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01x11 - MAD Carpet Ride; Appy Days

Posted: 06/21/15 07:12
by bunniefuu


♪ Inspector... Gadget! ♪
♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪
♪ Inspector... Gadget! ♪
♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪
♪ Go Go Gadget, go! ♪
♪ Go Go Gadget, go! ♪
♪ Inspector... Gadget! ♪
♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪
♪ Go Go Gadget, go! ♪
♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪
♪ Aaaah! ♪

[SIGHS] Is there anything good on TV anymore?

Dr. Claw: We could rent this cabin.

Oooh, it even has a toxic lagoon view!


Volcano island with a death ray?

Evil castle with a t*rture chamber...

Lame, lame, lame.

There will be no quiet whispering!

I, Sir Owen Barnstormer, am pleased to present to you my latest invention, the UltraBlimp.

And I can assure you, it will not be lame!

Hey, some rich guy just launched an UltraBlimp.

You should make one of those.

I haven't vacationed on a blimp since Germany.

Done! Get me that blimp!!

Why that blimp?

You could make one in like a day! Seriously, just get some...


Hey. Hey! Stop it, stop!


You learn well, MADcat.

Fine, I'll get you your silly little blimp.


Whoa. Whoa! Stop!

[WHINING] You have to do this, Brain.

If not for you, then for me, and for Uncle Gadget!

Now get in there and take a bath.



All yours!

Uh, thanks, Uncle Gadget.

Sweet mercy Gadget, that's just not right.

Well hello there, Chief.

Gadget, Penny... I have a new mission for you.

Billionaire businessman Sir Owen Barnstormer is flying around the world in his UltraBlimp.

We believe Dr. Claw wants the blimp for his own purposes.

Your mission: protect Barnstormer and his blimp.

This message will self-destruct.

You can count on us, Chief!




Wowsers, Penny, I haven't seen a blimp like this since my days in Austria!

Another perfect landing! [PANTING]

Can you guys believe this place?


Believe it! It's the future of Blimp aviation.

Sir Owen Barnstormer at your service!

Never fear.

We'll make sure MAD doesn't lay one tiny claw on it.

Or one giant claw, which is also bad.


Wow, this blimp has everything!

Polyfibre kevlar exoskeleton, titanium anti-sonar pylons, tectonic stabilizers...

You certainly know your tech, young lady.

But some people find it a little rich. Bam! [LAUGHS] Rich joke.

Come! Let me show you around!

The UltraBlimp is completely self-sufficient.

Producing food, water, and fuel, by itself, for itself.

And best of all, we never have to land, where humans are forced to live amongst all those smelly earth-dwelling animals... [GROWLS] .. because we have our very own up here!

Our wild animal habitat houses some of the most dangerous creatures in the world, all of whom I personally rescued from bankrupt pop stars.

Hmmm, there's something familiar about this guy.


Hmmm, aggressive... just like a MAD agent!

I believe this ostrich is merely a henchman in a costume!

...a henchman in costume, with a very strong grip.

What?! Oh, come on! Gadget's here?!

All I want to do is steal the blimp. Is that too much to ask?!


The micro-sensors have detected someone on top of the ship!

It was supposed to be a simple mission.

Woosh! I'm in. Woosh! I'm out.






False alarm, everyone! Just a bird.

I'm guessing a Canada Goose heading South for the Winter.

Are you sure, Uncle Gadget?

Of course, I'm sure, Penny!

I have a connection with all animal life.



You're probably right, but maybe I should take a closer look up top?

Good thinking Penny! And I'll stay here and interrogate the rest of these... "animals".

Go Go Gadget magnifying glass!

All right Mister Elephant, time to spill the peanuts!

You keep an eye on Uncle Gadget and Sir Owen until I'm back? Thanks Brain.


Uncle Claw, I'm on the UltraBlimp and it looks like Gadg...

Dr. Claw: Have you seen my flip flops?

I'm packing for our vacation and I can't find them!

They will rue the day they hid from Dr. Claw!!

Um... no idea... where your flip flops are.

Anyway, it looks like...

Call me if you think of where they are.

And get me that blimp!!! [SIGHS]

Seems you have shifty eyes... you shifty-eyed MAD agent!




Nice boots.

Thanks, I designed them myself.

I made MADcat do the stitching. She was so mad!

With her tiny paws holding a needle... [LAUGH]







Woah! Ow!

Hey, where's the Gadget-mobile?


Oh, yeah. The Gadget-mobile was parked in a MAD ONLY zone... so it was kinda towed... over the side.

You ditched Uncle Gadget's car? That's his only ride!

Geez, I'm sorry. Oh, no wait... evil! Duh. [CHUCKLES]



Oh dear... I see... what's happened?

Attention UltraBlimp passengers, this is your new Captain speaking!

We're travelling at an altitude of who cares.

We ask that all passengers please be aware that the wild animal habitat safety locks
have now been deactivated for my enjoyment.

Thank you for flying, and have an awful day.




Now look here Mr. Grabby I'm not... done ... questioning you!



You think you can out-monkey the great Barnstormer?!

Well think agai...

Aaah! Noooo!

Don't worry, I've gotcha!


This may be the best elephant costume I have ever seen.


Okay, well this is embarrassing.

Gotta take off now!

Oh, you're welcome. [LAUGHS]

Hang tough Penny! And Talon - one, Penny - zero.

Oh you're just showing off now! [GRUMBLES]

Inspector Gadget! Someone has taken control of my blimp!

Well these two have been with us the whole time, so that can only mean one thing... there are other MAD agents here!


And there they are!

Get back here you animal-themed MAD co-conspirator!


Come to papa.

Okay, by the looks of it, this is a uni-directional signal transponder that's altering the blimp's heading.



Oh great, Talon put a force field around it.



Which he's also firewalled!

Talon: Na na na na na!

Na na na na na!

Oh come on! He's so annoying!

I am not going to lose by letting him catch this ship in a novelty sized baseball glove! Think!

The Gadget-mobile!




One annoying forcefield, gonzo!



After them!

What? Oh wow, she is so annoying!

Well it's nothing a little static electricity can't fix!

You're not getting away that quickly, Penny.




Wow, what do you know, it actually works!

And I was so close! Hold on. If it worked once...



A merry chase, but there's nowhere left to run, fiend.


There's a fourth animal costumed MAD agent!

And he's stealing my car! Go Go Gadget rocket engine!

Gotcha, you no-good air pirate!

All right, evil henchman. It's time for you to pull over!





Okay, you know what, Uncle Claw can get his own blimp!





Got away again!


Gah! Ah! Aaahhh!

Aahh! Owwww...

Aahh! Eeh!

Thank you for saving my blimp.

All in a day's work, Sir Oliver! Great work, Penny!

Thanks, Uncle Gadget. Now Brain, time for that bath!



Uncle Claw, change of plans... The blimp ... [ZAP] ...didn't work out. Penny and Gadget ... [ZAP]

Ah... same old.


That's it, we're going on vacation.

Evil castle with t*rture chamber it is.

Guess which room you're staying in.







Okay! I've got the artifact, but...

no one is chasing me. It's creepy.

It could be a Gadget trap.


H-Hey! Stop! Bad guy!

I'm almost done this level and then I'll chase you, okay?

Just... hold on one sec...

What's going on here?

It's like these guard's too mesmerized by his phone to follow me....

Uh, Uncle Claw I think I just found a way to take over the world.

Hey, great. But there's still no way you're getting out of taking MADcat to the Vet.

But I've got the "taking over the world" thing I have to do!

A real villain could do both.


Come on! Drop it! Drop it!

Feel free to jump in, Kayla!

Oh, sorry Penn!

I'm totally wrapped up in this game! It's so intense!

Kayla, we're in a holographic training machine.

Don't you think that might be even more intense?

You'd think so, right?! But I just can't stop myself!

This game is so - much - fun! I'll be playing it and think "Hey, I should probably stop doing this and get back to whatever it is I should actually be doing"... but then I'm like, "just one more level" and then whoosh all of a sudden my lesson is over and someone is staring at me glassy eyed with a "what are you even talking about" face!

Just like him!

Wow, your motor mouth is like, some kind of secret w*apon.

I know, right?! Well I'm outta here.

But we have to practice this new move!

We're being tested next week!




Hi Uncle Gadget! I didn't realize anyone else was still here.

Just keeping the old Gadget brain sharp, Penny!

Thanks, Trudy!

Wow! Card games with actual playing cards?

That's so analog!

There's no substitute for the feel of real cards in your hands.

Go fish, me! [AHEM]

Chief Quimby!


I didn't know you were also a cleaning lady!

What happened to Trudy?

Gadget! You should really keep this place more tidy.

Anyway, I have a new mission for you.

MAD has taken over Gaming Company, Supernerd Studios.

Supernerd houses one of the most advanced servers in the world.

Their first App is called MAD Catter, in which players rescue cats from a Big Shot Businessman by popping bubbles.

How are cats and bubbles and businessmen connected at all?

The game turns players into mindless zombies.

Your mission is to infiltrate Supernerd Studios and crash the game before MAD can enslave the entire world.

This message will self-destruct.

You can count on us, Chief!

Hmm, missed a spot.

You really should leave the cleaning to Trudy!




Okay, intel suggests that MAD could have control of this entire place.

We'd better go in gadgets blazing!

[w*r CRY]



HQ was right; this place is swarming with MAD Agents!

Remember Penny, we've got to save those cats.

I'm heading for the bubble room, to stop that Big Shot Businessman!

Go Go Gadget magnifying glass!

Keep an eye on him, Brain.

MAD could still be around here somewhere, so you need to blend in.


Welcome to Supernerd Studios!

Um, yes, I am a wealthy investor here to learn about MAD Catter.


Aaah, the server is charging up, and soon I'll be able to send the MAD Catter app worldwide.


What's this? Penny's here?

Time to give someone the "investor's tour".

Too bad I don't have time.

And of course, Uncle Claw won't get off his lazy metal...


Oh! Hey! Uncle Claw!

I've found your next evil game release! It's called PADDLE.

It's incredible! This thing is going to be huge!

Um, wow. That's cutting edge stuff.

Alright, Penny. Let's make sure you get the reception you deserve.

[MAD Catter tone]


Ugh, where'd she go?

Oh what the...?

Uh, ma'am, are you okay?


I can't hit an old lady!

[LAUGH] Ninja Grandma! MADcat!

We gotta remember to tell Uncle Claw about that one!

On second thought...

Welcome to Supernerd Studios!

Uh... thanks?

Hmmm. Bubble room. Bubble room.

Hey! There's one of the Cats now!

Heeeere, kitty kitty kitty.

I'm just gonna back away slowly, if that's okay...



Hey, um, what floor are you guys going to?

[MAD Catter tone] Huh? Not again!!!

[LAUGH] "Not again!" Hah, did you see her face?

No WAY Uncle Claw comes up with a plan like this...


Uncle Claw...

You won't believe... who just got the PADDLE high score of the day! [LAUGH]

Should I take a picture? Do I send a picture to someone?

I don't think so.


MADcat! You're gonna wanna see this!

MADcat? You here, girl?

Stop! Cat! I'm saving you from the bubbles!

Go Go Gadget cat catcher!





[MADCAT LAUGH] Really??? MADcat???

That must mean Claw is nearby!

Brain, if you can capture MADcat, we might draw Dr. Claw out into the open! Now, to find that server!

[MAD Catter tone]


Oh... don't tell me!

Fight fight fight fight fight.

Stop! It's me, Penny!

Or I could just kick your butt.

Oh, this plan couldn't be coming together more perfectly!

Penny is busy battling her BFF, the Server is almost at full power, and the best part is Uncle Claw is a million miles away...


Uncle Claw! I didn't realise you were there.

The App is just about to go Global!

Did you get MADcat to her appointment on time?

What appointment?

I mean... what an appointment it was... as in yes I definitely did drop her off.

Excellent. Alert me the moment you pick her up.

Whatever! I'm about to take over the world!

When Uncle Claw sees what I've done, he's not going to care about his stupid cat.

Who am I kidding??? Yes he will!!

MADcat?!? MADcat?!?

Where are you, sweetie!?!


That's a good kitty.




Aww, she wants her nails clipped.

Go Go Gadget nail clippers!




There's that Big Shot Businessman from that game!

I'm not gonna let you put any more cats in your briefcase!

Since you never did complete the holo-training session... you won't be able to defend yourself when I do this!

Sorry Kayla!

Huh? Penny? Where are we?

It's alright, Kay. You're safe now.

Here kitty, kitty, kitty!

Here MADcat! Here girl!


Hey... so... have you guys seen my Uncle Claw's cat, by chance?

I kinda need to find her!

You're goin' down, dude.

Yeah, Kayla, let's kick some butt!

I don't think you understand.

The server is about to send MAD Catter worldwide any second.

Then I'll control an entire army of zombies!

After that, I kinda need to get MADcat to a vet appointment.

You're the one that's gonna need a vet appointment!

Kayla! I think it's time to unleash your super secret w*apon.


Guys, you'll never guess who's performing here next week!

"No Expression!" Only the greatest boy band in the world!

I've gotta go shut down that server!

...he's totally my fave!

Sebastion is second, then Rory, Owen then Jack.

No wait, Owen, then Rory, then Jack.

They're all so cute!

Make it stop!

Make it stop, please!

... and they do their own hair too?!

I want to touch their hair!



Gadget: A-haa!

Caught red handed, eh Big Shot!

This is one kitty cat you're not going to be briefcasing!

Uncle Gadget! The server is about to hit 100%!

One moment, Penny, I have a cat to save!

Go Go Gadget bubble popper!

No, Uncle Gadget.


We've gotta get out of here!

... but then she said as if and so I was like no way!

And then she said she said...

Please I'm begging you to stop!

Come on, Kayla! It's gonna explode!

I had no idea you were so afraid of bubbles, Penny!

Here, let me show you how harmless they are.

Go Go Gadget bubble blower!





W-What happened? Oh, hello Gadget.

It looks like you've destroyed the MAD Catter App.

Excellent job!

But where are Talon and MADcat?

You know, Talon...

I'm really enjoying the paddle upgrade.

Look it wasn't my fault!

Not even the part about forgetting to take MADcat to her appointment?

Okay, sure... I'll give you that.

I wonder what happens when I turn the game up to level 11?

No! And I'm gonna be sick.