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01x03 - Reunion

Posted: 08/05/13 06:22
by bunniefuu
Previously on Cedar Cove...

I want to make sure your stay here is as nice as...

Have we met before?

I don't want you to think that I'm... not interested.

A kiss is just a kiss.

We'll see.

I'm really glad that this worked out.

You know, I was getting kind of worried for us after the whole lighthouse ordeal.

We were both just doing our jobs.

Let's just hope it doesn't cause problems in the future.

You are a reporter, Jack, and I'm a judge.

There could be other conflicts.

No, there won't.

Because we're gonna make sure that we never cross that line.

Better yet, how about we do our best not to talk shop while we're together?

That sounds good.

Besides, I'm sure we can, uh, figure out some things to talk about.

Such as...?

Such as... well, I could tell you how I'm taking woodworking lessons from Bob Beldon.



Yeah, I mean, it's something that I've always had an interest in, and it turns out that Bob is this woodworking Jedi Master.

I mean, seriously, he's amazing.

So he started teaching me a few things, and I'm really enjoying it.

It's actually kind of therapeutic.

Listen... [Clears throat] How about we skip dessert here, go back to my house?

I just happen to have picked up two incredibly delicious cannolis from this little bakery in Cooperton I heard about.

I love cannoli.

I know.

I asked Grace.


[Pouring drinks]

Do you want some more coffee?

I'm good.

You know, I knew you liked sports, but this is a lot of memorabilia.

I even have a mouthpiece worn by the great Ron Jaworski himself.

You know, somewhere in here.

I have no idea who that is.

Quarterback for the Eagles, back in the day.

I know, I'm borderline obsessive, aren't I?


[Chuckling] It's a curse.

The more I pour my heart into it, the more it gets torn out.

It's very stressful.

Well... it's a good thing you're doing woodworking then.


Much better than a shrink.

Do you hear that?


That's my heart pounding, like a jackhammer.

[Clears throat awkwardly]

Remember, I'm not used to doing this sober.

We're in uncharted waters here.

You're doing fine.


My heart's pounding, too, just so you know.



[Footsteps outside]


There's someone at the window.

Hey! Can I...


Hi dad.


Cedar Cove 01x03
Original Air Date August 3, 2013

I don't believe this.

Look at you.


It's been a long time.

Last time I talked to ma, she said that you moved up here.

I'm really sorry to show up like this, but I don't have your phone number or your email.

I tried your cell, but it didn't go through.

Cell phone reception is terrible in this town.

Here, come on in.

Come on in.

Olivia, this is Eric, my son.


Pleasure to meet you.

Oh, and Olivia is... She's the town judge.

You know, we're, um...

Well, we just had dinner.

I mean, we're not...

Hey, what...

What brings you across the country?


Actually, I've been living in Vancouver for the past year.



Until my girlfriend and I broke up, and she kicked me out of the apartment.

Oh, well, I'm sorry to hear that.

You know, I was thinking about going back to Philly, but I don't really have money for a plane ticket, and ma and I aren't really on speaking terms right now.

Yeah, it's a long story.

Well, are you hungry?


You got anything?

Uh, no, I mean, I have pretzels and peanut butter...

You know, that'd be great.

I'll order a pizza.

No, I don't want to intrude or anything.

That's okay.

It's just so... weird seeing you here.

I was actually...

I was wondering if, uh, I might be able to stay here for a few days?

Just until I get back on my feet.

Of course you can.

Of course you can. Come on in.

My son, Will, he lives in Atlanta with his wife.

The rest of us stayed here in Cedar Cove.

My daughter, Olivia, the judge, I already told you about her, and her daughter, Justine.

[Sighs sadly]

She had another child, Jordan, Justine's twin.

He d*ed several years ago.

Drowned in Starkwater Lake.

13 years old.

You want me to open the drawer?


You don't want it?

[Shakes contents out]

Is this to your house?


You want me to hold onto it for you?


Okay, then, I'll keep it safe.

This photographer, John Bowman, is a genius.

Look at the composition, the angle of the light.

It conveys so much heartache and yearning...

It's a tree by a lake.

You sound like dad.

I bought one of these photos for his birthday last year.

He had the same attitude.


That's okay.

Have you talked to him recently?

No, not since we signed the divorce papers.

[Door opens]

Yay, lunch!

Sorry I'm late.

Yes, a whole three minutes that is so coming off your tip, young lady.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, that bracelet is gorgeous.

Did you make it?

Yeah. I've got more on display at Moon's.

Oh, really?

Well, I am definitely going to come by and take a look at them.

I heard you started going out with Seth Gunderson again.

Just a few dates. Nothing serious.

I like Seth.

He's a good catch.

Did you get that?

He's a fisherman?

"Good catch."

Yeah, we got it, mom.

I should get going.

Thank you.

I'm definitely coming by to take a look at your work.


That girl is so gifted.


What are you doing here?

Oh, I've asked your mom to write a weekly seniors' column.

If anybody's an expert on the subject, it's her.

Is that all right with you?

Of course it is.

You keep at it.

And I'll be right back.

[Quietly] Everything okay between you two?

Oh, she's still upset about the lighthouse ruling.

We'll get through it.


So, what's up?

Um, well, I just came to see how you're doing with your son.

Oh, uh, it's great.

He's back at the house, catching up on his sleep.

Poor guy.

But, no, it's going really well.

Yeah, I mean, it's great seeing him, and I'm feeling really like...


I'm terrified.

[Chuckles wryly]

You know, I haven't seen him or even talked to him in years.

And look at him.

I mean, he's a grown man now.

I don't know who that stranger is.

Well, here's your chance to get to know him.

I know, and he's obviously going through a rough patch with his girlfriend.

I'm glad that he's reaching out to me, but come on, Olivia, I'm not good at this.

Good at what?

[Sighs heavily]

Being a dad.

I wasn't the most responsible person while he was growing up, and that whole period, to me, was just... a blur, a bad dream.

Well, it's in the past.

You're sober now.

You've worked hard on yourself.

I'm worried about saying the wrong thing, or doing the wrong thing, and pushing him away again.

You are being way too hard on yourself.

You can't fix everything in a day.

Why don't you do something fun with him?

Some kind of father and son activity.

Does he like baseball?

You could take him to a Mariners game.

They're away on a road trip right now.

Charlotte: What about fishing?

My husband used to take my son, Will, fishing all the time.

Charlotte, I've never even fished a day in my life.

First time for everything.

How are you today?




What are you doing here?

Well, I still have some patients out here from before I moved my practice, so I like to get out and see them a few times a week.

All the way from Seattle.

If only more doctors were like you.

So, how have you been?

You look great.

Keeping busy.

Helping out here with the patients as much as I can.

And how's Olivia?

The usual.

Ruling from on high.

I saw her a couple weeks ago.

She was having dinner with someone at the Captain's Galley.


Jack Griffith.

New editor of "The Chronicle."


I didn't know she was dating again.

They seem to be getting along all right.

He's a very nice man.


I'm happy for her.

[Chuckles fondly]

You know... part of me still wishes the two of you could somehow get back together.

Well, I don't know about that.

I think my current wife might have a little problem with it.

What's done is done, right?

Well, I'd better get going.

I'm running late.

Of course.

Listen, Charlotte, great to see you.

Oh. You too.


I'm so sorry.

I should have called you earlier.

He d*ed last night, in his sleep.

I'm so sorry.

When do they start biting?

I have no idea.

You say they catch salmon here, right?

Yeah, so they say.

And Halibut.

And Lingcod.

What's Lingcod?

I haven't got a clue.

What's with the line?


You know how I told you this town has lousy cell phone reception?

Well, at the end of that dock is one of the few places that actually gets a really good signal, so people line up and wait their turn.

Strict five-minute-per-call rule.


Even in the rain?

It's a really good signal.

So I never knew that you left Philly.

Three years ago, I met this girl, and she wanted to move to Florida.

So, we're on our way there, and we got hung up in Richmond.

We found work.

She found work, really.

I kind of jumped job to job.

I kept getting laid off.

You know, bad economy.

And then we broke up...

And then I met this other girl.

She always wanted to see the west coast, we ended up in Vancouver, and... you know the rest.

You see, the last time I talked to your mother, she didn't tell me any of this.

She said you were doing great.

Well, she's right.

I was doing great... till my girlfriend kicked me out.

[Knock on door]


[Door opens]


[Chuckling fondly]

Got a minute?

I know you're busy.

No, no. What's up?

A stroke victim from the convalescent center gave this to me.

Gail the social worker introduced me to him.

A John Doe case, no one knows who he is, or if he has any family.

He d*ed yesterday.

I want to find out what that key unlocks.

I was hoping you could help me.

Maybe there's some way to...

Mom, you can't show me this.

That man was a ward of the state.

You need to give this to the social worker.

No, I don't. He gave it to me.

As far as I'm concerned, it's now my property.

Besides, Gail is so overworked, even if I turned the pouch in, it'll probably just get tossed into another drawer never to be seen again.

You don't know that.

So you're not going to help me?

That man was coming to Cedar Cove for a reason.

I know it.

Maybe he has family here.

And I'm the only one who will actually take the time to look into it.

I would love to help you, mom, I would.

But it makes me uncomfortable from a legal standpoint.

That man was a ward of the state...

I told you, he gave it to me...

And the less you involve me, the better for both of us.

I should've known.

I don't know what I was thinking, coming here.

Mom, please don't go like that...

[Door slams]


Oh, Stan!

You're still here.

Is something wrong?

Got a minute?

Of course.

[Objects clattering]

That's a slide from a bolo tie.

It's handcrafted.

Nice metalwork.

What about this?

I'm thinking it's to his house or apartment?

Not that it's going to be easy to track down.

Nobody knows who he is, where he's from.

It's got a number on it.


Could be any number of things.

Could be a safety deposit box.

I feel I have to look into it.

He gave it to me for safekeeping.

Such a sweet old man.

You know, there was something familiar about him.

I couldn't place it.

You know what, let me...

[Shutter clicks]

Look into it.

I'll see what I can find out.

Thank you.

So, why didn't you tell me that you started seeing someone?

I could ask you the same thing.

It's nothing serious.

Just a couple of dates.

Me too.

Supposing it was serious...

Would that be okay with you?

Why wouldn't it be?

I don't know.

I know it's been a while since I've seen anyone.

I just don't want it to be awkward between us.

Well, don't worry about me.

I'm fine.


Are incredible.

The granulated filigree evokes a technique not unlike that of the ancient Italians.

Hellenistic era, of course.

Of course.

I will take these.

I'll get a box.

Oh, my gosh!

Your work just keeps getting better and better.

She paints, too.

And sculpts.

And I sell coffee and bagels.

No, you are an artist is what you are, and don't you ever forget that.

Thank you.

Hey, look who's here!

Hi, Seth.

Sorry to interrupt.

Can I talk to you for a sec?

Actually, you can have more than a sec.

We were on our way out.

We were?

Oh, yeah.

[Thunder rumbles outside]

We're going to need an umbrella.

Hey. What's up?

I just got called for a job.

Inside passage, big potential payday.

But I have to leave tomorrow.

It's just a few weeks.

Then I'm back.

That's great.

You're okay?



'Cause you don't seem okay.

No, Seth, I'm fine.

You should go.

Well, I don't have to go till tomorrow.

That's a whole day away.


Dinner tonight?

All right.

I got it!

Oh, thank goodness.


You know I have to tell you, I am so happy Warren Saget is out of her life.

I never did understand what Justine saw in that man.

Safety and stability.

Oh, but now, look at Seth, he's so perfect.

Just a couple dates. Nothing serious.

Are you kidding me?

You see the way those two look at each other?

They belong together.

We'll see.

What's with the tone?

What tone?

Your tone.

I don't have a tone.

You don't want her dating Seth?

I didn't say that.

Ah-hah! You didn't say it out loud.

Oh, I just wish she would take her time, think things through.

She doesn't need to jump in a relationship.

Spoken like a judge, but try as hard as you want, you cannot control what the heart desires.

That's what worries me.


Speaking of which.


Wow, looks like the fishing went great.

Oh, what, this?

No, no, no.

I bought that at the market down at the dock.

We had our mind set on salmon for dinner, so...

Aw, so you didn't catch anything?

A cold maybe.

Beautiful day we're having here!

This was such a good idea. Yeah.


Oh, and then us two geniuses, we bought this fish before remembering that neither one of us knows how to cook it, so...

Well, I would invite you to my house, but the only thing that gets any use in my kitchen is the microwave.

But there is no problem, guys.

I will happily do the cooking.

I make a poached salmon to die for.

Oh, Grace, that sounds amazing.

You know, aside from the dying thing, I love that, thank you.

Is it raining? I hadn't noticed.


Oh, yeah.

I would love to drive cross country.

Get me a big ol' RV.

But I would not do any of the interstates.

It would be strictly back roads.

Oh, yeah.

That's the best way to see the country.

Grace loves to travel.


Not so cool.

Why? What happened?

She talked me into a cruise.

The Caribbean.

Yes, and that is because nobody else would go with me.

I mean, my husband, God forbid should step one foot outside his precious garage.

And my daughters avoid going on any kind of trip with me because, apparently, I embarrass them.


I can relate to that.

Oh, my gosh, we go on the cruise, everything is fine until we hit Jamaica.


She wants to do this touristy waterfall thing...

And she wants to explore.

So we rent a car and promptly got lost.

5:00, the ship pulls out of port, right?

So we are racing, I mean, like mad, trying to get there in time, wrong turn after wrong turn, this one is in a full-on panic.

For good reason.

Why, you didn't make it?


We pulled into port, and there was the ship just floating away.


You should have seen the look on your face.

What did you do?


What did you do?


They spotted us, and they stopped the ship, they sent a tender back to get us.

It was no big deal.

I liked our trip to Napa better.

Oh, yeah, me too.

It was my 40th birthday. She surprised me.

Napa was so beautiful, and oh, my gosh, we drank some really great wine, but what the heck, it was a special occasion, right?

That it was.

Every night was a special occasion at my house growing up.


That was supposed to be a joke.

It's okay, don't worry about it.

So, Grace, this salmon looks incredible.

Oh, good.

Let's dig in.

You bet.


Well, Olivia, thank you for that. that was a great night.


I can take your car back to your house if you guys wanna...

You know, if you want to stay.

Uh, no.

No, just go wait by the car.

I'll be right with you.

Thanks again.



You're doing fine.

I don't know.

I don't know, I don't know.

I knew this was going to be strange, but having him here, it's just, uh...

A little tougher than I thought.

I know he's had it rough, and there's a lot of emotional distance between you, but you just have to keep moving forward, and close that distance one step at a time.

You know what my goal is?

To get to the point in a relationship that you have with your mother, where you're not just the parent, but you're a good friend.


Good night.

Good night.


8:00 in the morning, and you're already working.

Yeah, I got a lot to do before I go.

Are those chocolate chip?

Moon baked a fresh batch just for you.

I'm gonna miss you.

I know it's just a few weeks, but...

Here's what you do...

If you get too lonely, look up at the night sky.

Find polaris, the north star.

And how is that supposed to make me feel less lonely?

Well, if you see it, you know I'll be looking up at it, too.

Then we won't feel so far apart.

Hey, would you check up on the boat for me while I'm gone?

Spare key.


If you want, you can take it for a spin, just try not to, you know...

Sink it?


So, umm, how much time do we have before you leave?

Two hours, 16 minutes...

31 seconds.

Hi, mom.

What are you doing here?

I want to help you find out who this old man was.

You don't have to.

I know I don't have to.

I want to.

I already have someone helping me.



Stan's helping you?


How you doing?

You look great.

Thank you.

So do you.

I bumped into Stan the day the old man d*ed.

He's helping me try to figure out what this key is.

And on that front, I have an update.

Would you like to join us?


So the key.

It looks like it's to a self-storage unit.

It matches the keys used by a company called Sperling Storage.

Where are these units?

I don't know.

Not yet, anyway.

Well, you don't have to worry about it anymore.

I can take over from here.

Are you sure?

Because I don't want you to do anything that'll make you feel uncomfortable.

Mom, please let me help you.

Okay, um... just promise to keep me updated on what you find out about it?


So, what do you think's in the storage unit?

I have no idea.

Ooh, what if he was like one of those serial K*llers, and he kept his bodies in there?

Then we're in for a very unpleasant afternoon.

But first, I have to find the place, and I think it's going to take a while.

Look, could you try to find Jack for me?

I was supposed to have dinner with him and his son tonight, and I think I'm going to be late.

I tried to call him at home and his office, and there was no answer.

I'll keep an eye out for him.

So, if you find dead bodies in that storage unit, who's the first call you're going to make?

The police?

After me.

Goodbye, Grace.


Well, I cross-checked the daily bus schedule with the time they found him.

He wasn't here long, so we can assume he came on a recent bus that day.

Well this is where they found him, right on that bench, slumped over, unconscious.

What if he wasn't a passenger?

What if he was just here to pick someone up?

Then that person would've found him, or at least inquired about him.

The last bus to come in that morning was from Buckley.

You think that's where he lived?

I don't know, but the storage company, Sperling Storage?

They have a facility in Buckley, and it's just two hours from here.

Let's go.

It's not just jewelry, she's painting, sculpting.

Her work belongs in a real gallery, not Moon's.

What are you, her agent now?

Well, you know what Justine is like.

I mean, she's, I don't know, afraid, insecure.

She would never approach you on her own, and you, as her good friend, are in a position where you can help her along.

Well, I wouldn't say "good friend."

Would you come on...

It would mean the world to her.

She respects you, and you have such a great eye for spotting fine art.

Yeah, spotting it, but not creating it.


We all have our gifts, Maryellen, and the owners of that gallery recognized yours when they hired you to manage it at 25 years old.

It's pretty impressive, if you ask me.

Well, actually, they hired me a month before my birthday, so, technically, I was 24 years old.


That's my girl.

I gotta run.

I'm late for a conference call.

Oh, of course you are.

Hey there.

Well, hey!

Well, hey!

You... you're just the man I'm looking for.



Hey. You're here already.

Great, you didn't have to wait long, did you?

No, I, uh, I just actually got here.

But I'm ready to go whenever you are.

Okay, great. Hold that thought.

Uh, you wanted to talk to me?

Yes, uh, Olivia called, and said she might be late for dinner tonight.

Is everything all right?

Oh, yeah, she just got hung up, doing some stuff with her mom.

She sends her apologies.

Oh, well, thank you.


So I'm going to... go.

I've got a... thing I got to do.

So I'm going to go do it.

Go do that thing.


All right. Bye-bye.

Let's go.


[Eric clears his throat awkwardly]

Here we are.

What if he was some kind of a* m*rder*r, and kept his victims in here?

Oh, my God. You're as bad as Grace.


He had quite the collection.

No wonder he looked so familiar.

He was Tom Harting.

The country singer?


Big star back in the day.

I had some of his records.

Wasn't he a bit of a troublemaker?

He had his demons.

Then he just dropped off the map.

I can't believe it.

Tom Harting in Cedar Cove.

[Door squeaks open]

Mom's right.

You are gifted.


Seth's boat?


He left earlier, for a job.

Gonna be gone a few weeks.

Weeks? Ouch.

I don't know if I could handle that.

Long-distance relationship, so many things can go wrong.

Not that anything's gonna go wrong with yours.

It's not even a relationship.

I mean, we just started dating.

These jewelry pieces, they're great.

You up for displaying them at the gallery?

My jewelry in your gallery?

And that drawing you're doing...

And whatever else you have.

I heard you've also been painting and sculpting?

Are you sure?


And you should be, too.


I mean...

Yes. Thank you.

Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!


It was amazing.

He wasn't just a famous singer, he was a really good artist, too.

[Sets mug down firmly]

What's wrong?

I have to tell you something, and you're not gonna like this.

Jack's son?

I saw him steal money.

He took maybe 40 bucks, from the petty cash box at "The Chronicle."

[Sighs heavily]

Did you tell Jack?

No. I wanted to, but I thought I'd tell you first.

I gotta...

I-I think this kid's going to be trouble.

Well, he has had a rough life.

He's probably got a lot of resentment built up.

So, what are you going to do? Are you going to tell him?

I don't know.

I'm having them over for dinner. I'll just have to wait and see.

Radio plays: No matter where I get to travel, who I get to meet, and the stories I get to share, I long to be home.

Home is never to be underrated.

You're listening to Delilah...

You finding anything good?

All of it.

That man led quite the life.

I'm going to write about him for my next column.

Sounds like a good idea.

Well, I'm out of here, so, uh...

Just lock up when you're done?

Will do.



Hey! Hey, what is this thing?

That is a birdhouse.


I'm taking woodworking lessons.


Hey, why aren't you dressed?

We're due at Olivia's, like, right now, mister.

Let's get going.

Oh, sh**t.

Give me two seconds.


Hey, Olivia.

You're serious about her?

I don't know.

Why, you don't like her?

No. No, she's great.

She's just, um...

Just, uh...

Not like mom.


In a... in a good way.

I'm happy for you.

Olivia, I was right.

He was coming here to find his family.

Wow, look at you.

This is quite the spread.

I thought you said you don't cook.

I don't.

But plenty of places deliver.

Dig in.

How are you enjoying Cedar Cove?

I love it.

I mean, it's kind of quiet, a little bit slow, but...

Sorry, did you want some of this?

Oh. Yes, please.

But, I, uh...

I was actually thinking of living here permanently.

You know, I'd get my own place.

I'm not moving in with you for good...

No, that's not...

It's not that at all.

Stay as long as you want.

All right.

All right.

I'm just kind of surprised that you would even consider living in such a small town.

Aren't you the big city guy?

I could ask you the same thing.

I mean, I'm just thinking if you can be happy here, maybe I can be happy here.

I've got to find myself a job, though, first, right?

What do you do?


Mostly handyman stuff, construction.

I didn't really have money for college, so I kind of had to figure this thing out on my own, right?


Hey, I didn't mean it like that...

It's okay.

I made a lot of mistakes with you growing up, and I can't change that.

What I can control is what happens from here on out.

So hopefully, I can be the father now that I always should've been.


[Clears throat]

I, uh, forgot to tell you something.

I borrowed some money from your petty cash box in your office?

I hope it's okay?

I'm going to pay you back, I promise.

Oh, that's fine, don't worry about it.

It's fine, take whatever you need.





♪ Break into a blossom ♪
♪ find a place where thought may grow ♪
♪ I can be myself with you ♪
♪ and that is all I need to know ♪
♪ my strengths and my weaknesses ♪
♪ with an open heart you embrace it all ♪


♪ With you I feel so safe ♪
♪ and together we can lose control ♪

Four times I called him.

Cliff Harting. Tom Harting's son.

He has a ranch outside of town.

I leave messages, he doesn't call me back.

Maybe he doesn't want to talk to you.

I just want to tell him about his father.

[Telephone rings]


Hey, it's me.

Hi, me.

Listen, I know we had planned on spending the day together tomorrow...

Olympic National Park.

We may have sunshine.

Yeah, about that, um...

Eric found out that the Mariners are back in town and that there's a day game tomorrow.

He wants to go see it, just the two of us...

Oh, I see.

Father-son activity, right?


That's great.

I'm really sorry.

Don't worry about it.

You guys have fun. We can do it some other time.

I'll talk to you later, okay?


Talk to you later.



Hi, Stan.


What are you doing here?

Looking for Charlotte.

You just missed her.

Oh, well, I was in town, and just thought I'd see what happened with the old man's key.

Turns out he was Tom Harting.

Famous country singer back in the day.

Really? Wow.

Yeah, but mom's come up against a bit of a roadblock trying to track down his family.

Since when did a roadblock ever get in your mother's way?


Hey, listen, are you hungry?

Want to grab a bite to eat?

I'm exhausted.

I think I'm just going to go home and decompress.


Well, I'll see you later then.


[Radio plays] Love is messy... it's messy, and it's complicated, and it requires forgiveness and letting the other person be them self.

Something to think about.

You're listening to Delilah...

[Gate clanks]

Can I help you?

Cliff Harting?

I'm Charlotte Jeffers.

I called you a few times, but you didn't call me back.

Most people would get the hint.

Look, your father was on his way to...

My father abandoned his family years ago.

Left my mother and I to fend for ourselves.

He didn't give a damn about us, so I don't give a damn about him.

But that's where you're wrong.

He did give a damn.

Which is why he was on his way to find you.

This song.

He recorded it for you.

I'd like you to listen to it.

I'd like to make sure you listen to it.

After that, I'll leave you alone.


♪ I made some mistakes ♪
♪ more than a few ♪
♪ but of these mistakes... ♪
♪ none of them were you ♪
♪ I hope they forgive me ♪
♪ the things I have done ♪
♪ I want you to see me ♪
♪ for you are my son. ♪
♪ Please just relate to me ♪
♪ the way that you are ♪
♪ I would do anything ♪
♪ if it's for you ♪
♪ I want you to know me ♪
♪ I want you to know me ♪
♪ I want you to know... ♪
♪ know me. ♪