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02x03 - Faith

Posted: 07/01/15 03:32
by bunniefuu
Previously on Tyrant.

Halima Nair made that film to introduce our cultural treasures to your great nation.

Emma: You spent four months in a dangerous country pleading for our dad's life.

Arif switched you with another enemy of the state.

Your blood won't be on my hands.

James Timmons, I'm an attorney.

If I can be of help...

I think the reward for an escaped prisoner is the same whether he is alive or dead.

We will develop these fields with our new friends from China.

Namir: You want to assassinate the president. Boom.

Jamal: An oil reserve is a gift of...



Jamal: The man who did this is a t*rror1st.

By the time you wake up tomorrow, we will have this man's head on a stick.

Halima: Where are the figs?

I told you to buy figs.

Or did I just imagine having that conversation?

I was about to.

You're always "about to", because I'm always reminding you.

Okay, so we have a system.

Why is everything a joke with you?

What's wrong with jokes?

They're not figs... Now go back and get them.

But they're on the other side of the market.

You should have thought of that before. Go.

We'll be in the café across the street.

Okay, I'll go.

I worry about my sister sometimes.

Check out hashtag "IhabRocks."

It's trending like crazy.

Going after Al Fayeed like that is a mistake.

Is it?

Because I'm thinking of putting down my paint can and picking up a g*n.

Shut up, Marwan.

The one thing we've always said is that v*olence won't bring down the regime.

But graffiti and anonymous chat rooms will?

Eventually, yes.

Eventually, enough people will speak up until we're too loud for them to ignore.

All v*olence brings is more v*olence.

I'm not so sure anymore.

I'm getting coffee.

Jamal can shut down Twitter a-and paint over graffiti, but he can't stop a b*llet.

Soldier: Copy that.

Open the checkpoint, we're moving out.

We're moving out! Everybody to move out!

(engines starting)

Your son, he was our bravest fighter.

Malik grew up hearing my stories about uncles and cousins he never met because of the Al Fayeeds.

His hatred, it came from me.

It's my fault he's dead.

(quietly): No, no.

Because of your son's sacrifice, our numbers are already growing.

(cell phone buzzes)


Excuse me.

(phone beeps)


I'm at the Hamsa checkpoint.

All the soldiers just piled into their trucks and drove off.


No idea. I was too far away to hear.

(static crackles) Namir?


Give me your phone.

(vehicles approaching)

(static crackles)

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.


It's the military.

They're jamming our phones; they're getting out of Ma'an.

I don't understand, Ihab.

Ihab: Listen up, everyone!

We need to get to shelter right now.

Don't ask me any questions, just go.



(b*mb explodes)

(panicked shouting)


I have to find my sister.

(expl*si*n, panicked shouting)

(people coughing)

Halima: Jada!



My eyes, they're burning.

I have you.



Someone help! Jada.

Help, please!

I said there was to be no gas.

No, Mr. President, you instructed me to destroy Ihab and his insurgency by any means necessary.

Don't play word games with me.

You knew what I meant.

I knew what you wanted, and I gave it to you.

Behind my back.

I'm the president.

And when they ask you if you ordered the attack, and you say no, you'll be telling the truth.

I'm doing for you now what I did for your father 25 years ago.


You are going to hell, Uncle.

Of course I am.

I promised your father I'd always look after you.

You have two choices, Jamal.

k*ll me now and tell the world your general made w*r without you knowing, or you deny complicity to the world and blame it on the enemy.

Some will believe you, others won't.

But eventually no one will care anymore.

Then you can rule this country however you want, as your father did before you.

But as of this morning, you have no more opposition in Abuddin.


(grunts, gasps)

(strained gasping)



No, no, no.

Just a little.


Ah, shit.

Hold on.

My brother will be back soon.


Child: Kasim!

When did you get back?

Last night. It was late.

But you and Munir weren't home when I woke up.

We, uh... we slept outside.

How come?

It was a beautiful night.

I have to get to work, okay?


Your backpack, it's leaking; what's in there?


Show me.

You're not my mother.

I'm your father's wife, and I asked you a question.

It's just some stuff, okay? Work stuff.

You're a bad liar, Kasim.

He's still not holding down any water.

You said not to tell anyone!

I didn't tell her, you ass.

You found him in the desert?

Without identification or food?

Kasim: Just that smelly prison uniform.

He says he escaped.

We figured the government would pay for him.


Kasim: He told us what to get from the clinic.

Says he was an army medic.

Get your father.

And don't talk about this to anyone.

Here, let me.

(weakly): It needs to be... elevated.

(sighs softly)

Leila: My husband did not deploy any chemical weapons.

This is a vicious trick by the Rashids, and the media's falling right into it.

I understand.

You're a curator, not a politician.

The Santa Croce Marbles?

No, I've never heard of them.

How exciting.

Of course not.

The treasures of Abuddin have survived a thousand years.

One more year won't make a difference.

(slams down receiver)

(quietly): French, righteous bitch.

Excuse us, Nabila.

And can you stop using plastic, please?

(clears throat)

That was the French curator of the Louvre.

I assumed.

I'm very sorry, Leila.

Have you ever heard of the Santa Croce Marbles?


Me neither.

Apparently getting them was a real coup for the museum, so they've postponed our exhibition.

Not a political decision at all.

It's not easy, sometimes, is it?

I have to cancel all the other events I've planned around the opening: the Cultural Diplomacy Conference, the interviews, the photo sh**t.

The students are going to be very disappointed.

And what about you?

Do you want to talk about what happened?

What's there to talk about?


You were asleep when I went to see Tariq, and you were gone when I got back.

Nabila said you're meeting the Chinese ambassador.

Don't be late.

(footsteps receding)

If I'm going to be a minister in my father's government, I need to look the part.

Especially with all that's happening.

Make me look respectable, Sharif.

Jamal: My mandate to my generals has always been the same: a precise, punishing, but proportionate response.

The photos and videos on social media...

I'm sure you've seen them.

Well, I-I don't need to look at pictures.

Mr. Ambassador, our intelligence is investigating whether Ihab Rashid was storing chemical weapons among his munitions.

So your mortars hit their chemical weapons?

(clears throat)

Mr. Ambassador, our intelligence has confirmed the insurgency is broken.

Which means our oil fields are secure.

My government will insist on a full and fair U.N. investigation before we resume developing the oil fields.

Of course.

But once that happens, I anticipate we'll continue on schedule.

Thank you, Mr. Ambassador.

Mr. President.

(door closes)

Is that really what happened?

We hit their chemical weapons?

You heard what I told him.

If you had gassed them, just so you know, I would have said it was the right thing to do.

It's what I would have done.

(Jamal exhales)

After what they did yesterday...

I think they deserved it.

We don't gloat, Ahmed.

Not over the death of innocents.

Not even when they are the enemy.


The point is, it's over.

You took care of it.


I took care of it.

Careful, or you'll choke.

You told my sons you were a medic in the army.

You didn't tell them why you were in prison.

I was, um... uh, I was a deserter.

A deserter.

I disagreed with the government.

Challenged their authority.

I was arrogant enough to think I could get away with it.

And arrogant enough to escape.

I had help from a guard.

Ahmos, you're asking him questions as if the answer mattered.

We should be calling the government to take him back.

Kasim: Yes, so we can get our reward.

Has it never occurred to either of you the trouble you've caused by bringing him here?

Nasrin, please. You're not being helpful.

You didn't tell us your name.



Once he's finished eating, bring him home.

Give him something to wear that won't draw attention.

What if the government finds out that we are harboring a fugitive?

They won't.

Because no one in this room will say anything.

If anyone asks, tell them Khalil is our cousin.

(woman sobbing)

(man sobbing)

Jamal: It is no secret that the Western powers and their media outlets have been waging a crusade against us, trying to undermine our government and divide this country by supporting Ihab Rashid. (coughing)

Our government holds no chemical or biological weapons or any other weapons of mass destruction.

Those weapons were destroyed (coughs)

25 years ago by President Khaled Al Fayeed, under the supervision of the United Nations.

(turns off TV) Did you get into the mosque?


There are hundreds of them.

Women and children.

(shuddering exhale)

Some of them I recognized.


I think at least 30 of your fighters.


(softly): Yeah.



I'm sorry.


(loud knocking)

Zaher. Zaher. Come, come, come, come, come, come, come. Come.

You need to leave.

Both of you.

No, Zaher, Zaher, you are in shock. I understand.

We are all in shock. Those of us unlucky enough to have survived because we were working at the refinery.

But our wives, our children, they're dead because of you.

No. Jamal Al Fayeed did this.

Because of Ihab.

Because we were foolish enough to support you.

It's over.

So pack your things and leave.

May, uh... may Allah allow your wives and children into paradise.

Jamal: We are currently investigating the source of the t*rror1st weapons cache containing chemical agents.

We will, of course, make results public once the inquiry is complete.

Until then, we will continue to provide emergency medical care in Ma'an. Finally, to the victims of this terrible tragedy and to their families, our hearts and prayers are with you during this dark time of our nation.

That was excellent, Father.

The ambassador has asked me to expedite visas for the guest workers from China who will be living in Ma'an.

We'll deal with this later.

What did Tariq give you?

Security protocols.

I'm visiting a hospital tomorrow in Ma'an.

Well, maybe you should wait a bit with this, let some time pass.

Now is the time to show the people we stand with them.

Like you promised in your speech.

Yes, but...

It was good, by the way.

Your speech.


Well, I'm glad you liked it.

You said what you needed to say.

Come on, Wafiq. Come on. Check again.

I want the reward money. Come on.

You're high.

Don't insult me, man.

It's not an insult. It's a fact.

You're always high. I get you in with the army recruiter, and you get wasted before your physical.

Okay, just check again, all right?

I did.

There's no record of an escaped prisoner named Khalil.

Of course he's not gonna tell us his real name... he's a fugitive.

Look, there must be a reward for an escaped prisoner, all right?

Look, we'll split it with you, all right?

Don't you get it?

There's no money to be split.

Our system's not showing any escaped prisoners.

Whatever game you're playing, just leave me out of it.

(line clicks)

That guy in our house, he's not who he says he is.

Woman: Khalil?


Barry: Hello.

Thank you. Um... you should probably burn those.

I didn't get a chance to thank your father for letting me stay.

He seems like a good man.

Ahmos is my husband.

I'm sorry. I assumed, um...

I shouldn't have assumed. I'm-I'm sorry.

This is our son, Ghani.

The other woman, Nasrin, she is his first wife.

I'm his second. But you're right.

Ahmos is a good man, a good Bedu.

He said you should use this to contact your wife.

Thank you.

Sleep well.

You, too.
Sammy, can you help me out with some stuff?


(TV playing)

Sammy: Yeah. (chuckles)

(TV continues indistinctly)

(Sammy and young man chuckle)

(both laughing softly)

Sammy: You know, you weren't supposed to be home...

Okay, that's not...

Well, I... I wasn't having sex with him to hurt you, okay?

I... I like him.


I hope so.

Even if I-I don't love him, it... felt better to be with him than to be alone, you know?

Of course.

And that's natural. I... I just think... if we had just talked about it.

Well, yeah, that... would have been nice.

But I tried.

Like, three times on the phone.

"Mom, I met this guy named Bernard."

But you were always distracted, and then... when you came home, you had enough shit to deal with.

I'm so sorry.

I'm not very good at this, I know that.

I mean, I-I feel like I can deal with the details of life.

I can get things done, but... the emotional stuff, I'm just having a hard time figuring that out.

Yeah. Me, too.

Of course you are.

I went to that class. Um... the one where I met Bernard.

And I used your maiden name so that no one would know who I was.

And then one day the teacher started talking about Abuddin.

About Dad.

Calling him this great champion of democracy.

And they all agreed.

All talked like they knew him.

I was the only one who didn't say anything.

You know, just 'cause I-I didn't feel that way.


I don't think he liked me.

He loved you.

That's a trick answer.

I don't think I liked him.

He never seemed particularly interested in me.

I mean, shouldn't your son matter more than your job or some insane country on the other side of the world?

Okay, you're angry, but that's not the same thing...

Well, he's gone and the whole world thinks he left this great legacy, but...

I mean, wh... what did... what did I get from him?

I'm-I'm his son.

Come here. (sniffles)

(call to prayer over P.A.)

(call to prayer continues)

If you don't tell Father, I will.

He'll k*ll us for disobeying him.

Unless Khalil... or whoever he really is... kills us first.


After salat.

All: Allahu Akbar.

(doorbell rings)

(crickets chirping)

You must be Sammy.

Who are you?

James. I'm so sorry, I totally forgot to tell my kids you were coming over.

Uh, Sammy, this is James Timmons.

He's an attorney. He's helping me with Dad's estate.

Come on in.

Your mother told you that your father left a more substantial estate than she had suspected? - Yeah. The Al Fayeed Trust Fund or something?

Sammy: Yeah, yeah, she-she told us.

I've been in contact with the lawyers in Dubai to get an accounting of the trust's assets.

And how much is it?

Not that we were expecting anything.

I-I always assumed Barry had been disinherited.

$100 million.


James: That's how much.


We've inherited $100 million?

Not exactly.

Uh, the terms of the trust specify that the money passes along the male line.


Al Fayeed has inherited $100 million.


He gets all the money? (giggling)

This is 2015, it's the modern world...

How does he get all of the money?

Ja-James... I-I have a lot of questions.


Wait, Mom... Doesn't he have to share it? Is this even legal?

Of course, of course I'm gonna share it. I mean, uh, Mom, anything you need, you know, anytime, anywhere, I...

Mom. I got you.

Wait, what about me?

You're... smart.

I'm sure you'll find someone nice, have a good job, live a...

(chuckling): comfortable life.


This is not funny.

Well, $100 million says you're wrong.

(Sammy exhales)

Ghani. (speaks Arabic)

You look better. (chuckles)

Sometimes a good night's sleep is the best medicine.

Go ahead with Ghani. I will walk with Khalil.

It's good you found us.

You can choose a goat from the herd.

For the feast we are having tonight in your honor.

(laughs): Oh... that's not necessary.

You are our guest.

I asked Daliyah to convey my gratitude to you for your hospitality, but I want to thank you myself.

I admire your courage.

Standing up against a tyrant who gasses his own people.

The least we can do is to extend our hospitality.

Gasses his own people?

You don't know.

Of course, how would you?

Yesterday, in Ma'an.

A thousand people dead.

Al Fayeed is denying it, of course, blaming Ihab Rashid, but... everyone knows the truth.

The son doomed to repeat the sins of the father.

Whatever you did to oppose the regime, I admire your courage.

But... this is not your fight anymore.

Woman: He's not like his brothers. He likes school.

He wants to study and be a doctor.

What will he do if he can't see?

I've given Dr. Mahfoud my personal assurance that he will get whatever he needs to give your son and all the victims of this terrible tragedy the best available medical care.

We're also setting a hotline for the relatives to be with their families.

Halima: Mrs. Al Fayeed.

So it will be in different parts of Ma'an. - Mrs. Al Fayeed!

Mrs. Al Fayeed! She knows me.

Mrs. Al Fayeed.

It's all right, it's all right, let her through.

Please. Halima.

(cameras clicking)

My little sister.

Her name was Jada.

I'm so sorry.

How can you be sorry and guilty at the same time?

Tell me, because I'm curious.

Or does repeating a lie often enough make it the truth, even to you?

You're smarter than that, Halima.

You shouldn't listen to propaganda, allowing outsiders poison your mind.

They're not the ones poisoning my mind.

I'm sorry for your loss.

I am.

But I'm here to help.

And if you're not willing to accept that help... You're only helping yourself.

I smiled and went along with your charade, but not anymore.

Not when my sister's blood is on you.

I'll get justice for my sister.

Maybe not today or tomorrow, but sooner than you think. There are more of us in Abuddin than you can ever k*ll or put in prison!

Dr. Mahfoud, thank you.

Let's go.

(speaks Arabic)

Uh, no kids?

Uh, Emma's got debate practice and...

Sammy's at the Ferrari dealership with Bernard.

That sounds fun.

To be honest, I haven't told them I've been coming here.

Why not?

Barry and I sort of took religion off the table when we raised them.

Which was fine, till Sammy was born.

I found myself wanting to baptize him, but...

I couldn't.

Not without betraying our agreement.

Is that how Barry felt?

I never brought it up.

Probably sounds crazy.

Especially considering my great-grandmother was married in this church.

No kidding?

Five generations of Callaghans in this town.

This conservative, boring town.

No palaces or servants or calls to prayer.

No coups or chemical att*cks either.

I never got to share any of this with my kids.

Well, it's not too late.

Yeah, but I-I'm not sure how that works after somebody hands you $100 million.

There's no simple answer for that.

Before you got here, I went to confession.

As if inheriting a shitload...


Of money is a sin.

Those people that you worry about...

The gas attack victims...

The money was never going to them.

It was either Sammy or your brother-in-law.

Better that it was Sammy.


Ahmos: Kasim.

Give me a knife.


Please don't be mad at me.


Are you Muslim?


But you don't pray.

I'm, uh...

I'm kind of out of practice.

You can't be a good Muslim and not pray.

That's true.

If you want, I can teach you.

Ghani, go bring the milk to your brothers.

I'm not finished.

Go, habibi.


My son called someone he knows in the army about an escaped prisoner named Khalil.

You were wearing prison clothes, so explain why there's no records, why no one's looking for you.

Because they think I'm dead.

Ahmos, I am not a dangerous man.

So you expect me to trust a liar.

I told you the essence of who I am, of why I was in prison.

Still not the same as the truth.

It was as close as I could get and keep us both safe.

So now you're protecting my family.

If no one here makes any calls, then no one on the outside is gonna come looking for me.

And once I can leave, I will leave.

(vehicle approaching)

Go inside.

Wafiq: Hey, Kasim! Kasim!

I am Kasim's father, Ahmos.

Sir, I'm Salam Wafiq.

I worked with Kasim at Souk Al Tawila, before the army.

How can I help you?

Kasim called last night.

Something about an escaped prisoner.

An escaped prisoner.

Nothing came up in our database, but we were patrolling nearby.

I thought we should come by.

In reality, we don't have the most reliable system.

You say you are Kasim's friend.

Yes, sir.

So you know he has problems.

dr*gs and things.

Don't worry.

You won't be betraying him.

So, this prisoner he mentioned, uh, Khalil...

He's my cousin.

Visiting from Asima.

I'm sorry my son has wasted your time.

(engine starts)

[Ambient sound]

I'm sorry. (sniffles)

That girl, Halima, you know what she called me?

It's okay.

It was, uh, probably too early to go there, to Ma'an, official stories aside.

What does that mean, "official story"?

It means we can't expect the people to go along with what we are telling the rest of the world.

What we're telling about the gas attack?

Yes. About the gas attack.

No, you went on television and told everyone the gas was theirs.

And you believed me?


You never asked me any questions.

You never wanted to talk about it.


Not one word, you and me...

No. No!

It's not true, Jamal!

I wanted to believe you.

I wanted us to be different.

Not like your father.

(crying): This is... this is not how it was supposed to be for us.

I wanted to be loved by my people.

I wanted to be the mother of a country.

Now look what you have done.

We can never make it right.

We can never put it back, Jamal.

Of course we can.

Listen to me.

It will pass.

People forget.

Eventually, all they'll remember is how much they love you as their first lady.

We've turned the corner.

15 months of my brother and the elections and Ihab and the sheik.

Tariq tells me the insurgency is broken.

Abuddin is safe.

It's just a small bump on the road, that's all.


Let's just do something to take our minds off all of this.


Thanks for, uh, letting me use this.

You spoke with your wife?

Actually... no, I-I didn't call her.

Thank you.

She should know you're alive.

I'm an enemy of the state.

Even contacting her could put her in danger.

She's safer not knowing.

My kids are safer not knowing.

Perhaps you are right to be careful.

Especially with this government.

When you are strong enough, my sons will take you to Souk Al Tawila, where we sell our meat and skins.

It's near the Lebanese border.

My cousin will get you across.

You will be safe there.

Thank you.

That's, um...

Thank you.

You don't seem... convinced.

(chuckles) Sorry. I'm just, um...

I'm just coming to terms with the fact that I don't have a home anymore.

(call to prayer over P.A.)

If you want... you'd be very welcome to stay here as long as you'd like.

No, I-I can't impose on your family any more.

Don't feel obligated to stay.

But don't feel obligated to leave either.

Wow, Mom.

This looks amazing.

Tch. Yeah. Good. (chuckles)

Wait, wait. Hold on. Um... do you guys mind if we say grace before we start?

Grace? Like, uh, grace-grace?


I know we've never...

It's just something my family did when I was growing up.

Kind of a tradition.

Thought we could use a few of those around here.

But if... you're uncomfortable...





For the blessings of food and family, for the little things we used to take for granted, and for just being home...

(man praying in Arabic)

(others respond)

(man continues prayer)

(others respond)

(praying in Arabic)


(Nusrat and Leila laughing)


Blow. W-Wave, wave, octopus...


Running. Cyclone!

Blow. Tornado. You're helpless at this, Jamal.

Hurricane! Hurricane.

Natural disaster.

Hula dancer.

Walking. Walking.

What? Hula dancer. No. Can... can...

What? Pay attention.


Tornado. Moving forward. Uh, blow, blow.



What? Jellyfish?

Ocean's Eleven!


Come on. Going. Walking. "Staying Alive."

Huh? Gone with the Wind! Going? Going. Gone...

Gone with the Wind.

Ahmed: What?

The book.


No, that... (laughing)