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01x18 - Save As...John Doe

Posted: 04/07/03 05:14
by bunniefuu
Quiet, love.

Match. Bring the object.

As you see, Miss Chambers, in the Seattle Mutual Bank... We care your belongings flawlessly.

And the key?

There seems to be none.

So how do you open?

I fear this is all there.

After 5 years just worth it.

Come on.

It was a pleasure work with you.

There is no key, no instructions, no nothing.


We are alone, Master.

If you yell fire. Give me the keys.

The idea is that you give to those little things white, beautiful music sounds... And people buy more drinks.

Did you ever get bored?

I keep my happy ex-wives, I can not get bored.

Boredom is a sign of dissatisfaction... Resulting in lack of interest.

But I'm interested in everything. You may have hyperactivity.

Go see a movie.

As I watched them all.

Read a book.

It's the same.

And if you go with a girl?

Rachel has returned to London.

He earned a scholarship at the Institute Neurological Stanley.

I understand, you a problem... But not hyperactivity, is lovesick.

Come on, play a "Blues."

Digger, I am trying to create environment.

Are you John Doe?

Paulette, I'm flattered you know so much about me.

But I do not do petty crime. Surely the police find her car.

I think I made the biggest mistake of my life.

The case was Stefano Moretti.

Does the software millionaire?

Grew on the computers at 10 years... When a muscular dystrophy I leave in a wheelchair.

His specialty was artificial intelligence.

Would you like your job?

He said humans could they neurochips implement advanced... To increase intelligence. I have interest in that.

Most thought he was crazy. Investors left him lying.

The truth is that he was a genius just a little eccentric.

An eccentric genius, Did I not say?

And why he left the briefcase?

It was his personal secretary.

He died two weeks ago -

In a heart attack.

To be honest,... And I go to the bank are just that case.

I get angry, I felt betrayed, I was loyal for years.

But it is obvious that there something of value inside.

Do you know who is "The Answer"?

I only know that the magazine Gigahertz I dedicate a phrase... In the March number 2001. He considered it a fantasy.

How was it? "The Answer" to -

As the mind becomes a machine.

It's all I know. Everything was confidential.

And think the answer is opening this case?

If the police, media would learn in a second.

Once you know, competition would do anything to find it.

Mr. Serve Moretti was my life.

What if I lost something that could change the course of history?

Paulette, I need... That brand model is your car... A phone number and a photo of your dog.

Thank you.


Gray is a Forerunner 91.

Retrieve his briefcase tomorrow morning.


Yes Thanks, John.

I knew it was the right person.

If you think you stop drooling.

Just so you know, the future of biomedical informatics is at stake.

Not to mention my interest personal matter.

Do you have a personal interest?

Do you know that the average man think about sex every 7 seconds?

Who would say, John Doe is human.

No, how does my mind, I'm not remotely human.

Do you suspect that you wear a microchip in the brain?

About that. Paulette worked for a man... Trying to create a link between human and computer.

A view to theories secret... Would be enlightening minimum.

I know of that addresses your brain the other 6 seconds.

It's all about trilateration, the foundation of the GPS.

Tune the satellite channels.

I'm sick of miss the games.

I'm really using your antenna... To communicate with Orbiting GPS.

If you're interested, I spent almost one month in prison in South Dakota... For pirating satellite.

Yes? Theoretically this is not illegal.

The Army opened its network for civilian use... For cars and digital maps.

And so we find Paulette's car.

The Forerunner of 91, have no GPS.

No, but this carries a German shepherd named Amo... With a transmitter not to miss.


The collar transmits to 10.635 kilohertz.

I have only to set the satellite at the same frequency.

Well. An area of 10 by 15 km.

Isolates often approached.

Belmont 4743. Is Richie Row.

It is the home of Stefano Moretti.

Stefano Moretti was Chief Paulette.

Linda's maiden home.

It's a smart home.

180 km of cable 5 UTP telephone... RG6 cabling in all rooms.

Moretti was in wheelchair.

The house did everything for him he even prepared the bathroom.

If I had a house like me would have saved a marriage.


Paulette's dog.


What the hell?

This is the house we see.

Speaks Italian, Moretti's mother tongue.

Declare the reason for your visit.

Want to know because we are here.

Tell him you love old secretary.

Paulette sends us.

Thanks. Can proceed.

With its name, it works.

It was easy.

The house does not seem so smart.

He could not travel.

So he brought the world here.

Yes Analyzed our pictures with database of police.

I recognized ex-convicted.

Error, error.

As we go from here.

This house is crazy, if we Here, we will k*ll us.

I fear that we are ahead.

The cause of death is high-voltage electrocution.

Burns of hands ...

Match ... shape of the handle.

A criminal fried.

Electrify the handles. Who will be the idea?

Cyber-Tech C-Series, ultimate homeland security.

Lets leave the doors and windows intruders stunned 5000 volts.

The whole house is a w*apon.

I have to buy one of them.

Unless this was three times the voltage.

And I think I know why.

This control manages all security, lighting, sound system.

But it also records everything.

So mocking the access control... We have an accurate picture what happened in the house.

That's the case.

The question is,... Why steal something return it to the owner died?

Maybe he was trying to open it.

Paulette said she had no key, I did not even lock.

And how is that home did not give the alarm?

The mainframe appears to be decomposed. Maybe it's a virus.

Hey, look. The computer talk to him.

He is telling you to go to games and go through the back door.

My God. The system increased the voltage of the knob.

That is the reason why I have no computer.


We have nothing further from here.

I'll try to get something.


Go to the part where two civilians arrived here... And found the body.

Frank, I told you -

Yes, yes.

I know. A beautiful girl, self stolen, a missing briefcase.

A case that seems who is still missing.

Her name is Paulette Chambers. Moretti was the assistant.

That's impossible, I am assistant Stefano Moretti.

"The answer" was the culmination Moretti's life.

The purpose was immortality.


Are you a religious man Detective Hayes?

I ask this because many thought... That the goals of my Head were against God.

This was the motto of Moretti.

"Through the intelligent mind live forever."

Yes, exactly.

I was into the cloning?

Absolutely. I wanted to capture the human mind in the computer language.

The joy, pain, taste, antipathies, awareness,... Everything we makes who we are... Written in zeros and ones and stored in a chip.

When you die, the chip gets into another body.

When this body dies, the mind change of occupancy.

We continue to live.

Call L. Ron Hubbard.

Laugh, everyone does.

Is it a man religious, Mr. Johansen?

Because there was a m*rder here and you conveniently appeared out of nowhere.

I assure you appeared out of nowhere.

The house called me, told me there was an emergency.

Therefore, you are familiar with the corners of this... Atari full size.

Of course.

Wait, are you suggesting that hacked into the computer and I did this?

Where was that night?

Dining at home with my wife and children.

I have no computer. I separate family from work.

What about this Paulette Chambers? Have you heard his name before?

No. There were always women behind the fortune of Mr. Moretti.


I need a list of people who have access to this place.

Workers janitors, everything.

Since then.

Johansen? Stay close.

Do you have something, Stella?

It's total file corruption .

It was a complete hack.


No. It is an authorized user... So your steps are recorded.

"Digger? Not a good idea.

Rebooting the voltage. "I can?


The control has detected corrupt files.

Right here.

I just employee in a bar.

Our user input through a back door.

The name Xanadu was used.

"Xanadu, Kubla Khan, a palace built for pleasure."

A poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

Here is the IP address.


Xanadu, of course.

The website is here in Seattle.


Diggers have you put in a system... Created by one of the best programmers minds in the world.

It's funny, right? You know why we are friends, John?

Because you and I know secrets.



Come on, Doe?

Yes Demons.

Welcome to pleasure palace.

Something tells me no found my briefcase.

Cyber-prost*tute. Interesting profession.

I prefer "companion interactive."


Ms. Chambers, a man was k*lled last night at the home of Moretti.

He was k*lled by a hacker... That changed the system computer to electrocute.

This is the man who att*cked me. Which took the case.

It seems that several people want the bag.

Somebody took him.

And the fingerprints of the person is in the center of the house.



I did not k*ll anyone.

Say, John, would not hurt anyone.

Was a regular one of my best customers.

It was a physical relationship?

Purely virtual like all my appointments.

In addition, Stefano could not -

He was sick, a wheelchair.
Listen, my computer was connected home, a very sophisticated system.

Could reduce the lights, connect the music... And the bubbles in the Jacuzzi.

Very romantic.

This does not mean no feelings.

Most Sometimes just talking.

When everyone called him crazy, I listened.

It was a brilliant man.

One more reason to sell software secrets to the highest bidder.

Is what I was thinking?

Obviously,... Gave me the thing Stefano most important of his life.

"The Answer" could be within that briefcase. Something that can change the future.

Ms. Chambers, due respect... All I heard about "response" is a lot of assumptions.

Now I want to solve the crime that I have here.

I have not k*lled anyone. I am the victim here.

I was assaulted, robbed me car k*lled my dog.

I'll tell you one thing. Go home.

After giving us his impressions digital hair samples... And all I asked.

Otherwise you can call a lawyer and get used to the place.

I do not trust her. I used it.

He knows more about what it says.

Do you have something in mind?

Internet research.

Choose your companion.




Select a fantasy location.

"Lost Lagoon", "Ski-lodge hot tub" "High School Detention."

Why do not you tell me you were coming? I would have a discount.

This is an intrusion.

Call the police.

What the hell are you looking for?

I lied.

What do you mean, John Doe? What have you been?

Am I harassing you?


You want to harass you?

I -

Do you know? You disappoint me.

After all have not found the briefcase.

Maybe you're not that smart.

I did not have all the information.

Saw how the police treated me.

Can you blame me?

It should give people the benefit of the doubt.

There is something different You're like a child.

Those innocent blue eyes.

Are they so innocent?

U "hiding something?

Something deeper.

John, you find that briefcase.

I'll find... But because I'm curious.



The key.

What key?

It's all yours, Kung-Fu. Next time I'll k*ll you.


Look, I know Jitsu.

Moretti gave it to you. He created so that only you could open it.

So why not told me how to open?

Your bracelet... Is key.

An arrow in the heart, symbol of their love.

Stefano gave it to me last Christmas.

What if you could unlock something?

He said it was the key to your heart.

"Pencils, paper, envelopes and a pencil sharpener?

"Supplies of desktop? Is that all?

A computer motherboard 1981... With 64 kilobytes of capacity.

It is impossible to work Moretti's in here.

He always said so would be the cities of the future.

And it's true, look.

An aerial view of a city.

Skyscrapers and parking lots.

It is the city.

The Space Needle, Pike Place Market.

The diamond chip on Mission Building in Westlake 99.

The Mission Building.

He said he found me there. Saw announcement of my entry page.

How can we go?

With your hair clip and my credit card.

Why all this search? Why not tell me?

His secret was safe.

Only you know could put the pieces together.

With the help of a friend.

What is this?

My God.

Maybe it's awkward, but I guess four bodies... Hanging on a basement smell of crime.

We have all the right to be here.

Stefano Moretti try of these specimens... Under the law uniformity for donations.

Did specimens?

Accident victims in a coma.

Everyone in the state irreversible vegetative.

Their families have been compensated above, in 7 digits... To give us the bodies.

In the scientific community calls that "what gets lost as you can."

What is this?

"The Answer."

Please Retire.

Do not tolerate interruptions interfere with our experiments.

The company Moretti a software company.

What kind of "experiment" are these?

Confidentiality clauses prevent me from talking about it.

Have you seen these two? This place?


So I guess we're done.

What are you hiding?

I will respond to the judge.

Yes, when we come with a court order.

Let's go, Doe.

I have analyzed every inch in this case and nothing.

You do not have fingerprints, no blood or saliva.


"Laboratories secrets and cybersex?

Amazes me, I organized his life. I told him everything.

The prosecutor has prepared the court order.

We have identified the victim was electrocuted.

His name is JJ Marcs.

"To deliver dr*gs? Or money? Is your man.

Here is the list of names.

Can you search your database employee data?

All this has happened before my nose. I mean -

Do not know how often that happens.

Thanks for your help.

Yes, of course.

I have researched this type.

As much as we Johansen an idyllic version... Her relationship with Moretti was not so friendly.

And Paulette -

"The usual?

Not at all.

Of a school alumnus Catholic. Woodcock... To study science computing. One day he leaves everything.

Grab a mouse and some socks Erotic and surf the Web.

How lovely. Notify when everything clicks.

There need not accompany me. I'm usually a companion.

Yes I would like to apologize not have trusted you.

Do not blame yourself. I am not worthy of confidence.

Do what is needed to survive. It is not easy.

I think I understand.

What? Does it? This is nothing.

There is nothing here that real. Except you.

I'm not used to have a real man.

I should go.

No, stay.

With no memories? Nothing?

There's nothing concrete.

I can not imagine that.

Sometimes it seems that memories are all we have.

Being here is very well lying.

This is what I miss about Stefano.

What are they talking about?

Talks boyfriends.

Wine travel.

Even gave me a computer... So that we speak in my spare time.

Do not know the mischief I can do with it.

Tell me, but you do misdemeanors... Why all this interest you?

My mind does not work when Like others,... Is a machine.

I have thousands of questions and even more theories.

Then suddenly... I speak of the desire to Moretti... To transform the brain human in a computer.

Then I realized that if This technology allows ...

Technology can be ... can explain... Until perhaps the technology that created me.

But do not believe in God?

God, Zeus, Buddha.

I do not know. And you?

Jesus' best friends were prostitutes, John.

Just say yes need answers -

Perhaps I looked where I should not.

You lost. I know what it is.

Wait, do not know if I have experience in this.

No matter, I have.

What is this?

I can not believe he was before us all the time.

I have to go.


UBC. Universal barcode. Goodbye.

Can I take out of bed show me a barcode?

A standard bar code has 12 digits, it has 14.

They use a bar code to inventory the evidence.

There is a scanner.

The bar code was created to facilitate the recovery in the supermarkets.

But if he used Moretti -

To store data in binary.

Secret data in the barcode?


What does it mean?

We'll know when they are ordered.

There are millions of lines. Who knows what is the correct configuration.

What -

We have an intrusion.

Open it.

A "link" with Department of Water and Power.

Someone broke into your system, doubled with us so we can see.

"I am the Lord thy God. I want what you have."

It sounds biblical.

This is not good.

The hacker controls the water city and the electricity grid.

"Deliver it or suffer fire."

There is an overload on the side east of the city. Gas fire.

"Suffer floods."

Has open sewers.

Look, there's another message.

"I am relentless, I will not rest. I will not spare the innocent."

My God, this guy is terrorizing the city.

God, I crashed. No I can locate the source.

Who could have technology and intelligence to do this?



We report from the home of Paulette.

Disappeared. Doe, listen, beam delivery and that's it.

Do nothing more. Understood?

81 degrees. It's too cold. Can not be right.

Bus 81. That's right.

Three stops, bus 81.


Manage computers of the city.

Is leaving clues. I'm following.

Typical of Doe.

Doe, this could be a trap.

Stop! Go! Go!

Jamie, is being cut.

You're losing.




The truck outside.




A station's wireless Internet. Limited range of 60 meters.

Outside in the mall. Want to play? Let's play.

Interested in exploring the fascinating world of telecommunications?

Passed the "firewall." Entered into the computer... From a central mall security.

What are you doing?

Does this network is connected to the PC?

Yes I'll take it. Take care briefcase. Be right back.


Come on. Come on.

Wireless Transmitter Internet, where are you?

There you are.

What goes up... Must come down.


Stop! Stay right there.



Hired three different men to steal the same case.

Pitted against each other... Giving a great reward the winner.


Moretti said he is the greatest motivator of all time.

John Doe was that took him.

There would be exempted anyone for that case.

"I am the Lord thy God and Thou shalt not have other gods befor me."

That is the First Commandment. The first!

For years, I challenged Moretti. I asked to abandon "The Answer" because... The man can play God.

Does the mind and soul live forever on Earth? That is blasphemy.

The secret laboratory, the bodies. I was very close.

If you feel any devotion what's in the neck... Finish what I started.

I'm afraid the only thing Are you finished here.

With the DES algorithm could prove all possible orders... But still -

It take 40 years, 5 months and 26 days.

I learned something on these scientists.

Their real names are Dr. Bruno Fascelli and Dr. Domenico phrase.

Two Italian citizens. Immigration has spent two years looking for them.

Unfortunately, they will to keep looking.


No trace of them fled.

May be flying to Rome.

Well, maybe send us a postcard.

Postal "? Paulette postcard.

Remove the pencil, writing on paper.

Doe, if you're nostalgic we can go.

The data must be sequenced in order in which objects would be used.

We read the data in the order is used to write a letter.

And how would that be? "Sharpener, pencils, paper, envelopes?


Here we go. Sharpener.

Pencil box.



My name is Stefano Moretti.

If you are seeing this is I am no longer there... But I'm here.

My God.

He really did.

My conscience, my soul, run through this machine.

Hoping to find a new home in a new body.

Although he got here... Technology does not yet exist.

May never exist.

The next step will have to give someone with more talent than me... I extended my research... To create this new way for all humanity.

But until that day comes... I know I'm safe.

I know I'm finally where I always wanted to be.

The bodies in the laboratory containers were possible... For him.

I wanted to walk again. I wanted to be with you.

He did it for you.

That will never happen.

"While we live? No.

Never forget the memories.

As you said, time is all we have.

And "The Answer." Did he give any Response to who are you?

Keep looking.

You know what I think?

That while looking for is not you totally lost.



Thank you, We will be in touch regarding Mr. Doe.