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02x11 - Home

Posted: 08/28/14 19:18
by bunniefuu
Previously on Graceland...

This is Francesca's ragu and the rules are simple... don't touch and don't be late.

I k*lled an FBI Agent and they got it on tape.

Dale, you could get three years for accessory.

Detective Sid Markham, I know you're working with the Solano Cartel.

You don't just retire.

You do if you got a ton of cash in safety-deposit boxes.

We rob the bank.

If his nest egg goes up in smoke, he's got to make a move.

We hit Getty National in one week.

I'll be ready.

You and little Miss FBI had some chemistry.

I'd like you to lean in, see what she's doing with our surveillance gear.

Apparently it's a sex-trafficking ring in Sylmar. It's definitely Solano.

His son set it up.

If anybody finds out I gave this to you...

I want approaches from every angle within the hour.

Sulla... [g*nshots]

Everybody, hands up!

My blonde friend is gonna ask me why we went in under their nose and everyone died.

I don't know what to tell her.

You tell her nothing.

Good job. I'll call you.

So you guys screwed me, huh?

We lost everything.

Sid is finally bringing me into the fold.

Charlie's pregnant.

I really want to keep it.

Sauce, huh?

Been too long.

You want to help me cut the peppers?

[Cell phone ringing]

This place burned because of us.

And you lit the match!

Stay back.

g*ns now?

[Men struggling]


[Click, beep beep beep]


Yeah, okay. Sounds good.

All right, man, talk to you later.

What did he say?



He... he said that he wants to, um...

He wants you to what, Paul?

Meet tomorrow, at the office.

Tell me what's going on.

Well, I guess I was just expecting something different, you know.


[Chuckles] Wishful thinking.

[Chuckles] Sid's got you worried.

No. No, Sid's never got me shook.

It's... it'll be fine.

I'll leave you to the sauce, okay?

You know I'm here if you need my help.

Yeah. Yeah, I know.

Did you get the call or what?

What call?

A call from Sid... it's a dirty cop who works for Carlito, the guy who just k*lled Sulla.

This guy you're supposed to be undercover with.

Yeah, Mike, he called. He said we'd talk in the morning.

Damn it. Is he putting you off?

I need to go down to the FBI office in the morning and give them a full debriefing about why five people were just gunned down in Sylmar under my watch, and I have no idea what to say.

Well, why don't you say you're still working?


Right. Well, working doesn't mean shit Working just means I haven't failed yet.

Okay, Mike, well, tell them you haven't failed yet.

We get close, and then every solid lead we have just gets swept away.

We need to get our hand around Sid's neck and squeeze.

We got to put this guy down.

Oh, so what time are we checking out the airstrip tomorrow?

I will think about that when I wake up in the morning and not a moment sooner.

Look, I want to get this done, and I need to get it done now.

Johnny, shh.


You smell that?

I've been in the car for, like, 14 hou...

[whispers] The sauce.

[Inhales deeply]


[Exhales, whispers] Thank you.


Don't even think about it.

I'll cut you.

We don't need a m*rder scene.

You know that we know the rules.

I know that you're a sneaky little toad that gets night hungers.

Yeah, that smells so good.


You tell the story yet?

Sauce is boiling, right?

You feel like telling it again?



Okay, thing is, I've been in the same clothes for, like, 40 hours, so let me go change real quick.

It's a quick story, bro. Come on.

Let me just go change. I'll be right back.

Don't start without me.

I won't.

Ah! [Jogging footsteps]

He's heard the story so many times.

You can start without him.

[Gasps] Je...

We gotta go talk, Dale.

Ha ha.

How was my trip? My trip was long.

I'm not going anywhere.

This is serious.

[Indistinct chatter]

[Seagull crying]

And you're absolutely sure it's the tape.

I am absolutely sure it is the tape.

I'm not doing this again.

If you're running, you're on your own, man.

I'm sorry.

I'm not running.

Because they came at me hard last time.

I'm not running.

Charlie's what, six weeks in? I can't... I'm staying put.

Okay, so what are we talking about?

I got to get my hands on that tape before he plays it for somebody else.


Who has it?


Your Sid?

It's got to be.

Call came through on my GTF cover phone.

Jesus Christ. What the hell does he want?

That's a good question.

I tell you what... after the tape, he called four times last night.

What, you didn't pick up?

The kind of conversation I'd rather have when I'm looking in the man's eyes.

Sounds like you want to take another trip to the desert.

Briggs, Sid has a crew.

If Sid knows, his crew probably knows.

So how many trips to the desert are you gonna take?

I don't need them, okay?

I need that tape.

If they got no evidence, they can't prove anything, right?

Are you gonna help me, Dale?

You're an assh*le. You know that?

You know as well as I do, if they get you, they're gonna come gunning for me next.

So what choice do I have?

Don't waste my time. What do you need?

An alibi.

There's a place around the corner from here called Nancy's... a little diner.

Please, go there, order two breakfasts on me.

That's it.

I'm tired, Briggs.

Me too.

I haven't slept in days, Jakes.

We need to get our hand around Sid's neck and squeeze.

[Rock music]

S02E11 - USA Home

[Doorbell rings]


I called you last night repeatedly.

That's why I'm here.

Yeah? Coffee? I got to turn my brain on.

You just missed the wife taking Patrick to school.

He loves it. He loves school.

You should hear him going off about dinosaurs.

Hold that. This guy right over here... his tree shit is all over everything.



I asked him to cut it down, didn't I?

Hey, uh, Sid, I'm sorry about that, but, you know, I really didn't drive all the way out here to talk about your dirty pool.

What's going on?

Ah... [Exhales]


You're right. I owe you some answers.

What happened in there?

All right, I gotta take you way back here, man.

20 years ago, I make detective.

Carlos Solano's running a small crew back then.

I bust him on a narcotics beef.

He gets ten years.

But there's something about him.

I don't know. I like the guy.


He wants to see me.

He hands me a brochure for the prison equestrian program...

Horses for convicts.



So I say, "okay, you want your ponies?

What are you gonna give me?"

He starts giving me info on other crews.

I start making the biggest busts of my career.

My name is now on the map.

And knocking off his competition, right?

This is true. [Chuckles]

But he gets out.

The arrangement continues.

Then he goes and does something stupid.

He puts one of his partners in the ground.

I thought that was par for the course, you know.

Sure, but what was stupid was that he thought I would let that slide.

Just like you couldn't let him slide on running those girls out of Sylmar?

I had to smack him down.

It was necessary, huh?

I gotta let Carlos Solano know where the line is.

You'd do the same thing.


You look like you need some sleep, Paul.

[Chuckles] Yeah.

This place burned because of us.

We need to get our hand around Sid's neck and squeeze.

How was Nancy's?

If anybody asks, the eggs were runny.

Are we done? May I go home?

Sid doesn't have the tape.

How do you know?

Because if I'm Sid and I played my only hand when I played that tape, I don't show up to the front door wearing a smile.

I show up wearing kevlar.

It wasn't him.

Okay, so maybe it's one of his cronies... Archie, Martinez.

It's Mike.

Mike Mike?


Briggs, you're out of your g*dd*mn mind.

First off, how would he get the tape?

Second, if it was Warren, you'd be in handcuffs yesterday.

Mm-hmm. Except I'm still useful to him.

You know, two minutes after I got that call, I had Mike staring me in the face, saying we gotta put Sid down.

You think Mike wants you to k*ll Sid?

It damn near worked.

I don't know, Briggs.


Mike is tired of getting got, okay?

He's looking for any way to end this.

If I put Sid 6 feet under the earth, guess what.

Mike's got me dead to rights on two murders.

Two, D.J., okay?

No Sid, no Briggs.

You ever think it might be time to just... get out in front of this, come clean?

There's still time.

Yeah, until there isn't.

Hey, look, man, if he's playing the tape for me, he's not playing it for his bosses in D.C.

That's for damn sure.

As long as he thinks I'm looking at Sid, I can stop him.

Stop him how?

God damn it, Briggs.

Look, man, I will see my child grow up, Jakes.


No more alibis.

I'm done.



My bed is callin'.

[Man shouts, voice echoes]

You, me, forever.

Yo. Where the hell you been at, man?



I need your help.

Is there a sign on my face saying I give a shit?

Because everybody keeps coming to me with their problems.

I don't give a shit So, please, just get out.

Ice still has that satellite office in Mexico, right... the one that deals with foreign ops?

So what?

I need you to get in touch with somebody there.

I got to get Lucia out.

[Laughs] You want ice to exfiltrate your girlfriend?




She's in trouble down there.

No shit I've been saying for weeks, if you do this, bad things will happen.

So what element here is surprising you?

You're not gonna help me?


All right, I'll go ask Mike.

You can't tell Mike.

I can tell Mike, okay? He knows she's not involved.

He'll understand. He'll protect her.

"He'll understand"?


Let me tell you what he'll understand.

He'll understand that the moment you squirmed up into Miss Cartel Mexico Princess, your cover became a conflict of interest.

He'll understand that you're no longer a credible witness, that you probably can't take the stand if we indict, and that there's a good chance you screwed up his whole case, not just the girl.

I can't just leave her down there.

You can.

That's the only thing you can do.

I told her I'd come back for her.

You lied.

You lie for a living.

[Door closes] Aah!

What are you doing?

The ballerina didn't used to spin.

Now it does.

If it's fixed, why are you taking it apart?

Because I liked it better when it was broken.

What's up?

I wanted to say thank you.

For what?

For saving my life with Sid.

Well, you would have done the same for me.

He would've k*lled me.

Well, we used to have something special.


It's crazy.

As terrible as the last couple days have been... five people are dead, you know... a hell of a lot's gotten accomplished.

Carlos Solano moved off his son's cruise-ship idea.

Briggs inched closer to Sid.

You got your girls.

I think they call that a trifecta.

We should count our blessings.

There'll be an investigation, you know.

But that's really hard to do with lina still missing.

We'll look into that too.

I was thinking about writing her parents a letter.

You want to help me with that?


I'll see you downstairs at dinner.

Can I get a 20 on Eddie? Bella's looking for him.

Yeah, I'll be right there.

Um, excuse me, brother.

Are you the locations manager for this film?

Yeah, can I help you?

Yeah, Paul West, LAPD.

How long you guys sh**ting here?

The next four nights.

Ah. Yeah, that's, uh... that's gonna be a problem.

There's been a mix-up downtown.

Sanitation's running pipe here the next couple of nights.

Looks like you guys are probably gonna have to move.

We have permits.

This is bullshit.

Listen, man, I'm just the messenger, okay?

Please don't make my life any harder.

Look, I made a couple of calls on your behalf.

We can offer you a couple of blocks just down the way, beautiful spot right in front of getty national bank.

It's not that simple.

It's gonna have to be, my friend, because look, either you're gonna share real estate with sanitation, or you're gonna pick up stakes and vamonos.

What's it gonna be?

[Folksy blues song]

Hey, Briggs is here. We can start.

Watch it. Watch it.

About time. About time.

Let's do it.

I could eat my own hand.

All right.

Oh, no.



Get into my body. I'm starving.

Thank you, Charlie.

I guess this wouldn't be sauce night without a brief toast.

I know everybody's hungry, so I'll keep it short.

To Graceland.

Yeah, word up.

To home.





Welcome home.

Now let's eat. Mangia.

Ladies first.

Paige, you hungry?

I'm always hungry.

[Cell phone chiming]


No phones on sauce night.

That was work.

I don't care. Sauce time.

Hey, Johnny, was that Lucia or Carlito?

Um, Carlito.

That must've been crazy.


When Sid called and tipped off Carlito's little side project.

Actually, the timing couldn't have been more perfect.

How so?

No work talk... sauce night.

No. If Mike wants to talk work, let's talk work.

No, you know what? You're right, Chuck.

We get so wrapped up in work sometimes.

Well, what's going on?

Does anybody got anything going on in their lives they want to share?

Anybody else having, uh, trouble with the washer?

Yeah, you just have to turn the little knob to the left until it clicks.

Oh, okay.

It's a knob thing? 'Cause I was gonna fix it.

It'll click.

In lieu of that stimulating conversation, I guess work it is.

Sorry, Chuck. Johnny, why was the timing so perfect?

Well, Briggs had just called me.

And I told him that Carlos wasn't gonna buy into the plane idea unless we found a way to discredit Carlito, so...

It was just perfect. Right, Briggs?

What's the matter, Briggs? You seem a little out of it.

I haven't slept.

Johnny, when I catch Sid and ask him who tipped him off to all this, what do you think he's gonna say?

You know, I think Sid would probably pretty much say anything to shave a single day off of a life sentence.

But you know what's funny, Mike?

I get the impression that you would not be happy unless Sid spends the rest of his days in the ground.

Why don't you share with everybody what you told me last night, Mike?

I can quote you.

That's enough, Briggs.

You're tired. You're not thinking clearly.

What? Come on, baby.

No one wants to hear it.

Okay. I'm sorry.

I apologize.

I thought this was what you wanted... you know, everybody to come together and share stuff and be honest about shit.

You're not honest with anybody.


Well, why don't you show me what that looks like, babe?

I have an idea. Why don't we start talking about Kelly Badillo?

Did you just say "Kelly Badillo"?

You piece of shit Easy, mama bear.

What did you call me?

Yes, but...

[overlapping shouting]

Tell me this! How far will you go to get Sid?

I think the better question is, what wouldn't I do to catch you?

Come get it, young man.

[All shouting]

What do you thof that? All right?
[Opera music in background]

I'm in love with Lucia.


I've been sleeping with her this whole time.

[Cell phone ringing]


[Cell phone beeps] What's up?

We got a problem.

What kind of problem?

Some shit ass slasher flick is working nights on our block.

It means we're looking at crowds, lights, and police escorts.

Jesus Christ.

What now?

Now? Now nothing.

We can't work under that kind of exposure.

Job's off.

[Line clicks, dial tone]

[Opera continues]

You know what this place is?

I know exactly what this place is.

You k*lled everyone here. [Echoing]

What the hell's her problem?

Why doesn't she want to go through with it?

There's a film sh**ting right across the street the night of the heist.

What are you talking about?

"John Woodsman VII" or something.

What is that, a porno?

What, woodsman John VII?

No, that ain't no porno.

He's this lumberjack who comes back from the dead to chop down slutty teenagers.

You're like the Wikipedia of nonsense.

What are you talking about?

It's a pretty good movie.

All right, listen, can we talk solutions?

Every g*dd*mn time we get this close, something happens.

Well, not this time, okay?

Is there a possibility that we can do it in a day or two?

No. They change the security code every night.

Amber spent weeks on digital recon finding a match.

If you want to wait a few more weeks, but...

I mean, the airdrop's in three or four days.

We have to do the heist, and we have to do it now.

Then do it during the day.

The doors are wide open, no need for security codes, right?

Yeah, but then you got to worry about civilians and security.

We need a whole team for that.


We could be that team.

Okay, now you're stepping into illegal territory, Mike.

Yeah, but if we're the ones watching the hostages, they'll be safe, right?

We could even tell them we're feds.

You gonna get FBI approval on that?

Well, as long as we get our perp, they'll let us do pretty much anything we want.

Right, Mike?

I don't think Amber's gonna go for that.

I probably got a better shot of her going to see "big Johnson 19" or something.

Something tells me she wouldn't like that movie.

You got to make her go for it. That's your job.

You want us to play a team of bank robbers? We can't even get through a dinner.

All right, were professionals.

We should be able to put aside our personal differences and get to work, right?



All right, let's go.

[Clears throat]

I don't want Briggs on this.

Me neither.

He's acting strange.

When you talk to Amber, just make sure she doesn't need all of us, okay?


Care to try the best marinara this side of the Atlantic?

[Rock music on radio]

Oh, my God.


This is so good.

Yeah? Thanks.

I can't believe you've been holding out on me.

Yeah, well, it doesn't have to end, you know.

I don't risk my life for p*ssy.

Good, 'cause that's not what I was offering.

Even more disappointed.

You just thought a meal and a smile would change my mind?

No, I thought a better plan would change your mind.

Coming through the front doors during the day.

Don't have to break in. The vault will already be open.

Takes off a minute, 45 of our time.

We need a crew for that.

I can't get one assembled that fast.

I can.

Of course. Yeah, I forgot. You're the pied Piper of thieves.

Came through with the wheelman, didn't I?


It's just not smart to crew up the day before.

Oh, please. They're hired g*ns.

All they have to do is take care of the hostages.

We do the rest.

Get your balls up, man.

[Door closes] [Sighs]

Are we in?

Mike, we got two hours to put together airtight aliases to convince Amber that we're hired gunmen.

I already got Jakes and Johnny on it.


And Briggs?

She's not comfortable taking hostages with less than four gunmen.

I'd ask somebody else, but there's no time.

No, no, it's fine. I can keep an eye on Briggs.


Come on.

I feel butt-naked without my g*n.

Amber's specific instructions.

What do we got?

We got John, Paul, Mike, and Paige.

They'll be covering the perimeter and the hostages.

Nice to see you again.

You too.

Nice to meet you, but from now on, you don't have names.

You're animals. [Chuckles]

Oh, you're serious.

We don't want the hostages knowing anything about us.

So the goat, her glock, and myself, the monkey, will head straight back to the vault.

It'll take exactly 4 minutes and 13 seconds to clear the vault.

We'll need someone to transport the cash to the van while we pack it.

I'll do it.

I don't think so. I got it.

I like the enthusiasm, boys, but I don't let the guy who wants to carry the cash be in charge of carrying the cash.

Hope you understand.

The innocent sheep carries the cash.

You look like you should work in a bank, not rob one.

That's how they never see me coming.

The rabbit watches the door.

Sly fox...

In the getaway van.

The pig herds the hostages into the back office, keeps them under control.

No, why I got to be the pig?

'Cause it's a natural fit.

Look, I'm like Mr. Pink over here.

How am I gonna intimidate hostages with a pig on?


Mr. Tiger cuts the security video, then helps with the hostages.

One last thing...

If you try and screw me, I'll leave you in the ground.

Is that necessary?


You're the mystery man.


I was wondering if she'd bring you.


But your g*ns were loaded, and none of you hesitated.

I like that.

Tomorrow, 8:00 a.m. sharp, I want you all to know this floor plan better than your mother's face.

We'll do run-throughs for two hours, go home, get a good night's sleep.

You know what this place is?

I know exactly what this place is.

You k*lled everyone here.

You know what? You're right.

We both did.

This place burned because of us.

So everyone has his price, right?

You know, I never thought I would find mine at the end of a needle, but you made sure of that, didn't you?

Didn't you?

And you lit the match!

Stay back.

g*ns now?


I guess it was only a matter of time, huh?

Are you just having fun, or do you want something, Mike?





You're not a m*rder*r.


But you are.


You haven't turned it in yet.

How can you be so sure?

Because you still need me.


What? [Baby babbles]

You can't do this to us.

I'm not.

You okay?


Yeah, I think I'm good.

You walking in your sleep now?

[Exhales deeply]

Yeah, I guess so.

Let's, um... let's go back to bed.

You know, in a couple months, we're gonna have a little monster moving around in there... our little monster.

We're gonna talk about whether it's a boy or a girl, what we're gonna name it.

Are we gonna raise it catholic or Buddhist?

But all that, Paul... if we don't talk, we can't have those conversations.

We talk.

We're talking.

I can do this alone. I just don't want to.

You won't have to.

Listen, once we get this bank job out of the way, I think I'll be able to clear my head.




Hey, Charlie...

It's gonna be fine.

I promise.

Early's just as bad as late.

You don't even know why I'm here yet.

Whatever's between you and her, I'm sure you're smart enough to put it aside for the job.

You may be right about that, but, uh, I'm not sure she is.

What do you mean?

If you know her, you know she tends to mix the personal and the professional.

It clouds her judgment.

Sometimes she hires the wrong people.

Like you?

Like the rabbit.


A friend of mine did a stickup job with him a while back.

Turns out the rabbit took the money and ran.

Charlie picked him.

I trust her.

She picked me too.

Taken under advisement.

Don't worry.

If he tries anything funny, I won't hesitate to put him down.

I believe you.

Move! Everybody on the ground right now!

Hey, hey, hey, don't do it!

Everybody stay calm, and no one gets hurt!

Give me your g*n!

Move it, lady!

Don't you touch that!

Let's go, let's go! A little faster!

Come on, move it!

Move it! Move it!

Let's go! Let's get to the back room!

Go, go!

Stupid move, lady!


In the back! In the back office!

Back office, come on!

Let's go! Let's go!

Not smart, lady, not smart! Let's go! Let's go!

Don't do it! Don't do it! Come on!

In the back! In the back!

Go! Go!

Get in the back room!

Move to the back!

Let's go!

Keep moving! Let's go!

In the back office! Let's go! Let's go!

Keep moving, lady! Go!

Let's go! Move!

Hurry up!


Get against the wall! Go! Go! Go!

Up against the wall!

We're federal agents, okay?

Keep quiet, and you'll be okay.

Nod your heads so I know you understand me.


2 minutes and 48 seconds.


It's all right. Relax.



What are you looking at, huh, man?

Nothing. I wasn't looking at nothing.

You know what, Paige? Keep an eye on this one, okay?

He's up to something.

No, I have to go get the money.

He's on some hero shit, okay?

He almost drew his g*n and shot me out in the lobby.

Stick to the plan.

Sometimes plans change. Watch him.

[Door closes]

Hey, rabbit, hostages are getting unruly.

You gonna get the money, or should I?

I'll get the cash.

Almost done. One more bag after this.

Okay, good. We got to wrap this up.

It's time to get out of here.

I'll take this bag to the van.

Where the hell's sheep?

He's tied up with the hostages.

[Exhales deeply]

Greedy scumbag.


Tiger warned me about him.

What are you doing?

Cleaning up your mess.

What does that mean?

Maybe you didn't know, or maybe you're trying to screw me too.

All I'm saying is this is why you don't change plans the day before.

Amber... now I'm gonna go put a b*llet in your friend who took my money.


[Cell phone vibrating]

This place burned because of us.

But everyone has his price, right?

You lit the match!

Stay back.

g*ns now?



[Background chatter]

[Sirens wailing]

They done with you?

What the hell happened in there, Paul?

[Tires screeching]

Come on, we got to go.

No, wait. I want to talk to you.

Charlie, come on, we got to go.

[Sid groans]

Hey, Tommy.

Hey, man, what's going on?

So it was all an undercover op by... drumroll... your boy Special Agent Mike Warren.

Perp got away. The bust went sour.

Yeah, it went sour, all right.

I'll do a little digging, see what I can find out.

I spoke with Agent Amadio, Bucknam, and Dehoop.

None of this was approved.

I'm sorry, sir. The plan changed, but the mission remained the same... to take Markham's money out of play.

You destroyed bank property, put innocent hostages at risk.

You're less than a week outside this bloodbath in Sylmar.

I swear to God, if I didn't know you were such a ladder-climber, I'd think you were trying to cannonball your own career.

Are you even listening to me right now?

Yes, sir.

I know it may not look like it, but I have this under control.

If you'll excuse me...


You're gonna have to trust me.

This is su1c1de, Warren.

Hey, Sid.

You must feel pretty stupid, huh?

How's that?

You put your own name on the safe-deposit boxes.

I like my name.

Where's your bank robber?

I think you have more important things to be worried about, Detective Markham.

See, the thing is... there's nothing on my wrists.

I can just hold on to this for you.

Unless you want to claim it.

I'm gonna see you around.

[Jazz music]

You just missed our turn.

Where are you taking me?

To the desert. I want to show you something.

Show me what?

I want to show you the truth, Charlie.

No, I don't want to hear it anymore.

Just take me home.

Turn around, Paul.

You know what? I have been sleepwalking... for months. Shit, for years.

I didn't even know it.

You have been asking me to talk. And you're right.

There's things you need to hear, babe... to see, things you could never possibly...

[loud crash, tires screeching]

Baby, call the sheriff.


Call animal control.

She's still alive.

Take me home.

Come on, her ribs are broken. She's got internal...


You lit the match, Paul.

How long?

How long have you had the tape?

Couple of weeks.

That's why you left the house?

God, no.

I left the house 'cause I knew I was pregnant.

That same g*dd*mn night I get a call from a friend at the LAPD, and he plays the tape and...

Why didn't you just tell me?

I gave you every chance...

Every chance.

I was gonna tell you.


You were gonna k*ll Mike.

[Voice breaking] Instead of coming to me, instead of trusting me, you turned to m*rder.

Your plan was to m*rder Mike.

Is that who you are?

Charlie, look, I'm not...

Too late!

Too late!


When our kid grows up, what are you gonna tell him?

That you're a coward.

[Car door opens, closes]

[Engine turning over, car departing]