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01x07 - Goodbye High

Posted: 07/27/13 04:07
by bunniefuu
Previously on Graceland...

Did you know that undercover cops can't do dr*gs?

You've seen us use.

Haven't seen you use mine.



I don't care what the story was.

I don't care where you were nor what you did.

Just come home.

We are looking for a three-meter torpedo canister.

All I need is a diver to go down there and get those dr*gs, bring them up and put them in Bello's hands.


Do you know how much money you cost me?

This is your fault!

We should have just blown up the dr*gs.

That's exactly what I said, but he insisted.

Briggs took custody of the dr*gs?

[Boat horn blows]

My name is Paul, and I'm a heroin addict.

All: Hi, Paul.

My entire life is a lie.

A lot of you know what I'm talking about.

Put on the happy face, you build up your wall, but inside, you are a wasteland.

Then the moment comes where someone finds out the truth.

Soon, things stop adding up, and it's not long before every word that comes out of your mouth is false.

And then you're caught, and you decide it is time.

It is time for the truth to come out.

I kept promising myself I'd just get high one last time.

Next thing I knew, "one last time" was a habit, not a promise.

All I can do is start putting it out there, and, uh...

Hope I'm not too late.



[Indistinct chatter]

They ought to pay you more.

I'm not an easy man to follow.

No, you're not.

Ted, my man.


Got something for you.

Oh, yeah?


Ooh. Nice.

Maybe now we can drink something that doesn't taste like my sock.

The sock's got character, man.

Take care.

Well, I'm assuming the FBI doesn't know about this.

Let's take a walk.

You know why I love surfing, Mikey?

The high.

When I'm out there, man, it's like the closest thing to a fix I can get without a needle.

You don't have to tell me what happened to you.

Yeah, I do.

So a few years ago, I was under with the Caza Cartel.

I was trying to make a dent in their drug supply as it flowed into San Diego.

I was young, ambitious, and in love.

Who was the girl?

That, my friend, is a story for another place and time.

But let me tell you about my training officer.


What's going on, brother?

He was a few years ahead of me out of Quantico.

We were like brothers, man.

He was working Caza, too, but from the Mexican side.

He worked them from their side of the border?

Sure as hell did.

Major cojones, right?

He was in much deeper than I was.

He worked his way into the family.

He was having Sunday dinners with them.

The mother was calling him mijo.

Her son.


Yeah, they loved him.

That is the very definition of being "in deep."

Anyway, on this particular day, we had a problem with a body.

So which dead body is our dead body?

His name was Jimmy Cole.


Heard of him?

Yeah, yeah, he was trying to work his way in as a new supplier on the I-5 corridor.

Oh, I mean, are you sure it's Jimmy?

The file doesn't even have any fingerprints.

That's because we don't have the fingers yet.



Who's the k*ller?

Well, that was the question.

This was his third mutilation in about as many months.

No one ever got eyes on him.

We had ear witnesses, though.

And they all said that, at the murders, this is what they heard.

[Keys jangling]

Mexicans called him El hombre llave.

Yeah, the key man.


And apparently, that wasn't cheery enough for us, so the bureau tagged him "jangles" after those jangling keys.

I've heard of him. He's Caza's boogeyman.

It's what they tell everyone so they don't mess with their distribution, "or else jangles is going to come and cut you up."


Something had Caza upset.

Bureau didn't want me getting sucked into the carnage, so they pulled me off the case.

Did Roberto stay under?

They deemed his cover more important, which it was.

So what'd you do?

Hell, I took a vacation...

To Tecate.

You went to Mexico alone, against orders?

My C.I. there, Benito, set up a big meet with Caza.

This was the meeting I'd been waiting for.

The one.

I could finally put names to faces.

We'd know the players.

We could start pulling them apart, playing them against each other.

I just... I couldn't pass it up.

But then I got there, and I knew.

I knew it in my bones, man.

Something wasn't right.


[Flies buzzing]

How'd they find you?

I don't know.

Probably never will.

[Grunting, bones cracking]

Going down there, it was the dumbest thing I've ever done.

[Upbeat music]

[Speaking spanish]





[Keys jangling]

Jangles. Hmm?


You know, if you're going to chop me up, would you do me a favor and start with my ears?

I can't stand listening to this assh*le anymore.

Well, that's... that's very considerate.

I wouldn't want to get an infection when you k*ll me.

He's not going to k*ll you.

He's going to make you feel better than you ever have in your life.

They shot you up.

Oh, yeah. They did.

Good quality "H," too.

I mean, Mike, I gotta tell you, it felt nice.

And they kept it up.

Every day, I'd get my needle and go flying.

What did they want?

I don't know.

They didn't ask you anything?

No, Mike. They didn't ask me anything.

At the time, it seemed endless.

Now I know it was about two weeks, give or take.

They kept me riding that high the whole time.

[Rock music]

[Door squeaks]


Then it was over.

They left me a good-bye high, and I walked away.

They just let you go.

I mean, they'd done what they wanted.

They turned me into a smackhead.


I don't know, man.

I asked myself that question a thousand times.

I think because they knew what would happen when it got out that I was on the needle.

Every case you've ever worked on... could be reopened, maybe even overturned.

A lot of the guys I arrested belonged to Caza.

Now they got a chance to stick it to the bureau.

You know?

Send a message that our agents are weak.

No, man.

No, I wasn't playing into that.

Instead, I got myself together.

That includes coming here.

And I kept it from everyone.

The bureau doesn't know any of this?

I know, the support group knows, Caza knows, and now you.

Briggs, do you still use?

I slipped up once or twice in the beginning, but I've been clean for a while now.

So what now, agent Briggs?

[Sighs] What now indeed, huh?

Let's go home.

Just like that?

Just walk out of here like nothing's changed?

I wouldn't say nothing's changed, but what am I supposed to do, man?

Either you're going to say something, or you're not.

All I can do is keep moving forward until something or someone stops me.

Same as always.

[Folk music]

[Knock on door]



How do I look?


Haven't even put my makeup on yet, man.

That's 'cause you're supposed to be in bed, Charlie.

Johnny, I'm not the sleep-it-off kind of girl.

You know that.

Whistler died trying to get Odin Rossi.

I can't just be laying around, waiting for somebody else to arrest him, come on.

Charlie, we got agents following Quinn right now.

Yeah, but Quinn shut it down until the heat's off.

We gotta start over again, trying to get Odin.

Then let me do it.

Johnny, I shot heroin twice.

I'm never going to do it again.

Yo, what was it like?

I've seen a guy trying to k*ll his best friend for a fix.

And I always wondered, if I tried it, would I understand?

You would.

Okay, then.

You really want to put yourself out there with that stuff right away?

Every time I see your dumb face, I forget how smart you are.

You know every junkie, at one point or another, has said what you're saying right now.

I know.

"Two times. That's it."

Yeah, but there's a difference.


It's me.

Yeah. I'm sure they said that, too.

Yo, everybody, Jakes is playing with dolls again.

Charlie just left. No one else is here.

Then your dirty secret's safe with me, son.

Yo, what's this do?

You push the button on the back...


And he's a drug mule.

Dude, shut up.


We seized a whole crate of these bad boys, filled to the brim with prescription pills.

I liked it better when they had the kung fu grip.



Yo, this safe to give to my cousin?

Yeah, the dr*gs were vacuum packed.

Are you really that cheap, Johnny?

The dr*gs ain't in there anymore, right?

You're cheap.

How is that cheap?


Yo. Kid's playing with toys again.

Oh, without me? I'm crushed.

Where you guys been?

Driving Bello around all night.

Briggs had the pleasure of running surveillance while we talked about Rio bravo for eight hours.

You guys know that cowboys like to spontaneously break into song?

Trust me, now I do.

This kid here, though? Does a mean Dean Martin.


[Bluesy rock music]

That's a lot of product.

I wish it were enough.

Because we lost the torpedo, we can't meet current demand.

We have to make this stretch.

Cutting it with fentanyl?

That stuff's dangerous if you mix it with anything else.

It's true.

But fentanyl is the closest in taste and effect to heroin.

We must maintain the reputation of the product.

It's going to k*ll people.

Junkies die all the time.

We'll stop cutting it once we receive the new shipment.



But now demand must be met.

Better this than to show weakness.

But lessening the quality of your product is a show of weakness.

Be careful how you choose your words, Michael.

It was your idea to go after the drug torpedo.


One might say we have to resort to such drastic measures because of you.

So no Briggs arrest.

The sting didn't work?

Well, we got the torpedo, but of course, it was impossible to tell whether or not Briggs was stealing the dr*gs.

Ah. Plausible deniability.


Briggs is... he's good.

What if he's not that good, though?

I mean, what if Briggs isn't stealing dr*gs and selling them?

Then we've both come a long way for nothing.

Well, the truth isn't nothing.

You're right.

And Mike, there's no one that would be happier than me to find out that Briggs isn't a criminal.

Anyway, there's another reason I asked you to come in.

I have something for you.

Wow. What's the occasion?

I found it, and I knew you'd like it.

Go on.

My grandfather shot this, didn't he?

He did.

I know it's a bit macabre for a gift, but... no, I, um...

I've never seen any of his photography up close.

It was all classified.

There's a reason I chose this one.

He caught himself in the reflection.

This is amazing. Thank you.

It's tough being out here, away from everyone you know and love.

It's... it's nice to have a piece of them with you.

Thanks for letting us join you guys.

Mike was saying you're his co-pilot.


I'm his co-pilot?


That's... that's funny.

Maybe Jesus is.

I'm more of a mentor.

You know, I taught the kid everything he knows.

Well, "everything" is a strong word.

Aren't you a little young to be a mentor?


Hero, mentor, God... humble, clearly all things that don't apply to him.

No idea what you're talking about right now.

Sorry, sh**t. I gotta go.

We didn't just scare you off, did we?

No, not at all.

But will you please just take a picture of us before we go?


No, come on, please?

Just one picture.

My friends at home are starting to think I have an imaginary boyfriend.

Stop being a d*ck, Mike.

Yeah. Just take a photo, Mike.


Yeah, Mike.

Say, "mile high club."

[Both laughing]

It's a good one.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

So good to see you guys.

You too.

All right, bye.




Good to see you.


Later, Abby.


What the hell was that about?

You stole her phone.

Can't have photos of you floating around, Mike.

All it takes is one wrong person seeing your face on the Internet, and you're dead.

So I'll delete the picture, and then give it back to her.

You don't think she's going to find it weird that the one photo missing is the one of you two?

She has everything on that phone.

Girl should learn to back it up to the cloud, then.

Cost of dating an undercover agent.

Okay. Fine.


Thank you.

Are we happy now?

Your cover gets hard to maintain when you actually care about her.

You need to break up with her.

Trust us on this one, Mike.

Now comes the hard part.

How do you actually do it?

I'm not going to do it.

The ex coming back into the picture, that's the cleanest.

Preexisting condition. That's nobody's fault.

Guys, I'm not going to lie to her.

You've been lying to her every day since you met her.

Hey, cassandra.

You look good.

For a federal agent, you are a terrible liar.

I look like I just worked a double shift, which I did. All right.

How's the hospital? It's- what do you want, Dale?

For Daniel.

He's seven. It's a robot.

He here?

You can't give it to him.

I know.

I know.

I ju...

I thought of him.

He's at basketball practice.

Yeah? He any good?

All right, stop it, Dale.

He's my son, cassandra.

You wanted it this way. I didn't.

And you were right.

I mean, the life you live, it's not good for a family.

But neither is you holding on.

I mean, Daniel doesn't even know you as his father.


Uh... you know, just give it to him.

[Scoffs] And tell him what?

Santa got his days mixed up. I don't know, just... he doesn't believe in Santa.

Kid's smart.

Yeah, I know.

All right, Dale.

Yeah. All right.

Hey, girl.


Wondering where you went off to.

Yeah, I tried to get cleaned up.

Didn't take.

Ah, that's why you look... great. Like always.

You got any of that Odin Rossi stuff?

Since when you get all choosy?

You hooked up, or what?

I haven't been able to get any.

Carlos used to have some.

Yeah, I used to. Stuff went crazy fast.

Did you get a look at him?



Why you asking?

Man, everyone's asking.

No one's seen him, though.

Including you, apparently.

Yo, I saw him.

Word? What was he like?

He's a giant Argentinean dude with a ponytail.

Okay, the dude towers over me.

But what really got me was his eyes.

How's that?

They're dead inside,mami.

Like when you step on a grave... whoa.

You'd understand if you saw him.

He never saw Odin Rossi.

He's lying out of his ass like always.

But you've seen him.

I followed him once, after a drop.

Get this... he's this white dude, wears a three piece suit, works in a high rise downtown.

Yo, I heard he k*lled his own family just so he wouldn't have any weaknesses, and he liked it.

He smuggles the dr*gs himself in this diplomatic pouch.

That way, no one can search it.

Here's the thing.

Anyone who says they've seen the guy is lying.


Because I hear he kills anyone who sees his face.


Briggs, all right. I get it, all right?

But we have to arrest Bello now.

No can do, Mike.

I saw him handling the dr*gs with my own eyes, all right?

We have enough evidence.

Now, see, that right there is the exuberance of youth.

It'll get you in trouble.

Listen, Mike, we're not going to arrest Bello now, because when we take him down, we want to pull down everyone that he is in business with.

And I mean everyone.

We don't have enough for that yet.

Briggs, people are going to die because of me.

Morning, Charles.

This is useless.

Odin Rossi is apparently a white Argentinean, who kills with a look and pisses fire.

Well, hot damn.

Sounds like we need that guy on our team, huh?

The guy's a ghost.

I mean, I can't even find any solid intel on him.

And I have a dealer that's cutting his supply with stuff that's going to k*ll people.

Yeah, and I think I got a way for everyone to win here.

Now, Charlie, you got a supplier without a face.

Mikey, you got a guy who needs heroin.

Did you miss the part where I can't actually find Odin?

I mean, come on, Charlie, he's not going to show his face for some junkie on the street.

You want Bello to reach out.

Now that's the kind of guy that Odin would show his face for.

But he gets his stuff from the Caza Cartel, all right?

He is not going to want them knowing he's looking for a new supplier.

That's why he's going to use a middle man when he approaches Odin.




I thought about what you said the other day.

You were right.

It showed weakness to cut the dr*gs.

I hope I didn't overstep.

No, no. You had a point.

So instead of weakness, we will show strength.

We will take the corners by gunpoint, seize their dr*gs and make them our own.

That will definitely send a message.

Why don't you go further?

What are your ideas?

Choose a new supplier.

Betray Caza?

Powerful men are defined by the risks they take.

Or you could just go beat up some corner thugs.

What are your suggestions?

Odin Rossi.

I heard of him.

But I don't have a connect to him.

Paul does.

Tell Paul that he has 24 hours to set up a meeting.

Otherwise, we hit the streets.

Hey, Danny.

Word is, you know Odin, huh?

I might.

What's it worth to you?

I just want to get a message to him.

That's all.

And what does the messenger get out of all this?

What does he want?

A cut... of whatever business you're setting up.

Mm. You know, I think we both know you ain't getting that.

Then I ain't got no idea how to find him,papi.


All right, this is what I can offer you... that you won't get cut from nut sack to pie hole.

Yo, you think you threatening me is going to make any difference?

I'm not threatening you.

Bello is.

This is for Bello?

It is.

I don't know Odin, man.

I swear.

All right.

You seem like a friendly guy.

Make yourself a new friend, huh?


See, when you smoke heroin, soot forms on the bottom of the tinfoil.

And if you handle the foil enough, you can get black fingers.

Oh, yeah.

All right.

So if my hands are clean when I'm under, I'm done.


I got it.

You're like a little walking sponge, you know that? [Chuckles]

Give me that, son.

Johnny, what did we tell you about snatching other people's stuff?

That sharing is caring, man.

That's a mean-looking dude.

Who is he?

Your baby mama. Give me that, man.

The new C.I. I'm working on.

You're recruiting a new one?

Watch out, now. The sponge is hungry.

No, I'm just checking in on those drug smuggling robots.

Yo, if it's the docks, why don't you use Frank the t*nk?

Can't. He fell off a crate.


And landed on a knife 14 times.


That's one hell of a fall.

[Door closes]

Charlie's getting some alone time.



How'd it go?

Oh, it went great.

Actually, I just heard back.

Got a meeting tomorrow at El Segundo pier.

Bello, Odin, and me.

That's great.


We can finally get eyes on the bastard.

[Indistinct chatter]

About the other day, at your C.I.'s place... don't mention it.

I need to. You saved my ass.

Kind of feel like I owe your C.I. an apology.

I puked all over the place.

You did make a spectacular mess.

Well, maybe I should go back there and help him clean up.

I took care of it.

It's done.

We don't keep secrets, Briggs.


"We don't keep secrets"?

That's not fair.

Yes, it is.

Because you know what?

You're right not to tell them your secret.

They don't need to know.

You're wrong.

[Laughing] Levi's wearing his big boy pants.

I am.

It's terrible.

It tastes like an artichoke and a potato had a baby.

Tastes like rainbows.

And then you boiled it... hey, everybody.

There's something I need to tell you all.

I shot heroin a couple of days ago.

Are you serious?

Are you okay?

Yeah, it was in the moment on that Quinn case.

I screwed up.

Look, Charlie, if it was just this one time... it was twice.

I had a bad reaction, and I needed some to get me through my eval.

Why do some of y'all look less than surprised?

Wasn't my place to say, man.

Doesn't matter.

All that matters is that I kept something from the house.


You okay?

Yeah. Better now.



Can I ask you something?


You got any more?

I didn't think chasing the dragon was your style, Levi.

I just want to make sure you're not tempted.

Where'd you get it?

Just some junkie C.I.


I don't have any more.

Okay. Okay, okay.

Come here.

Come here.

Stupid bastard.

[Both chuckling]

You know we're always here for you.

You don't have to check Charlie's fingers for tinfoil soot.

I already did.

You did, huh?

I'm DEA. It's practically second nature.


They're clean.

But every day from now on, I'll be checking.

We have to have each other's backs.

Suppose one of us actually did, you know, become addicted.

They'd pull us out.

Go to treatment.

And our cases?

I mean, all our old cases, they'd just... they'd be reopened.

That's huge.

Look, you need to be able to trust who you're in the field with.

And an addict can never be trusted.

[Jazz music playing]


Thanks, everybody.

I'm going to take a quick break.

I'll be back in a few.


No, man, it's just... that's some nice work.

Who did it?

Guy over at Crenshaw Ink.

What about, um, the original underneath?

The guy who initiated me into the Niners.

Yeah? Mine too.

Cost me a fortune to get it removed.

And it hurt like holy hell.

Yeah, I didn't want to take mine away.

And why's that?

I wanted to take something bad, and convert it into something good.

Metaphor for my life, man.


What made you get out?

Ah, took two to the chest in a drive-by.

I should've died.

I woke up in a hospital in El Paso.

The nurse said she couldn't believe I was alive.

She changed my life.

Fell for your nurse, huh?

Hey, cliche, I know.

But if it wasn't for her, I'd have gone back to the life.

That's something worth drinking to.

Uh, can I get a Higgins barrow?

You got it, man.

That's my favorite whiskey, man.

Make it two.



Actually doing the dishes when it's your turn on the chore wheel?

You must really not want to talk to me.

I got nothing to say.

You know, you were right.

I-I haven't been honest with the rest of the house.

Mm. Gold star for you, Charlie.

What's your problem, dude?

You want to know what my problem is?



Now, if anyone from the bureau ever asks, "has Charlie done heroin?"

These guys gotta lie to cover for your ass.

But if it was anyone else in the house, I'd want to know.

Well, you know what?

That'd be on you. So that'd be fine.

But you gave them no such choice, Chuck.

I mean, you act like you gave them a gift.

You know what you gave them? A burden.


Aren't we supposed to trust each other?



Your secrets are your burden.

Mine are mine.

Let's leave it at that.

So, um, you got a family?


Work's my life, man.

What about you? What happened with the nurse?

Mm. We moved here together.

You know, get away from it all.


Start a new life.

Sounds serious.

You have no idea. She's got a kid.

What's that like?

Taking in another man's kid?

You know what, that didn't come out the way I wanted it to.

No, no. It's okay.

It was tough.


I'm no father figure, but I'm all he's got, so I guess he has to settle.

What's he like?



Yeah, got his mother's brains on him.

Looks like his dad, though.

You know what the dad looks like?

Nah, Daniel doesn't look like his mom, so... it's just something to say.

You got a picture?

You're going to make me be that guy?

This is him right here.

Wow. You're a lucky guy.

That's my little man.

I bet he gets all the girls.

Nah, man. He's terrible with them.

Brain's too big.

So, um, what happened to the real father?

I don't know.

Ah, she never talks about him?

Honestly, he never comes up.

And I'm not about to ask.

Wise man. Mm...

Let me get you another one.

You know, I hit my limit.

But thanks, man. I appreciate it.

Hey, you know what, next time, the round's on me.

All right.

All right.

That was a wonderfully cryptic text you sent me.

What's... what's up?

I was assigned to investigate Paul Briggs because you think he's skimming heroin and selling it for profit.

We suspect that, yeah.

Well, after the torpedo, I followed him, because we thought he was going to steal some of the dr*gs.

He went to a narconon meeting.

All the weird behavior, the skimming...

I think he's just trying to stay functional.

So he's currently using?

I don't know.

But he's fighting it.

Paul Briggs is not a criminal.

He deserves our help.

I want you to help me get it for him.

Mike, he chose to do heroin.

He didn't do this to himself.

What, did he fall on the needle every day?

A couple years back, Caza grabbed him.

They tortured him and made him a junkie.

Then, they just opened the door and let him walk out.

Big middle finger to the bureau.

That's a hell of a story. You believe him?

I do.

Paul Briggs is a good agent.

No, you know... Paul Briggs is a great agent.

He's put away more guys in a year than people do in their entire careers.

This guy saved my life.

He deserves our help.

Then we'll help him.

We will?

Write it up.

Just like that?

Just like that.

Thank you.

And if this...

I mean, if my investigation into Briggs is done?

When it's done, you head back to the east coast.



Should I worry about you k*lling us all in our sleep?

Long story.

I heard it's time for you to break up with your girl.


I didn't realize you listened to that kind of stuff.

Well, my ears are always open, even if it doesn't look like I'm listening.

Well, what's your advice, huh?

Should I tell her I'm married?

Should I just string her along until she gives up?

Stay with her.

What about the house?

It's funny.

Everyone sees Graceland differently, you know.

Like Briggs? It's his castle.

Charlie, it's her family.

What about you?

It's just a damn house.

I hear that.

If you like her, you don't let four walls get in the way of that.

This girl finds out what I do, these four walls could be in jeopardy.

So you don't let her find out.

You're a smart man, agent Warren.

You'll find a way.

Just remember, man, you won't be living here forever.

Well, they had my phone at lost and found.

Someone must've spilled something on it, though.

The thing is ruined.

I'm sorry.

I'm sure you lost a lot of memories on there.

Guess I need to make some new ones then.

Yeah, got to get in as many as possible before you go back east, right?

Yeah, I guess so.

Are you excited to get back to your life?

What are you doing?

What do you mean?

You've been real weird ever since I took that photo of us, and now you're talking about when I'm leaving.

If you want to break up with me, just say it.

I'm not breaking up with you.

I get it.

Summer will be over soon, and it's just easier...

I might be going back myself.


Well, I moved out here for a specific assignment with the airlines, and it looks like that assignment might be wrapping itself up.


So thank you, as nice as it was for you to give me such a free pass.

Uh, you're very welcome for that.

I kind of want to do the opposite.

Me too.

[Rock music]

[Crowd chatter]


Ah, I freakin' hate it when he does that.

I know.

Well, that's probably why he does it.

Hey, Mikey.


I've been thinking about you and Abby.


Careful, Johnny.

It's called a devil's threesome for a reason.

Wait, we got Bello.


Any sign of our friend?

I think he's just waiting to make sure we're alone.

What do you think about Odin, fashionably late?

If I'm him, I'm already there.

So he could be... we could be looking right at him.

Or her. Can't rule anybody out.

Except maybe this dude, right?

[Laughter] Feel me?

If it was me, I'd put myself right in the corner of the pier.

That way I don't have to look behind me, and I can see the entire area.


Bring your daughter to work day?

What's your bet?

The fat guy, 'cause he wants you to think it ain't him.

I'm taking the guy with the goatee.

[Phone chimes] You sexist.

Charlie wants 20 on the guy in the Hawaiian shirt.

Ah, she's got a better angle than us.

That's not even fair.

You claim to be... a man who can get... anything.

We got a problem.

Well, you know me, I am... what's wrong with the signal?

His watch is cutting in and out.

So tell me, Paul.

Why were you not able to deliver Odin?

Who says I wasn't?

This is from Odin?

It is.

Consider it a show of good faith.

He wants me to go against the Caza, a dangerous move, and he wants me to do it through a middleman.

He... [Scoffs]

You have to understand his position.

He has to understand mine.

He should give this to me himself.

He is.

What do you mean?

I mean Odin is delivering it to you, in person.

You are Odin Rossi?

Always have been.

Okay, Briggs is on the move. Did he see Odin?

I got nothing.

Okay, Charlie, we're going to need you to make an approach, see if you can get ears on him.

God, I should be out there.

No, Bello told you not to come.

He sees you, it's blown. Charlie's got this.

Why all the games?

Well, you said it yourself. Caza's dangerous.

How can they k*ll a man who doesn't exist?


But a man that doesn't exist still needs distribution.

Ah, yes, and from everything Mike tells me, you're a man who's word can definitely be trusted.

Does Mike know?

No, he doesn't need too.

The only ones who know are you and me.

If that changes, I walk.

Where'd they go? Help me out.

All right, Charlie, we got 'em, we got 'em.

They're right at your 3:00, about 100 yards.


No, your 4:00 now.

If I agree, how much product can you get me?

I could maintain your current levels at 85% of the cost, assuming we keep my little secret about who I am, of course.

We have a deal.

Well, then, I guess the less we're seen together, the better, right?


Where's Bello?


How much?


No show.

Bello wouldn't wait around any longer.

I tried to stall as long as I could.

You guys didn't hear it?

The watch went dead.


You got to be kidding me.

Well, trust me, you didn't miss much.