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02x01 - The Opposite of Hallelujah

Posted: 06/20/14 22:33
by bunniefuu
That arch... is this St. Louis?


Now we call it Defiance.

We live in a unique place where Human and Votan races live together as equals.

[Cheers and applause]

If Datak wins this election, he's gonna kick open the doors to Colonel Marsh, and a year from now, you won't even recognize this place.

The name of the next mayor of Defiance...

Datak Tarr.

[Cheers and applause]

You know what the cult called me?

I'm the angel of death.

No, you were a little girl in a bad situation.

My little girl.

Just tell me where to find the girl and the artifact.

What do you plan to do with her?

I would be more concerned with what we plan to do with you.


They're looking for the colonel downstairs.

He's right there.

The Earth Republic will come for us.

Masters of our fate no longer.



All right, we're gonna get you out of here.





I can't lose him.

What will it cost me?

You must become my w*apon.



Attention, all citizens of Defiance.

This is the Earth Republic.

We have assumed control of the town.


I appreciate the nice things in life.

I take no pride and accept no shame in this.

I treat small luxuries like hand cream as valuable indulgences to treasure.

My moments of civilization.

So you'll no doubt understand, when I accepted the role of provisional mayor 8 and 1/2 months ago, I was apprehensive.

I imagined those wild west movies my father was so fond of, of a town full of anarchists, malcontents, and savages.

How wrong I was.

Put simply, Defiance is paradise.

Look around you in any direction and you'll find indescribable beauty.

This is a town of people who know how to have a good time.

But when the moment comes to roll up the sleeves and get down to the nitty-gritty, no one works harder for a living, and that hard work has turned Defiance into a bonafide boomtown.

And I predict those among you who, like me, enjoy the nice things, shall soon have them in abundance.

But the real inspiration, that elusive element that makes this town so unique, is your inclusiveness.

Humans and Votans living side by side as friends, lovers, family.

It's truly inspiring.

In my time as mayor, I've worked every single day to live up to the lofty standard the people of Defiance have set for me.

Together, we've reduced crime, we've rebuilt the stasis net.

By nationalizing the gulanite mines, we have doubled wages and tripled productivity.

And now I'd like to thank my colleagues at the Earth Republic.

In particular, Viceroy Berto Mercado, who has made the long trip from New York to celebrate with us today.

Thanks to their generous financial assistance, the long-delayed mag-lev spur will finally become a reality.

Now, I know you're all itching to get to the party, so without further ado, allow me to wish you a happy and prosperous Founders Day.


[Device beeps]

And we're clear.

Excellent speech, Mr. Mayor.

Thank you, Berlin. Thank you.

It did go well.

Don't you think?

You're pretty with the words, Pottinger.

You always have been.



You're a show-off, Pottinger, with your big words, your hand lotion, your TV screens.

But I tell you something, I never met a show-off who was quite as smart as he thought he was.

Well, now that you finally have, you can tell your grandkids all about it.

Oh! [Chuckling]

I'll have to remember that.

The viceroy is a powerful man.

Why do you go out of your way to make him mad?

Mercado only respects people he hates.

You should remember that, Churchill, because it's true and useful.

Madam Mayor.

[Music plays in background]

Stop calling me that, Pottinger.

You're the mayor now.


Did you... did you watch the speech?

[Scoffs] I skipped the last four.

What made you think I'd catch this one?

Blind optimism, I guess.

You could be doing so much more for Defiance.

Come work for me.

You're part of an occupying army.

So you're questioning our right to be here?

Your duly elected mayor stabbed to death one of our high-ranking m*llitary officers.

That's an act of w*r.


Well, I certainly did not vote for Datak.

Great! We both agree Datak Tarr's a prat.

That's common ground.

We can build from there.

Like it or not, you're here.

I care about doing my job well.

Until I receive orders to the contrary, my job is keeping Defiance peaceful and productive.

Now, you could help me accomplish that.

Isn't that why you ran for mayor in the first place?

Look at that. More common ground.

There's magic here.

Can you feel it?

I can feel it.

There's that smile.

Did you come in here to actually buy something?

Just window shopping today.

Have a think about it though.

You are looking lovely today, Favi Tarr.

You're very sweet.

What did he want?

The usual.

I have your cut right here.

You had a good week.

I ran a town.

I can certainly run a business.

You know, when Kenya comes back, she might need to find herself another job.

I say this as a friend.

Don't say it.

You need to prepare yourself for the fact that she may not be coming back.

She's coming back. She's coming back.

I know her.

You are so strong.

[Metal screeches]


[g*n cocks]

Stand still.


Who are you?

What do you want from us?

I wanna know where she is and I wanna know now.

Okay, Daigo. Down!


But my name is Thesho Zajino.

I don't know who you think I am, but you're making a terrible mistake.

My name is Thesho Zajino.

I've been trying to tell him.

You are a torturer of children, and you abused my little girl!

Look, please...

For the past nine months, I've been tracking the members of your cult one by one.

My path led me here to you.

My daughter's disappeared.

I don't why and I don't know where to, but what I do know is it has something to do with that object your people put inside her.

Tell me what happened.

It activated.

Silver and gold tendrils, like little snakes.

People d*ed... and she went missing.

I've seen her too.


In visions.


A great wall of stone, covered in handprints.

[Slight laugh]

Now I understand. She has become.


Become what?

[Whimpering] No!

Become what?

I'll sh**t her.

Go ahead.

This livestock matters not at all.

The work I started all those years ago is complete now.

She is lost to you, Soldier.

But she will be mine as she once was.

I will know the beauty of her sweet skin.

[Fala whispers] Stop talking.

The hot flush of her divine and terrible love.





Trust me, he had that coming and worse.

We have a daughter!

So do I.

[Mixed chatter]



[Metal clangs] Back up! Back up!

Back up!

[Metal clangs]


No touching!

Your business interests are being well taken care of.

I'd like to hear that from my crew.

You know only family members are permitted to visit.

Ten years is a long time.

It's too long to spend in a place like this.

Rest assured, you built a strong foundation, my love.

The edifice stands even when the architect is absent.

Alak has proven a worthy leader.


He has a flair for the family business.

Your men do the heavy lifting, of course, but Alak has grown so much.

Like his father, he does what must be done.

Sometimes, when our son tilts his head at a certain angle, I see you.

Young, confident, powerful... a bit cruel.


No touching.

Patience, hanizu.

You got it?


The stone wall covered in handprints.

[Seagulls squawk]

[Indistinct yelling]

[Background chatter]

You Barth?

Who wants to know?

A fan of old world craftsmanship.

I hear you're the best blade maker in AngelArc.

That I am.

I'm looking for a girl.

She likes knives too. You seen her?

Yeah. I've seen her.



Come on, haamanyi, I've been walking all day.

My feet are tired.

Piss off.

All right. You know, Barth, I'm old fashioned.

I don't really like knives.

She likes double-edged throwers.

Fast hands. Bought one the other day.

Where can I find her?

I don't know.

All right. Down by the cliffs.

Sunset and La Brea.


Thank you.

Get out of here.

[Radio beeps]

Joshua Nolan.

♪ ♪

[Drum b*ating]

Let go of me.

Vizu wants to see you.

Where's my Blue Devil, Skevur?

I made a bad batch and had to start over.

Can't rush Adreno.

'Course, if you had let me extract real adrenaline from real humans...


Look, you said I'd have my devil in two days.

You took payment up front.

For expenses.

[Pounds table] _

You gonna shame me like this in front of the guys?

I did the shtak jobs for your dad.

Skevur and his blades.

Skevur and his chemicals.

I did stuff for him that haunts my sleep.

Come on, Alak. You've got a good heart.

I know that.

Call the Vizu by his proper title.


My mistake.

So what do you say,

Three more days.

Out of respect for your service to my father.

Thanks. That's more like it.

[Raiga growls]
[Machinery rumbling]

[Indistinct yelling]

[Metal crashing]


Ooh! Get it off!

Get it off!

Dad! Dad, dad!

Get it off!

Get down there. Come on, come on.

[Overlapping yelling]

Easy, easy, easy.



Gimme your belt! Gimme your belt!


Yeah, I got it. I got it.

[Rupert hyperventilating]

Don't just stand there! Get a stretcher!


[Rupert screaming]

We gotta get him out of here. Let's go.


Dad's tough as a bell-beast.

He'll get through this.

This never should have happened.

E-Rep's working us too hard.

At least with the E-Rep, we're getting paid what we're worth.

Everybody pulls down a nice big, fat paycheck under the new owners, but at what cost?

A man just lost an arm.

You worked the miners just as hard.

Not this hard.

Hey, he's right.

Half our shift's dropping the Blue Devil just to keep up.

This equipment was never meant to run 24/7.

Sounds to me like a greedy old man trying to get his mines back.

Hey! You can't talk to him like that.

Yeah, well, back off, Josef!

Hey! Stop it!

He's gone.

I'm sorry. He's gone.

I'm sorry, boys.

He was a good man.


Dad would go I-rath if he saw you using kiri eshkiwa in the family bath.

A woman alone needs to improvise.

I saw Amanda this morning.

The NeedWant had a profitable week.

Giemo did the numbers.

We're up 2% month-to-month.

Are you sure he added right?

Okay, mom, wanna say what you mean?

It's been a long day.

I can't imagine how we're ahead given the extra time you've granted Skevur to deliver the Blue Devil.

That was kindness.

Where you see kindness, others see weakness.

I made a choice.

Skevur is more valuable as a friend than an enemy.

Skevur is disloyal _.

Friendship is wasted on him.

That's what your father believed.

My father isn't here. Is he?

And you wanna stop bathing by yourself?

It's weird.

[Mixed chatter]

[Chuckling] Hey, fellas.

Hey, you couldn't tell me where I can find the Hollywood sign...

Don't make no sudden moves!

No-man Nolan.



Some friend.

You stole from me.


Look, Varus, we were wrong to steal the libera nova gem.

I know that now.

I... I feel bad, all right?

Okay, you got every right to feel angry, so I'm gonna make it up to you, all right?

I'm gonna get you your property back.

I promise you. You still got it?

'Course I still got it.

Yeah, yeah.

Look, not on me, of course.

In a safe place.


Lie to me again, I'll add your jondra to my collection.


Put that gunya ganchi in the ground!


Where do I get me one of them neat ponchos?

You're an idiot.



I hope you enjoyed your stay, sir.

I relish these little trips to the ass end of nowhere.

Hey! Let's get out of here.


Show some respect!

Go! Let's go!

Grab him!

Yes, sir.

Hey, hey!


"Rise up. k*ll the E-Rep".

Wow. Come on.


You shtaks k*lled our father.

You wanna be careful of what you say.

Rafe McCawley's got the right idea about you people.

You're Nazis.

Everyone needs to know that.

And we are gonna make sure they do.

We're gonna come together, we're gonna drive you out like we did the Volge.

Lawkeeper, arrest these people.

Yes, sir.

Let's go.

Show's over.

Go home.

Losing this town would be catastrophic for the Earth Republic.

And yet, seeing what that sad event would do to you personally... the humiliation and disgrace, losing your sh*t at Connor Lang's ambassador seat, the permanent removal of that smug smile from your smug face... now that would be something I could tell my grandkids about.

[Engine starts]

Mr. Mayor.

Hyatt and Josef are good kids.

Their father was just k*lled in a mining accident.

Nine months ago, you sh*t Earth Republic soldiers.

You should be rotting in Camp Reverie, and yet, I allow you to roam free, living in your beautiful house every day, seeing your daughter every day.

And I do this because you're useful to me in the mines keeping the workers in line.

And when you stir up trouble, when you call us Nazis, when you put ideas in the heads of the younger miners, you become less useful.

I've taken your mines.

I've taken Hyatt and Josef.

Give me a reason to take more.

Take care of those boys.

Is that it?

Is that Camp Reverie?


[Brakes screech]

Hey, why'd we stop?

[Engine stops, door creaks]

Come on.

We can lose him in the woods.


Let's split up.



[Chittering noise]

Hyatt, run!


[Distant screaming continues]

Lucky you didn't fall flat on your ass in that stupid getup.

Lucky you're a lousy tail.

I'm an excellent tail.

Like in Yuma?

Aw, Yuma.

Not my finest hour.

You b*rned off my hair.

Nope, the expl*si*n b*rned off your hair.

I was blameless.

Besides, short and sassy for those hot summer months.

You wore it well.

So what happened to you?


Come on.

Something happened to you the night you disappeared.

What was it?

Talk to me, kiddo.

I remember you pulling me off the operating table, then the gunfight, you went down, you told me to run and get help.

They caught me.

The E-Rep?

They put me in a land coach headed west.

I don't know. Maybe to do more experiments.

But the caravan was hit by hellbugs.

Everybody d*ed.

Except you?

AngelArc was the closest city.

I've been scrounging ever since.

Saving to buy blades, a roller.

For nine months?

You wanna know what I remember?

I remember getting sh*t.

And then I had a... I don't know, a vision?

Of Sukar and a young Irathient girl.

And then I saw you falling into...

I don't even understand what.

But you wanna know what the kicker was?

When I woke up, not a scratch on me.

Sounds like post-traumatic stress disorder.

That's it?

You got nothing else to say to me?


Don't you walk away from me.



Losing you was hard.

I've been a bit on edge.

It's okay.

All right, good.

So if we're finished with this mushy stuff, we need to come up with a plan before Varus and his crew regroup and come after us.

Now, I got this sweet little boat.

I say we get down to Lima, we swap it out for a bigger one, and then straight to Antarctica.



I have to go to Defiance.

[Reciting El Male Rachamim funeral prayer]

[Continues praying in Hebrew]

Hyatt's dead.

You wanna tell me what happened?

Am I supposed to answer that?

Because your face looks like it wants to carry on speaking.

Two kids escaped a bioman.

You expect me to believe that?

I do.

Come on.

We can lose him in the woods.


Their roller was parked in Hellbug Country.

You set them up.

Again, are you expecting me to answer that?



I had nothing to do with this escape.

Now I know what your face looks like when you're lying.

Now, look, I'm trying to be reasonable...

Those kids were begging for trouble.

They were mouthing off, creating an untenable situation for E-Rep brass.

Now you solved your problem in the short term, and that video provides plausible deniability.

They were acting out of grief.

They had just lost their father.

Now, historically, vicious leaders leave the job one of two ways: Deposed or dead.

Well, what would you have me do?

Pardon the brother that survived.

The older one, Josef.


That's a start. Thank you.

Anything else?

It occurs to me had I taken the advisory position you offered me three months ago, I would have stopped you from overreacting.

Hyatt Mirch would be at home safe with his family.

"Overreacting"? Hmm.

You want my advice, you get it unfiltered or not at all.

So you're accepting the position as Chief of Staff?

For the moment.

Cheers, mate.

[Crowd murmuring]

He's coming now!

It's food.

Hit the mud. Lunchtime.

[All clamoring]


[Crowd shouting]

Datak! Behind you!


I would have put on makeup if I knew company was coming.

Why did you help me?

I have a way to get out of this place, but I can't do it alone.

Color me intrigued.

Color you anything.

You'd be more interesting to look at.

You in or you out?

Here's your payment back, Vizu.

Shipment's on me.

Well done, Vizu.


Mom, did you order Skevur beaten?

The man of the house is addressing you!

It is not my place to give orders.

Of course not. You never give orders.

I'll rephrase.

Did you whisper in somebody's ear...

Raiga maybe... and gently suggest that it would serve his best interest to protect the standing of poor, dumb Alak, who doesn't know...

You desire apsalu tanavano.

Straight talk?


Your father surrendered his claim on his financial interests when he m*rder*d colonel marsh in a fit of foolish temper.

I thought perhaps his son could take over with the proper guidance, but you lack the strength and brutality to do what is necessary.

[Scoffing] This is just...

Once again, the strong Castithan males falter and I am left to open the airlock door myself.

The family business belongs to me.

The men will never take orders from a woman.

It's a new world, my son.

Who knows what the men may tolerate in time?

But for now, you will deliver my orders exactly as I give them.

You will not question me.

In return, you will have money in your pocket.

You will be free to pursue your music hobby or whatever else you wish.

But all power will reside with me.

And if I don't agree to this, what, you'll lock me in a cage next to dad?

I doubt that will be necessary.

I am so proud of you, Alak.

Straight talk was indeed what this situation required.



All right, all right, all right.

All right, all right, okay.

Look, this is quality merchandise...

[Sound fades]

Oh, haamanyi.





Are you done?

Don't disappear like that.

♪ ♪
♪ shanje liros hide their gals ♪
♪ when I walk in the room ♪
♪ I burn as hot as sulos ♪
♪ get ready for the boom ♪
♪ I drink and gamble till I'm broke ♪
♪ no sin I haven't tried ♪
♪ but still my true love waits for me ♪

You want me to check you for lumps?

Nope. You're good.

♪ A shotgun at my side ♪
♪ I'll fornicate my way ♪

Go to bed, boss.

♪ Back home ♪


♪ Across the storm divide ♪
♪ Irzu's daughters faint away ♪
♪ when I step on their path ♪
♪ I count upon them Casti girls ♪

Both: ♪ to liven up my bath ♪
♪ I hooked up with a Sensoth once ♪
♪ and that was quite a ride ♪
♪ Yeah, it was. ♪
♪ But still my true love holds my heart ♪
♪ across the storm divide ♪
♪ across the storm divide ♪
♪ we travel far and wide ♪
♪ then fornicate our way back home ♪
♪ across the storm divide ♪
♪ ♪
♪ across the storm divide ♪
♪ good friends at my side ♪
♪ we'll fornicate our way back home ♪
♪ across the storm divide ♪
♪ we'll fornicate our way back home ♪
♪ across the storm divide ♪
♪ across the storm divide ♪
♪ across the storm di... ♪


♪ Across the storm divide ♪
