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01x12 - Bug Out

Posted: 06/22/15 05:35
by bunniefuu
You k*lled my father.

My future is jail or death.

I'm not going to jail.

Harrison: No.

Baker canceled my deal. I need your help.

I'll keep my eyes and ears open, that's it.

I want a divorce.

In fact, I think it's important that we talk.

I am of my people. A protector.

Death... it is the only way.

Odelle: I defied an order.

Not your fault.

You have to die.

Luc: g*n full of blanks and some blood.

Fools them every time. We need to get going.

We've got a plane to catch.

[plane flying overhead]

♪ ♪

Luc: We're here. Look.

Just below us.

Beautiful, isn't it?


Pretty amazing, huh?

It's incredible.

I've seen only pictures.

Come on, head down to the sand. Dip your toes in.


[melancholy music]

♪ ♪

You made me jump.

You can relax now.

No one is hunting you anymore.

What's in there, dr*gs?

No. It's a gift for the kids.

Never come for a visit empty-handed.

So where are we?

We're in Algeria, about an hour from Sassel Beach.

It's my home away from home.

Only accessible by boat or plane.

Perfect for my purposes.

Last stop before Europe.

That's right. I have a boat.

It travels to Spain every few days.

Full of dr*gs?


Lucky for you, you can use it and some of my cargo trucks to find your way to Barcelona.

It's where the woman from The New York Times told you to meet her now, yeah?


Are you coming?

Spain? No.

I have, how you say, uh, unresolved issues in Spain.

No, my pilot friend will take me back to Mali tomorrow.

If you like, I can drop the little thief back in Tessalit for you.

Odelle: Tessalit?

Did Aslam mention going back?

No, I assumed.

Why? Do you think you are going to smuggle him to America?

Are you adopting him now?

Yeah, if I have to. I'm not leaving him here.

Oh, you mean living in Africa, where he was born.

He doesn't have any family here.

He doesn't have any family in America either.

Aren't you going to do anything?

What would you like us to do, Mr. Walters?

I don't know. Maybe just investigate Osela?

My father's m*rder, Ruby Sims or whatever her name is...

Rikki Castillo.

Was. Right.

Her, yeah, she...

She k*lled my father.

What are you writing?

Am I a suspect?

You haven't been charged with anything, no.

Oh, great, well, I've been here for three hours.

So am I free to go or what?

You are.

But perhaps we should talk a little bit more about what happened.

One last time...

Look, I told you everything.

Maybe if you guys didn't sh**t Ruby, you could be talking to her right now.

She would tell you everything.

You have a bad scratch on that arm.

Oh, it happened when I was... struggling with Ruby and... Rikki.

You need someone to look at that?

No, I need you to investigate...

I need someone to investigate Osela.

They're murdering people on U.S. soil with impunity, including my father.

Mr. Walters, I assure you we take every lead seriously.


But you've been through quite a traumatic ordeal today.

You should go home.

Get some rest.

Anything that comes up, anything else, just call me.

[door buzzes]

Nice place.

As long as you don't put anything in your mouth.

Well, you're not exactly someone I want to be seen with.

I'll try not to take that personally.

So what do you have?

Baker's calling the note on Greece.

All of it?

Now that Tsaldari's Prime Minister, they've decided to hold her feet to the fire.

[phone chimes]

[sighs] Damn it.

I imagine the EU's passing a brick as we speak.

Everyone with a spreadsheet and an accent is leaning on your beautiful Greek friend.

Word is she's flying in today for an emergency meeting with Baker.

The original Maleficent herself, Jenifer Wachtel, is stepping in to mediate.

Look, Peter, you put up a good fight, but these people are just too powerful.

David and Goliath's a great story, but it only happened once.

You don't understand.

This fight cost me everything.

Odelle: It must be strange being away from Mali for the first time.

The cars are all different.

And the smell.

That's the sea.

It's bigger than I thought.


And colder.


It's warmer than the water back home, though, I tell ya.

See, the trick is you got to get in really, really fast, get over the shock, and then your body just adjusts.



What is the sea like where you live?

It's beautiful.

It's like this but just different.

In the summer, we go to this place called Cape Cod, and we dig for clams and bodysurf.

Swim with the waves.

Eat popsicles. [chuckles]

How does that sound?

Sounds different.

Different is one way to put it.

It's another planet.

Tell you what, I'm flying back to Tessalit tomorrow.

I'll take you back.

We just talked about that.

He doesn't have anybody there.

How do you know that?

Everyone's everyone's uncle.

They're all one big, happy family.

He's going back to Tessalit.

That is not up to you.

Or you.

It's not up to you either.


Just leave me alone.

It's this way, the house.

[lively music]

♪ ♪

Luc: So you found the dress.

You look beautiful.


You clean up nice too.

It's been a long time since I...

Since you've been able to relax.


It's the best thing about being dead.


Where's Aslam?

He's down by the water.

I better go find him and talk to him.

You mean convince him.

Get something to eat first.

Come on.

All right.

So what is this, some kind of festival?

A welcome celebration.

For who?

For me.


I built a school.

[laughs] You built a school?

Yeah, and a few houses.

I like the people here.

They're good to me, so I'm good to them.


Oh, Luc.


[speaking native language]

Oh, hello.

[speaking native language]


Who are you guys?

[speaking French]

Harrison: Bob?

In here.

Oh, the... the door was open.


It was?

Listen, I need your help, all right?

It's Banks. He runs Osela.

Hired g*ns for those corporations.

GBR and SOC.

They... uh, you gotta... You gotta help me.

Um, I... look, we... we have them.

We have them. She... she told me everything.

Wait, w-what happened to her? The last I heard from you, you...

The cops shot her.

They k*lled her?


She's dead?


They shot her.


What happened to your arm?

Oh, it's... it's nothing.

It's nothing.

Is that... is that...

My mother.

She was on her chair.


Sorry. Sorry.

I can't believe they shot her, she's dead All right, we have to move on this, all right, 'cause she told me that...

That her and Banks, there's something going on between them.

Like... they were having sex.


We need... we need evidence.

Like a text or an... an email.

Some... they had... They had to talk to each other about things like...

Like... like how, uh, how to m*rder my father. They...

They wouldn't send an email about that.

They might. They might.

They didn't.

I already looked.

Damn it.

What about that Petraeus thing?

General Petraeus.

He was having an affair with some lady he shared an email account with.

They never sent anything over the net.

They just read each other's drafts.

That way, no one could see 'em.

Could Ruby and Banks have done the same thing?

That's it.

Bob, that's genius.

That's genius. All right.

Well, maybe.

Oh, let... let me.

The operating systems on all computers have Bash software.

There's a security bug in it that nobody's been able to make a complete patch for.


That may be my workaround.

Okay. Good, good, good. This is good.

You focus on this and I'll...

I'm gonna post to my blog Ruby and, uh, Osela, SOC, even my... my father's m*rder.

Why... why hasn't he called me back yet?


Peter... Peter Decker.

He's... he's, um, he's Yusuf Qasim's lawyer.

I need a... Need a statement from him.

You'll be okay?


Will you?

Luc, there's Aslam.

Luc: He looks fine.

Cute girl. He's more than fine.

Who is that girl?

Does it matter?

Look, I know what you're thinking.

You created a fantasy about what life would be like for him in America.

It's a lie.

All this hell that you just escaped, it starts all over again the minute you're back home.

They will attack you any way they can.

If they can't k*ll you, they find another way to destroy you.

And your family.

Your future, it's a very complicated thing.


Ah, not now.


If I have to, you have to.

Come on.

I don't...

[man speaking native language]

I don't really feel like dancing.

[romantic music]

♪ ♪

[woman singing in native language]

♪ ♪

How'd it go?

What did Julia say?

Can I see her again?

I'm sorry, Dolly.

She didn't show.

Look, I got a hot chocolate.

Maybe she was running late.

I don't think so.

I waited for her.

For how long?

Over an hour.

I don't understand.

Why would she do that?

Why do they do that?

Why do they lie?

Who are we talking about?

Why would she leave for stupid Africa on some stupid mission for the stupid Army and stupid Colonel Glen?

Why would... Why wouldn't she stay with us?

Oh, Dolly.

She promised.

She said she'd be back in a couple of weeks.

She said... she promised.

Dolly, your mother would never choose to leave you.

If there was any way for her to come back, she would.

She would be here.

With us.

Right now.

There is no way.

She's not coming back, is she?


She isn't.


There are very few people in the world like you, you know?

I just want to be a good example for my daughter.

You know, so she grows up strong and has a big life.

I'm sure that she's extraordinary too.


She is.

It's getting late.

I think I'll just walk a little bit more.



Good night, Luc.

Good night, Odelle.

Good night.

[melancholy music]

♪ ♪

Harrison: Harrison Walters to see Peter Decker at Simons-Wachtel.

I 'm sorry. Do you have an appointment?

It's okay, I'm with the press.

Mr. Decker needs to respond to allegations of corruption and m*rder.

Mr. Decker doesn't work here anymore, and you need to keep your voice down.

I got this, Kate. Come with me.

Get your hands off me.

All right, all right. Let me make it simple.

I'm a colleague of Peter's.

You can take this outside with me, or we can let security handle it.

Huh? What's it gonna be?

Why isn't Decker returning my calls?

Maybe he doesn't want to talk to you.

I guarantee he does.

I know everything.

Your client SOC is behind all of it.

Do you have his home address?

Yeah, I do, but I'm not gonna give it to you.

Fine. All right, you tell him I'm writing a story on SOC, their connection to m*rder, to Osela.

He's just as guilty as the rest of them.

You're that Walters kid.

Peter mentioned you.

And if you weren't such an idiot, you'd know he's been trying to expose SOC for weeks.

That's why he's not here.

He got fired.

Is that true?

Not every guy in a suit's a jerk.
[phone ringing]

Please tell me you found something.

S-sort of. Depends.

Do you know if Ruby has a key generator?

Harrison: What?

What are you talking about?

Bob: I hacked into Banks' computer.

I found an IP address for an encrypted email service based in Switzerland.

When that company gives you an account, they also give you a key generator, a-a way to randomly change your password every 15 minutes.

Does... does Ruby have one of those?

Uh, I don't know.

What do the... What does it look like?

Check your phone. I just sent you a photo.

[phone chimes]




I saw one. It's at King's Point.

At the house.

We have to go back.

Stay where you are. I'll meet you there.


[dramatic music]


Where are you?


Hey, have you seen Aslam?

I was just about to ask you the same thing.

Wait, he didn't stay at your place last night?

You don't know where he is?


And I'm ready to wring his neck.

The little saboteur cut wires to the engine last night.

Look. It will take days for the parts now.

Son of a bitch.

Well, I guess that answers your question.

He obviously doesn't want to go back to Tessalit.

Doesn't mean he wants to go to America either.

I've got to find him and talk to him.

I've got to convince him to come back with me.

So you're just gonna bring him to America?

How would you manage that?

The kid is 14. No passport.

What are you gonna do, put him in your overhead compartment?

No. I'll get The New York Time to help me.

Help you take a Malian boy out of Africa and bring him to the suburbs?

And what about your family?

What will your husband say about it?

Your daughter?

I don't know, okay?

I just...

What about the... the girl from last night?

Where... where is she at?

Her family lives in town.


[both speaking foreign language]

[paper ripping]

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

Ruby: My future is jail or death.

I'm not going to jail.

You okay?

Uh, fine.

Bob: Is this where she...


So where'd you last see that keygen?

It was near... It was near the armoire.

I can't...

I can't see anything.

Let me help.

Trying to get... No, wait.



You have a delivery for Prime Minister Tsaldari?

desk clerk: Yes. Right here.

Who are they...

Oh, they're from Mister...

They're from me.

I know the Prime Minister's been avoiding my calls.

But I need to see her.

[indistinct chatter]



[speaking foreign language]

Thank you for seeing me.

Thank you for the flowers.

I realize there was an ulterior motive, but they are beautiful nonetheless.

Please, sit. Some tea?

No, I'm fine. Thanks.

I am sorry I haven't returned your calls, but you must understand, I have been very busy since taking office.

I know why you've been avoiding me.

You know I tried.

But we just didn't have enough, and I cannot let Greece go into default.

You don't have to.

Everything you need to destroy SOC and Baker is on this drive.

Use it.

Peter, we both know if I use that, you will be prosecuted for m*rder.

A price I'm willing to play.

You're not thinking clearly.

I can't let them get away with this.

Peter, what matters now is the love you have for your family.

They need you at home, not in a prison cell.


No, this is a sacrifice I will not allow you to make.

Then I'll do it myself. I'll take it to the press.

And what will that accomplish?

You will create a scandal that will last until the next news cycle.

Societel and Baker will rehabilitate themselves.

Your life will be ruined for nothing.

But it'll stop you from making this deal.


You do this, and they get away with everything.


For God's sakes, they k*lled your husband, Sophia.

And I will not allow them to do the same to my country.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

[speaking foreign language]

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[man speaking native language on TV]

I was worried.

What is it? I can take care of myself.

I've made plans.

What are you talking about? What plans?

[clears throat] So when are you leaving?


What, and you weren't gonna talk to me about it or tell me?

No. It's my decision.


Can I talk to you outside for a minute, please?

In private?

A brick maker?

It's a good job.

Yeah, I know that.

I'm not questioning that, but... have you thought about it?

Are you sure that's what you want?


Is that why you cut the wires to the plane?

Because you didn't want to go back?

I didn't cut any wires.

Yes, you did.

No, I didn't!

No, of course you didn't, because you were making plans to go to Libya last night.


Look, I know that you're mad at me, but I can't let you leave without saying how much you mean to me.

I owe you everything.

I owe you my life. I-I'd be dead.

I know.

You're a man now.

You get to make your own choices.

Yes. I get to choose.

Not you and not Luc.

What do you mean?

On the beach, you said that I have to go to America, and Luc said that I have to go to Tessalit.

Well, this is what I want.

Not you, not him. Me.

No, but I didn't mean it like that...

You didn't give me a chance.

Digging for clams and eating popsicles may sound good for you, but you didn't even ask me.

You're right.

Look at me.

I'm asking now.

I don't know. I don't like it.

I'll miss you.

When is your boat leaving?

Peter Decker?

Ms. Wachtel.

Oh, please. Jenifer.

I understand you're no longer working for the firm.

I'm sorry it didn't work out.

If only I'd fallen into line like a good soldier.

Not everyone's cut out for the world of high finance.

I assume you were here visiting the Prime Minister's suite?

Business? Pleasure?

I was trying to talk her out of making the deal.

I'm aware of your rather shocking allegations against Alex and SOC.

But, as I understand it, you haven't shown any evidence.

Sounds like malicious prosecution, Counselor.

Excuse me. I have a train to catch.

Nonsense. You'll never get a cab at this hour.

My driver will drop you.

That's okay. Thank you.

No. No, please. I insist.

Consider it part of your severance package.

Best of luck, Peter.

You find the brat?


And we worked it out.


Meaning... he's going to Libya to make bricks.

He's what?

You heard me.

That's the last thing I expected you to say.

The kid is smart.

What do you mean?

Not to go to America, where you're a wanted woman.

Where they want to k*ll you.

Someone will listen to me.

I thought you understood.

Understood what?

That you can't go back.

It's not as simple as that.

Once they know you're alive, they will hunt you.

They will never stop. You know that.

Here, you're not Odelle Ballard.

You're no one, and you are safe.

And your family, this little girl that you love, they're safe.

Does that mean nothing to you?

It means everything to me.

I'm alive. I'm safe.

But my little girl, she needs to know that I'm alive.

At least that.

I can't stay dead forever.

So that's it.

What more is there?

Do I really have to say it?

No, you don't.

And I know that it was you that broke the plane and you blamed it on Aslam.


What do you want me to say, huh?

We've been through a lot together.

Of course we're gonna...

Have a connection and even have feelings for each other, but that doesn't mean that anything...

[soft music]

♪ ♪





Odelle! Please, please come here!

Help her! Please help!

She's in the water!

Please, come here!

She's in the water.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Odelle: I've got you. Hang on!


[overlapping shouting]

That's it.

It's okay. You're okay. Breathe.

It's okay.

You're okay.

girl: Odelle.

Odelle. You're Odelle Ballard.


Yes, yes. I recognize you from the G-8 protest.

You're the American woman soldier.


[bird tweets]

Where did you send that?

Onto Twitter. Onto everywhere.

[both speaking foreign language]


You're close, right?

I'm not that close.

I thought all you needed was the keygen.

Trust me, it's like finding a needle in a haystack.

I could find it tomorrow, or it could take three months.

Maybe never.

[phone chimes]

Is that your phone?

You're bleeding through the bandages.

[phone chimes]

Aren't you gonna see who that is?

Harrison, we can't quit.

I'll find it.

Oh... oh, my... oh, my God.



Is that...

Odelle Ballard.

Odelle lives.

Great, now it's out, everywhere.

Aslam: It's my fault.

No, honey, it is not your fault, okay?

It's not your fault.

So now you're no longer dead. You have to be careful.

You must follow my instructions exactly.

Yeah, absolutely. Anything you say.

So you're going to Libya to make bricks?


Luc: Sure you don't want to go to America?

The land of fat children and cronuts?

He's made his decision. We have to respect that.

[melancholy music]

♪ ♪

Okay, I guess this is it.

Um, I don't know what to say, but, uh, thank you.

Take care, huh?

♪ ♪

In another life.

In another life.

And you.

You take care, huh?

Gonna miss you so much.

You be my brave boy, okay?

All right.

[speaking French]

Okay, get ready to cast off.

[speaks indistinctly]


What are you doing?

I am coming.

Oh, you must be joking.


Oh, I'm so happy.

If you change your minds, you know where to find me.

Both of you.

Okay. Au revoir.

You sure it's her?

I checked the source.

A German tourist in Algeria.

The photo's real. It was taken a few hours ago.

Who are you sending it to?

[phone chimes]

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

I'll tell you what.

Let's make each other a promise that every night we'll talk about one memory of Mom.

It'll be like a ritual.

So then, when you close your eyes, try to remember what it felt like when she held you and remember, no matter what, that your mother loved you.


[chuckles] What?

No, I was just thinking.

You remember when Mom dressed up as Santa?


You were what? Eight?


She was way too skinny for that Santa costume.

Oh, and that horrible beard.

[both giggling]

That was a good day.

Good night, Dolly.

Good night.

[phone chimes]

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

Glen: Are you sure it's authentic?

Where in Spain?

Yes, I'll leave immediately.