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01x11 - Happy Endings

Posted: 09/07/13 12:42
by bunniefuu
Previously on Graceland.

You're Odin Rossi.

Always have been.

Why is that we can never get eyes on Odin?

Not a single photo, print, voice recording, nothing?

You said you wanted to help Briggs, not investigate him.

Odin Rossi's Mark.

You know him?

We'd like to meet him.

What's in it for me?

Paul Briggs is not a criminal.

Couple years back, Caza grabbed him.

They tortured him and made him a junkie then they just opened the door and let him walk out.


Rafael Cortes.

You federale?

Maybe we can work together.

You think Odin Rossi is an FBI agent?


Where is Odin Rossi?

You think I would help you?



You're gonna help me get Briggs.

No, I'm not.

This agent Juan Badillo.

I am about to approach agent Paul Briggs.

I am undercover as the Caza mercenary known as Jangles.

You are looking for me, right?

[Laughs] Yeah.

Stay back.

g*ns now?


I've been investigating you for the past three month.

The agent that gave me this assignment, he's missing, and the FBI thinks you're responsible.

They think you might have been wearing a wire and that the disappearance might be on a tape in his car.

If Briggs did do it, we keep an eye on him.

He could lead us right to Juan's car.

[Intense music]


Oh... Oh, man.

Hey. Hey.

What time is it?

I don't know.

I couldn't sleep.

I must have fallen asleep with the TV on.


You headed out?


Nah, it gets chilly down here at night.

You know how it is.


Well, get some rest, huh.

Yeah, you too.

All right.


Are ninjas attacking the house?


That's the only g*dd*mn reason I can think of you coming in here like this.

No, dj, I need your help, man.

I'm calling in that favor you owe me.

How bad is it?

All I need is for a car to disappear in the way only a customs agent knows how: Across the border.

That's it?

Mmhmm, that's it.

Hmm, all right.

No, no, no. Not now.

In the morning.

Not n... why did you wake me up?

Well, I had to talk to you before the day got started, man.

Do you know how to text message?

Okay, all right, my bad.

Go back to sleep.

Why couldn't it have been ninjas?

All right, we have a magnetic GPS tracker.

It looks like a rusty piece of crap.

Yeah, it'll blend right in with this thing.

I learned from what happened with Lauren.

Hmm, we go to all this trouble to make sure that nobody follows us to Graceland, and then we end up following ourselves.

I don't like it either, but I saw Briggs last night.

He was wearing a hoodie.

He was wearing a hoodie?


Wow, that is just the telltale sign of a master criminal.

He was dressed to go out, he saw me, and he turned right around.

I can't keep track of him forever.

I'm not doing it.

I'm wounded.

Are you playing the "I got stabbed" card right now?

It's a good card.


The things I do for you.

Thank you.

You know that?

Good morning.

Well, that took a little piece of my soul.

I know the feeling.

Come on.

[Upbeat music]

Come on, challenge me.

A helicopter.

Come on, man.

I could do that in my sleep.

I am a pancake-making pimp, son.

How about a self-portrait?

You saying you want to eat me?

Because I don't know how to feel about that, bro.


Yo, fresh johnnycakes.

Good morning.

Order up.


Now, that's a challenge.

One octopus coming up.

Anything for me?

A spaceship.

That's a spaceship.

Yeah, it's death star-style, bro.

Do you like it?

'Cause I could take it back.

No, it's fine.

Pass the syrup.

Oh, yeah, by the way, today's my last day of my bird-smuggling case.

I really could use a hand.

[In Jamaican accent] Is a Jamaican accent required?

I'm tempted to say yes just to hear you do that again, but no.

You're good.

Well, I got nothing on the docket today.

I can help out.


All right.

Johnny, I'll eat you another day.

Stop it.

That is one fine-looking octopus.

You're damn right it is.

I figured you'd be less interested in birds and more interested in a missing FBI agent.

I meant what I said, Mike.

I'm staying as far away from that thing as possible.

I mean, look, Mike, if there is a recording in that car, find it, please.

Clear my name.

If anyone can do it, it's you.

Yo, man, you mind driving?

Your party all right.

[Seagulls squawking]

Hey, any movement?

Nope, so either Briggs and Jakes are having a picnic in the parking lot...

[Laughs] That's an adorable mental image, thank you.

Or they took Jakes' truck.

It could have been an innocent decision.


How many of those do you think Briggs has made in his life?

Well, whatever he's up to, it's out of our control now.

So let's just focus on what we can control.

We need to find Juan's car before they do.

I thought you were lying about these parrots.

I'm on a clock, bro.

Gotta maintain the alibi, right?


Good, because I really want to be done with these friggin' birds.

Yo, what's the beef with you and Johnny, huh?

Doesn't matter.

He'll get over it.

Uh, you did punch him in the face, dj.

Ha, that was like a birthday present to myself.


He caught me at a bad time.

I had just come back from Cassandra's.

Oh, that doesn't sound good.

Whatever you're picturing, ten times worse.

I was drunk and angry, and I made a fool of myself.


So what now?

I don't know, man.

You know, I left cassandra to protect her and Daniel.

Now I feel like a ghost that haunts them.

Still, you did the right thing.

You know, this job does things to us.

It's best not to drag them down with you.

Yeah, easier said than done.

Still, you should let her go.

Yeah, like you let go of Lisa?


We are two hopeless sons of b*tches.

[Parrot squawks]

Don't repeat that.

[Brooding music]

[Upbeat rock music]

Where are you going?


Feel like helping me out, then?

Oh, Johnny, pay the g*dd*mn deposit already.

Charlie, I'm not made of money, and can you step off?

Oh, were you saying that to all the strippers that were bouncing around in here?

Oh, I'm sorry, were those nice, innocent strippers the ones who broke it?

You pushed me too far, and I popped.

You popped. That's funny.

It's a funny choice of words you use.

You know, Jakes' freaking dead to me, but you, you, baby, you hurt me.

All right.

This hurts.

I'm not proud about what I did to the bounty house, all right?

But I'm not gonna apologize either, 'cause you know what?

I've been waiting for somebody to sit down and help me with this Odin case, and nobody stepped up.

We were having a party.

A party?

The party is over. It's been over.

Has anybody lifted a finger to help me?

I rest my case.

This was the estate, huh?

Mmhmm, sh... The place was a legend.

Hell of a group of agents they picked.

It was like being one of the original astronauts.

Wish I'd had a chance to work here.

You'd have burned to death if you had.

I guess so.

The car we're looking for is a black crown Vic.

Should be in this area.

All right, there's over 100 boats leaving L.A. today.

I'll make sure it's on one of them.

Yeah, before you do, I need to grab something that's inside it, though, okay?

All right.

Hey, how long you said the car was parked here for?

A couple of days.

Why? You think it got towed?


It might've been jacked, though.

Glass from a crown Vic.


You know what g*ng territory we're in?

The mongrels?

I just found Juan's car.

This is from a gas station in long beach.

Briggs looks different than I remember.

Doesn't mean he's not involved.


But it's a good sign.

Who's the guy?

FBI's identified him as Clayton Anders.

He's member of the mongrels out in seal beach.

Smash-and-grab outfit.

Steal a car, use it in a crime, then ditch the ride.

Well, if he's still driving the thing... then he hasn't had it long, and he's not gonna have it much longer.

He bought his mom a house.

Criminal with a heart of gold.

Mmhmm, and a car and a mink.

Clayton's a momma's boy.

Who they can't seem to track down since his mom is not talking to the FBI.

Yeah, she's not gonna talk to any federal agents.

Come with me.

Where are we going?

You're going to get me pregnant.

It's good to meet in a nice place.

Helps you to relax.

I'm not sure drinking will do that, though.

You'd be surprised.

I feel like my wheels have been spinning on the Odin of it all, you know?

And if there's one thing I've learned about chasing Jangles all these years is, you can't let it consume you.

Too late.

You know, Odin's smack hit the streets.

Cost a good friend his life.

So it is revenge that drives you?


You know, he brings all this sh... around, and suddenly, he's gone.

Like, who does that?

Someone who knows what he's doing...

Like your FBI agent.

Does he suspect you know who he is?

I think he has an idea.

Have you told anyone you are working with me?

If anyone knew I was working with a federale, I would be the one they were deporting back to Mexico.



Well, then he has no idea who I am.

Perhaps I can track him, shadow his movements, follow him everywhere he goes, everyone he talks to.

That would mean I'd have to give you his name.


I have to get more evidence before I do that.


Why are you here?

I mean, seriously, why are you here?

To bring him in.

Are you sure about that?

You bet your ass.

How's this?

I show you everything I have on him, and we work from there.

Sure. What the hell.

We've covered, like, a five-block radius, man.

I don't know if we're gonna find this thing.

One of the mongrels must have grabbed it.

I mean, this just keeps getting worse.

Son of a bitch.

What's in the car, Briggs?

I can approach them under my old cover.

I could try to get tight with his crew.

Track down the car before they ditch it.

That works.

What's in the car?

Aa recording.

And what's on the recording?

I swear I would have never asked for your help if I thought it was gonna be more than making a car disappear.

Briggs, don't bullshit me.

It was an accident.

Briggs, tell me.


I k*lled an FBI agent, dj.


I was back at the estate... What's left of it anyway.

I was drunk.

I pissed off that I missed my chance to k*ll Jangles.

And then... and then Jangles himself walks up.

I mean, I thought the guy was gonna k*ll me.

We struggled.

The g*n went off.

I thought I'd finally got the bastard, you know?

But it wasn't Jangles.


Come on, man.

The agent was investigating me, okay?

He must have thought I was working with the Caza cartel or something.

I don't know.

He thought could get me to incriminate myself on tape.

Instead, he ended up getting himself k*lled.


You know, I've known you longer than anyone else in the house.

All right, I've seen you at your best and your worst, but this...

Let's find that damn recording.

Did they teach you to drink like this in the FBI, agent DeMarco?


[Laughs] Charlie.

It's my father's.

I'm the son he never had.

Anyway, I work at the bureau.

You know, it's a boys' club. It's better.

Yeah, well, I bet you can drink any of your colleagues under the table.

Anybody I work with.

Oh, yeah, for sure.

[Cell phone chiming]

Excuse me. Hello.

Ask, and you shall receive.

Can I call you back?

You said you wanted my help, right?

I mean, you got it.

Okay, what do you got?

Remember my C.I., Pepe?

He said he was at this party the other night when who does he run into but your old boy Quinn.

[Laughs] That's great, Johnny.

I don't know how I'm gonna pay you back.

Oh, yes, you do.

Yes, you do.

All right, listen.

If you can't fix thing thing, I'll give you half.

I'm sorry. Half?

Johnny, I'll call you back, all right?

Is everything okay?

Yeah, some scumbag who used to deal Odin's heroin just came back on our radar.

So you think this it's a good lead?

I think it's our only lead.

I'm gonna have to take a rain check.

Of course.

Just keep me posted.

Some other time?

I'm counting on it.

I've done some terrible things here at Graceland, but this is...


[Rock music]


She shut down when the FBI tried to talk to her, okay?

Let's appeal to her grandmotherly love.

The woman goes to church every day.

Do you want to find this car or not?

Nancy Anders?


II don't... I don't know how to say this, but...

That's my son's?


Do you know where Clayton is?

I really need to talk to him.

No. I took care of my son all on my own.

I know; That's why I thought you would understand.

I know your game.

You get pregnant. Clayton has to take care of you.

I don't want his money.

Of course you don't.

What do you think you're doing?

Oh, I'm going into the church.

Maybe someone there knows where he is.

Listen, I don't want money, okay?

I just want is to talk to him.

I promise.

Then you'll leave?

And never come back.

Well, did it work?

Whatever guilt you felt over that woman, don't.

Trust me on that.

All right.

[Engine turning over]

Where to?

So what's the plan here?

Clayton's the guy to talk to when it comes to smash and grabs.

Yeah? You know him?

From a ways back.

Doubt he's changed.

The man loved doughnuts so much, he bought the store as his front.

Must be one fat dude.

He's skinny as a rail, actually.

I never understood how.

I'm gonna run in by myself.

Less chance of spooking him, you know?

All right.

Hey, if you need me, just yell really loud.

Yeah, I think I'll text, but thanks.

Hey, mama.

Yo, yo, yo, yo, what are you doing?

Always come bearing gifts, Jakes.

Those aren't your gifts to give, Paul.

It's a restaurant, man.

Yeah, sure it is.

Thanks you.
Where's Clayton?

He ain't here.

Hmm. Clayton!

Ah, my man.

Yo, explain to me this.

How are you not 400 pounds working out of this place?

I breathed in and gained a dime.

Mental discipline man.

Mm, this right here is cream puff.

You brought me a bird.

Hell no. It's not for you.

It's for your mom.

She could use some company.

Maybe it will get her off my back.

Been a long time, man.

Where you been hidden away?

Well, you know, I got into some trouble, got out of it, now I'm looking for work.

Well, you were always good with a shotgun.

Hey, put me in, coach.

I'll give you a call next week, huh?

Ah, next week.

You don't got anything sooner?


What's so urgent?

You remember my girl?

Lisa, right?

Yeah, I lost her.

You know, I've been away so long.

You know how it is.

If I can get flush real quick, maybe I can get her back, though.

Same old Paul.

Balls to the wall.

Yeah, I could use you for this one thing.

I need other guy, though.

Oh, hey, another guy, no problem.

One beefy badass coming up right up.

[Touch-tones beeping]

Ha, I'm so happy to have this thing off.

I forgot how sweaty it gets.

How many times have you used that thing?

Three, four times professionally.


Yeah, and one time personally.

You used that thing with a guy?

Yeah, I had to break up with him, and I am not the bad guy, okay, because he ran his ass off when he saw me.


Do want to ditch this case and go to Disneyland, 'cause we could get to all the front of the rides with this bad boy.

I'm tempted, but we're here.

And so are Briggs and Jakes.

That is not a good sign.

How do you want to handle this?



Is Briggs inside?


This about the parrot case?

Kind of made a pit stop.

[Cell phone chiming]


Oh, that should be my man.

I thought you said "badass," not "boy band."

Well, that's the point.

He surprises people.

You never see him coming until it's too late.

I try my best.

All right, then.

We got a crew.

We'll hit the place tomorrow, standard smash and grab.

You know the drill.

What's the target?

I'll let you know tomorrow.

Meet me on the corner of 11th and Berendo, noon.

We'll be there.

Thanks for the long Johns.

You know, it's funny that your customs job happens to intersect with my investigation.

Cut the crap, Mike.

You almost blew my cover in there.

Thank God I didn't tell him you were black.

Wait a minute. This is now my fault?

You know what, man?

You're seriously about to blow this.

They could be watching us. Come here, man.

Okay, you specifically told me that you were gonna stay away from this, and now I find you with the guy who stole Juan's car.

Of course I'm looking for the car.

You lied. You know what?

You've been lying for months.

Come December, we'll be even.

I'm sick of this sh..., man.

I am tired of it too.

Somebody has it in for me, enough to pull strings to put you into Graceland to investigate me, enough to make it look like I k*lled a guy I'd never even heard of.

You think someone's trying to frame you.

Man, I think someone is trying to bury me, and I'm not gonna hand them the shovel.

I mean, look, you told me about you're investigation, didn't you?

Clearly you have your own doubts about the bureau right now.

You know what?

I'm gonna believe whatever is on that tape.

Tomorrow Clayton is gonna pick us up in the getaway car, Juan's car.

We get the car, I get the tape, and then I'm gonna know the truth.

Yes, you will.


How's the patient?

Gone, never had a chance.

So we each owe 100, plus another 400 for the time I kept it while I was trying to fix it.



Remember this prick Quinn?

Yeah, you really hate that dude, don't ya?

No, I'd really hate myself more if I let him get away again.

Quinn's back in town, and he's got a new supplier, so he ain't going anywhere.

And you know how much bad guys love to party.

So what's my play?




You know that boy's got a thing for you.

He's not into me, honey. He's into Katie.

You are Katie, so what's the difference?

She's a junkie.


No offense, but I don't think he's into Katie for her personality.

It's good you got Briggs there, though, for a cock block.

No, Katie doesn't need Eric on this one.


Yeah, they almost came to blows the last time.

So you wouldn't have to sh**t up.

They have too much baggage.

And the two of you don't?

It's different.

Oh, come on.

Like this has nothing to do with you thinking Briggs might be Odin?

I'd be your new partner, except I already spooked the dude off.

I can take care of myself, thanks.

Like you did last time, when you shot up?

That'll never happen again, Johnny.

Damn right it won't.

Look, there ain't no way I'm letting you meet with Quinn by yourself.

It ain't gonna happen.

Look, I'm gonna get a new partner.

I actually have someone in mind.


He's been undercover before. You never met him.

Never met him, or he doesn't exist?

Do you trust me or not?


All right, I'll let you get to it.

Thank you.

I hate this.

Every single time I see Paul, I have to put on this act.

Sorry I dragged you into this.

Well, I dragged myself.

I want to know the truth now as much as you.

Yeah, now the question is... Does Briggs?

A person deserves the right to clear their own name.

Yeah, and Briggs is always armed with a perfectly reasonable argument.

You don't believe him?

I don't trust him.

Mike's not gonna let me out of his sight again, man.

I know it.

I've got no choice, man. I have to go through with it.

You're not gonna wave the white flag.

No, man, I just... I need time, you know.


Look, when the tac team shows up, you've got to take down me and Mike in order to maintain our covers with Clayton.


Grab Mike first.

The one thing I learned from investigating Briggs is, you don't pay attention to anything he says.

You pay attention to what he does.

Johnny is right.

This house is falling apart.

And the question is, is it's Briggs' fault... or is it mine?

I guess we'll find out tomorrow.

All I need is a ten-second window, Jakes.

That's not gonna buy you a lot of time, Briggs.

It's enough time to get into that car and destroy whatever recording might exist.

And it's gonna make you look real guilty.

Not as guilty as a recording of a m*rder, accident or not, come on, dj., ten seconds.

You'll have it.

Oh, thank you.

They gonna show?

Maybe you spooked 'em.


Mike, in all my years of doing this, I've never met a punctual bad guy.

All right, I'm gonna take Mike and Briggs.

You and the team get the rest.

Wow, you're really sticking your neck out there, huh?

I don't half-ass this, all right?

I sell it: Tackling 'em to the ground, slapping on the cuffs, throwing 'em in the back of the squad car, like some Starsky & Hutch type shit, okay?

Great, well, you be WWE, while we're MMA.

I'm here, right?

Y'all want me to step up; This is me stepping up.

I think the idea was you wanting to be a part of the house... just cause I keep to myself doesn't mean I'm an assh*le.

I know.

And when I do stick my neck out, this sh... happens.

Whatever the hell this is.

All right, y'all be ready to roll.

Hey, now. Nice ride.

Get in.

Isn't this a little much?

That's the point dumbass.

They'll still be looking for this one while we get away in the switch-out car.

What's the switch-out car look like?

I don't even remember; It's so boring.

Some crown Vic or something.

All right, take 'em down now.

Hold on.

If we arrest them, they bring us the other car.

Yeah, or they keep their traps shut, and you never find the truth.

You're right.

Come on.

Hey, thanks for meeting me on such short notice.

Thank you for being on time.

There's nothing worse than a man drinking alone.

Rafael, I need your help.

Oh, that's what I'm here for.

Quinn knows me as a junkie named Katie, Katie has a partner named Eric, who's stuck on a case in the east coast, and you don't want to wait.


I'm not gonna take a chance of losing Quinn again, so I need a new partner.

I haven't been undercover in a while.

Look, Quinn's got a beef with Odin, 'cause he cut off his supply.

I doubt we'll have to twist his arm.

It should be easy, in and out.

What are you doing here? What's up?

You know what I'm doing.

Did you follow me?

You how doing, man? I'm Johnny.

Who the hell are you?

Agent Cortes. He's a federale.

A federale?


Damn, girl, no wonder you been keeping this on the low.

Yeah, because I was afraid of this exact reaction.

You should be.

Not that I don't trust Mexicans, bro.

Just..I don't trust his kind of Mexicans.


Perhaps I should wait outside.


No. No.

Agent Cortes has been chasing Jangles for years.

I need somebody to bounce this stuff off of.

You couldn't have kept this more in-house?

No, because nobody in-house would listen to me.

I listened to you, okay? I just didn't agree with you.

So why didn't you just trust my instincts?

Your instincts? For real?

Yeah. Yeah.

The same instincts that have got you working with some dude you don't even know?

I have been a federale for 12 years.

You may not respect my employer, but you should respect how difficult my job is.

Been chasing the cartels for so long.

I must have learned something.

Yeah, like how to look the other way.

Charlie knows whose side I'm on.

Who's side is that, bro?


You gonna help or not, Johnny?

All right.

[Tires squealing]

There it is.

Shouldn't we kick back after the job?

You think we were robbing a bank or something?

Dude, no massage parlor in this part of town just gives massages.

So what, are we holding them up for a hand job or what?

It's an all-cash business: Big turnover, low security.

Yeah, no cameras.

Don't want to scare off the Johns.

No alarms, either.

The last thing this place wants is the cops showing up.

Oh, seems like you know the place pretty well.

I done my homework.


Rodney here is hitting the safe.

I want you two on crowd control.

A sawed-off shotgun.

Just the way you like it.

Nice bitch, and here I didn't get you anything.

Hey, don't forget to rob the Johns too.

Oh, yeah. They got it coming.



This will get Lisa back.

They're not actually gonna go through with this.

Well, they've got to let it play out.

Wow, you know, you're starting to sound like Briggs.

I'm the last person to be taking sides if that's what you're coyly suggesting.

I don't got skin in this game, and neither should you.


Yes, this is what you think it is.

Where's the safe?

On the floor.

No more massages today.

Yo, get to the back, old man.

Yeah, you too.

Join us out front, please.

Move! This is a robbery!

Uh, put on some pants, huh?

Okay, everybody on the floor.

Let's go.

Get your heads on the ground and your hands in the air.

All right, those of you with pants on, please take out your wallets and make a deposit.

Be quick about it. Let's go.

Let's go.

All right, let's roll.

Now, remember, no sense calling the cops once we're gone.

If we weren't here, neither were you.

[Handcuffs click]

What are you doing?

You shouldn't be here.

Yeah, no sh...

What are you two up to?

Why don't you ask your boy?

Take these things off me.

Can't do it, man.

You've been playing an angle the whole time.

The hell I have.

I am not gonna ask again...

Briggs, Briggs, if you're innocent, let me prove it, okay?

If you're not, you better sh**t me right now.

Sorry, man.

No, you're not.

What happened to not taking sides?

What happened to not having skin in the game?

This is a joke.

[Engine turning over]

Dude, go. Go. Go.

Where's Paul?

I don't know.

He was grabbing wallets, and some guy punched him in the face.


[Tires squealing]

Federal agent.

Everybody get in the back.

[All mumbling]

Move! Back!

I underestimated him.

You don't dance with the champ.

You knock him out.



He didn't wait for me to make my move, dj.

He threw a sucker punch.

It's exactly what I would have done.

He's wearing the wire, right?

We track the GPS. Maybe beat him to the car.

Now, they know where they're going.

We don't.

There's no way I beat him to that recorder now.

He won. I lost.

All right, so what are you gonna do?

Get a head start.

Head start on what?

The rest of my life.

Ask me no questions. You been to one of these?

Relax. Everybody else is.

I'm walking out, and we've got Johnny outside for backup.

Frickin' right.

I'm an army of one.


If we take a look at our recent weather map, we can see that upper level of high pressure hovering just off the Baja peninsula, and that...

May I?

Such a gentleman.

We both know that's not the case.

This is my partner Rafael.

What happened to Eric?

He's doing his own thing.

I got tired of him.

I bet you did too.

We weren't in a relationship.


Yeah, you say that, but last time I saw you two, you were going at it pretty hot and heavy.

That's not how I remember it.

You were high, Katie.

What a d*ck, man.

Yeah, partners break up all the time, right?

Look at you and Odin.

My new partner here can offer you something to get a little payback from your last partner.

How's that?

We want to take the millions he got from Bello.

And Rafael here has the bait.

So you me to dangle it in front of Odin.

I want you to text him.

What's the bait?


Odin knows Jangles is after him.

All you have to do is tell him Jangles is here, and he'll come running.


Are you high?

Nobody comes after Jangles by themselves.

Odin doesn't have an army.

He doesn't even have any friends.

He's got a lot of money, and that buys a lot of protection, not to mention the sh... I'm gonna be into if Jangles ever finds out.

I doubt you're even in his radar.


You have bad taste in partners.

I hope you're not banging this one too.

Nah, we're just friends.

Just friends.

Well, if he's your friend, he'll do what's best for you.

What's that?

Take a walk.

You understand English, Rafael?

Do you?

Take it easy.

I don't talk business in front of people I don't know.

I thought you weren't interested.

Maybe you can change my mind.

We can always go to someone else.

Yeah? They got Odin's number?

I'll take it from here.

The hell you will.

I'll be outside.

Give us some privacy, Rick.

Okay, so let's talk.

Who said I wanted to talk?

This is how you do business?

So do you.

Remember the last time you wanted to make a deal?

You were afraid then too, afraid to sh**t the junk that k*lled your boy whistler, but you did it anyway.

You have no limits.

That's what I like about you.

You shouldn't have done that.


[Both grunting]

[Glass shattering]

I have no limits.

I'm okay, Johnny.

Damn it, Chuck.


[Tires screeching]

Try not to leave anything behind.


You're robbing me?

I'm a federal agent, dumbass.

Get on the ground.


[Siren wailing]

[Tires screeching]

They're both armed.

Where's Jakes?

Presumably with Paul.

[Sighs and laughs]

Where did they hide the recorder?

Almost there...

Where the hell is it?

Where's the recorder?


Well, now I think the better question is, where the hell is Briggs?