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02x06 - The Unlucky One

Posted: 07/24/14 01:49
by bunniefuu
Previously on Graceland...

Do we really think that these white girls are involved with the Solano cartel?

You don't use ass like that to hold the product.

Ass like that is the product.

Take this, and go to Sylmar, okay?

And I will find you. I promise.

Want to help me follow some human traffickers?

I need backup.

Honey, I know what you're doing here.

How much heroin have you swallowed?

I don't know what you talk about.

To the bathroom, come on.

It's okay. It's okay.

Gonna take you to the washroom.



Jakes, one of the balloons ruptured in her stomach.

She's seizing.

Come out nice and slow.

What's this about, sir?

I've got a warrant for your arrest.

A warrant? For what?

Violating a restraining order.

[Taser clicking]

Okay, Jakes, I'm gonna take Anica's place.

I'm gonna wear the wire.


[Tires screeching]

Everyone move, now.

Carlito's not coming.

We need to lock down that evidence.

Nobody even knew Carlito was coming here until I announced it on the radio.

This leak is one of ours. We can't trust anyone.

I'm gonna get to the bottom of this.

Hey, Lawrence.

Did you get any rest?

No, I like my own bed.

I hear you.

What is this place?

It's a crime scene. The owner's in jail.

And I checked to see if local P.D. or the feds or anyone were watching.

They're not.

This is the safest place you can be right now.


If you think this place is safe, you don't know who the hell you're dealing with.

Why don't you tell me who I'm dealing with?

Okay, okay.

Let's just start from the beginning.

How'd the buses work?

You know all about the buses.

Indulge me.

There were two.

Solano had a real bus, 118.

It was duplicated down to the scratches.

It was set up to carry contraband.

They'd load it up in Mexico, swap it into rotation.

It'd make it's run up here.

We'd unload it and send it back.

And if anything got hot, you'd put the real bus back into circulation.

That's it.


How about the girls?

How do they factor into all this?

I think it was Carlito's thing.

I don't know.


I don't think you quite understand the situation here.

I'm the only friend you have left.

Everyone's gone.


Who told you we were coming?

I got a call.

They told me to blow the barrels.

Who called?

Just a voice.

No name?



We both know Solano's got somebody on the law enforcement side.

Somebody sure as hell protects him.

What agency was he with?

Look, I don't know anything, all right?

Solano kept everything compartmentalized, need-to-know, that sort of thing.

All I was told is he had some sort of angel custodio... guardian angel.

Well, someone is making sure that I can't tie any of this back to Solano, so you're all I have left.

And I don't know shit.


We're gonna have to pick this up later.

Hey, what are you doing?

What... what are you doing?

I've told you everything I know.

Have you?


I don't know about that.

At least uncuff me.

I'm not going anywhere.


I think you're smart enough not to run, but I know if you can trust yourself.

Now you don't have to worry about it.

If the balloon broke, she'd be sick or dead.

Maybe the last one just hasn't come out yet.

She's been here, what, eight hours?

It would have passed by now.

[Breathing heavily]

What's your name?



Explain to me why I'm missing a balloon, Anica.

I know nothing. This is all.

"This is all"?

I see.

[Breathing heavily]

You hiding something from me, pretty?


Mexico shorted us.

They've never shorted us before.

Call Carlito.

They put ten balloons inside of you, we have a problem, Anica.

[Line trilling]

No answer?

No, not at all.

Let's go.


[Indistinct chatter]


Take off your clothes.

I emailed my family on computer...

Get undressed.

To tell them I'm safe.

Get undressed.

You know what happens to girls who don't listen?

They get punished...

No citizenship.

Do you want to be an American?

You're hurting me.

No, I'm teaching you.

Get undressed.

[Drawer opens]

[Drawer closes]

You're a happy girl.


[Camera shutter clicks]

[Meandering music playing on TV]

Michael Warren, our hero of the day.

There's no heroes here.

Come on.

We just shut down the largest smuggling corridor since Laredo.

Are you serious? We got nothing.

They literally burned everything.

And we have pictures of burning dr*gs and buses.

We can sell this as a major takedown, our major takedown.

So we just keep smiling and climbing, huh?

Come back to D.C. with me.

We can take a victory lap.


Somebody in law enforcement tipped off Solano.

Okay, you don't know that.

Yes, I do.

Prove it.

It had to be somebody on our side.

I don't know exactly how many people we had.

32, between the agencies, all the locals, the logistics, and tactical.

I'm gonna need workups on all of them.

Can't you get somebody else to work on this?


Come back with me.

I'll think about it.

[Telephone ringing]

All right, all right. I'm coming.


Hey, it's me.

Where are you?

I'm in jail.

Jesus, Dale, what the hell did you do?

Listen to me. Have you heard from Paige?

No. What's going on, Jakes?

Wait. Okay, so Jakes got brought in for what?

He didn't say.

Paige isn't answering her phone.

All right, I'm gonna call and see if I can get whatever calvary to go look for her.

No, Warren, you're not.

Like hell I'm not.

Now, look, D.J. had to have Paige wired, right?

The receiver's in the truck.

Me and Charlie will get the truck.

I'll go.

You're too hot, Mike.

Of course I'm hot.

Briggs, do you understand what this could mean?

You're not thinking, okay?

Charlie and I will get the truck.

Johnny, do you want to go get D.J. out of lockup?

Yeah, on it.

Johnny, I'm going with you.

All right, but I'm driving.

Let's go.

[Car horns blaring]

[Dramatic music]

Oh, my God.


[Siren wailing]

Baby, don't go there, okay?

We don't know what's going on yet.

Badging our way into their crime scene might not be our smartest play.

Let me run recon, all right?

Jesus. What happened?

They found a body in the John.


Looks like someone OD'd.


Man, woman?


Mm. That's a damn shame.

Thanks, man.

It has to be the girl she was working.

They claim he violated some kind of restraining order.

They had to tase his dumb ass.

Yo, what happened?

Hey, where is she?

I don't know.

You were with her, weren't you?

Yeah, and then I was in jail, so, obviously, I lost track of her.

Why did you bring him?

He just came.

Okay, so why were guys in Sylmar without a cover team to begin with?

Your girlfriend made the call.

Paige does not have that kind of authority.

Your other girlfriend.

Ooh, Jessica?

Whatever p*ssy he's up in, I don't get involved, man.

All right, listen to me.

Team or no team, you were supposed to have her back.

Mike, calm down.

Guys, hey, hey. Chill.

We're not gonna find Paige yelling at each other in a parking lot.

We better find her, or that's on you.

[Device rewinding]

Jakes, one of the balloons ruptured in her stomach.

She's seizing.

She's dead.

Okay, Jakes, I'm gonna need you to roll with me with this, okay?

I'm gonna take Anica's place. I'm gonna wear the wire, okay?

I need you to follow me.


She went in as the dead girl.


Get in line.

[Speaking Russian]

Let's go. Quick.

Quick, quick. Quick!

Who's getting lucky?

One of you.



Take your time.

Got young girls, younger girls, a couple newborns, plenty young chicken.

Bite your cheek.

Bite your cheek so hard that it bleeds and then cough.


Is she sick?

My girls are clean.

You like four. Take number four.

Another time.

[Door closes]

No, we got to go up as far as Palmdale and as far down as Glendale.

Yeah, but it makes no sense.

They ship the girls to Sylmar just to haul them all the way back south.

How do you want to do this?


Paige is a pro.

She knows the drill.

She'd have sent up a flare, right?

She thought I was tailing.

She wouldn't know to signal.

Jesus Christ, she's out there all alone.

She could already...


Yeah, we don't know anything yet.

We know enough.

These guys were looking for a Russian girl packed full of drug balloons.

If she wasn't exposed already, it's only a matter of time.

Thank you, Einstein.

That's why we got to start combing.

Paige spent weeks looking for these girls.

She didn't find anything.

So that's it, Mike?

That's unbelievable.

Mikey Mike, what's going on with you, man?

Buses got burned.

There were 32 people on our operation that night.

It had to be one of them that tipped off the Solanos.

You think someone in law enforcement is in their pocket?

Yes, I do, and I have Lawrence.

I'm holding him.

Holding him?

What do you mean you're holding him?

Once I found out we were dealing with corrupt law enforcement, I didn't know what else to do with him.

Are you telling me that you kidnapped this guy, Mike?

Briggs, he knows about the girls.

He knows where they are?

He might.

He might.

What does that mean exactly?

It means that I've taken him as far as I can.

I need you to come with me.


Who are you?

I'm here to set you free, Lawrence.

Oh, great.

Got the key, Mike?


Oh, good.

Can I go, please?

Yeah, yeah.

You can... you can go.

I just have one question I need answered first.

I told him everything. I told him everything I know.



Where are the girls?

I don't know.

You know, you only get one shot at this, Lawrence.

You should use it well.

I don't know.

I need, like, an address, a name, a phone number, you know, something like that.

Help me out, man.

Come on.

Hmm, okay.

Hold his head back, Mike.


Mike, hold his head back right now.

What are you doing?

No, no, no, no! No, no, no.

What are you doing? Don't do this.

You know what this is?

Oh, no, man!


Yeah, it's your old mistress.

I've been 16 years sober, man!

Please don't do this to me!


Where are they?

I don't know! I really don't know!


Why don't I believe you? Here...

Wrap this around his face.

Hold it tight at the back of his head.

Oh, please don't do this.

No! No, no.



Please don't do this.

[Grunting and coughing]



How long do you want to do this, huh, Lawrence?

[Gasping, panting]





He knows.

What if he doesn't?

Mike, he knows where Paige is.

I'm telling you, man. He knows.




[Grunting, gagging]

I need an address.

I need a phone number, a name, something.

Give it to me, man.


[Bottle rattles]


Where is she, Lawrence?

[Gasping, panting]


I don't know.


No, no, okay, okay. I can call.

Call who?

They won't talk to just anybody, man.


[Coughs] You have to be introduced.


And then what?

Then we can buy girls?



Make the call.

You lost me money today.

Don't hurt me.

Don't hurt you?

One day I will stop investing in you, and then...

[Russian accent] Lina disappear.

[Normal voice] I don't you want to disappear.


Do you understand? Do you understand?


What are you doing?

Little white knight coming in to save the day?

Is that it?

That's it.



The boss man, he wants to talk to you.


Let her go.


[Door closes]

Hey, are you okay?

I don't understand.

Why don't your people come for us?

I don't know.

They should've been here by now.

No, no, no, it's okay.

I'm gonna get us out of here.


I'll find a way.


I'll find a way.



All right.

Okay, got it. Thanks.

Cielo Motel... tomorrow, noon, room four.

Off of Pike Route. Bring money.

How much?

20k to walk away with a girl.

What's the seller's name?


That's all I know.


Oh, yeah, and there's a website, too, so you can, uh, browse.

Yeah, we're gonna need that too.

What are we gonna do with him?

We can't cut him loose, though, not yet.

I guess I just...

I didn't think...

You didn't think? You didn't think what?

This is why you came to me.

So, hey, you did it. Own it.

We let Lawrence sit tight for a while.

Once we get Paige back, then we draw up an exit plan.


Sulla says, "buyer comes tomorrow."

If we don't sell... you're not gonna be here tomorrow.

We're getting out tonight.

I'm scared.

So am I.

That's not gonna stop us, okay?

When I go, you follow me.


Just don't look back.

So noon at the motel.

Our guess is that the motel is just a pickup point.

Yeah, then Mike gets taken somewhere else to pick up the girls.

Yeah, well, what about taking them down at the motel?


Johnny, we just said the motel is a pickup point!

Paul, relax. We're on the same team here.

That's a valid question, Paul.

Okay, well, the details matter.

Attempting a takedown at the motel could jeopardize Paige's life.

How about that?

Yeah, way too many variables.

Okay, let's just be ready to get mobile fast.

Y'all get y'all info from a distillery or something?

You reek.

Suddenly found all this Intel?

Now's not the time, Chuck.

You want to start working on this man's cover, please?

Well, all right, I figure this trafficker doesn't just sell to anybody.

Yeah, someone with cash but not flashy, Chuck.

A few priors for solicitation, maybe a red flag as a sex offender.

Let's just not scare him away.


[Keys clacking]

[Mouse clicking]

This way.


We go back.


This is the fastest way out.


Come on. Hurry up.







Trust is good for both of us, yeah?

He's clean.

Where are the girls?

Let's take a ride.

[Engine turns over]


Where do they come from?

I don't know.

Where do little girls come from... storks, under cabbage leaves?


She's my newest.

Had to wrap her legs. She's a thoroughbred.

I'll take her.

A man that knows what he wants.

Okay. Everyone else, TV.


Come on.

Get off me! I'm not going!

Don't fight it. You're the winner, babe.

Being with me is not that bad, okay?

It's okay.

Sometimes they just need to know their place.

Hold her up, Miles.

Can I have a minute with her?

She's afraid.


No. No!



[Clicking tongue]

Where's the team?

What are you doing?

Bring the team in now.

I told Lina I wouldn't leave her.

I don't have money for both of you.

Then shut this place down.

Just come on.

We'll regroup outside, okay? Come on.

Oh, God, Mike.

You want to keep this place running.

I have to.


I don't know what kind of bullshit plan you have, but I will scream that I'm a DEA agent right now to get the team in here.

There is no team. It's just me.

Then leave me. Take Lina.


Buy Lina.

Then get me out when you shut this place down.

Buy Lina, Mike.

I'll talk to Sulla.

Buy her.


[Pounds on door]

She won't listen to reason, but I like her.

Bring her.

No. No, no!


No. No!

No, you g*dd*mn bastard.


[Grunts and gasps]

No, no. No, you bastard.


[Truck door closes]

You left me no choice in there.

Paige, everything burned, literally.

All the evidence, burned.

Carlito's gone.

That place is the last link that I have to the Solano cartel and these guys that are protecting him.

Oh, right. You don't even know that.

A cop or someone tipped off Carlito that we were gonna be there.

This thing... this thing is bigger than we ever thought, all right?

It's bigger than those girls.

It's bigger than buses, and if I shut that place down, we have nothing.


Paige, just give me a couple days, all right?

I got to figure out what the hell's going on here, and then I'll go back in there.

I'll pull Lina out.

I'll shut the whole place down.

You have my word, all right?

Your word is shit.


[Melancholy piano music]

All right.

It's about time.

[Handcuffs clicking]



Oh, oh.

What the hell's this?

Passport, some traveling cash.

Where am I going?

Get to Union Station.

Get on a train. Go somewhere.

Don't come back.

Listen to me.

Don't call anyone. Don't make a ripple.

You just go.

Got it.

Douche bag.

Paige is boiling right now.


You know, uh...

She said this guy Sulla called Carlito.

She might not like it, but Mike's right.

The place could be our way back into Solano.

How'd you get the meet with the sex traffic scumbag?

Just skip all the bullshit.

Mike picked up Lawrence to question him about our insider.

He knew where Paige was, but he wasn't talking.

So what did you do to him?

What did you do?

Stop playing with my head.

Tell me.

We all have a breaking point, Charlie, so I broke him.

I poured his demons right down his throat, and now we have Paige back.

Did you k*ll him?


I hurt him.


Do you hate me?


I can't forgive you for what I don't know.

How's Paige?

She's tough.

Hell of a lot tougher than I am.

Not tougher than all of us.

What about D.C.?

I'm staying here. [Chuckles]



If you don't come back, you and me are...

I know.

You know, it's funny.

When I first met you, I thought the director's chair would be all you'd ever want.

So did I.

Your workups are in the living room, all of them.


Good-bye, Agent Warren.

[Door closes]

Bye, Jess.

Back to D.C., huh?

Talk to Jessica?

No, I just heard they were gonna throw you, like, a ticker tape parade.

I figured you couldn't resist.

Yeah, but we didn't accomplish anything.

Oh, yes, the hell we did.

We got Paige back, stopped the buses.

Yeah, but we never connected them to Solano, didn't arrest anyone.

The Warren-colored glasses are dashed and broken, huh?

These guys are just gonna find another way to get everything across the border... the dr*gs and the g*ns and girls.

So you're telling me that D.C. is really all about hollow victories and career advancement, Agent Warren?

[Cell phone vibrating]


That's terrible news.

Yeah. Yeah, thanks for the call.


Lawrence is dead... at his house.

They got him.


[Indistinct radio chatter]

Can I help you?

What happened here?

What are you, a journalist?

Mike Warren, FBI.

[Chuckles] Well, I feel like a d*ck.

I'm Lieutenant Sid Markham, head of the g*ng Task Force.

How can I help you?

This guy's a person of interest in a case I've been working on.

You mean was.

What do you got?

It's pretty.

That's your drop g*n. Garden-variety cartel hit.

Which cartel do you guys think this was?

Walk with me, would you?

[Clears throat] You know, that guy was a foreman at the maintenance yard that burned down.

Weren't you guys behind that?

That was us.

Well, my guess is, he was wrapped up tight with Solano, and they were tying up loose ends.

Well, if this thing came all the way down from Solano, it could have been any of their people, right?

Sure, sure.

But it's a start, and we're on it.

Let me give you my card.

Cell's on the back, 24-7, 365.

Keep in touch, Agent Warren.



Can I... ?

[Breathes deeply]

You ever have to apologize, but, um, shit is so messed up, so completely turned upside down, that you know there's just nothing you can say to make it right?

I don't have much that was my mom's, but, um, you know, this was just sitting in the drawer, and I know, uh, she's a dancer.


Lina is a dancer.

[Music box tune tinkling]

So I just thought, um...

I don't know what I thought.

I just, uh, thought you might want to have it until you get her back.

The ballerina doesn't spin, but I like the song, so...


[Voice breaking] Paige, I am so, so sorry.

What are we doing?

Jakes, if we're not... if we're not fighting for her, then who... who are we fighting for?



I don't know, love. I don't...

I don't really know.


Mikey Mike, what's up?

Cartel-style hit on Lawrence, so says the head of the LAPD g*ng Task Force.

I made a friend.

Who's this?

Detective Sid Markham.

He's our insider.

In the flesh at our crime scene?


How do you know that?

I looked into everyone who was part of our prep team for the bus op, DEA, us, LAPD.

Detective Archie Garrett, Sid's second-in-command at GTF.

And, uh, this Garrett, he was there at the ops.

He was right across from me.

This is how Carlito knew we were waiting for him.

Briggs, I saw it in his eyes.

The LAPD g*ng Task Force... Mike, they roll with a big army.

I know. [Chuckles]

And we are gonna burn them to the ground.