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02x04 - Season 2, Episode 4

Posted: 05/29/15 05:31
by bunniefuu
Because of you and me.

You're their mother.

What do you think is best for them?

I think we should let them go... to people who will give them the very best chance of a good life.

You're not taking my baby!

I promise you I am here and your baby, and everything's gonna be alright.

In this world, she has died.

Let her live with You forever.

If Greg Mathieson gets his way, this community will be demolished to make way for his high-rise monstrosity.

We know he has a father.

Gail made it quite clear she did not want her baby adopted out.

I want to see my son.

Robert and I are getting married.

Where is he then?

He will come when the baby's born.

You stupid girl!

He's a callow hobbledehoy who's already left you twice...

He loves me!

..and he will leave you again just as soon as it suits him.

Tricia, your baby's heart has stopped.


Excuse me.

Excuse me.

What a pretty hat.

A commemorative plate!

I love it, Martha. Thank you.

It's for the royal tour.

They only made 3,000.

She never looks very happy, does she?

It's the tiara.

It's probably heavy.

Now, I know this wasn't the happy ending you were after but... it's a happy new start.

Yeah, I know.

One door closes and another one opens.

Come on. Show me the ring.

Oh, it's beautiful!

I'll be Mrs Robert Donnelly in one week.

Will it be a big wedding?

I'm not really sure.

I'm still looking for a bridesmaid.

Robert's cousin went to Europe.

Well, best wishes, Mrs Donnelly. I've got rounds.

You'll look after yourself, won't you?

Yep. Thank you for everything.

What time's your plane?

Oh! It's in 4 hours and 47 minutes.


Martha, would you be my bridesmaid?



It'd be perfect -

Robert can buy another plane ticket and you'll be there for the engagement party and the wedding.


But, ah, I want to see the Queen.


Bye, Pattie.



Be a lifesaver. Will you look after Deanna for a few hours?

Why me? I'm busy too.

I've got rehearsals.

And you're so good with her.

But everyone asks!

You ask, and Shirley and Joan and probably the next complete stranger that sees me.

And, anyway, I can't do it because I'm going to Melbourne.


Pattie, wait!

I want to come with you!

Come in.

One final goodbye.

For now.

Matron said she would tell me before they get adopted.

You and Pattie - it's not going to be the same without the two of you around here.


Would you like to hold them?

I won't tell anyone.

This is your captain speaking.

Our flight to Melbourne will take one hour and 20 minutes.

My last six months at Miss June Dally-Watkins has fininshing and school have been lovely. I thoroughly enjoyed those and, while studying, I stayed with...

Your Aunty Caroline?


Aunty Caroline.

Are you sure Robert will go along with all of this?

Yes. Yes.

Got loads from the plane - some soap from the bathroom, a moist towelette, salt and pepper with 'Ansett' on them.

Martha, the church.

What church did we meet at?

St Catherine's, Rushcutters Bay.

Oh, you've got to be kidding. Is that...?

It's Robert's.

Oh! I love you!

I love you! I love you!

We're actually doing it.

We're getting married.

We sure are.


That's Martha.

You know Martha.

I, er, wasn't sure that's who you meant.

Silly. How many Marthas do you think I know?

How was the plane trip?

Ah, lovely.

Good to have you here.

About time Robert got settled down.

And who's this?


Martha Tenant.

Oh, how lovely.

Well, Robert, bags, and, David, fix up the driver. Of course.

Come on.

Well, first thing first.

Let gets you both settled.

I know. Tch-tch-tch-tch. Oh, where on earth is your daddy, baby James?

I thought you found the daddy.

I did. There's all sorts of forms and paperwork he needs to sort out, and he knows it - he should be in here.

Does he want the kid?

He said he did.

I can't stall the adoption process forever, so...

You like them? Babies?

Yeah. Doesn't everyone?

It makes me a bit queasy watching them come out.

Are you sure you should be an obstetrician?

It was at St Catherine's...

Rushcutters Bay?

Such a beautiful old church, so much history, and the priest there...

Father Bride. was so kind and warm.

I felt as though I was being welcomed into a new family.

And, of course, that's when I met Martha.

You're like Pattie - a convert?

Baptised, First Communion, the lot.

I've been catholic since before the mission.


I taught Pattie how it works with the saints, and Limbo, where the African babies go.

Robert - out.

The girls have had a long day.

And, Pattie, here's something for you.

I don't need to tell you what's in this box. Oh.. it's arrived!

Take a look.

Oh, Robert, come on.

Shoo! You're not allowed to see.

They don't want me here.

Of course they do!

They don't.

I've got an antenna for it.

I think your antenna's wrong.

Oh. Oh!

Oh! Pattie...

It's beautiful.

May I?

Where are my babies gone?

Where are my babies?

They were adopted.

I'm sorry. Life's been a little hectic.

But you promised me.

We found parents for them, Vivian.

Good parents, just as you wanted.

You promised me, Matron.

It wouldn't have made it any easier.

Are they together?

At least tell me that they're together.

Yes, they're together.

Oh, no, no...

Are you sure you don't ask for the ?

I think I'm being very reasonable.

Under the circumstances.

This is nothing but petty vindictiveness.

If you'd prefer we could make a public spectacle of the divorce, naming the co-respondent in court.

Dates, times, whatever sordid details are applicable.

You'd do that?

If you refuse to give me what I want, yes.

Never mind ending up on the front page of the bloody Daily Mirror as long as you get the satisfaction of dragging my name through the mud.

Perhaps you should have thought of that before you slept with her.

I'm sorry.

Sorry. Sorry.

Would it help if I spoke to your mother?

You'd do that for me?

I'd do anything for you.

Mother wouldn't want to come and even if she did that wouldn't let her.

Forget them.

You have my parents now.

They're happy for us.

Would they be if they knew about the baby?

That's just between us, OK?

Just us.


You really like it?

Oh, yeah.

I'd just been wearing one I'd bought myself, so it was the best surprise.

I have a surprise for you as well.

It's not a present but it's something I really want you to see.





The maker.

It's pretty, isn't it?

Dad's out and I need a pair of hands.


Don't... Don't worry, Pattie.

I'll bring him right back.

We glad you came.



You said it was smiling. It's not smiling now. Well just keep eye contact with him.

He needs a chance to get to know you.

And you can hold him firmly.

He needs to know you want him.

He's my son. Of course I want him.

Well, you have to be sure.

It's not that straightforward, alright?

I make 60 bucks a week, nothing if it rains.

Not like I can take a kid to work.

I have to pay someone to look after her.

Other people make do with less.

What did I do?

You didn't do anything.

He's hungry. Come here. It's OK.


You know, I'm doing my best, alright?

At least I'm not walking away.

Half-commitment isn't worth anything.

Give me a week.

You've already had a week.

I have to reorganise my life and raise some money.

The timing's not up to me.

It's up to the Welfare Board.

Is money really the only issue?

You've had this the whole time?


This is the money Gail wrote about?

In the letter?


The money I asked you about?


"What money?" I said.

"I don't know," you said.

What's this game?

I knew nothing about you, I didn't even know were you serious about taking the baby or not? What is this anyway?

It's none of your bloody business!

It is my business.

I made a promise to Gail that her baby would be taken care of, looked after.

I couldn't just hand that money over to someone I wasn't sure was going to be able to do that.

Well, I hope you're sure now.


I hope it's dry enough.

I did what you said, just waved the vermouth over it.


I heard about your sad news.

About Johnny.

You have my condolences.

Oi. Bar. Hop it.

Do you mind? Lady is serving me.


Thank you.

Me next.

Anything you like. Surprise me.

What are you doing here?

Go on, Shirley. Slip us a drink.

A freebie? No way.

Just one.

You, out. Come on.

I'm 18.

Not without ID, no.

You let go of me!



I know who you are.

I know who you REALLY are.

Congratulations. Get out.

Viv's alright.

She's been in before.


Eh, about the bub...

Yeah, I know. It's difficult and...she's settled now.

How could I say no?
You're from Newcastle, yeah?

Yeah. I grew up there.

Me too.


You like it?

It was alright.

I prefer the big city.

Me too. We should check out the big city together one day.

Yeah. I'd like that.

She looks like you.

She's lucky girl.

If the health inspectors come, make sure you keep her out of sight.

Yes. Yeah.


Oi! Come here!

Come here you little thief!

I suppose you think it runs in the family.

A couple of Tamworth drunks.

No, I don't think that.

But this is your second offence.

It may be really hard to get bail.

Have you got any money?

I can call a Matron for you if you'd like.

I don't want to see her.

All I wanted was to see my babies before they left.

She didn't let me.

She won't let me know where they are either.

Why can't I know that, Pete?

I suppose, ah...

..because it's the rules.

What harm would it do to let me know that they were happy?

I have to lock the door now.

I'm sorry.

Pattie! Robert!




I'm sorry. I should have knocked.

I was just taking a nap.

Pattie's not here.

She's gone out for a walk with Robert.

So you and Pattie met at church?


In a youth group?


Or perhaps the priest asked you to take Pattie under your wing?


And so you became friends.


Because you had so much in common.

We became friends because she was nice to me, like I was nice to her.


Here. Let me.

There's a man outside. Says it's very important he speaks to you.

Are you Dr Millar?


You've put an advertisement in the paper? This one?


It's my daughter.

We would have contacted you but she refused to give us your name.

After her mother died, she was angry when I started going out again.

Children aren't always very forgiving of their parents.

She said she was frightened of you.

I shouted. She shouted.

I didn't handle things well.

Neither of us did.

She had scars on her back. Do you know how she might have got those?

What sort of scars?

Like whip marks.

The last couple of years, she came and went, mostly went, and I think one of her boyfriends was a violent sort of bloke.

Is there anyone you'd like me to call for you?

She's my only child.

Beautiful child.

When was the last time you'd seen her?

Oh, months.

She did come back a few weeks ago but I didn't know anything about it.

Broke into the study, stole some money from the safe.

How much money?

$10,000. Doesn't matter now.

I want to take her out of here.

Of course.

Was it dr*gs? An accident? What?

I need to know. How did she die?

She... she...she died in child birth.

She had a little boy.

He's here in the nursery.

I have a grandson?


The father... The baby's father - do we know who he is?

Are you raving mad?

He has a right to know his grandson.

Gail didn't think so.

That's why she ran away. That's why she never told him I existed.

She was trying to protect both me and the baby.

I couldn't just lie about it.

You know what's going to happen now, don't you?

He's gonna want to take him.


Or lease indicated if he wants the relationship with James and that is not unreasonable.

Honestly, I think he's more concerned with the baby's welfare than how much you two hate one another.

You have to be kidding.

It is great to come to a meeting at the hospital after work.

Just the three of us.

We can try to sort something out.

It's not going to work out.

I've already made an appointment with a social worker.

Jim, I think you really still need to come.

I don't blame you for not being happy about this...

Not happy?

..but I think if we try...

Not happy? You made me want a son I didn't know existed.

Now that I've done that, you want me to share him with a prick like Greg Mathieson. Forget it.

He's doing very well.

Actually, there's something you and he might be able to help me with.

I'm establishing a clinic to study premature babies, and I was thinking little Ben here could be very useful.

But he's all better now, isn't he?

Absolutely, but that's exactly why I want to include him in the study.

Despite being very premature, he's done exceptionally well, and I'm interested in how and why.

Would it mean bringing him in every day?

I'd like him to remain here, at least for a while.

I supposed to be honest that it keep me ton to safe a bit more money.

Well, then, there might be something in it for both of us.

Well, there's no reason you and I shouldn't get started.

Right. I'm here.

Let's get on with it.

Alright. We're here to discuss the future of James.

Now, I know you both want what's best for him, so everything else needs to be put aside.

How long, exactly, were you with my daughter?

Long enough, exactly, to know what she thought of you.

Enough. That's not going to help.

Did she give you money?


Money that she stole from me.

Oh, that money. What a shame. I was told the horse was a dead cert.

Put the lot on it.

Can we please talk about James?

That's what we're here for.

Now, currently he's a ward of the state, so the Welfare Department need to be involved in what happens.

Of course, there's a process.

I understand that.

I was hoping you might be able to come some sort of shared arrangement.


Absolutely not.

I'm sorry if there's been some confusion.

He's my grandson. I'm not sharing him with anyone, certainly not him.

Excuse me.

I should stop listening to you.

How's in Buenos Aires?

Mm... Let's find out it.

I'll take you there tomorrow.

It's perfect for us.

Our first home.

We're going to have a lot of firsts.

Our first wedding.

No way. That's our one and only.

Well, come on.

Don't keep me in suspense.

When Jean was born...

You do like that name, don't you?


I would have asked you but there wasn't any time.

That's fine.

Well, when she was born, they let me hold her...

Yeah, you said.

..and, um, this is the blanket that she was wrapped in.

When I smell it, she's there and I know that she's real and that, somehow, she's still alive for us.


..that's really creepy.

So I told the sergeant that you're part of an honour guard of nurses when the Queen happens the new Royal Prince Albert win.


Because he loves the Queen.

You're free to go.

Viv? You can go.


Won't your mum hear us?

Not if we're quiet.

Now what?

It's like a roller-coaster.

But not a scary one?

No, it's not scary. It's exciting.

First the engagement party, and then the wedding, and our life starts.

I wish I could start my life again.

Not completely, just with the bad bits taken out.

Robert says that we should pretend we're brand-new.

Do you think that's a good idea?

What do you think?

I think it's a wonderful idea.

Are you waiting for your wife?


She's... interstate for a few days.

I'm not waiting for anyone.

Is it late?

No hurry. Take your time.

Shirley, if you need any help, just let me know.

Thank you.

Right, here we go.

Did you really tell your boss that I was a nurse?

Yeah. Why?

And he believed you?

Why wouldn't he?

You'd be good at it.

Next time I'm going to let you take advantage of me.

Sorry. I can explain.

The only person that's got any explaining to do is the couturier, that's somehow managed to forget to cause one of the seems.

It can be fixed?

Heavens. They can fix anything.

And no need to say anything to Pattie.

It could be our little secret.

What is?


Just something between Martha and me.

Oh, what is it?

I was just saying how much I'm looking forward to you falling pregnant.

Apart from the fact that I'm dying to have a grandchild, it's just such a lovely, magical experience.

That's... that's enough, mom.


We're not even married yet.

Don't listen to him, Pattie.

I know what a girl wants, and it's that first child.

Hey, that's what we're going to do, buddy.

If someone catches you in here by yourself there'll be big trouble.

Yeah, I'm not on my own. I'm with him. Eh? That's my son.

I was just telling him about seeing the social worker.

And how before too long that's all gonna be sorted out.

You know I can't guarantee that.

Yeah, I kind of worked that out.

Do you think I'd be OK as a dad?

I... I think you'd be a great dad.

Then help me?

Guarantee or not, the way things are going, you're all I've got.

I know I'm still very young but when you've found the right girl, why wait?

We're both very excited for our wedding day, because that's the day when our life together truly begins, the day that everything really starts first.

Isn't that right?

Actually, no.

Robert and I had a baby.

Her name was Jean and she was beautiful. But she died.

I had a baby too.

Here's to the Queen.

Keep your money.

I had to do that but now that I have, I don't know what to do.

Might not be too late to change your mind, if that's what you want.

No, no, no.

This is the right thing, isn't it?

It is. It is. Come back to Sydney with me and we'll work it out.

And we can always hock this if we need to.

Oh! Martha! How did you get that?

Grabbed it on the way out.

It's Rosenthal.

The royal motorcade is approaching.

Please stand behind the barriers.

You OK?

I walked out on everything - everything.

You were amazing! So brave.

Martha, I'm really scared.

This is the first time in my life I've ever had... nothing.

You've still got me, and the Queen!

Come on. Come on.

We're missing out!

Can you see?

No, I can't.

Oh, Martha, she's coming!

Martha, she's coming!

She's coming now!

Need a lift?

She's coming soon!

Oh, my god. She's coming!

Yesterday, in brilliant sunshine, the Queen was greeted by hundreds of enthusiastic people.

The royal motorcade moved serenely...

Come in.


Sorry about the Queen.

She looks fine to me.

I can be responsible, you know.

We live in hope.

If I wanted to become a nurse, would you help me?

Do you think you have the temperament for it?

I will give it my very best shot.

Come and sit down.

I'll get you something to eat.

What do we want?


When do we want it?


What do we want?


When do we want it?


Annie, this is no place for a child!


You're a surprise.

I was expecting to find my husband.

She's a baby!

I know!

Wait! This is you and me.

He's not gonna stop - you know that, don't you, Joan?

He's gonna go again, and again, until he gets my son.

You're pregnant.

I've never stopped loving you.

I love you!