing's bound to happen.

Okay, I'll tell you what irks me is, you went to all that trouble to surprise him.

He owes you big-time when he gets back here.


I know what you want!

Oh. Yes, please, go. You're excused.

Let me know when you hear from Seth.


Wow... hey there.


Hi. How are you?

Well, the day didn't start so good, but then I got a phone call, then it got a whole lot better.

Really? Did you hear from Eric?

No. No. Still nothing there.

Oh, I'm sorry, I just thought...

No, it's fine.

I've tried making several phone calls, I've sent emails, I just... get no response.

Give him time. He'll come around.

So, then what was the call about?

I got a job offer.


I mean, just a quick freelance assignment.

A guy I know, he writes for a paper in Seattle.

He covers the Mariners, but he's got a wedding he's got to go to next weekend, so he asked if I would cover the Saturday game.

That's great.

It is.

I get my own byline.

It's a foot back in the door.

I mean, a couple of months ago, no one would even talk to me, let alone give me an assignment, and in sports, no less, so...

So, this might lead to something bigger?

No, I doubt it.

I mean, you never know, but I'm just glad that they thought of me, that's all.

Well, that's terrific, Jack. You deserve it.

Well, I should run.

Gotta finish this Pulitzer-worthy article on the new play that the theater is putting on.

Oh. What play is it?

Romeo and Juliet.


Everything alright with you?

Well, usually, you only bring three or four prints at a time to sell, so, naturally, I start wondering.

I lost my job.

Your job? I thought this was your job.

The money I make selling photographs is good, but it's not enough to pay the bills.

Oh. I'm sorry.

What was your job?



Wow, really?


Seafood place in Tacoma.

That's great.

I mean, not that you lost your job, but you're a chef.

So what happened? Place close down?




Well, uh...

Don't you worry about these prints.

They are definitely going to sell.

Hey, you!


I was waiting for you to get out of court.

I wanted to, uh...

Talk to you about something.

Oh. What's up?

Well, I know, earlier, when I told you about the freelance job, you seemed a little concerned.

No, Jack, I'm fine.

It's great that you got the offer.

I just want you to know that it doesn't affect us, okay?

I mean, you and me.

Whatever happens...


I'm crazy about you.

You know that, right?

So, uh...

I had a thought.

Why don't you come with me?

Now wait a minute.

Was he laid off, or was he fired?

I don't know. I didn't ask.

Figured I'd made him uncomfortable enough.

Me and my big mouth.

Thank you.

You know, they're looking to hire a new chef at the Captain's Galley.

Maybe he could apply there.

Kind of a step down from his restaurant in Tacoma.

Might bring him to Cedar Cove on a more permanent basis.

[Phone rings]

Oh. So...

You like this guy.

Unfortunately, I don't think he likes me.

Oh, come on.

How can anybody not like you? You're adorable.

I know, right?

But he's just...

Well, he's not much of a talker.

And you're surprised? Look at his photos!

There's no people in them. It's just nature.

Maryellen: I've tried to get him to open up, make conversation.

Aw, sweetie. He's probably just shy.

What's wrong?

Who was that?

The fishing company in Alaska.

Seth's ship came in on-time, as scheduled.

He collected his pay, and now nobody's seen him since.

How far is this lake?

Almost there.

I got to warn you, I had real terrible luck last time I went fishing.

Don't worry about it.

You're gonna love this spot.

It's my favorite lake in the region.

You used to do this professionally?

No, no. I worked the big commercial vessels out of the Sound, up and down the coast.

Even had a boat of my own for awhile.

Do you miss it?

Yeah, I do.

I don't miss the hours or the storms.

The camaraderie, mostly.

Yeah. I hear ya.

It's what I miss about the stadium press rooms.

Bet you're excited to get back to it next week.


I mean, it's only one game, but, yeah, I'll take it.

Oh, wow.

It's a lot prettier on the water. Come on.

Grace! Wait up.

I need to talk to you.

Oh. Look, just... before you say anything, just take a deep breath and relax. Alright?

Just because nobody's seen him in a few days, does not mean anything bad has happened.

What are you talking about?

What are you talking about?

I wanted to tell you about Jack. He invited me on a trip with him.

A trip! Really?

Oh, my gosh, that is great!

So, what were you talking about?

Did Justine hear something about Seth or something?

The company finally called her back.

Seth finished the job, he collected his pay, nobody's seen him since, but it doesn't mean anything bad has happened, so I don't want you to go all...


Cliff, hi.

I don't think you've met my friend, Olivia Lockhart?

Well, I haven't had the pleasure.

Nice to meet you.

And you.

Cliff is the son of Tom Harting, the country singer.

Of course he is.

Listen, you're busy. I can come back.

No problem.

I have got to run anyway. I will call you later.

I don't want you going all worry-wart on me, and I want to hear all about that trip!

I hope I didn't interrupt anything.

No! It's alright.

So what can I do for you?

I'd like to get a library card.


So you heard.

Are you okay?

Yeah. I'm just trying to see if Seth left any other contact information.

The guy at the fishing company was not much help.

Did you call the police?

Yeah, some deputy. Said he would look into it.

But I'm just another girlfriend whining about her boyfriend not making it home on time.

Well, I'm sure he's fine, and there's a perfectly good explanation.

Such as?

Maybe... he got another job and he had to ship off right away.

And you don't think he would take a minute to call?

You said it yourself...

Communication's really hard on those boats.

Maybe he tried and he couldn't get through.

I mean, this job of his... it's to be expected, it's not exactly a 9-to-5 kind of life.

I'm aware of that, mom.

It's nothing against Seth.

No! Just me dating Seth.

Look, I know that you think that I might have rushed into this relationship, and maybe I did, but I can't...

Can't what, sweetie?

I can't help but think that maybe it's time that I stop thinking about what I should do, and start thinking about what it is that I want to do.

I'm all for that, Justine.

Whatever you want to do with your life, whoever you want to spend it with, I just want you to be happy.

Come on, sweetheart.

Everything's gonna be okay.

Can I help you look?


Your card, sir.

Now, remember, with great power comes great responsibility.

What's that supposed to mean?

Means you don't get my books back in time, you suffer my wrath.

Don't wanna do that.


So what's your first checkout gonna be?

Some sprawling historical epic?

What about a biography?

Lincoln? Washington?

You got any books on alpacas?


Thinking about getting a few for my ranch.

Why? Do you ride 'em?

[Laughs] No.


No, you shear 'em.

Soft as cashmere, stronger than wool.


You should come out sometime.

T-to your ranch?

Sure. It's close.

Maybe fix you some lunch. Maybe go for a ride.

Do you ride?

Horses? No.

But I-it's something, you know, I've always thought about trying.

Well, there you go.


I think you're a really nice man, and I... I like you, it's just...

I... I'm just recently divorced after 26 years of marriage.

I'm sorry to hear that.

No, no. It's okay.

I mean, the marriage was in trouble for years, it was just neither one of us wanted to admit it. Anyway... the point is, um...

I'm just not ready to date... again.

It's too soon.

Well, who said anything about a date?

I invited you for a ham sandwich and a horseback ride.

I'm not ready for a ham sandwich, either.


I guess I'll have to settle for, uh, a book on alpacas.

Okay. Come on. They're over here.


[Jack fidgets tensely]

Patience... Patience, my friend.

When you're tense, the fish are tense.

They feed off of your energy.




You walked right into that one.

Yep! [Sighs]

Hey, about this gig covering the Mariners, any chance of parlaying that into something permanent?

Oh, I don't know.

No, I don't think so.

For years now, I've been trying to get back into the sportswriting scene, so.

You'll get back into it.

Yeah, I hope so.

What's Olivia say about it?

Well, they haven't offered me anything yet, so, uh, for now, we're just going to go and enjoy the weekend.

She's coming with you?

It's nothing official yet.

I mean, I've asked her, and she said she'll check her schedule...

I'm not exactly sure what that means.

Maybe it means she's gonna check her schedule.


You two are getting pretty close.

I hope I just don't screw it up.

Bob, you've been married a long time.

What's the secret?

Ah, relationships take work, they need to be nurtured.

You can't become, uh...

Well, you can't become complacent.

[Scoffs quietly]

I wish I'd known that wisdom when I was married.

I didn't exactly work on our problems.

I kind of drowned them.

Makes things seem easier in the moment, but when you sober up, the problems are still there.

Plus, you add shame and resentment to the mix.

Sounds like you know a little about that.

Well, I had my struggles with drinking, but I stopped before it took everything that mattered.

Well, I lost everything.

I had a second chance with my son, Eric, but I blew that.

He doesn't want anything to do with me now.

At this time.

What do you mean, "At this time"?

Life is a marathon, not a sprint.

It's a long, long road.

Eric doesn't want to talk to you "At this time," but that doesn't mean he won't come around tomorrow.

It's the best restaurant in Cedar Cove.

I spoke to the manager today and he'd love to talk to you.

They've been looking to update their menu, especially the seafood.

Is 11:00 A.M. tomorrow okay?

I'll let him know.


John Bowman's going to interview for the chef job at the Captain's Galley.

That's great.

Are you still checking that Alaska news site?

Two hikers were att*cked by a grizzly bear.

It just lunged out of the trees, with no warning.

That's news?

That kind of thing happens all the time up there.

Bears everywhere!


There's a float plane crash in Harris Bay, right near where Seth was working.

Both the passenger and the pilot survived.

He wasn't on the plane.


Wouldn't catch me on one of those things.

Landing on the water like that?

Wind and the waves?



Are you serious?

He's great and he's gorgeous.

Of course, you're gonna go with him.

It's a big step in a relationship.

It's one night in Seattle, it's not a marriage proposal.

[Sighs] I know...

It's been a long time.

Ohh! Don't worry.

It's like riding a bicycle. You're gonna be fine.

And dare I say, you might even enjoy yourself.

I just don't know if I want to go that fast.

Do you like him?


And how does he make you feel when you're with him?

[Swooning sigh]

Well, then, I rest my case, your honor.

You're gonna have to just clear your schedule, go to Seattle with him, and just allow yourself to have fun for once.


Hey! Look who's here.

Oh, hey, honey.

Hey Grace.

What happened?

I just stopped by...

To tell you that I'm going out of town a few days, up to Alaska.


I can't just sit around and do nothing, I need to find out what's going on and I think the best way to do that is just for me to go up there and look.

The fishing company is in a town called Seward and I booked a connecting flight through Anchorage.

Have to take one of those float planes.

Is there a problem with that?

Oh! Of course not. You're an adult, you can do what you want.


It hasn't really been that long.

Sweetie, just give it a bit more time.

I have.

This is not like Seth.

He would've called me.

Something happened, and I can't get any answers over the phone.

But to just blindly go up to Alaska without knowing anyone?

Do you even know where you're gonna stay?

They have motels up there, mom.

I've already booked a room.

Ah! See? That's... now, that's good.

No, it's not good.

Look, this is something that I need to do on my own.

And besides, I don't even know how long I'm gonna be up there.


I just think there's got to be somebody else you can call.

I have tried everything.

And either people don't return my calls or they don't have any information.

Then why go up there? Why not just give it a few days and see if...

Mom. I came here to tell you that I'm going, not to ask for your permission.

So I'll call you when I get there.

Here we go.

[Guys grunting]

That should be good.


What a day, huh?

Hey. I warned you, Bob.

When it comes to fishing, I'm bad luck.

How so?

Come on! How many hours were we out there, huh?

Not a single fish caught, not even a nibble.

That's why they call it "fishing," not "catching".

[♪ ♪]

I ran Seth's name through the AP wire and all the other known agencies, including the local affiliates up there in Alaska, and nothing came up.

I guess that's good.

Believe me, if he'd been in an accident, somebody would've covered it.

Not a lot of news up that way.

I really appreciate you doing this, Jack.

Oh, it's not a problem.

Just must be kind of hard on Justine, huh?

The not knowing.

It is. She doesn't handle this kind of thing well.

Surprises. Anything unexpected.

Well, it's understandable, after everything she's been through in life.


When her brother d*ed, she didn't want to be alone.

For months, she wouldn't let me out of her sight.

The fear of abandonment, the suddenness of having your whole world turned upside-down in a moment, without warning...

So she looks for stability, a sense of structure, safety...

Can't say I blame her.


How'd it go?

I got the job.

You did?

That's great!

How was the interview?

He just asked me to make something, and I did, and, uh, he liked it.

He said I could start tonight.

That's awesome. Congratulations.

Maybe we could celebrate after your shift.

I'm not really sure when I'm gonna be off.

Oh. Okay.

Well, I just came by to say thank you.

No problem. Glad I could help.

So does this mean you'll be moving here?

I don't know. Uh, maybe.

We'll see how it goes.

I can help you find a place, if you want.

House, apartment.

It's just you, right?

You don't have any family, or anything?

What do you mean, like, wife and kids?

No! [Laughs]

Well, yes, maybe not kids, but I didn't know if...



No family, no.

That's great!

I mean, uh...


Well, I should get going.


[Phone rings]


Hi, mom. It's me.

Oh! You made it.


Well, the first leg of the trip.

I'm in Anchorage.

Float plane terminal, trying to figure out how I'm gonna get to Seward.

Why? What's... what's wrong?

Flight was canceled.

Apparently, there are strong winds in Seward, and everything's grounded, coming in or out.

For how long?

A day, a week... They don't know.

Weather up there can be unpredictable.

The guy at the counter suggested I rent a car and drive myself.


It's not that far. About three hours.

In Alaska, that's a quick trip to the market.

Well, please be careful.

I will.

And call me if you need me.

I love you.

I love you too.

Bye, sweetie.


A new project?

[Chuckles dryly] Yeah.

Just a little woodworking 101.

This is gonna be a picture frame.

I think the birdhouse was a little too ambitious for me.

You okay?

I'm just... really busy.

Sounds like you need a relaxing weekend in Seattle.

About that...

I don't think I'm gonna be able to make it.


Couldn't clear your schedule?

No, I just...

Now's not a good time.

I've got full docket the next few weeks, and this whole thing with Justine and Seth...

Right. I heard she flew up to Alaska.

Yeah. And she was having a hard time getting from Anchorage to Seward, and who knows if she's even gonna find Seth when she gets there.


Sounds like a big deal for her, flying up there all by herself.

It is.

I mean, she rarely travels.

I'm sure she is gonna be fine.

It's gonna be fine.

Mm. Come here.

Truth be told, it was both of them.

For months after Jordan d*ed, neither would let the other one out of their sight.

Olivia would sit in Justine's room half the night, just trying to make sure she was safe.

Can't imagine trying to deal with that kind of loss.

Oh, it was horrible, watching them go through it.

Even Stan. He meant well, but he just wasn't capable of dealing with it.

He and Jordan were so close.

When he d*ed, Stan just ran away and hid.

Got rid of most of his stuff... his toys, his clothes.

Avoided anything that reminded him of that pain.

Including Olivia and Justine?

Sadly, yes.

Olivia tried to keep the marriage together, but...

Oh, it was just a really bad time.

Olivia didn't sleep for months, but she kept it together.

She was the strong one.

Ah, even so, you never really recover from something like that.

She used to be so much more outgoing, but it's like, since that day, she's just always on her guard, waiting for the next crisis.

Mm. Must be exhausting for her.

And that is why she needs us, just to shake her up, remind her that there's still plenty of joy in this life.

We just have to show her how to find it.

You are a good friend, Grace.

Chuckling: Yes, I am.


[Engages parking brake]

Where am I supposed to go?


[Opens glove box]

[Slams it shut]

No maps? Seriously?


[♪ ♪]

[Relieved sigh] Thank you.

[Turns key, starter sputters]


[Failing to start]

No, no, no, no, no!

[Frustrated sigh]


This can't be happening.

This cannot be happening.

[Wolf howling in distance]

[Panting anxiously]

[Knocking at door]

What is it? What's wrong?

Calm down. Nothing's wrong.

It's 2:00 in the morning.

And I knew you would still be wide awake, like you always are when you're stressed out.

Valerian tea. Better than any sleeping pill.

♪ I was just passin' through ♪
♪ we're all lookin' for somebody ♪
♪ who's lookin' for us ♪

Jack is terrific.

What are you so afraid of?

Nothing. It's just the timing's not right.

I don't know when Justine's gonna get back, or if she's even gonna find Seth.

What does that have to do with you going away for the weekend?

You have a cell phone.

If Justine needs to reach you, she'll call you.

I feel like I need to be here.

That's why you turned down the judgeship.

The need to be here, to watch over Justine, the whole town, to keep us safe.

We're okay, Olivia, and so are you.

I mean, this thing with Jack, there's always gonna be some kind of risk involved with a new relationship, but sometimes you just have to go ahead and take that leap of faith.

Remember, most times in life, bad things don't happen.

[Breath shivering]


[Truck rumbling in distance]



[Truck idling]


[Breathing anxiously]

[Quiet chuckle]

[Window whirs]

Car trouble?

Go ahead, try and start 'er.

[Starter sputtering]

Look at you. Poor thing.

Scared to death.

I'm not from around here.

Really? Never would've guessed.


I guess, uh...

Getting stuck out here all night brought back every horror movie I've ever seen.


I left the chainsaw at home.

Here's your problem!

Loose starter wire.

Can you fix it?

Just did.

Give her a go.

[Starter chugs then fires]

[Idling smoothly]

Thank you so much!

I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't come along.

Oh, you'd have stay put, bundled up, got through the night.

First thing in the morning, there'd be 30 trucks comin' by.

Folks up here gotta depend on other folks.

Somebody would've helped you.

Where are you from, honey?

Cedar Cove, Washington.

Near Seattle.

I'm up here looking for my boyfriend.

He's working on a fishing boat out of Seward.

Seward's that way, not too far.

I'm goin' the opposite direction.


Thank you.

It's a heck of a rush, ain't it?

What is?


My daddy used to say you're never more alive than when you're scared half to death.

[Engine idling]

[Pats door frame]

Good luck to you.




Did he at least thank you for getting him the job?

Yeah, but... I don't know.

I've tried everything to show him I'm interested, even suggested we go out to celebrate after his shift.


Maybe I'm just not his type.

Or maybe he just doesn't like being chased.

You should let him come after you.

What, just sit back and do nothing?

I know keeping quiet is a little out of your comfort zone.

You're a Sherman.

When you want something, you go get it, like a lion taking down a wildebeest.

But why not just try something new?


Softly: Olivia?

Oh, Jack...


Are you okay?

Yeah, I just must've dozed off.

I didn't sleep well last night.

Listen, why don't I drive you home?

You look exhausted.

No, I've got a big case load tomorrow.

I've a lot of work to do.


I'm fine, Jack.

I've got to finish this up.






Excuse me?


I was just at Monohan Fisheries.

I'm looking for a guy named Seth Gunderson.

He was working on the Bella Vista.

They said somebody here might have seen him.

I know Seth.

I crewed with him on the Bella Vista.

Do you know where he is now?

Heard he took another job.

Independent boat, big pay.

They should be back today.

Pier three. It's that way.

You, uh, want me to show you?

No. Thank you.

I can find it.




I was just on my way to the gallery.

I got two more prints for you.

Give them to me here.

I'll find room for them.

Oh. Uh...

Thanks again for helping get me the job.

No problem!

Guess I'll see you around?

Yeah. See ya.

It's beginning to affect her work.

I mean, I've never seen her like that.

I tried to talk to her afterwards, but you know her, she says she's fine.

I don't know, Grace, I'm worried about her.

I feel like... maybe we should do something.

Don't worry.

I will handle this. I know what to do.

It is time to shake her up.



I don't know about this.

[Laughs] I know you don't!

[Chuckles uneasily]

I've never ridden before.

Trust me, you are gonna love it.

Don't worry. We'll take it real nice and slow.

Missy here is a real gentle horse, she'll treat you real nice.

We are not going anywhere till you get up on that thing, so the sooner you do it, the sooner we get to go home.


Alright, grab the reins with your left hand, grab the saddle horn, left foot in the stirrup, swing that right leg up and over...

Oh! Oh! Oh... oh, dear. [Laughing]


You alright?

Yeah, I'm just looking for the seatbelt.

Alright, grab the reins in both hands, slightly apart.

Thumbs down.

That's good.

Now, to stop the horse, you wanna bring the reins in tight to your body, and soften your hands forward.


And steer, arms slightly forward, pull gently to the left.

Other way to go right.

To make the horse go forward, you just wanna squeeze the horse gently with both your legs.

Squeeze the sides?


Okay. Squeeze the sides.

Here we go!


And we're walkin'!

[Grace laughs as Olivia grumbles]


Can I go home now?


You're looking good. Okay. So is it my turn?

Your turn.

Okay, so...

Cliff: Grab those reins with your left hand. Here we go.


There you go.

Aw, geez.

Okay. Easy! Easy now, Volcano.

You're looking great, Olivia.

I am?

Well, you know you are.

Some people, they're naturals.

Comes to 'em real easy.

Put 'em on a horse, they feel free.

So go ahead. Hit the gas!

Get some wind in your hair.

Y-you... You heard the man.

Just go and hit the gas!

Grace: You just... Stay still.

Definitely a natural.

Well, what about me?

Ah, not so much.


Oh... geez.

[♪ ♪]


What're you doing here?

I was worried. I didn't hear from you.

I sent you an email from the boat. Didn't you get it?


Figures. Look, the connection's horrible.

I'm sorry, but you know, this job came up so last-minute, and we had to shove off immediately.

It's okay.

I'm just glad you're alright.

God, I can't believe you're here!

What... did you come up here all by yourself?


My flight was canceled, and I had to rent a car, which broke down in the middle of the night, a hundred miles from the closest town.

Oh, God. That's the trip from hell.

No, actually... well, okay, it was kind of scary, but it was also, in a weird way, kind of fun!

I've never felt so alive.

Okay, who are you, and what have you done with Justine?


Just don't tell my mom.

You know how she worries about every little thing.



About time you came back.

How was it?

Not bad!



Where have you been?

With Grace.

On an adventure.

Really? Wow. Adventures are good.

Speaking of which...

The trip next weekend, I'm in.



Hmm... What is that smell?

Oh. Horse.

I guess I should've showered before I came over.


[Phone rings]


Hi, mom.

Where are you?

Seward, Alaska.

I found him.

Seth? Is he okay?

Yeah. He's okay.

It's a long story.

He did try to email me, and it got all messed up.

But we're gonna fly out tomorrow morning, and should be home tomorrow night.

That's great.

What a relief.


I had to do this.

I know, sweetheart.

I'm glad you did.

See you tomorrow.

I love you.

I love you.
