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03x01 - B-Positive

Posted: 06/26/15 05:49
by bunniefuu
Briggs: Previously on Graceland...

Badillo on tape: You're looking for me, right?

Briggs on tape: This place burned because of us, and you lit the match!

[g*nsh*t and thud on tape]

It sounds like an accident.

I can't turn him in.

He's the father of my child.

Perhaps you can convince the FBI that your operation is ongoing, because if my planes stop, Lucia stops.

Briggs: We all know the kid's got a hard-on for the case, but I'm not sure m*rder is in his wheelhouse.

Paige: What about cover-up? Check out the handwriting.

Jakes: They seem identical.

Mike had weeks after Lina died to copy this letter.


Jesus Christ. You shot your team.

No, it was all you.

That's my g*n.




I sent a team to Arizona to look for Lina.

She sent a letter to her family.

It's better if they believe.

Believe what?

She's in a better place.

Paige: It was a cover-up.

Mike burned Lina's body, he forged a letter, and he lied to me.

Mike Warren is hospitalized under the name Mike Richards.

[heart monitor beeping]

[Mike gasps]


[woman speaks indistinctly over PA]

If there's one thing I appreciate, it's a good, quick funeral.

No long eulogies, no bullshit sermons.

Lose a friend, worst thing is to have your face rubbed in it.

You know, he didn't deserve this, Sid.


I didn't even think you liked the guy.

You know, to be honest, I didn't.


Lucky you split that day or else I'd be burying you too.

Tuturro: What are you doing with that g*n, Sid?

No, brother, if I was there, we'd be burying the sh**t.

[Sid laughs] Is that what you think, stud?

Oh, homey, I wish you would.

Briggs: That's what I know.

What are you still doing here, Paul?

I'm paying my respects.


I think you should go back to Chicago or El Paso, right?

Or where was it that you came from again?

I'm not going anywhere.

Suit yourself.


[clears throat]

Just a little something to help him fight the good fight, wherever he may end up.


All right, well, I guess then I'll be seeing you around...

Paul West.

What a mess.


Charlie: Hi.

When did we just decide to stop cleaning?

When did that happen?

We've all been a little busy for the chore wheel, Jakes.

Yeah, not me. Bathroom's spotless.

And not like when Johnny sprays Scrubbing Bubbles and says it's spotless.

Dale, I'm tired.

Can we maybe save the lecture until after breakfast, please?

What the hell is this dude bitching about now?

I'm bitching 'cause it looks like Tijuana up in here.

How'd it go?

It didn't.

Tuturro: It's been two weeks.

Sid ain't talking about the deal he's got with the Solanos, he ain't talking about the bloodbath in Tecate, and he sure as shit ain't talking about murdering Mike.

Yeah, well, Sid knows we got nothing on him.

He keeps playing the saintly cop, and he walks on all the murders.

Then can we just go put a b*llet in this dude's head?

Just bam, done.

As much as I wouldn't mind if you got an itchy trigger finger, Johnny, I think things are a little too hot for us to pull off a homicide.

Not to mention we're supposed to be the good guys.

Shit's frustrating, man.

Sure is.

So how about a distraction?

Briggs, you are on windows.

Uh, the windows look clean from here.

Charlie, you got the living room.

And John-boy, it's your lucky day.

You're already here. Kitchen.

No, I'm good, bro. I don't have the energy for that.

Yeah, well, I don't really have the energy to be your wet nurse, but for some reason, my titties are always sore.

Sid is trying to k*ll us, right?

We're dealing with actual, real-life shit here, and you're worried about the damn chore wheel? Come on, man.

Yeah, the fact that we're dealing with real-life shit out there is precisely why it should be clean in here.

Can you follow that line of logic?

Warren was on laundry, so I'll pick up his slack.

Is it safe to assume that neither of y'all want to help?


That's very nice.

Johnny's right, you know?

Can't just sit here and take it.

Which one of us is Sid gonna hit next?

Paige: Mike Warren is hospitalized under the name Mike Richards.

Sid: No more tricks.

Paige: This isn't a trick.

I sent you to Sylmar to wipe out the trash, but I didn't let you finish.

[motorcycle engine revving]

Oh, shit.



[tires screeching]

[dramatic music]

How you doing?

Could be worse.

[electronic music]

Unnamed agent dies in L.A. hospital.

Yep, until we find Sid, you, my friend, are a dead agent with no name.

How's Paige feeling?

Eh, she's pretty banged up, but, you know, she'll mend.

We're sure it was Sid?

Oh, yeah, yeah.

The attacker was one of Archie's old CIs, so it was definitely Sid.

Son of a bitch.

Well, the roommates are all wondering why he went after Paige.

I don't know, man. I think it's time we tell them and the Bureau that she gave you up.

No, don't tell anyone, Briggs.

Promise me.

We've all made mistakes.


Guess you left some of the old Mike Warren on the other side, huh?

[water running]

Hey, I never thanked you for showing up that day.

Briggs: Oh, no need, man.

You'd have done the same.

You've never given me an opportunity.

Well, you know, this was all doctors and defibrillators and shit.

I was, uh...

I was just a bystander for those six minutes you were flatlined.

[Mike sighs]

Either way... thank you.

nurse: All set.

So, uh, the Tibetans, they have a term.

Uh, it's called Bardo.

It's like, you know, the state between this life and your next rebirth.

Sometimes it's peaceful. Sometimes it's disturbing.

I mean, you were there, man.

I gotta ask, is there any enlightenment?


There was a bright light and harp music.

My grandfather was there, dressed in white, beckoning me with an ice cream cone.


[both laugh]

Whoa. Easy, Mike, easy.

Mike, Mike, Mike, Mike, just breathe, man. Just breathe, man.


Just let the pain pass.

You can do it.




It's just to get through the worst of it.

Well, get yourself some rest, huh?

Agent Briggs...

We need you to come with us.

[door closes]

Logan: Paul Briggs.

I'm Special Agent in Charge, Sean Logan.

Remember Juan Badillo?

We need to...

Where did you get that?

For a while, Mike Warren was our chief suspect in the Tecate m*ssacre.

This was found in his effects at the hospital.

I've listened to this tape. You know what I hear?

I hear an honest mistake. Misunderstanding.

Well, that's exactly right, sir.

Until you decided to cover it up.

At that point, it became a m*rder, regardless of circumstance.

So the question becomes, how do we proceed?

And, uh, you're asking my opinion?

None of us want an indictment.

What's it gonna cost me, boss?

Ari Adamian.

He's a lieutenant in the Sarkissian family.

Yeah, I mean, so what?

The Bureau's been trying to get in the Armenian mob for years.

And we believe Ari is our way in.

And you want me on the case?

That's right.

Uh-huh. But why?

I mean, cases like this are legacy makers.

You throw a bone like that out on the floor, you'll have all your top dogs scrambling for it.

Let me simplify this for you.

You can either take down some pretty nasty guys, come out rosy, or... we can slog through this river of shit.

[sighs] God.

He really messed you up, huh?

It's not as bad as it looks.

How are you, sweetheart?

I told you. It's not that bad.

Hey... I said, "How are you?"

I'm tired, Charlie.

I'm tired, and I'm pissed off, and I feel helpless sitting in this room waiting for him to take another shot at us.

God damn Sid, man.

To almost lose the two of you, it's...

When are you gonna go visit Mikey, Paige?

Aw, come on. He's in there all alone.

He keeps asking for you.

Can't you just check in?

Look, I don't know what happened between the two of you, but if it was me, I...

Well, it's not you.

Okay. Fine.

Whatever makes you feel better.

But whatever tonnage you're hauling around, baby girl, you gotta do something about it, for real, or else you're gonna get crushed.

[Paige speaking indistinctly]

This tiny...



Maggie: Hi, sweetheart.

Um, your friend...


Right, Paige... She was telling us a story while we were waiting for you.

I didn't know you were swinging by.

I tried to call. Went straight to voicemail.

Guess I must have been in a dead zone or something.

Maggie, why don't you tuck Patrick in?

All right, champ, let's go. Come on.

You can't be here.

You tried to have me k*lled.

Okay, it's the last place I want to be, but things are going bad, okay?

And we need to talk. We need to...


If you touch my son again, I will k*ll you without fanfare.

You got that?

We have to talk. [grunts]

No, we don't have to talk.

This is a line that you're crossing here right now.

Do you understand that?

If you need to talk to me...

There's an inquest.


I've been avoiding investigators for the past six days.

I can't keep ducking.

No, there's no inquest.

There is. There is.

And when I talk to them...

You what?

When I talk to them, we have to have our stories straight.



Go. Out, out.

Sid... it's my ass on the line too.

I'll tell you when and where. Go.


[breathing heavily]

No. No, this isn't right.

It is, Briggs.

It's the only way we're gonna get him to talk.

If Sid confesses to murdering Mike, you're implicated right along with him.

You want me gone, don't you?

You nearly got Mike k*lled, so yeah, Paige, I want you out of Graceland, but gone doesn't mean serving life at Leavenworth.

I mean, look, Sid's... Sid's LAPD, okay?

The guy carries a g*n.

What if he's inclined to let his g*n do the talking?

Then you get him on that.

Look, the answer is no.

Briggs, don't you think it's time that some of us started paying for what we've done?


You know, penance doesn't mean death.

Sometimes it does.

Briggs: So Martun Sarkissian, head of the snake.

File says you peg him for shipping arms to Africa and the Middle East?

Boko Haram, ISIL, both sides in Syria.

Anyone with money and a conflict, the Sarkissians have their number.

But Martun Sarkissian stays insulated.

He only holds court with one person and one person only.

Tevan Adamian, Sarkissian's right-hand man.

Logan: Your guy Ari is Tevan's nephew and heir apparent.

If Tevan were to pass, then...

Ari takes over as second in command, and if I'm close enough to Ari, we should be able to wrap up Sarkissian, right?

18 months ago, Tevan's kidney failed.

He's been living on dialysis, but we don't believe it'll hold.

Wire up.

Tevan's been searching for a kidney, so Ari's been researching where to procure one.

We fed him the time and date of a kidney transport in his uncle's blood type: B-positive.

You're online, Agent Briggs.

Great. Thanks.

So, uh, it's just an old-fashioned hold-up?

It's our agents in the van.

Don't push, they won't push back.

But if you do hit a snag, the cover team moves in at.

"Someone might see us."

Mm-hmm. Uh, "Someone might see us."

Do not use it. Follow me.

The previous UC, Colby Moore, spent the last week establishing you with Ari, building an ID.

Okay, I should meet Colby before I go in.

Not possible. Lymphoma, stage four.

We had to pull him from the field.

Well, he and I are supposed to have run together for years.

I mean, if Ari asks about Colby's haircut, I should know if it's a mullet, a Mohawk...

Paul, I brought you in because you can hold it together.

What's this?

That's your credibility.

[horn honks]

[phone rings]

Hello, Jakes.

You driving down south?

Because I just got off the phone with tactical.

They said you're heading down to Tecate to make another drop?


We make the call, we shut down the whole U.S. operation tomorrow.

So tell me, why are we still shipping money...


To Mexico?


Do we have Carlito?

No, we don't, but...

Tuturro: No, we do not have Carlito, okay?

Look, man, I'm trying to finish this.

I know you think I'm not, but I am.



[indistinct chatter]


[suspenseful music]

[knock at door]


Yeah, uh, I'm Paul. Colby's guy.

Let me see it.

You don't look like a Paul.

[scoffs] Well, uh, what does a Paul look like?



Well, I could go to my barber and have him put some highlights in, if you want.

[inhales slowly]

Maybe Colby didn't explain, guy.

I'm not looking for a wise ass.

Yeah, uh, sorry.

Colby didn't tell me much about what you were looking for, to be honest.

And I see you got plenty of heavies already, so...

Yes, I have enough Armenian brethren to go to w*r, but with them, it's political.

They answer to a higher power.

Guys like you and Colby answer to me.

You have a cell phone? Let me see it.

My cousin has to wear a GPS ankle bracelet.

Anywhere he goes, they know.

Let me tell you, it's appalling.

And the rest of us, idiots that we are, pay $100 a month for the same privilege.

You work for me, get a prepaid, or use freaking smoke signals like a Cherokee.


You ready?


Uh, Colby said we're knocking off a medical transport van or something?

No, guy, there's no van.

Come on, let's go get a kidney.

There's no van.

[taps g*n]

Anyone else is in there, we take them down, okay?

Uh, someone might see us.

It's an apartment complex, Ari.

You used to run jobs with Colby out of Cincinnati, huh?

Yeah, yeah, for a couple years, I did.

I was in Cincinnati once.

I went to that Oktoberfest. You do that?

Oh, who doesn't like a bad bitch in a bodice, right?

Uh-huh. Thing was, I was there in September.

They had Oktoberfest. What is that?

Well, yeah, I mean, you know, we get some pretty bad Octobers in Ohio, so...

Don't blame the weather, guy.

It's indicative of a greater American ethos.

What does a 250-year-old country know about tradition, huh?


Yeah, well, until they Sta...

[rock music]


Sammy O'Malley!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, whoa.

Whatever you guys think I did, I didn't do it.

Are you Sammy?

Uh, whoa... ugh!

Are you or are you not Sammy O'Malley?

It's just Sam.

Are you B-positive?


Someone might see us, Ari.

You know, the...

Answer my question.

I don't know what you're talking about.

[grunts and gasps]

The red stuff on your hands. Is it B-positive?

I don't know! I don't know!

You know what, Ari?

I think that's in his chart, actually, for real.

Why don't we just grab the guy and go, you know?

No! No! Please! Please! Please! Ah!


Help! Somebody!

Somebody please help me!

Dear Lord, would you shut your freaking pie hole?


Ari, listen, man. Somebody might see us, okay?

Yeah, you're like a broken record.

Somebody might see us, but that's what I have this for.


Oh, Christ!

Blood on my chrome, you moron!

Get in the car, please.

No, no!

Just get in the trunk, man.


Do me a favor, get in the car.

Just get in the trunk, man.

Get in the trunk.

No, no!

Why don't you freaking earn your salary?

Help me get him in the freaking trunk.

[Sammy grunting]


Well, at least we know he's healthy, huh?


You like kebab?

I know a place.

Jakes: Nice, isn't it?

What's that?

Clean bathroom, clean towels.

You're never gonna let up, are you?

Nope. Giving a voice to the voiceless.

Real American hero.

Hey, listen.

Um, there's something I've been meaning to ask you.

What's that?

You had the tape... which means you know that Briggs...

Well, you know what happened to Juan Badillo, and you know all about Odin Rossi.

You said you had a question?

Any of that ruffle your feathers?

Jakes, he lied to me about Juan's death for over a year.

My feathers are a little ruffled.

So listen. Is any of this gonna land on me?

Tape's Paul's problem.


So no more in-house D?



We'll never be a couple again, but, uh... the world's a better place when Paul's one of the good guys, right?



Couldn't agree more.


Well, Colby sold you as a Metz jugik.

Where are we going? Hmm?

Metz jugik is Armenian.

Means, uh... badass, big d*ck.


But I'm starting to think you have one of those... little toddler dicks.

Ari, where are we gonna cut him open, huh?

Remind me when we get off the 210.

There's a Circle K market. We need to pick up some ice.

All right.

[siren wailing]


Some looky-loo must have called us in.

No, highway patrol wouldn't run a 2-0-7 on his own.

Must be a 5-0-2.

This car is stolen.

We ain't gonna outrun a motorcycle.

I have another plan.

[siren wails]

We can talk our way out of this.

Cop k*lling's bad business.

Sammy's in the trunk.

Bad business is what we already got.

All right, all right. I got it.

Let me handle this, okay?

Guy, what are you doing?

I got it.


Everything all right back here, Officer?

Sir, get back in your vehicle.

It's the taillight, right? Thing keeps coming loose.

I don't know, the thing's always coming...

Hands behind your head now!

[mouths words]

Keep your hands up and get down on your knees, nice and slow.

Who else is in the car?

The driver.

He's armed. You should call it in.

On your belly now.

I'm FBI.

On your belly now!

Sammy: Hey, let me out of here, man!

[both grunting]


Holy shit.

[both grunting]

Officer, I'm FBI, okay?

My cover team's not moving in. I need your help.

Do you underst... [yelps]

[Taser clicking]


Ah, shit.


Get back!

[horn honks]

Oh, shit!

Oh! [laughs]


Sammy: Help me! What's going on?

Shut up!

Hey, guy. Wake up, guy.

Shit, how am I gonna get you in the truck?

I don't know.

I'm gonna pick you up.

Here he is!

Another good day, Johnny?

An excellent day. [chuckles]

[speaking Spanish]

[speaking Spanish]

Come on. Let me show you around.

My father, he had taste but no sense of grandeur.

It's beautiful, no?


Looks like you got everything that you need.


What's all this?


No, I thought the two lovebirds would want to catch up, hmm?

I mean, you're a-a little underdressed, pero come on.


He hurt you?

You have to k*ll him.

[laughs] k*ll me?

Hmm, well, then if that's the case... there you go.

Here's your chance.

Lucia: Pick up the g*n.



Eat, Johnny.


Now try your tamales.

You proved your point, man.

Have I? [laughs]


[screams in Spanish]



Ay. [clicks tongue]


[speaking Spanish]

Let go of me!



Hey, hey, hey!

Lucia? She stays and the money flows.


This is your fate, Johnny.

It's time to own it.

Charlie: Honestly, any information you have is welcome.


Where you been?


Can you fax it over? Great.

[whispering] I got a lead.

On Sid?


[footsteps approach]

Hey. Where's Briggs?

I don't know. You try his cell?

Yeah, he's not answering.

Hold on.

I'll get you the number.

I need you.

Hold on, I'll get you the number.

Paige, I literally just walked in the door.

Johnny, I'm meeting Sid in an hour.

I need you on tactical, okay?

Charlie: Can you hold on, please?

Paige, what the hell is going on?

Charlie: Hey, I didn't know you were an artist.

Oh... just keeping busy.

You're not gonna tell me?


I'll wait till you had a few of these.

I don't think either of us should be drinking in our conditions.


My doctor said the no-drinking line is overblown.

Can't get that fetal alcohol shit unless you're a full-on alcoholic.



Apple juice, dummy.

It's symbolic.

Tonight, we nail Sid.

Briggs got him?


Evidently, she's hooking him up at the harbor right now.

I thought Briggs was point.

No, she's doing it. I don't know.

She seemed convinced she had him backed in a corner.

Cheers, my friend.

What? What are you doing?

We have to go.

What are you doing?


We have to go.

Go where? Mike, please!

You don't back Sid into a corner and expect him to talk.

He k*lled Lawrence, he k*lled Carlos Solano, he k*lled his own team, and when I got close, he k*lled me.

Paige knows what she's doing.

That's what I'm afraid of.

Anybody got eyes?

Tuturro: Negative. Still setting up my scope.

Tuturro: Making me climb up a damn crane.

I better get to sh**t Sid's ass tonight.

Paige: No one is sh**ting Sid.

Not till he talks. Understood?

Tuturro: Roger that.

I got him. Johnny, Sid's here.

Are you in position?

I'm up, I'm up.

I got him in my sights.

I repeat: No one fires until I say so.

Hold, hold, hold, hold, hold, hold...

Come on, come on, come on, come on.

[suspenseful music]

What? Johnny?

What the shit, man?

I think he might be going for his g*n, Paige.

Paige: Don't sh**t, Johnny.

Thought maybe you wanted to finish the job.


Paige, no.


Get off me! We have to take him in!

We have to take him in!

Take him in for what?

Visiting the port?

Charlie, back down now!


[tires screeching]

Tuturro: What's going on? What, what, what?

What happened? What happened?

Go! Who's following him? Go!

Go, go, go, go! Hit it! Hit it!

Hey. I get it.

I can't let you do this.

God damn it, Mike!


You have to stop trying to save me!

I'm sorry... and I forgive you.

Excuse me?

I forgive you.



Ari: Ah, sleepyhead, you're alive.

I guess you needed a little cat nap after that T-1000 shit you pulled.

Ah, Colby was right.

[speaking Armenian]

You took his kidney?

Kidneys. Plural.


I worked with an Albanian once who did, uh, organ harvesting.

He said, eh, it was easy.

It wasn't actually that easy.

Let's go.

You gonna give me a hand?

Yeah, yeah.

What do I pay you for?

Lie around?


[dramatic music]

Logan: No, that explanation does not satisfy.

Did he return to the hookah bar or...

Hang up the phone!

Cancel that. I have him here.

Paul, we lost you today.

Oh, you lost me, Logan? No, you didn't lose me, man.

You never had me. There was no cover team.

No one was listening. You hung me out to dry, man!

Oh, and by the way, someone did see us.

A cop, thank you very much. But you know what?

I think I got you figured out, man, yeah.

See, you can't get the Sarkissians if we arrest Ari now, but if we don't, well, I'm the one that ends up eating the sins when it goes to trial, right?

You knew exactly what kind of maniac Ari was when you sent me in, which is precisely why there was no cover team!

Because you don't think you could be held accountable if you don't know what's happening, right?

I'm sure the details will appear in your report.

Oh, you're g*dd*mn right about that!

You wanna hear about my day, boss?

It started out when we abducted Sammy O'Malley at gunpoint from his residence.


Then Ari harvested the young man's kidneys.

After which...

Agent Briggs...

We wrapped the body in a tarp and burned it in the back of a Lincoln Town Car!

Stop speaking right now!

Put all details of your operation into your report!

I did not ask you to discuss the particulars.


Look at me, Logan!

Sammy O'Malley is dead. This operation is over.

Oh, over?



Thousands, Agent Briggs.

Thousands die every day from the arms provided by the Sarkissian family.

This is larger than you! It's larger than me!

Now... if you find this job is too taxing, I suggest you get yourself a therapist, or you get yourself a box of Kleenex.

I don't care.

Either way, it is not over until it is over!

Now get the hell out of my office!

Yeah, I'll hold.

They lost him?


I've sent notice to border patrol, airports, trains, all of that.

So if Sid's gonna try to leave the country, it's not gonna be easy.

Why did you blow the op?

I didn't blow nothing!

Ask this dude.

It wasn't an op.

It was a su1c1de run. Sid was never gonna talk.

Charlie: You sh1tting me? All right, I gotta run.

The wife and the kid just got on a flight for Andorra.

They're gone.

No extradition.

This is his getaway plan.

Come on, let's go.

All right.


I just got my things back, and there's something missing.


Charlie: Paul!

Tuturro: So you with us for good now or what?


Mike: I'm not cleared for duty, but I'll be back in Graceland full-time.

I don't know where he is.

Well, all we can do is wait.

Everything kosher?

Yeah, everything's kosher.

Why is the house such a mess?

Thank you.

[door closes]

I'm moving out.

Out of what?

The house.

I just put in my transfer papers.

DEA won't approve it until Sid's behind bars, but, uh... it's happening.


You're kidding, right?

You don't have to do this.

Yeah... I do.

Are these your transfer papers?

That? No.

Uh, somebody at the DOJ got ahold of the Lina letter.

The one that, uh...

They want to give you the award for exceptional heroism.

Jakes: No shit. I told you.

Charlie: That's incredible, Paige.

Yeah, incredible's kind of the perfect word for it.

Wait, okay, so you get an award, and then you move out?

That makes no sense whatsoever.

Paige wants out, guys, she's out.

She damn sure doesn't owe us an explanation.

Me and Mike gotta talk to you in private.

Yeah, no, we all gotta talk, man.

Where were you today?

No answer? All right, that's cool, 'cause Paige almost got shot, but whatever.

You know what, Johnny? You're absolutely right.

Come on, guys, let me tell you about my day.


I spent one day with Ari Adamian, and already I'm responsible for a homicide.

Charlie: You didn't k*ll the kid.

No, Chuck, but I'm the case agent now.

When the Bureau rolls in, starts making arrests, the truth comes out, when it's all laid bare for a jury, somebody has to be held accountable for Ari's crimes.

They're gonna make you stick it to him and then lay it all at your feet.

Yeah, pretty much.

I'll be their sin-eater.

Why don't you just walk away?

'Cause there are some things you can't just walk away from, Johnny.

I mean, hey, look, every single one of us here, we've done some bad things, right?

Me more than others.

This is the penance I gotta pay.

Jakes: Sorry, I'm having trouble here.

What's... what's Logan's play?

The Sarkissians are the upper echelon of international arms dealing.

No one has ever gotten under with them, so...

Logan thinks I'm his ticket to the top of the world.

Jesus Christ, Paul.

Why are you telling us?

Because that's what you're here for.


Graceland doesn't exist just because there were a few agents who wanted an ocean view, you know?

I mean, the house, it's... It's pretty dope, right?

But at the end of the day, it's just walls.

What gives it its value are the people inside.

That's us.

[phone vibrates]

Every time we go under, guys, we... we are holding hands with the devil.

Now, thankfully, there's always five people pulling the other way.

So I guess I'm telling you because I... I know already it's gonna get a lot worse before it gets any better, but I'm hoping you guys will be there to pull me home.