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02x07 - Los Malos

Posted: 07/30/14 23:03
by bunniefuu
Previously on Graceland....

You know, I didn't think you were gay when I first met you.

I'm not gay at... all.

Do you think you can get Carlito to pick up tomorrow's shipment?

I'll do it.

You come with me, and then it'll just be me and you.

How can I say no to that pretty face?

[Cell phone ringing]

Si, digame.


How did...

[tires screeching]

All right, let's go. Everyone move!

I got a call.

They told me to blow the barrels.

Who called?

Just a voice.

We both know Solano's got somebody on the law enforcement side.

Oh, God, Mike, you want to keep this place running.

I have to.

Carlito's gone.

That place is the last link that I have to the Solano cartel and these guys that are protecting him.


Go somewhere. Don't make a ripple.

I'm Lieutenant Sid Markham, head of the g*ng Task Force.

My guess is he was wrapped up tight with Solano.

Sid Markham... he's our insider.

Mike, they roll with a big army.

And we are gonna burn them to the ground.

[Cell phone ringing]

Hello, Carlos.

Yep, yep, it's all burned.

No, no.

That is not on me.

I told you more than once it was a bad idea to go after Warren.

I'm out, all right?

I told you once. I'm telling you again... I'm out.

Speak of the devil.

Agent Warren, what brings you to this part of town?

This is a courtesy call.

I wanted to let you know you should get your affairs in order.

What? My affairs?

I know you're working with Carlos Solano.

You think I'm doing what?

How's that happen?

How do you go from busting gangs to working with a cartel?

Agent Warren, you have me confused with someone else.


No, I don't.

This world that we live in, me and you, it's not black and white.

And I don't need some kid from D.C.

Telling me how to be a cop.

You had your chance to k*ll me.

You missed.

Like I said...


You should get your affairs in order.

[Rock music]


There he is, little man.

Conquer any kingdoms today?

Got a 90 on my spelling test.

All right, that's what I like to hear.

Can we read Neil Gaiman tonight?

You brush your teeth.

I'll meet you in there.


Told you I'd make a reader out of him, babe.

Yeah, comic books.

All right, everybody listen up.

Carlito Solano's five out.

Nobody moves until he's inside the building.

I repeat, hold your positions until Carlito Solano is inside the building.

Let's look alive.

[Cell phone ringing]

Two seconds.


Yeah, I just got out of the briefing with Warren at the bus garage.

Lawrence knows it's all coming down, so don't worry.

No, no, it's not that.

Carlito Solano's on the way.


Why the hell would he be headed there?

I don't know. What do you want me to do?

After the place blows, you make sure you grab Lawrence.

I'll deal with Solano.

All right.

Everything all right?

Yeah, just work.

[Phone line trills]

Si, digame.

Turn around, okay?

The feds are gonna hit the garage.


Listen to me.

How did...

Turn around, go home, pack your bags.

I'll handle it.

[Tires screeching]

Mike, Johnny and Carlito just turned around.


I have no idea why.

All right, let's go. Everyone move, now.

Go. Move. Carlito's not coming.

We need to lock down that evidence.

Man, two days and nothing.

There isn't enough coffee on the planet for this bullshit.

Well, then you shouldn't have let Warren grab Lawrence, then, should you?

There's our boy.


Shall we?

Jesus H. Christ!

Where you been, Lawrence?

I know that voice.

You're him, aren't you?

The cops have been looking for you.

No one can find you, so where you been?

Look, I didn't tell the kid Jack.

You didn't tell the kid?

Yeah, Warren.

What'd you... what'd you say to him?

I told him that Solano had a protector.

He'd already figured you'd existed, so I didn't give him anything new, man... nothing.

That's it?

That's it.

You have nothing to worry about from me, nothing whatso...


Come on, we don't have long.

[Saw whirring]

[Electronic music]

Coming, man.

Need you guys in five minutes.

No, Mike!

I've been tracking Markham for you all night.

Coffee's on. Five minutes.




I said, "assh*le."

That's what I thought.


Morning, beautiful.

So this is Detective Paul West, huh?

It is indeed, straight from El Paso P.D., where I did a ton of work on g*ng-cartel partnerships, and now I'm coming out of a long deep cover with the Familia cartel.

I'm gonna say it again.

Please don't.

You going undercover at the police station is nuts.

We work with them, Paul.

Baby, I've never worked downtown. Have you?

Look, I went through Markham's case log backwards and forwards.

We've never crossed paths, not even close.

Okay, but what if some cop from Santa Monica decides to drop in and recognizes you?

Well, then I turn on the charm, and I dive under a desk.

It's not funny.

Babe, look, my transfer paperwork was put through by the bureau, okay?

It's fully backstopped with my El Paso cover.

We have not a care in the world.

Oh, yes, we do...

Because Mike is obsessed with Solano, and it pushes you to do crazy things.

It's not my first walk across the coals, DeMarco.



Well, don't hit your head diving under that desk, okay?

I'll try.


Don't worry.

[Electric razor buzzing]

Who, me? Oh, I had a really good morning.

Thank you so much, Chuck.

Johnny, I see you every morning.

Do I have to say "good morning" every time?


Ugh. Give me a break, please.

[Cell phone vibrating]

That said "mom."

That's what you do to your mother when she calls?

Shit is complicated.

She doesn't even know I'm in the FBI.

That's nice. Good son.

Oh, so you know Mike wants me to go pay a visit to Lucia?

He's got you barking up that tree 'cause Carlito's gone?

Yeah, I told him the girl doesn't know anything about the business it's a lost cause, but...

Mike says he's the patron Saint of lost causes.

Yeah, well, that's got to change.

[Chuckles] You crashed Markham's breakfast.

That must have thrown him for a loop, huh?

He's been ten moves ahead of us the whole time.


Now at least I reset the board.

He'll have to reevaluate everything and make sure that he can withstand a federal investigation.

That's got to suck.

Has he contacted Sulla?

Nope. Any luck on the warrants?

Three judges, same resounding no.

We're gonna need more than theory to track Markham's cash flow.


You know, you don't really need a warrant to find out about his banking, though.

Ice gets a little leeway when it comes to cell phone records.

Check the pings on his phone, GPS.

I'm sure there's a bank in there somewhere.

That's a start.

I'm on it.

Police duty calls.

And I'll be extremely careful with my life in the process.

I'm going to check in with Paige.

Hey, let me hitch a ride with you.

Yeah, sure.

You have to hold this for me, though.

We set up a reference for Briggs with El Paso P.D. g*ng Unit.

If Markham calls, you're gonna want to answer that.

I get to talk shit about Paul?

[Seagull crying]

No sign of Markham?

If he knew this place existed, don't you think he'd make a move to shut it down like he did with the buses?

Well, he still might.

Couple more days, see if he makes a play.

Couple days?

These aren't g*ns in crates or dr*gs in shipping containers.

These are girls, and they're locked up in there like cattle.

If we don't get all the guys, there's just gonna be more girls, okay?

I don't like the cost of this either.

You don't even know the costs.

Yes, I do.

Then act like it.

Need some company?


I'll call you if there's any movement.

[Engine turning over]



This is Paul West... just transferred in from El Paso.

Six years on the border, Chicago before that.

Which one was tougher?

Yeah, I hear Chi-town's pretty nasty.

Yeah, Chi-town is pretty nasty, but the border's worse.

We had Wells running gangs out there, but shit wasn't easy.

He'll be a floater in gangs and narcotics until we can find a regular assignment for him.

Yeah, I heard you guys took down 50 members of the Familia cartel in a single bust.

Yeah, yeah, we keep busy.

Busy's good.

Yeah, I can handle any of the beat work, any of the tactical stuff, but my specialty is source work, So, if you have anything in play...

Like that attitude, but we're full up at the moment.

Give a holler if you need help getting around this place.

Will do.

Let me show you around.

All right.

Ask around on him.

Anyone new we look into.


[Slow rock music]

[Phone line trilling]

Uh, Wells here.

Wells, this is Archie Garrett from the LAPD g*ng Task Force.

How you doing?

I'm just calling about one of yours that just transferred in.

Yep, uh, that's Paul West.

Yeah, yeah, that's him.

Tell me something about him.

I mean, I've never had a guy work under me that pulls better numbers, I'll tell you that.

He is one of the best cops I've ever worked with.

One thing, though... he does suffer from what I like to call creativity.

Really? So he's a "think outside of the box" kind of guy?

Let me tell you a story.

Few years back, I'm undercover with the Catorce cartel.

I was about to get made by this former lineman.

West blows in, picks a fight with the guy just so I could keep my cover.

Busted three ribs and ruptured his spleen.

He'll do anything for the team.

All right, well, that's all I need. Thank you so much for your time.


Take care.

Nice accent.

That's how it's done.


What do you got?

Made a heat map from the GPS on Markham's cell.


Stuff you'd expect... work, gym, kid, school, et cetera.

What about his bank?

Banks, actually.

Bank of Los Angeles, Getty National.


Sort of.

LAPD makes direct deposits into bank of Los Angeles...


Which begs the question, why the hell would he go all the way across town for another account?

Maybe that's where he's keeping his cut from Solano.

It doesn't matter, because we can't get in there anyway, so...

Not without a warrant.

Unless you want to rob the joint.


Hey, what'd you find?

So, uh, he checks out.

I mean, they say that he's a good improviser.

He pulls really good numbers.

Check it out. He's loyal.

So what do you think? It seems legit.

Fine if it is, as long as he's not sniffing around after us.

You think this silence game works, Randy?

Only if you haven't been caught with ten kilos of cocaine on you.

If you set up the buy with the Santanas, I'll make this all go away.

[Scoffs] Like it's that easy, man.

Your brother know you're in here, huh?

Marcus... what is he, uh, 13 years old?

Your dad's in the pen.

You're the only one left to take care of him, right?

Who's gonna take care of him if you go away?

What kind of foster home you think he's gonna get stuck in?

Buddy of mine was... was shot. He was a cop.

That's what happens to cops.


Thing is, he had a kid, all right?

He was 11 years old... nicest kid, had to go to a foster home, went up with this family in Oxnard... sweet people, churchgoers.

The husband would take that kid into the garage every night, and he would do things to him.

No one knew till the poor kid blew his brains out on his 16th birthday.

So the point is...

You're not the only one doing hard time because of this.

You need to think about your little brother Marcus.


All right.

I'll do it.

I'll help you set up the buy.

Let's get Randy a phone.

It's the right move.


Hey, what's up, man? Uh, is Lucia here?


Look, hey, I just want to talk to Lucia, okay?

Hey, I'm a friend of Carlito's.

You know Carlito?


Get the girl.

Carlito's friend...

Where are my g*ns?

I don't know nothing about no g*ns, man.

You said Carlito's friend was bringing the g*ns.

Not him.

Simon's bringing them.

Then we have no need for you.

No, no, no, hey, look, look, look.

I could get you something for your trouble, something better than the g*ns.

Lucia, the safe... can you open it?

Yeah, but...

Nah, j... just open it.

You try anything funny, there'll be a hole where your brain used to be.

Get up.

Take this. Take it as a gift.

Let it not be said that the Solanos don't know how to treat their guests.



This is good shit.

Hey, hey, hey.

You take that coke, and you sell it.

We square.

It should make up for whatever you lost on the g*ns.

The coke is for our trouble.

But we still want our g*ns.

We'll call you when Simon gets here.

We'll wait.

By the time Edgar and I get through with this coke, the g*ns will be here.

I hope the g*ns are here, or we'll have a problem.

What happened in there?

What'd you see?

I saw... young, scared girls.

They stripped us down.

They took pictures... for inventory, I guess.

And then they'd make us line up when the men came.

The worst part was, was seeing these girls not know whether or not they wanted to be bought, hoping that where they were going was better than where they were.


No, don't apologize.

I'm just telling you why I can't leave them.

Here we go.

It's another buyer. Shit.

All right, that's good news.

Randy Demillo made good on his word.

He's got a meeting set up with the Santanas g*ng to make a big buy.

I'm gonna need some volunteers to go in on this op, mostly as cover.

[Engine turning over]

[Engine turning over]

We got to make sure he doesn't get word back to Sulla. Let's go.

Federal officers.

How can I, uh, help you, officers?

I need to ask you about your relationship with this young girl.

This is my daughter.

I'm about to take her home.

Is this your father?

Officer Jakes, will you please take this young girl back to our car?

Where are you taking her?

We have to ask you a few questions.

Look, I didn't do anything wrong.

You're assaulting a federal officer.

She was smiling. She wanted to come with me.

Piece of shit!

[Grunting] No... ah...

All right, all right, Paige, Paige, we got him.

Piece of shit!

We got him. We got him.

Okay. It's okay. We got him, all right?

We got him.



Hands behind your back, sir.

Come on, sir, get on your feet, please.

We're gonna get our bank entry.


5:00 this morning, Secret Service got a call from Getty National.

Apparently one of their night depositors slipped in a fake $100 bill.

They're interested because it's one of the new ones.

You got to be kidding me.


I mentioned we were working a counterfeit case and begged my way on to their investigation.

Oh, how convenient.

Counterfeit $100 bill just falls from the sky?

Mm. It was a gift from the heavens.

You used to be a good little boy scout.

What happened?

I still am.

I'm just working on some of the advanced badges.

Good of you to jump in, first day and all.

Just trying to make myself useful.

Got to make sure we don't become obsolete, don't we?

So, since you're learning the lay of the land still, I'm just gonna put you on support.

You sure? I'm happy to be down on the front lines.

Ah, easy. My team's, uh, on the front lines.

It's just the way we work.

All right.

But what's that saying?

No small parts, just small players.






What the hell is this?

Diego said that Carlito was selling him some sort of military-grade weapons.

Okay, then w... when are the g*ns supposed to get here?

Johnny, there are no g*ns.

What do you mean "there are no g*ns"?

I overheard Carlito saying that they got blown up in a shipment or something. I don't...

I don't know, but I don't think there are any.

Then what the hell are we stalling for?

The man that my father usually sends for these things wasn't available, so he sent Simon from Mexico.

Time's up.


[Doorbell rings]

Stay put.

Is that him?

He's here.

You got the g*ns?

Where's Lucia?

[Snaps fingers]

You all right?

I'm just glad you're here.


Cut them out of these, now.

You're late, and then you start barking orders at us?

Mr. Solano will not be happy to hear about how you treated his daughter.


Our g*ns.

The m4 as*ault r*fle... gas-operated, magazine-fed.

A thing of beauty.

I'm sorry that I've dragged you into all this...

All this mess.

Hey, let's get you out of here before the police come.

Where can we go?

I'm not sure yet.

Um, how about a hotel?

They came to my house.

They're gonna find me in some stupid hotel.

Okay, okay, okay. What about a friend's house?

I can't put anyone else in danger.

You should probably just go.

Look, I'm not just gonna leave you.




Come on, I got somewhere we can go, okay?

Come on.

Ms. Wilson?

Yes, how can I help you?

Mike Warren, FBI. This is Special Agent DeMarco.

Would you be able to point us in the direction of the Secret Service?

Yes, of course, Agent Warren. Please, follow me.

So we're gonna put a wire on Randy, and when the buy is a go, we're gonna hop...

Whoa, whoa, wire?

You ain't say nothing about no wire.

Well, Randy, we got to get the buy on tape.

We need ears in there, too, in case anything happens to you, man.

Man, I was in there with Kyle when he did a deal with the triad.

Dude thought he was wearing a wire and blew his head off.

Randy, Randy.

Listen, man, you got to relax, okay?

We're gonna be right there.

Everything's gonna be fine, all right?

Let me see the wire.

Oh, hell, no. Hell, no.

If it was a pin or some watch or some shit, but I'm not wearing no crapped-out wire from 1976.

Randy, Randy, Randy, come on, we had a deal, pal.

My deal was to get you to meet.

No. No.

Now, if I go in and get my head blown off, who's gonna take care of my brother?

I'll wear the wire.

Hey, I worked the Santanas down in El Paso, you know.

Read Randy's case file. Let me make the buy.

Slow down. Slow down, West.

They only do business in Tagalog.

Randy won't do it.

I know enough that I can make this happen.

So you speak, um, Tagalog.

[Speaking Tagalog]


Come on, coach, you said you need these dr*gs before they hit the streets, right?

Randall, what's the password?

It's "advantage red shell toe."

Tell Kyle that's what you're looking for.

Do it. Go ahead, suit up.


All right.


Just, uh...

Just give me a sec, okay?

What if she says no?

I'll make sure she doesn't.

[Car door opens, beeping]

[Dog barking]

[Doorbell rings]

Hi, ma.

Three months.

Three months I don't hear from you.

And now you just drop by.

Hi, ma.

"Hi, ma"? That's all you have to say to me?

No, I just...

I called you.

I know you did. I know.

Broke my phone, right, and I've been working and...

No, no.

What happened to your face?

Nothing, ma.

Did you hurt yourself?

I'm okay.

Are you... you're in trouble.


No, I promise, okay?

But my friend...

She needs a place to stay for the night.

You bringing trouble into my home?

Why do you always go there?

She's just somebody who needs a little decency today.

What do you say? Yeah?

Get in here.

I love you.

Thank you.

Ms. Wilson, we also need a list of all the deposits made in the last 24 hours.

Then hopefully, we can see where this counterfeit bill came from.

Of course.

[Keys clacking]

Here you are.

Could I see the counterfeit bill, please?

Yes, I think Ms. Lankton has it over there.

Thank you.

[Copier humming]

[Reggaeton music playing]

You looking for something in particular?

We got a sale on Chucks right now.

Actually, I'm looking for the, uh, advantage red shell toes, you know?

[Chuckles] What's this shit?

Where's Randy?

Randy reports to me now. I'm Paul.

There's been a change in management.

I don't care who you are, Paul.

I deal with Randy.

No Randy, no sale.

Okay, maybe this might change your mind now.

Sorry you came all this way with all this cash, but no deal without my boy.

Vince, see Paul out.

[Speaking Tagalog]


That's a neat trick, but I only deal with people I know.


Mother... are you wearing a wire?

Yeah, I'm wearing a wire.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's he doing?

Did he just tell them he was wearing a wire?

Go! Come on, go, go!

You're under arrest.

You don't got shit on me.

Ha. We'll see about that.

Get up. Get up.

These are all Sid's?




It's one hell of a parachute.

You believe me now?

Hey, West.


I find these help.


Slick work out there today.

Oh, thanks.

You know, shit went South, so I had to improvise.

I hope I didn't step on your toes.

You kidding me? Job got done. That's what matters.

I could use a guy like you.

Is that an offer?


Let's go grab a beer, yeah?

Yeah, I'll be right back up.

I just got to wash off the stink of the day.

Oh, my God. [Laughter]

I never thought of making it with tomatillos, but I like the tartness.

My father taught me.

Always says, best way to have what you want, make it yourself.



You know, my son cooks.



Look at me. Don't tell that story.


Don't tell her, ma.

So I come home from work...


And I bring home a box of paas, and I told him to make the eggs so we can dye them.

I was seven years old.

I know.

So I'm in the bathroom, and I hear what sounds like g*nshots.

We lived in a bad neighborhood then.

So I run into the kitchen to make sure that my boys aren't hit by any stray fire.

Of course.

Then I see that it's not g*nf*re, but... [Laughs]

But eggs... eggs exploding in the microwave.



It was like pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pow!

Pa, pa, pa, pa, pow! Pow!

It's so funny.

It ain't that funny.

[Laughs] It's really funny.

First time my son made eggs. You did good.

So, yo, I'm good at pancakes, right?

Tell her, ma.

Yeah, h... he's good at pancakes.

Really? You're gonna do that, ma?

Throw me under the bus.

Oh. [Chuckles]

I like a man who can laugh at himself.


When I was a kid...


Me and my friends would sit right here and drink 40s.

[Both chuckle]


We would talk all this big talk about how much money we were gonna make and all the crazy shit we were gonna do.

Oh, yeah?

What kind of crazy shit?

I don't know.

Build something that people would never forget.

What does that look like?

Mm, I'm still kind of working on it.

[Both laugh]

Why do you want to work with my brother?

He does nothing of meaning.

I think you're wrong.

I think the guy's got a vision.

Is it all business, befriending him?

You disapprove?

Of their business?




Everything that happened back there is what their business brings.

I want no part in it, and I wish I would stop getting dragged into it.


So what's your angle with me?

Same thing... help me in order to ingratiate yourself into my father's business?


Nah, with you...

I got no angle.

Sid will eventually make a mistake.


We just got to wait around until he does.

His team's running clean ops, and I can't connect him to the girls.

If he was working with Solano before.

He seems to have pressed pause or retired altogether.

I don't know.

You don't just retire.

You do if you're on a winning streak and you got a ton of cash in safety deposit boxes.

You step off the table.

If he's out, I'm not sure what we'll nail him on.

Well, maybe you can force him back through sheer will.

[Scoffs] No.

No, you said it before.

We rob the bank.

Yeah, okay.

If his nest egg goes up in smoke, he's got to make a move.

We're not gonna rob a frickin' bank, Mike.

Not us, bank robbers.

[Whispers] Pop.


We just piggyback the thing, point them in the direction of all this cash.

We make it a legitimate cover.

Some crew we want to arrest... they hit the bank, we wrap 'em up.

All that money is evidence and gone.

You're both losing it.

No, actually, he's finding it, Chuck.

That could work, Mike. And, you know, we know a guy who runs with that kind of crew.

You mean Billy?

Yeah. He's undercover with the wolf pack that does jobs for hire.

Are you two serious?

What do you think, Charlie?

Feel like paying a visit to Billy?

[Bottle thuds on table] [Sighs]

[Car beeping]

What's up?

We picked up a call an hour ago on Sulla's burner.


No. Carlito Solano.




A week and nothing from you?

Lock the place down. No one in or out.

My business is in and out.

If you're not shut down, it's because the FBI hasn't found you.

I think we'd both like to keep it that way.

No in and out means we don't make money.

We'll make money when I say.


He's locking it down.

We need to take Sulla now.

We need to get him to roll on Carlito.

That's assuming that Sulla's gonna play ball.

You met this guy. That's a gamble.

One worth taking.

Look, there's no way to know that Carlito isn't watching this place.

This is great, but it doesn't tie both of them to all this.

If we shut it down now, this whole thing could blow up.

We need to wait until Carlito reopens the pipeline.

We don't know how long that's gonna take, Mike, and the girls that are in there... we're gonna have it surrounded.

The girls aren't going anywhere.

But that doesn't stop what's happening to them on the inside.

We can't shut it down now, but I can find a way to get eyes in there.

Yo, you need to call Pink Dot next time you want a delivery.

Thanks, man. I couldn't get away.

It's all good.

So what's up with the, uh, Solano bloodbath?

Oh, God, dude.

Sh... was crazy.


That girl's in real danger.

Yeah, well, did she head back down to Mexico, see daddy? [Laughs]


You didn't.

Tell me you didn't.

I couldn't just leave her there, man.

She's here?

She's here?

This is not like taking a stray dog home, man.

You're putting your mom in serious danger.

What do you want me to do?

I couldn't take her anywhere.

I couldn't take her to Graceland.

I couldn't take her to a hotel.

You cannot mix work and life, especially something that's so off the books.

Listen to me, man, if she's an asset, you can't get involved, period.

So rent her a car, put her on a train, piggyback her back to the border.

Just get rid of her.

Get rid of her, man.

All right. All right.

All right.

Get rid of her.


[Rock music]

What is it?
