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01x02 - Protocol

Posted: 06/26/15 04:15
by bunniefuu
Previously on "The Astronaut Wives Club"...

Seven military families becoming American royalty.

I'm a journalist. "Life" magazine.

We'd be in the magazine?

Sounds like we're propaganda.

It's not like you ladies have a lot of big secrets.

Your father is gonna be the first man in space.

[Girls squeal]

Man: Here they are, the first lady and the first lady of space.

First lady?

I'm gonna be the second lady of space!

They're going to the moon.

We wives are gonna need each other.


Man: When Alan B. Shepard became the first American in space, the whole nation celebrated.

But with the Russians beating us into orbit, President Kennedy isn't slowing down.

If all goes well, Astronaut Virgil I. Grissom and his wife will be the next guests at the White House.

Mel Tormé: ♪ don't let that moon get away ♪
♪ your eyes have a way of revealing ♪


You l-l-love yel-l-low.


It's pretty, but it's too bright.

Louise wore cream.

[Hangers clacking]


Now wouldn't it be something if old Betty showed up to the White House wearing that?


Oh, Annie, maybe the reason I can't pick a dress is 'cause I shouldn't be shopping for one.

I'll just wait till Gus has come back safe.


Th-think... Positive.

Oh, heck.

Cream's not my color anyway.

Cream is... n-not a color.

[Laughs] I don't even know how you get ready for something like this.

It just seems like the biggest thing ever.

I don't know how Louise stayed so calm.

Alan: She's my rock.

I was, uh, visiting my sister at school.

I saw Louise at a dance, and knew she was the one.

In all honesty...

My "Mercury" flight was my second proudest accomplishment.

Getting Louise to marry me was my first.


Her nickname was "frosty" at the time, and she earned it. [Chuckles]

Well, Mrs. Shepard, you must have had ice water in your veins the day your husband became the first American to go into space.

It wasn't ice water.

It was faith... in God... In N.A.S.A., and most of all, in Alan.

She's really good.

It's as if N.A.S.A. Programmed her.

[Chuckles] Laugh all you want, but appearances matter.

As "the Navy wife" says, our job is to be our husbands' jib sails.

We not only help him face the headwinds.

We're the first thing people notice when he pulls into port.

[Doorbell rings] Ah, well, Deke's never complained about my jib.


[Door creaks] Mrs. Slayton?

May I have a word?

Depends on what the word is.

No one in this house has any use for a private d*ck.

Actually, I'm working for "Confidential" magazine checking up on a story.

We have a deal with "Life" magazine.

My husband's got no place in those rag mags.

I couldn't agree more, ma'am.

This story's about you.

So what if I was poor? So was everyone back then.

That doesn't make me the headline in some yellow sheet.

That makes me an American.

Quite true...

[Camera shutter clicking] - Which is why they're ignoring the poverty angle and focusing on your first marriage.

You need to leave.

Thank you, Mrs. Slayton.

I think I got what I need.

Oh, yeah? What's that?

A photo we can run the story with.

[Clicking continues]

[Curtain rings swoosh]


You must be excited for Gus' flight.

[Exhales] Can't wait.

Truthfully, I can't wait for it to be over.

I know that I have been through a hundred combat missions when Gus was in Korea, but I never had to watch one of them on TV...

[Lowered voice] With... him all over me...

[Normal voice] And then have to go out and talk to a sea of reporters.

You were so calm during Alan's launch.

How'd you do it?

This can be off the record.

[Bicycle bell dings]

Say whatever you want.

I refuse to waste time worrying.

I have faith.

Well... Trying to do that, believe me.

And when I'm awake and keeping busy, I'm okay.

The second I close my eyes...

You have to fight those feelings.

As soon as you let them in, they take root and take hold.

[Clears throat] You know, there are some...

Schools of thought that say that it's better to acknowledge your fears, get them out in the open.

You keep them bottled up inside, they turn into other things.

Like bad dreams?

Nightmares, yeah.

Repression is what they call it.

It's a key concept...

I should check if the girls want a snack.

Alice, Julie.

It's often expressed through avoidance and denial.

[Children laughing]

I think I see what you're getting at, Mr. Kaplan, but if Gus knows that I'm worried about him, then he'll worry about me.

So I just need to keep like Louise and... put a lid on it. [Chuckles]

[Indistinct conversations]

[Cash register bell dings]

Mr. Pantos?

[Ice rattles]

Thank you for meeting me.

You here to give me a quote?



I don't know how much they're paying you to look into my past, but...

This is my rainy day money.

I'd say it's pouring right about now.

Please take it and tell me you didn't find anything.

Keep your money.

And bring me a real story.

Something I can shop to the papers.

Something no one knows about Grissom's flight or John Glenn's.

Public's crazy for that guy.

Captain Slayton doesn't talk to me about his work.

That doesn't surprise me.

But I suspect you're a resourceful woman.

♪ Just another day, just another one ♪

[door bells jingle, door opens]

Freud's theory of repression?

Don't think I don't know that was meant for me.

You're the one who wrote the article with my name on it.

If the whole wide world thinks that I'm perfect, it's because you told them I was.

I wrote that article because it was the right thing for the magazine and the space program, not to mention because you asked me to.

Man: Order up!

But that's for the public.

It might have been nice for Betty to hear that a little fear is normal when your husband's up in space.

And you and the Russian lady are the only ones in the world who could do that.

Of course, that would require you acknowledging that you're a human being with emotions.

Forget it. I don't even know why I'm here.

I certainly don't care what you think of me.

You're doing that on purpose.

[Mouth full] You mad at me?

I'm just minding my own business enjoying a Reuben.

You tracked me down.

It'd be nice if we could stay here a little longer.

Wish we could be here for the launch.

You know how it is. Protocol.

No wives in Florida during missions.

Something bad happens, best if crying women are a few states away.

Not that anything bad's gonna happen.

Wait. Ice cubes. Ice cubes.

Mark, Scotty, leave that thing be.

[Ice rattling in distance]

Gus: I see we've got ourselves an Astro fan.

Son, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind doing me a small favor?

I was just telling my wife Betty that I was feeling an urge to sign an autograph.

Would you mind if I signed one for you?

Hi. Xavier... [chuckles]

I had to bring my boy with me to work today.

I'm so sorry.


If you've been picking up my husband's socks these past few months, he should be apologizing to you.



You'll make a fine astronaut someday.

Me, sir?

Yeah. You keep up that homework, especially the math, you'll get there.

[Laughs] Well, we'll see about that.

I'm working real hard to grow him up right.

I'm not too keen on the idea of launching him into space.

I-I don't like...

I... Oh. Uh, uh, I don't mean anything by that. I...


It's okay. [Chuckles] It is very dangerous.

But if someone's gonna do it, it's gonna be the best man for the job, and that's my Gus.




You sure neither of you will join me?

I hate drinking alone.

No, thank you. We'll pass.

That's what I love about you two.

The squeaky-clean image.

Ah, that's just who we are.

That's what I mean. You don't stop.

[Clears throat] That being said, with your launch coming after Gus', we need to talk about the public relations challenges that may occur when it's your turn.

Well, you... You mean... you mean me.

No, no, of course not.

I... know what p... people say.

Give her time to prepare.

Don't throw Annie any curve balls.

She'll have some sentences ready.

Without the...

No stutter.

They may want more than prepared statements.

There might be questions.

A w-w-woman knows wh-when to shut up.

America w-will love me.


See? Like I said, she's gonna be fine.


So you're still working.


I'll call you later, okay?

They're sure keeping you busy down there.

The program must really need you.

[Chuckles] I guess they do.

Maybe some of those things that we talked about keeping in the past... maybe it wouldn't be such a big deal if those things came out.

Trust me, it'd be a big deal.

[Door closes]


Listen, I gotta go, red.

Okay. Bye.

[Line disconnects]



[Rack squeaks]

I love you, Gus Grissom.

I love you, too, hon.

You let me run the house exactly the way I want.

You don't tell me how to do my job.

I don't tell you how to do yours.

If I disagree with someone, you always take my side.

You're pretty much always right.


And even if you're not, you're my wife.

You don't call me crazy or lazy or dumb.

Not to my face or to anyone.



A lot of husband do. Don't say different.

You know you've heard it.


You're a good father.

You're a loyal husband.

And you're my best friend.

And you're mine.


I'm done now.

Well, maybe we're just getting started.


Here you go, bug.

You know, if this whole astronaut thing doesn't work out, I've definitely got a future in collage making.


Hey, mom, did you know that your friend Dot won the all-women transcontinental air race?

Dot won? Good for her.

Well, we were training together.

So... You might have won?


Why do they call it the "Powderpuff Derby"?

It's because they wanna make it seem like it's not important, but it is.

All right, come on. Let's get you to bed.

I'll be in to say good night to you and your sister.

[Paper rustling]

Trudy, I know you feel like you're missing out, but what you're doing is important, too.


You know better than that.

Sorry. I... then stop trying to kiss me and try talking.

Catch me up on everything that's been going on down at the cape, like the tests on the new hand controls, for starters.

They work. No problemo.

Okay. Well, how about the compensation issue created by adding the window?

Come on. I gotta talk about this stuff with the guys all week.

Last night before I head out, I just wanna be at home with my girls and see your smiling face.

Do I look like I'm smiling?



Fold your own socks.

[indistinct conversations]

Man: Mrs. Shepard, this way, please.

Man: Mrs. Shepard, did you bake those cookies when your husband went into space?

Mrs. Shepard, can we get a picture of you?

Man: Mrs. Glenn!

Man: Mrs. Cooper!

...about the launch.

Louise: I'm not answering any questions.

This is Gus and Betty Grissom's day.

Thank you.

[Indistinct conversations]

Man: What do you have there, Mrs. carpenter?

Oh, uh, I'm bringing a new dish.

It's called Chinese chicken salad.

It's got cashews.

[TV playing indistinctly]

[Doorbell rings, knock on door]

Man on TV: ...By Gus Grissom on July 15th.

Welcome. [Chuckles]

Hi there. [Giggles]

Mr. Kaplan.

Mrs. Shepard.

...synonymous with freedom.

Mrs. Slayton, any news?

Uh, not at this time, no.

Thanks for sharing.

Thank you.

Well, Gus told the cops that I didn't want my yard looking like the Shepards', so where are they now?

They're watching TV at the station.

Oh, also Max thinks that it will feel more real if my house looks like a pigsty.

[Sighs] I just, I can't wait for this to be over.

Gus is gonna be great, and with that window, he's gonna be the first man to really see the earth from space.

We are getting reports from N.A.S.A.

That there is a delay.

It seems that one of the titanium bolts around the hatch...

Countdown is halted. Word from N.A.S.A.

Is that a mechanical issue is being addressed as we speak.

Waiting is the worst part.

I hope so.

Are y... y-y-you okay?

[Whispers] sh**t!


Now you're gonna have to write that I got so worked up, I broke an egg.

I won't write anything of the sort.

You could faint right now, and the article would say that you are the epitome of reserved strength.

In other words, Max will channel your inner primly stable.

Max: Primly stable?

Rene, you gotta do it.

Oh, stop.

Oh, come on.

All right. [Clears throat]

I never had any doubt that my husband squarely would be home in time to try my new omelet recipe.

I watched and prayed with much contentedness as he hurtled through space, firm in my belief that he would like the ham and onion even more than he likes the mushroom and cheese.


Who's that supposed to be?

Oh. Hon, it's not you.

It's what N.A.S.A. Expects us to be...

Which... You may embody... Slightly.

Oh, it's just for fun.

That's very amusing.


Trudy: Betty?

Everyone, the countdown started again.

[Dishes clatter]

Man: 10... 9... 8...


6... 5... 4...

3... 2...


Zero. Ignition. Liftoff.

And the clock has started. We have liftoff.

We should be getting a report of re-entry activity at this time.

He is at 65,000 feet on his way down.

50,000 feet.

He's going through some clouds.

And we have confirmation that Gus Grissom has landed in the water, and a helicopter has been dispatched.

Oh! [Laughs] Looks like somebody's going to the White House!

We need glasses.

Woman: We have to celebrate!

We should get official confirmation that Gus Grissom has come into the helicopter at any moment now.

[Laughter, indistinct conversations]

[Glasses clatter]

I saw that man talk to you outside.

What man?

The same one who was at your house when we were playing euchre.


He looks like trouble.

[Cabinet door closes]

[Lowered voice] Is he a black sheep family member?

What... no, he's not.

Do you owe him money?

For what? Jo.

[Whispers] Are you having an a-f-f-a-i-r?



[Lowered voice] He works for one of those tabloid magazines.

Oh, my.

[Dishes clattering]


What kind of unsavory information might come out?

Use your imagination.

But the only way this guy will k*ll the story if I give him some sort of classified information...

Which I wouldn't do, which is the problem.

Deke's finally on deck, and...

Jo, I gotta fix this.

Well... It's not like "the Navy wife" has a chapter on blackmail, but...

Growing up the stepdaughter of an admiral, I learned that the military looks after its own.

You should talk to Dunk Porter.

Isn't that like asking the principal to help you skip school?

It's his job to make sure we all get presented in public in the best light possible.

Everyone's waiting on glasses.

[Sighs] We're on our way.

[Man speaking indistinctly on TV]

[Indistinct conversations, laughter]

I am now hearing that there is some trouble with the "Liberty Bell."

I repeat, there seems to be a problem with the space capsule.

Reports are coming in that the hatch has blown prematurely and the capsule is filling with water.

The helicopter cable has broken, and the "liberty bell" capsule is sinking into the ocean.

No word yet on the status of Gus Grissom.

Astronaut Gus Grissom remains in the water.

Reports are spotty. There is mixed information.

[Inhales sharply]

Wait one second.

We are hearing that a second helicopter
is bringing Gus Grissom aboard.

He's gonna be fine.

Yes, he is.

I have confirmation that Gus Grissom has come into the helicopter and is headed back to the "U.S.S. Randolph."

It's finally over. [Laughs]

[Knock on door]

Your fans await you, doll.

Knock 'em dead.


[Indistinct conversations]

Man: Here she comes, here she comes.

[Reporters shouting at once]

Hi. I'm Betty Grissom.

[Camera shutters clicking]

Thank you all for being here.

I'm overjoyed that my husband is doing well and that his mission was a success and...

Any idea why Gus opened the hatch early?

Man: Yeah, yeah, why is that?

Man: Yeah, why would he do that, ma'am?

Oh. Uh... Uh... I don't know.

We heard that Gus was tidying up the capsule when the hatch blew.

Do you make him clean up at home?

Man: [Laughs]

No, I...

That's a good point. - I take care of everything on the homefront.

The capsule cost millions.

All the flight data is lost.

Man: Mrs. Grissom, over here. One more question!

[Reporters shouting at once]

It's a mess.

What do you think he dug up?

Who knows?

[Fan whirring]

[Telephone ringing in distance]

My father worked for the railroad.

He was a drunk, violent.

My mother loved him, but not soon enough.

Everyone loves a good rags-to-riches story.


I also lived in Japan for a number of years... When I was single. I was working as a secretary, but I know how it sounds. It is very unusual for an unmarried woman to work overseas. I lived there after I left my husband. My first husband. I'm divorced.

Look, I made a mistake... a big one, but I fixed it. And nothing that I did before I met Deke should ever hurt him.


Don't you worry, Mrs. Slayton. This article will never see the light of day.

Thank you. Thank you very much.
Well, this should be fun.

We haven't flown together in a while.

Question is, who's the pilot? Who's in the jump seat?

Um, that's not the question. You flew last time.

Oh. How about we flip for it?

No. It's my turn.

I don't recall agreeing to taking turns.

Oh, you don't agree to turns. Turns are what's fair.

Fair? Whoever told you life was fair?

Well, it seems pretty fair to you.

You got your wife back. You get to go into space.

Name once in your life when you haven't gotten exactly what you want.

How about right now when I wanna go flying with my wife and have a nice time?

[Huffs] And it'll only be nice if I'm sitting next to you, staring out the window?

Oh, come on. I'm headed off to Australia soon.

You really wanna leave things like this?

Give me that quarter.

You gonna flip?

I'm calling Jo to pick me up.

Phone call only costs a dime!

I expect the change!

What is this place again?

I told you.

N.A.S.A. Got us a beach house as a reward for me going up into space.

It's for V.I.P.'s It's very private. We've been driving for an hour.

I think they just wanted to do something nice.


To make up for us not going to Washington.

We're not invited to the White House?

Gus, why?

You didn't do anything wrong.

I know.

Everybody knows.


There's gonna be an investigation.

An investigation? About what?

I-if you said the hatch just popped, the hatched just popped. You're not a liar.

No one's saying I am, okay? But N.A.S.A.'s government.

They got their own way of doing things.

Oh, yeah. Protocol. Right.

You know what?

Why don't we just turn the car around and go back to your room at the motel?

Bets, you haven't even seen the place.

I don't want to. I don't want anything from anybody that thinks you're a hatch-popping liar.

They're trying to be nice.


You don't wanna be here?

I'll take you and the boys back to the motel.

And then I'll head down to the cape.

[Tires squeal]


[Vacuum turns off]

How was your day?

What's that French girl doing on the cover?

It was supposed to be you.

Story's inside...

After a photo essay on the runnin' of the bulls.

[Door slams in distance]

[Singsongy] Jell-o salad.

Scotty, what happened to your shirt?


It's ripped.

I said it was nothing.

If it's nothin', then why are you so upset?

[Silverware clinks]

Are you gonna be a part of this conversation?

Tell me what happened.

Kid at school. He said dad had screwed the pooch, so I socked him.

Then he socked me.

[Turns TV on]

Woman on TV: ...Clean hair without water...

Sew it up for you good as new.

[Dish clatters]

And that kid better look worse than your shirt.

[Woman continues speaking indistinctly]

N.A.S.A. Has decided that John Glenn is going all the way, all the way around the earth in the United States' first orbital mission.

Man on radio: An orbital mission is crucial if we're going to catch up to the Russians, and Colonel John Glenn is just the man for the job.

A decorated w*r hero and supersonic record holder,

his flight is sure to be the most impressive... - [Switch clicks]

You'll always be first. No one can take that away.

It was 15 minutes. I didn't have a window.

And what you did was more daring, more dangerous because of it.

There were so many unknowns.

Alan, I should have told you at the time, but...

When you were up there...

Well, the truth is I wasn't... it's gonna be hell for that wife of his.

At least I don't have to worry about that with you.

Annie: [Slowly] I am so... proud...

Of my husband...

And my country.

Thank you all for your support...




Man: Mrs. Cooper!

[Indistinct conversations]

Man: Mrs. Slayton!


Good morning.

Man: Excuse me!

Thank you.

Rene: It's my double Decker tuna loaf.

Trudy: Smoky cocktail weenies.

Marge: Tater tots surprise.

N.A.S.A. Will track John Glenn's orbit from 16 land-based stations and two air force ships... one in the Indian ocean and one in the pacific...

You doing okay?



The investigation's taking forever.

It's eating Gus up. [Exhales]

...the Capcom, or "Capsule Communicator" in California.

Grissom's in Bermuda, and Cooper is all the way over

in Australia... - I wonder what it feels like in zero gravity.

Must be amazing.

I heard they think that his eyeballs might float out of his head.

We now hear that N.A.S.A. Has announced that the mission has been scrubbed due to poor weather conditions.


Oh, Annie.

...launch will be rescheduled, but we will keep you updated...

I'm sorry. we know more.

Man: Pack it up, boys.

Man: This time's over.

[Telephone rings]

[Man speaking indistinctly on TV]

[Glass clatters]

Glenn residence.

Annie, it's Vice President Johnson's office.

I'm afraid Mrs. Glenn can't come to the phone right now.

Is there a message I might relay to her?

He says he's sorry about the delay.

He knows how disappointed you must be.

Uh... [stammering]

She says that's very kind.

[TV playing indistinctly]


He's on his way here so he can comfort you.

Vice President Johnson?

He's c-c-coming... coming h-h-here?

Yeah, and he's got camera crews from all three networks with him.

He wants to film the two of you talking together.

Marge: You could just tell him the truth about your condition.

I'm sure he'd understand.

You don't have a choice.

[Doorbell rings]

Marge: It's one of his aides.

I'll talk to him.

Don't go anywhere. We can fix this.

Look, don't worry about the stutter.

We'll just tell the Vice President that you're overcome with emotion.

He'll hug you. He'll be happy. America will be happy.

I'm n-not h-happy. I have... have a headache.

He's not just the V.P. The space program is his baby.

How's it gonna look on TV today with yet another failure to launch?

The country needs to see that you're okay so that they can be okay.

Betty: Annie, do whatever you want.

They're all using us as pawns.

They'll cut you out as fast as they'll claim you.

Whatever makes them look good.

What do you think N.A.S.A. Will do to John if Annie says no?

So we're just supposed to spend our lives worrying about N.A.S.A.?

Betty: Yes, that's what we signed up for.

[Exhales deeply]

But don't we have some right to some privacy here?

[Bang, clatter]

I h-h-h-h-have to call John.

[Lifts receiver] - First it's fuel tanks, now it's damn clouds.

Do you have any idea how many people around the world are talking about how badly we messed up again?

Nobody messed up, Jim. We made the right call.

John's on the phone with Annie.

L.B.J. Wants to come over with a bunch of reporters, and she's saying no.

Well, he better to tell her to say yes if he actually wants to go up one day.

He's got camera crews?

Tell her to let him in now.

How do you feel about that?

Who cares how she feels?!

If she doesn't let Johnson in that house now...

I'll find somebody else to take your flight.


Do you want Vice President Johnson to come in?



Then don't let him in.

But wh...

Wh-wh-what about you?

Oh. Don't worry about me.

[Clears throat] I'll be fine.

I love you.

I-I-I l-love you, too.

[Line disconnects, receiver clatters]

Glenn, you're grounded.

I-I-I don't have to l-let him in.

Well, that's it. If Annie and John don't want Vice President Johnson coming in, he's not coming in.

I'll barricade the door if I have to.

I'll join you.

Me, too.

And me.

Using a chair under the door knob is actually more effective.

I could grab one and do that.



The only thing worse than Glenn making history today is... not making anything at all.

Well, the weather can't stay like this forever.

Hey, can you still get Gordo, Gus, and Wally on the radio?


We need to talk.

I'm giving your flight to Carpenter.

I'm sorry, sir. I'm not gonna take John's place.

Fine. There's five more where you two came from.

I'm afraid not. All of us.

We're united in this.


Shepard? And Slayton?

Are you kidding me?

No joke, Jim.

Gordo, Gus, and Wally said they'd stand with us, too.

You don't have to do this.

Yeah. Yeah, we do.

They do it to one of us, they'll do it to all of us.

Eat your egg, John.


[Gears shift, engine turns off]

Gus: You came down here all by yourself?

That's... [sighs]

I wasn't expecting you.

I know.

Things haven't been right since you went up, and I just... I can't take it anymore.

[Keys jangle]


I gotta show you something.

This is what they didn't show on the news.

[Projector whirring]

My space suit was half full of water.

You know I'm not much of a swimmer at the best of times.

The newsmen didn't say anything about you nearly drownin'.

They're trying to save the capsule and completely ignoring you.

Every time the "Liberty Bell" hit the surface, the... water would get choppy.

I went under a couple times.

But you know what kept me going?

Everything you said to me that night.

Hell if I was gonna let you down, Bets.

Gus... If it were me in your shoes, and you believed me, that's all that would matter.

The investigation, N.A.S.A., the press...

It's nothing compared to you and me.

[Whirring stops, switch clicks]

The only regret I have is that this whole mess... it's meant you didn't get what should've been yours.

Dinner with Jackie... A parade.

None of that matters.


Although a parade would've been nice.

[Both laugh]

Man: The launch delays continue.

A fuel leak has been reported.

[Indistinct conversations]

[Pencil clatters]

With the Russians having orbited the earth in its first two flights, and Gus Grissom's capsule lost at sea, the U.S. needs this mission more than ever.

Finally, three months after the original launch date, the "Friendship 7" takes off into space.

Man: Roger. The launch is operating. We're underway.

Man: Reading you loud and clear.


John Glenn orbited the earth for 4 hours and 55 minutes.

And although there were a few concerns about the heat shield, he splashed down just 40 miles short of the intended landing zone.

Man: "Friendship 7," do you read me?

Man: Yes, loud and clear.

And now the nation finally celebrates with a ticker tape parade in New York City.

[Band playing "Semper Fidelis"]

Thanks for coming out.


Congratulations, John.

Coming through.

Annie, thanks so much for making sure we all got included.

The guys... h-had J-John's back.

The girls h-had mine.

Mrs. Grissom?

Mrs. Glenn? We need to get you into your cars.

Oh! And we're in the third car, right behind the Shepards.

Where the hell is Mrs. Cooper?

They cleared me.


They finished the investigation.

It is officially a fact that if I had blown that hatch, my hand would have been all black and blue.

It was the external release lanyard.

Well, I don't know what that is, but I love it. [Giggles]


You look beautiful.

Like my dress?

Means a lot coming from you.

I wanted you to know...

You held up better at Gus' launch than I did at Alan's.

Louise, the sooner this thing starts, the sooner it's over with.

What's up with your wife?

Hell if I know.

Can get these guys into space.

Can't get 'em into a couple convertibles.

Ready? One... Two... Three!





Oh, Mr. Porter. Oh...

I just wanted to say thank you for handling my, um, my problem.

I never heard from that guy or the magazine again.

You're welcome. I did what I had to do.

You didn't...

I didn't k*ll him, Mrs. Slayton.

I threatened to have his P.I. license yanked.

We're N.A.S.A., not the mob.

[Exhales deeply]

Let's go, Marge.


The next parade is gonna be for you.

I'm here.

Don't start.

[Car door closes]

I know that some of the normal wifely duties are off the table, but showing up on time for a parade doesn't seem like too much to ask.


I came back because you have the chance to do the impossible... leave the earth, fly in space, get to the moon one day.

John saw the sun rise and set three times in five hours.

I wanna be a part of that.

I don't mean anything bad by this, but you're not an astronaut.

You're an astronaut's wife.

It's nothing I did. It's nothing you did.

It's just... How it is.

[Car engine starts]

Come on, babe. We're almost there.


[Cheers and whistles]


Man: With this orbit, the U.S. has caught up.

The space race is neck and neck, and the prize can be ours.

World w*r II ace pilot Deke Slayton will be next.

[Door opens and closes]

Deke! Come look at these photos of the parade.

How many times do I have to tell you to keep the driveway clear?

I nearly ran over this thing.

And if you actually had, we would have bought another one.

It's a toy. What's with you?

We need to keep things in their place, okay?

We need to clean up after ourselves.

Are you drunk?



I'm grounded.

Taking my flight away.



Why would they do that to you?