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01x16 - Illegal Alien

Posted: 03/24/03 02:51
by bunniefuu
The focus was diverted.

No friend. You do not have aim. You owe me $ 20.

It's my turn. Go to them.

Watch it, buddy.

What the hell is that?

Whatever it is seems that landed.

Do you hear that?

I think there is someone there.

What? Do you think it an alien?

Let's go.

Wait for me!

Come on.

Open, open!

Come on, go!


I'm trying!

I do not know! I can not.


My God.

Okay, thanks.


The cause of death is not an mystery. A shot in the chest.

The rest is a mystery.

Yes, what if "Neil Armstrong" entered the forest... Before realizing that forgot your spaceship?

Armstrong did not fly alone.

Continue with that, elf.

Holy God.

Still could not remove his helmet.

Okay. Boys had the same version.

A bright light in the sky, and then out of nowhere came this astronaut.

Must have come from somewhere.

Conspiracy Theories say that "Big Brother"... Is a kind of lid to cover space programs.

Perhaps the disciples Oliver Stone are up to something.

Lieutenant, we still looking in a radius of 3 km.

We found this to about 200 meters away.

What do you think? What an ejector seat? Maybe a space capsule?

Is burned and destroyed. How did he go?

There must be some explanation. It is as if falling from the sky.

Why not? Doe did.

I believe this is a first.

What are you smiling?

Frank who is usually I called to inquire.

Your job is to look at me skeptically and send me to walk.

Tell me everything you know about secrets government space programs.

I did not know we had one.

Does that mean we do not have one?

Or it may be a secret that even you know?

No, both. No I know. Good question.

Great. What a good decision.

Are as useful as guys that I talked about NASA.

They do not know anything about the astronaut could find.

The government has an extensive record keeping secrets.

For example, the Warren Commission -

Doe, focus.

We are talking about astronauts, not JFK Where's the body?

Should make it easy to get these things.

If you ask me, for me missed a joke.

The guy decides to dress like an "MTV Video Music Award... To scare some kids in the woods and get shot.

Liquid cooling and ventilation... RF isolation.

This suit is not a replica. These gloves can cost $ 40 000.

An expensive joke.

EMU of the spacecraft.

This is what the astronauts are when they leave the ship.

Spacewalks. What is the scenario here?

The guy leaves the ship to fix the Hubble telescope... And accidentally falls to woods outside of Seattle?

Discoloration of the face and neck.

Advanced sign of cyanosis.

It is caused by a g*nsh*t wound.

As lack of oxygen to the brain. It can be caused by many things.

Hypothermia, poisoning carbon monoxide.

So if the boy had not shot our astronaut -

Would have died anyway.

Demons. And I thought I had a bad day.

I'm sorry, Lieutenant. Entered without permission.

Colonel Dunagan. Air Force OIE Special Investigations Officer.

We need to take care of all have evidence of this case.

Including the body.

He died in our jurisdiction.

It is an official Air Force wife.

Our man, our jurisdiction.

This is the federal order that supports us.

"Posse comitatus."

Excuse me?

Chapter 263, Article 15.

Approved on June 18, 1868.

Prohibits using the military common in police cases.

Thanks for the lesson history, son.

But that law was enacted to prevent the Executive Branch ...

Use the military ... against its own citizens.

Clearly does not apply here.

Now, please pull to the side.

Not repeat it again.

Let, Doe.

I'm just doing my job, ma'am.

It seems that back again.

Hey, as if they had never been gone.

That is another story, Frank. I have to tell you something.

When I worked for Uncle Sam... I saw many secret maneuvers.

Planned coups, irregular operations, everything.

The world does not work as we have newspapers or television.

This morning was a tragedy... When Captain Nelson Barnes died during a training accident... At this air base.

Captain Barnes was testing A new prototype F-25 ...

... when its landing gear failed.

It's him.

The teams worked hours -


Staff was evacuated -

There was a plane crash.

No more ...

It is a "deja vu" that is repeated.

... In this tragic accident.

If I could intercept the signals KHSR spy satellite expansive 183 -

A spy satellite can see the registration a car that goes 150km / h in the I-5.

When finished, television conéctame Free satellite in my house.

With this we can see what they do those soldiers in those woods.

If the astronaut made a forced landing... There must be some kind of debris impact hole or something.

Does not look good. The Cloud cover is very dense.

What you know about Lacrosse?

I know Jim Brown was Syracuse player.

The 3000 is a satellite Lacrosse Spy $ 500 million... Released on December 2, 1988.

It entered orbit on 57 degrees.

But emits waves microwave on Earth... So we can see through dense clouds.

It was a rhetorical question. My intention was to try to locate its signal.

3,000 was taken Lacrosse orbit for 6 years.

It's what they say, but actually left him there.

Masking the signal with a Weather Transmitter.

How do you know all this?

Just see if you can access it.

You're right. Still there.

And you're the one with all knowledge.

47 degrees and 51 minutes north.

The exact location where body was found.

Can you improve the image?

The clouds are dense.

Head a little.

My God.

Looks like a crop circle.

Looks like something burned the tree line.

As if something had landed there.

It seems... The island where I woke up.

Or where you left off.

The Air Force is giving a different story.

Then, go to the forest to see what is happening.

Listen, I do not like being deceived as much as you... But is it worth breaking the law Federal and risk your career?

Finish my career?

It is important to John.

What is this?

It's my first memory. Woke up naked on the island.

In the middle of that circle.


Any idea how you got there?

A few hours ago I downloaded this.

It's the same circle. What do you think has caused it?

Maybe some secret aircraft.

Or maybe -

Maybe what?


I know it sounds ridiculous, but it is not more ridiculous than what I experience daily.

Consider this. What if there was... abducted?

Why aliens?

Kidnapped, researched and left on that island.

And you're willing to bet the plate why? How about little green men?

You always say that keep an open mind.

Yes, but not so open.

You can get in trouble there. And with two civilian companions?

Thanks for your concern, Lieutenant.

I'm not saying we should not investigate. But there is a right way and a wrong.

All right. Then an?tame to the wrong way.

Jamie, please. Could be a clue of who I am.

All right. I want I report every hour.

I have some ideas. Go.

Come on. The next perimeter happen in an hour.

I learned a trick in western Bolivia. We used palms to hide our units.

When we were at w*r with Bolivia?

No we were.


And unofficially?


We lost two our best men.

With the government hiding could write volumes.

With the government hiding could fill libraries.

Are these libraries have a section UFO? Ways of alien life?

I do not know. I removed the card library years ago.


"Colonel Dunagan? Lieutenant Avery want to see. Seattle Police.

What I can do for you, Lieutenant?

Seeking some clarity.

Shot him Captain Nelson Barnes... Wearing a suit space in the forest.

That is not the official story, ma'am.

"Official history or official lie?

Could you give us a second?

Unofficially, I do not know what happened out there but I'll find out.

We can assist in the investigation, if you give us access to the body.

The remains of Captain Barnes have been cremated. It was his last wish.

How convenient. I guess you can not tell me what Captain Barnes... was doing in the forest.

Sorry. I can not. Is confidential.

And it is my job to keep it that way.

What about his wife and children? What do you say to them?

His father was a hero.

Who died serving their country well.

It's all I can say. Now if you'll excuse me -

We are west of the clearing 2.645m.

At this rate we arrive at 13.4 minutes.

We would go faster on donkeys. Come on, please claim your medal.

Molly is not for these paths, Frank.

Molly? You call your self Molly?

The car is like a member of family. Deserves a name.


A 1.8 meter base that tree. A metal disk.

Is a marker of land. The Green Berets used them.

Means that there crawlers heat in the area.

I am Lt. Avery. We met the other night.

Thanks for coming.

My son got in trouble?

Not at all.

Hoping you could tell more about the other night.

Starting to see a light in the sky.

I do not know how really remember Ryan.

Well, let Ryan speaks for itself.

Ryan is only 17 years.

I do not think we should talk to Are you without a lawyer present.

They're here for you, is not it?

Where's the fire?

Over there.

Dioxide gas carbon generates a mist ...

Giving the laser ... something where Reflecta... Making them visible to the naked eye.

What a great spider web. How do I pass?



The infrared rays not pass through the glass.

At least not well. As in the greenhouses.

The sun's heat can enter but harmful rays are filtered.

If we can find large pieces of glass... We can traverse Laser undetected.

And where we find large pieces of glass in the woods?

No. No.

Not Molly. She is -

Part of the family?

What is the family?

There are 9 pieces of glass, counting the sunroof.


We have enough glass to create a corridor... And go crawling.

I should not accept being a driver. There you go.

Dunagan was assigned to Ala 512... On the Base Dover Air Force.

Rumors say that there are carried out the most secret projects.

Five years later he was reassigned... At 88 Wing Base Patterson Air Force.

Rumors have the nave that crashed in Roswell in 1947.

Wait, listen to this. Where He was assigned next? Groom Lake.

Also known as Area 51 in the great state of Nevada.

And now here in Washington.

It's the kind of UFO Air Force.



They are restless, sir.

Its constants are stable.

No danger.

We lost by one.

Already knew what was at stake.

We take the limit for a reason.

Any disruption only end the mission.

Understood, sir.
Do not do that!

Let me.

Leave that thing!

Let me, let me!

So I do not like the country.

Take the kids to the sun a couple of times a year... Is the dose I need nature.

What are you doing standing there?

The lock opens with operable a piston preformal memory.

Got a light?

Heat the wire above transition temperature... And the locking mechanism return it to its position -


Discoloration of the face and neck.

Cyanosis Advanced... As the astronaut could find.


Hope it is not contagious.

No, can induce from a condition to cardiac toxicity.

Whatever the cause, these flying boys ended badly.

This is a complete mess!

Signs of struggle, a fight broke out.

Or were att*cked... Perhaps a wild animal.

The cupboard is intact... And I see no scratches, I doubt to enter anything or anyone.

Bring a coroner to find out.

Do not bother, the antenna next cell is 93 miles Excellent.

I do not understand is why the colonel has not arrived?

With this technology normal is that we were watching.

I think they are doing much more than observe.

Any news?

For hours I do not know anything about Frank.

In confidence, I am concerned.

Do you think that something has happened?

Shut up, he did not think.

For collecting more data the machinations of Colonel... Is impossible.

And if we have someone inside, someone close to him.

I do not know, these military not betray.

I know who would.

There is a First Sergeant that's a little nervous.

Lieutenant Averinge!

What are you doing here?

I ask you something on Dunugan Colonel.

Yes, but I think not is the right time.

Just take a moment... If you do not mind.

Go ahead.

What kind of person is the colonel?

Is it easy to work with him?

I do not know if you use the word "Easy" when it comes to him.

I understand, sir Ruiz what could tell.

Will surely win.

I am the messenger of Colonel... To pay the bills, go to the cleaners.

Wear insignia of sergeant first... But I feel like a secretary.


Have you noticed something strange in acts of Colonel?

If he knew I talked to you would send me to prison.

As far as I'm concerned, We have not spoken.

Unusual ...

What means unusual?

Well, I do not know, a change in their normal functions.

Have you been more stressed lately?

On the contrary, never had been so quiet.

Bought a new home... A car, go on vacation to the Caymans again.

Taking into account that just returned from there.

Do the forces Airlines will pay so well?

I have no idea where it comes from.

Any ideas?

It is a good man ...

I'm not accusing -

... and it is my commander.

I think it should go.

Well, Colonel finances not like to sh**t rockets.

It appears that leads a modest life.

Then I take one of those.

While vacationing in Cayman Islands, according to Sgt.

Well I have to go bank per bank, it will take quite a bit.



Bingo! The business register... There is a new corporation established in the name of Colonel.

It has been registered to handle remez large cable.

So the Colonel created a company false, to cover up a dirty business... But from whom?

Defense contractors.

And military work, make from airplanes to toilet seats.

Try to rule out, to see who would buy and why.


Let me try.

Is titanium reinforced... Waste time.

Do you have a better idea, smarty?

I found a computer... Could be a manual control -


It's a parachute flare.

They know that 37% of UFO sightings are... These flares for military use.

Then they saw the light children before sh**ting?

It was a parachute flare.

Another mystery solved.

The astronaut had to throw... To navigate in the dark.

Anyway, what I was doing there?

Geological... Was part of his mission.

An astronaut outside time, as if they were on Mars.

It is very interesting, but you'd better move away... Because I'm going to fly this can and will leave at once.

You're crazy that is solid propanol G9... We'd k*ll.

Give me the lighter.


I'm serious... Give me the lighter.

Can not you hear?

We k*ll them.

Yes you are destructive today, Doe.

First my car, then my lighter.

How damn we go from here?!

Listen -


No, Frank, no.

Are you going crazy?

I forgot, you are the only to get ideas here.

Guys, guys is not good time to lose his head.

You're right, not for you would not be here to begin.

That's true.

What? I came to help to solve the case.

Help? We just wanted see if this case served you... To find out who you are.

Yes, that's all cares ... the same.

What are you saying?

You're the most selfish person I know.

Only three people know.

And you what are you laughing, with problems you have at home... If I were you'd be crying.

Of course it does, all night in my bar.

"Bar? That seems more like a nightclub themed restaurant in the 80's.

And Digger, what the hell does that mean?

Let me ask.

What about your time in the military?

Or was Nuclear Society American? And your six wives... Really exist?

Digger! I know where did you get the name... Is all that shit that you remove with a shovel.

If, then at least no I threw my women.

At least I have not had six great bastard.

At least I do not need a monster spits darts... Do my job.

What a freak?

Come on, come here!

Come on.


Stop it, come on!

What are you doing Frank, arrest us?

Better than that, back!

Facts not words.

Blurred vision, headache.

You have to pity me, John Doe not stand the heat.

No, I think we the classic symptoms... Of cyanosis.

Did not you say that shit was not contagious?

It is not, but I think it the first signs... Of hypoxia.

What? Altitude sickness, it just occurs on planes, genius.

No, not at any pressurized environment... With its own oxygen supply.

That was what happened first astronaut... And is what is happening.

So we're going to die?

The first symptom is psychosis.

That will tell for you.

God, after expansion... Of the pupils, a intense glow... Then coma and death.

How much time is left?

According to the clock, 7:30.

So at 9 o'clock we -



Find out what hidden Colonel in the forests... And determine that contractors have reason to steal.

Without the latitude and length I can not help.

What is this?

Is an IP address... With a password.

It is the road map of a "hacker"

If I follow their trail of crumbs... I can enter it the satellite used.

It worked!

Can you get more?

With clear skies do not open any problem.

There is a circle in the trees.

It's kind of ship!


If the boys came there and found it.

And if they are inside that can?

60 minutes left.

No computer work.

Neither the radio.

There is no way to communicate with the outside world.

The air we breathe, contains 78% nitrogen... 0.94% argon... 0.4%... CO2... And 26% oxygen.

Is again dropping more meaningless data.

These data will save the life useless.

John Doe's super hero.

Should we buy a suit, a layer tights.

Is an oxygen rebreather XR74.

Serves to preserve, gas constant levels.

For whatever does not work.

Oxygen recyclers are big business... Are used for everything.

Since the space shuttle to nuclear submarines.

If I were in operation.

The chip is welded to oxygen control circuit... At least it should.

Isolated What?

There must be a way of communicating.

This habitat is incommunicado.

The only way to bring supplies... Is by helicopter.

Good, but not out there no place to land.

There must be a Navigation bag.

The military regulations required.

And just have to find it, We are 48 minutes and a half.

The Capitol building Records in Los Angeles... Has a red light emitting word "HOLLYWOOD" in Morse code... Every 20 seconds.

Watch a navigation transmitter.

Please tell me you know Morse.

Yes, it's our chance.

If someone is watching.

What would the forces air up there?

It's like a lander as it landed on the moon.

Did you see that?

Yes, a flash and still there.

Not going at regular intervals like someone control him.

I think it's Morse code.

Is John Doe?

Good question, you know what it says?

Well the first part of the message... Is an SOS The second part seems to say... XR74.


Then he says... Useless.

XR74 "disabled?

What does it mean?

An SOS can be trapped.

I'm tired.

I can not stay awake.

Frank? Do not fall asleep.


XR74 "has something to do with Colonel savings in the Caymans?

All you get is a recycling model of oxygen.

The XR74, manufactured by Pacific Aeronautics here in Seattle.

Doe, did it again.

What you got?

Learn what made the colonel cause cyanosis astronaut... Made all recyclers that can.

Who could do such things?

Someone who had it all planned receive money from the company... I wanted the contract.

If the system is failing presented with its own technology.

That is the answer to all your extra income.

Went out.

Why is it off?

Are not?

It from your account in the Caymans.

Lieutenant, what's -

Has received bribes for Aeronautics Pacifics boycott.

Excuse me?

Hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Recyclers sabotaged oxygen to hire another.

Has crossed the line, Lieutenant.

My friends are dying there.



The suit is account of itself.

There's nobody more than my men.

Have had problems but... You are right.

Where is Hayes and Doe?

This makes no sense.

Is this real time?


The clock in the corner top right... Make an approach.

Is 2 hours late.

What the hell?

This is not live with a recording.

The date is 4 days ago.

Reprogramaré the vent damper.

You must take me there now.

This is our business, Lt.... And confidential we'll take care.


Looked for this?

Should be -


Is that what you meant?

Luckily I noticed the oxygen recyclers... You sabotaged.

"Sabotage? But I come to help.

An oxygen control panel Pacific.

What coincidence?

So that it seems that alone failed recyclers.

You better be looking for a lawyer.

I am inspector of police Greater Seattle... Is you are under arrest, Sgt.

Good trick.

Had a loop of video images.

Neither Dunugan nor the others knew nothing.

Thanks to its position... Could handle the issues Colonel personal... Even open an account your name in the Caymans.

And finally k*lled their men.

Is why the world's oldest.

When recyclers prove defective... The contract would be for Aeronautics Pacific rival... Billion.

I lost control.

I tried to end before the other died.

I just wanted to show the defect... Of recyclers and request a new contract.

But when he died Bars... I could not replace it in time.

I swear... That Colonel refused change the protocol.

He did not know that experiment had been sabotaged.

I did not want to k*ll anyone.

Put it in writing and will be easier.

Is not it moving?

I did not want to k*ll us.


Now you will mourn?

Remember Frank, what I told you and your family?

Hypoxia spoke, not me.


But there was some truth... The truth is that I change my home life.

Digger, I feel what I told your wife.

Relax, it was nothing.

Being honest in a sense, until I envy you.

The truth is that you should try to keep your family.

And you... I said the costume and cape... Yes I meant it.

It would be good in tights.

You bet!

Better not do it again.

Glad to have nothing to do with UFOs.

Look! The world does not revolve about John Doe.