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01x01 - Pilot: Phase Six

Posted: 06/22/14 19:45
by bunniefuu
Man: US military escort CDC Team requesting permission to enter Egyptian airspace.

Man #2: Permission granted.

Dr. Scott, on to the right. Take a look.

Man #3: He's on approach.

Visibility-- good. Time to target-- three minutes.

Roger that. 2-2-0.

Roger that. I see it.

Status-- green.

Dr. Scott, prepare for landing.

Putting down close to...

20 feet.

10 feet.

And we're down.

Doctor, you've got five minutes.

[ Panting ]

[ Indistinct shouting ]

This way.

There are 6,000 quarantined in this camp.

We have 387 dead.

My staff is down to six!

I thought you were bringing more doctors with you.

These are the latest to come down with the virus.

Once the spots come, they die in two days.

[ People coughing ]

[ Wheezing ]

I'm sorry.

[ Engine whirring ]

[ Helicopter blades whirring ]

[ Indistinct shouting ]

Slattery: Make sure those snowmobiles go to starboard Hangar F!

Chief Spurling, Chief Lewis, we are getting under way at 1300.

Let's pick up the pace, okay?!

Yeah, I know all about the Naval Mountain Warfare Unit, but I've never heard of a dog setting foot on a destroyer.

This isn't just a dog. This is Admiral Halsey.

And he's a mean operator.

Yeah? Well, so is the Captain.

Rachel: You can just put that down over there.

Be careful. That's delicate equipment.

I take it you're my new houseguest.

I'm Commander Chandler, ship's Captain.

Rachel Scott.

I'm sorry we had to take over your helicopter bay, but it was the only space large enough to accommodate our lab.

I got 217 men and women on this ship.

Anything I should be concerned about?

Oh, this?

Um, this is just so we don't contaminate the work...

Not the other way around.

What exactly are you gonna be studying up there?



We are virologists-- tracking obscure microbes in hard-to-get-to places.

Pretty boring stuff, actually.

We really do appreciate your assistance, Captain Chandler.

We're here to serve.

Welcome aboard, Doctor.

[ Mice chirping ]

[ Wind whistling ]

Jeter: Roger that. Red Deck.

Bird's chocked and chained, heading to the barn.

Damn, it's cold. I can't feel my face.

Lieutenant Granderson, tell me-- do I still have my face?

Yes, sir, though it looks like you could use some lip balm, sir.

Should've taken that desk job in Miami.

[ Sighs ] It is cold!

[ Whistling continues ]

Alisha: Captain's on the bridge!

XO Slattery, let's see if we can get your frozen ass back to Norfolk.

TAO, Bridge.

Bridge, TAO.

Our Helo just dropped a target for our final m*ssile test.

Target's five feet long, two feet wide, and in the icy water has no heat signature.

Let's find it and k*ll it.

Woman: Scanning for target.

Scanning zone.

Man: k*ll track 5205.

Target acquired.

Target acquired. Break.

k*ll track 0845, aye.

MSS, k*ll track 0845.

Man: m*ssile ready to fire.

m*ssile clear.

2-2-0, 30.


[ Alarm beeping ]


Siegle: - Target confirmed k*ll.

Good afternoon, Nathan James. This is the Captain.

After four very challenging months at the top of the world, we have just passed our final test, and I'm proud to say you did it with flying colors.

I'm asking the Pentagon if we can break radio silence today and make calls and e-mail.

Bravo Zulu to each and every one of you.

Enjoy your success, 'cause we're going home.

[ Cheers and applause ]

Gonna drop to 50 below. Get them off the ice.

Jeter: Aye, sir.

Man: Dr. Scott, come in.

Dr. Scott, are you there?

Please respond.

Dr. Scott, come in.

You have got to be kidding me.

We're so close. We need to make sure the isolate isn't contaminated. We need more samples.

It's all right, Rachel. We can come back tomorrow.

Ma'am, we've been trying to reach you.

CO wants you back on the ship.

You can tell the Captain that I'll return when I'm ready.

It wasn't an invitation, ma'am.

Right now. Captain's orders.

Man: Landing check is complete. Gear down and locked.

20 feet.

10 feet.

Wheels down.

We haul ass from here, we can make it back for the Series.

You don't really think The Cubs are still in it.

It's the weakest division in baseball.

We were six games up when we left.

Yeah, that was June. And they're The Cubs.

Captain Chandler, you had no right to pull me from my work.

I'm gonna go check on the, uh... Yeah.

Those men are here to support me.

You don't send them to bring me in.

Those men are sailors in the US Navy and report directly to me.

I say when I am done and ready.

My work is vital here, and I have finally found what I'm looking for!


First of all, thanks for checking in.

Think this is the first time you said more than three words to me since we left Norfolk.

Well, I am sorry that I haven't had you over for tea.

You know, your attitude was mildly charming back in June in Virginia, but up here, at 50 below, when none of us have talked to our families in four months, not so charming.

Yeah, well, charm wasn't exactly my prio--

Still talking.

Now, I think I've been more than a gracious host-- taxied you and your assistant around the islands here so you could chase after your ducks.

Arctic terns.

You need to wrap it up.

Our mission's done, and we'll be heading back.

I'll take a rain check on the tea.

Benzo, eat some fruit.


Come on, Mr. Chung. It's our last night at the North Pole.

Look, I know you've got big plans, but don't you ever get your head out of that book?


[ Hip-hop music playing ]




Danny, whoa.

Don't do that.

Do what?

You know what that smile does to me.

All's fair in love and w*r.



We'll be home soon enough.

[ Mice squeaking ]

Rachel: Hello. Are you reading me?

Come in.

No, I cannot wait.

This is Dr. Rachel Scott.

I need to speak to the National Security Adviser right away.

You don't understand. My mission is being compromised.

And I need more time to collect samples.

We have a noisy channel. I repeat.

Mission objectives achieved. We are ready to come home. Over.

[ Static ]

Man: That's a negative, Commander.

The mission has been extended. Over.

Extended? Why?

Maintain radio silence and current position until you receive further instructions.

Mason: Transmission terminated, sir.

The hell is that woman doing?

[ Wind whistling ]

[ Beeping ]

Rachel: Quincy...

I think we've got it.

Danny: Sorry, man. Did I wake you?

Doc told me to keep my distance.

The Admiral's scaring off the birds.

Sure it was the dog and not your breath?

[ Scoffs ] Whatever.

Man, we should've been out of here days ago.

[ Alarm beeping ]

[ Radio chatter ]

What the...

Mason: Aircraft in position seven six decimal three five North, zero five nine decimal five eight East...

Captain, I have three-- make that five unknown aircraft approaching, range 24 nautical miles, approximately 80 knots.

[ Helicopter blades whirring ]

Those are not ours, man.

No. They're Russian.

[ Man speaking Russian over radio ]

Come on!

Quincy, we have to save the samples!

Help me!

Leave the box! Let's go!

[ Whimpering ]

Rachel, leave the box!

[ Machine-g*n fire ]

[ Machine-g*n fire ]

Let's go! Right now!

[ Machine-g*n fire continues ]

Let's go! Come on!

[ Grunts ] Quincy!

[ Gasping ]

[ Machine-g*n fire ]


[ Machine-g*n fire ]


[ Grunts ]

Set General Quarters.

General Quarters, General Quarters.

All hands, man your battle stations.

Transit up and forward starboard side, down and aft portside.

Unknown aircraft...

Man: TAO, Air. New air contact 80234 at 015 at 36,000 yards. Inbound...

TAO, Surface manned and ready.

Deploy scat. CIWS to AAW Auto.

Hold fire on.

[ Dog barking, growling ]


[ Grunting ]

Take him alive!

All engines ahead flank! - Hard left rudder! All engines ahead flank, aye!

[ Radio chatter ]

Mason: ...United States naval warship.

Identify yourself and alter your course, or you will be subject to defensive actions. Over.

Evaluate as inbound m*ssile.

Recommend launch chaff. Brace for shock!

All hands, brace for shock.

[ Alarm blaring ]

Take 'em out.

[ Machine-g*n fire ]

Go to the 5 inch!

Surface, TAO, k*ll track 5024.

Kara: Surface, aye. g*ns, k*ll track 5024.

Man: g*ns, aye.

[ Dog barking, whining ]

You okay?!

Clear! Come on.

Chandler: Where's Dr. Scott?!

She's banged up pretty good.

Doc's looking at her in Hangar Two.

[ Speaks Russian ]

What'd he say?

"The cure."

He wants the cure.

All our guys are accounted for.

We at w*r with the Russians?

Get me Fleet Forces. They don't answer, get me NMCC.

They don't answer, get me SecDef.

Supposed to be radio silent.

Not anymore.

I told you I'm fine. Just hurry up.

Where's Quincy? I need my samples.

You don't get your samples until you tell me what's going on here.

You have no authority over me--

Everybody out!

You need to hand that case over to me right now.

We may have just gone to w*r with Russia, and they were clearly after you.

No more secrets.

Tell me about the cure!

I can't say anything until I speak to the National Security--

I swear to God, I will throw this overboard!

I want answers!

[ Sighs ]

You want answers?

Seven months ago, outside Cairo, there was an outbreak-- a virus of unknown origin.

Its genetic structure was like nothing any of us had ever seen.

It swept throughout the village, k*lling everyone that it infected.

Egyptian officials claimed the outbreak was contained, but it wasn't.

Instead, it continued to mutate and spread.

The CDC and the WHO wanted to sample the virus from the victims to create a vaccine.

But nothing worked.

It was my belief that we needed to find the primordial strain here in the Arctic.

The birds.

They're just the carriers.

They pick up the virus from the melting permafrost.

We finally found their feeding ground.

So you have what you need to stop this thing?

I won't know until we get it back to the lab.

We're running out of time.

The virus back home is moving quicker than any of us could've imagined.

How would you know that?

We've been radio silent since we left Norfolk.

Because I have my own sat phone.

We were at EMCON so no one would know our position!

We were at EMCON to protect my mission...

Not yours.

Orders came from the White House.

Well, you led the Russians right to us and endangered my entire crew.

It was imperative that I stay in contact with the labs back home to keep them informed of my progress.

I don't think you understand what we're talking about here.

Enlighten me.

When we left Norfolk, the virus was at Phase Two, limited to small clusters in Asia and Africa.

We are now at Phase Six-- global pandemic.

80% of the world's population is infected.

The world is sick, Captain Chandler...

Very sick.

Are you telling me the whole world is dying, and they send two people to save it?

It took weeks to convince the government to even send me here.

Most of my colleagues think that I'm insane.

Are you?

I told you... that what's in that case... might be the only hope that we have.

[ Door opens ] Captain, we have the President of the United States on the vidcom.

I'm sorry you had to find out this way.

Can I have my samples now?

Man: Stand by for the President.

Morning, Commander.


I know. The last you heard, I was Speaker of the House.

The President died two months ago, the Vice President a week later.

What's left of the federal government is holed up 200 feet below the White House, and communication is getting spotty.

So we need to know now...

Does Dr. Scott have what she needs to make a vaccine?

She thinks so, ma'am.

We are sending you the coordinates to a secure bio-lab on the coast of North Carolina.

Ma'am, we were just att*cked by the Russians.

Russia no longer has a functioning government.

From what we're hearing, a breakaway force is operating on its own authority.

We're trying to ascertain all the facts.

Ma'am, our families-- How do we find out if...

I wish I could tell you, Captain.

Most of our population, al-- with our armed forces, is dying or dead.

We have no allies.

We have no enemies.

Just a world of sick, desperate people.

Your ship was fortunate enough to be out of the hot zone these past months.

If Dr. Scott has the makings of a cure, you have to come home... now.

[ Sighs ]

Man: Supply chains are completely broken.

Food is in short supply. Hospitals--

Woman: ...Chinese government have detonated the b*mb on its own people to stop the spread of the deadly virus.

Woman #2: With possibly half the world's population dead or dying, rumors that the US is hoarding a vaccine continue to swirl.

Man #2: Urban services are completely overwhelmed.

In most cities, entire power grids are down, making communication next to impossible.

Man #3: People are asking, "Where is the government?"

The virus has no treatment, no vaccine.

So this whole weapons test--

It was all just a cover.

And EMCON Alpha--

Keep us in the dark about what was going on at home.

There's an unmanned refueling station off the coast of France.

If we operate at trail shaft, we should just make it.

How do we know they have enough fuel to get us across the Atlantic?

We don't.

What do we tell the crew?


We tell them everything.

[ Beeping ]


Crew's assembled.

Ship's company, attention!

I have news... from home.

Mason: Any station this net, this is Nathan James transmitting in the blind on FleetSat One, Two, and Three, over.

Is anybody out there?

[ Ringing ]

[ Beep ]

Due to widespread system failure, the number you are calling cannot be reached. This message will not be updated.

[ Dial tone ]

Darien: I can't believe I'm gonna go that long without hearing your voice.

Ashley: We miss you, daddy.

Captain's on the bridge!

Sir, we're 50 miles off the coast of Europe and still no contact with French Naval Command.

We've got extra watch and g*ns at the ready.

Were you able to reach home?

No, sir.

I think only four people got through to anyone.

And the news wasn't good.

Last time we made port in France, I promised my girlfriend we'd come back and see Paris together.

With everything, that's all I keep thinking about.

Well, that's the stuff that matters.

Jeter: XO's on the bridge.

I got through to home.

My boy's gone.

Oh, Mike.

Christine is up in Deer Park, some sort of safe zone for now.

Girls are with her.

Why don't you take a break? I-I got it.

No, no.

I'm not gonna sit around my cabin staring at the walls.

This is where I need to be.

Sir, we have a fire order.

It came across all channels, but it's garbled.

They cannot authenticate.

[ Alarm blaring, man speaking indistinctly ]

Lieutenant? - Confirmed fire order, sir, but the target's unclear.

Vampire, Vampire, Vampire!

m*ssile incoming high and fast.

Spin four Tomahawks. Hold for a target location.

These coordinates don't make any sense.

Mason: - No response from command.

ECO, aye. Break.

MM1, align four Echo missiles and place them in the reload pool.

Do we have a target ID?

Now five-one and trail.

Woman: m*ssile fired from a surface ship in the North Atlantic.

Man: Ballistic m*ssile traveling at 9,700 miles per hour.

Confirmed. We have a nuclear burn in the air.

We have no chance to intercept.

Man: Batten down.

Officer at the one, seal the ship.

Prepare for nuclear detonation.

This is no drill.

Sir, the m*ssile overshot us. Headed for land.

[ Alarm blaring ]

Detonation in 12 seconds.

Bridge, shield your eyes.

God help us.

[ expl*si*n ]

[ Machinery powering down ]

Give me a status report on the switchboard and generators.

Who's that?

Chung, sir.

Anyone hurt?

No, sir.

What's our engine status?

Sir, the, uh, electromagnetic pulse from the b*mb blew our grid.

Engines won't spin. No propulsion.

Emergency lights operating on battery power.

Jeter: Captain!

That you, Master Chief?

Commo says the radios are down.

No way to get messages in or out.

We need to move this ship away from the blast zone.

Lieutenant, let's get those engines back online.

Yes, sir.

What temperature are we at?

41 degrees, and we've lost negative pressure.

Damn it. We're gonna lose everything.

Okay, get the ice.

Fuses in.

Open valves three, four, and five.

Shut valve to auxiliary engines and emergency air.

Fuel lever on start.

All right. Give it a kick start.

Sir, we only have one more fuse.

The jet stream's pushing everything North-Northeast.

We got a cloud of radiation about to drop right on us.

Give it to me.

Sir, it won't hold.

It'll hold.

Captain, let somebody else do this.

Rip it.

Get your hand out of there.

You heard me.

Captain, don't.

I said rip it!

[ Electricity crackles ]

[ Machinery whirring ]

Badass, Captain.


Alisha: All engines ahead full. Left full rudder.

Steady on new course 270.

What's our fuel percentage?

11%, sir.

Even at max conserve, we'll run dry in six hours.

Any contacts on surface search?

No, sir. 30-mile range.

What is that in the radar shadow?

Change range scale.

Looks like a ship.

Calculate a course to intercept.

Man: Markings indicate the ship is Italian.

Bridge to Bridge Operational?

I think so, sir.

Vessel in vicinity 48 degrees North, 15 degrees West, this is US Navy Warship 151 on your starboard bow.

Acknowledge and identify yourself. Over.

Smith, Rowler, Benz, Green, you're on provisions.

Master Chief, you'll assist Chung with the unrep.

We get as much food and fuel as we can and we get out.

Let's move.

Rachel: Remember, if the ship has been impacted by the virus, it's airborne and highly, highly contagious, even from a recently deceased corpse.

You must keep your helmets on at all times.

You trained for this. You can do it.

Chandler: Lieutenant, send naval warfare to the kitchen.

Get as much food and supplies as you can.

We got the stock rooms.

Benzo and I will take the starboard side, make our way to the galley.

Master Chief, get that fuel line across and pump it.

Sending the pull line.

Sending over the hose.

Feed the line.

Engineering, Bridge.

Engage fueling.

System online! Commence fueling!

[ Hissing ]

Ship's clear.

No one alive, Commander Chandler. Over.

Man: [In Spanish] Help me.

[In Spanish] Help me.

Dr. Scott!

[In Spanish] Help me.

[In Spanish] Help me.

He wants help.

The only thing that can help him now is morphine.

Let go.

Let go.

[ Panting ]

Oh, shit!


Oh, fu-- Oh, damn!

Put your mask on!

No! It's off!

Oh, shit.

Frankie. Hey.

Frankie! It's all right!

Look! Get up!

Get away, man. Get away!

Master Chief, we're running dry here.

Engineering, Bridge. Disengage.

Yes, sir. They've got it, Mr. Chung.

Let's get out of here.

Yes, sir.

Danny: - You're gonna be fine!

Frankie: - Get away!

Just take the food and go get the hell out of here. - No!

I'm not leaving you, Frankie!

I'm a dead man.

Just get out of here.

No, man. I'm not leaving you!

You tell him.

He's been exposed.

We put him back in his suit and we quarantine him on the ship!

You can't risk it, sir. Mission comes first.

I'm not all too interested in dying like these people.

Give me the g*n, Sailor.

Frankie, don't be stupid.

I am giving you a direct order!

Put down that w*apon!

Frankie, no!

[ g*nsh*t ]

Jeter: Lord God, by the power of your word, you stilled the chaos of the primeval seas, made the raging waters of the flood subside, and calmed the storm on the Sea of Galilee.

As we commit our brother Franklin Edward Benz to the sea, grant him peace and tranquility until that day when Franklin and all those who believe in you will be raised to the glory of new life promised in the waters of baptism.


[ Bell rings ]

Man: Left face!

Present arms!


[ r*fles cock ]



[ g*nshots ]

[ r*fles cock ]


[ g*nshots ]


[ r*fles cock ]


[ g*nshots ]

These people depend on me.

I'm in uncharted territory here.

We all are.

Not you. You saw this coming.

I never thought it would spread so fast.

But now I know why it did.

I compared the blood that we took from the Italian to some samples I took before we left.

The virus has an extra gene now, which could have only been added with human intervention.

So it was weaponized.


Or maybe it escaped from a lab somehow.

But I think I know how to stop it.

All the virus cares about is replicating.

The engineered version lets it do that unchecked.

So it no longer needs to mutate, which makes it stable and easier to defeat with a vaccine.

Then why hasn't anybody done that yet?

Because they didn't have the primordial sample.

We do.

[ Beeping ] _

Bridge, Commo, get me the Captain.

Sir, we finally got the comms up.

This came through.

A message from POTUS.

This is five days old.

Yes, sir. It was transmitted while the radios were down.

We need to confirm these orders. Get me the Pentagon.

Sir, I've-- I've been trying, but there's no answer.

I'll try the lab. Get me the Presidential bunker.

North Carolina's not safe.

President wants us to change course for Mayport.

There's a lab in Jacksonville that's supposed to be secure.

There's no answer there or the Pentagon.

Sir, nothing from the bunker.

Maybe our signal's not getting out.

We check the transmit side?

That's not the problem. Their phones are ringing.

Sir, I have another message coming through!

It was transmitted at the same time as POTUS'.

It looks like a much bigger file.

It's an mpeg, sir.

Play it.


We're at your father's cabin.

He thinks he has a way to get this message out through his contacts at the Pentagon.

I have no idea when you might be seeing this or where you are.

We're all healthy.

We managed to get out early and have been up here for a couple months already.

We haven't heard anything from your brother or sister for a while.

My, um...

My sister didn't make it.

But, honey, we're fine.

We really are.

And I really hope that you are, too.


Come on out here.

It's a tape for dad.

Come on. Come. Come say hi.

Daddy, where are you?

We miss you.

Sam: We love you, daddy.

Just get here if you can.

We love you so much.

Okay. All right.

Let's turn it off.


I don't know what we're going home to.

No radiation detected within a 100-mile radius, sir.

If America was nuked, it wasn't here.

We're home.

[ Telephone beeps ]

You said you have what it takes to make the vaccine.

If you had to, could you do it here on the ship?

The lab wasn't built for that.

It's for collecting data.

But if you had to, could you?

The expeditionary team will forward deploy and secure the area for the next group.

Hopefully we'll find support.

Got to be prepared for anything.

Everyone carries their own biohazard suit.

We do not engage unless we are engaged.

Prepare your people and await further orders.


[ Indistinct talking ]

There's still no answer from POTUS and nothing from Mayport or the lab.

We can't even get an FM radio signal.

If the power grid's down, that means everything's down.

We'll know more when we get boots on the ground.

Mike, we're not going home.

What are you talking about?

The lab's 200 miles inland.

You saw the news footage.

We'll fight our way in there if we have to.

And then what?

Generators run out in a couple weeks, maybe the civilian population tries to overrun it.

There's too many variables.

So, what do we do? We stay on the ship?

Dr. Scott says she has what she needs right here. - Dr. Scott.

We have standing orders from the President of the United States.

From five days ago.

In the absence of a command structure, I decide what's in the best interest of our mission.

And we have enough food here to last us what, a week?

How much fuel?

We'll find what we need.

We'll die out there.

No. We will not.

Tom, I appreciate what you're trying to do.

But it's not gonna work. People want to get home.

And who exactly gets to go home when we have 80 biohazard suits for 216 people?

We draw lots.

I can't think like that, Mike.

It'll at least give people a chance to get back to their families, to say goodbye.

I'm not letting anybody on this ship give up.

That's not your call. You don't get to play God.

I'm still the Captain of this ship.

Now, I've laid out our mission.

I expect you to fall in line.

Rios: Captain's on the bridge.

Left full rudder. All engines ahead flank.


Left full rudder.

All engines ahead flank.

Aye, aye. Left full rudder.

All engines ahead flank.

Left full rudder. All engines ahead flank, aye.

This is the Captain speaking.

We have no contact with home, and I have good reason to believe that the American government is no longer functioning.

The country we all hoped we were coming back to no longer exists.

We left these shores four months ago as members of the United States Navy.

But now we are more than that.

Now our duty is to the entire world.

On board this ship is the hope... for our futures, for our families, and for all of humanity, because in that lab in our helo bay are the ingredients for a cure.

And this is the safest place on Earth for our scientists to do their work--

on a $3 billion piece of machinery protected by 216 sailors in the US Navy.

Our mission now is simple.

We do whatever it takes to stay alive at sea until they find that cure.

There's an unmanned food and fuel station outside Guantanamo Bay.

For the moment, that is our destination.

We've lost so much already.

But this is the most courageous and resilient crew with whom I have ever been privileged to serve.

We will come through this together, and we will prevail.

Carry on.

Attention on deck.

Lieutenant Granderson, permission to salute the Captain.

Permission granted.

Hand salute!

[ Machinery hissing, beeping ]