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06x02 - Songs of Innocence

Posted: 06/10/15 02:50
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Pretty Little Liars.."

What did they do to us?

female 1: 'No, please don't do this!'

"One month ago, my friends were kidnapped by a faceless, nameless coward 'the same monster who att*cked Mona Vanderwaal."'



[alarm ringing]

It's coming from underground.


What's your name?

I'm Sara Harvey.

We know who it is.

It's Andrew, babe.

And we're gonna get him.

Andrew's been obsessed with the girls since Ali went missing.

"...rituals. Sister launched lair. A ruler's list chained."

They're all anagrams.

For Charles DiLaurentis.

Some of those toys in Ali's room were hers 'but some of them were his.'

Who is Charles DiLaurentis?

Aria: 'Where is Mona?'

She's down the hall.

And that other girl is down there too, Sara Harvey.

What about Andrew?

What about him?

I heard them talking in my ambulance... about how they found plans and journals in Andrew's house at the farm where he left the van.

Andrew Campbell and Charles DiLaurentis are the same person.

That's what we're saying, right?

We're not just saying it, it's reality.

Reality's been through a lot, and so have we.

You guys, it makes perfect sense.

'Andrew's always just been there on the edge of things.'

'Always there, helping.'

Makes me sick just thinking about it.

So when do we tell the police about Charles?

We don't.

We don't?

The cops will know if it's true.

It is true, Spencer.

They'll know Andrew is Charles when they find him.


Jeez, Toby. Listen to me.


Give me five minutes.

Walk away!

Not gonna happen.

Do your job.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used 'against you in a court of law.'

♪ Got a secret ♪
♪ Can you keep it ♪
♪ Swear this one you'll save ♪
♪ Better lock it in your pocket ♪
♪ Takin' this one to the grave ♪
♪ If I show you that I know you ♪
♪ Won't tell what I said ♪
♪ 'Cause two can keep a secret ♪
♪ If one of them is dead ♪

You had no right to put yourself in that much danger.

I wanted to help.

I did help. We saved them.

You had no obligation.

Yes, I did.


It's over.

They'll catch that pervert Campbell and that'll be the end of it.

It's been a very long day.

The important thing is you're safe.


Who is Charles DiLaurentis?


Not what, who?

Someone asked me about Charles DiLaurentis.

And I didn't recognize the name.

Do we have a Charles DiLaurentis in our family?


No one... ever?

No Charles DiLaurentis in this family.

Well, then I guess that person made a mistake.

I'm not asleep.



Who are you?

I'm Emily.

You're Emily?

You were down there.


With my friends.

Have you talked to your parents?

Just my mother.

We talked on the phone.

She cried.

How did you end up there?

I ran away.

'I was... in a parking lot near Rosewood.'

I hit my head.

Or someone hit me on the head.

'Then I was down there.'

Then I thought, well... now you know what happens to bad little girls.

Did you see who grabbed you?

Did you hear his voice?

I'm tired.


We got the son-of-a-bitch.


You caught him?

We tracked him all over Tyler Park finally flushed him out.

Are you sure he's the one?

We've been chasing him since we found the prison van at his uncle's farm.

They traced all that electronic gear to him.

They found a journal about how he hated Mona and how he thought Alison and the rest of you represented the "Feminization of society."

It was a regular manifesto.

Has he confessed?

Not yet.

If he's smart, he will.

This town doesn't need another trial.

No, it doesn't.

I'll let you get back to sleep.

I was asleep.

Actual, real sleep.

I haven't had that in a long time.

We never gave up.

[instrumental music]

I'm alright.


No, I understand.

The army isn't nine to five.

Do you wanna talk to mom again?

Okay. Love you.


He'll talk to you tonight.

Let's get outta here.

I just wanted to stop in Sara's room and say goodbye.

Well, she's gone, honey.

I saw her leaving with her mother when I got off the elevator.

Her mom came for her?

I'm assuming it was her mother.

I didn't really talk to 'em.


You know, the police said that Sara had been down there for over two years.


It's okay now.


[intense music]


No, it's fine.

Think about what you want for dinner and I'll order.

Anything, as long as it's delivery.

I'm not leaving you alone.


[instrumental music]

There are a lot of these.

Yeah, it's mostly antibiotics and supplements, and... something in case I feel anxious.

Can't imagine why I'd need that.

Too early for sarcasm?

Not where I come from.

I thought I'd stay for a couple nights.

Yeah, it would be good.

Your father is dealing with the police.

He's talked to all the other parents and we've all agreed that no one has to talk to the police until you guys are ready.

I'm ready.

I'll do it today.

No, you won't.

Mom, I wanna make sure that Andrew doesn't get out.

There's time for that.

I-I-I don't wanna wait.

He's not gonna hurt me or anybody else ever again.

I will make sure of that.

Why don't you come downstairs? Help me make some tea.

Yeah, I will in a minute.


[instrumental music]

I spoke to my friend in the prosecutor's office.

There's little chance of Mona being charged for faking her death and causing Alison's arrest.

'They'd just as soon blame everything on the Campbell boy.'

'Nice and tidy.'

Something's wrong.

They made a mistake at the hospital.

They left out one of my prescriptions.

They're supposed to give me an anti-anxiety medication to help me sleep.

I asked them not to.

You asked them not to?

Spencer, you know you've had some issues.

Mom, they-they gave me something at the hospital and it was the first night in forever that I got what a normal person would call sleep.

Honey, you're home now. You're not in the hospital.

I can't believe that you did this.

It wasn't an easy decision.

Okay, that makes me feel a lot better.

I will help you any way I can, but I'm not gonna take the chance of you having another problem.

Mom, I need that prescription.

No, you want it.

There's a difference.

That's semantics.

That's the rule.

'I'm sorry if that sounds unfair' but I have to be firm on this and so do you.


I really am back home.

♪ Walking shadows ♪
♪ Tracing silhouettes ♪
♪ Moon is high while my feet wandered ♪
♪ I felt the tight rope break ♪
♪ Snap beneath my step ♪
♪ I'm still walking out in thin air ♪
♪ Whenever I go ♪
♪ Will I go far ♪
♪ However I go ♪
♪ Oh I know ♪
♪ I go on ♪
♪ I go on ♪
♪ I go on ♪


♪ I go on ♪
♪ I go on ♪
♪ I go on ♪
♪ Standing in the shadow ♪


[alarm ringing]

woman on loudspeaker: 'Five.'






[door creaking]


Spencer, he says there's no such ***

Charles DiLaurentis in our family.

Ali, I'm gonna say this is delicately as I can.

Your father's a liar.

That was the delicate way?

He didn't say, let me think or ask you where you heard the name or who asked about it, he just shut you down. Why?

I suppose you wanna go the police about this.

No. Not really.

I don't wanna walk in to any more police stations with any more theories.

Let the cops figure it out.

Figure what out?

That I'm somehow related to someone named Charles DiLaurentis who really is Andrew Campbell?

What do you think happened?

The goblin snuck into the Campbell house and switched babies on them?

We both know that there are more conventional ways somebody can end up with more than two parents.

That's how you and I got to share a brother.

[instrumental music]

Thank you.

For getting us out of that place.

You'd have done the same for me.

Ezra: 'Do you need a warm-up or..'

Oh, sorry.

No, no, it's-it's fine.

It's just, um..

The coffee's great.


Um, maybe some company.

♪ Make you feel better ♪
♪ Make you feel safe.. ♪

Did I remember to thank you for saving my life?

You did. Verbally.

I'm still waiting for that thank you card in the mail though.

Yeah, I'm still just looking for the right one.

Something with kittens on it.


I was only in that place for a few minutes.

You were there a lot longer.

So this may seem like a overly simplistic question but are you alright?

I will be.

Just remember to check in with yourself.

'You have an advantage over most people, 'cause you can' write about it, you can put it down on paper.

I won't be doing that.

Oh, no. No, I don't mean for public consumption.

A journal, just for yourself...

I just said, I don't wanna do that.

'I don't wanna own it, I don't wanna memorialize it.'

I don't wanna think about it being in a diary somewhere in my room.

I want a nice, big wall between before and after.

♪ Make you feel better make you feel safe ♪



I thought you liked this wallpaper.

I did. But now I don't.

Okay. Well, we'll take off the wallpaper.

Did you figured out what you might want instead?

I'll pick something out later, I just want all this gone.

You'll pick something later?

What is wrong with you?

Hanna, I've watched you spend 30 minutes sorting fabric swatches.

Don't you at least wanna look at some paint chips see what you might want?



Are you okay?

I just wanna change my room, and I wanna change it now.

Not just the wallpaper, everything.

Hanna, when you were in that silo... your room down there..

That was not my room!

This is my room.

Are you gonna help me or not?

I'll do anything you want.

Then help me with the steamer.

Hey, congratulate me, I'm a renter.

Ah. You got that apartment?

No more sleeping on Mrs. Granville's couch.

Nice, civic-minded lady, but those Hummel figurines kept staring at me.


I saw you, I just wanted check in.

We haven't spoken since the other night.

Been busy.



Uh, Alison, this is my new partner, Lorenzo Calderon.

Lorenzo, this is Alison DiLaurentis.


So are you new in town?


Lorenzo is part of Rosewood PD's fresh perspective.

That's me.

I spoke to Spencer this morning.


Yeah, she seems okay.

You know, physically.

They went through a lot.

We all did.

How you doin'?

I'm glad it's over.

Me too.

It was nice to meet you, Lorenzo.

It was great meeting you.

See you later.
[instrumental music]

So that's the famous Alison DiLaurentis.

That's her.


Uh, hi.

Mom, I wanted to make a change.

Kinda tired of all this stuff.

I get that.

So we can either sell it or give it away.

Ashley: 'I understand.'

But it's, you know too late to have a yard sale tonight.

Why don't you get a good night's sleep and we can talk about this in the morning?

Uh, the bed is already kind of in the hall, actually.

What were you planning to sleep on tonight, honey?

I don't know. The floor.

You're not gonna do that.

You can sleep with me, but the furniture, we can...

No, I can't look at it anymore.

It's ruined.

Don't look at him, look at me.

How is it ruined?

I just wanna make a change, okay?

I want to get rid of some old furniture.

I said, don't look at him!

Why do you keep looking back and forth?

And why can't I just have something that I want?

Does that make me crazy?

[door slams]

Did you have a good time with Hanna?


That was Jimmy from the g*n range on the phone.

He called to tell me how happy he was to see you again.

He remembered you going there with your dad... and watching him teach you the right way to do things.

He did teach me the right way.

He'd understand why I was there.

Where did you find the combination?

I didn't find it, I figured it out.

I promise you, you're not gonna figure out the next one.

I've used dad's g*ns before.

Never alone, Emily.

That is not a rule in this house, that is the law.

You knew that, and yet you sneak up here and just...

You can't sneak in your own house.

This is not a debate.

That locker is off limits.


Emily, do you understand?

Yes, ma'am.

Emily... the last thing I wanna do is fight with you.

If you wanna talk about what happened...

Not now.

If you wanna talk to somebody else they gave me names of doctors at the hospital...

I'm really tired.

Maybe you should call Paige an-and let her know what happened.

Let her know you're okay.

I did talk to her.

She said she wanted to come back.

I told her not to.

'I told her I was alright.'

And she shouldn't have to come home.

Not for me.


Paige did the right thing, leaving town.

I won't drag her back into this.

She deserves to be happy.

So do you.

[dramatic music]

Hey, roomie. You forgot to make the bed.

I will.

A nice blank canvas here.

Any idea what you wanna do with it?

Not yet. I just wanted to get rid of everything that was here.

Well, maybe you can get together with Aria and Spencer and Emily.

Go shopping together for some new things.

I don't wanna do that.

They're your friends.

Doesn't mean I have to see them every second of every day.

In that place... where you were...

I don't wanna talk about it.

Caleb said you were in a room...

That was not my room. This is my room.

What happened to you... in that room?

[dramatic music]


Hannah, please.

[music continues]

He just played games with us.

What kind of games?

Truth or dare.

Who do you love more, me or her?

Who deserves water today, you or somebody else?

You decide or you lose your turn and somebody else gets to pick.

Lots and lots of games.

This is your room.

Anything you want, baby.

You want beanbag chairs... Danish Modern, you want... Day-Glo wicker... you can have it.

[dramatic music]

There's circumstantial evidence against Andrew Campbell.

So much that we're having a hard time getting through it.

We have a paper-trail connecting him to the m*ssile silo where you were held.

And the construction work that was done there.

How could a high school boy afford all of that?

One of the things we'd like to know and so would the IRS.

But you can prove he's guilty?

We're well on the way to proving it.

I'll do anything to help.

At any point in the time you were held hostage did you actually see Andrew Campbell?

Yeah, we saw him, but he was masked.

Then you didn't see him.

It was Andrew.

He told me how much he hated Mona.

'He was always around when something happened'

'when my brother was att*cked.'

I mean, it was Andrew that was in my house pretending to help us so he could watch us.

All that may be true...

It is true.

We're exploring Andrew's motives.

Tracking a timeline that goes back years.

Looking for confirmations and discrepancies.

'But what we don't have is direct testimony'

'that someone saw Andrew Campbell'

'at the scene of a crime.'

'Ultimately, that could decide' if he walks away or pays for what he's done.

I did see him.

Once, I saw his face.


When I was down there.

I, um, I saw him without his mask.

You just said he was always masked.

That was a mistake but I remember now.

I-I saw him. It was Andrew.

Was anyone else with you when you saw his face?

No, I was alone.

I saw him.

That-that's what you wanna know.

That's what you need, right?

I'm telling you, I saw his face. It was Andrew Campbell.

[dramatic music]

I wanna thank you both for coming in today.

It's been very helpful.

I'm helpin' buildin' the case against Andrew.

How's that going?

It's lookin' pretty strong.

Pretty strong?

'What happened to "We're gonna get the son-of-a-bitch?"'

The manifesto, the van, the electronics at the farm.

I've been thinking about all that.

Why hold onto the van?

Why not ditch it?

'And why keep it so close to where you're hiding?'

And why hide it some place you could be linked to?

Well, A is for arrogance.

When I caught Andrew, I wanted to take him apart because of what he did to you.

All I could think about was you in that place.

And I realized that I don't know what happened.

'I was there. I saw it.'

But never really talked about what happened.


[alarm blaring]

woman on loudspeaker: 'Choose one, or all will suffer.'


'Five, four..'


woman on loudspeaker: 'Three, two, one.'


[dramatic music]




Hi, Lorenzo.

I know.

The first time we met, I was in uniform.

Lot of people, that's all they see.

I remember you.

It was nice seein' a familiar face.

I'm still pretty new.

Me too.

In church.

I used to go when I was a kid.

And then I didn't go.

And now... I don't know.

Yeah, that's how it was for me.

You go, then you get too smart for it.

Then you start to wonder how smart you actually are.

I like the music.

Yeah, the music's great.

I gotta go.


Hey, don't worry.

About what?

I won't tell anybody I saw you in church.

What makes you think I don't want people to know?

I don't know. I just know that you don't.

You went back, after we talked.

After I changed the combination. You went back?

You just said I couldn't use dad's, so I rented a g*n.

Seriously, Emily? I need to know what's going on with you.

Dad's defending people, why can't I defend us?

Because this has nothing to do with defending anything and you know it.

You never bring anger to a firing range. Ever!

I'm not angry.

I saw you, Emily!

They said we were down there for three weeks.

Is that right?

It was a little bit longer than that.

Well, it felt like..

I don't know what it felt like.

After a while there wasn't any time anymore.

That girl, Sara. You saw her.

Did you see her eyes?

Her eyes?

Did you look at her eyes?

I did.

She was down there for years.

And you could see that in her eyes.

What would have happened if I'd been down there for years?

Emily, the person who did this is behind bars.

You mean, there isn't any more bad people out there?

There's nobody who's ever gonna hurt anybody again?

A g*n isn't gonna change that. Not for you, not for anyone.

'I know.'

I was afraid.

And I thought... maybe it could take away some of the fear.

[dramatic music]

But it didn't.

It made it worse.

It makes you the same as what you're afraid of.

Honey, I'm sorry.

[dramatic music]

And I screwed up on a global scale.

I mean, I just.. I wanted to help.

I just wanted it to be over with.

I mean, there were whole parts of my brain that were trying to stop me from lying and the stupid parts won.

Yeah, well, the stupid brain is small, but it's wily.

I might as well have opened the cell door and let Andrew walk out.

No, I don't think it's as bad as that.

It's not good.

No, it's not good.

But I understand the impulse.

I know, well, thanks for coming over.

Yeah, thank you for calling me.

I'm sorry.

Sorry for what?

So Hanna called and she thinks that we should all go to school tomorrow.

Yeah, um, that's not a bad idea.



'Can I borrow you?'

Yeah, sure.

I'll be right back.


[instrumental music]

Alright, there you go.

[sighs] Thank you.

At least now my mom can have her privacy back.

How's it feel?

Well, like I'm about to be boxed and shipped.

Have I ever told you that I think you're the bravest person I've ever met?

I don't think so.

But you can try it.

You're the bravest person I've ever met.

'I like it.'

It's not true, but I like the sound of it.

It is true.

And you're gonna get through this.

You and your friends.

How is that gonna happen when I'm having a hard time looking them in the eye?

'You will.'

That's what people do, they mend.

You taught me that.

'And sometimes you end up stronger at the broken places.'

Do you know what I want?


I want my night table back.

[instrumental music]

[indistinct chatter]

I'm sorry if I was rude to you in front of church.

I'm embarrassed about it.

Not embarrassed about going.

Embarrassed about what people might think.

I'm sure Toby, he's told you plenty about me.

So you can understand why people seeing me at church would say, "She's just there for show" or maybe, "She went crazy in jail."

Which is not true, really. Either one.

Would you like one of these little hamburgers?


[instrumental music]

I'm gonna leave in just a minute.

Stay awhile, let her sleep.

[instrumental music]

[camera shutter clicking]

I've been sitting in the other room trying to come up with a way to ask you about what happened today at the police station.

Well, I think you just did.

Do you wanna talk about it?

Oh, I think I've said enough, don't you?

I've done enough damage, talking.

I'm just gonna stick to the visuals from now on.

The police talked to us after they brought you out of that place.

They told us what it was like. Not in detail.

So you didn't see?


[sighs] Good.

'We all want the person who did that to you'

'caught and punished.'

We may want different levels of that punishment but it's what we all want.

It was him.

It was Andrew. It has to be Andrew.

Aria, you're very smart.

But please remember, you're also very wise.

[instrumental music]

♪ Revenge is bittersweet ♪
♪ The basic human instinct ♪
♪ Try to fight it but it's callin' me ♪
♪ So loud I can't even think ♪
♪ The memory that you left in me ♪
♪ Is something I won't soon forget ♪
♪ Placed in my mind like a bad film ♪
♪ And nothing can erase it ♪

[leaves rustling]

♪ Oh oh oh oh ♪
♪ I'm ready for you ♪
♪ My one and only desire ♪
♪ I'm gonna see you through Sara?

I saw your address in the hospital.

I didn't know where to go.

What happened?

I ran away.

She was happy to see you, your mom.

She must have been.

Maybe it was just really hard for her to show you because you were gone so long.

When I was gone... people were very sympathetic with my mother.

They paid attention to her.

Then I came home and I spoiled everything.

I should've stayed in that hole.

Don't say that.

I should have.

I was finally doing something to make my mother happy.

Well, no one's goin' anywhere tonight.

You can stay, Sara, but we've gotta call your mother.

You can try.

Alright, I'll make up the sofa.


It'll be alright.

Don't think about that place. It's all over.

We're gonna get some justice now.

Emily, that guy they caught..

Andrew. What about him?

I saw him on TV.

Are you sure it's him?

[instrumental music]

Have you gotten any sleep?

Uh, no, but I'll be okay. Don't worry.

What are you doin'?

We'll sit up together, and watch a movie until we both fall asleep, okay?


[instrumental music]

[cellphone ringing]

Hey, Em.

♪ Where do we belong where did we go wrong? ♪
♪ If there's nothing here why are we still here? ♪
♪ Where do we belong where did we go wrong? ♪
♪ If there's nothing here why are we still here? ♪
♪ Where do we belong where did we go wrong? ♪
♪ If there's nothing here why are we still here? ♪
♪ Where do we belong where did we go wrong? ♪
♪ If there's nothing here why are we still here? ♪
♪ It's another time it's another day ♪
♪ Numbers they are new but it's all the same ♪
♪ Running from yourself it will never change ♪

I was not..

♪ If you try you could die ♪
♪ Give us a little love give us a little love ♪
♪ We never had enough we never had enough ♪
♪ Give us a little love give us a little love ♪
♪ We never had enough we never had enough ♪
♪ We'll pour it in a cup try to drink it up ♪
♪ Pour it in a well if you go to hell ♪

[theme music]