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01x03 - Connection

Posted: 06/18/15 01:35
by bunniefuu
Man: Previously on "Stitchers... "

His name was Ed Clark. My real father parked me with him when I was eight.

We're not teammates. We're not co-workers.

Well, that definitely is clarifying.

Kirsten: Has anyone ever done this before?

Cameron: Her name's Marta. She couldn't handle it.

What are you two doing here?

I'm afraid that's above your paygrade Detective.

Don't tell me. A secret agency mission, right?

Is that the roommate?

Camille, this is Linus.


We're investigating the death of Lisa Keller.

She was m*rder*d.

How do you know this?

Cause we hacked into her brain after she died and read her memories.

It's called stitching.

You've gotta be freaking kidding me.

You were under strict orders only to observe Kirsten and report back to me.

How long have you been spying on me for?

The entire last year.

So, I'm being recruited?

Hey, Fisher. Welcome to the Stitchers program.

(people laughing)

Go, go, go. Move, move, move.

Jewelery, now.

And the watch.

Come on, man, not the watch.

Wear it in good health.

You too, hurry up.

Is that why you k*lled Lilly Ross?

Because she wasn't fast enough?

Jewelery, now.

Michelle from the hotel, What is she? Your wife? Your girlfriend?

If you turn yourself in, maybe we can help her.

If I turn myself in, I'll rot in prison, and that is not happening!

(theme music playing)

♪ Take me inside ♪
♪ take me inside ♪
♪ Everything that you're promised now ♪
♪ it's alright ♪

God. There's 50 boxes still in the garage.

I'm gonna have to find a new place to park.

This is all Ed's stuff from his apartment.

Apparently, I am the closest thing he has to a living relative, so... Now it's mine.

Well, great. We can add it to all the crap he left behind after the first time he moved out.

Wait. Wait, wait, wait.

Aren't you just a little curious what's in all these?

Bringing that stuff into the house was your idea, not mine.

Yeah, come on, 'cause it's kind of like a treasure hunt.

Maybe there's an old watch in one of these you can sell.

I mean, treasure forever as a family heirloom.

(mutters) I don't know.

Ooh! See? ♪ Pictures! ♪

(gasps) No way.

Do you even know what this is?

A woman with no personal boundaries.

This is a classic... (grunts) tube amp stereo system, and it's super high end.

And super old.

Well, let's fire this baby up.

I've been meaning to get into vinyl.

Oh. I thought you were into leather.

Hilarious! Grab the turntable.



This is a picture of Ed and my mother.



The real "whoa," however, is...

Who's been ripped out of the photo?

This is a photo of Ed Clark and my mother.

I see you've started going through Ed's things.

They're my things now. What was the connection between him and my mother?

Ed, your mother and father helped develop the stitchers technology. They were friends.

Just friends?

As far as I know.

And what does this mean? "Remember"?

I don't know.


Some days you are just dripping with information, and then other days you don't know anything.

What possible motives could I have to withhold information from you?

Three, in descending order of probability: One, you know things about me you don't want me to know; Two, you know things about me I wouldn't want to know; And three, you legitimately know nothing.

Four, I'm a Machiavellian bitch who believes that knowledge is power and wants to retain as much power over others as I can.

I stand corrected. Four motives.

Well, it sounds like you got me all figured out.

Let me know when you settle on one.

Ed ripped someone out of this picture.

Any ideas who it was?

No, but I assume it's someone he didn't think very highly of.

Keep it. I have a copy.

In the late 1960s, William Zane Johnson began building modified ST-70 tube systems.

In 1983, he established the Hallmark of high definition sound with the reference 600.

It's 600 watts of breathtaking thermionic power that has no peer. Ask anyone.

I'm sorry I asked you.

Hey, Stretch. Macchiato with just the subtlest hint of Mexican cocoa?

Tell me about Maggie.

I think she prefers chai lattes.

She clearly knows more about what we do here than she lets on.

Maggie's inscrutable. Seriously, she can't be scruted.

So, are you ladies planning on setting up that old tube-based stereo system all by yourselves?

Of course.

Uh, what?

What if Cameron and I swing by later tonight and we just do it for you?

The implication being that women aren't smart enough to hook up stereos themselves?

(fake cough) Dumb-ass.

No, no, no. It's just that high-end audio is a guy thing.

(fake cough) Double dumb-ass.

It's true. It has to do with socialization.

Girls listen to music for meaning.

Guys listen to music for sonics.


My God.

We're working with cavemen.

Yeah. Listen, boys, I studied electrical engineering and acoustic wave theory.

I think Kirsten and I can handle setting up an old stereo.

Well, if it's the system I'm thinking of, it has 16 separate tubes that have to be placed into their proper sockets.

I'd like to see you "acoustic wave theory" your way to figuring that one out.


Oh, we're up, guys.

So, what time should we come over tonight?


You really gotta learn how to speak to women.

What? I speak to a woman every night.

Yeah, your mother.

What's your point?

Maggie: Lilly Ross, 25. Newlywed.

Lilly and her husband, Scott, were on their honeymoon, Walking on Santa Monica Pier.

Scott left her for a few minutes.

When he returned, he found her body in the alley.

Why'd he leave her alone?

He said that he was arranging a romantic surprise for her.

She died of blunt force trauma to the head. Her jewelry was taken.

Sounds like a random robbery.

Or made to look like one.

70% of female m*rder victims are k*lled by their boyfriends, exes, or husbands.

So, why is this a stitchers case?

There's been a rash of tourist robberies around the city.

This is the first one that's ended in a death.

We don't know if they're connected, But if they are, we might be able to stop them.

Have the police questioned the husband?

Briefly, but he was in shock. He could barely speak.

He's sedated, and he's back in his hotel room.

On her honeymoon. That just sucks.

Why? Dead is dead, no matter when it happens.

You know... I don't think I'll ever get used to that condition of hers.

Man: Communications online.

Cameron: I need a go, no-go for stitch neurosync.


We are a go!

Cameron: Sub-bio.





Linus: Yeah, we're a go!

Cameron: Medical.


We are go for stitch neurosync.

Okay, Pork Chop, you're on.

I anticipate that the blunt force trauma to her head will make navigating Lilly's memories tricky.

I'll do what I can from here, but be prepared for a bumpy ride.


Thunderbirds are go.

Initiate stitch neurosync on my mark.

Three, two, One...


(distorted carnival music playing)

(people whooping)

What do you say we go back to the hotel and...

(scoffs) why does your collar always do that?

Oh! I left my phone at the restaurant. I'll be right back.

They're at the Santa Monica Pier.

Scott just told Lilly he left his phone at a restaurant and left her alone.

(phone clicks)

He lied.

He's got his phone. He's making a call.

I can't hear what he's saying.


Someone's grabbing her.

Cameron: Who?


Where am I? Cameron, put me back. I need to see the rest.

That's the end of the line for that memory thread.

You're in an earlier memory now.

You know what I hate about you?

Her memories are going by too quickly.

I was afraid this might happen. Sub-bio?

Glutamate levels are increasing.

Her brain is depolarizing fast.

Her neurons are fizzling. We can't slow them down.

What are you doing?

What is that? You know what I hate about you?

Show me.

What's all this money for?

I'm bouncing.

Lights to 100%.


What'd you see?

Scott had an envelope filled with cash.

Enough money to pay someone to k*ll his wife.


That's what it looks like, but I feel he's innocent.

So, I guess Fisher's bringing Scott in for questioning in the morning.


Damn it! This is antique technology.

How hard can this be?

Ugh! Okay, fine.

What did you see in that stitch that makes you think that douche didn't k*ll his wife?

It wasn't something I saw. It was something I felt.

Yeah, but he lied to his wife, told her he left his phone at the restaurant, then used it to make a call. How do you explain that?

I can't.

But it doesn't make sense.

I want to be there when Fisher questions him.


Cognitive dissonance.

Scott's actions to Lilly don't match the emotions Lilly felt towards him.


I need to be with Scott.

Excuse me? You need to be with this guy?

Not be with him, just...

Be around when he's questioned.

Okay, just trust me on this one: Relationships are very messy.

Yeah, that doesn't mean you turn psycho.

You should meet my last boyfriend.

That's what I'm talking about. One down, 15 to go. Okay.

So, what do you think of Linus?



He's capable, good at what he does.


Are you interested in him?

(laughs) What?

No. I was just... (clears throat)




Look what I found.



(door opens, closes)

Okay. You saw me question him.

What do you think?

I think he's innocent.

(sighs) I'm not convinced.

Yeah, that's because you didn't ask the right questions.

You didn't ask about the envelope full of money, and you didn't ask about how he treated Lilly in the hotel room.

Are you serious? Is she serious?

Almost always.

I can't ask him about things that you know of because you were in his dead wife's memories.

How do I explain how I know any of that?

How will you prove his innocence without asking?

If he's guilty, eventually we'll figure it out.

He didn't ask for a lawyer.

Guilty people ask for lawyers. Innocent ones don't.

That's not always the case.

Need more convincing?

Scott took out a life insurance policy on Lilly one week before their wedding.

(cellphone ringing)

(sighs) Wait here.

My captain needs to chew me out about something.

(door opens, closes)


He is innocent. I know it.

You said it yourself: 70% of female m*rder victims are k*lled by men they know.

Not this one.

What are you doing?


This'll end poorly.

Mr. Ross?

Who are you?

My name is Kirsten Clark.

Are you a cop?

I want to talk to you about Lilly.

I already told Detective Fisher everything I know.

When are you people gonna find the man who k*lled my wife?

We're working on it.

He thinks that I k*lled her, doesn't he?

He isn't sure, but maybe.


Why would he think that?

You took out a life insurance policy on Lilly.

Yeah, and she took one out on me.

We did it to take care of each other, just in case...

Look, I already told the detective all of this.

Why are you making me go through it again?

Lilly found money in the hotel room, money you were hiding from her.

It was for a present for her... a necklace.

I told the detective that it was stolen.

Diamond and sapphire.

Lilly was wearing it when she was att*cked, and you bought it with that envelope of cash, so now it's hard to prove it even existed.

How do you know this?

Why did you say you hated her?

"you know what I hate about you?" you said that to her.

Why... why did you say that?

Who told you that? Were you... were you watching us?


What kind of cop are you?

(door opens, closes)

Fisher: Alright, you two.

What the hell is she doing?


She's interrogating the witness.

She gonna compromise the whole case.

I'm just trying to help you.

You want to help me?

Find the man who k*lled my wife.


No! I am done talking to you without a lawyer.

Get out! Leave me alone!

(sighs) Impersonating a police officer?

Are you insane?

I never said I was a cop.

And he's innocent. I feel it.

Kirsten, I have no dog in this fight.

He's innocent, he's guilty...

I just want the truth.

But you're getting into something that's over your head.

What was going on with you in there?

I don't know. I...

I just felt this connection.

It's residual emotion. That's all.

What's residual emotion?

From being stitched. Kirsten's inherited some traces of Lilly's feelings.

I could sense it... the way that Lilly understood... Him.

She knew who he was.

There wasn't any anger or animosity.

It... it wasn't that kind of relationship.

She heard him say that he hated her, and she knew he didn't.

Okay, well, maybe he said that during an argument or in the heat of the moment. Sometimes people get hurt.

Are we still talking about Lilly?



What was that about?
Camille: Excuse me. Everything okay down there?

Yes. Just checking the nanobot annealing processor.

Oh. That's interesting.

We have nanobots.

Of course.

We use nanobot technology in the bodies to bridge their synaptic gaps.

It's the key into stitching into their memories.

That's so interesting. Not really.

So, red or white?

I'm not sure what color our nanobots are.

They're microscopic.


Which do you prefer, red or white?

Actually, my favorite wine is beer.

Why do you ask?

Just because I'm trying to figure out what to serve when you and Cameron come over tonight to help set up the stereo.

I knew it! That tube amp system kicked your scrawny ass!

I'm so sorry. I'm an idiot.

Firstly, there is nothing scrawny about this ass.

Secondly, that thing has 16 sockets, which makes for 298 possible tube-to-socket combinations.

Make no mistake, I can do it, but it'll be faster with your help.

So, come by at 7:00 and tell Cameron.

Oh, and I don't think you're an idiot.


You're more of an imbecile.

(shouts) interesting distinction.

When can I stitch back into Lilly?

We need to prove Scott's innocent.

You are getting way too close to this.

I thought this was what we do here...

Catch the bad guys, clear the good guys. What am I missing?

You're having trouble separating Lilly's emotions from your own.

You think she's the first person who got dead by someone she desperately loved?

He didn't do it, and don't talk to me about emotional voodoo.

What was the deal with you back at the police station?

What deal? There was no deal.

"Sometimes people get hurt."

What was that?

Maybe I was just waxing poetic.

(alert buzzing)

Oh! Refractory period's up.

If you wanna stitch back in, now's the time.

Stitch neurosync in three...

Two... One... Mark.

Talk to me, Sunshine.

I'm getting memory flashes again.

Okay, we're using a protocol to slow down the electrical depolarization in Lilly's brain. Sub-bio?

Glutamate levels are down. Increasing sodium and calcium inhibitors.

Her E.P.'s steady.

Can you hold the memories longer this time?

I'm on it.

Brace yourself.

You know what I hate about you?

You know what he hates about her?





What are you doing?

What is that, Lilly? Show me.

What's all this money for?

Oh, babe.

It's for that necklace you wanted.

It was supposed to be a surprise.

He did buy her the necklace.

Cameron, he didn't k*ll her, I need to see who did.

Time's running out. You need to bounce.

Not yet.

Cameron, she's not Marta.

They're on their way to the lunch.

She wasn't k*lled until after.

Put me into that memory.

Bio, how is she?

Her cerebral temp's normal, but her heart rate is up.

114 beats per minute. Her B.P. is 150 over 90.

You don't have time, make the bounce!

Kirsten, make the bounce!

They took an L.A. Wheels car to the beach.

We need to find that driver.

Guys, it's a dead end.

Fisher says the LAPD questioned the Ross' L.A. Wheels driver.

He was at a sports bar three miles away when Lilly was k*lled.

Okay, well, I just hacked into the L.A. Wheels mapping system.

This shows the location of every one of their cars in Los Angeles.

That's the pier.

I'm rolling the map back to Saturday between 12:15 and 12:30 P.M.

When Scott said the car dropped them off.

And that's the Ross' car?

Yeah. And here it is at the sports bar.

His alibi holds.

I need... want to see Scott again.

Ask him about the car service.

We can have Fisher call him.

No, I should do this in person.

I'll go to his hotel.

I know what you're thinking, and it's not that.

He already thinks I'm a cop. Plus, I feel like he'll talk to me.

I feel...

A connection?


That's what I'm worried about.

All right, stitching affects you, makes you different for a little bit.

It doesn't always last, but it's noticeable.

Okay, maybe you're right.

Stitching does change me a little.

But, I also can't stop doing the job I need to do.


I'm going to Scott's hotel.

I'm telling you it's a bad idea.

And that's why you shouldn't come.

If you're worried, why don't you go with her?

It's obvious she doesn't want me to.

So, what do we do now?

Well, I guess let's go back to my place and hook up...


The stereo.


That's what I was excited about.

Yeah, me too.

Is this what torturing one's self looks like?

When you pulled me from my cozy research position and dropped me into the Stitchers program, you didn't warn me people could get hurt.

One of the most crucial devices in our lab, one you helped design, is called "the corpse cassette."

I didn't think that I needed to prepare you emotionally for what that implies.

I studied neuroscience, I've been around cadavers for years.

It's not the already dead that bother me.

Kirsten is different than Marta. You know that, don't you?

Yes, but is she different enough?

Marta is in this condition because she couldn't separate Her emotions from the sample that she stitched into.

I'm worried Kirsten is falling into the same trap.


I know that you don't like me.

No, it... it's okay. You don't need to.

And you don't trust me.

But the things that we are doing have a noble purpose, and anything with a noble purpose has risks.

Now, I can't tell you everything about the Stitchers program, but when we are done, you will look back and know that you were part of something very important.

I can promise you that.

What I can't promise you is that no one else will get hurt.

(Kirsten knocking) Mr. Ross?

Oh, it's you.

Do you have any news or anything?

May I come in?

Do you know who k*lled Lilly?


You're not even police, are you?


But, I do work with them.

They still think I'm guilty.

But I don't.

And how are you gonna prove that?

The night that Lilly was m*rder*d, you took an L.A. Wheels car to the beach.

Yeah, the concierge arranged it.

Michelle. She had red hair.

Lilly looked so beautiful that night.

I know.

What are you doing?

I'm trying to help you.

The police are right.

I k*lled Lilly.


That's impossible.

You act like you know me, but you don't know anything.

I did k*ll Lilly!

I left her on that pier.

She was... she was m*rder*d because I wasn't there...

Because I snuck off to call the hotel Just so they could send up a stupid bottle of champagne!


Get out.

You are not Lilly.

You're not anyone.

Get out.

Hey, how do you like your beer?

In my mouth and then in my stomach.

Yeah, I meant bottle or glass?

Bottle's fine.


So, what time is Cameron coming over?

I have no idea. He left the lab all mysterious about something.

He does that sometimes. He doesn't tell me where he goes.

He doesn't tell you? That's weird. I thought you guys were friends.

Oh, we are. We're like besties.

Really? What's he do on the weekends?

I have no idea.

What kind of music is he into?

You got me.

Is he seeing anyone?

Okay, I barely know the guy.



It's the same with me and Kirsten.

Look, we live together, we went to school together, now we work together, and I still don't really know that much about her.

Everyone's connected 24/7 with status updates and texting, but no one is really connected.

It's sad.

It's so sad.

So very...


Unbearably sad.

Okay! Uh...

Looks like this is all set up.

Let's light this candle.

Yeah, let's do something.


That thing's drawing a ton of power.

Yeah, let's k*ll the lights, give it more juice.


♪ Till the sun goes down and I unwind ♪
♪ I'm out looking for thrills while you're lost in your dreams ♪
♪ I'm spinning out of control ♪
♪ someone slow me down bring me back again ♪

I told you I wanted to do this alone.

Actually, you said you needed to, which is pretty much the reason I'm here.

You find out anything from Scott?


The concierge arranged the car that took them to the beach.

You sure?


And Lilly was wearing a lot of jewelry, she looked like a target.

Does the agency give us an expense account?

♪ I've been working, I've been working so hard ♪
♪ I've been losing, I've been losing my mind ♪

I didn't know you could max out an N.S.A. credit card.

We have just bankrupted the U.S. Government.

I've always liked Patek Philippe watches, though.

You know you have to return it, right?

Eh, within seven days, assuming that your plan doesn't get us k*lled.

You sure we didn't overdo it a little? We're not exactly subtle.

We're not trying to be subtle, we're trying to be targets.

Mmm, I liked it better when we were shopping.


We're thinking of grabbing dinner somewhere, maybe someplace by the Santa Monica Pier?

Can you call us a cab?

Are you guests of the hotel?

Uh, not yet. We'll be checking in...


The hotel has an account with a car service. I'll call them.

Sounds perfect.

You don't have to do this.

I'm not letting you go alone.

L.A. Wheels?

Santa Monica Pier, please.

♪ And every breath is like a song ♪

♪ and every song is sweet and true ♪
♪ our love is something we belong to ♪
♪ we get older ♪
♪ some get lost and down ♪

(phone buzzing)

You sure this is the right place?

Yeah, just head down that way, make a right, and you'll see it on your right-hand side.

It doesn't make sense.

You're not seriously complaining Because the guy didn't attack us?

I saw him in the stitch. It was the same guy.

Maybe he's just a driver?

If he was gonna rob us, he would have.

Excuse me, do you have the time?

Oh, yeah, sure, it's...

Don't make a sound.

Let's go.

The driver has a partner.

Now it makes sense.


Look at this place.

You are deceptively athletic for someone of your stature.



Tomorrow, you will reflect on that comment And cringe.



Oh, damn.

Go, go, go. Move, move, move.

Jewelery, now.

And the watch.

Come on, man, not the watch!

Wear it in good health.

You too. Hurry up.

Is that why you k*lled Lilly Ross? Because she wasn't fast enough?


You threw her down, she hit her head.

Stop talking!

So, the concierge calls the car, the driver takes the victim somewhere you're waiting, and then you rob them.

I said shut up!

I don't think he's in the mood for chit-chat.

People spend their whole lives trying to find someone, to connect with someone, and you destroyed that.

Kirsten, stop talking.

You should listen to your girlfriend.


Jewelery, now.


Michelle from the hotel.

What is she? Your wife? Your girlfriend?

If you turn yourself in, maybe we can help her.

If I turn myself in, I'll rot in prison, and that is not happening!


(carnival music playing)

(sirens blare)


Thunderbirds are go.

Thank you.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go vomit.

What about the driver?

We put out an A.P.B. He won't get far.

Turns out he and his two buddies were running the same scam for weeks.

Concierge booked the driver for affluent hotel guests, he dropped them off, set up his alibi, and his partner would rob them.

Kirsten, you were right about Scott.

I almost misread him, but you didn't.

I had an unfair advantage.

Yeah. Residual emotions.

Good work.

And you...

Taking down a perp by smacking him with a bucket.

Very impressive.


Hey, so maybe you and I can go grab a beer sometime?


I owe you an apology, and a thank you.

No, you don't owe me anything.

You're the only person who believed that I was innocent, and I still don't know why.

You know what Lilly hated about you?


♪ Without exception, it's a cruel world ♪

Camille: I just can't wait for the B-side, you know?


Oh my God, I'm so sorry I didn't see your text sooner.

Oh, it's fine.

It's not like we were held at gunpoint or anything.

I'm sorry, man. Look, it's my fault. We were hooking up the stereo.

We were totally hooking up...

The stereo.

What's going on with you two?

Going on? Nothing.

Yeah, I mean, come on. We're just a couple of co-workers hanging out in a benign social atmosphere while occasionally discussing job-related matters.

I'm gonna get more beer.

I will come with.


(music playing)

Um, good night, Linus.

Thanks for setting up the stereo.

Yeah, it was very pleasurable.

I mean...


Well, I'm beat.

I'm gonna turn in.

♪ You got to call me, baby ♪

You gonna be okay?

Peter and Julie, And now Scott and Lilly.

Is this what love is?

Intense connection and then heartbreaking loss?


Is it worth it?

♪ You got your limit, baby, I have mine ♪

"'it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all."


Do you think he's right?

♪ I need you to pick up that telephone ♪

I don't know.

But, if you figure it out, tell me.


You did good today, Stretch.

You too, Girlfriend.

♪ I need to hear your sweet voice ♪
♪ let me, let me, let me, let me hear you again ♪
♪ I need you, I need you ♪

(music stops)


I made you a tape.

It's a recording of me reading three of your favorite stories...

One for each night for when I'm gone.

And you can play it on my special stereo.

But, I thought you said I wasn't allowed to use it?

Well, this time you can.

(car honks)

That's my ride.

(music box playing)

Ed: Hi, Kirsten.

I'm sorry I had to leave you, but I want you to know that even though I'll be gone for a while, I'll be watching out for you.

So, tonight's story is "Sleeping Beauty."

You ready?

Once upon a time, There lived a king and queen.

They longed very much for a child, and when at last, they had a little daughter, they were both delighted, and great rejoicings took place.

But... The Angry Fairy confronted the king and queen and said, "when the princess is 15 years old, "she shall prick her finger with a spindle, "and die."
