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01x10 - King's Castle

Posted: 08/24/13 18:04
by bunniefuu
Previously on Graceland...

Tell me the truth, Eddie.

He is working with the feds, boss.

Are you working with the FBI?


Don't... [g*nsh*t]

Why the bug?

Briggs can be very seductive.

Juan, you're... you're pathologically paranoid.

You're going to help me get Briggs.

No, I'm not.

What do you want, Dale?

He's my son, cassandra.

Daniel doesn't even know you as his father.

She changed my life. She's got a kid.

Wow. You're a lucky guy.

Don't move.

You're federales?

Maybe we can work together.

Jangles shows up, it's gonna get real bloody, real fast.

I still don't even really know what the guy looks like.

Every time I saw him, he had a bandana on his face.


I was placed in Graceland to investigate Briggs.

You're a rat?

This is agent Juan Badillo.

I am about to approach agent Paul Briggs.

I am undercover as the Caza mercenary known as jangles.

Stay back.

g*ns now?


[Country music playing]

Yo, Donnie. What's the word on klein?

Ah. Nothing good.

Yo, who's klein?

Uh, a friend of Donnie's. D.E.A. guy.

Being brought up on involuntary manslaughter.

Terrible. His cover was blown.

Some piece of trash Armenian crank dealer comes at him with a crowbar.

Klein ended up offing the guy, so... sounds like a righteous k*ll to me.

That's self-defense, right?

Not if he's messed up on painkillers.

They say he's going to do some serious time, so... yeah, that sucks, man.

Yo, should I not be drinking this?

This job, you're definitely going to need some drinks, my man.

The key is knowing how to limit yourself.

One too many pills, one too many cocktails, could mean the difference between a medal and a m*rder rap.

You were just some guy.

I pictured you as a monster.


You're facing multiple counts of drug trafficking, as*ault, m*rder, conspiracy, racketeering.

Yes, that's enough.

I am not concerned with what you have.

I'm concerned with what they are offering.

I didn't say anything about a plea bargain.

But you have not booked me.

You are here to deal, presumably about Mr. Odin Rossi.

We're prepared to place your wife and children in Witness Protection.

My family is secure.

We can take special measures to ensure your safety in prison, should you be convicted.

Should I want to avoid prison altogether?

Considering the severity of the allegations, immunity is off the table.

Then we have no deal.

Mr. Bello, the FBI is very interested in the information... you two, out.

Get out.

Shut the door.

[Door clangs shut]

You're stupid, huh?

Caza cartel wants you dead.

Right now, there are 60,000 Mexican inmates sharpening their toothbrushes, waiting to shove up your ass.

That's a great deal of toothbrushes.

You can joke all you want, but you're gonna get got.

Or I can remain silent, in which case, it behooves the federal government to keep me safe, should I one day care to speak.

No, you're right.

No, I will keep you safe.

But I will also make sure that you spend the rest of your time shuttling between solitary confinement and the rapiest available bunkmates.


Please, eh?

You can bark at me all you want.

But unless you are willing to grant my freedom, I suggest you find another tree.

Unless you have someone else who can hand you Odin Rossi.


[Rock music]

I suggest you keep your door locked, 'cause he'll be looking for any evidence he can find.

You think he'd go through my room?

After the clowns? Hell, yeah.

But I got that number for you, if you want it.

No, no, I'm not throwing another clown party.

I'm better than that.

You're better than what? Clowns?

Well, well.

If it isn't the walking wounded.

[Laughs] Yo.

Welcome home, Mikey.

What's up, man? You're hurt right there?

Yeah, right there. Don't... right there? Right there?

Don't do that.

And no, I'm better than throwing another clown party.

Throwing a party, though?

Yeah. Yeah.

It's Jakes' birthday on Saturday.

Last year, we threw him a surprise party.

Freaking awesome. So we're going to do it again.

That's great, man.


He hated it.

Yeah, like Dodgers-giants hate.


Usually, Charlie spearheads this kind of thing... yeah, this year, chasing Odin seemed more pressing.

So I'm going to need some help.

Yo, "P"! Chop, chop!

Come on.

Yo, "T," I'm chopping, okay?

You need to unbunch your panties.

Uhhuh. Let's go.


Thought you weren't supposed to be out for a few more days.

I checked myself out, against medical advice.

You shouldn't be here.

You should be in bed.


So I'm thinking, like, strippers.

Right, like a gaggle of strippers.

Yeah, it seems like you've got it covered.

I actually have work to do.

Hey, don't be like this.

What's up?


Looks like it's just me and you.

Hey, Johnny, did she say anything to you?

About what?

Are you... no.

You dirty little dog. [Laughs]

No. Never mind.

Hey, where's Briggs?

Probably on the water. Let's roll.

No, you know what, man?

Uh, Paige is right. I gotta go to bed.



I'll help you out another time.

Oh, yeah, that's fine.

I'll just plan the whole thing by myself.

Oh, snap.

I got it. I got it. What?

Yo, a gaggle of strippers and a bounce house.

And a freakin' bounce house.

That sounds amazing. I gotta go.

Where to? Where you going?



You got coffee?


Morning, Jakes.

What's up?

You, uh... Slept good?

You two are planning something.

I'm not.


Charlie, please, do not...

Dale Jakes, I am not doing anything for your birthday.

[Speaking spanish]

You neither.

Mi corazon.

Would y'all speak English?

[Scoffs] I gotta go.

Hey, hey, be real with me.

Is this the stuff with Briggs?

No, not at all.

Is it stuff with the, uh... no, Johnny. Christ!

Then where you going?

Yo, Johnny, shh.

I'm not even talking to you.

Yo, if she wanted to let you know, then she would let you know.

She kind of did want to let me know.

Charlie, don't leave me, though.

Hey, Jakes. For real, come here, son.

We never just sit and talk anymore, bro.

Remember back in the day?

We used to just hang out and talk and...

You used to let me braid your hair?

You ordered without me?

Ah. Heh.

It's just like the FBI to keep your Mexican counterparts waiting.

Yeah, well, we like to give you fellas a little space to take bribes and plant evidence.

I planted evidence in the kitchen.

They undercook their steak.

Anything on the jangles front?

I have nothing new.

Yet he continues to be elusive prey.

Well, everybody's looking for him, they just don't know who to look for.

How long you been chasing him?

Longer than I care to admit.

Well, I don't want to sound like a d*ck, but you got nothing on him?

And what about your man, Odin?

Yeah. Then we share the same frustration.

Listen, Bello's not talking unless we give him his walking papers.

Does he know Caza will k*ll him inside?

He knows, and he doesn't care.

We got no leverage on him.

Everyone has a weakness.

Something they care about as above them.

Someone, perhaps.

There's always a way to break a man.

[Indistinct TV announcer]


Hey, man.

How's the surf today?

No waves today. Just floating.

It's good to see you back, Mikey.

Anything good on?

No, I'm just sitting here trying not to bleed on the couch.

Wanna see?

Yeah. Ah, man.

How many stitches?


Well, don't quote me on this, but I think that's a new house record.


Count each one of those sutures as a badge of honor, okay?

Except the guy that did it's still out there.

Ah, if we were meant to get jangles, we'd have got him.

You're good with that?

Oh, we can push and pull and stamp our feet, but the universe does have a will unto itself.

I wish the doctor had prescribed whatever the hell you're on.




How's your mobility?

Well, wind sprints are out of the question, but I can walk gingerly.

Hey, Chuck E. Cheese, what's going on?

I think I know how we can get Odin.

Mike, I want to put you back under with Bello.

In jail? [Scoffs]

Uh, Mike already asked Bello for that information.

No beans.

That was before.

Now Mike the marine's facing consecutive lifetimes in a federal bed and breakfast.

You think Bello will give up Odin so I can cut a deal?

He likes you, doesn't he?

Yeah there's no way Mike's cover held up during that arrest, Charlie.

No, Bello saw an agent mirandize me.

You were losing blood by the pint.

I don't think you were...

Mike, are you made or not?

I'm clean.

The kid's literally busting at the seams.

Charlie, he takes so much as a gut punch in the cafeteria, guess what?

He's going to bleed out all over the county's fine linoleum.

Stop trying to make this decision for him.

This might be our last chance to finally nail Odin.

Come on!

What do you say, stitch?

You feeling kamikaze?

Tora! Tora! Tora!


Oh, ow, ow, ow, ow.

Thank you... oh, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Put this on.

[Indistinct pa announcement]



Didn't expect you to leave the medical ward so quickly.

Yeah, well, apparently, getting almost gutted doesn't buy you much favor around here.

It buys favor with me, my friend, hmm?

I know who that blade was meant for.

Get off me.

You are upset.

Upset, yeah. Of course I'm upset.

I'm going to die in here, in this.

I won't coddle you or patronize you with an apology.

You are a man, a soldier.

Did I hold a g*n to your head?

On several occasions, yeah.

These are hard walls.

I understand.

Did you talk to the feds?

What do you know about the feds?

I know they offered me the presidential suite of jail cells if I gave them information on Odin.

That's information you do not have.

And that fact may yet prove to keep you alive.

Not me.

Keep you alive. They know you have it.

I'm going to get convicted, and then put in general population, so Caza can finish off the job that El hombre llave started.

[Buzzer, whistle blows]

Break time's over.

Maybe there's something I can do.


[Knocking on door] Johnny?

[Cell phone beeps]


Uh, yeah.

I ordered a, um...

I can't even say this.

I ordered a bounce house, and I'm going to need to cancel.


Great. Thank you.

And I know it's a little late, so you can go ahead and charge my card.

Thank you. I appreciate it.


[Phone beeps off]

Can't out-hustle a hustler, dog.

[Phone dialing]

I never took you for the invasion of privacy type, Charlie.

You scared me.

Mike asked me to bring him his meds.

Cos are giving him a problem.

Well, I guess I'll tack that on to the list of issues I have with your plan, then, huh?

Well, if it was you, you would've gone under with Bello, right?

To put an end to this Odin business?


Taking those to county in the morning?

Yeah, right when visitation starts.

Gotta keep Mike healthy, right?


[Dialing phone]

Yes, I'd like to schedule a visitation, please.

Uh, first thing tomorrow morning.

Prisoner's name is Jeremiah Bello.

[Doors crash shut, buzzer]

Visitation, Bello.

Who am I meeting?

I'm not your secretary.

How's it going in here?

Oh, well, the food's abysmal, the beds are hard as stone, and the shower situation is... okay, but what's up with Bello?

I got a resounding "maybe."

A "maybe" is better than a "no."

I'll get it, all right?

How long do I have to work on him?

Will 25 to life do?

How's the party coming...

You're a fed?

[Both grunting]

Get him off!

You put me here!

Get him off!

Get him out of here!

You put me in here!

Get off!

I'll k*ll you!

Get him off!


I trusted you!

Get him the hell out of here!

How did he get in here?

Get out!

I'm so sorry to ask you this, but could you hold the tip of my measuring tape?

No, for real. This is not sexual at all.

Just hold this a moment, please.

Johnny, what are you doing?

I'm measuring dimensions.

I'm pretty sure bounce housing is an outdoor activity.

Oh, are you pretty sure?

Oh, I'm pretty sure.

'Cause I'm about to blow your freaking mind.

You're about to blow something.

And it's not my mind.

Paul! Johnny, where's Briggs?

I don't know. What's up?


You okay?


I'm fine. I just think I...


Whoa, hey.

Come here. God!

Hold on to me. Charlie, what happened?

He's fine. Paulie!

Chuckie, relax.

My ears work faster than my legs.

Okay? [Groans]

Whoa, whoa, Warren, you are unwell, my friend.

The guard brought Bello in while we were sitting there.

He started attacking Mike.

It... it had to be an Odin thing, 'cause nobody showed up for the visitation.

Charlie, pause.

You know, you were right.

We should've never put him in there.

Yeah, you think?

Tora! Tora! Tora!, huh, Mikey?

Yeah, Mikey, I gotta move that couch...


[Cell phone ringing]

I can put it somewhere else.

It's the bureau.

[Cell phone beeps]



Yeah, no. Yes, sir.

I-I'll be right there.

That was Clarke.

He wants me to come into H.Q.

For what?


He didn't say.

Well, if it's Clarke, it's got to be about the Bello bust, yeah?

Sh, son. You better pop some pills.

You're about to get a medal.

Hope they don't take my picture.
Agent Warren.

Jesus. How's your health?

Between you and me, not very good, sir.

Go on, sit down.

Thank you, sir.

Here, I want to read you something.

This is "why I want to be an FBI agent," by Michael Warren, age nine.

Wow. Uh... Heh.

Might as well have just said, "why I want to be my grandpa."

"The FBI is the best law enforcers in the world.

"Every day, they put bad people in prison "and protect America.

"If there is a crime, the FBI stops it.

"The most important thing to an FBI agent is truth and justice."

I like that line.

I was a little kid with big dreams.

I really never expected a commendation for busting Bello.

Oh, no, no, no.

I wish this concerned a commendation.

Badillo's reports on you lately have been less than glowing.

He indicates you've been repeatedly insubordinate...

I have been tirelessly subordinate, despite his increased zealotry and paranoia.

Does it also say that he put a bug in my room?

As a matter of fact, it does.

Do you have any sense as to why he may have done that?

Yeah, he thought I was either unwilling or too inept to handle my assignment.

Are you? Unwilling or inept?

No, sir.

Have you, and I quote, "fallen under the winsome sway of agent Paul Briggs"?

That's ridiculous.

Well, I'm not here to come down on you.

What's this about?

Badillo left his office three days ago.

Hasn't been seen since.

What are you talking about?

Tracked his cell records, bank records... all inactive.

Can you account for the whereabouts of agent Briggs these past few days?

You think Briggs is responsible?

Well, that's what we need you to ascertain.

I'm sorry, but this is, um... this is crazy.

I don't even think Briggs knows Juan exists.

Well, we don't know that.

What we do know is that Badillo checked out a morantz pmc340 receiving unit on his last day.

Yeah, an auto mount.

He thought Briggs might be working with the Caza cartel.

He'd hoped that he'd self-incriminate.

And if he did pursue Briggs in order to record that admission?

His disappearance would be on tape.

Where's Juan's car?

It's unclear.

But you're close to Briggs, and that's a good place to start looking.

We've all got a lot of respect for the work Briggs has done for the bureau.

But I think it's time we determine if he's that guy, or is he that guy.

Homeboy tried to sabotage me, but I am un-sabotage-able.

You know what, Johnny?

We love you, but you are eminently sabotage-able.

Selfsabotage don't count, son.

Selfsabotage absolutely counts.

What are you doing, bookworm?

Going over the detention center's incoming calls.

I'm trying to isolate who put in Bello's visitation request.

That's pretty much the most boring thing I've ever heard in my life.

There are some things that are more important than your bounce castle, Johnny.

Are there?


You know, normally, I'd agree with you, Paige, but you really owe yourself a break, Charlie.

I'm not taking a break, Paul.

[Doorbell rings]

[Singsong] Mm, those must be the girls.

[Women giggling] Hi.

Look at you fine-ass ladies.

This place is fantastic.

Mm, come on in.

Have a drink.

Maybe check out king's castle.

Mi bounce casa es su bounce casa.

So which one of y'all are the birthday boy?

Oh, he's not here yet.

But you want to reel that in for me?

All right. Here.


Atta girl.

[Phone dialing]

[Indistinct chatter]

Leave a message.

Hey, Jakes, look...

The bureau's pulling their standard-issue "bigger agency" B.S. and asking us to jump on some b*mb scare downtown.

So, look, if you could come home for the debrief, that would be great.

Sorry, babe.

Nice try.

Hey, don't y'all have peanuts?


Hey, what's up, man? You drinking alone?

By all means.

Haven't seen you in a while.

Yeah, I been busy.

On the road of life, always stop to smell the single malt whiskey.

Yeah, that sounds... good advice.

That what you doing, what you, um... you stopping to take a sniff?

Uh, yes and no.

My roommates are throwing me a surprise birthday party.

What, here?


And that's the point.

So, wait, wait, wait.

Right now, there's a bunch of people hiding out behind a couch somewhere, waiting for you to walk in?

You want a drink?

[Laughter] Come here, come here.

[Indistinct chatter]

I Um, they...

I think they broke Johnny.

Mmhmm. You going to join them?

Okay, look, the only reason why I'm supporting this horrific display of misogyny is because they're probably saving up for law school.

Hmm. Or something, right?

What about you, Chuck?

Okay. Johnny T.?

I know you want to jump in there, bro.

I'm still prepping, emotionally.

Oh, shh, shh, shh.


All: Surprise!

Oh, that's just Mike. Sorry, ladies.

Keep bouncing.

Yo, Mikey.

He's not here yet?

No such luck.

You want to get in?

No, thanks, Johnny. I almost died today.

Here, let me know.

You okay?

Never better.

Clarke give you a medal?

No, he just, uh, gave me a pat on the back.

You deserve a hell of a lot more than that, Mikey.

Couldn't have done it without you, buddy.

I need to talk to you.

Lady's calling. Better go.

Yo, JT, what's the story with the lovers' quarrel, huh?

They're not saying.

But until they do, I'm going to be enjoying Jakes' birthday.

All right, ladies.

Get it going.

[Squeals and laughter]

Oh, God, I love my job.

You got some real balls, you know that?


I thought, after this morning, we were past all that.

I'm not going to let you die in the living room, Mike, but I can't watch you play best friends with Briggs, not after what you told me.

It's complicated.

No, it's not.

You're sitting down there, lying your ass off, to the only people who give a sh... about you...

Briggs is a junkie, Paige.

What the hell are you talking about?

He's a heroin addict. Recovering.


It's not bull.

I followed him to a narconon meeting in San Diego.

Is that why you're investigating him?

No. The bureau thinks there's more.

Is there?

My supervising agent, the one who set me on Briggs, is missing.

And they think Briggs might have done away with him.

This is a bad joke.

I wish it was.

I wanted to be an FBI agent my entire life.

I finally made it, and then I got this assignment, and the longer I stayed here, I realized it's wrong.

But I am an FBI agent, and this is my job.

Briggs isn't a m*rder*r.

I don't think he is, either.

Then you gotta tell him.

What if we're wrong?

[rock music]

I guess I don't really like birthdays either.

Fear of death, and all that.

I hear you.

Plus, you know, the kid, he noticed some gray in my beard.

That flipped me out.

How is the boy?

What is his name? Uh, Daniel?

He's good, man.

He really is.

You got any kids?

Yeah, um, I had a wife and kid.

A son, actually.

But I screwed it up.

Oh, she... she toss you out?


No, I walked.

Birthdays, man. Birthdays are tough.

They just remind me how bad I sh... the bed, you know?

Marks another year that I don't get to...

Spend with my family.

Yeah, man, that's a hard thing to celebrate.

Brother, you have no idea.

What about you?

Your girl waiting for you at home?

[Scoffs] Man, I'll be, um...

I'll be staying at a motel tonight.


Yeah. We're having some problems.

Well, yo, man, if you want to work it out, what are you doing here?

Hey, she wants the night, I give her the night.

But I'll be there bright and early.

You know, the thing is, if you don't fight for something you want, you end up alone.

You know what?

I think I'm going to get up out of here.

Feel like you're going to make that surprise party after all.

Hey, maybe I got a second chance to not end up alone.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

I got it this time.

[Waves crashing]

Okay, Sherlock, time for a break, huh?

You need to get your mind off of Odin.

I'm not letting this go.

[Clears throat]

You know what, sugar, you could be doing this work anywhere in the house.

But you're sitting out here for a reason.

Yeah, you know what? You're right, I am.

Maybe I'm just hoping that you'll put your head in this and help me, maybe participate in this case.

Other than Mikey, you're all pretending that you all solved the world's last crime.


It ever occur to you that maybe Odin's got us beat?


The Paul Briggs I know doesn't get beat.

I'll dive in with you manana,all right?

Both feet, I promise. How's that?

[Indistinct party chatter]

Yeah, tomorrow.

Charlie... Charlie, come back.

I gotta go.

No, no, no, no, no, no... someone's gotta be here when Jakes shows up.

Get out of my way, Johnny.

Charlie, look, chill.

Okay, at least revel in the glory that is king's castle.

You want me to revel?

I did all this for you.

All right. Here's your revel.

No, no, no, no, no, no! No, Charlie!

[All gasping and groaning]

Why the hell would you do that?

[Air hissing]

No, no, no, keep bouncing, keep bouncing.

Keep bouncing, no, no. Damn it, Charlie!

[Girls screaming] No, no, look, I'm holding it.

Look, I'm holding it. I'm holding it.

I'm holding it. It's okay, it's o...

[overlapping chatter]

Party's over.

Oh, no!

[Doorbell ringing]


Hey, Cassie.

Is everything all right?

Yeah, everything is great.

I just... you know, I was thinking about you.

Are you drunk?

I had drinks, yes. Am I drunk? No.

There's a difference, Cassie. It's almost 3 A.M.

I know what time it is.

And I also know that I've been thinking about...


You and I...

Making another go at this, Cassie.

Dale, I... I can't.

Yes, yes. Yes, you can.

Baby, we can be together again.

Listen, I know you and Derek have been going through a rough patch.

W... wait, have you... have you been talking to Derek?

And... and... and we can be a family.

Dale, did you talk to Derek?

I can be Daniel's real father.

Well, what the hell, Dale?


Yeah, yeah, I talked to Derek.

I ran into him in a bar.

I bought the guy a couple drinks.

Does he know who you are?

You know, how dare you?

How dare you? Get... get out.

Hey, hey, hey...

Get out!

Listen, listen, listen.

Look, I'm trying to be here for you.

Well, you had that chance and you passed, Dale.

I know, I know.

Because I thought I was toxic.

Well, you weren't.

But now you're drunk in the middle of the night, pounding on my door.

Now you're toxic.

I'm sorry.

II didn't want to do this, Dale, but...

Cassie, Cassie...

But you can't come back here.

Cassie, I said I'm sorry.


What do you want me to say? I'll say anything.

I know you're sorry, Dale.

Baby, what do you want me to say?

I know.

Baby, what do you want me to s...

[lock clicks]

[Scoffs, sighs]

Not the first dysfunctional family I've been a part of.


Oh... My poor mama.

She had her hands full with the four of us.

All boys?


Yeah, just bad-ass kids, too. Like, horrible.


Every whipping we ever got was definitely earned.

My mom used to say, "they should allow abortions up to the tenth year."

[Laughs] Yeah, my mom would've said that, if she didn't think our lady of guadalupe would be pissed at her.

I bet you weren't that bad, though.


Hey... Hmm?

Thanks for staying with me. I appreciate it.

It's your dime, sweetie.

Sorry about your bounce house.

Eh, you could still jump up and down if you want.

[Door opens] Everybody's... yo, it's him!

Oh, surprise, man. Surprise!

Happy Birthday, bro.

I had, like, at least seven dope strippers here.


Just b*mb babes, you know... oh, my God, Johnny.


I told you don't throw me no damn party, man.

Are you okay?

I'm fine, I'm fine.

Hey, yo, look at me when I'm talking to you.

Look at me when I'm talking to you!

You got no respect, you hear me?

You got no freakin' respect. Get off me, Johnny.

I think I should probably...

I try to do something nice for you and I get decked for it?

Nice? You did it just to spite me, man!

This wasn't for you, Jakes! This was for everybody!

Listen up, I don't give a damn about everybody.

I'm gonna go.

You don't want us?

You gonna piss on the one good thing you got in your life?

I'm not playing. Get off of me.

You ain't got nothing else, bro.

[Door slams]

Hey, all y'all, listen up!

Hey, you know, none of us asked to be here, but, damn it, here we are.

You know, you could all run around pretending like we're not family, but guess what?

That's what you call six people all living in one house!

[Sighs] Damn it, guys.

We got a job where, every freakin' day, we're out there playing bosom buddies with K*llers and drug dealers.

So excuse the hell out of me if I'm looking for an excuse to forget about all that!

Is that too much to ask for?


[Indistinct pa announcement]

[Phone beeps]

[Phone rings]


Collect call from L.A. county detention center.

Do you accept the charges?


I'm surprised you came.

I'm surprised you wanted to see me.

We are both full of surprises, aren't we?

The white boy...

The reservist marine.

When I say it now, at least my sleep will be more restful.

In here? I doubt it.

I still see Eddie at night.

We came to this country together.

He was my only friend, and I his.

All this time, I thought I'd k*lled him.

You did... you put a g*n in his hand, and you told him what to do with it.

No. No. No!


No. You k*lled him.

He was a human sacrifice at the altar of your sacred badge.

That's absurd.

Where were you when dr*gs were being dealt?

Or when men were tortured and k*lled?

You did not stop me because it did not serve your purposes.

I wanted to stop you. But I had orders.



My men follow orders too.

The only difference between you and me is that I will pay for my sins.

We are done here.

[Chains rattling]

Yo, Briggs.

Hey, yo, what's up?

We gotta talk.

Sounds serious. Hit me.


I've been investigating you for the past three months.


You're not surprised?

Mm, you know, top of your class at Quantico.

Should've been able to write a ticket to whatever detail you wanted.

Instead, you ended up here.

I knew something was up.

Now, if I was a good Detective, I would ask you, why would you assume I was here to investigate you?

But you are a good detective, Michael, which is why you've uncovered my penchant for powdered opioids, right?

Which pretty much confirmed the investigation, yeah.

Yeah. Pretty much did.

So I've got to ask...

What did you turn up?

Just that.

You've told me now.

I assume that means that the investigation is over, yeah?

I wish it was. Why don't you sit down?

The agent that gave me this assignment, he's missing.


And Clarke thinks you're responsible.

I'm not in the agent disappearing business, Mike.

I know that. That's why I'm telling you.

He wants you to prove this?

Yeah, they think he might have been wearing a wire, and that the disappearance might be on a tape in his car.

Okay, good. Well, what's your S.O.'s name?

Juan Badillo.

I've never even heard of the guy.

Briggs, I'm gonna start looking for this car.

I'd really love your help.


No, it'd look like a cover up, Mike.

[Sighs] Right.


I'm sorry.

Thanks for telling me...

Even if it was a few months late.


You think Odin Rossi is... Is an FBI agent?

Yeah. I mean, I had my suspicions, but now I'm pretty damn certain.

It wouldn't be the first time I see corrupt police.

I found this in the hotel room.

It's got a little pinhole camera with a video transmitter.

I don't know, I think, you know...

Odin screws over Caza.

They send jangles to come and get him.

He puts that in a hotel room, tries to put a face to the name.

This plan was... was it successful?

Did he put a name to the face?

I mean, I pulled the plug right before you got there, so if jangles got there before us, then he saw his face.

If we find this dirty FBI agent, perhaps he could lead me to jangles, si?

This agent, what is his name?

I don't have a name.

Okay, well, tell me when you do, because I can help you.

Of course you'll help me.

We're in this hunt together, right?

Yeah. Perfect.

So... How do we proceed?

So why did you tell Briggs you were investigating him?

I told Briggs because I wanted to see the look on his face when I said the name "Juan Badillo."

And what did you see?

He had no idea who he was.