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01x10 - A Hole in One; Operation Hocus Pocus

Posted: 06/13/15 13:42
by bunniefuu


♪ Inspector... Gadget! ♪
♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪
♪ Inspector... Gadget! ♪
♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪
♪ Go Go Gadget, go! ♪
♪ Go Go Gadget, go! ♪
♪ Inspector... Gadget! ♪
♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪
♪ Go Go Gadget, go! ♪
♪ Inspector Gadget! ♪
♪ Aaaah! ♪





How are chickens supposed to help knock out everyone in Metro City?

Because of what she can do with their eggs.


Oh! Bring it over, dearies...

Be right over, my dear mama.


Yes mother.

Yes grandma! [BAWKS]

Are you sure you don't wanna try just one Ma Donut, Uncle Gadget?


I'm not so sure, Penny.

I've been keeping an eye on my sugar intake.

But those donuts do look tasty... I'm sure one won't hurt.

Go Go Gadget donut grabber!

Mmm-mm! I think I'll have another one.

Maybe I'll have another one.


Delicious! A good inspector must always keep their energy up and be ready for action!

I think I'll have another one.



Oh, hello Chief.

Gadget. I have a mission for you.

A string of robberies has hit Metro City.

Sugar, flour, sprinkles, and millions of... chickens.

Your mission is to find out what happened to all these goods, and figure out just what MAD is up to.

This message will self-destruct.

Don't you worry, Chief.

We'll leave no egg unturned investigating this fowl play.

To the park! We can get some info on the flown fowl there!





[MOM] Thank you for getting me all this wonderful stuff!

Using fresh eggs really does make a big difference.

Anything for you, Ma.

Mom: Try it!

Do you really want to upset my mother?

Um, okay...

Mmm, good!


Too much sugar?


Perfect! Once everyone in Metro City eats my new batch of "special" donuts, they'll be out of my way.

And I can finally have some quiet.

Is that really the plan? Put every single person in Metro City into a deep sleep just so they stop bothering you?

Do we have a problem, Junior?

No, no, no, not at all, Ma! I was just... uh...

I was just thinking, how brilliant your plan is.


Sounds exactly like one of your plans.

You wanna taste laser?

N-N-N-No! I was just joking!

You know me. Ha! I love you Uncle C, you're the best.

Irving Thelonius Claw Jr.

You do not talk to your nephew that way!

He won't learn unless you actually follow through on your threats.

Whoa, hey, watch it!

You may want to run.


Birds of a feather flock together. Those pigeons must know something about the missing chickens.

Sounds great, Uncle Gadget.

I'm just going to grab... uh... a snack.

I'll meet you in a sec..

My years of ornithological study allow me to communicate with these birds.

Go Go Gadget bird call!





Hey, where are you off to?

We were just starting to communicate.

Someone got to those pigeons before I did. But who?

Wait a minute... I bet those sparrows have the dirt.


Mmmm, so good. [WHISTLES]



Ugh. Sugar. Flour. Sprinkles. Eggs.

Why didn't I realize this before?

Brain! MAD is behind the donuts!

I'm gonna follow Talon to see what they're up to.

You stick with Uncle Gadget.

I'll call you when I have more info.



These birds are a hard nut to crack.

Hmm, they seem to be very chummy with that busker.

He must know something!

The new and improved recipe is taking effect!


No, you mean "egg-cellent."

I don't need puns from you!!! [SIGHS]

Plus, mine was batter. Heh. Better.

Yeah, good one, Irving Dingaling.

What did you call me?

Um, Irving Pinkwing? Ding? Ling?



Irving, don't make me come over there!

He started it!


I'm sorry, Ma. I'm sorry!

What is MAD doing with these donuts?

They can't just be making delicious snacks.


People are downright giddy.

Like kids on too much sugar...


That was a bad crash.

Wait, crash... that's it!

Brain! I've figured out Dr. Claw's master plan!

With everyone eating the new batch of MADonuts they'll experience a huge sugar rush... followed by a huge sugar "crash"!

Everyone will be out cold! Giving Dr. Claw the run of the city.

I'm sending coordinates. Bring Uncle Gadget.

We've got to stop them!

Tell me what happened to the stolen chickens!

Hmm. Never breaking character I see.

You are very good.


Not now Brain.

I said not now, Brain. I'll play catch with you later.

Right now we have to locate these missing chickens!




Wowsers, a giant chicken!

I need to ask you a few questions!

Go Go Gadget something to follow him with!

Uncle Claw, it's totally nap time out there.

The final stage is nearly complete!


Ma, soon you'll be able to walk freely without all the noise and without bumping into people!

And we will be able to do anything we like!

Yeah, no thanks to you...

But, Ma...

Shame on you, Irving!

Ma! I'm doing my best, you know.

Nonsense. A grown super villain, still relying on his Mother for his evil plans.

Claw: I have plenty of evil plans! Really good ones!

Mom: You two nincompoops couldn't pull a plan if you're thick heads depended on it!

I took over the world as a single mum with two little kiddies and I still managed to get the laundry done!

Now snap out of it, Junior.

I need to grab a few things before our last shipment is done.

Yes, Mother. The ship is parked right outside.

And no obeying street laws!

Claw: Of course, Mother...

Mom: You drive like a non-evil grandma.

Whatever you say...

Man, I thought they'd never leave.

Talon! Take care of things until we get back.


And don't touch anything! [GIGGLES]

Wow, I wonder what Claw family dinners are like.

Especially the chickens. Don't touch the chickens!


Yeah, whatever.

And no sarcasm.

Yes, Grandma.

Stop, you giant fowl!

I just want to know where all your brothers and sisters are!

Brain, get Uncle Gadget here quick. I have a plan.

Really? 'Cause I have a plan too, Penny.

Go Go Gadget grabber!





Gotcha! You're not going anywhere, you diabolical chicken.

Go Go Gadget roller blades.




Well, what do you know! Cornered again!


[GASPS] Whoa!

Penny, is this really the time to be standing around?

This giant chicken is leading us right to the others!

We are close to cracking this egg.

Hmm... donut for you?

Guaranteed to knock your socks off!

That's it. Donuts!

It's our new recipe.

A real knockout!

Ah, a donut maker.

Isn't right now a good time for a donut?

I am feeling a bit peckish.

Mmm. I'll have another one.

That's good! And another one!


These are delicious...



Take cover, Brain!



Looks like I gotta run. Again.


Sorry. Those went right to the hips.

I think I'm going to stick to salads for a while.

Looks like it's time for a smoothie cleanse.


Ma... please, don't cry.

Another pristine plan of mine you screwed up, Junior.

But, I wasn't even... I just...

Stop, shut up.

But... I was here with you! Agh!

I'll get you next time, Gadget. Next ti...

Yeah, yeah, "Next Time", we get it.

Always making promises you can't keep.

And would it k*ll you to come over for dinner once in a while?

Oh, uh... I think I see Talon down there.

He probably needs a lift...

Aaah! I'm getting too old for this!


And there you have it.

An air tight plan to destroy Inspector Gadget.

With a sixteen ton weight?

[CHUCKLES] I know, right?! What do you think?

I think my sharks are hungry.

Wait, what about a seventeen ton weight?



How hard can it be to come up with a plot to destroy Gadget?


Considering we've run out of ideas and are looking for help? Hard!

Watch your tone, Talon. Or...

Ahhh! [SPLASH]

...Yeah, yeah, shark t*nk.

These plans, they lack originality. They lack vision.

I need someone with that evil X-factor...

I need... the MADgician!

What?! He's totally unpredictable!

Sure, he'll come up with a million ways to destroy Gadget, but each one will be more bonkers than the last!

Exactly... the Perfect Storm.


I am the Master of magic, the Ambassador of illusion, the Grand Hipster of hypnotism. I am... the MADgician!

And for my next trick. The demise of Inspector Gadget.




Like the entrance?

Not really. It lacked flair!

Now let's make Inspector Gadget disappear.




You probably could've waited until we were outside for that.

Last night, the brilliant physicist and frustrated illusionist, the MADgician broke out of his asylum.

The MADgician?! My old college roommate!

Haven't seen him in years!

I wonder what he's been up to...

He's been in an asylum.

You know, we did magic together?

Yep. The year was... whatever year this is minus a few...

To pay our way through college, I worked as a magician at birthday parties.

And the MADgician was my lovely assistant.

Go Go Gadget magic swords!




Our act entertained all the kids within that half block radius!

Well now is your chance for one more show.

Your mission is to go to the MADgician's Fun House Lair of Doom and capture him.


One more show, got it.

Now Go Go Gadget magic rings. Huh?


Chief, there's something behind your ear.


Gadget, I don't think this is a good idea.

Abracawowsers! This'll be the show of our lives.



What a lovely home!

The MADgician has done well for himself.

Okay, Brain, we need to be stealthy.

You and I will use my rope cable to climb up to the roof and... [HORN HONK]

[YELLING] Oh, MADgician?!

Chief Quimby said to make this the MADgician's last magic show ever. So it has to be a great one.

Hello, Gadget. Welcome... to your nightmare.


MADgician! It's been too long.

What have you been up to?

Uh, I was in an asylum.

Great! Hope you've been practicing.

If this is to be our last show, we'd better make it a great one!

It will definitely be the last show for one of us... - Exactly!

Well, time is of the essence, My Lovely Assistant.

I am not your lovely assistant!

That's right. The MADgician is working with us.

To destroy you.

Of course you're here.

Wouldn't be a proper creepy magic mansion without a visit from Talon!

A second assistant! I love where your head is, MADgician!

You and your magic were always a joke.

Now sit back and watch, as your friends go up in smoke!


Flashy opening. I was thinking doves, but this works too!

Uncle Gadget, this isn't a show!

Alla kazim, alla kazam!

Annoying girl, you go scram!

The old disappearing into the floor trick. Nice!

[CHUCKLES] Can you believe this guy?!

Ahh! How many trap doors do you have... [SCREAMS]

What just happened?! Where are we?

From what I can tell, looks like the MADgicians extremely weird basement prison.

But why would he send me here?! It doesn't make sense.

He never makes sense because he's totally random.

He's the MADgician. Great idea using him.

Uncle Claw, the MADgician just shot me down some slide and now I'm stuck in this basement.

Yeah, what about Gadget?

I think the MADgician has him under control.

But, that's not the point.

Then, good luck down there.

Does Sharky Warky want a treat?

Your Uncle seems very supportive... we gotta get out of here.

Uncle Gadget is in trouble up there.

Big deal. I'm in trouble down here.

You always treated me like an animal, now it's time for you to become one!

[CHUCKLES] Sweet revenge!



A twist on the old rabbit out of a hat...

I love it!

Luck was always your friend, Gadget.

But once my Bunnyator-3000 recharges... your luck is over!

Ha! And ha!


Whoa! k*ller cards. And k*ller idea!

Dueling magicians? That's a great angle for our final show.

My turn. Go Go Gadget flowers!

This isn't a show! This is me trying to get revenge on you!


Very believable anger. You've frightened the bunny!

We have to catch him! Come back here, bunny!

There has to be a way out.

Wherever it is, I'm sure I'll find it first.

On account of me being better than you. At everything.

Look, as much as it pains me to say this, I think we need to work together to get out of here.

Yeah... not gonna happen.

Once the MADgician is done with Uncle Gadget, there's no telling what else he'll do. He's completely unstable!




Go Go Gadget net.

[BOING!] Woahh!


I've got you now, Gadget.

Ha! Hi-ya! Hi-ya! Ha-ha!

You may have to work on your aim a bit.

Otherwise, this is great!


So, wanna work together now?


And now?


How about now?


Come on! [GASPS]

Now is good!

I was always your Lovely Little Assistant.

I stood by your side and got laughed at while all the kids applauded your "magic."

Yes, that is a very accurate way of describing our relationship.

I suffered, so you could become the Great Gadgetini.

Now who suffers? [EVIL LAUGH]

Definitely not our audience! This act is shaping up nicely!


We've been everywhere in this whacked out basement, and haven't found a way out... we have found a lot of mazes though.

Something's up with this mirror.

Yep, it is not a good look for you.

I mean there's something behind it.

Our show really moves!

I was always the better magician.

You never had flair. Showmanship.

The elaborate waving of the arms!

Now I'll prove it with the greatest magic trick the world's ever seen.

I can't wait to see what it is!

Hocus, pocus, revenge-a-madocus!

Suspense! Rhyming!

This show is going to have everything!

Ladies and gentlemen... the moment I've been waiting for.



I don't know where this guy gets his furniture.

Where do you think it goes?





In mere moments, I'm going to turn you into a fuzzy, little rabbit.

The ultimate magician's assistant!

A repeat Bunny trick?

No, no, no, we can't end with that.

We need something big! But, what? Any suggestions?

Got it! Our old show ender!

Why mess with a good thing?!

No! There will be no swords!

Well, this is marginally better.

I think we're in some kind of elevator.

We just have to figure out how to use it.

Got it!

Ha! I'll always be faster than you.

I hope you like carrots, Gadget. I hope you like carrots!!!

I do! They're delicious! And nutritious!





Penny! Back for the finale!

Perfect timing. Go Go Gadget magic swords!




You ruined my evil plan. Next time, Gadget.

[MUFFLED] Revenge will be mine!

So, I'm guessing working together time is over?


Take it easy, Penny!

Nice running through mazes with you...

Aw, man.

Good show, team.

It's going to be our best magic show yet, Chief.

Practice up, MADgician! We're almost ready for show time, but you've got a little work to do!

[MUFFLED] Revenge will be mine!

That's the spirit!

I can't believe the MADgician failed. This is all your fault!

My fault? What? I told you he was unpredictable.

And I told you to watch your tone...

Right. Shark t*nk.