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03x03 - Bob & Carol & Vincent & Cat

Posted: 06/22/15 05:32
by bunniefuu
Previously on Beauty & the Beast...

Will you marry me?


Are you sure things aren't moving too quickly?

Getting engaged, moving in together-- it's a lot.

JT: I've gone over my medical records a dozen times. There's no way

I should have survived that. I should be dead.

So what are you saying? That the medicine they used on you made you one of the experiments?

In a world where science can create beasts, you shouldn't be surprised to learn that there's a lot worse things out there.

Somehow, somebody is getting innocents to do extraordinary things, things that nobody should be able to do, and we're the only ones who know about it.

You'd better get back to the hospital.

Somebody shot Agent Thomas.

He's dead.

(siren blaring)

(phone buzzing)

Please tell me that you're not working late again.

If you call me "honey," I'm gonna have to slap you.

Tess. Sorry. Um, can we talk tomorrow?

I am trying to have some alone time with Vincent, which has been rather difficult to come by these days.

Oh, yeah? Trouble in paradise, already, after two whole weeks of living together?

No, it's everything else. I mean, between my job, his job, planning a wedding, trying to figure out who's turning innocents into superhuman experiments, there's not a lot of time for us lately.

Yeah, well, you wanted normal.

This is not normal.

I mean, maybe when we're both married for 50 years and we're in walkers, but not yet, not tonight.

All right, then, I guess I'll wait to tell you what I found.

No, no, no, no. Just give me the Reader's Digest version.

Anything to lighten the load helps.

Well, don't get your hopes up, 'cause, so far, it's a dead end.

I interviewed doctors, nurses, patients, checked surveillance cameras-- nada.

There is no sign of anyone entering or exiting Agent Thomas' room.

No, that's impossible.

He was shot and k*lled in a locked hospital room.

The only thing I can think of is that...

Another serum-enhanced superhuman took him out, which means whoever's behind this doesn't want us to know what Agent Thomas knew.

Yeah, but still, find the sh**t, find the Big Bad, right?

Right, okay, I'll meet you at the hospital, maybe we missed something.

No, no, no, no, stay home.

Love your man tonight, save the world tomorrow.

Vincent: Honey? Honey, I'm home.


Sounds like you might be closer to walkers than you think.



Oh, no, no, no.

No, sorry, babe. I'm beat.

I need to be horizontal.

Well, that works for me. (clearing his throat)

You know, it's like everybody in Manhattan decided to be sick today.

(sighs heavily)

Mm. Sorry. You and, uh, Tess make any progress on the Agent Thomas case?

No, nope. No shop talk.


Not tonight. Just us talk.

Okay, good, but if that includes any wedding talk, then forget it, because I cannot look at any more brochures.

No weddings, either.

Just one thing on the agenda tonight.











He fell asleep?

Yeah, he fell asleep.

Yeah, well, you know, guys tend to do that.

Maybe after, but not before.

Oh. Oh, yeah, that's bad.


I mean, in fairness, though, it's hard for any couple to juggle two careers and a relationship in this crazy city.

That's not the problem.

It is everything else, it's overwhelming.

We need to get something off our plates.

Okay, all right.

So let's at least see what we can do about finding Agent Thomas' k*ller.

Solving that'll help.

Yeah, I hope so.

Sometimes I feel like I should've just left well enough alone.

You know? Things were fine between us before I got us involved in all this superhuman crap.

Cat, you can't change who you are, okay?

You keep looking for your greater purpose.

This could be it.

Officer: Good morning, Captain.

Captain. Uh, we're gonna head back to the hospital.

FYI, we're still working the Thomas case.

Didn't someone tell you?

Tell us what?

Homeland Security's taking over.

You two are off the case.

(knocking at door)



(binder thumps)





Oh, you scared me!


Didn't you hear me knock?


I don't know.

Wait, what... what time is it? Where's Catherine?

Well, I don't know, I thought she was here.

Oh, you guys got in a fight, huh?


Well, sleeping on the couch, it happens.

No, I just... I just fell asleep on...

Oh, no, oh, no.

Oh, man, I am such a jerk.

I am such a jerk!

Oh, it's just too hard.

What, living together?


No, no, that part is the good part.

Well, at least it's supposed to be, anyway.

I really should be talking to Catherine about this, not you.

Vincent, you can talk to me.

After all, I am going to be your sister-in-law someday, right?

No, no, Heather, please, Heather, no more wedding stuff, okay?


We can barely breathe as it is.

No, I know, Catherine told me all about it, okay?

That's why I'm here.

Vincent, I have the perfect solution.

Just look.

Come on, it's your wedding, not your funeral.

Ward: So I forwarded you the link to the hospital's surveillance, but doctors' statements, nurses, it's all in the files.

Were discharged patients interviewed?

I don't know.

Ah, I was just going to call you.

Did you interview discharged patients?

Who wants to know?

The Department of Homeland Security wants to know.

Agents Bob Hall, Carol Hall, Detectives Chandler and Vargas-- they were primary on the case.

Are primary on the case.

Look, Detectives, we're not looking to start a jurisdictional fight here, okay?

Neither are we. We'll let you know what we find.

But you haven't found anything yet.

It's early.

It's been two weeks.

Which makes us two weeks ahead of you.


The victim was a federal agent. One of ours.

Right, but it happened at New York General.

Which makes it our jurisdiction.

Look, Jack wasn't just an agent, okay?

He was a friend. I'm sorry, but this is personal.

Look, I don't know what case he was working on that got him k*lled, but I sure as hell intend to find out.

Look, we just want to catch whoever did this to Jack and bring him in.

That's it.

But you don't know what you're dealing with.

What does that mean? What do you know that we don't?

Okay, well, if you can think of anything that'll help, give us a call.

Otherwise, DHS is officially taking over.


Just let it go, Chandler.

Captaincy 101: know when you've been out-jurisdictioned.

And speaking of which, why don't you use your newfound spare time to drum up some support for your final interview?

Something to make you stand out from the other candidates for captain.

Solving the m*rder of a federal agent will make her stand out.

Drop it, Chandler, it's over.

You've got a shot at captaincy, Tess.

A legitimate one.

Don't be stupid.

Don't let her ruin this for you.


What's this?


To us.

I will drink to that.

Please forgive me for last night.

I had no idea how tired I was.

No, it's okay, I understand.

Let's face it, we're slammed, it's crazy.

I had this fantasy that moving in together would make things easier for us, but...

But it's not, is it?

I mean, it's great, I love it, but with everything that's going on, I mean... there's no time for us to enjoy us.

Please forgive me.

And please, please tell me there's been some progress on finding Agent Thomas' k*ller?

No, and DHS took us off the case.

Homeland Security? Really?

But they got no idea what's really going on.

I mean, if they get too close...

I know, which is why I'm not really dropping the case.

For their sake and for ours.

We have to stop whoever's behind this before someone else gets hurt... and lighten our load in the process.

Well, I know one other way we can do that.


Heather's wedding binder?

And now our wedding binder.

Okay, it was completely your sister's idea, but I gotta say I kind of like it, you know?

She and her ex-fiancé, they... they practically planned everything before they broke up: I'm talking the venue, band, catering, the-the frilly things.

You know, all the stuff that we're struggling to have time to do?

It's done. It's here.

It's right here, it's done.


Yes, except for it is Heather's idea of a wedding, which is pretty much the opposite of mine.

I know. I know, and you don't have to go through with it if you don't want to, but... I mean, it's-it's practically planned.

All we have to do is thin it out a little bit, and the best thing is, it's in six weeks' time.

Which means in six weeks, we have one less overwhelming thing to worry about.


Two, if you count saving the city from evil.


(g*n cocks)

Get down!

♪ Beauty and the Beast 3x03 ♪
Bob & Carol & Vincent & Cat
Original Air Date on June 25, 2015


Yeah. A b*llet.

Seven millimeter.

I'll get this to Tess so JT can analyze it in the morning.

Same caliber that k*lled Agent Thomas.

Someone really doesn't want you on this case, Cat.

Any idea where the shot came from?

No, that's what concerns me.

I heard what I thought sounded like a ricochet, but I have no idea what the b*llet hit first or where it even come from.

That doesn't make any sense.

No, but neither does how they k*lled Agent Thomas.

Well, even if this is another superhuman experiment, there's got to be some explanation.

We got to get off this roof. We're sitting ducks.

Good news is, if someone's trying to k*ll me, we're close to figuring something out.

No, the bad news is someone is trying to k*ll you.

We are moving to the houseboat. Come on.

Catherine: Something about this doesn't make sense.

If the sh**t had superhuman eyesight or whatever, why did he miss?

What do you mean?

I mean, if he's that good, and he wanted to k*ll me, why didn't he?

Uh... because I heard the shot, and I saved you.

At the risk of bruising your beastly ego-- maybe you didn't.

I'm just saying, maybe someone's trying to scare us off this case.

If you k*ll a cop you're only gonna attract more cops to investigate.

Yeah, but none who can actually figure out what's really going on, which is what we have to do if we hope to get us back.

And back home.

What? You don't like my houseboat?


I do have a lot of good memories here, but it's not where we live.

Besides, I thought you were gonna sell it.

I am, I just...

I haven't got around to it yet.

If you hadn't noticed, I've been a little busy.

You're not secretly holding onto it as a safety net in case you and me don't work out, are you?

Well, then you'd better hurry up and marry me.

Lock me down, eliminate all options.

Six weeks too soon?

You mean Heather's wedding?

Are you serious? Because I'm game if you're game.

On one condition.

No pink, no lace, and no frilly flowers.

That's three conditions.

Okay, but are you sure about this?

I'm sure I want to be your wife, and if this brings us closer to that, then I'm in.

Find out what normal looks like for us finally.







Here's the b*llet that Cat dug out of the roof.

Great. Thanks.

So, how you feeling?



Fine, great. Why?

I was just wondering if you were still, you know, worried.

Worried about what?

Oh, you mean about having superpowers or something?

Nah, please.

I'm so over that.


So, uh, how's Cat?

She's not bad, considering someone's trying to k*ll her.

So, what else is new?

I'm just saying it's just like old times-- mystery threats, hiding from the Feds.

Oh, I know, and I thought we were past all that.

It's too bad it's not a skill I can put on my résumé, you know?


What is this?


X-ray vision?"

You liar. You are worried.

Okay, maybe I am.

But wouldn't you be?

Tess, I'm not being paranoid, I swear.

I'm just looking at it scientifically, which means I can't ignore the fact that the same serum that saved me was the same exact strain found in the other victims.

The other superhuman victims.


Right. Come on.

Look... maybe it'll turn out to be nothing, okay?

And-and if so, great, fantastic.

But if not, if there is something in my blood, I need to know.

I need to know.

Vincent: Let me get this straight.

You want to break into Agent Thomas' room?

Right now? While it's sealed and DHS agents are all over it?

I know, but JT just called to confirm that the b*llet that k*lled Agent Thomas came from the same g*n that shot at me, which tells us that we're looking for one sh**t.


One serum-enhanced sh**t.

Still, JT said that both b*ll*ts had small, identical nicks on them.

But the one that k*lled Agent Thomas?

It had trace amounts of plastic on it.

Which is why we have to get back into that room and see what it might've hit.

It could bring us closer to the sh**t.

Catherine, come on, those agents have been in and out of that room all day long.

Okay? They're here, still, right now.

If we get caught...

We won't.

Not if we do this together.

We have been through way worse than this.

Yes, we have.

But if we get caught, we both lose our jobs.

And come on, I mean, I just started here.

Okay, so, what are you suggesting?

That we let whoever k*lled Agent Thomas get away with this, as well as whoever's behind everything?

No, I don't... Look.

I want to solve this as fast as you do, okay? Believe me.


All right, let's make this quick.

All right, come on. Hurry.

Agent Thomas was shot through the head, but there were no powder burns, so it couldn't have been from close range.

I still can't work out how the sh**t got in here undetected.

Maybe he didn't.

I think I figured out where the plastic came from.

That look like the size of a seven millimeter to you?


Give me your flashlight.

What is it?

I'm not sure, but... it's starting to look like the sh**t was... outside.

Shot through the window, and through the TV.

But that's...


Yeah. Starting to sound familiar.

(door opens)

Man: Freeze.

Hands in the air.


I told you, Catherine. I told you we were moving too fast.

We should've waited.

Until when, after the wedding?


We're the only people who know this is going on.

You say yes, I say no...

Which makes us the only people who can stop it.

I am screwed.

Have a seat.

(door closes)


You two are in a lot of trouble.

You know that, don't you?

We were just following up on a lead.

On a case you're no longer on.

To find a m*rder*r.

Of one of our agents.

I told you it's personal.

Which makes me think you'd want as much help as possible.

Catherine was shot at, so it's personal for us now, too.

I didn't realize we were going to tell them that.

I didn't realize we weren't.

When did that happen?

Why didn't you tell us that before?

Is that the lead that you were following?



Are you two married by any chance?

Both: Engaged.

(both chuckle)

Is that funny?

No, we just, uh, understand.

We've been married for six years.

Working together for nine.

It isn't easy, is it?

We don't actually work together.

Right, I was just helping Catherine get into the room.

He meant it's not easy being engaged.

It's a little overwhelming sometimes, huh?

Both: Very.


Maybe we started off on the wrong foot here.

It's obvious you want to solve this case as much as we do.

Even after somebody took a shot at you.



We need all the help we can get here.

And she's right.

They've already been on the case two weeks.

We're gonna be playing catch-up.

Why not work together?

All right.

But we share all Intel, you understand?

You tell us everything you know.

The only thing I care about is catching Jack's k*ller.

All right.

But we also work as a team.

I mean, if she's catching fire, then I'm not just doing rounds.

How are you going to help us, huh?

You're a doctor.

Oh, I can help.

Trust me.

Tess: Hey. What's going on?

Looks like I'm back on the case.

With the Feds?

But they don't know what's really happening with the whole...

That's right.

And let's keep it that way so they don't end up like Agent Thomas.

Or find out about us.

So much for lightening your load.

Thank you.

We'll send forensics to Thomas' hospital room to verify, but if they're right about the b*llet path...

One hell of a shot.

No wonder we missed it.


Probably for hire, ex-military.

I'll have the office pull up suspects.

Is there a satellite on the hospital?

Uh, yeah, half-mile radius.

Vincent: Actually, you'd better go a mile.

Some of the best sh**t have that kind of range.

He used to be Special Forces.

See, the problem is backtracking the path of the b*llet.

It doesn't directly align with any one of those buildings.

Carol: Well, that's impossible.

He had to take the shot from somewhere.

Which building's closest?

Probably right here.

That's the best possible angle.

It's 15 East 23rd, across from the park.

Pull up the tenants.

Who lives there?



Julio Espinosa, drug kingpin.

Weapons dealer, scum of the earth.

DHS has had him under surveillance for years.

But he's been all but untouchable.

He would do anything to protect his criminal empire.

It wouldn't be a stretch to think that maybe he's behind...

Behind what?

Behind Agent Thomas' k*lling.

Look, if we're gonna work together, you need to tell us everything you know.

First, let's figure out what Espinosa has to do with this.

How do we get in?

It's not easy.

His security's tight.

And he doesn't take any prisoners.

What size shoes do you wear?
(indistinct chatter)

Try and look like you've done this before.

Call girl?

Nope. This'll be a first.

It's the only way in.

Espinosa loves his ladies.

It's his Achilles' heel.

Okay, just for the record, I am not...

Don't worry.

Find the server room, download the surveillance video.

Find out who was here the night Thomas was k*lled.

And we're out of here.

You make it sound so easy.

Well, easier than being engaged.

You're good, thanks, go ahead.

We're in.

Carol: Heading to the server room now.

Thank God.

Yeah, still, a cop and a DHS agent?

What happens if they get caught in there?

Then we storm the place.

Don't worry.

Nothing's gonna happen to your bride.

(door opens)

What's going on?

Vincent: All right, look, I tried to call you, but you didn't answer.

We just, uh, we needed a place to set up.

Bob Hall. Thanks for letting us use your place.

Sure, no problem, Bob.

We didn't want to compromise any more of our agents, so we needed to set up off-site, you know?

Yeah, Bob is with Homeland Security, and, uh, I'm helping him out with, uh, the case that Catherine was telling us about, remember?

Oh, right.


Carol: Approaching server room, armed guard at the door.

You take him, I'll take whoever's inside.

(clattering, men grunting)

Carol: Good job.

You, too.

Ever think about joining DHS?

Lots of undercover, good benefits.

I think I've got enough on my plate as it is.

Look at this.

We could have him arrested for weapons charges alone.

Oh, we can arrest him for a whole lot more if we tie him to the sh**ting of a federal agent.

All right, I'll start downloading surveillance.

Carol: All right, I'll listen out for trouble.

Can't really tell the two of them apart, huh?

You guys pick a date yet?

(cell phone rings)

Yeah, uh, six weeks.

From now?

Why the rush, huh?

Sorry, none of my business.

No, no, uh, it's okay.

I can use all the advice I can get.

Carol: I've got eyes on the hallway.

(cell phone rings)


She's just going to keep calling, you know.

Okay, can you please, please tell her, uh, I will call her back later.

I just, I can't deal...


Yes, sir.

She's my, uh, my future sister-in-law.

She's sort of planning the wedding for us.

(laughing): Good luck with that.

Hey, Heather.

What, JT?

Look, all I'm saying is, there's a lot of pressure around weddings, you know?


Hey, where's Vincent, okay?

I need to talk to him.


He's busy, can he call you back?

No, he can't call me back.

Bob: You know, being engaged is like a... it's like a test to see if you can make it that far, you know?

There's no short cuts, trust me.

Carol: How we doing, Cat?

Catherine: I'm working on it.

I left all of these contracts at the apartment for him to sign, but I can't get a hold of Cat either, and if they don't sign them right away, they're gonna ruin my wedding.


Your wedding?

Well, you know what I mean.

Okay, well, they're staying at the houseboat, so...

What, the houseboat, why?

Carol: Incoming.

(man grunts)

Got to go.

Heather: No, JT...

Carol: We've got a security breach.

Look out!

90 percent.

That's good enough.


Remind me never to piss you off.

Flash drive.

Leave it, we don't have time.

No, we're not leaving empty-handed.

We don't have time.

Let's go.

Thanks, JT.

Bob: Think you were followed?

No way.

Not with Cat driving.


You okay?

Yeah, actually, that was fun.

She kicked ass.

Don't ever lose that part of you.

Especially in a marriage.

Bob: Flash drive?

We'll take it to DHS, see if they can I.D. any of the suspects.

Maybe we ought to take a look at it first.

Just so it's away from anyone who may be looking for it.


Let us know what you find.

Maybe then you'll finally tell us what you really know about this case.

(Bob whistles)

I like them. Wish we could tell them.

Yeah, me, too.

But unfortunately, we got to cut them loose as soon as we can before they really do find out.

Yeah, JT.

Hey, buddy, I need another favor.




Vincent: Fortunately the b*llet went right between your first and second metacarpals, and just missed your radial artery, too, buddy.

You're lucky.


Uh, nurse, could you got get me 10cc's of morphine, please?

Again with the hospital?

What's going on with you?

Excuse me?

I didn't sh**t myself.

I'm sorry, I'm just worried about you.

Is he gonna be all right?

Yeah, yeah, he should be fine, it was a clean shot.

It's just gonna take a long time to heal, that's all.

Seven mil, just like the rest, which means whoever shot him wasn't going for his hand.

What do you mean?

He was aiming for the flash drive I was holding in my hand.

Somebody is watching our every move.

And Bob and Carol's.

She just told me someone broke into their DHS office and tore the place apart looking for that flash drive.

I think we have to tell them.

Tell them what exactly?


You mean about beasts?

No, we don't have to tell them about that.

But we should tell them everything Agent Thomas knew about the experiments.

They deserve to know.

Their lives are in danger now, too.

Catherine, this is a huge risk, okay?

This thing blows up in our faces, our lives are gonna get even more complicated.

Finally. Where have you two been?

We have a wedding to plan.

What is all this?

Well, what does it look like?

It's choices.

This is not a good time.

We're in the middle of something.

We have people coming over.

Okay, that's fine.

Cat, the wedding is planned, you don't have to worry.

I just need for you to make a few choices.

I don't care-- you-you-you make the choices, the simpler the better.




I didn't exactly plan a simple wedding.

But that's the only kind of wedding I want.



I'm so sorry.

I-I don't know what I was thinking.

You know what, don't... don't worry about it.


No, don't... don't worry about it.


Heather, wait.

Catherine, something's not right.

Yes, clearly.

No, no, I don't mean about Heather.

I mean about us confiding in Bob and Carol.

What do you mean?

I don't know, I got a feeling, you know?

I just, I think we made a mistake inviting them over here.

We shouldn't just rush into these things without thinking them through, right?

There's too much at stake.

Okay, I'll call them and cancel.


It's voice mail-- they may already be on their way.


Um, I'll find DHS main line.

They'll probably have a way to contact Bob and Carol.

All right.

JT: That's coarse.

That's fine.

Just turn the knob.

Don't bark at me.

I'm not!

I-I'm sorry.

I'm just frustrated I can't do anything with this stupid hand.

How do you think I feel? I'm here trying to play scientist, when I really should be trying to make captain.

And you will.

Now, adjust the coax control...

How will I?

How will I make it, huh?

All the other candidates have already put in their bona fides; I haven't even started yet.

I know, just...

Here, let me try.

Know what? It doesn't even matter because once Cat and Vincent spill the beans on all this superhuman crap, you know I'm collateral damage captaincy-wise.

You sure this is the same b*llet that shot me?

I mean, sure, I have a good solve rate, but I spend most of my time protecting beasts and chasing ghosts, so...


Didn't I say "Don't bark at me"?

Is this the b*llet that shot me?

Yes, why?

Because it looks exactly like the other two.

Including having the same nick mark in it.

So what? We already know it came from the same g*n.

It's not a barrel mark.

The nick had to have happened after the b*llet left the chamber.

Almost as if another b*llet hit it in mid-flight.

Okay, wait, wait, hold up.

You're saying there's two sh**t.

I know it sounds crazy, but, yeah, it's the only logical explanation.

Come on, are you sure, JT?

One had to take the shot, and the other had to... redirect it.

Okay, well, that explains the ricochet I heard and why no one could work out the impossible angles the sh*ts came from.

So, now you know you're looking for two sh**t instead of just one.


I think we found them.

Just got off the phone with DHS.

They don't have any agents named Bob or Carol Hall.

Vincent: What? Okay, how'd we miss that?

We didn't, Ward did.

W-W-W-Wait. So, you're saying they're the sh**t?

But they gave you Espinosa; why would they do that?

We were already onto Espinosa's penthouse.

If they hadn't teamed up with us, we would have had access to the flash drive anyway.

So, they probably just wanted to have control over what we found.

And since they're coming here right now, the question is-- what do they want?

It's too bad.

I actually like them.

Yeah, me, too.

Still, we can't take the risk they know about the experiments.


Try one last time to find out what Thomas told them.

Then report back.

Hard out, 10:30.

Let's go.

How can Bob and Carol redirect a b*llet in mid-flight and hit a target?

What kind of experiment can do that?

Well, the only thing I can think of is that somehow the serum speeds up the brain's processing-- you know, its, uh... its reflexes.

It's like everything appears in slow motion to them.

So they can anticipate what we're going to do before we do it?

How the hell are we gonna stop that?

I don't know.

(knocking at door)

But... we're about to find out.






Sorry we're late.

We brought wine.

Ah, perfect.

It's a nice place.

Yeah, thanks.


Wedding planning in full swing, huh?


Nothing is going to get in the way of that.

No. No.

I admire that about you, Cat.

You're very... determined.

Yeah, well, we just have to get a couple of things off our plates first.

You know, make things easier for us.

Like solving this case, huh?

For starters.


So, what did you... what did you guys want to talk to us about?


Oh! It's Heather, my little sister.

Uh, we need to iron out some wedding details.

Just make yourselves at home.

Be right back.



She will need you for this decision as well.

Right. Excuse me.


Bob: We've got eight minutes.

We need to come up with a plan and get them out of here.

What, so they can take another potshot at us?

They're here right now, Vincent.

It's our best chance of figuring out who's behind all this.

Catherine, if they can team up to redirect b*ll*ts, they're not innocents who've been experimented on, okay?

They are assassins.

You've seen how well they work together.

We work pretty well together, too.

If we want to get back to focusing on us, we have to get through them.

(Bob clears throat)

Looking for a little premarital advice, hmm?

No, we have some other questions for you.

Like "who do you really work for?"

Because you're not DHS.

Why'd you put us through all this, huh?

sh**ting at Catherine, JT, leading us to Espinosa...

Were you trying to scare us off?

Actually, it was Carol's idea.

She saw your Achilles' heel long before I did.

Newly engaged, overwhelmed, rushing things.

We learned that the hard way.

It's not healthy.

That's why we got past Espinosa's security so easily.

They knew you; you'd been there before.

Espinosa's an old friend.

He let me use his balcony to start the shot on Thomas, and then Bob went ahead and...


We were worried that you might spot me on the surveillance, which is why we had to... sh**t your friend.

So... what did Agent Thomas tell you, huh?

How about you tell us who you're working for first?

Who's behind these experiments?

I think it's time for us to go.

No, no, I don't think so.

Oh, you really think you're gonna stop us?

Well, in all fairness, this is when we're at our best.





Now would be a good time.


(Carol grunting)


Do you think they're running away from us?


No. Come on!

You okay?


Well, there goes your safety net.

Any sign of them?


Do you think that means that they're, uh...

No, I don't.

I think they got away.

God knows how.

Which means they're still gonna be after us.

And maybe worse, now that they know about you.

Yeah, well, that's a tomorrow problem.

At least they're gone.

And so... is this.

You think the universe is trying to tell us something?


Don't rush the wedding?

Yeah, if we can't find "us" in our engagement, we certainly won't in our marriage.

Yeah, well, at least we learned something from Bob and Carol, right?

Even though they tried to k*ll us.

(sirens approaching)

Okay, you'd better go.

The last thing you need is to try and explain what you're doing here.

Right. Um... I'd go with "gas expl*si*n."


Really? You think the new captain's gonna buy that?


In fact, I pretty much guarantee it.


I'm sorry, Detective Vargas.

Even though you have a stellar arrest record and solid candidacy paperwork, you inexplicably do not have any letters of recommendation.


I didn't have time.

You didn't have time?

No, I was busy on a case.

I arrested Julio Espinosa.

I got a tip, I raided his penthouse and found a weapons cache, including a grenade launcher.

Now, it's not RICO, but at least it'll keep him off the streets for a while.

The Feds are happy.

That's my letter of recommendation.

Well, so much for all that superhuman crap hurting you.

Oh, I'm sure it'll bite me in the ass sooner or later.

But, uh... not today.


I wish I could see the look on your brothers' faces when they find out.

Oh, they totally won't believe it.

It's still a little hard for me to believe.

Believe it, Captain Vargas!

I'm proud of you, Tess.


Hey, do you feel like celebrating tonight?

I mean, if you're up to it.

No, I feel good, actually.

Haven't even had to take a painkiller.

Really? Hey, maybe your superpower's healing.

Ha, ha, ha, very funny.

I'll see you tonight, Captain.


I like the sound of that.

(applause begins)


No, no.

Way to go.




Catherine: Your heart will heal, Heather, you just have to give it time.

I mean, ending an engagement isn't something that you just get past overnight.

Yeah, or by pawning off your busted wedding on your sister.

I don't know what I was thinking.

I guess I just couldn't let it go.

I'm so sorry.

You don't have to apologize.

You were just trying to help me out, lighten my load.

While I avoid dealing with mine.

Getting dumped sucks.

Well, this is the problem with quick engagements.

You end up rushing things before you know what you're getting into, how to handle it all.

Wait, are we talking about me or you now?


Are you seriously worried about you and Vincent?

No, no, of course not.

It's just... it's a lot to adjust to.

It is so easy to get lost in the craziness of it all.

We're just trying to figure out how not to.

But there are no short cuts, that's for sure.

We almost learned that the hard way.

Wait. What are you doing?

What's it look like I'm doing?

Carol: No, you can't!

We might need her alive to help us catch him.

Look, this isn't just a clean-up job anymore.

This is about saving our asses.

We can't go back there empty-handed.