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01x02 - Welcome to Gitmo

Posted: 06/30/14 21:35
by bunniefuu
Rachel: We'll need another 20 amps for a new circuit, at least 3 more laptops, and 4 external hard drives.

Yes, ma'am.

You can leave that right there.

Thank you. - Yes, ma'am.


They're gonna get us what we need.

[ Door opens ]

If you mean to do this, we're gonna need a much more comprehensive cooling system for the specimens.

And I have told them as much.

Vials, syringes-- We're running low on everything.

Quincy, I know.

We will replenish once we get to Guantanamo Bay.

I'm going to ask you a question, and I want you to listen to me.

Go ahead.

You're working 20 hours a day, you're not sleeping.

This is a marathon, not a sprint.

Let me go off-ship this time.

I'll think about it.

Ready! Up!






Ready! Halt!

Head shot!

Weapons on safe!

Like I said, keep that right arm locked, and make sure you lean into that recoil.

Yes, sir.

Next group!

How they looking?

Janowitz has an eye, Harris and Cossetti have the balls.

Depends on what we're gonna need out there, sir.

Balls. We need the balls.

Yes, sir.

Tac Team 1-- advance!

Tac 2, let's go!


Damn it, Miller!

Muzzle down!

Sorry, sir!

Sorry's not gonna do nettles any good when you sh**t his head off at Gitmo!

Now Tac 1, Tac 2 reset! Do it again!

It's gonna take time, sir.

Time is something we don't have.

Every day we don't come home with a vaccine is a day another half a million people die.

I just want to make sure they're ready.

You'll get them there.

Yes, sir.

Tac Team 1-- advance!

[ Static ]

You will operate on three-man watch teams, 10-hour shifts.

Captain wants a complete log of every transmission.

You may be hearing emergency broadcast and ham-radio distress calls from around the world, but we do not, under any circumstances, respond or transmit.

Strict EMCON. Our position must remain secure.

So the Russians are still following us.

We don't know that.

Well, somebody shot a nuke over our heads outside France.

You been in CIC the last five days?

Yes, ma'am.

Were there any surface or subsurface contacts?

No, ma'am.

Then let's not start spreading rumors.

They can be as contagious as the virus.

This room will be restricted access-- comms specialists only. Got it?

Yes, ma'am.

Chief Engineer, give me a status!

Sir, the fuel from the cruise ship is absolutely filthy and just keeps degrading.

If we don't hit pay dirt at Gitmo, we might as well break out the oars.

All right, well, we don't want to burn through our nozzles.

Better take a couple engines offline.

No can do, sir.

CO's ordered flank speed all the way to Gitmo.

And he's up to date on the condition of the fuel?

He is, sir.

Here you go, boy.

How's training going?

Well, I don't know exactly what we're training for.

Just gonna find a bunch of corpses.

Must be tough, having to train someone to replace Frankie.

I'm getting sick of this crap.

I hope we find something other than mashed potatoes and cling peaches in Cuba.

[ Whistles ]

[ Dog barks ]



You're not dealing.

Frankie's dead.

So are my parents, probably, and so are yours, everyone else's in the whole damn world.

So what exactly is the proper way for me to be dealing?

[ Door opens, closes ]

Man: We're low on food, low on water.

We need help.

We're in a warehouse off of Route 17.

I'm with my two boys, so--

Woman: voice.

We need medical assistance, please.

We are right off...

Miller: I don't really feel comfortable speaking in public, but...

I just wanted to say something about my mother, who's in Iowa, somewhere, I hope.

God, please look over her and keep her safe.

Jeter: What's her name, son?


Barbara Miller.

This is her.

I'd like to say a prayer for my boyfriend.

His name's Mickey.

Well, his real name's Morris.

Uh, he... he hates having his picture taken, so, um...

I've just got this one.

It's a-- it's a selfie.

This is my father, Paul, my brothers Nate and Ronnie.

Couldn't get through to them, so I don't know where they are.

Like most of us, I guess.

But, um... what keeps me going is the idea that we might be able to help them somehow.

You know, maybe there was a reason we were out there in the Arctic all that time.

Maybe this is God's plan for us.

Amen to that.

All: Amen.

Rachel: The rules of the virus are these-- it's airborne, which means you can get it from anyone who's a carrier-- anyone manifesting the disease, even a recently deceased corpse.

Typical symptoms are lethargy and a cough, followed by bleeding sores and hemorrhaging, ending in dementia and total blood loss.

How long is the incubation period?

Three to five days.

At least, that's what I understood from my last contact with the CDC.

And when was that?

Three weeks ago, when we were still up in the Arctic.

A-are you saying the incubation period can change?

The virus has been mutating for some time, although I believe that now that it's been artificially altered, it's been stabilized.

You "believe"?

What about animals?

If you're concerned about Halsey, dogs happen to be immune.

Other animals can contract the disease.

They just can't transmit it to humans.

Thought the birds from the Arctic were the original carriers.

The birds were the original carriers.

The virus jumped, probably from their feces to a mammal before mutating and landing on us.

After several mutations, it was artificially altered.

It is that version of the mutated strain that is currently devastating our planet.

So, CBR gear at all times, except outside in open spaces, masks can be off to preserve your oxygen.

And inside?

One infected person could jeopardize this entire ship... simply by breathing.

Question-- Before we send our men into a hot zone, if the virus keeps mutating and you haven't heard from homeland in almost a month, how could you be sure of what you're so sure of?

If I had any doubt about what I was saying...

I would tell you.

I would hope so.

I see you've cooled off.

I'm fine.

What was that?

Just asking questions.

You were undermining her in front of the officers.

I know, Mike.

She lied to us for four months.

Yeah, and while she was talking to home every week, we didn't even get a chance to warn our families.

We're just supposed to get over that?

Yeah, we are.

[ Sighs deeply ]

Well, she's got a long way to go before she earns my trust.

That's all.

What about me?

There's no Navy, no infrastructure, no food or fuel supply.

We don't know what we're gonna find anywhere we go, and we're gonna have to improvise every step of the way.

Now, I'm gonna need my XO--

To fall in line?

To execute... whether or not he agrees with my decisions.

Now, I'm gonna ask you one time and one time only--

Are you with me?

I took an oath, and I still respect the chain of command.

That wasn't my question.

I'm with you.

[ Scoffs ]

You really think she can do this?

She's the only hope we got.

[ Radio chatter ]

Man: Coming over Gitmo now.

Negative visual contact.

Negative movement.

Where is everybody?

Same on thermals.

We have zero, copy, zero ground movement.

There were 9,000 people stationed there.

The food warehouse and the hospital are pretty spread out.

Fuel rig's all the way up there.

That's why we're gonna go with three teams.

I'll take the food warehouse.

You'll get the hospital. Fuel team ready?

We are, sir.

Stay frosty.

Something about this doesn't feel right.

Yes, sir.

You're absolutely the most obstinate person I've ever met.

You know that, don't you?

Well, I don't know everyone that you've ever met.

It's insane.

If I let you go, you'll be out there all week.

You're too meticulous, Quince.

What if something happens to you?

He's right. We can't risk you leaving the ship.

Thank you. I'll get my suit.

Not so fast, Dr. Tophet.

We can't risk either one of you.

Quincy: That's flattering, but--

How do you plan on getting us the supplies?

I mean, not to underestimate your men's capabilities, but it's highly unlikely they're going to be able to identify what we need.

We can knock an ICBM out of the sky.

I think we can handle this.

An officer will escort you both to CIC.

And what about you, Captain?

What if something happens to you?

The mission will go on in Commander Slattery's very capable hands.

After last night's performance, I'm not so sure.

Well... we're all out on a limb here, aren't we?

[ Indistinct conversation ]

Vulture Team is feet dry on the east beach.

Proceed to first objective.

Approaching the south gate.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

Cobra Team is approaching the hospital.

Over here.

[ Conversations continue ]

We've attached a helmet cam to Lieutenant Green.

We can see everything he does and communicate to him by UHF so you get exactly what you need.

It'll be fine.

That's my chair.

Look, I understand that people aren't particularly thrilled with me, but I had orders from the Pentagon.

We understand orders.

We follow them every day.

Let's go.

Whoa. Whoa. Masks on. Masks on.

Man: All right, mask up.

We got 60 minutes of air, max conserve.

Chief Lynn, XO-- Fuel Team's approaching the rigs.

Expect to receive fuel within 15 minutes.

Lynn: Roger, XO.

We need to find the valve wheel.

Couldn't have gone far.

Chandler: Vulture Team heading through south sector.

All's quiet.

[ Clatter ]

[ Bird squawking ]

Well, you're bucking for a silver star, aren't you, Miller?

Can't teach courage like that.

Follow our lead.

We'll be in and out in less than an hour.

Too much?

Just enough.

Don't touch that.

You discharge that, you'll flood the whole engineering room with poisonous halon gas.

Uh, my stateroom is freezing, and I was told one of these levers might shut off the AC to my space.

By who?

I don't know.

Uh... One of the enlisted men.

Just-- just do us a favor-- don't touch anything on the ship, okay?

Of course.

You need help, you ask for it.

Of course. Very sorry.


[ Coughing ]

[ Rats squeaking ]

Eyes in front of you.

You do not puke in your mask.

Kara: Is that what it was like on the cruise ship?

None of them want to talk about it.

That's because there are no words.

Nathan James, Tiger Team-- we're all set.

Slattery: Copy that.

We are ready to receive.

CCS, Bridge-- your Martini is on its way.

1, 2, 3!

[ Both grunting ]

One more time. We got it.

1, 2, 3!

[ Grunting ]

Bridge, CCS-- fueling commenced.

We're in.

Right, you're looking for steroids, Interferon, Ribavirin, any broad-spectrum antibiotics you can find.

We need plastic wear, monitoring equipment, culture plates.

Show me the whole room.

Bring it 'round slowly.

Over to the right.

Back, back, back! Back to the left.

Move forward, closer.

That's it!

That's a centrifuge.

Chandler: No apparent activity in sector Charlie 5.

Vulture Team proceeding directly to objective.

Copy that, Vulture 1.


Man: I'm an American!

Get the hell out of there!

Stop! Stop!

Stop it!

Get the hell out of there!

[ Indistinct shouting ]

Burk: Get up, get up! Get going!


[ Shouting continues ]

[ Indistinct shouting ]

Take it easy! Easy!

I'm friendly!

I'm friendly, American!

This is Vulture 1, under attack by unknown number of hostiles.

Stand by for fire mission.

Set general quarters! Threat warning red!

Weapons tight!

[ Klaxon blaring ]

General quarters! General quarters!

All hands, man your battle stations!

Barker: Light off mount 5-1.

Shift to local ready surface.

Vulture 1, Nathan James-- do we have a target?


Cobra Team, Tiger Team-- be advised-- hostiles operating on base.

IEDs are being employed.

Set FIPCOM Delta.

Garnett: Copy that, Vulture 1.

Master Chief, we need g*ns up on the perimeter!

I'm on it. O'Connor!

This is Cobra Team.

We're a half-mile south-southeast from your port ops.

Say the word and we will provide backup.

Chandler: Negative.

I don't want you walking into an ambush.

Stay on mission.

Yes, sir.
Back up!

Jesus, guys, I'm on your side!

I said back up!

I'm not sick!

Even the assbags who tried to k*ll you are not sick!

All right, set cover, but let him come.

All right, step forward! Slowly!

Hey, hey, hey!

Keep it slow!

Moving slow.

Everybody just take it easy.

That's far enough.

Okay, Commodore, you want to get the lowdown or not?

Let's start with the assbags.

They're Al-Qaeda.

What's left of them, anyway.

How many?

14 altogether, but they're spread out now to make you a welcoming party.

Nobody's sick?

We were all in Section 7-- isolated part of the camp for high-level detainees.

We had our own food stocks, own facilities.

None of us came in contact with the virus.

Everybody else was evacuated.

We had the run of the place.


Me and six other guards.

Subcontractors, private security.

That point, we figured, no governments, no politics.

We let them go.

And they turned on you.

That's what's left of my best friend.

Other guy's MIA.

I'm the last man standing.

So where the hell are they?

Most of them went to guard the food warehouse, but at least three of them peeled off towards your ship with rocket launchers.

You're just telling me this now?

You're the one asking the questions.

Nathan James, Vulture 1-- be advised, hostiles are armed with RPGs and appear to be en route to your whiskey.

Tiger 1, Nathan James-- cease pumping.

Shut it down now.

Secure fueling.

So, what can you tell me about this food warehouse?

I can tell you how to get in there, but it's gonna mean getting your hands dirty.

I've dirtied them before.

Tom Chandler, CO Nathan James, US Navy.

Tex Nolan. Welcome to Gitmo.

Man, only got 15 PSI.

Shit. I'm at 9%.

All right, guys, listen to me.

We got a job to do here, and we're not finished yet.

No supplies, no vaccine.

No vaccine, no going home, no seeing your families.

Lieutenant Green, please don't take any more chances.

Follow my lead.

We'll be out of here in less than 10, got it?

Let's do this thing.

Did he hear me?

He heard you.

[ Beeping ]

Bridge, CCS-- We're still taking on fuel.

Tiger Team, what the hell's going on down there?

Garnett: The valve is frozen! We're working on it, sir!

Come on!

Ma'am, stand back.

XO, recommend disengaging the fuel hose on our end.

And spill the oil into the harbor while they have RPGs?

Hell, no.

TAO, Bridge-- We have hostiles incoming.

Find me a target.

[ Grunting ]

Again. 1, 2...

[ Both grunting ]

Nathan James, the valve stem is shot, sir.

We cannot stop the fuel.



[ Grunting ]


[ Machine-g*n fire ]

Garnett: Aah! Nathan James, this is MPA.

The Chief Engineer's been hit.

We need the doc up here, ASAP!

TAO, give me a targeting solution on that fuel-maintenance terminal.

Aye, sir.

OS 1, range and bearing to the terminal?

Rough bearing 220, approximately 1,500 yards.

[ Machine-g*n fire ]

They're going for the fuel t*nk.

They're gonna blow the whole ship!

CIC, Bridge-- Where's my target acquisition?

Slew left 30.

Roger that. 30 degrees.

Bridge, Surface-- Target acquired.


[ Breathing heavily ]

Tiger Team, Nathan James-- Doc Rios is en route.

ETA five minutes.

Vulture, Cobra, Nathan James-- all known hostiles neutralized in the vicinity of the fuel pier.

Chandler: Vulture Team, copy that.

So, where are they gonna be?

Oatmeal and baked beans-- it's the new women and children.

They're holed up in that warehouse.

They're gonna make us come in and get them.



Revenge is best served cold.

Let's eat.

Rachel: Lieutenant Green, you have everything I need.

Please get out of there now.

Danny: Cobra 1, copy.

Proceeding to extract.

[ Dog barks ]

[ Indistinct shouting ]


Kara: Sir, Cobra Team's trapped inside the hospital!

They're running out of air.

[ g*nf*re ]

You're looking at the sh**t outside the hospital?

Do we have a target?

Negative, sir.

Patch me in to Green.

I'm out of air!


Almost nothing.

Couple of minutes, max!

Slattery: Cobra, I'm gonna peel off Vulture to give you reinforcements.

Danny: No, it's a negative, sir. They're too far away.

They will never get here in time.

But I got an idea.

Chandler: - Copy that.

Vulture Team preparing to hit the warehouse.

Lead the way.

Where are they?

[ Machine-g*n fire ]

Aah! Aah!

[ Shouting in Arabic ]



[ Indistinct shouting ]

[ Breathing heavily ]

Danny: Cruz, what's your status?

Cruz: We're on the stairs approaching the roof.

10 seconds out. Check.

[ Machine-g*n fire ]

We got this, boy.

No worries.

Cruz: Troops are on the ropes.

Extracting now.

[ Beeping ]

We're in position.

Stand by to engage.

Get them!


[ Panting ]

[ g*nsh*t ] Unh!

Danny: Man down! Man down!

Damn it! We need the doc out here!

Sir, he's still with Tiger 1 by the fueling station.


I worked a year in a trauma ward in Mogadishu.

Gear up.

[ Machine-g*n fire ]


[ Indistinct shouting, grunting ]


[ Machine-g*n fire ]

[ g*n clicks ]

Aah! Aah!

Stay with me, Cruz.

Just stay with me.

[ Grunts ]

Slattery: You get him stabilized, you get the hell off the beach.

First whiff of hostilities, you are out of there.

You got it?

I read you loud and clear, Commander.

TAO, I want 5-inch and CIWS in surface mode all focused on that beach.

Aye, sir.

What have we got?

What're you doing here?!

Where's the doc?!

He's up at the fueling t*nk.

Your Chief Engineer was injured, as well.

Lay him down.

Get him down.

[ Groans ]

Here you go.

You, hold that.

Set up a perimeter.

All right.

Yes, sir.

Danny: Come on.

[ Indistinct conversation ]

He's gonna bleed out. Just wait!

Somebody get the doc!

Don't have time to wait!

There's nothing a medic can do for this man that we cannot, so if you want to help your friend, just hold him still and listen to every word that I say.

Hey, come on. Stay with me. Look at me.

Stay with me. You're gonna be all right.

[ Grunts ]

Let's go! Come on! Blood pressure's dropping!

[ Cruz groaning ]

Hold that!

Going back in.


Hey. Come on. Stay with me. Look at me.

Stay with me.

If you do not close this artery, he's dead.

Got it!

He's stabilized.

Hey, Commodore.

Don't give them a damn thing.

Tex: This here is Amir.

He's a big fan of IEDs and mutilating American soldiers.

Amir, my name's Tom Chandler, US Navy.

You don't want to do this.

Tex is the man who let you go from your cells.

He is no different from the others.

Hey, feeling's mutual, you dirty--

Vulture Team, Nathan James-- I need a status update.

Vulture Team, Nathan James-- What is your status?

Chandler: Nathan James, Walter 1--

We're at the food warehouse.

Just, uh... trying to deal with a little hostage situation over here.

Who are you talking to?!

I'm answering my ship's call.

Otherwise, they'll panic, start shelling the whole place.

He wants a diversion.

That's all we're doing is talking.

Let's not get anybody else k*lled here.

No more talking to them! You talk to me!

Prepare the 5-inch. Focus fire on Building 35.

Stand by for exact coordinates.

Nishioka, eyes on.

[ Indistinct shouting ]

You will leave all food on this side of the building.

Tex: Ain't enough of you bastards left to eat that much in 10 lifetimes.

Chandler: Look.

Amir, it's a new world now.

There's no good guys and bad guys.

Doesn't matter which side we thought we were on.

We're all just trying to survive.

We don't want to hurt you any more than you want to hurt us, but you know I'm not leaving here without my man, so...

When you let Tex go--

If I let him go!

When you let him go, we'll be on our way.

I'll decide how much food we leave you with.

No! Enough of this!

Listen to me, Amir.

You want the entire southwest corner of the warehouse.

Focus fire at Building 35, southwest corner.

That's almost half the food in the entire place.

Is that gonna make you happy?

No! You will leave all the food on this side of the building or he dies!

Well, now, see, we got a bit of a problem with that.

Because there's one thing from the old world that still applies today, something that will never change.

Target acquired.


We don't negotiate with t*rrorists.

Chandler: Clear!

[ Laughter ]



Good work, good work.

[ Indistinct conversations ]

I don't know how you feel about the water... but we sure could use your services.

Where you headed?

We got some things to do, but when we're done, we're going home.

Yeah, I'll sign up for that.

Nathan James, Vulture 1-- Hostage situation resolved.

Thank you for the close shave.

We are inbound.

Alisha: Now go to your stations, all Special Sea and Anchor Detail.

Nathan James will get underway at 1700.

All departments make manned and ready special reports to the XO on the bridge.

Captain's on the bridge.


[ Breathes deeply ]

We're loading up the RHIBs and the SDV subs.

Trucks are bringing over all the food.

Suppo thinks it's gonna last us five, six weeks.

And fuel?

We lost suction on the t*nk at 96%.

Oh, and Chief Engineer took some Shrapnel.

She's gonna be okay, though.

Tough as nails, that one.

Well, push comes to shove, they all are.

Gentlemen, apparently, one of the machines in the lab somehow got tipped over.

Dr. Tophet is insisting he needs time to secure and recalibrate the machines before we move the ship.

How long?

He says three to four hours.

Where's Dr. Scott?

Still in medical.

Was a tough call.

We did good today.

Captain, I'm picking up a contact headed for the harbor.

Negative electronic signature.

They're not operating their radar.

Cannot make a positive ID.

Vessel 21 miles southeast, Guantanamo Bay, this is US Navy Warship 151 hailing you on channel 16.

Identify yourself, over.

Woman: [ British accent ] This is British Naval Vessel HMS Suffolk...

Slattery: Confirm that.

...hull number 525, IMO call sign Whiskey Echo Bravo 236.

None of us have been infected, but we're running low on food.

We've been searching for weeks for a place to replenish and repair our radar.

Confirmed, sir.

This is Commander Tom Chandler, Commanding Officer, USS Nathan James.

We welcome you to Guantanamo Bay, although we wish you would've been here a few hours ago.

We could've used the help.

I assure you that next time, we will be there for you, should you choose to accept an association.

Well, we'll put some pot pies in the oven and some fish and chips in the fryer.

Come on in.

We can't go anywhere till the lab's fixed.

Let's prepare to greet our new friends.

XO has the lead.


Oh, that stings.

Rachel: It's supposed to sting. I'm cleaning it.

I don't need it cleaned.

Yes, you do.

This is gonna sting a little.


Chandler: How you doing, Eng?

All right, sir.

Doc says I'll be on my feet soon enough.

No rush. We got it all under control.

She saved him.

She's gonna save us all.

Right, Dr. Scott?

Well, hopefully, we'll save each other.

Real soulful, this one.

You never mind them good looks, that brassy exterior.


I know-- Don't do it again.

You don't have anything to prove... if that's what it was about.

And don't do it again.

Tex: Hey! Nursey!

I need a cold compress here.

Spoils of w*r.

You know, I should be getting this stuff ready for his family.

But, uh... there's nobody even to give it to.

[ Crying ]

Man: Captain's on the bridge.

They in sight?


I hear they serve Guinness on board.

Sir, E-Dub can't confirm the signature on that vessel, but they don't think it's British.

Chandler: It's the Russians.

Set general quarters now!

General quarters! General quarters!

All hands, man your battle stations!

[ Klaxon blaring ]

Bridge, TAO-- SCUNK Alpha just energized fire control radar.

We're in their cross hairs.

Man: [ Russian accent ] Captain Tom Chandler?

This is Commander Chandler.

Identify yourself immediately.

I am sorry to have made such a rude introduction, but I believe you have something that I want.