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01x04 - Sins of the Father

Posted: 07/16/14 16:46
by bunniefuu
Previously on Tyrant...

Barry: I'm an Al Fayeed.

That means I'm a powerful man here.

Molly: Are you saying you want to stay?

Barry: Jamal, it's, uh, it's me, Bassam.

What would you think if I hung around for a while?

Jamal: Yes.

I would like to make Bassam special counsel to the president.

Sammy: My name's Sammy, by the way.

Abdul: Abdul.

Sammy: And I thought maybe we could hang out?

Abdul: I'd be disappointed if we didn't.

Nusrat: Ahmed. Stop. Please.

Fauzi: What the hell were you doing with those men? Ihab Rashid?

Samira: I was trying to make a difference. Something you wouldn't understand.

Tariq: We have captured Ihab Rashid and ten of his followers.

Fauzi: Well, I'm not sure if it matters to you, but you're about to execute the wrong man.

Jamal: What would you have me do?

Open the jails and set everyone free?

Barry: Yeah. Let's start with that.


(pop song playing faintly)


(song playing faintly)

(keys jingle)

(door opens)


♪ ♪
♪ it's my own desire ♪
♪ it's my own remorse ♪
♪ help me to decide ♪
♪ help me make the most of freedom and of pleasure ♪
♪ nothing ever lasts forever ♪
♪ everybody wants to rule the world ♪
♪ there's a room where the lights... ♪

(music stops)


(call to prayer playing)

♪ ♪

Kazim: Allahu akbar.


Allahu akbar.

♪ ♪

Leila: It might work.

Jamal: Don't talk about it.

Leila: The doctor suggested...

Jamal: That's talking about it.

Leila: We could try again, that's all.

Jamal: If we try and I fail, I will feel worse. Change the subject.

Molly: You were up early.

Barry: Yeah, I couldn't sleep.

It's, um... it's the 23rd.

Molly: I know.

Barry: One anniversary that I'd like to forget.

Nimaat: I saw you praying.

Kazim: Is that a problem?

Nimaat: Oh, not as long as you're praying for a job.

Salim: I'm tired of just bread.

Nimaat: Bread is what we have.

Where are you going?

Kazim: To see a man.

Nimaat: About a job?

Kazim: Yes.

Soon, you will have more than bread for breakfast.

You will have all the fruit... and cheese... and eggs you can eat.

I promise.

Good-bye, my love.

Nimaat: Return with work.

You'll have kisses then.

Nasreen: Bye, papa.

Nimaat: Eat.

Molly: Plus, honey, it happened 20 years ago.

Sammy: What happened?

Molly: Uh... your father wants Uncle Jamal to acknowledge the anniversary of the gas attack in Ma'an.

Emma: Yeah, that's the least you can do, considering 20,000 people were k*lled.

Sammy: Yeah. Who were trying to k*ll us.

Molly: Acknowledging the past is one thing, but why invite the comparison between your father and Jamal?

Barry: Well, that's the point.

As an Al Fayeed and as president...

Emma: Unelected.

Barry: He can't avoid the comparison, sitting in that chair.

Emma: Don't you mean throne?

Sammy: Geez, what's your problem with us being royalty?

Barry: Sammy, this isn't a monarchy. You are not royalty.

Emma: Right. We're just grandchildren of a w*r criminal.

Molly: Emma!

Emma: Reema, do people still talk about what happened in Ma'an?

Reema: Not really.

Sammy: Everyone knows what happened, right?

Molly: Guys, don't put her on the spot. You're making her uncomfortable.

I'm sorry, Reema.

Man 1: We will eat when it's time for lunch.

Man 2: But I am hungry.

Man 1: Maybe next time your mother tells you to come for breakfast, you will come.

Kazim (shouting): Never forget, Ma'an!

Never forget the Al Fayeed's crime against humanity!

Like father, like son!

Never forget Ma'an!

Never forget!

Down with the tyrant!

Like father, like son!

Down with the tyrant!

Never forget Ma'an!

Never forget!

(crowd murmuring)

(women screaming)

(people shouting)

Man 1: Put that down. Put it down!

Do you know what I went through to get you this job?

You will lose it, or worse.

That has nothing to do with us.

Do your work.

Do your work!

(crowd shouting, screaming)

(crowd chattering quietly)

Woman: Thank you, sister.

Ihab: Your husband was a great hero of the resistance.

(Nimaat sobs)

Nimaat: Don't speak as if you knew him!

Ihab: You will have... glorious martyr's funeral.

Nimaat: Please... just leave.

Salim: I want to be great hero like my father.

Nimaat: Leave here.

Leave us be.

Ihab: I do not pretend to have known Kazim very well.

But I know how hard he worked to provide for his family.

Until the Al Fayeeds replaced him with one of their cronies.

But you will see, their time is coming to an end sooner than you think, and...

Your husband... your husband's courageous act will be remembered as the first great act of defiance in our liberation.

Peace be on you and your children.

(door opens)

(door closes)

(Nimaat crying softly)

(crying continues)

Ihab (recorded): But you will see, their time is coming to an end sooner than you think, and...

Jamal: So Ihab Rashid is behind all this.

Tariq: A man I had in custody.

Barry: For something he hadn't done.

Tariq: Immaterial. He's an enemy of the state.

Condemned by his own words.

Mr. President, it's clear to me that we need to clear the square.

Barry: It's a peaceful protest.

Ziad: It is an unlawful gathering.

Barry: Is there such a thing here as a lawful gathering?

Tariq: Your brother is now a constitutional advisor?

Jamal: Let him speak.

Tariq: He has nothing to say.

Jamal: General.

Barry: Peaceful demonstration is a basic human right.

I'm just trying to imagine what storm troopers hauling away nonviolent protestors is gonna look like when it goes viral on youtube.

Jamal: Bassam, what do you suggest I do?

Barry: Go down to the square. Make a statement acknowledging our father's regrettable act.

Tariq: Regretted by who?

Barry: It was a w*r crime.

Tariq: I don't recall seeing Harry Truman in irons after Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Ziad: This, uh, so-called, uh, Ma'an m*ssacre brought peace after four years of civil w*r.

Tariq: I was proud to carry out your father's order and would again without hesitation.

Protests like these need to be strangled in their crib.

Barry: Ihab Rashid is trying to claim the moral high ground by tying you to our father's crime, but don't let him.

Go to the square and show the people that you respect their rights, that you'll rule differently... That's what this is really about.

Jamal: Colonel, secure a place for me in the square to address the people.

Tariq: Mr. President...

Jamal: My brother is right.

I am the true voice of Abbudin, not this t*rror1st pretender Ihab Rashid.

Our people will thrill to their president's words.

(line ringing)

Abdul (recorded): This is Abdul Naqvi.

Leave your name and number and I'll call you back.


Sammy: Hey, Abdul, it's, uh, Sammy. Did, um... did I miss something?

How-how come you're not calling me back?

Ahmed: Cousin.

Sammy: Hey.

Ahmed: This is my trainer Anna.

Sammy: Hi.

Ahmed: Grandfather brought her over from east germany, back when there was an East Germany.

She took bronze in the decathlon in the '88 olympics.

Sammy: Impressive. Congratulations.

Ahmed: I'm the one who deserves a medal.

Dropping 20 pounds for my wedding.

Go on, Anna. I'll meet you in the gym.

So, cousin, Nusrat's been a little, um, under the weather.

I've been trying to cheer her up.

Anyway, I told her I wanted to take her to the club tonight with some friends.

She didn't want to go.

But I told her that you and Emma were coming.

(both chuckle)

Sammy: Um...

I'll ask Emma, but I'm not really up for going out tonight.

Ahmed: Trust me, you'll want to be there.

The Nasr twins are flying in from Kuwait.

Sammy: The, um, Nasr twins?

Ahmed: Sabina and Nashina. (exhales)

I made out with one once, but, uh, I never knew which.

(Sammy chuckles)

With them, every day is spring break.

You and Abdul can each have one.

Sammy: Abdul's going?

Ahmed: Abdul goes where I go.

Come. Bring Emma.

We will show you how we party in Abbudin.

(crowd chanting in Arabic)

Fauzi: I've been worried sick trying to find you.

You don't answer my calls, not my e-mails. Where have you been?

Samira: Where I belong.

Fauzi: Samira, you belong home and safe with me.

Samira: So I can serve tea?

While you write blog posts that no one reads?

I'm done wishing for change.

I'm making it happen.

Fauzi: They put you in prison once already because of your association with Ihab Rashid.

Samira: And I'll go back again, if that's what it takes to win our freedom.

Fauzi: How can you say that?

You know what they're capable of, what they did to me.

Samira: Why do you think they tolerate you now?

Because you don't thr*aten them.

Not like this.

Fauzi: Samira, come home with me.

Come-come... please.

Samira: No.

Fauzi: I'm asking you to come home with me.

Samira: No, I'm not...

Fauzi: Samira, I'm begging you.

Man: Hey. Hey.

Leave the sister be.

Fauzi: I'm her father.

Man: Then you should be happy. She has found the righteous path.

Samira: It's okay. We are okay.

Fauzi: "Righteous path"?

They just want you to trade one form of subjugation for another.

Samira: I'm not naive, father.

I know that Ihab's way isn't perfect, but he says the brotherhood will change once they're in power.

Fauzi: And you believe him?

Samira: I'm willing to give him a chance.

And I wish you'd give me a chance.

Stay with me.

(crowd chanting over TV)

Reporter: From students to islamists to members of the labor party, the protestors represent many different constituencies, but all are united in their frustration at the dynastic succession that has installed Jamal Al Fayeed, the son of the so-called butcher of Abbudin, as president. (door opens)

(turns off TV)

Molly: Hey, Reema, uh, what are they saying about Jamal?

Reema: Please don't tell them. I swear, I won't do it again.

Molly: It's okay, Reema. You can have the TV on.

Reema: It's not permitted.

Molly: Honestly, I don't mind.

Reema: It's against the law.

Molly: Against the law?

Reema: We can only watch what they allow us to watch.

Molly: They can't arrest you for watching the news.

So this morning when you said no one talks about Ma'an, it's not because they've forgotten.

It's because they're afraid to say anything.

Reema: Please, ma'am, I already say too much.

Jamal: "This day is a chance for me to ask the people's forgiveness"

"for a dark moment in our nation's history..."

Leila: Why would you apologize for something your father did when you weren't even old enough to grow a beard?

Jamal: Because my brother the diplomat thinks it is what the people want to hear.

Barry: The reason people are following Ihab Rashid is because he's given them a voice.

How else can we expect them to follow you?

Leila: Your tongue is your horse.

If you let it loose, it will betray you.

Ihab: And that is what the Al Fayeeds want you to think.

But we... we think for ourselves, and all we have to do is look and we see the security forces making it safe for Jamal Al Fayeed coming to greet you like a pharaoh.

Me? I'm here as a man and a servant of Allah.

Did anyone appoint me?

Crowd: No!

Ihab: No!

Did I take this country of my birth, of my father's birth, by bloody hand?

Crowd: No!

Ihab: No!

Who here lost someone 20 years ago in Ma'an?

(crowd murmuring)

I, too, lost someone.

My mother.

I saw the blood spill from her eyes, from her mouth.

My father exiled, his scarred lungs the only reminder of... of his home.

Now these Al Fayeeds, they want to give us platitudes instead of work!

Instead of food!

Men and women of Abbudin, we have asked for so little, and that is exactly is what we have gotten, but, inshallah, today, we are no longer asking.

No, no, no, my brothers and sisters.

Today we're here to tell the Al Fayeeds that their day is done!

Crowd (chanting): The day is done! Their day is done!

Their day is done! Their day is done!

(chanting continues)

Man 1: Over there!

Man 2: It's the Al Fayeeds! (crowd cheering)

Man: The Al Fayeeds!

(chanting continues, shouting)

Man: Hey! Hey!

Jamal: Run them down!

(horn honking)

Run them down!

Leila: Go! (engine revving) Go!

(horn honking)

(banging on car)

Jamal: Tomorrow, there will be only pigeons in the square.

Crowd (chanting): Their day is done! Their day is done!
(dance music playing)

Ahmed: Yeah.

Ahmed: Yes!

Guard: Good to see you, as always, Ahmed.

Yeah, my man.

Ahmed: There they are. Nashina, Sabina.

Meet my American cousins, Sammy and Emma.

Hey, darling.

Ah, you look gorgeous.

Nashina: You were right. Your cousin is so cute.

Nusrat: Yeah, yeah, I told you.

Ahmed: Allison, my favorite waitress.

Allison: My favorite prince.

Ahmed: Mmm. Why bother with the glass when it already comes in a bottle?

Sammy: I left you, like, a dozen messages.

Abdul: Yes, you should stop doing that.

Sammy: What the hell? You're just gonna blow me and then blow me off?

Abdul: We hooked up. It was one night. You don't do that in America?

Sammy: Okay, that's not what it was. I know the difference...

Abdul: Hey.

Ahmed: Ah.

Come, let's sit.

Woman (over computer): Hit it harder.

(Jamal coughs)

That's good, baby.

(Jamal sighs)

(woman moans)

(Jamal sighs)

Oh, yeah.

Come on, big boy.

Jamal: Come on. (panting)

Man (over computer): Oh, yeah.

Leila: Jamal?

(clicks computer off)

Jamal: What? What?!

I'm... about to shower.

Leila: John Tucker is on the way over here. I picked up a suit for you.

Jamal: Why is Tucker coming?

Leila: Because I asked him to.

Tomorrow, after you clear the square, you will need the Americans.

(Jamal sniffles)

Jamal: Need the Americans.

Need them for what?

Leila: Political cover from the U.N. and the E.U. and all those absurd human rights watch dogs who love to bark.

Jamal: You really think the Americans will stand with us?

Leila: If they want to keep their base on our lands, they'd better.

Jamal: Clearing the square.

It all sounds so antiseptic.

People will die.

Leila: And those who don't will understand how strong you are, and they will teach that lesson when they return to their homes.

Now put your suit on.

(lively music playing)

Barry (over phone): Fauzi? It's Bassam.

Fauzi: Bassam?

Barry: Listen, I need to talk to you.

Fauzi: It's-it's... it's really hard to hear.

Arry: I said, I need to talk to you.

Fauzi: Oh, I'm-I'm listening.

Barry: No, not on the phone, and, uh, it's probably not a good idea for me to come to the plaza.

Fauzi: There is a cafe nearby called Yahala.

Barry: Okay. I'll be there in an hour.

(crowd chanting, clapping)

(lively music continues)

(dance music playing)

Nashina: You're good.

Sammy: What?

Nashina: You dance better than most guys.

You have a girlfriend back home?

Sammy: Ah... no.

Ahmed: The Porsch91 is quick, but the McLaren is insane.

I bought two.

Emma: Why do you need two?

Ahmed: Why do I need one?

Because I can.

You have a problem with that?

Nusrat: Ahmed.

Ahmed: What?

Nusrat: Don't be rude to her.

Ahmed: I'm asking her a question.

Emma: People could just take it the wrong way.

Ahmed: What people?

Emma: I don't know.

People that are hungry, people in the plaza.

In case you haven't noticed, it's all over facebook, snapchat, twitter.

Ahmed: What do I care about those people?

They don't even know what a McLaren is.

Emma: A man who hasn't worked in almost a year lights himself on fire, and you're laughing about it?

Ahmed: Lighten up, little cousin.

You're not being very fun right now.

I want to dance.

What do you think, baby? You want to dance?

Nusrat: Uh, no, I don't think so.

Ahmed: Yeah, you do. Come on.

Nusrat: Uh, I'm going to go for a cigarette with Emma.

Emma: It's okay. I don't smoke.

Nusrat: You can start tonight.

Come on.

(Ahmed sighs)

Ahmed: What are you looking at?

Abdul: Nothing.

Ahmed: Get me another one.

Abdul: Why don't you take a break?

Ahmed: Why don't you get me another one?

(Jamal sighs)

(door opens)

John: Mr. President.

Jamal: Mr. Special envoy.

Thank you for coming at such a late hour.

John: I heard about your, uh, aborted trip to the plaza.

That sounds... harrowing.

Jamal: We are sending in forces at dawn to restore order.

The U.S., of course, will issue a statement condemning our excessive use of force.

John: How excessive?

Jamal: Well...

It will be what it will be.

John: Oh?

Jamal: Now, despite Washington's pro forma protest, I assume we'll have no real problem?

John: Up to a point.

Jamal: Up to a point?

What is your over and under?

50 dead? 500?

John: The wrong one could be problematic.

sh**t an attractive college coed in the head, all bets are off.

Jamal: Mm.

This coed against your key regional naval base?

Thank you for your time.

John: Thank you, Mr. President.

Now, one thing you might want to bear in mind. Uh, our naval base lease is with your nation, not your family personally, right?

We keep Guantanamo, but Castro hates our guts.

Jamal: Meaning what?

John: Meaning, like all things, patience is finite.

(dance music playing)

Ahmed: It's not just your sister.

All you Americans think everyone has the right to everything whenever they want.

Am I right?

But look around.

There's only so much room in the VIP section.


What are you doing, walking into me like that?

Abdul: I'll get some napkins. I'm sorry.

Ahmed: Napkins? I'm drenched in cristal up to my ass.

Abdul: I'll take care of it, okay?

Sammy: Cousin, cousin, it was an accident, all right?

Ahmed: No. Accidents are unexpected.

This assh*le told me I've had enough, and then sprays shit everywhere.

Abdul: Ahmed.

Sammy: Dude, come on!

Ahmed: Take off your pants.

Abdul: What?

Ahmed: No, no, no, no, I'm not walking out of here looking like I pissed myself 'cause he can't hold his champagne.

Sammy: Ahmed, Ahmed, you're shitfaced, and you need to back off.

Abdul didn't do anything, all right?

Abdul: It's my fault, okay?

Your cousin is right.

Ahmed: I'm out of here.

Where the hell is my wife?

Molly: (sighs)

I'm a little worried about the kids. They're still out.

Barry: I didn't want them to go either, but we can't keep them locked up in the palace.

Molly: Where are you going?

Barry: Fauzi's blogging from the square.

He's with his daughter.

I need to get down there and, uh, warn them before...

Molly: Before what?

Barry: Jamal's authorized Tariq to go in tomorrow morning.

He's sending in his storm troopers.

Molly: Barry?

It's not safe for you to be there, especially after what happened today.

Barry: It's not safe for anyone there, okay?

There's no such thing as safety.

If I didn't know it yesterday, I know it today.

Molly: Hey, I'm not the enemy, okay?

I'm on your side.

Barry: Well, don't be, okay?

'Cause my side doesn't have a clue what it's supposed to be doing.

I let the guy out.

I pushed Jamal to release him, because I thought...

I don't know what I thought.

I-I didn't want my brother to be like my father, so... so let's not make the same mistake as our parents.

Let's make a partner out of Ihab Rashid.

Let's make peace.

What's happening in the plaza tomorrow... that's my doing.

I made that possible.

Molly: Really?


Reema, my maid... shy little Reema...

You know why she's so quiet?

She told me today.

Because she and everyone else in this country have been living in fear for 20 years.

Afraid to... to think, to read, to speak.

And now they've had enough.

You didn't make Ihab Rashid.

Your father did.

You let him out of jail because turning him into a martyr for a crime he didn't commit would have made things worse.

Barry: I don't know.

Ihab's just as ruthless as Tariq is.

Molly: Is that really a surprise?

I-I don't think you can subjugate a people for 20 years and expect Nelson Mandela to walk out of prison every time.

Barry, it took almost a century to make peace in Northern Ireland.

No one's done it yet in Kashmir or Israel.

What do you think you're gonna do, show up like some kind of movie hero and wrap things up in a long weekend?

Everyone here is scared.

Everyone is broken.

If you can get any one of them to come even an inch closer to trust, that's a win.

Are you gonna be okay?

Barry: Yeah. Yeah.

(phone chimes)

Sammy: I'm still hungry. Gonna see if can get something.

Emma: Okay.

(Sammy exhales)

Abdul: Listen... I'm sorry.

Sammy: What the hell's wrong with you?

I don't understand anything that you're doing.

Abdul: Look, my grandfather was not head of security, neither is my father.

He's a security guard.


Sammy: Okay.

I don't give a shit.

Abdul: Because you are not me.

I get invited here... and to the parties and the VIP rooms...

Because people like the way I look.

The way I talk, the way I dress up.

But if Ahmed or anyone would find out, doors would close like that.

I'm here at their pleasure.

That's why Ahmed can treat me however he wants.

And why... you and I...

Sammy: You're afraid.

Abdul: I'm not afraid.

I'm ambitious.

Rules don't apply to your family.

If you get caught, you can always go home.

Me, I have nowhere else to go.

Sammy: So why didn't you just ignore me when I met you?

What was the point?

Why did you and I...

Abdul: Because you were only visiting, and I took the chance.

I'm sorry you got hurt.

Barry: I ordered you espresso.

Fauzi: So what's so important you couldn't tell me over the phone?

Barry: I didn't want them to hear.

Fauzi: Who?

Barry: Tariq, Ziad, whoever it is I'm sure is listening to my phone calls.

They're sending forces in at dawn, with orders to clear the plaza.

Fauzi: And?

Barry: You and Samira shouldn't be there.

Fauzi: You came all the way here to tell me what people have been expecting since this all began?

(Barry scoffs)

Barry: You're not hearing me I'm commiting a possibly treasonous breach of security to warn my friend to get out of harm's way.

People are gonna die tomorrow.

Fauzi: Go to hell, Bassam.

(Barry scoffs)

Barry: Where's that coming from?

Fauzi: You're telling me to leave the plaza when that's where you should be.

Barry: Yeah, I tried. Your freedom lovers tried to lynch me.

Fauzi: You-you came there in a government limo... flanked by palace security, instead of walking in as a citizen of Abbudin.

As a man.

Barry: To do what?

Tell me... what-what is it you want me to do?

Fauzi: I want you to get your hands dirty. To go against your family.

Barry: Oh, and-and get behind Ihab?

'Cause I'm pretty sure he's not the answer.

Fauzi: Bassam, I have no illusions about Ihab.

One thing he does understand, though, is that the people are done being told how to live their lives.

My daughter, all she really wants !sis the freedom to speak her mind, to read what she wants to read.

All she wants is to have a say in her own future... to be heard, to be listened to.

Barry: She's risking her life.

Fauzi: Well, she's willing to take that chance.

Barry: And you're okay with that?

Fauzi: Whatever happens, Bassam, I will be standing next to her.

Barry: Fauzi.



Molly: How was the club?

Glad you're home.

Emma: Me, too.

Molly: Did something happen?

Emma: No.

Molly: That doesn't sound very convincing.

Tell me what happened.

Emma: It's nothing.

Molly: Baby... tell me.

Emma: Mom, I just want to go home.

Molly: Sweetheart, it's okay.

Emma: No, it's not.

There's something seriously, seriously wrong with this place.

Molly: Come here, come here.

Tariq (over phone): We'll be ready to move at dawn.

Jamal: The initial stage?

Tariq: The usual. Tear gas, rubber b*ll*ts, water cannons.

Jamal: And if that proves insufficient?

Tariq: Live amm*nit*on.

Jamal: A bloodbath.

Tariq: It usually doesn't take that many corpses to discourage idealists.

(iPad chimes)

There would have been less blood if we had done this when I first suggested.

Mr. President?

Jamal: General, I need to call you back.

Tariq: Mr. President.

Jamal: Why did you send me this?

Barry: To show you your future.

'Cause you're gonna get what Qaddafi got if you send Tariq into the square.

Jamal: And you know before these animals put a b*llet in Qaddafi's brain, they sodomized him with a bayonet.

I will k*ll 50, 100,000 before I let them do that to me.

Barry: You know why that happened to him and not our father?

Because 20 years later, the world won't look the other way anymore.

Your friends, the Americans, won't.

Qaddafi was on his way to commit mass slaughter in Benghazi when NATO intervened.

Look, even if Tariq clears the plaza today, twice as many people will come back, and they will keep coming back until they're outside the palace.

Maybe not tomorrow or next week, but it will happen.

And sooner than you think.

So, I'm not saying don't use v*olence because it's wrong, I'm saying don't use v*olence because it doesn't work.

Jamal: Tell me what will work, not what won't.

Barry: I asked Fauzi Nidal to set up a meeting with Ihab Rashid.

Jamal: The man who would have all our heads?

Barry: He's willing to meet me.

Let me go and see him and find out what he wants.

Maybe it's things we can agree to... a new constitution or a more transparent economy... things that maybe aren't worth massacring people over.

The people are willing to die to be heard, so unless you're prepared to k*ll every last one of them...

This is the only way.

You can go down in history as one more brutal dictator.

Or you can be remembered as the leader who had the courage to listen to his people.

Who do you want to be?