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01x01 - Pilot

Posted: 07/02/15 03:09
by bunniefuu
Man: ♪ Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do ♪
♪ I'm half crazy all for the love of you ♪


[Pop music playing]


♪ You bad, bad boys, you bad, bad boys ♪
♪ you bad boys ♪
♪ you... ♪

It's a time-honored enforcement of the food chain.

The weak are outed and then eaten.

Wow. You are a mean drunk tonight.

Oh, please. You agreed that clip was too good to trash.

Officer, she made me do it. She makes me do a lot of things.

[Cellphone beeps] Oh, my God.

Twitter's all over it. Audrey's totally trending.

It already has 500 views and counting.

Then why don't you make me a drink while we break the Internet, huh?

I know your parents are still out of town.

Aw. No.

I only needed your tech savvy tonight, not what's in your pants.

[Dog barks]


Hi, baby!

Oh, yes. The love of my life.

Come on.

[Cellphone beeps]

Music on.

[Pop music plays]

[Dog whines]

Aw, you want to come in the hot tub with me, don't you, Sage?

You can't go in the hot tub.

That would be gross.

[Cellphone chiming]

Aw, you want to come in the hot tub with me, don't you, Sage?

Tyler, you are skating on restraining order lake.

[Cellphone chimes]


I swear to God, if you are in my house, you are dead!

Sage is a trained attack Pomeranian, and she will gut you on command!

[Dog barks]

[Cellphone chimes]


[Cellphone chimes]

Well, maybe you should grow up!

And when you do, I'll be outside!

[Dog whimpering]

No. Stay inside.

[Cellphone beeps]

Outdoor speakers on.

[Pop music plays]


[Cellphone beeps]

I may have underestimated you.

[Cellphone chimes]

Then get over here and do something about it.


Oh, my God.

[Cellphone beeps]

Call 911. [Cellphone beeps]

Female voice: Calling pottery barn.[/i]



Somebody, please help!

[Dog barking]



Oh, God!

No! No, please!

Scream - 01x01

Okay, come on, will. Focus.

Oh, but, Em, your hair smells so good.

What is that, lime?

It's mango.

Oh, my gosh, and this delightful wood-pulp-smelling thing is your Calculus book.

I don't get why I have to pass Calculus to play basketball to get a scholarship to take more calculus.

Whatever. Because, will, your good looks are only gonna get you so far in this world.

And if you'd shown up last night like you were supposed to...

Hey, I told you, my phone died, and my charger's in my gym bag.


Come on.

"Which of these equations best describes the relationship between 'X' and 'Y'?"

Well, "X" is a moron who didn't call the incredibly drop-dead gorgeous "Y" to tell her he couldn't make it last night.

And "X" is very, very sorry.

Just don't do it again.

I won't.

I don't deserve you.

No, you don't. No.



Do you want to stay for breakfast?

I got to go. Tell your mom I said hi?



Emma, was that will I heard?

Oh, yeah. We had to cram for a calc quiz.


I thought teenagers were supposed to sleep till noon and rot their brains on video games.

Well, maybe I got a defective one.

Yeah. [Chuckles]

How's Clark?

That's Sheriff Hudson to you.

What are you getting at?

News flash... he likes you.

We work together.

Often over dead bodies.

I just...

I think you deserve a second chance.

Well, now that I have your permission, I'll make sure I fall deeply in love.

Hey, don't act like it's impossible.

You're a Coroner. You're not dead.

Get your stuff. Let's go.

[School bell rings]

[Indistinct conversations]

Oh-ho! Nice!

[Camera beeps]

Ah, the lady of the of the hour.

Today is going to suck exceptionally hard.

What? No. You love taco Tuesday.

Come on. Let it out.

It's just, Rachel?

Seriously? The socially awkward catholic-school film geek is your lesbian lover, and I have to find out on Youtube?

I call a best-friend foul.

I didn't make the video.

[Laughing] Oh, yeah, lack of production value made that pretty clear.

But if we could just move right on back to the whole lesbian thing.

Okay, not a lesbian. Not discussing it.

[Laughs] Okay.

Right there, you guys.

Young woman: [Laughing] Oh, my gosh.


Tell me what I can do to help.

Can you take the video down?

Well, it's already been yanked.

Probably flagged for content.

Uh, I tried tracing who sent it, but the e-mail from the link is just a dummy account.

Thanks for trying.

Screw 'em, right? Come on.

I thought we agreed to trash that video?

She was bound to come out one day.

Look at her.

What's the big deal if she is a lesbian?

Okay, the big deal is it wasn't her decision to tell the world.



I wasn't the only one on that group thread.

And I did delete that video.

After I sent it to P.J. Girl-On-Girl is his demographic.



Sorry. Zoey saw it on my phone.

Do guys even understand the term "viral"?

I don't see Nina anywhere.

You know she did the wide release.

Brooke: Of course it was Nina.

She's a spoiled sociopath with no impulse control.

I mean, she's probably ditching right now to avoid your good-girl wrath.

Em, your little friend will be fine.

We're not really friends anymore.

Just give it 24 hours, okay?

Someone will text and drive their hybrid into a tree and we'll have a new headline.

Maybe Audrey will Taylor swift her anger into creative energy for one of her little films.

Emma, she'll be fine. Okay?

Mr. Branson: Cavemen made fires.

Those fires cast shadows, and those shadows created fear.

Men have been obsessed with scaring each other ever since.

His name's Kieran Wilcox.

He just moved here from Atlanta.

I thought you weren't into high school guys?

No, that was just you.



Would you please tell us which genre originated with "The Castle of Otranto"?

[Clears throat] The Castle Genre?

The Gothic Genre.

Thank you.

Guys, look, I get it.

Nobody wants to sit around reading 500 dusty pages about monks and curses.

But nobody's forcing you to watch "The Walking Dead."


Is "The Walking Dead" on the midterm?

Zombies are not literature, Jake.

Why not?

George Romero, Horace Walpole, it's all the same bones.

Or the same rotting flesh.

Kieran's right.

Gothic genre is all over TV right now.

You have "American Horror Story," you have "Bates Motel," "Hannibal."

What about "Texas Chainsaw" or "Halloween"?

Uh, those are slasher movies.

So, you can't do a slasher movie as a TV series.

Well, think about it.

You know, girl and her friends arrive at the dance, the camp, the deserted town, whatever.

k*ller takes them out one by one.

90 minutes later, the sun comes up as survivor girl's sitting in the back of the ambulance watching her friends' bodies being wheeled past.

Slasher movies burn bright and fast.

Hi, Sage! Hi!

TV needs to stretch things out.

Nina, are you home?

Noah: You know, by the time the first body's found, it's only a matter of time before the bloodbath commences.


Principal showalter: Nina Patterson's death is a great shock.

Once you've seen the grief counselor, you're free to return home.

Classes will resume tomorrow.

This Wi-Fi sucks. The cops aren't saying much.

Her mom found her body. The victim of foul play.

I need gory details.

Noah: Um, hello?

Miss? Why am I here?

That's the "mandatory" part of mandatory grief counseling.

No, but seriously, I feel shock, mild interest, but not grief.

Guys, Nina was m*rder*d in cold blood.

Do you not even care?

It just doesn't seem real.

Jake: Here we go.

One of Nina's neighbors tweeted that her throat was sliced ear to ear.

The press is all over this.

They're playing the whole "Maybe Brandon James is Back" angle.

Brandon James is dead.

Who's Brandon James?

Uh, he k*lled a bunch of students 20 years ago.

He, um...

He cut some others up.

This is him.

Emma's dad got stabbed. He almost died.

Brandon had proteus syndrome, like the elephant man.

People say he was born a monster, but I think he was bullied and beaten into one.

And you know all this... why?

I don't know.

Some guys like sports.

I like serial K*llers.

And Brandon James is my Dallas Cowboys.

He was a classic case of the deformed kid who lived in the shed.

Mom homeschooled him. Dad was ashamed of him.

His older brother, Troy, was the only one who cared about him.

Whenever he went out, he wore this post-op surgical mask.

They tried to fix his face a few times.

Never really worked.

What made him start k*lling people?

Rumor is he fell in love.

His brother said Brandon was obsessed.

Wrote her anonymous love letters. Made her little carvings.

Brandon found her at the Halloween dance.

He got up the nerve to talk to her.

It went okay at first.


Leave her alone!

But then a bunch of drunk jocks jumped him.

They thought they were saving her from a monster.

After a lifetime of taking it, something in Brandon snapped.

He k*lled five students by the time he was done.

♪ Daisy, Daisy... ♪

The manhunt ended at Wren Lake.

The girl agreed to meet him.

You should turn yourself in.

Don't hurt anyone else.

I just wanted to be with you.

[g*nsh*t] [Screams]


You promised you weren't gonna hurt him!

Man: Back away.

Noah: Nobody ever knew who she was.

Sheriff Hudson: At this point, we're questioning persons of interest, and we're looking for Miss Patterson's ex-boyfriend, Tyler O'Neill.

If anyone has any information on his whereabouts, please, call the hotline number on the screen.

Thank you.

So, Tyler did it? For reals?

Em's mom worked the scene.

Tell them what you heard.

A neighbor saw Tyler's car parked out front around the time that Nina was k*lled.

There was no sign of forced entry, and his fingerprints were found on a glass in the kitchen.

Now his foster parents can't find him.

Nobody can.

When he dated Nina, they were always at each other's throats, but...

How could he do that?

[Tablet beeps]

Do you think one keg is gonna be enough?

Do you really think a party's a good idea tonight, Brooke?

[Scoffs] It's a prayer vigil.

People in mourning get thirsty.

Em, your mom's tight with the Sheriff, right?

Do you know if they went through Nina's laptop?

My mom just handles the autopsy.

I can't believe Nina's just a body now.

It kind of always was just a body, but top-shelf all the way.

Hey, man, have some respect.

I have extreme respect.

And so did most of the basketball team. And some of the football team.

And a couple of lacrosse dudes.

Okay, stop.

And I'm sure the sheriff is going to question every single one of them.

Where were you Monday night, Jake?

I was with Will.

Up to no good.

But you told me your phone died and you were stranded.


I was.

Jake picked me up.

Oh, what?

Oh, uh... I'll see you guys later.

[Indistinct conversations]







Do you want to come to a party tonight?

Brooke's having a send-off for Nina with booze.

An Irish wake kind of thing.

I'm kind of grounded.

There was this video that went around.

It's okay. You saw it.

Everyone saw it. I know.

Well, it, uh, starts at 9:00 out at Wren Lake.

I mean, you can bring whoever you want.

But no pressure.

Maybe I'll see you there.

[Machinery whirring]


You cleaned up your desktop, right?

Got rid of those files?

I will. I'm on it.

This isn't about getting suspended, bro.

Nina is dead.

You want to wear an orange jumpsuit for the rest of your life, fine.

Just don't take me down with you.

Bro, I don't want that.

But your fingerprints are all over this, too.

Just do it.

Brooke: Knock, knock.

You wanted to see me, Mr. Branson?



Hi. Uh...

I know this has been a rough week for you. How you holding up?

Devastated, of course.


Well, with the investigation and all, I feel that we should discontinue our study sessions.



But [Sighs]

What exactly am I supposed to do on Saturday night when you call me after a few scotch and sodas and ask me if I'm wearing any underwear?

Brooke, this cannot end well.

The answer is, I'm not...

Wearing any.

[Knock on door]


[Door closes]

What's that?

Do we know anyone named Daisy?

Someone just probably got the wrong house.

[Horn honks] Oh, I got to go.

Will's here. Love you.

[Pop music playing, indistinct conversations]

So, Brooke, where's your dad?


Quinn has a lady friend in town.

I have a party, he gets laid.

It's the circle of life.

Parental sex. TMI.

Calm down. You're like a purse dog.

What is wrong with you?

I'm sorry. Coach is riding my ass.

We're supposed to have a scout from Duke at tomorrow's game.

The scout will be blown away tomorrow.

So tonight, relax.

Well, make me.


I'd say get a room, but I don't want the cleanup.

Hi, Audrey. How are you?

Good, thanks. Um, you know Noah.

I have a little place just like this in the Hamptons.

[Chuckles] Okay.

That's funny.

Um, okay, food and drinks over there, and suits in the cabana if you want to swim.

But suits are completely optional.

I'm the one who kissed a girl.

Uh, you know, star of the viral video.

Hey, look, she's kissing a girl [Chuckles] right?

Uh, we'll be outside.

She's got a bottle of Tequila and something to prove.

I predict live girl-on-girl action by 10:00 P.M.

I can't believe she just showed up.

She didn't. I invited her.

Did you invite him, too?

Oh, no. This one's all me.

Are you getting anything good?

Yeah, actually. It's great.

It's like an STD cautionary tale.



Whoa, hey! No!

This is not fair. Stop.


So... this girl.

You guys, like, a thing?


No. [Chuckles]

We met on this film-geek website.

Um, Rachel made these awesome videos about the zombie apocalypse using legos.


She's wicked smart and funny.

But she hates the way she looks.

Sounds like us in eighth grade.


Yeah, but then you got pretty.

Okay, look, I didn't mean that like I like you or anything.

I'm not a lesbian.

I get it.

I mean, you're bi-curious.

If I was alone in a car with Scarlett Johansson...

[Both laugh]

I miss you, Em.

I miss you, too.

Uh, what can I get ya?

Just a sparkling water.


Get that for you...

Was your picture in the paper last week?

Uh, yes. Yeah, my mom did that.

Clearly without asking.

[Chuckles] I'm on the short list for an internship with Elon Musk.

I love perfume.


I'm kidding. [Laughs]

Spacex, right?

You really think he's going to Mars?


Uh, yeah. Yeah, I totally do.

And... and I really want to go with.

Me too!

That's really cool that you know that.

I'm sorry to pull you away, Clark.

I didn't know who else to call.

Someone left this on my porch.

Sheriff Hudson: Is that a heart?

It's not human.

But yes.

Why the hell would someone do this?

I think it's a warning...

Because they know something about me.


I've never told anyone.

It was a long time ago, way before we met.


I'm Daisy.

I'm the girl Brandon James was obsessed with.


I was a minor, so my dad kept my name out of the police reports.

And only my family called me Daisy.

What about Emma's dad?

You said that things ended badly between you two.

Not this badly. No.

Kevin worked hard to cope after the attack.

But his memories wouldn't go away, so he went away.

Look, I don't even know where he is now.

I'll see if I can track him down.

There's something else.


I was the same age as Emma the night of the murders.

I feel like it's happening again.

Man: ♪ Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do ♪

[Pop music playing]

I'm just saying, it's crazy that we were talking about slasher movies in language arts and then Nina got slashed.

Well, technically, she was already dead when we started that conversation, so there's no direct correlation.

Dude, she's scared. Let's not negate that.

I'm not scared.

Maybe we should be afraid.

Bunch of drunk teenagers at a party by the lake where your homegrown k*ller died.

It's like a natural slasher setting.

So, Audrey, are you having fun tonight?


Yeah, I-I guess.

I just don't know why I'm at the memorial for someone who made my life miserable since, like, fourth grade.

Yeah, Nina could be a first-class bitch.

But it's weird...

I keep on waiting for her to show up.


Drunk, manic, amped up to 11.

And always dragging us into her crazy.

Maybe it's better off she's gone.

Will, are you saying that you're glad that she's dead?

No, I-I'm just saying our lives will be a little more sane now. [Scoffs]

Yours will certainly be less complicated.




Emma, where you going?

I can connect a few dots, okay, will?

All the times that your phone conveniently died.

All the Facebook flirting.

You slept with Nina.

What? No.

Look me in the eyes and say that again.

We were on a break.

You said you wanted some time to think.

We were on a break for less than a month.

You know what?

I'm gonna get a ride home from somebody else.



Emma will get over it, you know?

It's not like will's gonna hook up with Nina again.

Wait, is your dad home?


I told people the garage was off-limits.

Be right back.

A party like this, you're actually pretty safe from your typical Jason or Michael Myers type.

Safe? But there's a lake.

Hormones, beer.

But we're together.

You know, slasher dude isn't the Terminator, sh**ting his way through 30 cops in a police precinct.


He's a wolf.

Waiting for one of us to wander off alone.

[Car dinging]

Brooke: Hello?

[Light switch clicking]


Look, whoever's in here, you need to get out right now.

[Dinging continues]

[Keys jingle, dinging stops]


[Metal scrapes]



Hey. W-what are you doing?

Some... someone's in there.


There's no one in here now.



Are you okay?

It's okay. Just breathe.




If you ever get between Emma and me like that again, I will break you.

[Slurring] Survival is simple in a party like this.

You just don't wander off alone.

Good night.



Oh, no. You're... you're okay.

Come on in.

You look like you want to be alone.

For you, I'll make an exception.




You okay?

I feel so stupid.

I just... I keep thinking that people are good deep down.

Honest, whatever.

You're in high school.

You know that, right?

What are you doing here?

I'm avoiding Brooke. [Chuckles]

[Chuckles] Okay.

But what are you doing here in Lakewood?


My mom and step-dad died six weeks ago in a car accident.

So, living with my real dad seems marginally better than a state home.

I'm so sorry.

Guess we all got our problems.

But, hey, you seem to have it all together.

Perfect life.


My perfect boyfriend slept with the deceased.

Necrophilia's a problem.

[Chuckles] Yeah.


You have a dark mind.

Oh, you... you have no idea.


I, uh...

I should get back to my friends.

Do you even like them?

What? I mean...

Are you supposed to like your friends in high school?

I hope so.

I could use one.


Guys, help!




No big deal.

It's just the lake where Brandon James died.

[Indistinct whispering]



Calm down. Calm down.

I got you, man. [Coughing]




Just breathe, okay?


Yo, kiss him, Emma. Breath of life.

Jake, shut up.

He could have died!

Hey, he was the first one to pass out.

It's Wren Lake tradition.

What was that that grabbed me?

Nobody grabbed you, Spaz.

We just dropped you off.

Emma: You were stuck on fishing line.

It didn't feel like fishing line.

It felt like someone was pulling me down.

Noah? Noah?

I'm okay. I'm okay.

Your friends are great, Emma. Thank you for the invite.

Come on.

[Dog barking in distance]

[Pop music playing]

So, uh...

I'll see you at school.

Seems likely.

Why is my dad at your house?

Sheriff Hudson's your dad?

Because this wasn't awkward enough already.

Noah's still coughing up lake water.

I never should've gone to that stupid party.

No, you had to go.

It's like a one-night-only invite to hell.

Nobody wants to stay, but we're all just a little curious.

I would've asked if you wanted to go, but...

Audrey, I could have never walked into that party after what happened.

You're so brave.

No. I'm really not.

I just don't care.

I mean, it sucks that the video got out there, Rachel, but I don't regret it.

I just keep seeing all those comments.

I feel... ugly.



Because you are beautiful.


[Chuckles] Don't.



[Indistinct conversations]

Hey. Noah Foster, right?

Yeah. Uh, guilty.

Well, I mean, not guilty, but...

[Chuckles] Yes?

I hear you have a particular interest in Brandon James.

I have a lot of interests.

You mind stopping by the station tomorrow morning before school, answer a few questions?

Will do, Chief.


Audrey: Hey. What was that about?

Well, I'm guessing he's not convinced that Tyler k*lled Nina.

He's gonna question everybody.

I'm sure he just figured why not start with the Genius-IQ outcast with the serial-k*ller fetish?

[Chuckles] Duh.

He couldn't possibly think that you k*lled Nina.

Why not?

I hated the way she treated you.


So, you never told me how it ends.

Uh... how what ends?

The town's horror story.

Does Tyler really k*ll Nina, or is Brandon James back?

Um, well...

You know, you got to remember that the whodunit may not be as important in our story.

So, it's more of a "whydunit"?


I'm saying you need to forget it's a horror story, that someone might die at every turn.

You see, you have to care if the smokin' hot lit teacher seems a little too interested in his female students.

You have to care if the team wins the big game.

You, uh...

You have to care if the smart, pretty girl forgives the dumb jock.

Sounds like "Friday Night Lights."

Exactly. You root for them.

You love them.

So when they are brutally m*rder*d...

It hurts.

Emma: Hi.

What are you doing here?

I couldn't sleep last night.


And what does that have to do with me?

It has to do with us.

What do you want from me,Em?

There's no "us" anymore.

Brooke may have let me into her party, but I really don't think we're going for mani-pedis anytime soon.

I'm not Brooke.

Give it time.

I was there.

At the parking lot.

You filmed me?

No. No, it wasn't me. It was Nina, okay?

We were just messing around, and Nina saw you guys parked, and I didn't even realize it was you until...

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait.

So, this whole "let's be friends again" thing is because you felt guilty?

You bitch.


[Cellphone rings]


Man: Hello, Emma.

Who is this?

A friend.

Sorry, I'm not in the mood.

Why are you crying?


I hate to see you so sad.

Are you watching me?

It's what you want, right? On Instagram and Facebook.

Perfect smiles, perfect lives.

But I know the truth.

Who the hell is this?

I'm the one that's gonna lift the mask.


Noah: I don't know, Riley.

You know, I think about this stuff.

You really want to know how it ends?

Let me tell you.

Everyone has secrets.

Everyone tells lies.


Noah: And everyone is fair game...

[Branches rustling]

Until there's no one left.

Hello, Emma. You gotta find me. And I could be anywhere.

Oh, God.

Someone help me!

When this is over, why don't you just call it a day.

This season on Scream.


My friend from St. Mary's texted.

A girl that goes there died.

She's dead. They found her hanging.

This doesn't have to be over.

Hey, I'm pretty sure Emma's done talking to you.

Just stay out of this, Abercrombie.

Oh, my God!

Tyler might have k*lled Nina.


Riley, we need to go to the police.

I vote cops.

Nobody puts on a mask and commits a m*rder like that just once.

The real question is: Who's next?

I'm scared every time I get a phonecall.

What do you want from me?

What you should really be asking is: Did you just lock me in or out?

Geez! You're like a ninja.

That's r*cist.

What if the truth is that my friend is capable of m*rder?

I said turn that off!

There is no way out of this.

Where are you? What's happening?

Help! Someone help me!

A m*rder is like potato chips.

You can't just stop at one.

I know that everyone you trust is lying to you.

Your two-faced friends, your fraud of a family, but it's going to end with you.