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01x09 - Death Becomes Her

Posted: 06/13/15 13:41
by bunniefuu
Joshua: In the beginning, a star fell from heaven and changed us. Made us angels and gave us a new destiny: To stop the Apocalypse and the Devil himself. We must pass God's test and prove humanity is still worth saving. For we are the Messengers.

Previously on The Messengers:

We need to find and stop the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

If those Four Horsemen succeed in breaking their seals, we can all kiss humanity good-bye.

Open your eyes, Peter.

You, Erin and all the others...

You've got to follow the signs.

Just like the Messengers before you.

Leland, stop.

Nero Health m*rder*d my mother.

Leland, don't do this.

Reporter: The police have positively I.D.'d the suspect as Leland Schiller, the alleged criminal mastermind behind the anarchist hacker group ABBADON.

How is that possible? I mean, if we stopped Leland Schiller, then...

I don't know.

But the Second Seal's been broken.

Why is he here?

He broke his seal.

You're obsolete.

You dare think you can cross me?

(distorted): I am... your god!

(dog barking in distance)

(woman screams)

(woman whimpering on TV)

(door closes) PETER: Hey.

Oh, God. Oh, you scared me.

Sorry. We're home.

I can see that. Where's everyone else?

Joshua's getting Rose from the airport and everyone else is getting takeout from The Last Supper.

Please tell me it's...

Chicken fried steak.

How's Amy?

Tucked her in a while ago, but she was kind of in a weird mood tonight.

What do you mean?

She was just kind of quiet. I think she missed you.

I missed her, too. I'll go check on her.

So, we're going to California to find the next Horseman.

Do you know who it is?

Not sure, but Joshua had a vision of these brothers... couple of farmers.

Next Horseman is a farmer?


Would you prefer a zombie?

(groaning, crashing)

I love you, Amy.

Bartender: Last call for alcohol.

(indistinct conversations)

I just don't understand how Amy could've known about Michael.

Did you or anybody else ever tell her about your son?

No. That's what's so weird.

She must have overheard something.

Or it's destiny.

Look, she's the daughter of a Messenger.

Each of her drawings could be another sign from God. Who knows.

Maybe she can even help you find Michael.

I hope so.

Got the grub. You guys ready to roll?

(phone rings) Yeah.

Hang on a sec.

It's Rose. Hey. You at the airport?

Joshua, help.

Leland's here, he's after me.

What do you mean Leland? What happened?

He found me, I don't know how. I ran away and he chased me.

I can't see him. Please-Please hurry.

Where are you?

Grey Forest Cemetery. Oh, God, I see him. He's coming back. Joshua, help me.

Look, we're on our way.

Let's go.


What the hell is happening?

We need to talk.

1x09 - Death Becomes Her

You're not welcome here. Leave this place.


Is that any way to treat a guest, Joshua?

Raul: Come on. This isn't the place.

We're walking away.

Walking away.

What the hell?

That's one way to describe it.

Nice trick, don't you think?

Requires a bit of focus, but it's very effective.

Let us out of here.


No one's going anywhere.

I put all the staff to sleep in the back room and we're all gonna have a nice little chat.

How about no?

How about if anyone tries to leave again, you're dead?

Don't listen to him...

He can't k*ll us.

Not by his own hand.

God wouldn't allow it.

You want to try me?

Walk out that door.

See if God still loves what's left.

We can't just leave her out there.

Don't worry, we won't.

Look, why don't you just tell us what the hell you want?

I want Joshua to tell me exactly what he saw in his last vision.

You got to be kidding.

Did you see the next Horseman?

You show me where my son is.

Then maybe we'll tell you about the vision.

Ooh. You want to negotiate.


Then let's make a deal.

I'm gonna tell you all a little story, and in return for your undivided attention, I'll tell you where Michael is.

I'll clear your name with the Feds.

I'll get you back every dime you lost.

And, Joshua...

Save your breath.

I would never make a deal with you.

Fair enough.

But when all is said and done...

I bet you'll give me everything I want.


(woman whimpering)

(growls) (screams)


For real?


I get nightmares. (chuckles)


Did you hear that?

Yeah, it's the undead. They're coming for you.

Not funny. I heard something at the front door.

Man: Oh, my God, are you bit?

Woman: No, I'm not.

Okay, fine.

If it makes you feel any better, I'll go check.

But you're gonna feel like a complete tool as soon as I open this door.

(gasps) Oh, my God!

Hey, are you okay? What happened?

Who are you? Excuse me.

It's you again. She's the one I saw at the library.

And you talked to Joshua, right? At the grocery store.

You're the one who used to be a Messenger?


My name is Eliza Shepard.

And I'm here because I'm worried.

I'm sorry, am I keeping you from something, Joshua?

Actually, yes.

Good, it'll have to wait until after my story.

You mean your lies.

Yeah, you already told me I'd get Michael back once.

You got my brother k*lled...

I'll be damned if I get fooled by you again.

Oh, I'm not the one who is fooling you now.

It's time to open your eyes.

Someone else has been deceiving you.

Here we go.

You should know the whole truth about your destiny.

April 6, 2008... was a special day.

Can anyone tell me why?

That's the day Michael was taken from me.

It was an important moment for all of us.

We just didn't know it.

Ma'am, try to calm down.

I-I don't want to calm down.

Take me back to the airport. I have to find my son. I have to find my son.

Ms. Buckley, my colleagues are conducting a full-scale search and you might really be able to help us if you will just let the nurse give you something to relax.

I don't want to relax, I want to find Michael.

Now, how'd you break your arm again?

Fell off a ladder cleaning the gutters.

Uh, you fall a few times?

Yeah, you know, gutters don't clean themselves.

(laughing) Are you serious?

He proposed last night over dinner.

Oh, my God. When can I meet him?

Well, he's really busy right now.

How are you doing? Are you doing your breathing?

This cannot happen here. Not in Houston.

Well, it was a real pleasure praying with you, Mr. Franklin.

Now you get some rest, no wild parties, and we'll see you back at the church real soon.

You know, the good news is is the doctor said you're doing great.

So, you know, you'll be back to your 20-year-old self in no time.

I know these group homes can be a little rough, Peter, but we found some nice foster parents in Arkansas who would love to take you in.


Ma'am? Ma'am, can you tell me what's bothering you?

Can anyone speak Chinese?

It's true. I was on my way to a poker tournament in Atlantic City.

Got sick on the layover.

And April 6 is Amy's birthday.

So what? It's some crazy coincidence.

Oh, there are no coincidences.

You crossed paths seven years ago because destiny was already trying to bring you together.

And it would have succeeded if I hadn't tried to have Rose k*lled.

(g*nshots, screaming)

Somebody help!


How's Rose any different from the rest of us?

Because she isn't who you think she is.

So, where's the rest of your family?


What else would you call the Messengers?


They'll be back soon.


But in the meantime...

Tell me what's wrong with you.


You were in the hospital being treated.


I needed surgery.

That's not possible.

What do you mean?

In the beginning, you all felt the cost of your gifts.

It was the same for us.

A way to know your limits.

But that all goes away once the seven Messengers are together.

It's God's reward for finding each other.

Then why am I still getting sick?

Like I said, something's wrong.


I'm gonna make a break for it.

How? It didn't work last time.

Besides, he said if we leave, we're dead.

I'll take my chances.

Rose is in trouble.

(scratching, rock music playing)

Thought I'd put on a little mood music.

Shall I continue?

Please. We've got nothing but time.

You see, Rose was shot by a young drug addict.

It wasn't hard to convince him to pull the trigger.

All I had to do was offer him a fix.

It's funny how you seem to show up when people are at their weakest.

Too bad it wasn't a fatal shot.

You see, God hit pause on my plan.

He put Rose in a coma and summoned me back up to heaven.

Warned me not to interfere.

Then he cast me down again.

Seven years later?

Barely a blink in God's eye.

Anyway, you all felt it the moment I arrived.

You were finally awakened as Messengers and given your gifts.




Of course, had I known then what I know now, I would have done things differently.

You see, Rose is special.

Yeah, we're aware of that.

Are you?

How well do you know her?

(crickets chirping, dog barking)

Erin: You told Josh where there were other messengers. How many?

We were the sixth generation.

Destiny called us at the end of World w*r II.

God was angry.

Just like you, we were tested to see if humanity was worth saving.

Do you still have your gift?


I stopped having visions a long time ago.

But I'll be the first to admit they took a toll.

I've had some real rough patches, and I'm not always right in my mind.

But right now, I feel clear.

If only I could figure out how to help you.

You may know Rose as a nurse, but do you where she got her training?

When Rose was young, she got her start in the army as a combat nurse.

(helicopter whirring)

She served in Afghanistan.

One night, after an unusually gruesome firefight, she encountered a young lieutenant.

It hurts so bad.

I know. I know.

The morphine will kick in soon.


He was horribly wounded.

I don't want to live like this.

Give me more.

And help me die.

I can't do that.

Rose tried her best to save him, but even he knew he had no chance.

I'm begging you.

He begged her to put him out of his misery.

Let me go home with God.

So, she made the tough call.

(man groaning)

(helicopter whirring)

She ended his life.

Your dear friend is a m*rder*r.

That's a stretch.

Joshua: Even if it really did happen, sounds like mercy to me.

Yeah, and I can understand why she wouldn't want to talk to anyone about it.

I've done plenty of things I'm not proud of.

Sure as hell not gonna judge her.

Don't speak too soon.

That soldier may have been the first person Rose k*lled, but he certainly wasn't the last.

(crickets chirping)

Sure you want to get out of here?

Joshua: More than anything.


I have an idea.

So, what happened to the rest of your Messengers?

The Horsemen were about to break the Sixth seal.

But we finally stopped them.


By fighting with everything we had.

You'll have to do the same, but you should know going in, many of you will die.

(gasps quietly)

At least I'm honest about my dishonesty.

You've all made a grievous error by trusting Rose.

So, we're supposed to just trust you?

I don't think so.

I'm surprised by you, Raul.

You out of everyone should have known better.

After all, you're the undercover agent.

Let's see.

How is it you wrangled your way into El Jefe's cartel?

That's right.

You got close to 'em even though you hated them.

Look, what are you trying to get at?

He's saying it's a long con.


You get close to your mark, you win their confidence, you get them to do your dirty work for you.

He's saying we're the mark, and somehow, Rose has been conning us.

Now we're talking.

Hey. What's wrong?

Did you hear what she said?

"Many of you will have to die."


I don't want you to die!

(Amy screaming)


Amy? What's wrong, sweetie?

Amy: I had a nightmare.

Erin: Oh, baby. That's okay. I'm here.


Oh, it's okay. That's okay.

Hey, sweetie, did you make these?

Amy: No.

I've never saw them before.


That's okay.


You really think Rose is conning us?

I'm not saying that.

Then what are you saying?

I don't know.

But what if he's right?

Since when do we trust the Devil?

Look, he's not letting us go, so we might as well hear him out.

The man: Okay.

Now, where was I?

Oh, yeah.

You're gonna like this part.


So after serving her country, Rose came home and got a job at Houston Memorial. (door closes)

She specialized in taking care of terminally-ill patients.

A very noble calling.

Trouble is, she brought the w*r home with her.

So, once again, Rose took it upon herself to decide who would live or die.

No one noticed when the old and infirm died a little bit faster.

(rhythmic beeping)

In the span of three years, Rose k*lled six elderly patients. (droning beep) And each time, it got easier.

Yeah, I'm not buying any of this.

Oh, it's fine.

Those six don't really matter anyway.

It was Rose's seventh victim who put us where we are today.

You see, Rose was having an affair with a doctor at the hospital.

Dr. Charles Hart refused to leave his wife.

It's over.

And he ended the affair.

But sometimes opportunities have a way of presenting themselves when you least expect it.

One day, Dr. Hart's wife was in a car accident.

After nearly losing his wife, Dr. Hart swore to be a devoted husband.

Fortunately, Mrs. Hart was expected to make a full recovery.

But unfortunately...

Rose had other plans.

She k*lled Mrs. Hart out of hatred and stole her wedding ring out of jealousy.

(rapid beeping)


And that's the exact moment Rose Arvale broke her seal.

Seven years ago, on April 6, 2008, the first seal was broken.

Rose... is the Horseman of Death.


Easy, buddy. We got you.

He's having a vision.

That's it. Tell us what you see.

Joshua, what is it?

Tell me what you see.


Where is he?

What have you done?

Guess the devil really is in the details.

(tires screech)


Guess I got to hand it to you. I took my eye off the ball, and you took a chance. Bravo.

But you should know, you probably just got your friend k*lled.

We don't believe that.

Just like we don't believe Rose is the Horseman of Death.

No, of course not.

Let me guess.

Right now you think Rose is in some kind of danger.

So Joshua must be on his way to save her. Am I right?

(scoffs) What a tragic waste of time and talent.

Look, Rose has been helping us from the very beginning.

She wasn't helping you. You were helping her.

She needed you and your gifts to find the next Horsemen.

If that's true, then why would you expose her?

Aren't you supposed to be on the same team?

You couldn't be farther from the truth.

But... don't get me wrong.

I've collaborated with Horsemen in the past.

And I'm a big fan of their work.



Famine... and Death.

I love them all.

But there is a big difference between us.

They want to break all the seals and bring about the Rapture and the end of humanity.

I don't.

After all, what fun could I possibly have without all of you to screw with?

I'd be bored to death.

So you see, I don't want the Apocalypse.

I just want the status quo.

The Apocalypse is good for the Horsemen but very bad for you and me.

I realize that makes us strange bedfellows, but we actually are on the same side.

And that's why you need to tell me who Joshua saw in his vision.

I got news for you.

That's never gonna happen.

Koa: If we're on the same side, what about Peter?

Why did you try to convince him to k*ll himself?

And what about me and my brother?

Let's be clear.

We may be allies, but we're definitely not friends.

I thought losing a couple of Messengers might make things easier.

Turns out they're only getting harder.

So why are you telling us this just now?

Because, Vera, the Messengers are failing for one undeniable reason.


As soon as she became a Horseman, I went to her, suggested that we work together.

But she shot me down.

So I tried to return the favor.

By having her k*lled.

And we all know how that turned out.

Bottom line?

She needs to be stopped.

And since I can't do it, you need to.

Did she fall asleep?


Your daughter's been touched with a gift of her own.

But if she's not a Messenger, then what is she?

Look, she's just a kid, okay?

And I don't want her involved with any of this.

Who is this?

Looks like a nurse.

Rose, maybe?

She's our leader.

Rose. What's her gift?


She knows every language, translates what God wants us to do.

We didn't have one of those.

What do you mean?

The gifts of the Messengers are the same with every generation, and understanding isn't one of them.

So that just doesn't make any sense.


Unless what?

She's not a Messenger.

I'm worried about Joshua.

You should be worried about Rose.

Don't let him get in your head, Koa.

But what if he's telling the truth?

Look, guys, can I play devil's advocate just for a second?

Seriously? (sighs)

I keep playing Joshua's visions over in my mind.

Each of them have led us to a Horseman, right?

First w*r, then Pestilence.

Yeah. So?

So Joshua's first vision that led him to Houston Memorial where we all met, it was of Rose, remember?

I hate that I'm saying this, but what if he only saw her because she is a Horseman?

Joshua said that he saw you with your son.

Uh, wait a minute, are you a Horseman?


But it doesn't stop me from at least considering the possibility.

Rose is not a Horseman.

But no matter what he says, this guy is a lying sack!

How can we be sure?

Pick up. Pick up. Rose, are you there?



Where are you, Rose?

Please, God, give me some kind of sign.

Erin: Look, Rose is our leader, okay?

She's our friend.

She's an imposter. You said it yourself.

You're still feeling the cost of your gifts.

That wouldn't be possible if the seven true Messengers were united.

No wonder you all are struggling. You're incomplete.

You'll never defeat the Horsemen like this.

If she isn't a Messenger, then what is she?

Tell me everything you know about her.


She was shot seven years ago, and she stayed in a coma till destiny brought us all together.

Seven years ago.


That's when I felt it.

Felt what?

The first seal break.

What do you mean the first seal?

Everything Rose has told you, from beginning to end, is a lie.

She's one of us.

We saw her wings.

That's just... smoke and mirrors.

I thought I was a good con artist.

Rose puts me to shame.

Vera: I don't know what's worse, that she used us or...

I'm actually starting to believe you.

In that case, tell me who Joshua saw in his vision, and I will let you go.


Because it still doesn't add up.

When Vera tried to stop Leland Schiller, why did you argue for him to break his seal?

You wanted him to become a Horseman.

All the things you've done and all the things you're gonna do.

Come on, Leland. Press the button.

You're absolutely right.

'Cause I still thought I could convince the Horsemen to ride under my rule instead of Rose's.

It turns out Rose got to 'em first.

She allied with them from the beginning. So... once I realized I couldn't get them to work for me, I had no choice but to turn to you.


None of this would have happened if Vera had simply k*lled Rose when I asked her to.

You do remember what happened when you failed, right?

(inhales sharply) (gasps)

(distorted): Ikiwa ja mamatay sen zullen niciodata fumanisa ceteros.

Yeah, she woke up and started speaking in some strange language.

The Language of the Dead.

She had the gall to tell me that even my days were numbered. (chuckles)

Raul: Okay. Enough storytelling.

I want proof.

You want proof?

Ask and you shall receive.

How 'bout a little surveillance video from just outside of county jail.

Why is Rose with Leland Schiller?

What do you think?

She's posting his bail.

After all the work you did to stop him, she's the reason he still broke his seal.

We only felt two seals break.

I felt three.

It all makes sense now. See?

Here. April 6, 2008.

That's the day that Amy was born.

And the day the first seal broke.

Rose must have broken it.


So if Rose broke a seal, then you're saying...

She isn't a Messenger.

She's a Horseman.

If that's legit, it means there's one more Horseman than what we thought.

And one less chance to stop them.

When did this happen?

Didn't anyone think it was strange that Rose was conveniently out of town the day Leland Schiller got out of prison?

Where did she say she was?


Visiting her ex-fiancé.

So sweet. Except... there is no fiancé.

And she never went to Seattle.

She was too busy plotting to get Leland Schiller to break his seal.

She got bail money from Cindy Richards.

She bailed Leland out... and convinced him to k*ll hundreds at Nero Health, finally breaking his seal.

Vera: If this is true, why wouldn't you just tell us from the very beginning?

Because, Vera...

I am the "Devil."

You never would have believed me.

And you know what they say:

"Every rose has its thorns."

I just hope Joshua sees that before it's too late.



(rumbling, scraping nearby)

(scraping, creaking)

♪ ♪


Rose. Hey.

Are you hurt?

Hurry. Before he comes back.

Let's get you out of here.

There you go.



Have you had a vision?


Joshua! Do you know who the next Horseman is?

Rose, come on, we got to...

No, Joshua, wait, it's important... you have to tell me.

Now. Who is it?

Who did you see?

I saw two brothers.

What are their names?

The Farrell brothers.

They have a mining company in West Virginia.

Thank you, Joshua.

Rose... what's happening?

Oh, Joshua, what good is the gift of prophetic vision if you don't pay attention to what you see?

You were right in front of me the whole time.

You're one of them.

What do you want?

What does Death... always want?

Vera: Okay, we listened to your story. Now let us go.

To save Joshua or Rose?

Just open the damn doors.

Okay. Very well.

I guess it's time you see for yourself.

Either way, only one thing matters.

You need to understand that I am telling you the truth.

(deep whirring, clattering)

Wait a minute.

You promised me if listened to your stories I'd get my son back.

Now, where is Michael?

You are persistent.

What the hell is this?

The man: Saint Monica.

The Patron Saint of Mothers.

Yeah, this isn't what you promised me, okay?

And what about the others?

Don't worry, they'll get what's coming to them.

Koa: Vera.

Come on.

You helped me so much, Rose.

I know there's a good person inside there.

You don't have to do this.

She helped me, too.

Yeah. Hell of a Horseman.

Rose: I helped them see the light.

The end is here, Joshua, and it will cleanse us all.

Thanks to you, now we're going to find the final Horseman.

Cindy: We'll make sure that he breaks the seal before your friends can stop him.

It's like I've always said.

There's only one path to paradise.


Rest in peace, Joshua.

(whimpering, trembling)


(gasping breaths)

What is it?

My... vision.

(whispers): I lied.

They're still not answering. I don't know what to do.

They should have been back by now.

God help them. God help all of you.

Sorry. I'm not waiting for God.

Where are you going?

To find our friends.

Peter, don't.

You'll be fine. I'll be back.

(phone ringing)

Hey, Vera, we've been trying to reach you.

Wait, slow down.

Okay, we'll be right there.

Watch Amy.

Let's split up. We have to find Joshua.


Guys, over here.



Peter, can you see?



(crying): No. No, no, no.


♪ ♪
♪ Baby, yeah, there is... ♪

It's not working. I can't heal him.

He's-he's gone.

♪ ♪
♪ Lately there ♪
♪ Has been a cloud... ♪

I hate to say I told you so.

♪ ♪

You knew this was gonna happen, didn't you?

The man: Don't look at me. This is all on Joshua.

If he'd stayed like the rest of you, none of this would have happened.

But look at the bright side.

Now you finally know what you're up against.

Rose will stop at nothing until she finds the next Horseman.

We can stop her.

There is no "we."

Just tell me what Joshua saw in his last vision... that's all I ask.

Why would we tell you anything?

The man: Because you want to save Joshua.

We can't save him... he's dead.

He doesn't have to be.

What do you mean?

Joshua was right.

I can't k*ll people.

But what if I told you I can bring him back from the dead?

♪ But no news is good news... ♪

That if you give me what I want...

I'll resurrect your friend.


It's a trap.

Guys, this is Joshua we're talking about.

We don't have a choice.

Peter: She's right.

Eliza said it takes all of us to stop the Horsemen.

I'm telling you, it's a mistake.

We need Joshua.


The man: What do you say?

Deal... or no deal?